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teacher T.V.Tuấn.

1. What sports do you like?

I’m a sports fanatic so I find a wide variety of sports appealing, especially team sports such as soccer
or basketball. I’m also drawn to a few dual sports like badminton or tennis. In terms of playing, I
usually participate in soccer games and swimming.

a sports fanatic: một người cuồng thể thao

team sports: đội thể thao
dual sports: thể thao kép.

2 Where did you learn how to do it?

Well in my country, soccer is the most ubiquitous sport and almost every boy has gone for a
kickabout once or twice in their life without having to take any training course. It’s the same thing
for my case. I just casually joined some matches with my peers since I was a kid and learned the skills

a kickabout: một cú đá
heuristically: theo kinh nghiệm.

3. Did you do some sports when you were young?

Yes I have mentioned above that I started playing soccer when I was little, in primary school to be
exact. We often had our pop-up games after school, with a makeshift plastic ball or sometimes we
even used a can to replace a ball, and we used our backpacks as the goalposts.

pop-up games: trò chơi có các hình dán, hình nổi trong trạng bật lên
makeshift plastic ball: bóng nhựa bánh nhựa
goalposts: cột khung thành.

4. Do you think students need more exercise?

Well I don’t have the precise figures but I think the number of children being overweight and leading
a sedentary lifestyle has increased. Therefore, I do think that students should work out more often

sedentary lifestyle: lối sống ít vận động.

part 2. Celebrities have always attracted great public attention all over the world, and I’d like to
tell you about a renowned Vietnamese singer.

Her name is My Tam and she’s been considered as the most successful singer, songwriter and
musical director of Vietnam for over two decades. Since her debut in the late 90s, she has received
numerous awards, including the ‘Artist of the Year’ for two consecutive years. I still remember when
I was a little girl, I was obsessed with her first major hit “Toc Nau Moi Tram” in her album Endless
Love, which sold thousands of copies nationwide. It stands to reason why My Tam is the queen of V-
Pop. She’s got a deep, powerful and distinctive voice that fits her into a variety of genres, including
pop, dance and rock.

Despite being one of the most popular artists, My Tam’s never stopped learning to give flawless
concerts and performances. She even collaborated with a Korean music producer since she was
unsatisfied with Vietnamese recording and studio techniques. As far as I know, she also took more
vocal training, dance lessons and expanded her music genres. Interestingly, she has also been the
coach for many big music contests, one of which is The Voice of Vietnam.
As opposed to other famous artists, she is known to lead a frugal life and made great contributions
to various charitable causes throughout her career. She established the My Tam Foundation, a
charity that has gone on helping the underprivileged in many parts of our country.

Từ vựng:

public attention: sự quan tâm của công chúng

renowned: nổi tiếng
be obsessed with: mê mệt
it stands to reason: rõ ràng, hợp lý
distinctive: riêng biệt
flawless: hoàn hảo
collaborate with: hợp tác với ai
vocal training: khoá luyện giọng
coach: huấn luyện viên
consecutive: liên tiếp
lead a frugal life: sống 1 cuộc sống khiêm nhường
charitable causes: các tổ chức từ thiện
the underprivileged: những người có hoàn cảnh khó khăn

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