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membership of the union is composed of RAF,

Arellano supervisory, and managerial employees
- union must hurdle both substantive and procedural d. substantial number of union members are not
to strike validly petitioner’s employees
Issue: WON the employee lost his employment by However, it was dismissed. Thereafter, the SOLE
mere participation in illegal strike directed the parties to start their CBAN and certified
To constitute ULP the issue to the NLRC
- violation in CBA is not enough it must be flagrant NLRC – dismissed the petition for ULP but
declared that the dismissal was illegal
REN TRANSPORT CA – dismissed the petition assailing the order of
- they intended to disaffiliate, important to mention the SOLE ordering the petitioner to bargain with the
such fact since there is no question to the respondent.
representation status initially Partially granted the petition challenging the
- stop remitting resolution of the NLRC
Issue: WON ren transport committed acts of ULP The MR was denied. Hence this petition
- by refusing to remit union dues to smart
- by refusing to recognize them as bargaining union Issues:
- the first union was a company run union to disrupt a. WON the SOLE erred in issuing the assumption
the bargaining process order despite the pendency for cancellation of union
DIGITAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS PH INC b. WON Digiserv is a legitimate contractor
v. DIGITEL EMPLOYEES’ UNION (DEU) c. WON there was a valid dismissal
Facts: The respondent in this case is the EBA of the
RAF employees of the petitioner who is engaged in Ruling:
call center servicing. a. No. The court ruled that the pendency of a
petition for cancellation of union registration does
The parties started negotiating their CBA which not preclude CB. Citing the case of National Union
resulted to DL. Hence, the union threatened to go of Bank Employees, the court reiterated that if a CE
on strike but the SOLE assumed jurisdiction over may still be ordered despite the pendency of a
the labor dispute and ordered the parties to petition to cancel the union’s registration cert, more
execute a CBA, but no CBA was created. so should the CB.

After 10 years, the petitioner received a letter from b. Digiserv is a labor-only contractor which is
Esplana, the union Pres containing the union’s prohibited under the LC, it is where the labor
CBA proposals and ground rules as well as the contractor supply workers to an employer who does
list of officers. However the petitioner is unwilling not have substantial capital or investment in the
to negotiate with the union and demanded the union form of tools, equipment, machineries, work
to show compliance with the provisions of its premises, and the workers recruited and placed by
CBL on union membership and election of such person are performing activities which are
officers. Hence, respondent filed a cases for directly related to the principal business of such
Preventive Mediation before the NCMB for employer.
petitioner’s violation of the duty to bargain. The - in this case, the court did not find that digiserv has
SOLE then assumed jurisdiction. Petitioner then substantial investment and its primary purpose is to
filed with the DOLE an establishment termination provide manpower services which are directly
report stating that it will cease its business related to the business of digital. The court on the
operation. Respondent then filed a NOS for union contrary found that some of the dismissed
busting, illegal lock out, and violation of employees of the petitioner were already working as
assumption order which was ordered by the SOLE. Traffic Operator or as CSR. Also digiserv does not
Hence, petitioner filed with the BLR seeking the exercise control over the employees.
cancellation of the union’s registration for:
a. failure to file the required reports from 1994-2004 c. the employees are illegally dismissed since the
b. misrepresentation of its alleged officers requisites of retrenchment are not present which the
petitioner invoke on the allegations that the P5 from Tan’s shareholdings and 3 seats in the PAL
employees were dismissed due to business closures. BoD and PALEA agrees to suspension of the
Although the 1st three elements were satisfied, the PAL-PALEA CBA for a period of 10 years and
5th and 4th are not because there was no reasonable to recognize PALEA as the duly certified
criteria employed since all the employees were bargaining agent of the RAF ground employees
dismissed and there is no GF on the part of the of the company and respect the union shop
petitioner since the petitioner disregarded the order provision. This offer was accepted by Tan and was
of the SOLE and instead close digiserv. BF is ratified by 61% of the votes. Hence, petitioners are
evidenced thru the closure of digiserve when the before the court seeking to annul the agreement.
assumption order is pending there was also a
creation of a new corp performing similar functions Issues: WON the PAL-PALEA agreement
as digiserv, only shows that the target of the closure stipulating the suspension of the PAL-PALEA
are the union member-employees. CBA is unconstitutional and contrary to public
Facts: The petitioners in this case are members of Ruling: No, the petition is dismissed.
PALEA, the duly certified bargaining agent of the a. the court held that the argument of the petitioner
RAF ground employees of PAL. PALEA and PAL that the 10-year suspension is beyond the max
entered into an agreement after PAL, the flag statutory life of a CBA under Art. 253-A and by
carrier suffered from financial situation because agreeing to such suspension it in turn abandoned the
of the strike made by PAL pilots which is workers’ constitutional right to bargain for another
affiliated with ALPAP (Airline Pilots Assoc of CBA at mandated time is w/out merit since PAL-
the Ph). PAL resorted to rehabilitation and adopted PALEA agreement was the result of voluntary CBN
a plan but PALEA went on strike to protest the which is not in conflict with art. 253-A.
retrenchment measures by PAL.
It also noted that the provision has 2 purpose that is:
Thereafter, then Pres. Estrada issued an AO No. 16 1. To promote industrial stability and
creating an Inter-Agency Task Forces to address the predictability where the agreement being
problems, it was composed of the DoFinance, assailed is only to promote industrial peace at
DOLE, Foreign Affairs, Transpo and PAL during rehabilitation and
Communication, and Tourism together with Sec and
Exchange Commission. The task force is the 2. To assign specific timetable wherein
mediator. negotiation become a matter of right and
requirement. There is nothing in art. 253-A
Subsequently, Lucio Tan PAL’s CEO, submitted which prohibits parties from waiving or
a plan giving 60,000 fully paid shares of stock of suspending the mandatory timetable. It also
PAL with a par value of P5 to its employees and stated that the right to free CB also includes the
allowing 3 members to of PALEA to the PAL right to suspend it.
