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EC type-approval

Number T6734 revision 6
Project number 812502
Page 1 of 6

Issued by NMi Certin B.V.

Hugo de Grootplein 1
3314 EG Dordrecht
The Netherlands

In accordance The Council Directive 90/384/EEC on non-automatic weighing instruments.


Applicant Shanghai Teraoka Electronic Co.,LTD.

Tinglin Industry Development Zone
201505 Shanghai
PR of China

In respect of A class I I I , electronic, single- or multi-interval, non-automatic weighing instrument,

intended to be used for direct sales to the public.
Manufacturer : Teraoka
Type : SM-100.., SM-5100..

Characteristics 3 kg ≤ Max ≤ 30 kg
n ≤ 6000 divisions for a single interval scale
n ≤ 3000 divisions (per partial weighing range) for a multi-interval scale
Maximum of 2 partial weighing ranges
T ≤ - ½ Max for a single-interval scale
T ≤ - Max1 for a multi-interval scale
Temperature range -10 °C / +40 °C

In the description number T6734 revision 6 further characteristics are described.

Valid until 19 April 2015

Description and The instrument is described in the description number T6734 revision 6 and
documentation documented in the documentation folder T6734-7, appertaining to this
EC type-approval certificate.

Remarks This revision EC type-approval certificate replaces the earlier versions, including its
documentation folder.

The Notified Body no. 0122

NMi Certin, 10 July 2009

C. Oosterman
Head Certification Board

NMi Certin BV Parties concerned can lodge objection This document is issued under the provision
Hugo de Grootplein 1 against this decision, within six weeks after that no liability is accepted and that the
the date of submission, to the general applicant shall indemnify third-party liability.
3314 EG Dordrecht manager of NMi (see “Regulation objection
PO Box 394 and appeal against decisions of NMi”) Reproduction of the complete document is
3300 AJ Dordrecht, NL permitted.
T +31 78 6332332
F +31 78 6332309

Number T6734 revision 6

Project number 812502
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1 General information about the non-automatic weighing instrument

All properties of the non-automatic weighing instrument, whether mentioned or not, may not be in conf lict
with the legislation.

1.1 Essential parts

The electronics;
The mechanical assembly with load cell.

See drawing:
- SM-100 Block Diagram, drawing number SM 100 BD1;
- SM-5100 Block Diagram, drawing number SM 5100 BD1.

EMC protection measures SM-100:

- The A/D board is shielded with a metal cover;
- Two ferrite beads on the cable from the load cell to the A/D board, 3 turns;
- Two ferrite beads on the earth cable from A/D board to main board, 1 turn;
- Two ferrite beads on the earth cable from the load cell to the A/D board, 1 turn;
- Ferrite bead on the earth cable between load cell (earthing) and the metal base plate of the instrument,
1 turn;
- Ferrite bead on the cable from the A/D board to the main board, 2 turns;
- Two ferrite beads on the cable from the ope rator display to the main board (connector CN4), 1 turn;
- Ferrite bead on the cable from the power switch to the power plug, 7 turns;
- Ferrite bead on the cable from the power plug to the power supply board, 7 turns;
- Ferrite bead on the cable from the power plug to ground, 8 turns;
- Ferrite bead on cable from main board (connector CN7) to the printer, 3 turns;
- Ferrite bead on cable from main board (connector CN8) to the printer, 2 turns;
- Ferrite bead on cable from main board (connector CN9) to the printer, 2 t urns;
- Two ferrite beads on the cable from main board to pole display, 1 turn each;
- Three ferrite beads on the cable from the printer to the main board, 1, 1 and 2 turn(s) respectively.

EMC Protection measures SM-5100:

- The A/D board is shielded with a metal cover;
- Ferrite bead on the cable from the load cell to the A/D board, 3 turns;
- Ferrite bead on the cable from A/D board to main board, 5 turns;
- Ferrite bead on the cable from the display to the main board, 2 turns;
- Ferrite bead on the cable from powerplug to power supply, 6 turns;
- Ferrite bead on the cable from powerplug to earth connection, 4 turns.

1.2 Essential characteristics

Power supply: AC 220~240 V, 47~63 Hz.


