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Prepare your answers briefly and details regarding to these questions for your mock interview

speaking test. The test consists of measuring your pronunciation, lexical, accuracy, and
grammar to further extension.

The test will be divided into 3 parts. Each part will be elaborated to certain technical details.

Part 1.
There are 6 questions based on the topic following: COPY-PASTE.
You are required to give details answer and reasoning regarding the following topic.

Q1: Could you describe what is a copy paste based on your own definition and understanding!

Q2: Do you think copy paste is a bad act or a good act based on your personal opinion? Give
the following background reason to support your answers!

Q3: Have you committed copy paste? If yes tell the reason! If no tell the reason!
If yes tell when you have committed copy paste and describe how was your feelings!

Q4: Let's say you dislike copy paste and against it (put yourself into this position). If you've
caught your classmates copy pasting your work or others work, would you tell them that it's
wrong? How exactly are you going to tell them?

Q5: Why do you think the majority of students do copy paste?

Q6: Try and do a little research background about paraphrasing. After you did tell your opinion
what's the differences between copy paste and paragraphing?

Part 2.
In this part you're going to narrating yourself all the way through under 7 mins to tell about your
ideas and your opinion regarding the following topic.
Topic: Internet
‼️‼️What you need to include or what you have to say in your narration:
You should say,
1. Good side and bad side of the internet.
2. Cyber bullying.
3. Information. (Local and international)

Part 3.
In this part it is similar to the part 2. Although instead of you try to describe about a chosen
topic. You're going to describe and narrate your favourite thing in your life. You can only bring
one personal thing to talk!!
You should mention about:
1. When did you buy it.
2. What's the function of the thing.
3. How do you feel towards your favourite thing.

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