Board of Directors.
b. The contention that the 10-year suspension in
Initially, PALEA accepted the offer, but later on effect installed PALEA as a company union is
rejected after majority of union members’ dissent. w/out merit since company union exists when the
Hence, PAL informed the task force that it was employer acts to initiate, dominate, assist, or
shutting down its operation claiming that the interfere with the formation or administration of any
rehabilitation is no longer feasible. PAL then sent labor org, including the giving of financial or other
notice of termination to its employees. After support to it or its organizers which in this case is
PALEA offered a 10-year moratorium on strikes not present.
and a waiver of some economic benefits which c. Lastly, the contention that the agreement violates
was rejected by Lucio Tan. It subsequently the 5-year representation limit under art. 253-A is
presented another offer subject to ratification by the w/out merit since from the same provision, it states
general membership offering PAL to grant each its that the representation limit applies only when there
employees 60, 000 shares of stock with par value of
is a CBA in full force and effect which in this case Thereafter Domingo and dela Rosa filed for
there is none since it was suspended. illegal dismissal and ULP which the LA sustained
and ordered the corp to reinstate them. This was
rejected by the NLRC, hence a MR where the
GREPA UNION v. GREPA CORP NLRC considered the case of Domingo terminated
Facts: The petitioner in this case has a CBA which and denied the MR.
is effective from July 1, 1990-June 30, 1993. When Hence the present petition
their CBA was about to expire in a month and a
half, the parties submitted their proposals and Issues: WON dela Rosa was illegally dismissed
counterproposals for renewal. since his actual participation in the illegal acts
during the strike invoked by the corp as basis for
However, the negotiations lead to a DL and the his dismissal was not adequately established
union filing a NOS. The NCMB failed to resolve
the DL. Ruling: No, he was not illegally dismissed. The
court dismissed the petition holding that the right to
Hence, the petitioner union led by Domingo and strike recognized under the constitution is not
de la Rosa, the union’s Pres and VP went on a absolute since it cannot be used for violence,
strike. Thereafter the respondent corp required all coercion, and intimidation during strike and
striking employees to explain in writing within 48 prohibits free passage to and from the employer’s
hours who no disciplinary action and possible premises otherwise any worker or union who
dismissal may be made against them which participate in such illegal acts is sanction to losing
Domingo and dela Rosa complied. his employment status pursuant to Art. 262.
- in this case, the corp was able to submit evidence
However, the corp is unsatisfied the explanation of illegal acts thru the affidavits of security guards
hence it notified Domingo and de la Rosa who which was not refuted by dela Rosa. The affidavit
were Senior Benefits Clerk and Senior Data states that the striking employees are picketing at
Analyst their termination. the entrance and exit gates, the striking employees
would surround every vehicle including vehicle of
Despite the dismissal, Domingo and de la Rosa lessees of the corp that would enter the corp
continued with the strike and the NCMB continued premises, inspect them and ask the driver to open
with the conciliation. Thereafter the corp submitted the trunk of the vehicle in case they were carrying
a draft agreement known as the last and final corps’ business documents and if there were
offer of the mgmt. proposing employee/members business documents, the vehicle would be prevented
of the union subject of dismissal notices will be from entering the corp’s premises, the striking
reinstated under the same terms and conditions employees do not allow grepalife and its employees
prior to their dismissal, the reinstatement is from entering the corp’s premises, and all persons
conditioned upon Domingo and dela Rosa’s entering the premises are frisked which dela Rosa
voluntary resignation upon signing this participated.
agreement. - furthermore, dela Rosa was not forced to resign,
contrary to his claims since while from their MOA
However, the petitioner assented with the offers the condition from their draft agreement where the
stating that the the union will lift the picket lines at reinstatement of the employees/members are
the premises of the company and will terminate the conditioned upon the voluntary resignation of
strike while the mgmt. will implement the terms and Domingo and dela Rosa, the same is not
conditions agreed upon. Thereafter, the parties incorporated with the MOA which later on become
entered into a MOA before the NCMB providing part of their CBA also from their MOA Domingo
that employees/members will be given amnesty by and dela Rosa only express their right to question
the company and be reinstated except for Domingo the legality of their dismissal.
and dela Rosa and that Domingo and dela Rosa - also since they were dismissed prior to their
reserved their right to question the legality of their voluntary resignation, they have no more
dismissal. employment to resign from since under the MOA
they are no longer employees of the company.
- it cannot be said also that the company comprises at least 20% of all the employees in the
discriminate when it singled out the top officers of bargaining unit where it seeks to operate. It noted
the union and cannot constitute ULP since not every that the 20% minimum requirement pertains to the
unfair decision is ULP. Also it is not discriminatory employees’ membership in the union and not to the
since discriminating under the LC is encouraging list of workers who participated in the
membership in any LO or is made on account of the organizational meeting. Hence, the respondent
employee’s having given or being about to give complied with the 20% minimum membership
testimony. requirement since the 20% of 396 is 79. From the
- there can also be no discrimination since the document it submitted entitled Pangalan ng mga
employees were not similarly situated, union Kasapi ng Unyon, it showed the names of 119
officers have heavier responsibility and the act of employees as union members which number is way
dela Rosa participating in the prohibited activities beyond the 20% requirement. According to the
during the strike shows irresponsibility which court, to be a ground for cancellation, fraud and
justifies his dismissal misrepresentation must be grave and compelling
TAKATA PH CORP v. BLR enough to vitiate the consent of a majority of union
Facts: The petitioner in this case filed a petition for members.
cancellation of union reg of respondent Samahang - the argument of the petitioner that the union
lakas Manggagawa ng Takata (SALAMAT) members signed the documents w/out adequate
alleging that it is guilty of misrepresentation, false information is negated when the same union
statement and fraud with respect to the number of members signed the document entitled ‘sama-
those who participated in the organizational meeting samang pahayag ng pagsapi.”
because according to it, contrary to what respondent
shows, the 119 union members, the petitioner EMPLOYEES UNION OF BAYER PHILS v.
argued that only 68 attended which only comprised BAYER PH INC
of 17% of the total number of the 396 RAF which in Facts: The petitioner in this case is the EBA of all
effect failed to comply with the 20% minimum RAF employees of the respondent Bayer.
membership requirement. The respondent denied
the same. Thereafter, the DOLE RD granted the The parties entered into CBN where petitioner
petition for cancellation of respondent’s COR. rejected respondent’s 9.9% wage-increase which
Hence, respondent filed a Notice and Memorandum resulted to a DL, the petitioner then stage a strike
of Appeal and later on also filed an Appeal which was assumed by the SOLE who issued an
Memorandum with Formal Entry of Appearance to order directing the parties to execute a CBA which
the officer of the DOLE Sec wherein the BLR will retroact from Jan. 1, 1997 - Dec. 31, 2001.
reversed the order of the regional director. Hence,
petitioner filed a MR but it was denied and denied The issue arise when respondent Remigio and 27
as well before the CA. Hence the present petition. other union members accepted respondent’s
wage increase proposal w/out authority from
Issues: WON the application for registration of union leaders. Hence, it was questioned by
SALAMAT was compliant with the law. petitioner.
