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Republic of the Philippines

Autonomous Region in Huslim Hindanao
Cotabato City


(mlRE REenIAR sEssloN)

Begun and held in Cotabato City on Honday, the twenty-

fourth day of April, ttineteen Hundred and lfingty Five.
- oOo -

[ HusL" MINDANAO AuroNOMy Aer NO. 49 I



88 it enacted by the Regional Legislative Assembly in

session assembled:



SEerloN 1. SHORT TITLE. -This act shall be known as

the Revenue code of the Autonomoug Region in Muslim
Mindanao .
SEC. 2. SCOPE AND AI]PLICATIONS. - This code shall
govern the levy, assessment and collection of all regional
taxes, fees, charges and other revenue impositions within
the ter'ritorial juriE3diction of the Autonomoug Region in
Muslim Mindanao.



tthis Code:
1) Affluent consumption -means expenBe§ for
construction of houses and facilities for
private use.
2) Agricultural product -includes but not
limited to the yield of the soil, such as corn, rice,
cassava, wheat, rre, hay, cclconuts, rubber. palm oil,
sugarcane, tobacco, root crops, vegetables, fruits,
floveerB and their by-products; ordinary gait; all kinds
of fish; poultry, livest,oak and animal ppoductg,
whether in their original form or not.
The phrase ..whether in their original form or not"
refers to the transformation of §aid product,g by the
farmer, fisherman, producer or omen through the
application of processes to preserve or otherwise to
prepare Bald products for the market Such ag freezing,
drying, salting, smoking or stripping.
8) Jinu6ement - is a pleasurable diversion and
entertainment. It is synonymous to relaxation,
avocation, past time op fun.
4) Jinu8ement places - include theaters, cinemas,
concert halls, circuses, carmaval8, and other places of
anu5ement where one seeks admi88ion for value to
enter.taln oneself by seeing or viewing a show or
performance .
5} Banks and other financial inBtltutions -
include nan-back financial intermediaries, lending
investor89 finance and lnvegtment companie89 pawnshops,
money shops, insurance companies, stock markets, stock
brokers and dealers in securities and foreign exchange
as defined under applicable laws, or rules and
regulations thereunder.
6} Barter Trade - means the exchange of goc}ds
between residents of the AutonQmous Region and other
7} Barter Trader - means an individual or entity
qualified to engage in barter trade.
8 ) EuBlne6g - means commercial activity
customarily engaged in as means of livelihoc)d and
typically involving gone dependence of judgr}ent and
power of decision.
9} Enyer op Pupehagep - means any person. natural
or juridical, who buys or purchases fishery or
agricultural products in the area of autonomy for
commercial purposes.
10} Capital - signifies the actual estate, whether
in mc}ney or property owned by an individual or
eoz.popation; it ig a furid with which it tz.angaetg its
business, which would be liable to each creditor and
which, in case of ingolve asses to a receiver.
11) Capital Investment - iB the capital which a
person puts in any undertaking, or which he contributes
to the common stock of a partnership, corporation or
any other juridical entity, or association.
12) thargeg - refer to pecuniary liability, as
rents or fees against persons or properties.
13) Concession - a lease, grant or privilege for
the use of an apes fop a Specific purpose for which lt
is granted.
14} Concessioner - one who holds a concession.
15} Contractor - includes persons, natural or
juridical, not subject to professional tar under
Section 145 of the AutonomouB Region ln HuBlim Hindanao
Local Government Code of 1994, whose activity
conBigts e88entlally of the Sale of all ]{indg of
Services for a fee, regardlegB of whether or not the
performance of the Service calls for the exercise or
use of the physical or mental faculties of Such
contractor or his employees. AB used ln this Section,
:E:ine::::g , ..:::::::t°:;ii:¥::]8pec±:::;decant:::::::
and service contractors as defined under applicable
laws; filling, demolition and Salvage wor]!s
contractors; proprietors or opei`atorB of mine drilling
apparatus; proprietors or operators of dockyards;
persons engaged in the installation of water system,
and gas or electric light, heat or power; proprietors
or operators of smelting plants; engraving,
plating, and plastic lanination establishments;
proprietors or operators of establishment for
repairing, upholstering, washing or greasing of
vehicles, heavy equipment, vulcanizing, recapping and
battery charging; proprietorE} or operators of furniture
shops and establishments for planning or surfacing and
r'ecutting of lumber, and Sawmills under contr.act to Saw
or cut logs belonging to others; proprietors or
clperators of dry-cleaning or drying establishments,
steam laundries, and laundries using washing machines;
proprietors or owner.a of shops for .he repail` of any
kind of mechanical and electrical devices, inBtrumentg,
appar'atus, or furniture and shoe repairing by machine
or` any mechanical contrivance; proprietors or operators
of tailor Shops, dregs shops, milliners and hatters,
beauty parlors, barber shops, massage clinics, sauna,
Turkish and Swedish baths, Slenderizing and building
saloons and similar egtablishmentg ; photographic
studios; funeral parlors; pr.oprietorg or' operators of
hotels, motels, and lodging houses; proprietors or
operators of arragtre and Stevedoring, warehousing, or
forwarding establ ishment plumbers, Bn]iths, and
house of Sign painters; printers, bookbinders ,
1itthographerB; publishers except those engaged in the
publication or printing of any newspaper, magazine,
review or bulletin which appears at regular intervals
with fixed prices for subscription and sale and which
is not devoted principally to the publication of
advertisement; business agents, private detective or
watchman agencies, commercial and immigration brokers,
and cinematographlc fi lm owners , leggorg anc}
distributors .
16) Corporation - ineludeB partnertships, no matter
how created or organized, joint Stock companies, .ioint
accounts (cuentas en participation), associations or
insurance companies, but does not include general
professional partnerships and a joint venture or
consortium for.ned for the purpose of undertaking
construction projects or engaging in petroleum, coal,
geothermal and other energy operations purguant t.o an
operating or consortium agreement under a service
contract wit.h the government. General professional
partnerghipg ape partnerships formed by persons for the
sole purpose of exercising their common profession,
no part of the income of which is derived from
engaging in any trade or business.
The term .'regldent foreigi" when applied to a
corporation means a for.eign corporation not otheltt`Jige
organized under the lava of the Philippines but engaged
in trade or buginegs within the Philippines.
17} Countnygide and Barangay BugineBs Enterprise -
refers to any business entity, aggociation, or
cooperative registered under the provision of Republic
Act Numbered Sixty-Eight Hundred Ten (R.A. No. 6810),
otherwise ]mou7n as I.Magma Carta For Countryside and
Barangay Business Enterprigeg (Kalakalan 20).'.
18} Dealer - means one whose buBineBg is to buy
and sell merchandise, goods, and chattels as a
merchant. He Stands immediately between the producer
or manufacturer and the consumer and depends for his
profit. not upon the labor he be8towg upon his
commodities but upon the skill and foresight with which
he watches the market.
19) Entity -refers to any business
establishment/enterprlge that exist regardless of the
manner of its organization for economic gain or
Purpose .
20} Fee -means a charge fi.xed by the regional
fixed by the regional law or agency for the ser'vices of
a public officer in the discharge of his official
21) FiBhepy and Aquatic ReBourceg - include
but not limited to, banqus fr`y, 1apu-lapu fry, fish,
Seaweeds, prarm, BhrlmpB, oyater8, crabs and
other aquatic resources caught/cultivated/cultured
within the area of autonomy for commercial purposes.
22} Franchise - is a right or privilege, affected
with public interest which is upon privat,e
Per8on8 or corporations, under Such terms and
conditions as the autonomous government and its
political subdivisions may impose in the interest of
public welfare, Security and Safety.
23) Grogg Sales op Recelptg - include the total
amount of money or its equivalent representing the
contract price, compensation or service fee, including
the amount charged or materials gupplled with the
services and deposits or advance payment actually or.
constr.uctively received during the taxable quarter fop
the services performed or to be performed for another
person excluding discount if determinable at the time
of sales, gales returns, excise tax, and Value-Added
Tax (VAT}.

24) Levy - means an imposition and/or collection

of an assessment, tax, tribute or fine.
25) I,icense Permit - ig a right or permission
granted ln with regional law by a competent
authority to engage in some buginegB or occupation or`
to engage in some transactions.
Z6) I]uxurioug Construction - includes hc>useB with
facilities such as but not limited to, swimming pools,
pelota courts, tennis courts and basketball courts for
pr`ivate use with a total combined cost of not legs than
Five Million Pesos (E5,000,OOO.00).
27) Manufacturer - includes every person who, by
physical or chemical process, alters the exterior
texture or. form or inner substance of any .raw material
or. manufactured or partially manufactured product in
such manner as to prepare it for special use or uses to
which it could not have been put in its original
condition, or who by any such process alters the
quality of any sucth r'aw material or manufact,ured or
partially manufactured product so as to I.educe it to
marketable shape or prepare it for any of the use of
industry, or who by any such process Combines any such
of different kinds and in such manner that the finished
products of such process or manufacture or partially
manufactured product in their original condition could
not have been put, and who in addition alters Such I+aw
material or manufactured or partially manufactured
products, or combines the same to produce of their sale
op pr`oducts for the purpose of their sale or
distribution to others and not for his own use or
congumpt ion .
28) Marginal Farmer or Fisherman - refers to an
individual engaged in subsistence farming or fishing
which shall be limited to the sale, barter or exchange
of agricultural or marine products produced by himself
and his immediate family.
29) Motor Vehicle - means any vehicle propelled by
any power other tinan muscular power using the public
roads. but excluding road rollers, trolley cars,
street-sweeper+a, spz.inkleris, lawn mowers, bulldozers,
grtaders, fork-lifts, amphibian trucks, and cranes if
not used on public roads, vehicles which run only on
I.ails or tracks, and tractors, trailers and traction
engines of all kinds used exclusively for agricultural
30} Municipal Waters - include not only streams,
lakes and tidal waters within the municipality, not
being the subject of private ownership and not
comprised within the national parks, public forest,
timber lands, forest reserves or fishery reserves, but
also marine waters included between two line drawn
perpendicularly to the general; coastline from points
where the boundary lines of the municipality or city
touch the Sea at low tide and a third line parallel
with the general coastline and fifteen (15} kilometers
from it. Where two {2) municipalities ape so Situated
on the opposite shores that there i6 less than fifteen
(15) kilometers of martine waterts between them, the
thir.a line Shall be equally dlgtant from opposite
f5hores of the respective municipalities.
31} Operator -includes t,he ormer, manager,
adminiBtratop op any other pepgon who operates or iB
responBlble for the operation of a business
establishment or undertaking.
32} Passenger - is any person who travels on an
airplane, a sea vegBel or by land transportation
embarking on any airport, seaport or land terminal
going outside the area of autonomy.
33} Person - means every natural or juridical and
legal being susceptible of r`ightB end obligations or
being the subject of lega ations
34) Prlvllege - means a right or immunity granted
as benefit, advantage or favor.
35) Region ~ shall mean the Autonomous Region in
Muslim Mindanao.

