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DP Global politics HL Extension oral

Sample 1

Generous application of global impression marking rubric for both case studies.

Accuracy of marking

Case Study 1 accuracy


Case Study 2 accuracy


Comments on accuracy of teacher's application of assessment criteria

The teacher's comments were most helpful and clearly identified the areas of strength of each
candidate's presentation. Students have been suitably prepared for the demands of the component.
The overall application of the assessment criteria has, however, tended to be generous.

Comments on suitability of the work

Students are clearly engaged with their political issues and provide enthusiastic and considered
analysis of their case studies.

Students demonstrate generally satisfactory or good understandings of the political issues and
provide generally clear and focused analysis, with reference to key concepts, and oftentimes, to
appropriate theoretical perspectives. Presentations generally attempt to make links to a wider global
context, although not always effectively. It might prove helpful for students to examine conceptual
relationships in specific contexts, and then transfer these understandings to the wider global

Students should make full use of the ten minutes available. Some presentations fall considerably
short of the allocated time which limits the likelihood of them reaching the higher levels and marks.
The use of visuals on the slide presentations, and videos, can be helpful if referred to for illustration
purposes, but the quality of the slides does not add anything to the oral presentation itself.
DP Global politics HL Extension oral

Sample 2

Inconsistent application of global impression marking rubric.

Accuracy of marking

Case Study 1 accuracy


Case Study 2 accuracy


Comments on accuracy of teacher's application of assessment criteria

Good case studies and overall satisfactory presentations but some unevenness in applying
assessment criteria. From the guide:
“Does the student present a clear, focused and balanced analysis of the case study, highlighting a
global political challenge?”

The assessment of the presentations is a process of holistic or global judgment around this
overarching question rather than an analytical process of totalling the assessment of separate
criteria. The rubric has five level descriptors describing specific achievement levels, allowing for
variation in student performance across different aspects of the presentations. Because of the
requirement for a reasonable mark range along which to differentiate student performance, each
level descriptor corresponds to a range of two different marks.

Comments on suitability of the work

Students work was, however, suitable.

DP Global politics HL Extension oral

Sample 3

Inconsistent application of global impression marking rubric.

Accuracy of marking

Case Study 1 accuracy


Case Study 2 accuracy


Comments on accuracy of teacher's application of assessment criteria

The teachers have in most cases, rewarded appropriate i.e. within tolerance grades. In one case the
mark is too generous hence the candidate did not show enough clarity in use of the global politics
concepts and a sufficiently comprehensive knowledge of the subject to be awarded a Level 4 mark.

Comments on suitability of the work

The teacher's work in general shows consistency, engagement, and clarity.

DP Global politics HL Extension oral

Sample 4

Generous application of global impression marking rubric.

Accuracy of marking

Case Study 1 accuracy


Case Study 2 accuracy


Comments on accuracy of teacher's application of assessment criteria

Students have been suitably prepared for the demands of the component and often show a detailed
understanding of the issues. The overall application of the assessment criteria has, however, been
generous at times.

Comments on suitability of the work

Candidates selected interesting and relevant political issues which they often explored with great
engagement - derived from personal interest - and deep knowledge and understanding. Some
presentations were more rudimentary in their analysis and treated the case study in isolation. Some
presentations would benefit from greater focus or analysis using key concepts, theoretical
perspectives or more significant connections to the wider political context.

Candidates should avoid overly descriptive narratives of historical events, but rather provide a more
focused analysis that examines the significance of the local or regional issue in relation to the wider
global context. Candidates should avoid spending too much time on historical events that are
beyond the lifetime of the student. The primary focus should be on more contemporary events.

While some presentations sought to open up the issue to wider international influence and
significance, others demonstrated rather limited and implied connections. To obtain marks in the
top level it is important to analyze the case study within the wider context of global politics as well
as considering the perspectives of multiple stakeholders and/or theories.

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