WON it is guilty of fraud, misrepresentation, and
falsification and did not possess the required However, Remigio ask for union member’s
number of members at the time of filing its signatures in support of a resolution which
application for registration. contains the decision to: disaffiliate from FFW,
rename the union as Reformed Employees Union
Ruling: No, the petition is denied. The court found of Bayer Ph (REUBP), adopt a new CBL, abolish
no merit in the argument of the petitioner that there all existing officer positions and elect a new set, and
is misrepresentation. Citing Art. 234 (b) of the LC, authorize REUBP to administer the CBA. This was
the court noted that there is nothing in such signed by 147 out of 257 local union members.
provision which requires that the attendees in the
organizational meeting must be 20%. Under par. c Subsequently, Remigio sent a letter to petitioner,
of the same provision, it appears that what it FFW, and respondent informing them decision of
requires is that the names of all its members the union members and another letter informing
them that officers and BoD had been appointed and union members, including grievances arising from
requested to remit union dues to REUBP. On the any violation of the rights and conditions of
contrary, petitioner requested respondent to remit membership, violation of or disagreement over any
union dues to petitioner. Respondent Bayer in provision of the union’s constitution and by-laws, or
dilemma placed union dues in a trust account. disputes arising from chartering or disaffiliation of
Thereafter, petitioner filed for ULP against the union. This case does not fall within such
respondent which was dismissed by the LA. The concept since the issue in this case pertains only to
petitioner requested for a grievance conference but the validity of the acts of the mgmt. while there is
respondent turned over the union dues it placed in still an existing CBA with EUBP. But as to Regimio
trust account with the amount of P254, 857.15 to and Villareal, it is validly dismissed since it is an
REUBP. Hence, petitioners filed another ULP intra-union dispute.
complaint which was also dismissed by the LA. RANCE v. NLRC
However, respondent Bayer then agreed to sign a Facts: The petitioner in this case were among the
new CBA with REUBP. Thus, petitioner thereafter dismissed employees of the PR Polybag
filed for the issuance of a restraining order before Manufacturing Corp.
the NLRC which was dismissed since the matter
involved an intra-union dispute. It was reversed by Before they were dismissed, the petitioner and the
the BLR, but the BLR’s decision came after Corp entered into a CBA which has a Union
respondent signed a new CBA with the REUBP. Security Clause requiring the members of the union
NLRC – denied the appeal and the MR to remain a member in good standing of the union
CA – sustained the LA and NLRC ruling otherwise they will be dismissed by the company
Hence this present petition. for causes such as disloyalty to the union,
commission of acts inimical to the interest of the
Issues: WON the act of the respondent Bayer in union, failure and refusal to pay union dues and
dealing and negotiating with Remigio’s splinter other assessments, conviction for any offenses or
group despite its validly existing CBA with crime and organizing and joining another LO
EUBP can be considered ULP claiming jurisdiction similar to that of the union.

Ruling: Yes. As noted by the court, CBA is entered The petitioners in this case were dismissed for
into in order to foster stability and mutual disloyalty due allegedly joining NAFLU. The Corp
cooperation between labor and capital. Hence, an expelled 125 members pursuant to the findings and
employer should not be allowed to rescind recommendations of the panel investigations.
unilaterally its CBA with the duly certified Due to their expulsion, the petitioners filed a case
bargaining agents it had previously contracted with before the LA and the NLRC
and decide to bargain with a different group if there LA & NLRC – found that the CBA union security
is no legitimate reason for doing so. Also, on the clause is valid and the termination of the petitioners
COR from the DOLE it is specified therein that the herein justified for committing disloyalty by
registered CBA is the covenant between parties and affiliating with NAFLU while still being members
should be complied with. In this case, the of the respondent union.
respondent cannot justify GF in their acts since they Hence, the petitioners elevated the case to the SC.
knew that the petitioner was recognized by DOLE
SEC as legitimate and from the fact that it continued Issues:
to negotiate with the REUBP while intra-union a. WON the petitioners committed acts of disloyalty
dispute is pending. The court also noted that when which justify their expulsion
the employer proceeds to negotiate with a splinter b. WON the expulsion proceeding conducted by the
union despite the existence of valid CBA with the union is in accordance with its by laws
DCEBA, the employer undoubtedly abandons its
recognition of the DCEBA and terminates the entire Ruling: No. The court held that the mere act of
CBA. seeking help from NAFLU did not constitute act
- as to the issue whether the issue is an intra-union of disloyalty because it was only an act of self-
dispute, citing the definition of intra-union dispute preservation of workers since from the facts
which pertains to any conflict between and among
there were 460 employees who are temporarily Mandarin Hotel’s Coffee Shop. She was expelled
laid off. from the petitioner union for acts allegedly inimical
to the interests of the union particularly her remark
These workers did not receive any SP since their to a waitress who was a union steward saying “wala
dismissal was due to serious business losses and the akong tiwala sa union ninyo.” Hence, the union
only help given by the company is ½ sack of rice demanded the company to dismiss Beloncio from
and 50 pesos weekly and most of them were made employment pursuant to their closed shop provision
to sign blank papers. While the petitioners in their CBA which the company heeded by placing
complained with the union for help, the union Beloncio on forced leave. But 2 days before
ignored them since the union officers are not Beloncio’s forced leave, she filed a complaint for
affected by the matter as they were not laid off. ULPand illegal dismissal before the NLRC
Hence, the act of the petitioners for seeking help Arbitration Branch while the union filed a motion to
from NAFLU is not to be blamed. dismiss but it was denied.
LA - held that the union was guilty of ULP
- even if the petitioners authorize NAFLU to file the Union then appealed to the NLRC
action for them, the court noted that it would be NLRC – modified the LA decision and denied the
pointless since it cannot file an action for members MR
of another union Hence this petition.