36) Regional Tax - shall mean the tax imposed by

the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao ancl those in
addition to which the National and Local government
units imposes within the area of autonomy.
37) Rental -means the value of the consideration,
whether in money or other.`wise, given for the employment
or use of a thing.
38} Regldentg - refer to natural persons who
have their habitual residence in the province, City,
municipality or barangay in the ar.ea of autonomy where
they exercise their civil rights and fulfill their
civil obligations, and to juridical pergong for which
the regional law or any other provisions creating or
recognizing them fixes thelz` residence in a particular
province, city. municipality or barangay in the area of
autonomy. In the absence of such law, jur.idical
persons are residents of the province, cit.y,
municipality or barangay in the area of autonomy whet.e
they have their legal residence or where they conduct
their principal business or occupation.
39) Retail - means a sale where the purchaser buys
the commodity for his own consumption, irtrespective of
the quantity of the commodity sold.
40) Revenue - includes taxes, fees and charges
that the Autonc}mous Region in Muslim Hindanao or its
political subdivision imposes, collects, receives and
remits into the Regional Treasury for public purposes.
41) Service -means the duties, works or functions
performed or discharged by a goverrment office, or by a
private person contracted or employed by the
government, as the case may be.
42} Tax - means an enforced contrtibution, usually
monetary in form, levied by law-making body, on person
and property, subject to its jurisdiction for the
precise purpose of Supporting gover`rmental needs.
43) Travel - means any trip going out of the
region from an airport or seaport or land terminal of
the region.
44) Utilization - means the use of the natural
wealth of the Autonomous Region for productive purposes
in industries, trade and commerce.
45) VeBgel - includes every type of boat, craft,
ol' other artificial contrivance used, or capable of
being used, as a means of transportation on water.
46} - means a fee assesged against the
cargo of a vessel engaged in foreign or domestic trade
based on quantity, weight, or measure received and/or
discharged by vessel; and
47) Wholesale - means a sale where the purchaser
buys or imports the commodities for regale to persons
other than the end-uBep regardless of the quantity of
the transaction.
§EC. 4. RIJIES 0F CONSTRIJCTION. - In constructing the
provisions of this Code , the following rmleg of
Construction shall be observed unless incongigtent with the
manifested intent of the provision, or when applied they
would lead to absurdity or highly improbable reoultB.
a} General Rule. All words and phrases shall be
construed and undepgtaod according to the common and
approved usage of language; but technical war.ds and
Phrases and Such others which may have acquired
Peculiar appropriate meaning, shall be construed and
understood according to such technical, peculiar or
appropriate meaning.
b) Gender and Number - Iivery word in this Code
importing the masculine gender Shall extend to both
female and male. Every word impc)rting singular number
shall e][tend and apply to several persons Qr things,
and every word impor.ting the plural number shall extend
and apply to one person or a thing ag well.
a) Computation of Tine -The time within which an
act is to be done a8 pl`ovided in this Code or ln any
rule or regulation issued purguant to the pz'ovisions
hereof, when e][pregged in days, shall be computed by
excluding the day and including the last day,
except, if the last day falls on a Sunday or holiday in
which case the same shall. be excluded from the
computation and t,he next business day shall be
considered the last day.
d) References - All I.eferences to Chapters,
Articles, Sections are referred to the Chapters,
Articles, Sections in this Code, unless other.wise
e) Conflicting provigionB of Chapters - If the
provisions of different chapters conflict with or
Contravene each other, the provisions of each chapter
shall prevail as to all specific matters and questions
f } Conflicting provisions of Sectlon8 - If the
provisions of different sections in the same Article
conflict with each other, the provisions for the
Section which is last in point of sequence Shall
preva i 1 -


ARTlcLE A. REAI. propERTy Ten

§EC. 5. DEFINITIONS. - When used in this Title, the

a) Acquigitlon Cost - For newly acquired
machinery not yet depreciated and appraised within the
year of its purchase, refer+g to the actual cost of the
machinery to its present owner, plus the cost of
transpc}rtation, handling, and installation at the
present site;
b} Actual Use - refers to the purpose for which
the property is principally or pr.edominantly utilized
by the person ln posgesgion thereof ;
a) "Ad Valoren Tax.. is a levy on real property
determined on the basis of a fijEed proport,ion of the
value of the property;
d} Agricultural I,and - is land devoted
pt`incipally to the planting of trees, raising of crops,
livestock and poultry, dail`ying, gait making, inland
fishing and similar aquacultural activities, and other
agricultural activities, and iB not clagaified as
mineral, timber, residential, commercial or industrial
e) Appraisal - is the act or ppoeegs of
determining the value of property as of specific date
fc]r a specific purpose;
f) AsgeBgnent-is the act or process of
determining the value of property, or proportion
g) ASBegment lievel ~ ig t,he percentage appliecl
to the fair market value to determine the taxable
value of the property;
h) "AggeB8ed Value" ig t,he fair market value of
the real pl`operty multiplied by the aggessment level.
It is synonymous to ..taxable value";
i) Connericial Lend -is land devoted principally
for the object of profit and iB not classified ag
agricultural. industrial , mineral , timber or
residential land;
i) Depreciated Value -1s the value remaining
after deducting deprteclation from the cLcquiaitlon cost;
k} Economic Life - is the estimated period over
which it iB anticipated that a machinery or equipment
may be profitably utilized;
i) Fair Market Value -is tine price at which
property may be gold by a Seller who is not compelled
to sell and bought by a buyer who is not compellec} to

in) Impr'ovement - is a valuable addition made to a

property or an amelioration ln its condition, amounting
to more than a mere repair or replacement of parks,
improving capital expenditures and labor` which is
intended to enhance its value, beauty or utility or to
adapt it for new or further pur.poses;
n) Industrial Lund ~ iB land devoted principally
to industrial activity aa capital investment. and iB not
classified as agrlcult,ural, commercial, timber, mineral
or residential land;
a) Machinery ~ embraces machines, equipments,
mechanical contrivances, instruments, appliances or
apparatus which may or may not be attached permanently
or temporarily, to the real property. It includes the
physical facilities, those which are mobile. self-
powered or Self-propelled, and those not permanently
attached to the real property which are actually,
diz-ec€lsr7 and exclusively used to meet the needs of a
particular industry, busineBg oz. activity and which by
their very nature and purpose are designed for, or
neceggapy to its manufacturing, mining, logging,
commercial , industrial or` agricultural purpeges;
p) Hineral Lundg - are lands in which minerals.
metallic or non~ metallic, exigc in sufficient quantity
or grade to Justify the necessary expenditures to
extract and utilize such
_ __JL __ _ _ 1_ _
a) ReaggeBanent - is the assigning of new
assessed values to property, particularly real estate,
as the result of a general, partial, or individual
reappraisal of the property;
r`} Remalnlng Economic Life - ig the period of
time expressed in years fr`om the date of appraisal to
the date when the machinery becomes valueless;
g) Remaining Value - is the value corresponding
to the remaining useful life of the machinery;
t) Replacement of Reproduction Cost- is the cost
that would be incurred on the basis c)f current prices,
in acquiring an equally desirable substitute property,
or the cost of reproducing a new replicant of the
property on the basis of prices with the same
or closely similar mater.ial;
u) Residential Lrmd - is land principally devoted
to habitation;
SEC. 6. IREPOSITION OF TAX. - There ig hereby levied in
addition to the tax imposed by the local government units,
an annual regional Ad Valorem Tax of one tenth (1/lot of one
percent {1%) on the assessed value clf all real propel`ty,
Such as lands, buildings, machinery and other impz+ovements
affixed or attached to real property located in the
Autonomous Region ln Muslim Mindanao, e.+.cept ag hezteinafter
exempted .
The provision of existing applicable and other
pertinent laws shall apply in the determination of the
assessed value of the real properties. For this purpose,
Provincial, City, Municipal Assessor is hereby required to
indicate on the tax declaration of r`eal property the amount
of annual regional tax due.
Hunicipal or City As8es8or within the area of autonomy is
hereby required to furnish the Regional Treagurez+ of the
AutonomouB Region in Muslim Hindanao copy of real
property ten declaration of all propertle8 asaegsed wlthln
their area of Jurisdiction.
SEC. 8. EXERTION. - The following are exempted from
payment of the real property tax:
a) Real property ot`rned by the Autoncunous Region in
Muslim Minda}}ao or any of its pollt,1cal 8ubdivi8ions
except when the beneficial use thereof has been granted
for i___ _ \ ,
consideration or otri: to a taxable person;
b) Charitable ingtitutiong, churches, parsonages
or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, nan-stock,
nan-profit cemeteries and all lands, buildings, and
improvements actually, directly, and exclusively used
for religious] charitable or educational purposes;
c} All machineries and equipment that are
actually, directly and excluglvely used by local water
districts and government owned or controlled
corporations engaged in the supply and distribution of
water and/or generation and tpansmiBsion of electric
Machinery and equipment used for pollution control
and environment protection; and
a) All real property owned by duly registered
cooperatives as provided fc]r under R.A. No. 6938;
EXcept as provided herein, any exemption from payment
of real proper.ty tax previously gr`anted to, or
presently enjoyed by, all persons, whether natural or
juridical, including all government owned or controlled
corporations are hereby withdrat`rn upon the effeetivity
of this code.
The provisions hereof , notwithstanding
depreciation shall be made for machinery at a rate not
exceeding ten percent (10%) of its original cost or its
r'eplacement or reproduction cost {new) as the case may
be, for each year used; Provided, that the remaining
value for all kinds of machinery Shall be fixed at not
less than twenty {20%} percent of Such original or
replacement cost for so long as the machinery ig useful
and in operation.
e} Perennial trees and plants of economic value
except where the land upon whicin they grow is planted
pr.incipally t,o guch growt,h.
f ) Pasture or grazing lands or both acquired by
grant, purchase or lease from the public domain.
actually used for livestock production for five (5)
years beginning with the year of acquisition.
All the properties mentioned in this section shall
be valued for the purpose of assessment and I+ecords.
§EC. 9. TIRE OF PAYMENT. - The real property tax herein
levied Shall be due and payable on the first day of April.
However, at the discretion of the taxpayer, the tar due may
be paid without penalty in four equal installments: The
first installment on or before June 31, the Second
installment on or before September 30. The third
installment on or before December 30, and the last
installment, on or before Ma
two percent (2%) of the amount of the regional tax due for
each months c)1d delinquency or a fraction thereof until the
delinquent tax shall have been fully paid, shall be imposed
upon the taxpayer for his failure to pay the regional tax
due on the prescribed per.iod. In no case shall the total
penalty exceed twenty percent (20%) of the regional tax due.
SEC. 11. APPLICAEILITY CLAUSE. - The pertinent,
provisions of Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act No. Z5, Enown as
the .'Autonomoug Region ln Mugllm Hlndanao Local Government
Code of 1994 and such other pertinent laws shall apply to
all matters affec}ting propel`ty taxation.


