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PA 514 Introduction to Infectious Disease

Summer 2022

PA 514 (1 credit hour)

Course Format: Lecture-Web-Enhanced

Lecture Times (unless otherwise posted): Tuesdays: 3:00 PM – 3:50 PM

Room: HAHN 3091


Jeremy R. Kersey, MPAS, PA-C

Assistant Professor
Department of Physician Assistant Studies

Contact Information:
Office Phone: (251) 445-9286

Office hours
Mondays 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM and Thursdays 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Please contact me by e-mail if you desire to arrange a meeting time during posted office hours.

All questions regarding the course should be directed to Mr. Kersey unless otherwise specified.

Introduction to Infectious Disease takes a synergistic approach in covering the science behind a
pathogenic infection, by incorporating aspects of cellular biology, biochemistry, microbiology and
immunology. This course is designed to provide PA students with a foundational knowledge regarding
different pathogens and their methods of replication and maturation, immune responses and basic host-
parasite relationships. The course will place particular emphasis on the role and application of these
subject matters in disease manifestations and basis of treatment plans. Information derived from this
course will aid the PA student in understanding etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnostic studies,
treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases for later courses.


The course is divided into three sections (pathogens, immune response, and vaccines/antibiotics) with
an exam at the end of each section. The last exam will be given during the final exams week. Course
materials including PowerPoint slides, lecture notes, and exam objectives will be posted in the PA514-
101 course on Canvas. All of the exam questions will refer back to one or more of the exam objectives

which will be covered in either the lecture notes, class lecture, PowerPoint slides, or a combination of
these resources.

Lectures and exam dates are listed in the attached schedule of classes. This schedule is to be used
mainly for the sequence of topics and the exam dates. The instructor reserves the right to make changes
to the schedule if, in the opinion of the instructor, such a change is deemed necessary.


Lecture objectives will be posted within the course materials.


Recommended text:

⮚ Mims' Medical Microbiology and Immunology. 6 th Ed.

Authors: Richard Goering, Hazel Dockrell, Mark Zuckerman, Peter Chiodini
ISBN-13: 978-0-7020-7154-6
Publisher: Elsevier Inc.
Date published: 2018

Text Access: An e-copy of this text is available through the USA Charles M. Baugh Biomedical Library
under ClinicalKey.

Technology requirements:
Students must have access to an electronic device (i.e., laptop) to access the course page on Canvas and
to complete exams.

Students must check course announcements online daily to stay informed of current course


Class Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes and be at class in advance of the scheduled
starting time. Late arrivals and absences without a valid excuse will result in deduction from
professionalism points. It is not guaranteed that all lectures will be recorded; therefore, students are
responsible for collecting missed class notes from their peers.

Exams: Students are expected to take all exams at the scheduled times and be present before the
examination starts. All exams will take place in the lecture classroom, unless otherwise noted. Students
must be seated at their desk with their laptop ready to go at the start of the exam time, otherwise the
student will be considered absent. If a student is absent at the scheduled starting exam time without a
valid excuse, then the examination may be taken with a late starting time with no extra time allotted,
and 5 professionalism points will be deducted.

Makeup exams: A valid excuse must be given in order for an exam to be rescheduled. For an excused
absence, a makeup exam will be scheduled at a later date. No exams for individual students will be given

before the scheduled times. Examinations will ONLY be rescheduled if appropriate documentation is
presented. This documentation will be placed in the student’s file. For an unexcused absence, no
makeup exam will be given and the grade for that exam will stand as a zero.

Reporting Absences:
All personal appointments are to be made outside of the allotted times for scheduled lectures and

It is recognized that unforeseen circumstances and illnesses may occur. If a student must be absent
he/she must notify the course director in advance.  If the situation does not permit advance notice, the
student should personally notify the course director (phone or email) as soon as possible. A valid written
excuse (MD, DO, PA, NP) must be provided to the course director within 24 hours upon return to class.
At the faculty discretion, absences may also be excused for a student’s attendance of funerals of
immediate family members. An immediate family member would be a: spouse, child, grand-child,
parent, grandparent, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law
(including those related by blood, adoption, or marriage, e.g. step- and half-). Unexcused absences will
result in 5 points deducted from the student’s professionalism points, for each class session (usually a
2-hour time block) missed.