b. as to the expulsion proceedings, the court held Issues:

that the union did not disprove the fact that the a. WON petitioner union is guilty of ULP by reason
petitioners did not receive notice of summons from of the arbitrary use of the union security clause in
the union and failed to deny the fact that those who the CBA
came were not only threatened with prosecution but b. WON the dispute involved intra-union conflicts
also made to write the answers to questions as and therefore the NLRC has no jurisdiction
dictated to them by the union and company
representatives. Ruling:
- even if the petitioner appeared in the supposed a. Petitioner is guilty of ULP. As found from the
investigation proceedings, it cannot change the fact facts, the union security clause only pertains to
that the proceedings violated the rule of justice and losing membership by non-payment of dues or
fair play since as found in this case the Chairman of when a members organizes, joins, or forms another
the BoD and Acting Union Pres are the ones who LO.
initiated the filing of the charge of disloyalty against - there is also no error in the decision ordering the
petitioners and the panel of investigators created reinstatement of Beloncio and directing the union to
under the Board’s Resolution was composed of the pay the wages and fringe benefits which she failed
Chairman of the Board and 2 members of the board to receive because of her forced leave. According to
which is the same board that expelled 125 members. the court, if it not for union’s insistence on the
- the court noted that in the absence of any full company to dismiss Beloncio that it filed a NoS, the
blown investigation of the expelled members of the company would not be compelled to place Beloncio
union there is no basis for the union’s accusations. on forced leave.
- the court therefore found that the union and the - furthermore, pursuant to their CBA the company is
company connives and therefore guilty of ULP free from liabilities that may arise should the
employee question the dismissal.
MANILA MANDARIN EMPLOYEES UNION - The court also noted that while the closed shop is a
v. NLRC valid form of union security, this does not mean
Facts: The petitioner union and the Hotel have restriction of the right of freedom of assoc
CBA providing a closed shop agreement guaranteed by the constitution since such is also
particularly dismissing employees who fails to governed by law and principle of fair play and
maintain membership in good standing, for non- justice which cannot be used by the union against an
payment of union dues and other assessment, for employer and their members.
organizing, joining or forming another LO. The PR
Beloncio is an assistant head waitress at Manila
- in this case, the court recognized Beloncio’s effort Thereafter, petitioner submitted its CBA proposal
in doing her work for the best interests of the likewise the company submitted its counter
employer, all its employees, and the general public. proposal. The company then filed with the NLRC a
b. the dispute does not involve intra-union but petition to declare illegal petitioner union’s OT
involves an interpretation of the CBA and WON boycott and work slowdown which amounted to
there was an illegal dismissal. illegal strike and asked from NCMB an aid for their
CBN. Petitioner on the contrary filed for ULP. The
INTERPHIL LAB EMPLOYEES UNION-FFW labor dispute was assumed by the SOLE and
v. INTERPHIL LAB INC ordered the striking employees to return to work
Facts: The petitioner here is the SEBA of the RAF and the company to accept the workers.
employees of the respondent while the respondent is LA Caday – submitted his recommendation to the
a company engaged in the business of then SOLE which was approved and adopted in his
manufacturing and packaging pharmaceutical order which declare the OT boycott and work
products. slowdown as illegal strike and declaring
Nestor Ocampo President
The parties in this case had a CBA effective from Carmelo Santos Vice-President
Aug. 1, 1990 to July 31, 1993. Marites Montejo Treasurer/Board Member
Before the CBA expires, Ocampo and Clemente the Rico Gonzales Auditor
union pres and union director approached Salazar, Rod Abuan Director
the VP of HR Dept to ask about the company’s Segundino Flores Director
position with regard to the duration of the CBA. Hernando Clemente Director
who spearheaded and led the overtime boycott and
However, Salazar responded that it could be work slowdown, to have lost their employment
addressed during the formal negotiations. status.
Thereafter, Salazar was once again approached by And find the company guilty of ULP for violating
Ocampo and Clemente regarding the same matter the existing CBA
and Salazar responded in the same manner as the MR was filed but it was denied. It was elevated to
first one. Hence, Ocampo requested for a meeting to the CA but the petition is dismissed. Hence this
discuss the duration and effectivity of the CBA petition.
which Salazar heeded and where the union asked to
make the new CBA effective for 2 years starting Issues: WON the respondent engaged in OT
Aug. 1, 1993. However, according to Salazar it is boycott and work slowdown from April 16, 1993
still premature to discuss the matter. until March 7, 1994.

Hence, the RAF employees refused to follow their Ruling: Yes and the petition is denied. It was clear
regular 2 shift work schedule from 6:00am- from the facts that the OT boycott and work
6:00pm and from 6:00pm-6:00am. The slowdown committed by the petitioners amounted
employees also started working at 2:00pm and to illegal strike since from the facts employees
2:00am. refused to follow their regular 2 shift work schedule
from 6:00am-6:00pm and from 6:00pm-6:00am.
Hence, Salazar for a meeting where the union The employees also started working at 2:00pm and
director Gonzales said that they would only return 2:00am.The union then continued the OT boycott
to their normal work schedule if the company agree and the employees engage in a work slowdown
to their demands with regard to the duration of the campaign during the time they were working which
CBA which Salazar replied the same answer he has. delayed the production when Salazar reply the same
that the matter is still premature.
The union then continued the OT boycott and - it was further supported by the testimony of
the employees engage in a work slowdown Salumbides, a union member telling that the union
campaign during the time they were working released a memo directing the employees of the
which delayed the production. company to make up alibis to not work OT and also
that the union told him to not work OT and when he
refused to do so by working OT, he was surrounded continued picketing inside the hotel compound.
by the union officers questioning him about his OT. Hence, the hotel:
- the denial of the respondent that their work Terminated – 29 union officers and 61 members
slowdown did not affect the performance and work Suspended – 81 employees (30 days), 48 employees
efficiency is w/out merit since the work efficiency (15 days), 4 employees (10 days), 3 employees (5
from 1993 which the union used to compare the days)
work efficiency when the boycott and work The union then declared a strike on that same day
slowdown happens was negated by Montejo who is and picketed the premises of the hotel which
a quality control analyst, saying that she was not the blocked the ingress and egress of the hotel premises.
one who prepared the productivity report since she The union filed another nos. Hence, the SOLE
was on union leave. assumed jurisdiction and issued an order giving the
- Hence, the respondents' unjustified unilateral option to the hotel to merely reinstate the dismissed
alteration of the 24-hour work schedule thru their or suspended workers where the hotel, in line with
concerted activities of "overtime boycott" and the order, issued a memo directing the employees to
"work slowdown" from April 16, 1993 up to March return to work but not the others as they will be
7, 1994, under payroll reinstatement.
to force the petitioner company to accede to their The NLRC then issued its decision ordering the
unreasonable demands, can be classified as a strike hotel and the union to execute a CBA within 30
on an installment basis, as correctly called by days from the receipt of the decision and held that
petitioner company the concerted action was an illegal strike.
