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Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services

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JSS Job ID: 4346190
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Engineering Design Calculations


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Thrust Calculations
Total thrust per bore

C1/D1 C2/D2 C3/D3

Thrust component from area subject to injection pressure, Pi = 785 psi

AUEB.sb1 = 4.4 in 2 AUEB.sb2 = 0 in 2 AUEB.sb3 = 4.4 in 2

External diameter of pipe

Dh1 = 2.375 in Dh2 = 2.375 in Dh3 = 2.375 in

Thrust component from area subject to design pressure, Pd = 285 psi

ASep.sb1 = 4.4 in 2 ASep.sb2 = 4.4 in 2 ASep.sb3 = 4.4 in 2

Thrust calculated from pressure areas or direct input

TC1.D1 ≡ if TC1.D1.m = 0 lbf | TC2.D2 ≡ if TC2.D2.m = 0 lbf | TC3.D3 ≡ if TC3.D3.m = 0 lbf |

‖A | ‖A | ‖A |
‖ UEB.sb1 ⋅ P i + A Sep.sb1 ⋅ P d | ‖ UEB.sb2 ⋅ P i + A Sep.sb2 ⋅ P d | ‖ UEB.sb3 ⋅ P i + A Sep.sb3 ⋅ P d |
else | else | else |
‖T | ‖T | ‖T |
‖ C1.D1.m || ‖ C2.D2.m || ‖ C3.D3.m ||

TC1.D1 = 4717 lbf TC2.D2 = 1263 lbf TC3.D3 = 4717 lbf

Confidential and Proprietary Information Strongbacks Calculations

Registration # F-003143
Tiebar Analysis Page 1 of 10
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
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JSS Job ID: 4346190

Tiebar Analysis
Tiebar Data
C1/D1 C2/D2 C3/D3

Tiebar size Sb.tb1 = 0.5 in Sb.tb2 = 0.5 in Sb.tb3 = 0 in

Tiebar tensile area Ab1.t.tb = 0.1418 in Ab2.t.tb = 0.1418 in 2 Ab3.t.tb = 0 in 2
Number of tiebars Nb.tb1 = 2 Nb.tb2 = 2 Nb.tb3 = 0
Thrust restrained by tiebars TC1.D1 = 4717 lbf TC2.D2 = 1263 lbf TC3.D3 = 4717 lbf
Tiebar Stress
Stress in tiebars due to thrust σ ≡ if Nb.tb1 ≠ 0 | σ ≡ if Nb.tb2 ≠ 0 | σ ≡ if Nb.tb3 ≠ 0 |
‖ | ‖ | ‖ |
TC1.D1 | TC2.D2 | TC3.D3 |
‖ ―――― ‖ ―――― ‖ ――――
‖ Nb.tb1 ⋅ Ab1.t.tb | ‖ Nb.tb2 ⋅ Ab2.t.tb | ‖ Nb.tb3 ⋅ Ab3.t.tb |
‖ | ‖ | ‖ |
else | else | else |
‖ 0 ⋅ psi | ‖ 0 ⋅ psi | ‖ 0 ⋅ psi |
‖ | ‖ | ‖ |
σ = 16631.1 psi σ = 4452 psi σ = 0 psi
Allowable stress in tiebars σb1.tb.a.d = 25000 psi σb2.tb.a.d = 25000 psi σb3.tb.a.d = 0 psi

Results Resulttb1 = “Pass” Resulttb2 = “Pass” Resulttb3 = “Not applicable”

Tiebar Torque
Nut factor Ktq1.tb = 0.17 Ktq2.tb = 0.17 Ktq3.tb = 0
Stud nominal diameter Dtq1.tb ≡ Sb.tb1 Dtq2.tb ≡ Sb.tb2 Dtq3.tb ≡ Sb.tb3
Dtq1.tb = 0.5 in Dtq2.tb = 0.5 in Dtq3.tb = 0 in
Target bolt preload Fpr.tb1 ≡ σ ⋅ Ab1.t.tb Fpr.tb2 ≡ σ ⋅ Ab2.t.tb Fpr.tb3 ≡ σ ⋅ Ab3.t.tb
Fpr.tb1 = 2358 lbf Fpr.tb2 = 631 lbf Fpr.tb3 = 0 lbf

