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S. No.


Grey Grey brown Calcerous Alluvial

Sand Soil Geological Stone Silt Other Soil (specify) Foraminifera Limestone Other stone specify Promonotory Beach Cliff Sandy Foreshore (Intertidal zone) Rocky Fore shore Mud Flat Salt Marsh Sea River Estuary Lagoon Backwater Wetland Port Jetty Man - Made Reservoir Lake Pond Tank

Color Kind of deposits


Kind of Feature


Source of freshwater


Date (Approx.) Length/Stretch Date (Approx.) Length/Stretch of Jetty

2 3

Climate Temperature Longitude Latitude Altitude North East South West

Location of the Feature


Area 6 Stretch

Access to the site Present Past Protected CRZ State Government Unprotected



10 A Topography Feature Description Promonotory - Hillock Beach Harbour Cliff Dune Sandy Foreshore Rocky Fore shore Mud Flat Salt Marsh Hydrology Description Indigenous Category

Inter-relationship with Natural features Flora Name Location Bambuseae Fallow fields Tamarindus Pongamia Glinus* Goniogyna Trichodesma Dipteracanthus Mukia Cymopogon Commiphora wightii Barleria prionitis Cyperus anerius Aeluropus lagopoides Digera Hydrophylax Evolvulus Indigofera Cassia Boerhavia* Andrographis* Pulicaria* Cardiospermum* Arthrocnemum Hyphaene thebaica Pithecellobium Thespesia Kickxia Euphorbia Cayratis Chloris Borreria Abutilon Bidens* Rhyncosia* Urochondra Beach Rocky Foreshore

Fauna Category Name Koel Myna Great Indian Bustards Indian shad Indian salmon Flaming Flamingo Storks Terns Exotic Egrets Herons Plovers Larks Minivets Skimmers Babblers Blue Rock Pigeon Parrot Crow Sparrow Dove Lapwing Silver Pomfret White Pomfret Black Pomfret Bombay Duck Golden anchovy Prawns Herrings Silver bar Seer fish Leather jacket Cat fish Ribbon fish Eel Location All over Drier climate


Feature Sea River Estuary Lagoon Backwater Wetland Port Jetty Reservoir Lake Pond Tank

Estuary, Wetlands, Mud flats Drier climate Estuary, Wetlands, Mud flats Estuary, Wetlands, Mud flats Beach Estuary, Wetlands, Mud flats Tree capped fields

Rocky outcrop

All over

Salt pans Fallow fields

Rocky Foreshore Beach Rocky outcrop Salt pans




Cocos Borassus Statice Potulaca Thephrosia Phyllanthus Atriplex Cocuulus Clitoria Ipomaea Apluda Ipomaea pestigridis Polycarpaea Natural

Fallow fields

Jew fish Thread fish Dog fish Natural Hammerhead shark Saw fish Ray fish Sting ray Perches Lobsters Full Bleak Mullets Lady fish Shrimps


Rocky Foreshore

Beach Phyla Eragrostis Lantana Triumphetta Plumbago Sporobolus Cenchrus Apluda Arthraxon Avicennia marina Suaeda Fimbristylis Cressa Salicornia Crabs Ptyas muscosus Natrix piscator Natrix stolata Lycodon aulicus Dryophis nasutus Naja naja Russel's viper Echis carinatus Hydrophis caerulecens

Estuary, Wetlands, Mud flats


Environmental relationship

Rocky outcrop


Muddy flats

Salt pans

* Annual Plants

10 B Community Hadi Bhangi Kharwa Koli Bhoi/Bhoiraj Brahmins Dhobi Siddhi Christians Vanias Khoja Parsi Kumbhar Salat Vanja Sangharia Occupation Location Topographical resource Promonotory - Hillock Beach Harbour Cliff Dune Sandy Foreshore Rocky Fore shore Mud Flat Salt Marsh

Inter - relationship with Communities Resource use Flora Bambuseae Tamarindus Pongamia Hyphaene thebaica Pithecellobium Thespesia Cocos Borassus Glinus* Goniogyna Cardiospermum* Arthrocnemum Kickxia Euphorbia Cayratis Borreria Abutilon Bidens* Rhyncosia* Statice Potulaca Thephrosia Phyllanthus Atriplex Cocuulus Clitoria Ipomaea Polycarpaea Phyla Eragrostis Lantana Triumphetta Plumbago Avicennia marina Suaeda Cymopogon Commiphora wightii Barleria prionitis Chloris Urochondra Apluda Indian shad Indian salmon Silver Pomfret White Pomfret Black Pomfret Bombay Duck Golden anchovy Prawns Fauna Lobsters Full Bleak Mullets Lady fish Shrimps Crabs

Ipomaea pestigridis Herrings Sporobolus Cenchrus Apluda Arthraxon Fimbristylis Cressa Salicornia Silver bar Seer fish Leather jacket Cat fish Ribbon fish Eel Jew fish Thread fish Dog fish Hammerhead shark Saw fish Ray fish Sting ray Perches

Hydrological resource Trichodesma Sea River Estuary Lagoon Backwater Wetland Port Jetty Reservoir Lake Pond Tank Dipteracanthus Mukia Cyperus anerius Aeluropus lagopoides Digera Hydrophylax Evolvulus Indigofera Cassia Boerhavia* Andrographis* Pulicaria*

10 C Settlement Features defining boundaries of the settlement Promonotory - Hillock Beach Harbour Cliff Dune Sandy Foreshore Rocky Fore shore Mud Flat Hoka plantation Agriculture fields Cultivated area

Inter - relationship with Architecture Architecture Building materials Sea River Estuary Lagoon Backwater Wetland Roads Port Jetty Reservoir Lake Pond Tank Wood Mud Thatch Stone Glass Origin of Building materials Soil Geological Stone Flora Wood Thatch Alluvial Sandy Limestone rock Bambuseae




Man-made features

Duration of consumption of resources? Whole year Kind of consumtion of resources? Personal use Present usage Whole Partial Past usage Whole Partial 11 Usage Original use




Which part? Why?