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1.3 Essential shapes

The non-automatic weighing instrument is built according to the drawings:

- SM-100B / SM-100B+ Exploded view, drawing number TAS1121 Rev. 1;
- SM-100EV / SM-100EV+ Exploded view, drawing number TAS1122 Rev. 1;
- SM-100P / SM-100P+ Exploded view, drawing number TAS1152 Rev. 1;
- SM-100H / SM-100H+ Exploded view, drawing number TAS1154 Rev. 1;
- SM-100BCS / SM-100BCS+ Exploded view, drawing number TAS1157 Rev. 1;
- SM-100PCS / SM-100PCS+ Exploded view, drawing number TAS1160 Rev. 1;
- SM-100BS / SM-100BS+ Exploded view, drawing number TAS1165;
- SM-5100B Exploded view, drawing number TAS1361;
- SM-5100P Exploded view, drawing number TAS1362;
- SM-5100EV Exploded view, drawing number TAS1363.

The data plate is secured against removal by sealing or will be destroyed when removed.

To secure components that may not be dismantled or adjusted by the user, the non-automatic weighing
instrument has to be secured in a suitable manner on the locations indicated in the drawings:
- SM-100B / SM-100B+ Sealing position, drawing number TAS1123 Rev. 1;
- SM-100EV / SM-100EV+ Sealing position, drawing number TAS1124 Rev. 1;
- SM-100P / SM-100P+Sealing position, drawing number TAS1153 Rev. 1;
- SM-100H / SM-100H+ Sealing position, drawing number TAS1155 Rev. 1;
- SM-100BCS / SM-100BCS+ Sealing position, drawing number TAS1158 Rev. 1;
- SM-100PCS / SM-100PCS+ Sealing position, drawing number TAS1161 Rev. 1;
- SM-100BS / SM-100BS+ Sealing position, drawing number TAS1166;
- SM-5100 Sealing position, drawing number TAS1364.

The securing component has to bear either:

- A mark of the manufacturer laid down in a notified body approved quality system (Annex II of the
directive 90/384/EEC), or
- An official mark of a Member State of the EEC, or another party to the EEA agreement.

Inside the cabinet is a span switch, located on the main board.

1.4 Conditional parts

The non-automatic weighing instrument may be equipped with peripheral equipment which is used for the
applications listed in article 1(2)(a) of the EC Directive (90/384/EEC), if the peripheral equipment is certified
to be connected to an EC type-approved non-automatic weighing instrument by a Notified Body appointed to
certify non-automatic weighing instruments according to paragraph I of Annex II of the EC directive on
Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments.

The non-automatic weighing instrument may be equipped with an Electronic Point of Sale ( EpoS) or an
Electronic Cash Register (ECR), if these EPOS and ECR are certified to be connected to an
EC type-approved non-automatic weighing instrument by a Notified Body appointed to certify non -automatic
weighing instruments according to paragraph I of Annex II of the EC Directive on Non-Automatic Weighing

The non-automatic weighing instrument may be equipped with Electronic Funds Transfer equipment
(EFT/ECU), if these EFT/ECU represent only the price total on the display.

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The non-automatic weighing instrument is fitted with a leveling device and a level indicator, unless the
instrument is installed in a fixed position. The level indicator has a sensitivity of at least 2 mm for a tilt of

1.5 Non-essential parts

The non-automatic weighing instrument may be connected to non-essential devices, for example but not
limited to bar code readers, foot switches, second display’s and cash drawers, provided that:
- They do not present primary data used for purposes mentioned in article 1(2)(a) of the EC Directive
(90/384/EEC) unless the “preliminary observations” in Annex 1 of this directive is satisfied.
- They do not lead to an instrument having other essential characteristics than those fixed by this
type-approval document.

External power supply.

2 Information about the main constituent parts of the non-automatic weighing instrument

2.1 The electronics

2.1.1 Essential parts

Description Drawing number Rev. Remarks

STB-2047 Main board CPS0112 - Drawing

IC list on the board PLS2047 - Parts list (2 pages)

STB-2055 Main board CPS2055 - Drawing

IC list on the board PLS2055 - Parts list (2 pages)

STB-2015 A/D board CP S2015 - Drawing

IC list on the board PLS2015 - Parts list (1 page)

STB-2043 A/D board CPS2043 - Drawing

IC list on the board PLS2043 - Parts list (1 page)

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2.1.2 Essential characteristics

List of devices:
- Determination stability of equilibrium;
- Zero indicator;
- Semi-automatic zero-setting;
- Initial zero-setting;
- Zero-tracking;
- Semi-automatic subtractive tare weighing;
- Preset tare;
- Indication of stable equilibrium;
- Calibration / set-up mode via a switch on the main board;
- Acting upon significant faults;
- Checking the display;
- Price calculation.