Torque Tqtb1 ≡ Ktq1.tb ⋅ Dtq1.tb ⋅ Fpr.tb1 Tqtb2 ≡ Ktq2.tb ⋅ Dtq2.tb ⋅ Fpr.tb2 Tqtb3 ≡ Ktq3.tb ⋅ Dtq3.tb ⋅ Fpr.tb3
Tqtb1 = 17 ft ⋅ lbf Tqtb2 = 4 ft ⋅ lbf Tqtb3 = 0 ft ⋅ lbf

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Registration # F-003143
Crunch Ring Strongback Analysis Page 2 of 10
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
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JSS Job ID: 4346190

Crunch Ring Strongback Analysis

Crunch Ring Strongback Data
Purpose: This analysis will calculate the frictional force caused by the Crunch Ring Strongback and the internal
stresses of the Crunch Ring Strongback due to the bolting.
References: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II, Part D, (Table for Maximum Allowable Stresses, 2019Edition)
Mechanics of Materials by Beer and Johnston, 1981
Machinery's Handbook, 23rd Edition, pages 1278-1279 and 1498-1520
Roark's Formulas for Stress & Strain, Warren C. Young, Fifth Edition, Table 30, case 17, page 464.
An Introduction To The Design And Behavior Of The Bolted Joint by Bickford, Second Edition, Page 133.

Blue dimensions are the dimensions for Crunch Ring Bending in Ear

Data for up to three crunch ring strongbacks are shown below. Data will only be provided if used.

Crunch ring strongback data

Strongback 1 Strongback 2 Strongback 3

Largest diameter in strongback block Dsb1 = 4.375 in Dsb2 = 4.375 in Dsb3 = 0 in

Strongback bore diameter = 2.36 in = 2.36 in = 0 in
Gap at Splitline Lgap.sb1 = 0.125 in Lgap.sb2 = 0.125 in Lgap.sb3 = 0 in
Bolt circle diameter (half joint studs) dsb1.bc = 4.5 in dsb2.bc = 4.5 in dsb3.bc = 0 in
Width of Clamp (in contact with header) Wsb1 = 1.5 in Wsb2 = 1.5 in Wsb3 = 0 in
Tie Bar Hole Diameter ( only when dh.sb1 = 0.625 in dh.sb2 = 0.625 in dh.sb3 = 0 in
tiebars are not on splitline)

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Registration # F-003143 Page 3 of 10
Crunch Ring Strongback half-joint studs
tiebars are not on splitline)
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
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JSS Job ID: 4346190

Crunch Ring Strongback half-joint studs

Half joint stud material StudMaterialb1 = “SA-193 Grade B7”

Crunch Ring Stud Size Sb.sb1 = 0.5 in Sb.sb2 = 0.5 in Sb.sb3 = 0 in

Total number of Studs Nb.sb1 = 2 Nb.sb2 = 2 Nb.sb3 = 0
Prestress as a percentage of yield percy.b1 = 46% percy.b2 = 46% percy.b3 = 50%
Length of moment arm inducing tipping Ltb1.tip = 0 in Ltb2.tip = 0 in Ltb3.tip = 0 in

Number of Nuts on half-joint studs Nn1.hj = 8 Nn2.hj = 8 Nn3.hj = 0

The analysis below may apply to up to three different sets of variables, the function is defined in general terms
and each data set is then run through the function and outputs the final calculated stress.

