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Unit 1

Logo & House Style
Sketch Logo Design Homework 1 House Style Write-up Homework 2 Make Improvements Homework 3

Task 2

You will need to design and create an original logo for your company using a vector drawing package. You can adapt and use an existing template, but the logo must be for an original organisation. You will then need to decide on your corporate house style including; fonts, colours, sizes and positions of common elements. TEACHER FEEDBACK:

DEADLINE - ______________
/7 /7

1st Hand In

Improvements Given

2nd Hand In

Page 1: Sketch draft of logo annotated. Page 2: Logo created using a vector drawing package

Style Guide;
Page 3: Displayed your logo in black and white or other combinations Page 4: Stated and displayed your corporate colours Page 4: Stated and displayed your corporate fonts

Use the website for more information:

Extra Guidance
A corporate style guide example:

This brief corporate style guide outlines the companys guidelines for using the eco properties logo, our corporate colours and fonts. ecoproperties employees should also use this guide as they prepare external communications or documents that may need branding.

Corporate Identity
ecoproperties should be always written out as one word with all characters in lowercase for all references to our company. Corporate Logo ecoproperties main logo in colour, black only, grey scale and reversed to white are given below. Try to keep an appropriate amount of white space (or colour if reversed to white) around the ecoproperties logo. The examples show the minimum recommended white space more would be better is usage allows. There are no hard guidelines just these samples of appropriate white space.

ecoproperties logo should never be crowded into a space that has less than the minimum area surrounding the logo as shown in these examples. Only the full colour, all black, grey scale or all white versions of the logo are approved for general use.

Corporate Colours Our corporate colour palette is shown below. The greens derived from the logo typographic element and should be used as the main colours in corporate documents produced for ecoproperties. The other greens and the brown come from the logo mark (the graphic element) and should be used sparingly. Many of the branding elements used to build the overall corporate identity use the basic colours shown here. Colour values in RGB and CMYK are given. If you choose to use colour in internal corporate documents please only use these authorised colours.

Corporate Fonts The main corporate font is Calibri. Calibri Regular Calibri Bold Calibri Italic Calibri Bold Italic Example:
Kevin Gregson
Managing Director ecoproperties ltd E | T | 0795 1234 567

Calibri Bold: 11pt Size, Black

Calibri Bold Italic: 10pt Size, Logo Type Dark Green Calibri: 10pt Size, Dark Grey Calibri: 10pt Size, Dark Grey Calibri: 10pt Size, Dark Grey

Calibri should be used in all corporate documents. Use Calibri regular as the main body text with Calibri Bold for headlines. Calibri Italic and Bold Italic can be used for emphasis, quotes or sub heads as needed.

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