95% - 3 Exams; each exam has 50-points possible
5% - Participation and Professionalism Points, 30-points possible

Grading Scale:
A= 89.50% - 100%
B= 79.50% - 89.49%
C= 69.50% - 79.49%
D= 59.50% - 69.49%
F= < 59.50%

A course grade of D or less constitutes automatic academic dismissal from the PA department by the
graduate school. Per the Graduate School, CAHP, and PA Department policies, a student cannot make
greater than 8 credit hours OR two courses of a letter grade of ‘C’ and continue in the PA Studies
Program. Academic probation is placed on any student that drops below a 3.0 GPA. The student will
then have two semesters to bring their GPA back up to a 3.0 status.

Remediation per the Student Handbook

In the didactic phase of the curriculum, the academic remediation process is initiated for one of the
following reasons: 

1. A student performs <75% on any one examination in any course.

2. The student performs <80% on two consecutive exams in a course.
3. A student does not pass the clinical skills practicum on the first attempt.

The student should schedule an appointment with their faculty advisor.


Exams may consist of multiple-choice, matching, True/False, or fill in the blank questions covering the
material from class lectures, notes, assignments and objectives. Exams are worth 50 points each and
make up 95% of the final course grade. Exams will be time-limited to 50 minutes and will consist of 50
questions or less. A set of matching may appear as a single question. (e.g. if question #47 has four
matching answers then the exam will still have 50 points as each of the four answers for #47 will be
worth one point). No exams for individual students will be given before the scheduled times. Exam
dates are usually fixed but may be changed to earlier or later dates if the course director determines
that circumstances warrant, with at least one-week notification to students.

Exams are administered via Respondus Lockdown Browser. Students must ensure that software is up-
to-date and is working prior to the exam day.

Examination Procedures

Prior to Starting the Exam:

Students should plan to arrive at least 5-minutes early in order for sufficient time to:
● Gather only the materials needed for exam (see below for items allowed in the exam room) and
place all personal items in designated areas in the classroom (against the side wall or front wall,
away from desks) or in their vehicles.
● Set-up laptop (e.g., internet connection, software updates [should be done prior to exam day]).
It is strongly recommended that you update Lockdown Browser the evening prior to each
● It is recommended that you re-connect to Wi-Fi prior to starting the exam and ensure the
“connect automatically” box is checked on your internet connection in case you lose
connectivity during the exam.

If the student is not seated at their desk ready to go at the start of the exam time, the student is
considered absent and will lose P&P points.

Items you may have at your desk:

1. Laptop and laptop charger
2. Scratch paper (provided by the instructor)
o Whiteboards are also permissible if taking an exam remotely- the front & back will be
demonstrated to the video monitoring at the beginning and the end of the assessment.
3. Pen or pencil
4. Basic or scientific calculator (not a graphing or programmable calculator); if needed
5. Non-electronic ear plugs; if needed

Items you may NOT have at your desk:

⮚ Class notes, study materials
⮚ Backpacks, purses, other bags
⮚ Phones, smartwatches
o These should be turned off or silenced (not on vibrate mode)
o You should leave them in your backpack, purse, etc.

oIf a student has an emergency situation in which they need the phone out in the exam
room, the student MUST let the instructor and/or exam proctor know prior to starting
the exam.
⮚ No blankets. Wear a jacket if you get cold, and hang on the back of chair if not using.

Completing the Exam:

Once the exam begins until you leave the exam room: (1) you should NOT be using your laptop for any
other purposes except exam-taking, and (2) you should NOT have any other class materials out. All
exams are expected to be taken by the student, without assistance from another person or other
sources of material (including, but not limited to: lecture notes, textbooks, journal articles, internet
searches). It is highly recommended to record answer choices on your scratch paper in the unfortunate
event of an issue with internet/WiFi/Canvas access/connectivity.

After Completing the Exam:

⮚ Once you have submitted your exam, you MUST close your laptop
⮚ Turn in scratch paper to the exam proctor (or erase your white board if remote proctored)
⮚ Exit the exam room
o Students are encouraged to take their belongings with them upon exiting, if applicable.
o Students are NOT permitted to re-enter the room until the exam time has ended and/or
the proctor opens the classroom to all students.
o If you have finished your exam early, be respectful of your classmates by finding an area
away from the exam rooms to hangout and talk. You are welcome to hang out in the
hallway if you are not creating a distraction for exam-takers.

If any of these rules are violated, you will subject yourself to disciplinary action which may include,
but is not limited to, receiving a zero on your exam.