The MR was denied
NATIONAL UNION OF WORKERS IN THE CA – dismissed the petition of the union and affirm
INDUSTRIES (NUWHRAIN-APL-IUF) v. CA MR was denied. Hence, this petition.
Facts: the petitioner in this case is the CBA of the Issues:
RA employees of PR Dusit Hotel which is a 5 star a. WON the union acts of reporting of work with
Hotel in Makati City. The issue arose when the their bald or cropped hair style and picketing the
parties failed to reach an agreement as to their new hotel premises illegal
CBA. The union then filed a NOS on the ground of b. WON the union conducted an illegal strike
BDL. However, conciliations failed.
Ruling: The union is liable for conducting an
Hence, the union conducted a strike vote, majority illegal strike.
of the votes agreed to stage a strike.
In deciding, the court laid down the categories of
Thereafter, the union members went to work with illegal strike:
cropped and shaved hair heads. Hence, they 1. [when it] is contrary to a specific prohibition of
were prevented by the mgmt. to enter the hotel law, such as strike by employees performing
for violating the Hotel’s Grooming Standards. governmental functions; or
2. [when it] violates a specific requirement of law[,
The union then picketed outside the hotel such as Article 263 of the Labor Code on the
premises. Due to these happenings, the hotel requisites of a valid strike]; or
temporarily ceased its operation due to lack of 3. [when it] is declared for an unlawful purpose,
manpower. The hotel then issued notices to the such as inducing the employer to commit an unfair
union members suspending them and charging them labor practice against non-union employees; or
for violating the duty to bargain in GF, illegal 4. [when it] employs unlawful means in the pursuit
picket, ULP, violation of Hotel’s Grooming of its objective, such as a widespread terrorism of
Standards, illegal strike, and commission of illegal non-strikers [for example, prohibited acts under Art.
acts during the illegal strike. Hence, the union filed 264(e) of the Labor Code]; or
another NOS on the ground of ULP this time 5. [when it] is declared in violation of an existing
particularly illegal lockout. Though the union injunction[, such as injunction, prohibition, or order
explained with regard to their charges, they
issued by the DOLE Secretary and the NLRC under RAMIREZ v. POLYSON INDUSTRIES
Art. 263 of the Labor Code]; or Facts: The petitioners in this case are employees of
6. [when it] is contrary to an existing agreement, respondent Polyson engaged in the business of
such as a no-strike clause or conclusive arbitration manufacturing plastic bags for supermarket, dept
clause store, etc.

Reasons why union is liable for conducting illegal They are also officers of Obrero Pilipino, which is
strike. the union of employees of Polyson.
1. the union’s violation of the Hotel’s Grooming
Standards was a concerted action which according The issue arose when respondent refuse to
to the court was done to place the mgmt. on its heels recognize when Obrero asked respondent to
and force it to agree with the union’s proposal. It voluntarily recognized it as EBA of the RAF
also embarrass the hotel. Their act of coming to employees of Polyson. Hence, Obrero threatened
work with their shaved and cropped inflict serious Polyson that it will show its collective strength in
damage to the hotel’s finances and reputation as it the coming days.
resulted to the disruption of the hotel’s operations.
2. the union’s concerted action violated their CBA Subsequently, when a client rushed an order from
relating to No Strike, No Lockout. Polyson, ordering 100,000 pieces of plastic bags,
3. the act of union going to work with shaved and Polyson informed the operators of the cutting
cropped hair also violated the LC’s provision of section that they would be needing more workers
prohibiting any action which will disrupt the early to work OT. However, when the supervisor
settlement of the labor dispute which are under approached them they told that they have other
conciliation. Due to this, the hotel’s operation was commitments after their shift. But there are 5
disrupted and they violated their duty to bargain operators who shows their willingness to work OT
collectively in GF. but 3 of them did not work OT. When asked by the
4. The union failed to comply with the 30 day mgmt. they said that they were not allowed by the
cooling off period and the 7 day strike ban before petitioners to OT which was affirmed after an
conducting the strike on Jan.18, 2002 since the investigation has been conducted that the petitioners
union filed its NOS only on Dec. 20, 2001 where pressured them to not work OT. They were
the cooling off period should be until Jan. 19, 2002. terminated by the mgmt. after evaluation on the
It also conducted its strike vote only on Jan. 14, ground that they initiated an illegal concerted
2002 and submitted only to the NCMB on Jan. 18, activity. Hence petitioners filed a NOS before the
2002, hence the 7 day strike ban should have NCMB while the DOLE sec certified the labor
prevented them from holding a strike until Jan. 25, dispute to the NLRC which hold that the petitioners
2002. were illegally dismissed and ordered reinstatement.
5. the union also committed illegal acts in its strike After the MR, NLRC reconsidered and reversed its
since from the pictures the hotel showed, the union ruling, this time they were legally dismissed since
formed a human barricades and blocked the they are guilty of threatening their co-employees.
driveway of the hotel. CA – denied petitioner’s petition and affirmed the
NLRC resolution.
As to their liability, the court followed the mandate Hence this petition.
of the LC where the union officers may be validly
terminated for participating in an illegal strike while Issues: WON petitioners are guilty of illegal
union members have to committed and participate concerted activity
in illegal acts for them to be terminated.
The court ruled that while the hotel was able to Ruling: yes. The argument that they are not guilty
prove that the strikers blocked the ingress and since the illegal concerted activity must be carefully
egress of the hotel, it also failed to point out the planned and a considerable number of participants
participation of each union members in the to insure that the desired result is attained is w/out
commission of illegal acts. merit since the court noted that the law does not
require that a slowdown be carefully planned
and participated by a large number of workers.