SEC. 12. DEFINITION. - Real Property, fop purposes

of this tax, I.efers only to lands, buildings, and
machineries intended by the owner of the land or building
for an induE5try or works which may be carried in a building
or on a piece of land and which directly meet the needs of
the said industry c]r works.
"Euildingg" refer to all kinds of structures mar.e or
less permanently attached to a piece of land, excluding
those whicin are merely superimposed c>n the soil or movable
temporary structures.
SEC. 13. IMPOSITION OF Ten. - There is hereby levied a
regional tax on the sale, donatic}n, barter or on any other
mode of tl`ansfepring ownership of or title to zteal property
at the rate of one-tenth (1/loth) of one pereent (1%} of the
total consideration involved in the acquisition of the
property or of its assegsed value, whichever iB higher, or
in the absence of a specific consider.ation, the asgessed
value of the property.
SEC. 14. EXErml0N. - The transfer of real property
ownership pursuant to R.A. No. 6657 (Agrarian Reform Law)
or other pertinent regional laws that may be enacted by the
Regional ASBembly shall be exempt fpcim this ten within the
period of ten (10) years.
SEC. 15. PrmsoNS REQulRED TO PAY rmE Ten. - It shall
be the duty of the 8eller, donor, tran8feror, executor or
administrator to pay the tax herein imposed within Sixty
(60) days fr'om the date of the execution of the deed as
regards sale, barter, donation or any mode of trtansferring
ownership or from the date of the deBcendant'B death in the
case of transfer by guecesgion.
Except other.wiige provicled. payment of regional t,axes, fees
or charges made after the payments fixed in this code Shall
be subject to gurchargeg of twenty-five {25%) percent of one
percent {1%) of the regional tax plus interest at the rat,e
not exceeding two (Z%) percent per month of the unpaid
regional t,axes, fees or charges including surcharges until
such amocant is fully paid but in no case shall the total
interest on the unpaid amount or portion thereof exceed
thirty-Six (36) months.
sEc. 17. ADMINlsTRATlvE provlsloNs
a) The Register of Deeds of the Province, City,
or municipality Shall require the presentation of the
evidence of payment of this ta]c bcforg registering any
document, instrument or deed transferring real property
oimership. In appropriate cages, the Provincial, City
or Municipal Assessor chall also make the same
requirement before cancelling an old tax declaration
and issuing a new one in place thereof .
b) Notaries Public Shall furnish the Regional,
Provincial, City and Municipal Treasurer within thirty
(30) days, from the date of notarization before him or
any deed transferring ownership per title to any real
proper`ty wit.h a copy of Such deed.
SEC. 18. PENALTY CLAUSE. - Failure to pay the
regional tar. as provided for in Section 13 hereof within the
time I ixed herein, shall Subject the taxpayer to a surcharge
and interest, provided under Sect,ion 16. Article E, Chapter
11 of this Code.


SEC. 19. IlcosITION OF Ten. - There is hereby

levied a regional tar in addition to those that which is
imposed by the Local Government Units at the rate c)f one
fifth of one percent (1/5 o£ 1%) of the gr`oSs receipts for
the preceding calendar year of the busine88 of any pergorl
engaged ln the printing and/or publication of books,
leaflet.a, oaz`ds, poscer8, handbllla. certificaceg, receipts,
pamphlets, newspaper.a, magazines, reviews Qr bulletins and
others of Similar nature appearing at regular intervale5 with
fixed pz.1eeg af gub8eription and gale published ln the
Autonomous Region.

For a Printer ---------- P 16.00
For a Publisher -------- ~ 10.00
For a Printer & Publisher - - ~ 26.00

SEC. 20. EXCIIJSI0N. -The receipt from the printing

and/or publishing of books or other reading materials
prescribed by the Department of Education, Culture and
Sports, as school texts or reference Shall not be included
in the grtciss receipts sub.iect to the tax herein imposed-
SEC. Z1. TIIH OF PAYENT. - The regional tax shall be
paid once within the first twenty (ZO) days of April. In
case of newly gtaz`ted buginesB, the owner or opepator` of the
same Shall pay the corresponding tax prescribed in Section
19 hereof be for.e t,he business starts to operate and if the
business starts to operate after April 20, the ta:: shall
be reckoned from the beginning of the calendar quarter when
the business starts to operate.
When the business ls abandoned, the tax shall not be
exacted for the period longer than the end of the calendal`
year.. If t,he tax has been paid for the period longer than
the current quarter. the business ls abandoned, no I.efund of
the tax corresponding to the unexpired quarter or quarters
shall be made.
SEC. 22. SURqIAREE FOR RATE PAYMENT. - Failure to pay
the regional tax imposed in this article shall Subject the
taxpayer to a surcharge of twenty five percent (25%} of the
regional tax due, such surcharge to be paid at the game time
and in the same manner as the tax due.
SEC. 23. PENALTY CmusE. - Failurte to pay the regional
tax ag provided for in Section 19 hereof within t}1e time
fixed herein, shall subject the taxpayer to a surcharge and
inteztest provided under Section 16, Article a, CThapter 11 of
this Code.



Notwithstanding any exenption granted by anF law or other
special law. there ig hereby levied in addition to the tax
imposed by the national government and the local goverrment
units , a regional franchise ta3c of one fifth of one percent
(1/5 of 1%) on business holding franchise, to be based on
the gross annual receipts of the preceding year, realized
within the territorial jurisdiction of the Autononous
Region -
In the case of a newly started business where the
franchise is granted by the autonomouB regional government,
the tax shall be one-twentieth (1/20th) of one percent (1%)
of the capital investment. In the succeeding calendar year,
regardless of when they started to operate, the tax shall be
based c]n the gross receipts for the preceding calendar year,
Or any fraction thereof at t,he rate of one-half {1/2) of one
percent (1%).
Notwithstanding any exemption granted by any law op other
special law, there is hereby levied in addition to the tax
imposed by the national government or the local goverrment
units, a regional concession tax of one-half of one percent
{1/2 of 1%) of the amount imposed by the national or lc>cal
government units as the case may be. In the case of a newly
st,arted business where the concession is granted by the
autonomous regional government, the tax shall be one-
twentieth (1/20th) of one per.cent (1%) of the capital
investment. In the succeeding calendar year. I.egardleBg of
when they started to operate, the tax Shall be based on the
gross receipts for the preceding calendar year, or any
fraction thereof at the rate of one-half of one percent
(1/2 of 1%).

SEC. 26. TIIE 0F PAYMENT. -The tax herein pz`ovided,

based on gross receipts for the preceding year, Shall be due
and payable to the Regional Treasurer within the
twenty (20} days of April. Provided fur`ther, that if a
business subject to the Regional Franchise Tax is closed,
the franchise holder shall within twenty (20) days from Such
cessation of business, submit a certified statement of its
gross receipts realized during the undeclared portion of the
year and pay the tax due thereon.
In the case of the Regional Concessic}n Tax, the tax
herein pr'ovided shall be due and payable upon the approval
of the concession permit as a pre-requisite to the grant of
the permit to operate.
SEC. 27. PENALTY CIJIUSE. - Failure to pay the
regional tax as provided for in Sections 24 and 25 hereof
within the time fixed herein, shall subject the taJ€payer to
a Surcharge and interest provided under Section 16, Article
a, Chapter 11 of this Code.