If you had technical or environmental difficulties/concerns during the exam (and were able to
successfully complete the exam), please notify the proctor immediately. Also, if someone other than Mr.
Kersey is proctoring the exam, email your concern with explanation as soon as possible to Mr. Kersey

Lockdown Browser/ Respondus:

All exams will be administered using Lockdown Browser (with Respondus video monitoring if remote) as
the proctoring service and their technical specifications must be followed. If you should have technical
difficulties to initiate the exam with the proctoring service (and have attempted to correct for the error),
then please inform the Faculty Proctor immediately. If you are remote due to COVID and are having
technical issues, immediately contact Mr. Kersey by text (505-219-6614).

Exams using Respondus

Technology that can be used includes Windows10, Mac, and Ipad. (Iphones, Chromebooks, and Linux
are not compatible.)

LockDown Browser + Webcam Requirement

This course requires the use of LockDown Browser and a webcam for online exams. The webcam can be
the type that's built into your computer or one that plugs in with a USB cable.
Watch this brief video to get a basic understanding of LockDown Browser and the webcam feature.

Download Instructions
Download and install LockDown Browser from this link:

Once Installed
• Start LockDown Browser
• Log into to Canvas
• Navigate to the quiz
Note: You won't be able to access a quiz or exam that requires LockDown Browser with a standard web
browser. If this is tried, an error message will indicate that the test requires the use of LockDown
Browser. Simply start LockDown Browser and navigate back to the exam to continue.

Exams will be taken in the classroom, unless extenuating circumstances warrant the exam be taken
remotely. If an exam is taken remotely, follow these guidelines:
• Ensure you're in a location where you won't be interrupted
• Turn off all other devices (e.g. tablets, phones, second computers) and place them outside of
your reach
• Before starting the test, know how much time is available for it, and also that you've allotted
sufficient time to complete it
• Clear your desk or workspace of all external materials not permitted - books, papers, other
• Remain at your computer for the duration of the test
• If the computer, Wi-Fi, or location is different than what was used previously with the "Webcam
Check" and "System & Network Check" in LockDown Browser, run the checks again prior to the
• To produce a good webcam video, do the following:
o Avoid wearing baseball caps or hats with brims
o Ensure your computer or device is on a firm surface (a desk or table). Do NOT have the
computer on your lap, a bed, or other surface where the device (or you) are likely to
o If using a built-in webcam, avoid readjusting the tilt of the screen after the webcam
setup is complete
o Take the exam in a well-lit room, but avoid backlighting (such as sitting with your back to
a window)
o Remember that LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or
applications; you will be unable to exit the test until all questions are completed and

Getting Help
Several resources are available if you encounter problems with LockDown Browser:
• The Windows and Mac versions of LockDown Browser have a "Help Center" button located on
the toolbar. Use the "System & Network Check" to troubleshoot issues. If an exam requires you
to use a webcam, also run the "Webcam Check" from this area [As applicable, insert
information about your institution's help desk, including details about how to contact them.
Some help desks want students to run the "System & Network Check" and the "Webcam
Check" before they are contacted - and even, to forward the results of these checks at the time
of opening a ticket.]

• Respondus has a Knowledge Base available from Select the

"Knowledge Base" link and then select "Respondus LockDown Browser" as the product. If your
problem is with a webcam, select "Respondus Monitor" as your product
• If you're still unable to resolve a technical issue with LockDown Browser, go to and select "Submit a Ticket". Provide detailed information about your
problem and what steps you took to resolve it

Participation and Professionalism Points:

Professional behavior, composed of altruism, accountability (attendance), excellence, duty, punctuality,
dependability, honor, integrity, and respect for others, is an integral part of all activities of a physician
assistant, as well as a physician assistant student. Students are expected to exhibit professional
behavior at all times and in all interactions with faculty, staff, guests, classmates, and all other
individuals the student encounters as a result of being part of this educational program. This includes
being an attentive, active participant in class, as well as, being cordial, courteous, and respectful of
faculty members, guest lecturers and fellow students. A portion of the final grade for the semester
includes professionalism points and failure to adhere to the behaviors outlined in this paragraph will
result in 5 points deducted from P&P points for each indiscretion. For example, if a student is
persistently late for class, 5 points will be deducted for acting in an unprofessional manner.

