QUIZ - Technical Writing

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8/3/23, 12:37 PM QUIZ - Technical Writing

QUIZ - Technical Writing

1. Goddess is writing a technical report on a new software system

that she developed for a client. She wants to include visual aids
such as charts, tables, and diagrams in her report. Why should she
use these visual aids in her report? (1 Point) *

Because they can help to do all of these things.

Because they can help to illustrate complex concepts or data in a way

that is easy to understand.

Because they can help to break up the text and make it easier to read
and scan.

Because they can help to support her data and arguments with evi‐
dence and examples.

2. Mr. Tabalanza is revising a technical report on a new software

product that he developed for a client. He wants to write a clear
and concise summary of his report. How should he write his
summary? (1 Point) *

He should write his summary in plain language and avoid technical jar‐
gon, provide a brief introduction to the background and context of his
report, and highlight the main challenges and limitations of his

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He should write his summary in technical language and use technical

jargon, provide a general overview of the main topics and subtopics of
his report, and highlight the main recommendations and suggestions
for his client.

He should write his summary in plain language and avoid technical

jargon, provide an overview of the main purpose, methods, results
and conclusions of his report, and highlight the main contributions
and implications of his report.

He should write his summary in technical language and use technical

jargon, provide a detailed description of the main purpose, methods,
results and conclusions of his report, and highlight the main features
and benefits of his product.

3. Panginoo is a student who wants to conduct an experiment on the

effects of different types of music on plant growth. He needs to
write a document that presents the results and analysis of his
original research. He also needs to follow the scientific method and
include data, methods, findings, conclusions, and
recommendations. What type of report should he write? (1 Point) *

Technical background report

Technical guide and handbook

Recommendation, feasibility, evaluation report

Primary research report

4. Mr. Tabalanza is writing a technical report about the impact of

climate change on agriculture. He wants to ensure that his
report is well-organized and easy to read. Which of the following

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tips should he follow?

(1 Point) *

Include as many visuals as possible to break up the text.

Use a font size smaller than 10 to fit more text on each page.

Use long paragraphs and subheadings.

Use subheadings to break up the text.

5. Mr. Balita is writing an email to his boss to update him on the

progress of a project. He wants to demonstrate proficiency in the
written communication. How should he format his email
appropriately? (1 Point) *

He should use a generic and ambiguous subject line, a rude and imper‐
sonal salutation, an irrelevant and redundant introduction, a confusing
and inconsistent body, and a demanding and aggressive closing.

He should use no subject line, no salutation, no introduction, a short

and simple body, and no closing.

He should use a clear and descriptive subject line, a polite and pro‐
fessional salutation, a brief and concise introduction, a detailed and
organized body, and a courteous and action-oriented closing.

He should use a catchy and creative subject line, a friendly and informal
salutation, a long and comprehensive introduction, a vague and gen‐
eral body, and a casual and passive closing.

6. Which of the following can enhance understanding and

communication of technical and scientific information? (1 Point) *

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Organizing information less logically

Using complex terminology

Incorporating visual aids 

Presenting information in a confusing but cool manner

7. Mr. Tabalanza is preparing a technical report on the Goddess of the

Moon for a group of experts in the field. He wants to make sure his
report is accurate and supported by evidence. What should he do?
(1 Point) *

Use too many visual aids, which can be cool and trendy.

Review and edit his report carefully.

Use plain language and avoid providing definitions for technical terms.

Include information that is not supported by evidence.

8. If a technical report is to be distributed digitally, which of the

following enhancements could be used to improve its impact?
(1 Point) *

Optimizing the formatting and layout for print

Avoiding the use of hyperlinks and multimedia

Using Silver Charm font style and 3 size 

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Using interactive elements and a visual hierarchy

9. Goddess is a student who wants to learn more about blockchain

technology. She finds a document that explains the principles and
applications of blockchain technology in detail. She also finds
another document that compares different blockchain platforms
based on some criteria and suggests the best one. What type of
technical report is the first document? What type of technical
report is the second document? (1 Point) *

Technical background report; Recommendation report

Primary research report; Technical guide and handbook

Technical specification; Primary research report

Technical guide and handbook; Standard operating policies and


10. Goddess is a student who wants to write a document that

describes the features and functions of a new smartphone that she
designed. She also needs to include design criteria, performance
standards, testing methods, and quality assurance. What type of
technical report should she write? (1 Point) *

Primary research report

Technical guide and handbook

Technical specification

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Business plan

11. Mr. Balita is revising a technical report on a new software product

that he developed for a client. He wants to write for his intended
audience and purpose. Why should he avoid jargon, slang or
colloquialisms in his report?  (1 Point) *

Because they may demonstrate his professionalism and credibility as a

software developer, who knows the technical terms and expressions of
his field.