§EC. 28. DEFINITIONS. ~ Whenever used in this


Amusement - ig a pleagurabl e d ive rs i on and
entertainment. It ig gynonymou8 to recreation, relaxation,
avocation, past time or fun which charges admission fee.
Azmigenent places - include, video macnlneB, sing-along
joints. video film showings, skating I.ings, golf courses,
switlming pools, bowling alleys, resortg] Stadium. gymnasium,
coliseuns. theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circugeg, and
Other places of amusement where one seeks adrission to
entertain himself by geeing/viewing t,he show or performance.
It, includca those places where one Seeks admission to
entertain himself by direct participat,ion.
SEC. 29. IMPOSITION OF TAX. - There ig hereby levied
in additicin to the tax levied by the local government unit,
a regional amusement tax at the rate of five percent (5%) of
the admission fee be collected from t,he proprietors,
lessees, ori operators of t,heaters, cinema, coricert hall.
circuses and other places of amusement,
SEC. 30. IIANNER OF cOMrurlNG TAX. - The amusement ten
on paid admis8ion8 should be determined on the basis of the
basic amount of the admigBion.
SEC. 31. ExmRTION. - The tar ner`eln lunpoaed EIhall not
apply where the admission fees are collected for and in
behalf of the holding of operas, concerts, dr`anag, recitals,
painting and art exhibitions, flower shows, musical
programs, literary and oratorical presentations, except film
exhibitic>ns and radio or phonographic records thereof .
SEC. 32. TIRE OFPAYMENT. -The tax herein imposed
Shall be due and payable by the propl.ietor, lessee, or
operator concerned. within the first ten (10) days of the
Succeeding month for which they are due. In the cage of
itinerant operator concerned, within the day before they
move out. In the cage of theaters, or cinemas, the tee
herein prescribed shall first be deducted and withheld by
the propr.ietors, lessee, or operators of the theaters,
cinemas, and remitted to the Regional Treasurer or hl8 duly
atlthorized deputy before the groB8 receipts are divided
betveen the proprietors, 1eage8 or operators of the theaters
or cinen}a8 and the di8trlbution of the clnematographic
sEc. 33. ADMINlsTRATlvE provlsloN§.
a,) Filing of Return - Upon payment of the tar
due the proprietor, le88ee, or operator Shall submit a
containing the abstract of_ _ the number +Ir-
____ ..---,-- ~
of tickets
gold and unsold or distributed or undl8tribuced, and
the kinds of tickets. their quantity and ser
numbers, and their correspondlpg admission prices. ial

b) Form of Ticket; their regigtration ~ Every
proprietor, leE!see, or operator liable to the amusement
taac shall provide tickets which shall be serially
numbered, indicating therein the name of the amusement
place and the charge for adrisgion. All tickets tc> be
used whether regular, Special or complementary t;icketg,
or employees passes Shall be registered with the Bureau
of Internal Rgvenue (EIR) purguant to EIR Ruling No.
75-003 dated May 7, 1975 ag implemented by the
pr.ovisions of §eetion 17 of Revenue Regulations No. V-
1, otherwise knot`rn as the ..Bookkeeping Regulatlon8...
The issuance of employees pasgea shall be limited
to the employees of the anuaenent place who have a
direct hand in the administration and operation
The use of slugs and others for admission tickets
Shall be authorized. Tickets presented at the gate
entrance shall t}e cut into halves, the first half to be
retur.ned to the customer, and the second half to be
retained by the management for accounting purposes.
a) Notice of AdmiBgion Price ~ Operator Qf places
issuing admission tickets shall keep a notice to that
effect which shall be immediately sent to the Regional
Treasurer or his authorized deputy and a notice shall
be continuously posted in the place of business for the
information of the public.
a) Verification of Tickets - The Regional
Treasurer shall, whenever he deems it necessary for the
good c}f the service, post his duly authorized
representative at the gates of amusement places for the
purpose of verifying all tickets sold
AND FILIHG 0F mAunJREIT RETunl. - Any person #ho willfully
fails to file a return and remit the taxes withheld within
the tine aa herein required, or who files a fraudulent
return, or willfully makes a false return, shall be sub.iect
to a fine of fifty percent {50%) of the correct amount of
the regional taJ{ due in addition to the Surcharge interest
and/or penalties Dr®vided in this article.
SEC. a5. APPLICAEILITY CIAUSE. - All other mttepg
relating to the operation of amusement places or
establishaentB Shall be gover+ned by the pertinent laws,
rules and regulations as may be applicable.
§EC. 36. PENAI,TY CIAU§E. - Failure to pay the
regional ten as provided for in Section 29 hereof within the
time fiji-ed herein, shall subject the taxpayer to a Bureharge
a-A interest
&..L_.__ _L provided
__ _ under 16, Article a, Chapter
11 of this Code.


SEC. 37. DEFINITION. - Then used in this Article -

Calling -ineans one+a regular business, trade,
profession, which does not require the passing of an
appropriate gover>nment board or bar examination, Such
ag professional actors and actresses, hostesses,
masseurs, cormercial stewards and stewardesses and
such other of the same nature or character.
occupation -means one's regular business or
employment activity which principally takes upon one-a
time, thought and energies. It includes any call`ing,
business, tr.ade, profession or occupation. Profession
means a calling which required the passing of an
appropriate gover.nment board or bar examination, such
as the practice of law, medicine, public accountancy,
engineering, eta.
Real Estate Broker - includes any person, other
than a real estate salesman ag hereinafter defined, who
for another promise or receiving compensation; (1)
sells or offers for sale, buys or offers to buy, lists,
or solicits for prospective purchasers, or exchange of
real estate or interest therein; {2) or negotiate
loans on real estate; (3) c}r leases or offers to lease
or negotiate the same, purchase or exchange c)f a lease
or rents or place fort rents from real estate or
improvement thereon; (4) or shall be employed by or on
behalf of the owners of lots or other parcel of real
estate at a stated salazty or commission, or other"rise,
to sell such real estate or any parts thereof in lots
or parcels.
Real Estate Saleenan - means any natural regularly
employed by a real estate bz+oker to perform in behalf
of such broker any or all of the functions of a r'eal
estate broker. One act of deflnitlonB does not include
a person who shall directly perform any of the acts
aforesaid with reference to his own property, where
such acts are peltformed in the pegulap eoupge of op as
incident to the management of such property; nor shall
they apply to persons acting pursuant to a duly
executed power of attorney from t,he owner authorizing
final consunptictn by performance of a contract
conveying real estate by Bale, mortgage or lease, nor
Shall they apply to any receiver, trustee or a8sienee
in bankruptcy or insolvency, or to any person acting
pursuant to the order of any court; nor to a trustee
selling under deed of trust

Stoclbroker - includes all per5onc5 whose buginegs
it is, for themselves ag such brokers, or. for other
brokers, to negotiate purchase or sales of stocks.
bonds, exchange bullion, coined money, bank notes,
promigsory notes. or other securities, but does not
include underwrlterg for one or more investment
cc>mpanieg as defined in the Investment Company Act.
Dealer in Securities ~ includes all persons Who.
in their own account. are engaged in the Bale of Stock,
bond. exchange, bullion, cclined money, bank notes,
promissory notes, or other. securities.
SEC. 38. IMrosITI0N 0F TAX. - There ia hereby levied
on, in addition to the tax imposed by the local government
unit,a on all indivic}uals engaged in the exercise or practice
of their profession or calling in the area of autonomy, an
annual professional tax as follows:
a) Twenty Five {PZ5.00} Pesos
Medical Pr`actitioner.s
Interior Decor.ator.a
Certified Public Accountaritg
Civil, Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical
Hining, Sanitary, Agriculture, Geodetic
Electz.onic and Communication, or Chief
Motor Engineers
Mechanical Plant Engineers, Junior Mechanical
Engineers and Certified Plant Mechanics
unless they are professional Mechanical
Engineers and have paid the corresponding
fixed tax for Hechanical Engineers.
Medical Technologist
Insurance Agents and Sub-Agents
Customer Broket`s
Marine Surveyors
Registered Haster Plumber
Commercial Aviators
Professional Apprai8ers or Connoisseurs
of Tobacco and other. domestic or forteign
Licensed Ship Ha8terg
Marine Chief Engineepg
Master Mariners
Naval Architect
Sugar Technc.logist
Real E8tate Broker
Stock Broker
Profe8gora or Inetructorg of private
universities, a and vocational schools
b) twent,y (P20.00) Pesos
Land Surveyors
Cthief Hates
Marine Second Engineers
Registered Nurse
Professional Actors and Actresses
Stage Performers
Commercial Stewards and Stewal`degses
Flight Attendants
Insurance Adjugters
Toupigt Guides
Bet Takers
Cockfight '.Sentenciador"
Players of Professional Games
Professional Boxers
Midwives, unless he or` she ig a registered
nurse and has paid the corresponding tax for
Chemists, unless he or che ig a registered
chemical engineer and has paid the corresponding
occupation tax for chemical engineers.
Associate and Asgigtant Electrical Engineers,
unless he or she ig a profesBiQnal Electrical
Engineer and has paid the corresponding occupation tax
for Electrical Engineers.
Thez`apist, unless he or She is a registered
nurse and has paid the corz`esponding tax for
c) Ten Pesos (Plo.00)
Hilot (pars-medic)
Quack Doctors/Faith Healer's
SEC. 39. I)UTIES OF proFESSIONALS. -Every person
Subject to the professional tajc shall write in t,he deeds,
receipts, prescriptions, reports, books of account, plans
and designs, surveys and maps, as the case may be, the
number and date of the official

SEC. 40. PAYMENT 0F TRE TAX. - The professional tajc
Ethall be paid before any profession herein specif led can be
lawfully pursued ancl one line of profession or calling does
not become exempt by being conducted with gone other
profession or calling for which the tar has been paid.
SEC. 41. TIREOFPARENI. - The professional tar
imposed in this Article Einall be payable annually on or
before the Slat day of April. Any person beginning a
profession or calling after the month of April must pay
the full tax before engaging therein.
EEC. 42. PIACE OF PAYRENT. - Every individual legally
authorized tc> practice his profe88ion or pursues his
calling in the Autonomous Region in ifeslin Mindanao, shall
pay the tax that accrue to the Autonomous Region herein
imposed in the province, City or mmicipality as the Case
may be, where one practices his profession.
Where an individual practices his profession or pursues
his calling in several places but maintain his principal
office in the area of autonomy, he shall pay the tax in
the province, city or municipality as the case may be where
his principal Off ice is maintained.
The Provincial, City, or Municipal Treasurer, as deputy of
the Regional Treasurer who within ten (10) days following
the end of the month, shall remit the collected tax to the
Regic]nal Treasurer.

a} The Provincial, C!ity or the Municipal

Treasurer, aB deputy of the Regional TI'easurer shall
accept payment of the regional ta]ges in addition tQ
what the province regularly imposed.
b) Any individual or corporation employing a
person required under the article to pay a privilege
tax on profession shall require payment by that pepgon
of the tax before employment and annually thereafter.
c} Any person 5ubtiect to the professional tax
shall write or print in deeds, receipts, prescriptions,
I.eports, book of accounts, plans and deBigngs surveys
and maps, as the case may be, the number and date of
the official receipt issued to him.
SEC. 45. PENALTY CIAUSE. - Failure to pay the
regional t,ax as provided fc)r in Section 38 her.eof within t,he
t;ime fixed herein, shall subject the taxpayer to a surcharge
and interest provided under Section 16, Article 8, CThapter'
11 af this Code


SEC. 46. DEFINITION. - A peddler is a person who,

either for himsel±- or for commission, travels from place to
Place within the autonomouB region, and sells his goods or
offers to sell and deliver the same.
SEC. 47. IMPOSITION OF TAX. - There is hereby leviecl
a regional tax on pecidlerg engaged in the sale of any
merchandise or article of commerce within the Autonomous
Region. except those sub.ject to the tax imposed in Article
H, C:hapter 11 of this Code, at the rates fixed as follows:
a} Peddlers of any articles or merchandise
Carried in trucks or any other motor vehicle displavecl
in a market place ------- 815.00.
b) Peddlers of any articles or ner'chandise
Carried ln a motol.ized bicycle, tricycle op other than
those specified in letter (a) above --P5.00.
c} Peddlers of any articles or merchandise
carried by cart, caretela or other vehicle drarm. by
animals ------- £3 . 00 .
d} Peddlers of any article or merchandise carr'ied
by bicycle. pedicab or other similar vehicle -----
- P2.OO.

e) Peddler's of any other articles or merchandise

carried by person ----- E1.00.
f) A peddler of textile, jewelry, perfume and
other luxury articles shall pay an additional tax of
Twenty Pesos (P20.00).