When equipped with a printer the following devices may be present:

- Indications other than primary indications;
- Indication of additional information;
- Memory storage;
- Non-weighed articles;
- Totalization;
- Multi-vendor;
- Price labeling instrument;
- PLU function.

2.1.3 Conditional parts

The interface section is located on the main board. The non -automatic weighing instrument may be
equipped with one or more of the following protective interfaces that have not to be secured:
- RS232C;
- Ethernet port.

2.1.4 Non-essential parts

- Display;
- Keyboard;
- Internal printer.

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2.2 The mechanical assembly with load cell

2.2.1 Essential parts

Description Drawing number Rev. Remarks

Load cell specification sheet LC-JWS - 2 pages

Load cell specification sheet LC-JW(G)S - 2 pages

Load cell specification sheet LC-P - 2 pages

2.2.2 Essential characteristics

- e ≥ Emax/4600 in case of a single interval instrument.

- e1 ≥ Emax/11500 in case of a multi interval instrument.

Excitation power supply 5 V DC.

2.2.3 Essential shapes

Description Drawing number Rev. Remarks

SM-100B / SM-100B+ Load cell assembly TAS1125 1 JW type load cell

SM-100EV / SM-100EV+
SM-100P / SM-100P+
SM-100BS / SM-100BS+
SM-100H / SM-100H+ Load cell assembly TAS1156 1 P type load cell
SM-100BCS / SM-100BCS+ Load cell assembly TAS1159 1 P type load cell
SM-100PCS / SM-100PCS+
SM-5100 Load cell assembly TAS1365 - P type load cell

3 Approval conditions

See chapter 1.3, essential shapes.

4 Seals and verification marks

See chapter 1.3, essential shapes.

5 CE-mark of conformity and inscriptions

The marks, facilities for the marks and the inscriptions on the non -automatic weighing instrument fulfill the
requirements of article 1 of Annex IV.
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Description Drawing number Rev. Remarks

SM-100B / SM-100B+ Exploded view TAS1121 1 -

SM-100EV / SM-100EV+ Exploded view TAS1122 1 -

SM-100P / SM-100P+ Exploded view TAS1152 1 -

SM-100H / SM-100H+ Exploded view TAS1154 1 -

SM-100BCS / SM-100BCS+ Exploded view TAS1157 1 -

SM-100PCS / SM-100PCS+ Exploded view TAS1160 1 -

SM-100BS / SM-100BS+ Exploded view TAS1165 - -

SM-5100B Exploded view TAS1361 - -

SM-5100P Exploded view TAS1362 - -

SM-5100EV Exploded view TAS1363 - -

SM-100B / SM-100B+ Sealing position TAS1123 1 -

SM-100EV / SM-100EV+ Sealing position TAS1124 1 -

SM-100P / SM-100P+ Sealing position TAS1153 1 -

SM-100H / SM-100H+ Sealing position TAS1155 1 -

SM-100BCS / SM-100BCS+ Sealing position TAS1158 1 -

SM-100PCS / SM-100PCS+ Sealing position TAS1161 1 -

SM-100BS / SM-100BS+ Sealing position TAS1166 - -

SM-5100 Sealing position TAS1364 - -

SM-100 Block Diagram SM 100 BD1 - -

SM-5100 Block Diagram SM 5100 BD1 - -

STB-2047 Main board CPS0112 - Drawing

IC list on the board PLS2047 - Parts list (2 pages)
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Description Drawing number Rev. Remarks

STB-2055 Main board CPS2055 - Drawing

IC list on the board PLS2055 - Parts list (2 pages)

STB-2015 A/D board CP S2015 - Drawing

IC list on the board PLS2015 - Parts list (1 page)

STB-2043 A/D board CPS2043 - Drawing

IC list on the board PLS2043 - Parts list (1 page)

Load cell specification sheet LC-JWS - 2 pages

Load cell specification sheet LC-JW(G)S - 2 pages

Load cell specification sheet LC-P - 2 pages

SM-100B / SM-100B+ Load cell assembly TAS1125 1 JW type load cell

SM-100EV / SM-100EV+
SM-100P / SM-100P+
SM-100BS / SM-100BS+

SM-100H / SM-100H+ Load cell assembly TAS1156 1 P type load cell

SM-100BCS / SM-100BCS+ Load cell assembly TAS1159 1 P type load cell

SM-100PCS / SM-100PCS+

SM-5100 Load cell assembly TAS1365 - P type load cell

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