Because they may highlight the main features and benefits of his prod‐
uct, who has unique and innovative characteristics and functions.

Because they may provide evidence and examples to back up his claims
and recommendations, who are based on reliable and valid sources of

Because they may confuse or offend his audience, who may not be
familiar with them or may have different interpretations of them.

12. If a technical report is not clear, what could be the impact on

the audience?
(1 Point) *

The report may be incomplete

The audience may misinterpret the information

The report may not be consistent

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The audience may not be interested in reading the report

13. Goddess is revising a technical report on a new software system

that she developed for a client. She wants to proofread and edit
her report for clarity, accuracy and correctness. How should she
check for errors or inconsistencies in her report? (1 Point) *

She should read her report once, use no tools or software, ask no one
else to read her report, or do all of these things.

She should read her report aloud, use grammar tools or software,
ask someone else to read her report, or do all of these things.

She should read her report randomly, use online translators or genera‐
tors, ask someone else to edit her report, or do all of these things.

She should read her report backwards, use online dictionaries or the‐
sauruses, ask someone else to write her report, or do all of these

14. Mr. Tabalanza is writing a user manual for a new software product
that he developed. He wants to use technical writing skills to
communicate effectively with his potential customers. How should
he structure his document? (1 Point) *

He should start with a preface that explains the motivation and

goals of the document, followed by a body that organizes the in‐
formation into chapters and sections according to the product's
features and functions, then an appendix that provides additional
information and resources, and finally an index that helps the read‐
ers find specific topics in the document.

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He should start with an introduction that states the purpose and scope
of the document, followed by a body that covers the main topics and
sub-topics related to the product, then a conclusion that summarizes
the key findings and implications, and finally a list of references that
cites the sources used in the document.

He should start with a title that captures the attention of the readers,
followed by a table of contents that lists the main sections and sub-
sections of the document, then a body that describes the product in
detail, and finally a glossary that defines the technical terms used in the

He should start with an abstract that summarizes the main features and
benefits of the product, followed by an introduction that provides
some background information and context, then a body that explains
how to use the product step by step, and finally a conclusion that reit‐
erates the main points and provides some recommendations.

15. How does conciseness make a technical document easier to read?

(1 Point) *

It helps writers develop a better understanding of the topic.

It helps readers find the information they need quickly and easily.

It reduces wordiness and makes the document easier to read.

Any mistakes or errors can lead to confusion and loss of credibility.

16. Mr. Balita is a finance manager who needs to write a document

that simplifies and explains the complex and specialized topic of
cryptocurrency. He wants to target an audience who has little or no

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prior knowledge of cryptocurrency. What type of writing or

communication should he use? (1 Point) *

Technical writing

Scientific report

Technical specification

Business plan

17. If technical writers want to make their reports more

professional and easier to read, what should they ensure?
(1 Point) *

That the report follows a consistent style and tone

That all necessary information is included

That the language used is appropriate for the unintended audience

That all references and citations are accurate and up-to-date

18. When is it necessary for technical writers to conduct thorough

research? (1 Point) *

When organizing information in a logical manner.

When gathering data relevant to the topic

When using clear and concise language.

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When expressing complex information in an understandable manner.

19. Mr. Tabalanza is a dentist who needs to write a document that

describes the rules and regulations of his dental clinic. He also
needs to include instructions on how to perform certain tasks, such
as taking a dental impression. What type of technical report should
he write? (1 Point) *

Technical guide and handbook

Standard operating policies and procedures

Technical background report

Recommendation, feasibility, evaluation report

20. If a technical writer wants to effectively communicate complex

information to their intended audience, what should they do?
(1 Point) *

Use a lot of analogies and metaphors to make the report more


Assume that the audience has a high level of expertise and skip ex‐
plaining basic concepts.