CrunchRingStresses ⎛⎝Fb , , tcr , Wsb , dh.tb , , , Dh⎞⎠ ≡ try |
‖ |
⎛ ⎞
Summation of forces in X-direction R2 ‖ Pcr ← Fb ÷ ⎝Dh ⋅ Wsb⎠ |
‖ R2 ← Fb ÷ 2 |
R2 - Fx = 0 R2 = Fx = Fy ‖ Area ← ⎛t - d ⎞ ⋅ W |
Cross sectional area Area ‖ ⎝ cr h.tb⎠ sb |
‖ R2 |
Tensile Stress of Crunch Ring Strongback σ1 ‖ σ1 ← ―― |
‖ Area |
Distance from bolt centerline to bore A ‖ A ← ⎛⎝ -⎞⎠ ÷ 2 |
‖ Fb tcr⎛ ⎞ |
‖M←― ⋅ ⎜ ― - A ⎟ |
Summation of moment about R2 M ‖ 2 ⎝2 ⎠ |
M - Fx ( t/2 + R - R*sin45 ) - Fy ( R*sin45 ) + BL ( R + A ) = 0 ‖ tcr |
‖c←― |
Neutral fiber c ‖ 2 |
‖ 1 |
‖ I ← ―⋅ Wsb ⋅ ⎛⎝tcr - dh.tb ⎞⎠
3 3
Moment of inertia I ‖ 12 |
‖ |M⋅c| |
‖ σ2 ← |―― | |
Bending Stress of Crunch Ring Strongback σ2 ‖ | I | |
‖ σc ← ||σ1|| + ||σ2|| |
‖ return ⎡ σ σ σ P ⎤ |
Combined Stresses of Crunch Ring Strongback σc ‖ ⎣ 1 2 c cr ⎦ |
on error |
‖ |
⎡ ⎤
‖ return ⎣ 0 psi 0 psi 0 psi 0 psi ⎦ |

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Registration Strongback Results
F-003143 Page 4 of 10
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
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JSS Job ID: 4346190

Crunch Ring Strongback Results

Bolting force applied CR Strongback 1 CR Strongback 2 CR Strongback 3
| |
Stud prestress σ ≡ percy.b1 ⋅ σ σ ≡ percy.b2 ⋅ σ σ ≡ percy.b3 ⋅ σ
| |
σ = 42090 psi | σ = 42090 psi | σ = 0 psi
| |
| |
Stud preload Fpr.b1 ≡ σ ⋅ | Fpr.b2 ≡ σ ⋅ | Fpr.b3 ≡ σ ⋅
| |
Fpr.b1 = 5968 lbf Fpr.b2 = 5968 lbf Fpr.b3 = 0 lbf
| |
| |
Bolt force applied on pipe Fsb1 ≡ Fpr.b1 ⋅ Nb.sb1 | Fsb2 ≡ Fpr.b2 ⋅ Nb.sb2 | Fsb3 ≡ Fpr.b3 ⋅ Nb.sb3
| |
Fsb1 = 11937 lbf | Fsb2 = 11937 lbf | Fsb3 = 0 lbf
| |
Holding force of ring Ff.sb1 ≡ 2 ⋅ μcr ⋅ Fsb1 | Ff.sb2 ≡ 2 ⋅ μcr ⋅ Fsb2 | Ff.sb3 ≡ 2 ⋅ μcr ⋅ Fsb3
| |
Ff.sb1 = 7162 lbf | Ff.sb2 = 7162 lbf | Ff.sb3 = 0 lbf

ResultF.f1 = “Pass” ResultF.f2 = “Pass” ResultF.f3 = “Not applicable”

Note: calculated friction force must be 1.5x greater than the required restraint load to "pass"

Maximum internal crunch ring stresses due to half-joint bolting

⎡⎣ σcr1.1 σcr1.2 σcr1.c Pcr1 ⎤⎦ ≡ CrunchRingStresses ⎛⎝Fsb1 , Nb.sb1 , tcr1 , Wsb1 , dh.sb1 , dsb1.bc , , Dh1⎞⎠

⎡⎣ σcr2.1 σcr2.2 σcr2.c Pcr2 ⎤⎦ ≡ CrunchRingStresses ⎛⎝Fsb2 , Nb.sb2 , tcr2 , Wsb2 , dh.sb2 , dsb2.bc , , Dh2⎞⎠

