Luqmaan Toni - Class Exercise

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CLASS EXERCISE-July 31, 2023


1. Explain the differences between SSH and SSL

2. Discuss in details UFW.


1: SSL
SSL, which stands for secure sockets layer, is really TLS (transport layer security) now — it’s just
we still refer to it colloquially as SSL. Using digital certificates and public key infrastructure (PKI),
SSL creates encrypted HTTPS connections between websites and their visitors. HTTPS is meant
for the transmission of information and data; it encrypts everything that’s sent between the
two parties ensuring its confidentiality. While SSL requires authentication, it’s only on the
server side — the client isn’t required to authenticate itself at all.

SSL uses port 443. As of July 2018, it’s mandatory that every website install an SSL certificate to
encrypt its connections

SSH, or Secure Shell, is similar to SSL in that they’re both PKI based and both form encrypted
communication tunnels. But whereas SSL is designed for the transmission of information, SSH is
designed to execute commands. You generally see SSH when you want to log in to some part of
a network remotely.

SSH uses port 22 and also requires client authentication. After all, the ability to run commands
requires a certain level of permission, so, obviously, you need to confirm the identity of the
individual trying to log in.

So, long story short: SSL is for securing internet connections between websites and their
visitors; SSH is for running commands via remote access.

Ok, NOW, drive home safely.

2: Discuss in details UFW.

UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) is a front-end firewall configuration tool for Linux systems. It is designed
to make it easy to configure and manage the built-in netfilter firewall, making it accessible to both
novice and experienced users. UFW is available on several popular Linux distributions, including Ubuntu,
Debian, and others.
some key features of UFW:

1. Easy to use: UFW is designed to be easy to use and manage, even for users with little or no experience
with firewalls. It provides a simple command-line interface and an easy-to-understand syntax for
configuring firewall rules.

2. Default deny: By default, UFW blocks all incoming traffic, except for traffic that is explicitly allowed by
the user. This makes the system more secure by default and reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

3. Simplified syntax: UFW uses a simplified syntax for specifying firewall rules, making it easy to create
and manage rules without the need for advanced knowledge of netfilter.

4. Integration with iptables: UFW is built on top of iptables, the standard Linux firewall tool. This means
that all UFW rules are translated into iptables rules, and administrators can use iptables directly if

5. Application profiles: UFW includes a number of pre-configured application profiles, which make it
easy to allow or deny traffic for specific applications. For example, there are profiles for common
services like SSH, HTTP, and FTP.

6. Logging: UFW can be configured to log all firewall activity, making it easier to troubleshoot issues and
monitor system security.

Overall, UFW is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for configuring and managing firewalls on Linux systems.
It provides a simplified syntax, pre-configured application profiles, and easy integration with iptables,
making it a great choice for both novice and experienced users.

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