•shall SEC. 48. TIRE OF PAYRENT. - The tar herein imposed

be payable ever.y time the merchandise are displayed in
the market.


SEC. 49. IREOSITI0N OFTAX. -There is hereby

levied an annual regional tax of ten percent {.10%} of the
amount imposed by the local government units on each
delivery truck or van of manufacturers op producers of , or
dealer in products, delivering or distributing directly.
within the area of autonomy the following:

Distilled spirits, fermented liquor. Soft drinks
by the
cigars and cigarettes and other products carried
delivery truck or van.

SEC. 50. r"E 0F RmllTTENCE. - Ihe regional tax shall

be remitted by the duly authorized deputy within fifteen
(15} days after collection to the Regional Treasury.
SEC. 51. PENALTY CLAUSE. - Failure to pay the
regional tar as provided for in Section 48 hereof wit,nln t,he
time fixed her.ein, Shall sub.iect the taxpayer to a sur.charge
and interest provided under Section 16, Article 8, CThapter
11 of this Code.


SEC. 52. IMPOSITION OF TAX. - There is hereby

levied a regional tax of ten {10%} percent in addition to
the amount imposed by the local goverrment units per cubic
meter of c}rdinary stones, Sand, gravel, earth, pebbles,
boulder8` and other materials extracted from public and
private lands or from beds of seas. lakes, rivers. streams,
creeks, and other public waters, within the ciurisdiction of
i,he Aubc}nomous Region.

SEC. 53. ExmpTION. - Government agency and its

intrunentalities undertaking construction of government
infrastructure Shall be exempt from the payment of the
regional tax herein prescribed.
SEC. 54. Tnff OF R"ITTANCE. - The regional ta.I shall
be remitted by the Local Gc}vernment Treasurer to the
Regional Treasury within fifteen (15} daFg after collection.

a) Filing of permits - A copy of the permit

issued by the lTh;Thief Executive of the local government
units to extract the materials within their territorial
jurisdiction shall be fur'nished the Regional Treasur'er.
b} Quarterly Reports - All permits Shall be
Submitted within ten {10} days after the end Qf each
calendar months to the treasurer concerned, a sworn
report in which shall include information on the
quantity of materials removed or` taken by the permit,ee
or his agent, t.he amount of fees paid] the selling
price and the names and addresses of persons to whom
the same were sold.
The Local Gc>vernment Treasurer shall in turn
furnish the Regional Treasur'y a copy of said repor.I.

a) The permittee shall prc)vide himself with book
of accounts. cash invoices. delivery receipts and other
papers pertaining to his business which shall be open
fort examination and verification upon demand by the
Regional Treasurer or his duly authorized
representative, during office hours, not often than
once a year.
SEC. 56. PENALTY CLAUSE. - Failure t,a pay the
regional tax as provided for in Section 52 hereof within the
time fixed herein, shall sub.iect the taxpayer to a Surcharge
and interest prc>vided under Section 16, Article a. Chapter
11 of this Code.



SEC. 57. IMPOSITION OF FEE. - There shall be

levieci an annual regional perimit, and service fee in addition
to that imposed by the local government units at the I.ate of
ten percent (10%).
SEC. 58. TIME 0F REMITTANCE. - The regional tax shall
be remitted to the Regional Treasury within fifteen (15)
days after collection.
When the regional permit fee and service fee has been
paicl fc>r a period longer than the current quarter and the
business or activity is abandoned within the year for which
the regional permit fee or service fee has been paid for, no
refund shall be made of the regional fee or service fee
corresponding to the unexpired quarter.
Goverunent Unit Treasurer concerned of Shall Submit a
quarterly report to the Regional Treasurer indicating
therein the name of bu8ineBs, type/kind and amount of
permit/fee paid.



SEC. 60. IMPOSITION OF TAX. - There Shall be leviec]

a regional fee in addition to that imposed by the local
government units at the rate of ten (10%) percent.

SEC. 61. rlRE OF REMITTANCE. - The regional tax
be remitted to the Regional Treasury within I ifteen
days after collection.


SEC. 62. "POSITION FEE. - There shall be collected

by the following Regional Secretary's fees from ever.y person
requesting for copies of official recor'dB and documents from
the regional government.
a) ` For every one hundred (loo) words or fractlon8
thereof , typewritten/computerized {not including the
certificate and any notations) ----- 81.00
b) Whet.e the c}opy to be furnished is in a printed
form. in whole or in part, for each page (double this
fee if t,here are two pages in a sheet) ---- P2.00
c) For each certificate of correctness (with seal
cif office written on the copy or at,tached in a sheet-) -

a) For certifying judicial certificates with seal

- -Plo.00

e) For certified copies of any paper, record,

decree, judgment or. entry for which any person ig
entitled to demand and received a copy (in connection
with .judicial For each loo words ----
Plo . 00

f ) Photocopy or any other copy produced by

copying machine per page ---------- P2.00
SEC. 63. EXEMPTION. - Tbe fee imposed in this ar.ticle
shall not be collected for copies furnished other offices
and branches of the government for off icial business except
for those copies required by the court at the request of the
litigants. in which cases. the charge shall be in accordance
with the above schedule.
shall be paid to the agency concerned at the time of the
I`equest, writt,en c}r otherwise, for the issuance of a copy of
any record or document is made. The fees collected by the
agency concerned shall be remitted to the Office of the
Regional Treasury within thirty (30) days after
§EC. 65. PENALTY. - Any violation of this ar'ticle shall
be liable to a fine of not less than five hundred {P500)
pesos nor more than five thousand (£5,000.) pesos withc)ut
preLiudice to the filing of an administrative charge and/or
criminal case.



required under existing laws or ordinances to undergo
medical examination in the Regional Health Office.
Autonomous Region in Muslim Hindanao, or his duly authorized
representative shall pay a regional Service fee of f ive
(P5.00} pesos . In addition to those imposed by the local
government units, a fee of two (EZ.00} peBog shall be paid
by an individual who undergoes stool or urine examination-
The result of the medical/physical or stool/urine
examination shall be contained in a medical ceptifieate to
be issued by the Regional Health Office, Autonomous Region
in Muslim Mlndanao or his duly authorized representative.
The fee Shall be paid to the agency concerned and
remitted to the Regional Treasurer within thirty (30) days date of collection.
Health Office` Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao shall
keep a record of medical and other health examinations
conducted, and copies of medical certificate issued,
including the names of the individual, the dates and the
purposes for which such e.xamination werte made.
SEC. 68. PENALTY. -Any violation of this article Shall
be liable to a fine of not less than five hundred (P500}
pesos nor more than five thousand (P5,COO) pesos without
prejudice to the filing of administrative charge and/or
criminal case.



A.1 ~usE oF mINlclpAL wATERs As I,ce POND AND oTTrm

SEC. 69. IMPOSITION OF FEE. -There ig hereby
imposed in addition to the tax imposed by the local
government units an annual regional rental fee for the use
of city or municipal watezts a8 log pond and for other
commercial purposes in the area of autonomy at the rate of
twenty (PO.20) centavos per gquape meter of water space
-_._--_ 1 _ i

SEC. 70. TIRE 0F PAYMEHT. - The rental fee shall be
paid by the le§8ee ln full within the first twenty (20) days
of April.
In case of new businesses, the rental fee shall be due
immediately upon the approval of the lease contract.
For a lease acquired after. April 20. the rental fee
Shall be due immediately upon approval of the lease
contract. Where business covered by the rental is
abandoned or ceased to operate. the unexpired portion of the
rental Shall not be refundable.




Shariff Kabunguan Cultural Complex - shall mean the

Sharif±- Kabunsuan Complex located at the regional
government center comprising of t,he museum, mini
theaterE5, auditorium, mini library, and arcnive.




Other Autonomoug Government Facilities - Shall

mean all fi.xed owned by the autonomous
government which can be leased for the conduct of
trainings, Seminars, meetings and the like and other
income generating purposes.
SEC. 73. IrposITION. -There is hereby levied a rental
fee in the amount of two thousand (PZ,COO.00) pesos for the
use of Shariff Habunguan Chaltupal Complex and other
autonomous government facilities.
SEC. 74. REMIFTANCE. - The collection of the rental of
Shariff Kabunsuan Complex and other Autonomous Region in
Muslim Minclanao (ARHH) facilit,ies gnall be remit,ted t,a cne
Regional Treasurer. within ten (10) days after collection.
SEC. 75. PENALTY. - Any violation of this article shall




Equipment - Shall mean heavy or light equipment

ouned by the autonomous goverrment leased for
construction, demolition, excavation and other+a.
SEC. 77. IrmosITION. -There is hereby levied a rental
fee for the lease of equipmentE5 at the rate prescribed by
the Bureau of Equipments of the I)epartment of Public Works
and Highways or other coneermed agencies.
SEC. 78. TIME OF RmllTTANCE . -Rental fees herein
collected shall be I.emitted by the concerned collecting
agencies tQ the Regional Treasury ten (10) days after
co i leet ion .
SEC. 79. PENALTY. -Any violation of this article shall
be liable to a fine of not less than two thousand
(E2,C}OO.00) pesos nor more than five thousand (P5,000.OC))
pesos without prejudice to the I iling of administrative
charge .