⎡⎣ σcr3.1 σcr3.2 σcr3.c Pcr3 ⎤⎦ ≡ CrunchRingStresses ⎛⎝Fsb3 , Nb.sb3 , tcr3 , Wsb3 , dh.sb3 , dsb3.bc , , Dh3⎞⎠

Maximum allowable plate stress

1.5x allowable in tension for combined stress σ ≡ 1.5 ⋅ σ σ = 30000 psi

CR Strongback 1 CR Strongback 2 CR Strongback 3

Tensile Stress of Crunch Ring Strongback σ1 σcr1.1 = 10402 psi σcr2.1 = 10402 psi σcr3.1 = 0 psi
Bending Stress of Crunch Ring Strongback σ2 σcr1.2 = 17494 psi σcr2.2 = 17494 psi σcr3.2 = 0 psi
Combined Stresses of Crunch Ring Strongback σc σcr1.c = 27897 psi σcr2.c = 27897 psi σcr3.c = 0 psi

Resultcr1.d = “Pass” Resultcr2.d = “Pass” Resultcr3.d = “Not applicable”

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Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
Verified by: Date:
JSS Job ID: 4346190

Crunch Ring Half-Joint Stud Torque

CR Strongback 1 CR Strongback 2 CR Strongback 3
| |
Stud size Sb.sb1 = 0.5 in Sb.sb2 = 0.5 in Sb.sb3 = 0 in
| |
Stud tensile area = 0.1 in 2 | = 0.1 in 2 | = 0.0 in 2
| |
Stud prestress σ = 42090 psi | σ = 42090 psi | σ = 0 psi
| |
Nut factor Ktq1 = 0.2 | Ktq2 = 0.2 | Ktq3 = 0
| |
Stud nominal diameter Dtq1 = 0.5 in | Dtq2 = 0.5 in | Dtq3 = 0 in
| |
Target bolt preload Fpr.b1 = 5968 lbf Fpr.b2 = 5968 lbf Fpr.b3 = 0 lbf
| |
Torque Torquepl1 ≡ Ktq1 ⋅ Dtq1 ⋅ Fpr.b1 | Torquepl2 ≡ Ktq2 ⋅ Dtq2 ⋅ Fpr.b2 | Torquepl3 ≡ Ktq3 ⋅ Dtq3 ⋅ Fpr.b3
| |
Result Torquepl1 = 42 ft ⋅ lbf | Torquepl2 = 42 ft ⋅ lbf | Torquepl3 = 0 ft ⋅ lbf
| |
| |

Tipping effect of Crunch Ring due to Tiebars

CR Strongback 1 | CR Strongback 2 | CR Strongback 3
| |
Moment arm of tipping effect Ltb1.tip = 0 in | Ltb2.tip = 0 in | Ltb3.tip = 0 in
| |
Force inducing tipping F1.tip ≡ TC1.D1 ÷ 2 F2.tip ≡ TC2.D2 ÷ 2 F3.tip ≡ TC3.D3 ÷ 2
| |
F1.tip = 2358 lbf | F2.tip = 631 lbf | F3.tip = 2358 lbf
| |
Tipping moment M1.tip ≡ F1.tip ⋅ Ltb1.tip | M2.tip ≡ F2.tip ⋅ Ltb2.tip | M3.tip ≡ F3.tip ⋅ Ltb3.tip
| |
M1.tip = 0 ft ⋅ lbf | M2.tip = 0 ft ⋅ lbf | M3.tip = 0 ft ⋅ lbf
| |
Required stress in half-joint σtip1.req ≡ if Wsb1 ≠ 0 | | σtip2.req ≡ if Wsb2 ≠ 0 | | σtip3.req ≡ if Wsb3 ≠ 0 |
studs to resist tip (to prestress) ‖ | | ‖ | | ‖ |
‖ ――――|M 1.tip ‖ ――――|M 2.tip ‖ ――――|M 3.tip
| |
‖ Wsb1 ⋅ | | ‖ Wsb2 ⋅ | | ‖ Wsb3 ⋅ |
‖ | ‖ | ‖ |
else | | else | | else |
‖ | ‖ | ‖ |
‖ 0 ⋅ psi | ‖ 0 ⋅ psi | ‖ 0 ⋅ psi |
σtip1.req = 0 psi σtip2.req = 0 psi σtip3.req = 0 psi