Since the essence of strike is for the workers not to Issues:
quit their work but reduce the rate of work to a. WON the petitioners staged a mass leave
restrict delay the production. b. WON petitioners go on a strike
- the court noted that there is no fundamental
difference when it comes to number of workers Ruling:
involved in the concerted activity since the act is the a. No. Defining mass leave, the court defined it as a
same as well as the purpose whether one or more simultaneous availment of authorized absence or
than one have ceased to work. Hence, petitioners vacation from duty or employment usually with
are guilty of illegal concerted activity when they pay. In this case, the respondent did not submit a
engaged in slowdown by inducing their co-workers copy of the CBA or company memo with regard
to quit their scheduled OT work which was to authorized sick or vacation leave which the
accomplished when it resulted in the delay in the petitioner can avail. Due to absence of such
output of Polyson. document, the court held that the leaves of the
petitioners were authorized and valid pursuant
NARANJO v. BIOMEDICA HEALTH CARE with the company or CBA rules.
Facts: Petitioners in this case are former employees - also the argument of the respondent that the leave
of the espondent herein engaged in the distribution is an illegal strike is w/out merit since it was not
of medical equipment and Motol is their Pres. proved. According to the court, the individual
absences cannot be regarded as illegal mass
The petitioners worked as liaison officer, service action since mass leave involves a large number
engineer, administration clerk, sales rep, and of people. In this case, only 5 petitioners were
accounting clerk. On Motol’s bday, petitioners were absent
all absent with different reasons.
De Guzman – loose bowel movements b. Petitioners did not go on strike contrary to the
Pimentel – ophthalmology check up claim of the respondent since the petitioner went on
Bardaje – migraine leave for different reasons which are proved since
Cruz – not feeling well petitioners were on different places to attend their
Naranjo – had to attend a meeting at his child’s affairs. Claim of illegal strike was also negated by
school the act of the petitioners in reporting for work when
However, it also appears that they are also the they received a text message from respondent but
employees who filed a complaint against they were barred. According to the court, it shows
respondent. Thereafter, pursuant to the text message GF on the part of the petitioners.
they receive, petitioner reported for work but they - Also the respondent’s claim that the alleged mass
were barred from entering the company premises leave paralyzed the company operation is not
and respondent issued a notice of preventive proved.
suspension and notice to explain, it accused the
petitioners of conducting an illegal strike. Only LAPANDAY WORKERS UNION
Angeles and Casimiro explained. Petitioners then v. NLRC
filed a complaint with the NLRC while respondent Facts: The petitioner in this case is the union of the
terminated the petitioners by virtue of the notice of PR and the other petitioners are workers of the PR.
termination it served. The PR is engaged in the production of bananas in
LA (NLRC) – dismissed the complaint for illegal Davao City and are sister companies while the
dismissal finding petitioners to have engaged in a union is the DCEBA of the RAF employees of the
mass leave analogous to a strike.
NLRC – petitioner appealed. It declared the PR who is affiliated with KMU-ANGLO. The
petitioners illegally dismissed parties had a CBA for a period from Dec. 5, 1985-
Respondent MR was denied. Nov. 30, 1988. However, the issue arose when
CA – annulled the NLRC decision and reinstated before the expiration of their CBA, PR started
the LA decision denying petitioners MR. mgmt. policies such as contracting security
Hence this appeal. guards for security services in their premises
which the union called as goons and special
forces of the PR, and the conduct of seminar on Which waiting period is to afford the DOLE an
Human Dev and Industrial Relations which will be opportunity to verify whether the projected strike
attended by the managerial, supervisory, and RAF carries the permission of the majority of the union
employees which the union claimed that the module members. Because of the strike held within the 7
on the Ph Political Spectrum joined ANGLO with day waiting period the DOLE was not able to verify
other outlawed labor org. whether the strike is approved by the majority of the
union members.
During the labor-mgmt. meeting the issues were
addressed where the union agreed to attend the SAMAHANG MANGGAGAWA SA SULPICIO
seminar but on the contrary, it directed its members LINES v. SULPICIO LINES INC
not to attend and picketed the premises of the PH Facts: the parties in this case had a CBA for a
Eagle Protectors where the PR contracted its period of 5 years from Oct. 17, 1990-Oct. 16, 1995.
security guards. Thereafter petitioner filed a NOS
with the NCMB where an agreement is reached The parties started negotiating their economic
directing the union to attend the seminar which the provisions after 3 years which led to DL. Hence
union did. petitioner filed before the NCMP a NOS due to
CBDL. The labor dispute was assumed by the
However, the union continued with its activities SOLE. Thereafter, petitioner filed again a NOS for
when Martinez, a member of the union’s BoD the alleged ULP of the respondent amounting to
was killed allegedly by a member of the security union busting. The petitioner then conducted a
forces of PR. strike vote and subsequently did not report for
work and gathered in front of Pier 12, North
Hence, the members of the union refused to Harbor Manila. The SOLE then directed them to
report for work and did not comply with the return to work and certified the case to NLRC.
quota system and instructed the workers to NLRC – respondent filed a complaint for illegal
reduce the production to 30%. strike where the NLRC declared illegal and the
option for the mgmt. to terminate the petitioners.
PR then filed for illegal strike and ULP. But the MR was denied
petitioners continued not to report for work and SC – referred the petition to the CA which affirmed
instead went to the PR office in Lanang carrying the NLRC resolution MR was denied
placards and poster calling the mgmt. to remove the Hence this petition.
security guards.
The Mayor Duterte intervened but the settlement Issues: won the strike staged by petitioner’s officers
still failed. Thereafter, a strike was conducted which ad members is illegal.
was supported by the majority of the workers. It
was submitted to the NCMB Ruling: yes. Citing Art. 263 and 264 of the LC. The
LA – held that the strike was illegal court held that the petitioners did not observe the 7
MR was denied. Hence this petition. day strike ban and failed to submit the result of the
strike vote to the DOLE at least 7 days before the
Issues: WON the strike is illegal. strike. The failure to comply with the req under the
LC rendered the strike illegal.