*No eating is allowed in the classroom!!!! This is especially true during faculty and guest lecture

Examples of actions and behaviors that will result in deduction of P&P points:

● Persistently late to class (> 2x)

● Late to an exam
● Eating in the classroom
● Sleeping in class 
● Audible notifications from cellphones, smartwatches, or other devices
● Unprofessional communication or interactions with instructor or peers
● Distractive behavior (e.g., excess talking/whispering)

While in class, the student is expected to be an attentive, active participant as well as be cordial,
courteous and respectful of faculty members, guest lecturers, and fellow students. Use of personal
electronic devices for non-course related activity is not professional or appropriate. Cellphones must
be silenced. If you are expecting an emergency call, and must leave class, please notify the course
director/instructor in advance.

Extra Credit: There is no extra credit available for this course.

Attendance Policy for Assessments

Students are expected to take all exams/quizzes at the scheduled times and be present before the
assessment starts. All assessments will take place in the lecture classroom, unless otherwise noted.
Students must be seated at their desk with their laptop ready to go at the start of the exam/quiz time,
otherwise the student will be considered tardy/absent.

Tardy to an Assessment
If a student is not present at the scheduled starting exam time without a valid excuse and arrives tardy,
then the examination may be taken with the late starting time as long as no other students have already

submitted the assessment and exited the room. The tardy student will not be permitted additional time
to complete the assessment.
If other students have already submitted the assessment and exited the room, then the assessment is
closed and may not be started late.

Absent for an Assessment

If the student is absent for an assessment, a valid excuse (see Attendance and Professionalism below)
must be given within one day of returning to class in order for the make-up assessment to be scheduled.
It will be scheduled at the discretion of the course director. No exams for individual students will be
given before the scheduled times for the class. Examinations will ONLY be rescheduled if appropriate
documentation is presented. This documentation will be placed in the student’s file. Unexcused absence
on the day of the exam will result in a ‘0’ on that exam.

Assessment Review (Optional)

Assessment (Quiz/Exam) review sessions will be announced/posted to the Canvas course site. These are
optional, unless a student has met requirements for remediation, then the student is required to attend.
This is the opportunity for students to review their individual responses. Students wishing to review
their individual assessment will be physically present in the classroom and Lockdown Browser will be
required. Students should not be directly copying questions from the exam during this review (as this
would be a form of academic misconduct). The review may also include a presentation of questions that
were missed by a larger percentage of the class. Students must be present at the exam review in order
to submit any petitions for grievances regarding an assessment’s question. These must be submitted in
writing within 24 hours by email to the Course Director and should include a question number or general
information from the question (without directly copying it) and the student’s rationale for the grievance.

Academic Disruption Policy and the Student Academic Conduct Policy

The Department of Physician Assistant Studies abides by the Academic Disruption Policy and the Student
Academic Conduct Policy, both of which can be accessed in the USA Lowdown. The following are the
respective web addresses:

Class Withdrawal:
The last day to withdraw from the University is July 1, 2021 at 11:59 PM CDT. For more
information on withdrawal, please see the Academic Calendar ( The curriculum in
the Physician Assistant Program is 27 consecutive months. Withdrawal from a class would result in the
inability to progress to the next semester of classes. Therefore, if you are considering withdrawing
from a class, please contact your advisor and Department Chair, Ms. McGilvray, prior to making any

Other Important Dates

Summer 2022 term begins: May 16, 2022
Memorial Day Holiday: May 30, 2022 (no classes)
Juneteenth Holiday: June 17, 2022 (no classes)
Independence Day Holiday: July 4, 2022 (no classes)
Last day of Summer term classes: July 26, 2022
Final Exam period July 27 - 29, 2022

All notes and materials for this course are intended strictly for personal and educational use by
individual students and are not to be distributed to anyone without the instructor’s permission. This
includes all other students in the PA program, present, past, and future.

Counseling and Testing Services

Counseling and Testing Services provides a variety of free and confidential services for students. For
further information regarding this resource go to or call the
office at (251) 460-7051

Additional Academic Course Policies

Please review the Additional Academic Course Policies tab in the Canvas course page or to click the
following link to view USA policies on Academic Disruption and Class Demeanor, Changes in Course
Requirements, Student Academic Conduct Policy, Students with Disabilities, Canvas, and Operational

Zoom/Online Etiquette (if applicable)

In addition to the CAHP Policy on Web conference (Zoom) professional behavior, Physician Assistant
students are expected to be attentive to the meeting/class in progress. This implies not only having the
video on during the meeting, but also looking at your screen (not laying on a bed looking at the ceiling,
watching TV, or driving down the road). If chat is permitted with other attendees privately during the
meeting, keep the content professional. Learners are expected to edit the listed name for them on the
Zoom meeting (under Participants) to show your first and last name (abbreviated names/middle names
that the student normally is called is also appropriate), but is should not be an email address or silly
nickname or family member’s name.

