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Kelas :A
Tanggal : 21 Oktober 2022
Waktu : 9.30 – 11.00 (90 menit) WIB
Batas Waktu Upload : 11.20 WIB

A. Change the informal letter below into a more formal letter by fill in the blanks with the word
phrases available in the table below: (12 points)

Hi Darren,

Sorry I wasn't able to get to your house warming party last Friday. I was really looking
forward to it and I was all ready to leave the house when my aunt from Ireland arrived
at the house for a surprise visit!! She was only in town for the one evening before she
went to my brother's house so I had to stay with her. I'm really sorry Dazza.

I tried to telephone you but your line was busy the two times when I telephoned. Then I
was out with my aunt in town and didn't have the chance to ring again.

I hope you understand. I know you wanted to get me to meet that girl, Yvonne, who you
work with. Oh well, next time maybe! My evening was really boring...if that makes you
feel any better.

See you soon



1. Later, I was otherwise 2. I hope this will be 3. I hope you can

engaged possible at the next understand my difficulties

available opportunity
4. I hope the dinner went 5. a relative arrived 6. I regret not being able

well for all concerned. unexpectedly.

7. Please accept my 8. was twice engaged 9. introduce me to Ms.

sincerest apologies. Phoenix

10. Dear Mr. Jones 11. Sincerely 12. I look forward to

hearing from you soon.


…………………….. to get to your house warming party last Friday. I was really looking forward to
it and I was all ready to leave the house when ………………………………….. She was only in town
for the one evening before she went to my brother's house so I had to stay with her.

I tried to telephone you but your line ……………………… when I telephoned.

……………………………………… and didn't have the chance to ring again.

………………………. I know you wanted to ………………………………, who you work with.

……………………………… …………………………………..





The couple banished from the hit "reality" series "Temptation Island" because they are parents of
a young child have sued the production company and Fox-TV for defamation, claiming that
producers knew about the toddler all along.

Ytossie Patterson and Taheed Watson claim in their Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit that
producers edited an episode of the hit show to make it appear that they had concealed their
status as parents and then chastised them on the air in an "extremely condescending and
humiliating manner."

A spokeswoman for Rocket Science Laboratories, the show's producers, referred calls regarding
the lawsuit, which was filed on Wednesday, to Fox, which said it would have a statement "later
in the day."

Patterson, 34, and Watson, 29, were among four couples sent last season to an island off Belize
in the Caribbean to film "Temptation Island," which separates the partners and sets each person
up on dates with attractive singles to see who will cheat.

Patterson and Watson were booted off the show midway through the season after the network
said it had discovered that they had a two-year-old child together, making their further
participation inappropriate.

The couple claims in their lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages, that they revealed the
existence of their child when asked during preliminary interviews with Rocket Science and were
told that that was "the wrong answer."

Patterson and Watson claim that "Temptation Island" producers decided that it would boost the
show's ratings if the child's existence were suddenly revealed during a broadcast.

During that broadcast, the couple claims, hours of conversation between them and producers
was edited and "manipulated" to create a false impression that they had kept their child secret.

"The footage was edited to exclude plaintiffs' responses to the producers questions and falsely
portrayed plaintiffs as mischievous and immoral (and that) they had in fact concealed the
existence of their own child and that they had nothing to say about it in the face of this
disgraceful tongue-lashing," the lawsuit claims.


1. The programme mentioned is successful.

2. Patterson and Watson are the producers of the Temptation Island.
3. The couple say they had told Fox of the child.
4. The couple felt embarrassed by their treatment on the show.
5. The four couples go on dates with each other to see what happens.
6. The couple are suing for financial loss.
7. The court case is in the Caribbean.
8. The couple say that the producers changed the film to make them look dishonest.
C. GRAMMAR TEST (20 points)
For number 1 to 6, please choose the correct answer

1. If I'd got the job, I'd ……….. in London.

a. have lived
b. to live
c. lived

2. This is the house I used to ……….

a. live
b. living
c. live in

3. Sorry, ………….. no room, you'll have to find somewhere else to sit.

a. it's
b. there's
c. there has

4. English food is often considered too ……… for foreigners' tastes.

a. plane
b. plan
c. plain

5. On hearing the news she burst ………….. tears.

a. to
b. in
c. into

6. My day at the health spa was ………….. bliss

a. sheer
b. merely
c. sheerly

For number 7 to 20, find the mistake in the sentence and correct it.

7. In 1902 the parishioners of the Church of San Giovanni Battista near Padua decided their organ
needing repairing.

8. To raise their money, they sold an old terracotta relief of the Madonna and Child.

9. Covered in dirt and chip paint, it looked like thousands of unattributed carvings found
throughout Italy.
10. Today their descendants are probable regretting that decision.

11. Now that clean has removed the layers of dirt, experts attribute it to none other than Donatello.

12. Executed in the fifteenth century, it is now esteemed to be worth somewhere in the region of six
million dollars.

13. Researchers have just dropped a health bombshell: natural remedies might be done us more
harm than good.

14. Unregulated natural products on sale by the counter could contain toxic compounds.

15. The steady increase in the using of so-called 'detoxifying products' is causing alarm in medical

16. Tightly regulated and exhaustingy tested, standard medicines can be more accurately

17. Sensational media scares has created a climate of anxiety.

18. Perhaps we should take a less hystericer approach to the issue.

19. The business world is reeling by the announcement of the collapse of the company.

20. Shares values have fallen substantially.

D. Writing Sections (60 points)

Please write a short argumentative Essay for a topic of your choice from the list below. You
should write for a minimum 750 words and maximum 1000 words. Remember to use a correct
way in writing either grammar, word choice, or sentence structure!

TOPICS for Argumentative Writing assignments:

1. Social Media Influence for the Youth

2. War, Pandemic, and Economic Crises
3. Higher Education in Indonesia
4. The Ban of Single Use Plastic
5. Urbanization and Pollution
6. Climate Change and Sea Level Rise
7. Tackling Flood in the Rainy Season


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