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Although watching films in the cinema can bring a better experience

about the sounds and graphics, I prefer to watching films at home.

First, one of the biggest reasons is time problems. The cinema always
has a movie schedule and I have to manage my works to be suitable for
the schedule. Opposite, being home is more convenient and being
freedom of myself because I can watch at my leisure or whenever I like.
Otherwise, I frequently have to spend almost of my time studying
therefore I just have more spare time at night, but my house is too far
to go to the theater or cine box.
Second, home makes me more comfortable than the cinema. I'm not
worried about being annoyed and freely comment about the
characters. It's firmly an optimal measure when I want to eat fruit or
snack but not corn like in the cinema. It sometime makes me tired after
long time sitting to follow a long story in the cinema.
Finally, watching films at home allows me to save my money because I
just sign in an account and pay a fee to watch all of the films instead
waste the same money to watch a movie in the cinema.

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