SEC. 80. DEFINITION. - "Fighepy and Aquatic

Resources" include bangus fry, lapu~lapu fry, fish,seaweeds,
prawns, shrimps, oysters, crabs, corals, pearls. and other
aquatic r.e8ources caught/cultivated/cultured within the
SEC. 81. IMPOSITION 0F TJex. - In addition to the tax
imposed by the local government units. there is hereby
levied one~fourth of one percent {1/4 of 1%) of the
declared value of bangus fry. Iapu-lapu fry, fish. Seaweeds
crabs, prawns, ghpimps, oysters, corals, pearls in all.y form
and other aquatic resources caught/cultivated/cultured
within the region and shipped or sold.
SEC. 82. PROCEDURE. - The collection of the tax herein
imposed shall be remitted by the local government collecting
officer. concerned within thirty (30) days from collection
t,herec)f t.o the Regional Treasurer. Provided however., in the
case of the collection of the Department of Agriculture and
Fisheries, Autoncunous Region in Muslim Mindanao, (DAF-ARE}
it should be remitted in accordance with the Department of
Finance Order No. 57-94. The Depai`tment. of Fisheries,
Autononous Region in thislim Hindanao (DAF-AREN) may call on
any law enforcement agencies to assist them in the effective
enforcement, of this Provision.
SEC. 83. PROHIBITION. - It shall be unlawful for any
person. cooperative, partnership, association or corporation
to take or catch f ish or other aquatic products for
cormiercial pnrposes in the regional waters of Autonomous
Region in Huslim Hindanao without the necegsar'y Permit or
license issued by the Department of Agriculture ancl
Fisheries. AutonomouB Region in Muslim Mindanao (DAB-AR").
SEC. 84. LEASE OF FISIPOND AREAS. - A levy of two
percent (2%`) in addition to that which ig imposed by t,he
local government units shall be imposed on the amount o±-
leage entered into by goverrment entities for the lease of
f ishpond§ within the area of autonomy not otherwise covered
under Section Z4. Article D. Chapter 11 of this code.
The amount of thistaxshall be collect,ed by the
gover`nment ent,it.y concerned upon approval of the lease
agreement and sriall be remitted to the Regional Treasury.
Autc}nomoug Region in Muslim Mindanao not later than the loth
day of the succeeding month.



A) Agricultural Product - includes the yield of

the soil such as corn, rice cassava wheat, rye, hay,
coconut, rubber, palm oil sugapeane. tobacco, root
crops` vegetables, fr.uits like coffee, marang, banana,
mango, lansones and other fruits, flowers and t,heir by-
prQductB, ordinary salt, all kinds of fishes, poultry.
livestock and animal products` whether in their
original form or not.
The phrase '.whether in their oplginal form or not..
refers to the transformation of said products by the
farmer. fisherman, producer or owner through the
application of proc}egses tc> preserve or otherwise to
prepare said products for t.he marleec Such as freezing,
drying, salting, smoking or stripping fop purposes of
prese±`ving or otherwise preparing gaid products for the
market -
a) "Buyer or Purchager" is any person` natural or
.juridical, who buys or purchaae8 £ighing or
agricultural products in the area of autonomy.
SEC. 86. IMPOSITION 0F Ten. - A regional of one-
fourth of one percent (1/4 of 1%) 18 hereby levlec} in
addition to the tee imposed by the local goverrment units on
sale of agricultural products.
SEC. 87. REMITTANCE. - The tax herein collectecl shall
be remitted to the Regional Treasury within ten {10) days
after collection bv concer`ned collecting officials or
agents .




a.} "Regional Wealth" means all natural resources

situated within the Autonomous Region in Hu8lim
Mindanao territorial `iuri8diction including but not
llmlted to lands of public domain, waters, minerals.
coal, petroleum, mineral oils, potential energy forces.
gas and oil deposits, foregt„ forest products.
wildlife. flora and fauna. fishery and aquatic
resources and all quarry products.
b) Utilization - means the use of the regional
wealth of the Autonomous Region for pz.oductive purposes
:::]yind::tri:]S:;]o:::€:n:nd :=¥::::tionlt :::::at::::
extraction and development.
a) Operator -includes the owner, manager,
administrator or any other person who operates or is
r`esponsible for the operation of a business
establishment or undertaking.
SEC. 89. IMPOSITION OF TAX. - A levy of one-half of one
percent (1/2 of 1%) of the gI`oss sales or receipts der.ived
from the utilization, development and exploitation of the
regional wealth from the operator shall be imposed.
SEC. 90. PROCHDURE OF COLHCTI0N. - It shall be
responsibility of the Office of the Regional Treasury
coordination with the concerned collecting agency
effecting this collection. The anc>unt Collected shall
I-emitted by the concerned collecting agencies to
Regional Treasury within ten (10) days after collection.
SEC. 81. PENALTY. - Any violation of this ar+ticle shall
be liable to a fine of not less than five thousand
(E5`OOO.00) pesos nor more than twenty thousand (E!ZO,000.00}
pesos without prejudice to the I iling of adminiE}trative



a} Travel -means any trip going c}ut clf the

region from an airport. Seaport or land ter`minal in the
b} Passenger - einy person whc) travels on an
airplane a sea vegBel or land ter`mlnai embarking on
any airpor.t/Seaport/land terminal going Qut8ide the
ar`ea of autonomy.
SEC. 93. IlffosITI0N OF TAX:

a) A travel tax of five {'P5.0ll} peBOB Should be

imposed on a ship pasgenger embarking from the seaports
within the area of autonomy going outside of the
region .
b) A travel tax of ten (Plo.00} pesos should be
impo8ecl for every airline passenger from the
airport within the area of autonomy going outside of
the region.
c} In the cage of Ship paggengert the i"pogition
should be collec*ed by the Shipping company cir operator
as an add~on charge on every passenger ticket isoued to
the concerned passenger.
d) The tax on the concerned airline passenger
EShould be collected by the airline company as add-on
charge upon the iBguance of the airline ticket.
e} The collection of th£ E5hipping company and the
airline Company Should be remitted to the Regional
Treasury in Such manner as may be agreed upon hy the
Autonc}mous Government and the shipping or+ airline
company, for the effective implementation of this taJ[.



a} AFFLUENT CONS{JIprloN ~ means exgenaeB for

construction of luxurious hQuges anc} facilities for
private use.
b) LUXURIOuS CONSTRICTION ~ includes houses
coating over Five Million (85,000.000.00} pe8oB and
above with facilities such aB but not limited to
swimming pools, pelota courts, tennis courts, and
basketball courts for private use.

a) One-fifth percent {i/5%} iB hereby levied to

the cost of the constr.uction in addition to the tax
imposed by the local government units on houses with
facilities cogtlng Five Million (P5,OOO,OOO.00} Pesos
and above.
b) The regional tax should be collected upon
issuance of the building or construction permit as
additional charges by the issuing agency.
c) The collection should be remitted to the
Regional Treasury, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
(ARIM) on or before the loth day of the succeeding



a) BARTER TRADE - means the exchange of goods

between residents of the autonomouB region and other
countries; and
b) EIARTFR TRADER - means an individual or entity
qualified to engage in barter trade.
SEC. 97. IMPOSITION 0F TAX. -A levy of one-half of one
percent (1/2 of 1%) is hereby imposed on the purchase cost
of all barter goods brought into the area of autonomy.
In order to strictly enforce this imposition, the
Office of the Regional Treasurer, Autonomoug Region in
Muslin Mlndanao is hereby authorized to inspect books and
other related documents necessary to deter`mine the true
value of the goods purchased. Itmay call on any law
enforcement ageneieg to assist it ln the effective
enforcement of this provision.
The Office of tine Barter Trade should remit their
collections to the account of the Regional Treasury,

ARIlcLE a. coNTRAcroRs TAx


includes persons, natural or juridical, not subject to a
professional tax under Section 145 of the Autonomous Region
in Muslim Mindanao Local Cfovel.rment Code o£ 1994, ("A Act
No. 25) whose activity Qonsigts essentially of the gale of
all kinds of services for a fee, regardless or whether or
not the performance of the service calls for the exercise or
use of the physical or mental faculties of such contractor
or his employees.
It is deemed synonymous with the term I.Builder" and
hence, any person who undertakes or offers to undertake or
submits a bid to, or does himself or through others,
constructs, alters, repairs, adds to, subtracts from,
lnproveg, moves, uneQks or demollshe8 any building, highway,
road, railroad excavation or other structure, or work in
connection therewith. The term "contractor'. includes sub-
contractor, general engineering, general building, specialty
and service contractors, a8 defined under- applicable laws;
1.) A "General Englneerlng Contractor.. is a
person whose principal contracting business is in
connection with fixed works requiring specialized
engineering knowledge and Skill , including the
following divisions or subjects; ipplgation, drainage,
water power, water supply, flood control, in-land
waterways, harbors, docks and wharves, shipyards, and
ports, dams, hydra-electric projects, levees, river
control and r`eelanation works, railroad, highways,
waste reduct ion plants , br idgeg , overpasses ,
underpasses and other similar works, pipelines, and
clther System for the transmission of petroleum and
other liquid or gaseous substances, land leveling and
earth moving projects, excavation, grading, trenching,
paving and surfacing works, filling demolition, and
salvage work contractors, persons engaged in the
installation of gas or electric light] heat energy or
power, and all of similar works not specifically
provided herein.
2.) A "General Eulldlng Contractor" is a person
whose principal eontpaeting business is in connection
with any structure built, being built, or to be built,
for the support, shelter and enclosure of persons,
animals, chattels or movable property of any kind
requiring in its construction the use of more than two
unrelated building trades or crafts, or to do or
superintend the whole or any part thereof . Such
structure includes gewera and Sewerage, dlgpogal plants
and systems, par`ks, playground and other recreational
works , refineries , chemical plants and similar