Ruling: yes. In deciding the case, the court cited - as to the contention that they acted in GF, the
Art. 263 and 264 of the LC wherein Art. 263 court held that even if they acted in GF, if there is
provides the limitation to the right of strike no NOS and strike votes was not conducted, the
providing the procedures to be followed before strike is illegal.
staging a strike (filing of NOS, taking of strike vote, - as to the argument that it is mere absenteeism, the
reporting of the strike vote result to the DOLE). court hold otherwise since citing the definition of
- in this case the court declared the strike illegal for strike, any stoppage of work by the concerted action
reason that petitioner held the strike within the 7 of employees as a result of an industrial or labor
da waiting period under Art. 263 of the LC. dispute. The court noted that strike is not only
concerted work stoppages, but also slowdowns,
mass leaves, sit downs, attempts to damage, destroy
or sabotage plant equipment and facilities. These Issues: won petitioner is guilty of holding an illegal
are all present in this case since 167 union officers strike
and members participated and they gathered in front
of the respondent’s office to participate in a strike Ruling: yes. The court held that employees commit
voting. an illegal work stoppage when they refuse to work
- furthermore, the petitioner failed to prove that the and join welga ng bayan, when they have no dispute
respondent committed ULP with the mgmt. and they are scheduled to work.
- noting the constitutional right of the mgmt. to
BIFLEX PH INC LABOR UNION (NAFLU) reasonable returns on investments and to expansion
Facts: petitioners in this case were officers of and growth, the court noted that such must be
Biflex Ph Inc Labor Union and the other petitioners considered. Hence, the right of the petitioners in
were officers of Fiflex Industrial and Manufacturing joining the welga which is their exercise of freedom
Labor Union who are both affiliated with NAFLU of expression or freedom of assembly is not
and are both CBAgents of the employees of absolute since it must not oppressed the capital to
corporations since Biflex Ph Inc and Fiflex promote the interests of the labor.
Industrial and Manufacturing Corp are sister - since the petitioner did not notify respondent of
companies engaged in garment business, both their intention to join the wlega ng bayan, the work
situated in one big compound having a common stoppage is illegal and therefore cannot be
entrance. Petitioners staged a work stoppage after a protected.
labor sector staged a welga ng bayan to protest the - as to the issued whether there was illegal lockout,
accelerating prices of oil. the court questioned the petitioners on why they did
not protest with the mgmt..
Because of this, the respondent filed a petition to - also according to the court, even if they complied
declare the work stoppage illegal for failure to with the legal formalities in staging a strike, it
comply with the procedural requirements. would still be illegal since they physically block and
Thereafter when the respondent resumed operation, prevent the ingress and egress from the company
the petitioner claimed that they were illegally premises which is prohibited under Art. 246 of the
locked out by respondent saying that because of the LC which provides that no person engaged in
welga ng bayan, it is difficult for them to get a ride picketing shall obstruct the free ingress to or egress
and the violence might occur in the welga which from the employer’s premises for lawful purposes,
would prevent from reporting for work. Thereafter or obstruct public thoroughfares.
the petitioners who filed a NOS put up tents, tables, - the court also noted that the legality of the strike is
and chairs, in front of the main gate of respondent’s not only determined by compliance with the
premises and explained that it is only for requirements but also the means employed.
convenience for the union to check if the mgmt. will
allow them to report for work. On the contrary, GRAND BOULEVARD HOTEL v. GENUINE
respondent argue that the work stoppage is illegal LABOR ORG OF WORKERS IN HOTEL,
because the petitioners failed to comply with the RESTAURANT AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES
requirements of a valid strike i.e., filing of NOS, (GLOWHRAIN)
securing a strike vote, and submission of a report of Facts: Parties in this case had a CBA covering the
the strike vote to the DOLE. period from July 10, 1985-July 9, 1988. However,
LA – held that the strike was illegal and declared the petitioner then dismissed some of its employees
that the officers of the union shall be dismissed which prompted the respondent to file a NOS on the
from work. ground of illegal dismissal, illegal suspension, CBA
NLRC – reversed the LA ruling holding that there violations, and harrassments. The Acting SOLE
was no strike to begin with since there is no labor or then certified the case to the NLRC and directed the
industrial dispute between the parties. respondents to return to work and for the mgmt. to
CA – reversed the NLRC ruling and reinstated the accept the workers. Respondent union complied but
LA ruling. filed another NOS. Hence, it was again certified to
Hence this petition. the NLRC and directing them to return to work and
enjoin from engaging in any strike or lockout.
Thereafter, the parties entered into a CBA for a
period of July 10, 1988-July 9, 1991. The union obtained by secret ballot in a meeting called for that
pres then wrote to the petitioner for violating the purpose
CBA. Hence pettieioner placed the respondent c. notice given to the DOLE of the results of the
union director for grievance under preventive voting at least seven days before the intended strike.
suspension while th respondent filed a manifestation - the court noted that a strike that has been
and motion against petitioner for violating the order undertaken despite the issuance of the SOLE of an
of SOLE. Thereafter, the respondent filed another assumption and an order prohibiting the same, is
NOS this time it’s based on violations of CBA, illegal. In this case, the court noted the fact that the
coercion of employees, harassment, arbitrary respondent union proceed with its strike despite the
transfer of employees and illegal termination and order of the sole.
suspension of employees. Thereafter, the petitioner
informed the SOLE of its decision to retrench some PH DIAMOND HOTEL AND RESORT INC
of its employees to lessen the financial losses it (MANILA DIAMOND HOTEL) v. MANILA
incurred. While the union informed the DOLE that DIAMOND HOTEL EMPLOYEES UNION
it will conduct a strike vote and thereafter informed Facts: Petitioner in this case is the employer of the
the DOLE of the result. SOLE then again issued an respondent union. The union filed for PCE before
order enjoining the parties from engaging in any the DOLE to be the EBR of its members but it was
strike or lockout. After informing SOLE of its denied by the DOLE for failure to comply with the
decision to retrench it gave notice to its employees legal requirements. Thereafter, Mendoza, a Hotel’s
of its retrenchment on the basis of last in, first out. outlet cashier failed to remit tot the hotel the amount
This prompted the union to filed another NOS of P71, 692.50 but he explained that it was Kimpo
thinking it continue committing ULP and thereafter who dropped his remittances which Kimpo denied.
picket the premises of the hotel and blocked the Mendoza was then suspended for 1 week and re-
ingress and egress of the hotel. SOLE issued assigned to the Hotel’s Cost Control Department.
another return to work and enjoining them. Hence, Thereafter, the union notified petitioner its intent to
petitioner filed a complaint for illegal strike alleging negotiated for a CBA but the Hotel respond in the
that the req for legal strike is not complied. negative saying that it is not certified by DOLE as
LA – ruled in favor of the petitioner declaring the EBA. But the union clarified that it is for its
strike illegal for failure to comply with the legal req members only and declared that it would engage in
The petitioner then barred respondents from concerted activities if the hotel refused. Thereafter,
entering the hotel. Union filed an appeal with the the union went on strike and called for a strike vote.