College of Allied Health Professions policy:

To ensure an effective Web conference (generally held via Zoom):
• Please join the meeting a few minutes early to check sound and video. As you enter a meeting,
you may first enter a waiting room. Once you enter the waiting room, the host will admit you to
the meeting at the appropriate time.
• Please keep your microphone muted unless speaking. Keep your video on during the entire
meeting, unless approved by your meeting host/supervisor/teacher.
• Please review the background for professionalism. Students, faculty, and staff should avoid
distracting backgrounds and be certain that what is captured on video represents you, your
profession, and your institution well.
• Please dress appropriately. All students, staff, and faculty are required to abide by their
respective dress codes. If you would not wear it to class, clinic, or work, do not wear it during a
web conference meeting.
Students, staff, and faculty that do not abide by these guidelines will be counseled regarding the
requirement to maintain professionalism. In the event that the behavior is not corrected,
appropriate disciplinary action will occur.

Course/Professor Evaluations
The University of South Alabama and the Department of Physician Assistant Studies value the student’s
experience in a course and with their professor. This constructive feedback is taken very seriously and
effects change in the course, pedagogy, and teaching styles. Please make the most of this opportunity at
the end of the semester when the emailed survey is available (a reminder is listed on the PA Schedule)!

ARC-PA Accreditation Standards 5th Edition September 2019

B1.01 The curriculum must:
a) be consistent with the mission and goals of the program,
b) be consistent with program competencies,
c) include core knowledge about established and evolving biomedical and clinical sciences and
the application of this knowledge to patient care, and
d) be of sufficient breadth and depth to prepare the student for the clinical practice of medicine.
B1.02 The curriculum design must reflect content and course sequencing that builds upon previously
achieved student learning.
B1.03 For each didactic and clinical course (including required and elective rotations), the program must
define and publish learning outcomes and instructional objectives, in measurable terms that can be
assessed, and that guide student acquisition of required competencies.
B2.01 While programs may require specific course(s) as prerequisites to enrollment, those prerequisites
must not substitute for more advanced applied content within the professional component of the
B2.02 The curriculum must include instruction in the following areas of medical sciences and their
application in clinical practice:
a) anatomy,
b) physiology,
c) pathophysiology,
d) pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics, and
e) the genetic and molecular mechanisms of health and disease.
B2.15 The curriculum must include instruction in concepts of public health as they relate to the role of
the practicing PA and:
a) disease prevention, surveillance, reporting and intervention,
b) the public health system,
c) patient advocacy, and
d) maintenance of population health.
B4.01 The program must conduct frequent, objective and documented evaluations of student
performance in meeting the program’s learning outcomes and instructional objectives for both didactic
and supervised clinical practice experience components. The evaluations must:
a) align with what is expected and taught and
b) allow the program to identify and address any student deficiencies in a timely manner


Note that changes to the lecture schedule and/or exam dates may be necessary.

Class Session Date/Time Topic

Week 1 May 17 / 3:00 PM Pathogens – Viruses and Bacteria
Week 2 May 24 / 3:00 PM Pathogens – Fungi, Protozoa, Helminths, and Prions
Week 3 May 31 / 10:00 AM Host-Parasite Relationship / Entry, Exit, and Transmission of Infection
Week 4 June 7 / 3:00 PM Exam #1, includes all material covered during Week 1, Week 2 and Week 3
Week 5 June 14 / 3:00 PM Innate Immune Response
Week 6 June 21 / 3:00 PM Adaptive Immune Response
Week 7 June 28 / 3:00 PM Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immune Responses
Week 8 July 5 / 3:00 PM Exam #2, includes all material covered during Week 5, Week 6 and Week 7
Week 9 July 12 / 3:00 PM Vaccinations / Introduction to Antibiotics Part 1
Week 10 July 19 / 3:00 PM Introduction to Antibiotics Part 2
Finals July 27 / 11:00 AM Exam #3, includes all material covered during Week 9 and Week 10

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