Allowable stress in half-joint σ = 42090 psi σ = 42090 psi σ = 0 psi
studs to resist tip
Resultcr1.tip.i = “Not applicable” Resultcr2.tip.i = “Not applicable” Resultcr3.tip.i = “Not applicable”

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Registration # F-003143
Buckling of Pipe due to Crunch Ring Page 6 of 10
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
Verified by: Date:
JSS Job ID: 4346190

Buckling of Pipe due to Crunch Ring

Reference: Roark's Formulas for Stress & Strain, Warren C. Young, Fifth Edition, Table 30, case 17, page 464.
Header Input Data
Modulus of Elasticity Eh = 27900 ksi Injection Pressure Pi = 785 psi Pi = 785 psi
Pipe yield stress σpe.h.y.o = 29900 psi Operating Pressure Po = 220 psi
Poisson's Ratio ν = 0.3
σbuckling ⎛⎝Dh , th , Wsb , Pcr⎞⎠ ≡ ‖ if Dh = 0 in ∨ th = 0 ∨ Wsb = 0| |
‖ | |
‖ ‖ ‖ return 0 psi | |
‖ |
External Radius of pipe Rh ‖ R h ← Dh ÷ 2 |
Pressure acting to buckle pipe qh ‖ qh ← Pcr - Po |
‖ |
‖ a ← ―― Wsb |
Factor a
‖ 2 |
‖ 1 |
‖ ―
4 |
‖ ⎛ 3 ⋅ ⎛⎝1 - ν 2 ⎞⎠ ⎞ |
Factor λ ‖ λ ← ⎜―――― ⎟ |
2 2
‖ ⎜⎝ Rh ⋅ th ⎟⎠ |
‖ 3 |
Factor D ‖ D ← ―――― Eh ⋅ th |
‖ ⎛
12 ⋅ ⎝1 - ν ⎠ 2⎞ |
‖ |
Maximum Moment per unit length ‖ M ← qh ⋅ e -λ ⋅ a ⋅ sin ⎛λ ⋅ a⎞ |
‖ max ―― 2
⎝ ⎠
Mmax ‖ 2⋅λ
‖ qh
Maximum deflection ymax ‖ ymax ← -―――

⋅ ⎝1 - e -λ ⋅ a
⋅ cos ⎛⎝λ ⋅ a⎞⎠⎠ |

4 |
‖ 4⋅D⋅λ |
‖ σ ← ‖ σ ← 0 psi | |
Circumferential membrane stress σpe.h.2 pe.h.2 ‖ 1 |
‖ | | |
‖ ‖ ymax ⋅ Eh | |
σ ← |――― | + |
| ν ⋅ σ |
1| |
‖ ‖ 2 |
‖ | Rh | |
‖ |
‖ -6 ⋅ Mmax |
Meridional bending stress σpe.h.1b ‖ σpe.h.1b ← ――― 2 |
‖ th |
Circumferential bending stress σpe.h.2b ‖ σpe.h.2b ← ν ⋅ σpe.h.1b |
‖ ⎛ ⎞ |
Maximum calculated stress σpe.h.max ‖ σpe.h.max ← max ⎝σpe.h.2 , σpe.h.1b , σpe.h.2b⎠ |
‖ return σpe.h.max ||

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Registration # F-003143 Page 7 of 10
Header Data
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
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JSS Job ID: 4346190