industrial plants, requiring specialized engineering
]mowledge and skill, powerhou8eg. and other utility
plants and ingtallatlons, mines and metallurgical
plants, cement and concrete works ln connection with
the above-mentioned fixed works. All other similar
works not speclf ically provided herein.
A person who mel`ely furnished materials op
Supplies Wltihout fabricating them into, or eonguming
them ln the performance of the work of the general
building contractor does not fall within this
def inlt ion .
3.) ..Specialty Contractor" ig a person whose
operations pertain to the performance of construction
work requiring special skill and whoE!e principal
contracting business involves the use of Specialized
building trades op crafts.
4.) A "Service contractor" - 1s any per.son
principally rendering or offering services whether by
manual labor, the use of expertise or with the use of
facilities or macinine for a fee, and Shall include
engraving , plating , and plast ic laminat ion
establ ishmentE} ; photo-statg , white/blue pr int ing ,
reproduction or duplicating egtablishnent , photograph
studios; motor r`epair, and welding shops; proprietors
or operators of establishments for eongtruction oz`
repairing , repaint lng , upholgteplng , washing or
gI`easing of motor vehicles, animal-drawn vehicles,
tricycles, heav]r equipment; vulcanizing, recapping and
auto electrical Services; battery charging; proprietors
or operator+a of furmlture shops; establishments for
planning or surfacing and recutting of lumber, and
sawmills under contract to saw or cut logs belonging to
others; proprietors or operators of dl'y cleaning or
dyeing establishments, Steam laundr.ies using washing
machines; proprietors or owners of BhopB fort the repair
of tools, instruments, appar`atug and appliances;
furniture and Shop repairing by machine or by any
mechanical contrivance; proprietors or operators or
eBtabliahments of stables, garages or lots for. parking
puppo=eg, public waz`ehouses and bodegag; berthing and
wharfage, drafting or towing services; proprletora or
operators tailor and dregs shops milliners and hatter.a;
beauty parlors, barberghops, massage and therapeutic
clinics, sauna Turkish and Swedlah baths; Slenderizing
and body building Baloong and Bimilal. establishments;
funeral parlors, proprietors op operators of hotels]
motels and lodging houses; boar`ding hougeg, 1easor8 of
real estate.
SEC. 99. Il@OSITION OF TAX. - A levy of one percent
(1%) tax of the contract price in addition to the
contractor-a tax imposed by eau of Internal Revenue

(EIR) and other agencies, for contract,a such as, but not
limited to, construction of roads, bridges, buildings,
contracts for services of any kind, land surveys and
reforestation entered into or undertaken by the AutonomouB
Region in lfuslim Hindanao {AR") or its ageneieg, provinces,
cities, rmnicipalities and barangays within the ar.ea of
autonony .
SEC. loo. PmcEDUREJ - The I+eglonal tax should be
I'etained by the contracting agencies or local government
units and shall be remitted to the Office of the Regional
TreaBurel`, Autonomoug Region ln Muslim Mlndanao not latez`
than the loth day of the succeeding month.
A copy of the contract enter.ed into by the Autononous
Region in Muslim Mindanao, its agencies or its local
gover.nment units shall be furnished to the Office of the
Regional Treasurer.
SEC. 101 PENAIJTY CLAUSE. - For failur.e to remit the
regional tax herein provided within the time Specified shall
subject the withholding agency to a twenty {25%) percent
surcharge based c>n tax due, without prejudice for the filing
of appropriate administrative charges.


SEC. 102. DEFINITION OF TE". - Banks and other

flnanc ial inst itut ions include bank financ ial
lntermediarieB, lending inveE]tors, finance and investment
Companies, pawnshops] money shops, inBur`ance companies,
stock mar.kets, stock brokers and dealer+a of BecuritieB and
foreign exchange ag defined under applicable laws or rules
and regulations thereunder.
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. - There shall be imposed, levied and
collected by the regional government a business tax on banks
and other financial institutions doing buslnegB within its
territorial jurisdiction at the pete of one-fifth (1/5) of
one percent {1%) of the grogB annual receipts for the
Preceding calendar year dez`1ved from llieel-e5b, cc.mmi5sioriB
and discounts from lending and gelling activities, income
from financial leasing, dividends rentals on pz.operty,
Profit from exchange or sale of property and insurance
premium, in addltlon to business tax on baLnkB and other
financial institutions imposed by the Local Gover`nment

In the case of newly Started banks and other financial

inBtitutionB, the tax shall not exceed one twentieth
(1/20th) of one percent {1%) of the capital investment
within the area of autonomy. the succeeding calendar

year, regardless of when the businegg star`ted to opel`ate,
the tax shall be bagedon the gross receipts of the
preceding calendar or any fraction thereof ag provided in
this Section.
SEC. 104. COLIECTION AND TIRE 0F PAYlflBNT. - Collection
of the tax herein impesed shall be the responsibility of the
Regional Treasury.
Business taxes shall be paid within the first twenty
(20) days of January or of each subsequent quarter as the
case may be.
SEC. 105. PENAIJTY CIAUSE. - Except ag otherwise
provided. payment of regional taxes, fees or charges made
after the payments fixed in this code Shall be subject to
surcharges of twenty-five {25%) percent of the regional tax
plus interest at the r`ate not exceeding two (2%) percent per
month af the unpaid regional taxes, fees or charges
including surchar.ges until such amount is fully paid but in
no case shall the total interest on the unpaid amount or
portion thereof exceed thirty-six (36) months.




required to pay the tax ag pr.ovided for under` Section 3,
Article 10 of R.A. 6734. 1g likewise required under
Department of Finance (mF) Order No. 19-92, dated March 5,
1991. All corporations, partner.ships, and other bugineBs
entities dir.ectly engaged in bugineas or actually operating
its business within the AutonomouB Region must pay through
the regional government that portion of their annual income
tax corresponding to the net income generated from business
done in the al'ea of autonomy.
Officials and employees employed by the ARMM including
its I.GU-a ig hereby mandated to file their Income Tax
Return and pay the corresponding tax due thereon in the area
of autonony-
All individuals engaged in the exepclse or pl'actice of
their profession or calling in the area of autonomy, ar`e
likewise mandated to file and pay their income tax in the
area of autonomy.
T0 COLRECT. - For the purpose of this tax, the Revenue
Collecting Officers ape I.equired to collect a por'tion of
income tax from the corporations, partnershlpg and other
business entities directly engaged, in buginegs or actually

operating its business in the city or munlclpality of tine
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Collection Agent where the
I irma are located.
Collection Officers shall remit the collections to the
Regional Treasury, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
{AR") in accordance with the guidelines under Depaptnent of
Finance (DOE) Order No. 57-92dated July 20,1992 ag
§EC. 109. PENALTY CIAUSE. -Notwltgtanding the penalty
imposed by the Bureau of Internal Revenue and tine Department
of Finance Order No. 57-92 dated July 20, 1992 as amended,
the AutonomouB Government Shall imposed the penalty of Five
Thousand {P5,000.00) Pegog but not more twenty thousand
(PZO,COO.00) pesos without prejudice to the filing of
appropriate administrative and criminal case or closure of
its business opez.ations for failuz`e of the corporation,
partnership and other busineBB entities to pay that portion
of tax due to the Revenue Collection Agent of the Autonomous



1. Baz` ~ a place of entertainment dispensing

liquor and other alcoholic beverages, with or without
music and dancing Space, which does not employ and
provide hostesses or social entertainers to the public.
2. Eoardlng HouBe - includes any house where
boarderE) al.e accepted for compensation by the week or
by the month, and where nealg are Served to boarder`s

3. Cabaret/Dance Hall - includes any place or

establishment where dancing ig permitted to the public
in consider`ation of any admission, entrance or. any
other fee paid on before or after the dancing, and
where professional nogfeBBeB c]r danccrE omployod.
4. Dancing School - includes any egtabllghment
where ballroom dancing ig taught and permitted to the
public in consideration of an enz'ollment, admission,
membership, or any other fees.
5. Hotel -includes any house or building or
portion thereof in which any pel`son or persons may be
regularly harbored or I.eceived as tranBcients or guest.
A hotel shall be considered aa living quazttez+a and
shall have the privilege

and to serve food to the guests therein.
6. Nightclub - a place of enter`tainment
dispensing liquor and other alcoholic beverages, with
or without music and dancing space, which employ and
provide hostesses or social entertainers to the
EEC. 111. IlffosITION OF TAX. - In addition to the tax
imposed by the Local Government Units, there is hereby
levied a regional ta]c of ten (Plo.00) pesos for ever.y
adrisgion fee oz` on euBtomer or patron of
establiBhmentg enumerated below:
a) All gambling eBtablishmentB be they casinos,
jai- alai, cockpits or called by any other
b) Night clube! or day clubs;
c) Motels or any hotels classified ag drive-in
d) Massage clinics, steam baths and Sauna baths;
e) Eeerhougeg, cocktail lounges and bars;
f) Disco clubs and sing-along joints;
g) Cabarets and dance hall.
and/or operators of the above-mentioned establishments are
requil'ed to collect tine admission fee or chaz'ge and the sane
to be remitted/delivered to the Regional Treasury within ten
{10) days after the end of every month.



SupERvlsloN OVER provlNclAL, clH, MUNlclpAL, BAENCIA¥
TREASURES. - The Pr.ovincial, City, Municipal, Barangay
Tr`easuz+era are hereby deputized as collecting agents and
are undez` adrinigtliatlve supervision of the Regional
Treasurer, for the effective and efficient collection of
ta]L[es, charges and fees. Provided, the Regional Treasurer
nay deputize other persons or entities.