Which part? Why? Is original and current usage same? Yes Why


Resource accessability Accessable Condition of resource



If no, Why?

Excellent Kind of threat Protection Resource used by Individual

Very Good




Very Poor

Legal bindings

Disownment of resource

Group of people


Category Name Bambuseae Tamarindus Pongamia Glinus* Goniogyna Trichodesma Dipteracanthus Mukia Cymopogon Commiphora wightii Barleria prionitis Cyperus anerius Aeluropus lagopoides Digera Indigenous Hydrophylax Evolvulus Indigofera Cassia



Andrographis* Pulicaria* Cardiospermum* Arthrocnemum Hyphaene thebaica Pithecellobium Thespesia Kickxia Euphorbia Cayratis Chloris Borreria Abutilon Bidens* Rhyncosia* Urochondra Cocos Borassus Statice Potulaca Thephrosia Phyllanthus Atriplex

Cocuulus Clitoria Ipomaea



Ipomaea pestigridis Polycarpaea Phyla Eragrostis Lantana Triumphetta Plumbago Sporobolus Cenchrus Apluda Arthraxon Avicennia marina Suaeda Fimbristylis Cressa Salicornia Trees Shrubs Grass

Location Fallow fields Common Name Bamboo Imli Karanj Gandhi - buti Fuzzy Fruited Rattlepod Clasping-Leaf Borage Rocky Foreshore Bell Weed Bilari Lemon grass Guggol Vajradanti



Sankhpushpi Silky Indigo Cinnammon

Rocky outcrop

Punarnava Rocky outcrop

False Waterwillow Sonela Small Balloon Vine

Salt pans Hoka Fallow fields

Jangal Jalebi Ban Kapas Branched Cancerwort Chand Kal Swollen Finger Grass

Rocky Foreshore Beach


Rocky outcrop


Salt pans Fallow fields Coconut

African fan palm Rat-tail statice


Rocky Foreshore

Rocky Foreshore

Butterfly pea




Griffith's Habenaria Gray lovegrass


Nila chitrak

Rocky outcrop

Muddy flats

Grey Mangrove Alur

Salt pans

Usage Building material Tamarind Bio - diesel Medicinal plant - eatable herb herb & flower Believed to be anticancer against the epidermis of the nasopharynx region and slightly hypoglycemic. herb eatable as lime binder and for rituals ayurvedic value for making mats the young leaves and shoots of False Amaranth are made into curries, or the entire plant is boiled and seasoned. medicinal value Flower Spice Category



Popular in Ayurveda, this herb is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The roots of Boerhavia diffusa, commonly known as 'Punarnava', are used by a large number of tribes in India for the treatment of various hepatic disorders and for internal inflammation. Anodectal data has also reported effectiveness of Boerhavia diffusa incases of oedema and ascites resulting from early cirrhosis of the liver and chronic peritonitis. Herb Herb Herb Parish glasswort Thach - building material, Eatable fruit Tree Tree


Used to treat eye and ear affections (leaf juice); applied to skin affections in general, as a haemostatic on wounds, and wrapped around the umbilical cord of babies (rubbed leaves).


Eatable, Thatch Eatable, Thatch

Fish toxic Species coming from Mesolithic era

Ornamental flowers, commercially important crop and medicinal value

This is considered to be a fairly good fodder grass and is readily eaten by cattle when young. It is very common in the plains and at low elevation in the Himalayas. In hedges and bushy places it usually assumes a climbing habit. It often constitutes a large part of the undergrowth in forests.

Stink Grass is probably native to Europe, but widely naturalized throughout the world.

Plumbago blooms all year long except for the coldest winter months.

Burnt and then used in glass from Medieval age.

According to Ayurved, it is bitter, pungent, rough and hot in properties. The whole plant is used for medicinal purposes. It is useful herb for asthma, bronchitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, anorexia, anemia, diabetes and skin disease.

Name Koel Myna Great Indian Bustards Indian shad Indian salmon Flaming Flamingo Storks Terns Egrets Herons Plovers Larks Minivets Tree capped fields Skimmers Babblers Blue Rock Pigeon Parrot Estuary, Wetlands, Mud flats Drier climate Estuary, Wetlands, Mud flats Estuary, Wetlands, Mud flats Beach Estuary, Wetlands, Mud flats Location All over Drier climate

All over


All over

Sparrow Dove Lapwing Silver Pomfret White Pomfret Black Pomfret Bombay Duck Golden anchovy Prawns Herrings Silver bar Seer fish Leather jacket Cat fish Ribbon fish Eel Jew fish Thread fish Dog fish Hammerhead shark Saw fish Ray fish Sting ray


Perches Lobsters Full Bleak


Lady fish Shrimps Crabs Ptyas muscosus Natrix piscator Natrix stolata Lycodon aulicus Dryophis nasutus Naja naja Russel's viper Echis carinatus Hydrophis caerulecens

Estuary, Wetlands, Mud flats


Birds Fish / Aquatic species Snakes

topographical features Rocky terrain Sand flats Mud flats inter high land low lying plains vegetation coastal wetlands large scale natural vegetation plantation vegetation defining edges Sacred groves others

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