Use audience-friendly language and terminology.

Use technical jargon to demonstrate expertise.

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21. Why is clarity essential in technical and scientific writing? (1 Point)


To make the audience more knowledgeable of gibberish and highfa‐

lutin words

To make the audience feel dumb

To make the information seem more complex and therefore they'd look
more credible

To present information in a clear, concise, and understandable


22. If Mr. Tabalanza wants his research paper on the "Goddess of

Wisdom" to be easily understandable by a broad audience, what
skill should he master? (1 Point) *





23. Mr. Tabalanza is writing a technical report on a new software

product that he developed for a client. He wants to use a clear
structure for his report. How should he organize his report?
(1 Point) *

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He should start with an introduction that provides background in‐

formation and sets the context for the report, followed by a main
body that discusses the technical content in detail, and a conclu‐
sion that summarizes the key findings and recommendations.

He should start with a summary that provides an overview of the main

purpose, methods, results and conclusions of his report, followed by
any other sections that are relevant to his report, such as references,
appendices, etc.

He should start with a main body that discusses the technical content
in detail, followed by an introduction that provides background infor‐
mation and sets the context for the report, and a conclusion that sum‐
marizes the key findings and recommendations.

He should start with a conclusion that summarizes the key findings and
recommendations, followed by a main body that discusses the techni‐
cal content in detail, and an introduction that provides background in‐
formation and sets the context for the report.

24. A group of stakeholders is reviewing Mr. Tabalanza's technical

report on the effects of climate change on the local ecosystem.
They are having trouble following the report's structure. What can
Mr. Tabalanza do to help them understand the report's structure?
(1 Point) *

Avoid using subheadings and bullet points, as they can be confusing to


Use jargon and technical terms to help the stakeholders understand the

Use a clear and logical structure, with subheadings and bullet

points to break up the text.

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Include unnecessary information or tangents that are not relevant to

the report's purpose.

25. Mr. Daddy Balita is writing a research paper on the effects of

climate change on coral reefs. He has collected data from various
sources and analyzed them using statistical methods. How should
he present his data in his paper?
(1 Point) *

He should use tables and charts to summarize and compare his data,
and provide captions and labels that explain what they show.

He should use either tables and charts or paragraphs and sentences to

present his data, depending on his preference and style.

He should use both tables and charts and paragraphs and sen‐
tences to present his data, and provide clear connections and tran‐
sitions between them.

He should use paragraphs and sentences to describe and interpret his

data, and provide examples and evidence that support his claims.

26. Mr. Tabalanza is writing a user manual for a new software product
that he developed. He wants to use technical writing skills to
communicate effectively with his potential customers. How should
he use visuals in his manual?
(1 Point) *

He should use visuals randomly and arbitrarily, as they may not have
any significant impact on the readers' perception and satisfaction of
the product and the manual.

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He should use visuals extensively and whenever possible, as they may

attract the readers' attention and interest and make the manual more

He should use visuals sparingly and only when necessary, as they may
distract the readers from the main text and instructions.

He should use visuals strategically and appropriately, as they may

enhance the readers' understanding and comprehension of the
product and its features.

27. Mr. Tabalanza is a software engineer who wants to create a new

online platform for freelancers. He needs to write a document that
outlines the goals, strategies, and resources of his business idea.
What type of technical report should he write? (1 Point) *

Business plan

Primary research report

Technical specification

Technical background report

28. The Goddess Company is preparing a technical report on a

new software program. They want to illustrate complex concepts in
the report. What can they use to achieve this goal?
(1 Point) *

Technical jargon and abbreviations

Random images and photos

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Long paragraphs of text

Graphs and diagrams

29. Mr. Tabalanza wants to cite previous research studies in his

research paper on the "Goddess of Wisdom". How can he ensure
that the information he includes is correct and factual? (1 Point) *

By mastering the skill of accuracy.

By mastering the skill of research.

By mastering the skill of conciseness.

By mastering the skill of clarity.

30. Mr. Tabalanza is revising a technical report for his engineering

project. How should he review the report for accuracy?
(1 Point) *

By ensuring that all necessary information is included

By ensuring that all headings, lists, tables, and graphics are consistent

By checking that all references and citations are correct and up-to-

By using jargon and technical terms that may be familiar to the lay

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