For effective enforcement and collection of the tazceB,

fees and charges provided in this code. the Regional
Treasurer may, by himself or tht`ough any of his deFmties
duly authorized in writing, examine the book of accounts
within the Jur`i§dietional limits Df the antont}moug region.
to verify, aggeBs and collect the true and correct amount
due from the taxpayer concerned. Such examination Shall be
made during regular business hours, not aft.en than once
every year for each business eBtabllshment. Any examination
conducted purguant to the provlsion8 of this section shall
be certified to by the examining official and such
certi£1cate Shall be made af records in the book of
accounts of the taxpayez` concerned.
In case where the examination herein authorized 18
by a duly authorized deputy of t,he Regional Treasurer,
imitten authority of the former Shall Specifically stat,e
name, addreg8 and bugine8s of the taxpayer whose book
accounts and per`tlnent records are to be exanlned,
examination date(a) and place of Such examination and
manner or procedure to be followed in conducting the same.
EEC. ii5. TAx roLIDA¥s/ExmerloN, INCENTlvES oR
RELIEF. - The Regional Assembly, may upon recommendation of
the Regional Governor, grant tax holidays/exemption,
incentives or relief to new foreign or local investors and
taxpayers, under Such and condition a8 they may deem
SEC. 116. pRormJlraATloN oF REIEs END REGULAvloNS. -
Unless otherwise spiecifically provided in this code, or`
under existing laws, rules and ref"lationB, the Regional
Tr®agurer is her.eby authorized to promulgate rules and
regulations for the remittance procedure not herein provided
so as to have proper and efficient administration and
collection of taxes. fees and chal`geg herein imposed.
sEc. 117. AunoRITy OF mu= REGIONAL, TREAsuRER ro
Coun"ISE. - The Regional Treasurer may ent,er into a
comprc}mi8e Settlement with the delinquent taxpayer provided
it is not, lower than the basic tax due. Provided
further, that the Regional Treasurer nay only compr.omige the
surcharge and/or interest of the delinquent taxpayer,
PRECH3EDS 0F REGIONAL TAXES. - The t.obal collections of a
Earangay, Municipality, Province or+ City from regional
taxes, fees and chaz`geg shall be diBtr.ibuted in accordance
with tht± ruleEI and regulations promulgated by the Regional

SEC. 119. GRANT 0F INCENTIVES. - The Regional Treasurer
may grant, incentives to Deputized Collection Officers, on a
case to case basis, subject to the rules and reailations
which shall be promulgated by the Regional Treasury.


SEC. 120. COLLECTION. - The collection of regional
taxes, fees, char`ges, surcharges and penalties accruing to
the Autonomous Region ln Mugllm Mindanao, Shall be the
responsibility of the Regional Treasurer or his duly
authorized deputies.
SEC. 121. ISSUANCE OF RECEIPTS. - It shall be the duty
of the Regional Treasurer or his deputies to iggue the
neeesBary receipt to person paying the tax, fee or charge,
indicating therein the date, amount, name of the person
paying and the account for which it is paid.
In actmowledglng payment of regional taxes, fees and
charges, it shall be the duty of the Regional Treasurer or
his duly authorized deputies to indicate on the official
receipt iBgued for the purpose, tthe number of the
corresponding regional tax law.
otherwise provided in this code and other existing laws
rules and regulations, all moneys collected by virtue of
this code shall be accounted for in accordance with the
provisions of existing laws, rules and regulations and
credited to the general fund of the Autononoug Region in
Muslin Mindanao.
§EC. 12a. RECORDS OF TAXPAYELS. - It Shall be the duty
of the Regional Treasurer to keep records, alphabetically
arranged, the naneg of all persons paying regional taxes,
fees, charges, ag far as practicable and Shall be made open
to public lnapection during office hours upon request. He
Shall establlch and update the appropriate tax roll for each
kind of tax, fee ol. charge provided in tiniB code.
AND roREITtJRES. -UnlegB otherwise provided by laws, rules
and I.egulations, fine costs, forfeitureg and other pecuniary
liabilities imposed by the court for the violation of any
provision of this code, shall accrue to the general fund of
the Autononous Region.
otherwise specifically provided in the applicable laws.
rules and regulations and in go as their natur.e permits

the remedies provided herein shall be for the collection of
delinquent taxes and other impositions provided in this
code. The Civil remedies available Shall be by distraint or
levy upon personal property and by legal action. Either of
the remedies or both maybe simultaneously pursued at the
discretion of the Regional Treasurer and other proper`
taxes, fees, charges and other revenues not paid constitute
a llen, Super.ior` to all 1ieng, cinar.ges or encumbrances in
favor of any person , enforceable by appr`opr late
admlnlEltratlve or judicial action, not only upon any
property or rights therein which may be Subject to the lien
but also upon property used in business, occupation,
praetiee of pr`ofesgic>n or calling] or exercise of privilege
with respect to which the lien ig imposed. The lien may
only be extinguished upon full payment of the delinquent
local taxes, fees and charges including related sur'charges
and interest.
sEc. 127. DlsTRAINI OF pERsONAL propERTy.

a) Seizure. - Upon failure of the person owing

any regional tax or other impositions to pay the same
at the time required, the Regional Treasurer or his
duly authorized deputy may upon written notice, seize
or confiscate any personal property belonging to that
person any personal property subject to tax lien,
except those properties/effects exempted from distraint
or levy undei Section 190 of the Autononous Region in
lfuglim Mindanao Local Government Code (MMA Act No.
25). in sufficient quantity to gatigfy the tax in
quest ion , together with any increment thereto
incidental to delinquency and the expenses of Seizures.
In this cage, the Regional Treasurer or. his duly
authorizec} deputy Shall iggue a duly authenticated
certificate based upon the record of his office showing
the fact of delinquency and the amount of the tax
penalty due.
b) Accounting of Dlgtrained Goods. - The officer
executing the diBtraint shall make or cause to be made
an account of the goods/effects dlgtz.alned, a copy of
which signed by himself shall be left with the person
from whom the poggession of goods or effects tyere
taken, or at the dwelling place of business of that
person and with someone of suitable age, and discretion
to which it Shall be added a Statement of the sum
demanded and notice of the time and place of gale.
c} Notlflcatlon/Publieatlon. - The officer
executing the diBtraint Shall within three (3) days
cause a notification to be exhibited in not less than
three {3) public places where the digtraint is made,

for properties or goods/effects with the value of not
more than Ttrentv Thousand PegoB ( P20 , 000. 00 )
Specifying the time and place of gale and the articles
distrained. One place for the posting of the notice
Shall be at the Office of the Regional Treasury.
Wher.e the distrained goods amounts to more than
Twenty Thousand Pesos ( P20,OOO.00), a publieatlon in
a newspaper of regional circulation Shall be made fort
three (3) consecutive isgueB.
d) Sale of dlgtralned goods/effects. - The tine
of gale Shall not be less than twenty (20) days after
the notice or publication to the ori7ner. or. posgegsor of
property as above Specified and the publication or
posting of the notice.
e) Release of DIBtz.aimed Property Upon payment
Prior to Sale. -If at any time prior to the
consummation of the Bale all proper. charges are paid to
tthe officer conducting the sale, the goods or effects
distz.aimed Shall be restor`ed to the owner.
f) Procedure of Sale. -At the time and place
fixed in the notice/publication, the officer Shall Sell
the goods op effects 8o dlstralned at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash. Within five (5) days
after the gale, the Regional Treasurer shall make a
report of the proceedings in wz.1tlng to the Regional
Governor copy furnish the Speaker of the Regional
Legislative Assembly.
Should the property distr.ained be not disposed
within One Hundred and Twenty (120) days from the date
of distraint, the game shall be considered ag sold to
the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao for the
amount of the asge8sment made thereon by the comznittee
on Appztaisal and to the extent of the same amount, the
tazc delinquencies Shall be Cancelled.
The Committee on Appraisal shall be composed of
the Regional and two members designated by
the Regional Governor, and one from member designated
by the RliA Speaker.
g} Dlgpogltlon of Proceeds. - The proceeds of the
sale shall be applied to satisfy the tax, together with
the increment thereto incident to delinquency, and the
expenses of the digtpaint and gale. Any balance over.
and above what ls required to pay the entire claim
Shall be returned to the owner of the property sold.
The expenses of the seizures and sale shall embrace
only the actual expenses c)f the gelzure and
preservation of the propeztty pending the gale, and no
charge shall be imposed the services of the
regional treasurer or his duly authorized deputy. Where
the pz`oceeds of the sale are insufficient to satisfy
the claim, other propertymay in like manner, be
distrained until the full amount due, including all
expenses are collected.


SEC. 128. PENALTY. - Any violation of the
provisions of this code not herein otherwise Covered by a
Specific penalty or of the rules and regulations prormlgated
under authority of this code shall be punished by a fine of
not exceeding ten thousand {E10,OOO.00) pesos oz' an
imprisorment of ncjt more than five (5) months or both, at
the discretion of the court. Payment of a fine or service
of impl`1sonment as herein provided Shall not relieve the
offender from the payment of the delinquent tax, fee op
charge imposed under thl8 code.
If the violation is cormitted by any jul`1dical entity,
the resident General Manager or any person entrusted With
the administration thereof at the same time of the
commission of the Violation Shall be held responsible c}r
liable thereof .


sEc. 129. CREATION oF ovERslcalT cro"ITTEE FOR Tlm

created an Civersight Conimittee whose task is to for.mulate
Implementing Guidelines for the efficient and effective
interpretation and implementation of this Code. Provided
further, the Oversight Committee shall be composed of the
Regional Treasurer as Chairman, the Chairman on Ways and
Means of the Regional Legislative Assembly as Vice-Chairman
and ten (10) members whose composition chall be five (5)
from the Executive Branch and five (5) the LegiBlatlve
Branch of the AEN. The five members coming from the
Executive Branch shall be recommended by the Regional
Tpeagurer for` approval of the Regional Gover`nop; while the
other five (5) members coming from the Legislative Er.anch
shall be recormended by the Chairman of Ways and Means
Subject to the approval of the Speaker of the Aasembly-
Provided furthermore, the Oversight Committee i8
fur.ther authorized to create a Secretariat Group that shall
assist the Oversight Committee on Secretarial works.
Provided finally, that the funding requirement for this
purpose shall be gourced from the unappropriated funds of
the Local Fund of the Autonomoug Region in Muslim Mindanao.

SEC. 130. SEPARAEII,ITY CIAUSE. - If for any reason,
any provision, section or part of this code ig declared
invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such
judenent shall not affect or impair the remaining
provisions, Sections op parts which Shall continue to
be in full force and effect.
SEC. 131. APPLICAEILITY CIAUSE. - All other matters
relating to impogltiong in this Code Shall be governed by
pert inent pz.ovl sion§ of exi st ing laws , rules and
regulations .
SEC. 1a2. REEPEALING CIAUSE. - All regional laws. I.ule8
and regulations or parts thereof which are inconsistent with
any proviglons of this code are hereby repealed, amended or
modified accordingly.
SEC. 133. EFFECTIVITY. -`This code shall take effect
thirty {30) days after its publication in three (3)
Consecutive issues in a newspaper of general circulation in
the area of autonomy.

``` ..`. `.,. +`.-.,: ,-.. `



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