Header Data
C1/D1 C2/D2 C3/D3
External diameter of pipe Dh1 = 2.375 in Dh2 = 2.375 in Dh3 = 2.375 in
Minimum wall thickness th1 = 0.154 in th2 = 0.154 in th3 = 0.154 in
Length of header under injection Wsb1 = 1.5 in Wsb2 = 1.5 in Wsb3 = 0 in
External pressure due to crunch ring Pcr1 = 3350.659 psi Pcr2 = 3350.659 psi Pcr3 = 0 psi
Maximum allowable calculated stress σpe.h.allow ≡ 90% ⋅ σpe.h.y.o σpe.h.allow = 26910 psi
Definitions C1/D1 C2/D2 C3/D3
σC1.D1 ≡ σbuckling ⎛⎝Dh1 , th1 , Wsb1 , Pcr1⎞⎠ σC2.D2 ≡ σbuckling ⎛⎝Dh2 , th2 , Wsb2 , Pcr2⎞⎠ σC3.D3 ≡ σbuckling ⎛⎝Dh3 , th3 , Wsb3 , Pcr3⎞⎠
σC1.D1 = 25741 psi σC2.D2 = 25741 psi σC3.D3 = 0 psi

Buckling C1/D1 Buckling C2/D2 Buckling C3/D3

Resultσ.C1.D1.i = “Pass” Resultσ.C2.D2.i = “Pass” Resultσ.C3.D3.i = “Not applicable”

Flatbar / Ear Bending

Flatbar Calculation (C1/D1)

Flatbar / Crunch Ring ear bending

Length of moment arm of Ear Lma.fb.1 = 2.57 in Lma.fb.2 = 0 in Lma.fb.3 = 1.5 in

Thickness of ear tear.fb.1 = 1.5 in tear.fb.2 = 0 in tear.fb.3 = 1.25 in
Width of ear wear.fb.1 = 4.375 in wear.fb.2 = 0 in wear.fb.3 = 1 in

Flatbar ⎛⎝Lma.fb , TCX.DX , tear.fb , wear.fb , Efb⎞⎠ ≡ if Lma.fb = 0 in |

‖ |
return ⎡⎣ 0 in 0 ft ⋅ lbf 0 in 0 in 4 0 psi ⎤⎦ |

else |
‖ |
Moment arm ‖ X ← L ma.fb
Calculating Stresses ‖ TCX.DX |
‖ M ← ―― ⋅ X
2 |
M⋅C ‖ |
Where σ = ―― ‖ C ← t ear.fb ÷ 2
I ‖ 1 3 |
‖ I ← ―⋅ wear.fb ⋅ tear.fb |
‖ 12
‖ M⋅C 1 |
Bending stress in strap ‖ σbend.flatbar ← ――⋅ ― |
‖ I Efb
‖ return ⎡⎣ X M C I σbend.flatbar ⎤⎦ ||

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⎡⎣ X1.fb Mfb.1 Cfb.1 Ifb.1 σbend.fb.1 ⎤⎦ ≡ Flatbar ⎛⎝Lma.fb.1 , TC1.D1 , tear.fb.1 , wear.fb.1 , Efb.1⎞⎠
Registration # F-003143 Page 8 of 10
Bending stress in strap ‖ σbend.flatbar ← ――⋅ ― |
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial
‖ I Efb
Verified by: Date: ‖ return ⎡⎣ X M C I σbend.flatbar ⎤⎦
JSS Job ID: 4346190

⎡⎣ X1.fb Mfb.1 Cfb.1 Ifb.1 σbend.fb.1 ⎤⎦ ≡ Flatbar ⎛⎝Lma.fb.1 , TC1.D1 , tear.fb.1 , wear.fb.1 , Efb.1⎞⎠
⎡⎣ X2.fb Mfb.2 Cfb.2 Ifb.2 σbend.fb.2 ⎤⎦ ≡ Flatbar ⎛⎝Lma.fb.2 , TC2.D2 , tear.fb.2 , wear.fb.2 , Efb.2⎞⎠
⎡⎣ X3.fb Mfb.3 Cfb.3 Ifb.3 σbend.fb.3 ⎤⎦ ≡ Flatbar ⎛⎝Lma.fb.3 , TC3.D3 , tear.fb.3 , wear.fb.3 , Efb.3⎞⎠