NLRC but it affirmed the decision of the LA. The It filed a NOS with the NCMB for ULP for the
case reached this court which annulled the res of the refusal to bargain. Thereafter, Kimpo filed a
NLRC. The petition then was remanded to the CA. complaint for ULP against petitioner and
CA – strike is legal and the dismissal is unjustified. subsequently demanded for consent election which
MR was denied. Hence this petition. the hotel did not refused and it was set to be held on
Jan 1998. But in Nov. 1997, the union went on
Issues: WON the strike staged by the respondent is strike where the NUWHRAIN joined to support the
illegal union. Petitioner then filed a petition for injunction
before the NLRC whose representative reported that
Ruling: yes. The court held that the respondent strikers block the ingress and egress of the hotel.
cannot claim GF when it disregarded the decision of Thus, the NLRC issued a TRO. The parties
the SOLE for enjoining them to engage in a strike. conciliation meetings failed. Hence petitioner filed a
It also failed to prove that the petitioner committed petition to declare the strike illegal.
ULP. Laying down the req for a valid strike NLRC – declared the strike illegal and hold that the
provided.36 union officers are deemed dismissed
a. a notice of strike fled with the DOLE thirty days CA – affirmed the decision of the NLRC declaring
before the intended date thereof or fifteen days in the strike illegal but reinstating the union members.
case of ULP Issues: WON the CA erred in ordering the
b. strike vote approved by a majority of the total reinstatement of the respondents whose employment
union membership in the bargaining unit concerned status were previously declared to have been lost
despite declaring that the strike it held was illegal
a. WON petitioner is a mere innocent bystander to
Ruling: No. The court affirmed the decision of the the labor dispute between Philtread and the union
CA in holding that the union officers should be b. WON petitioner has a clear legal right to the
dismissed for staging and participating in the illegal issuance of injunction under the innocent bystander
strike pursuant to Art. 264 of the LC but the court rule
also noted that an ordinary striking worker cannot
be dismissed for mere participation in illegal strike Ruling: No, petitioner is not a mere innocent
since a proof is needed that he committed illegal bystander. According to the court in order for an
acts during strike. innocent bystander to enjoin a labor strike, it must
- as to the issue of bargaining for the union’s satisfy the court that its interest is foreign to the
members only, the court held that the union is strike and w/out any connection to either party to
misplaced when it relied on the rights of LLO since the dispute which in this case is not present since
according to the court, not every LLO possess such citing the findings of CA, the negotiation, contract
rights. Hence, the court, in affirming the decision of of sale and the post transaction between philtread as
the CA and NLRC noted that to bargain on behalf vendor and Siam Tire as vendee shows the legal
of its members only would only divide the relation between them, it was further supported by
employees since other workers who are not the fact that the petitioner uses the same plant or
members would be at a disadvantage, allowing them factory, same working conditions, machinery, tools,
means employees who are non-union members will and equipment and manufacture the same product, it
be impaired since they will not be able to negotiate shows that the petitioner’s personality is closely
the terms and conditions of their work. linked to Philtread which negates its claim that it is
- furthermore, there is no ULP for failure to bargain a mere innocent bystander and therefore not entitled
collectively since the union herein is not a DCBA of to injunctive writ.
the petitioner to whom the petitioner shall only
MSF TIRE AND RUBBER INC v. CA Facts: the parties in this case had a CBA which
Facts: Philtread was charged by its union, PR in prior to its expiration, the union submitted its
this case for ULP for alleged union busting and economic and political demands to the petitioner
violation of the provisions of CBA which was which the company did not meet hence resulted to a
followed by picketing and holding of assemblies DL. The union then filed a NOS before the RO of
outside the gate of Philtread plants. Pursuant to the the NCMB however the conciliation failed and the
MOA of Philtread and Siam Tyre (a subsidiary of company’s operation is completely paralyzed. Three
Siam Cement), Philtread sold its plant and other cases were filed
equipment to the petitioner herein where 805 of 1. petitioner filed a petition for injunction against
which would be owned by Siam Tyre and 20% by the union for picketing the company’s establishment
philtread, and the land which philtread plant is and allegedly for not having acquired majority of
located is sold to Sucat Land Corp where 60% of it the employees approval to strike in violation of the
would be to Philtread and 40% to Siam Tyre. Union CBA
knew such fact. Hence, petitioner asked the union to 2. Union filed for uLPagainst the petitioner for its
desist from picketing outside the plant which the refusal to include the sales worker in the BU which
union refused. Hence petitioner filed a complaint result to a DL in CBN
for injunction against the union while union move 3. petitioner filed a petition to declare the strike
to dismiss the complaint alleging that petitioner illegal for non-compliance with the req of LC and
being a mere alter ego of Philtread is not an totally blocking the ingress and egress of the
innocent bystander. company’s premises.
RTC – denied petitioner’s application for injunction Then Sec of Labor assumed jurisdiction over the
but was later on granted after reconsidering. case since the petitioner is involved in the
CA – granted the union’s petition. manufacture of drugs and pharmaceuticals
Hence this petition employing around 600 workers.
Thereafter, the union filed seeking to consolidate
Issues: the 3 NLRC cases which was granted by the SOLE
The petitioner is before the court contending that
the exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide the 3
NLRC cases is vested in the LA and argued that the
SOLE assumed jurisdiction only in cases of DL in
negotiation of CBA

Issues: WON the Sec of DOLE has the power to

assume jurisdiction over a labor dispute and its
incidental controversies, including ULP cases,
causing or likely to cause a strike a lockout in an
industry indispensable to the national interest.

Ruling: yes, the SOLE has jurisdiction to such.

Citing Art. 263 of the LC, the court held that the LC
explicitly grants the authority to assume jurisdiction
over a labor dispute causing or likely to cause a
strike or lockout in an industry indispensable to
national interest and decide the same to the SOLE
which must extend to questions and controversies
arising there including cases where the LA has
exclusive jurisdiction. The court also held that the
NLRC cases were just the outcomes of the CBN DL
and the strike.
- furthermore the court noted that Art. 217 of the LC
which also grants such jurisdiction to the sole is not
w/out exceptions. Hence reading it together with
Art. 263, it vests to both the SOLE and the shared
jurisdiction subject to conditions.

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