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The mathematical exptession ( 1+i ) raised to n in

Engineering ? 18. What is the measure of the average speed with which
Compound amount factor accounts receivable are collected?
Receivable turnover
2. The amount of property in which a willing buyer will
pay to a willing seller for the property when neither one 19. What do you call the ratio of the net income to
is under the compulsion to buy nor sell is called ____ owner’s equity?
value. Return on investment
20. What is the formula for a straight-line depreciation
3. What is the interest accrued over the interest period is rate?
also subject to the interest rate in the next period? 100 percent-percent net salvage value
Compound interest Estimated service life

4. Which of the following corresponds to the meaning of 21. A bank is advertising 9.5 percent account that yield
annuity? 9.84 percent annually. Find how often interest is
A series of uniforms amounts over a period of time compounded.
5. A loan that is discharge or repaid by a uniform series
of payments extending over its duration is said to be 22. What is work-in-process classified as?
amortized An asset

6. A market condition where there are two buyers and 23. Which of the following is an example of an integrity
two sellers are called_______ violations of e-commerce security?
bilateral duopoly An unauthorized person intercepts an online
communication and changes its content
7. It is the term used to describe the complete process of
bringing a new product or service to market. 24 Assuming I = annual rate of return, n =number of
Product development years, F = future worth, and P = present worth, what is
the future worth of a present amount P(F/P, I, n).
8. It is the payment for the use of borrowed money. P(1 + i)^n
25. Which of the following statements is not correct?
9. It is the interest earned by the principal which is added Effective rate of return in choices (A) through (C) is
to the principal will also earn an interest for succeeding the difference between 12.55% and 12%.
Compound interest 26. Capitalized cost of any property is equal to the
first cost + cost of perpetual maintenance
10. It is the claim of anyone to ownership.
Equity 27. What is the factor (A/F, i%, n ) ?
sinking fund factor
11. A market situation where there is only one seller
with many buyers. 28. what are the two classification of goods and
Monopoly services?
consumer and producer
12. What is another term for acid-test ratio?
Quick ratio 29. Which of the following does NOT affect owner’s
13. Which of the following is the basic equation of license to start business
Assets=Liability + Owner’s equity 30. The ability to convert assets to cash quickly is
known as _________.
14. A type of annuity where the payments are made at Liquidity
the start of each period, beginning from the first period.
Annuity due 31.Which of the following expression in incorrect?
(A/F, I, n) – I = (A/P, I, n)
15. The place where buyers and sellers come together.
Market 32.The ability to meet debts as they become due is
known as_______
16. A diagram drawn to help visualize and simplify Solvency
problem having diverse receipts and disbursements.
Cash-flow 33. One banker’s year is equivalent to _______ days.
17. The original amount of money invested, borrowed,
or deposited. 34. Accounting book in which are recorded the credited
Principal and debits of commercial transactions.
35. What refers to the negotiable claim issued by a bank
in lieu of term deposit?
certificate of deposit

36. Share of participation is called


37. What is the present worth of cost associated with an

asset for an infinite period of time?
capitalized cost

38. A written acknowledgement by a carrier that he has

received the goods for shipment.
bill of landing

39. Gross profit, sales less cost of goods sold, as a

percentage of sales is called
profit margin

40. It is the price a buyer is willing to pay a willing seller

for the stock?
market value

41. What refers to a document that shows proof of legal

ownership of a financial security?

42. What factor must be considered by the investor

before he makes investment?
rate of return

43. The uncovered depreciation results due to poor

estimate as the life of equipment.
sunk cost

44. The length of time usually assumed to be reversible?

payback period

45. Is the worth of property as an operating unit

use value

46. Those fund that required to make the enterprise or

project aa going concern
working capital

47. It is a responsible for the procurement and

administration of funds with the view of archiving the
objective of business.

48.It is the present worth of all future profits that are to

be received through ownership of the property

49. Is the worth of the property which is equal to the

original cost less the amount which has been charge to
book value

50. Specifies a definite portion of ownership of the

capital of the corporation, all each being alike in value
common stock

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