Flatbar Strongback C1/D1 Flatbar Strongback C2/D2 Flatbar Strongback C2/D2

Moment arm X1.fb = 2.57 in X2.fb = 0 in X3.fb = 1.5 in

Calculating Stresses

Where σ = ―― Mfb.1 = 505 ft ⋅ lbf Mfb.2 = 0 ft ⋅ lbf Mfb.3 = 295 ft ⋅ lbf
Cfb.1 = 0.75 in Cfb.2 = 0 in Cfb.3 = 0.625 in
Ifb.1 = 1 in 4 Ifb.2 = 0 in 4 Ifb.3 = 0 in 4
Bending stress in Flatbar σbend.fb.1 = 3694 psi σbend.fb.2 = 0 psi σbend.fb.3 = 19405 psi

Allowable stress in Flatbars ⎛⎝1.5 ⋅ σ⎞⎠ σ = 30000 psi

Flatbar Strongback C1/D1 Flatbar Strongback C2/D2 Flatbar Strongback C2/D2

Resultfb.1.d = “Pass” Resultfb.2.d = “Not applicable” Resultfb.3.d = “Pass”

Protected Area

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Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
Verified by: Date:
JSS Job ID: 4346190

Strongback Weight
Weight of component (SolidWorks generated)

Wsb.C1.D1 = 25 lb Wsb.C2.D2 = 0 lb Wsb.C3.D3 = 0 lb

Studs and Nuts

Half-joint stud 1 Half-joint stud 2 Half-joint stud 3
Size Sb.sb1 = 0.5 in Sb.sb2 = 0.5 in Sb.sb3 = 0 in
Length Lst.hj.1 = 8 in Lst.hj.2 = 8 in Lst.hj.3 = 0 in
Quantity Ns1.hj = 2 Ns2.hj = 2 Ns3.hj = 0 ft
Number of half-joint nuts Nn1.hj = 8 Nn2.hj = 8 Nn3.hj = 0
lb lb lb
Weight per inch wpis1 = 0.06 ― wpis2 = 0.06 ― wpis3 = 0.06 ―
in in in
Weight per nut wpnn1 = 0.07 lb wpnn2 = 0.07 lb wpnn3 = 0.07 lb
Total weight of fasteners Wfasteners.b ≡ wpis1 ⋅ Lst.hj.1 ⋅ Ns1.hj + wpnn1 ⋅ Nn1.hj ↲ Wfasteners.b = 2.82 lb
+ wpis2 ⋅ Lst.hj.2 ⋅ Ns2.hj + wpnn2 ⋅ Nn2.hj ↲
+ wpis3 ⋅ Lst.hj.3 ⋅ Ns3.hj + wpnn3 ⋅ Nn3.hj
Tiebars and Nuts
Tiebar stud 1 Tiebar stud 2 Tiebar stud 3
Size Sb.tb1 = 0.5 in Sb.tb2 = 0.5 in Sb.tb3 = 0 in
Length Ltb.1 = 8 in Ltb.2 = 8 in Ltb.3 = 0 in
Quantity Ntb1 = 2 Ntb2 = 2 Ntb3 = 0 ft
Number of half-joint nuts Nn1.tb = 7 Nn2.tb = 7 Nn3.tb = 0
lb lb lb
Weight per inch wpitb1 = 0.06 ― wpitb2 = 0.06 ― wpitb3 = 0 ―
in in in
Weight per nut wpntb.n1 = 0.07 lb wpntb.n2 = 0.07 lb wpntb.n3 = 0 lb
Total weight of fasteners Wfasteners.tb ≡ wpitb1 ⋅ Ltb.1 ⋅ Ntb1 + wpntb.n1 ⋅ Nn1.tb ↲ Wfasteners.tb = 2.69 lb
+ wpitb2 ⋅ Ltb.2 ⋅ Ntb2 + wpntb.n2 ⋅ Nn2.tb ↲
+ wpitb3 ⋅ Ltb.3 ⋅ Ntb3 + wpntb.n3 ⋅ Nn3.tb

Wfasteners ≡ Wfasteners.b + Wfasteners.tb Wfasteners = 5.51 lb

Total weight Weightencl ≡ Wsb.C1.D1 + Wsb.C2.D2 + Wsb.C3.D3 + Wfasteners

Weightencl = 31 lb

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