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RF Interferences Hunting

and Over the Air measurements

José María Pindado Buendía

Field Application Engineer
November 2016
Anritsu I&M Roadshow

• The wireless challenge

• Types of Radio Frequency Interference
• What is interference and its source, effects and types on …
• Some real examples
• Spotting and characterization of RFI
• What features do you really need in order to hunt RFI
• Interference hunting tools
• Handheld based emitter location system MA2700A
• Automatic broadband Interference Locating system MX28007A
• Automatic Spectrum Monitoring and emitter geolocation

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The Wireless Challenge
• More transmitters

– spectrum is becoming more

and more crowded.
• More mobile devices
– stationary TRX are no longer the norm.
• New modulation types
– analog signals becoming less common
than digital signals.
• More complex modulation
– higher order modulation requires a better RF
• Spectrum re-farming
– moving services to different frequencies requires
spectrum clearing and involves different
propagation and interference types.
• Wireless connectivity
– from “nice to have” to “must have.”

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Interference problem in todays dense spectrum
Spain– reported interference cases vs service






2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Radiodifusión Móvil Terrestre Móvil Aeronáutico Móvil Marítimo

Fijo Aficionados Radiolocalización Fijo por Satélite
Telefonía Móvil Telefonía fija Otros (GPS, telemando, etc.)

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Interference problem in todays dense spectrum
Spain– Reported interferences in mobile systems

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Types of Radio Interference

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Types of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is caused by un-desiderated radiated

electromagnetic fields or conducted voltages and currents. The interference
is produced by a source emitter and is detected by a susceptible victim via
a coupling path
Conduction - electric current
Radiation - electromagnetic field
Capacitive Coupling - electric field
Inductive Coupling - magnetic field
Electromagnetic Effects (EME)
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
Narrowband Emissions
Broadband Emissions
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

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Types of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
Narrowband emissions

Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Characteristics

Narrowband Emissions
occupies a very small portion of the radio spectrum
the magnitude is usually expressed in terms of volts per meter (V/m)
usually continuous sine waves (CW) and may be continuous or intermittent in
communication transmitters such as single-channel AM, FM and SSB
Short Range Wireless Devices
Spurious emissions, such as
 harmonic outputs of narrowband communication transmitters,
 power-line hum,
 local oscillators,
 signal generators,
 test equipment
and many other man made sources are narrowband emissions.

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Types of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
Broadband emissions

Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Characteristics

Broadband Emissions
may spread its energy across tens of megahertz or more
magnitude is usually expressed in terms of volts per meter per MHz
signal is composed of narrow pulses having relatively short rise and fall
these may be transient, continuous or intermittent in occurrence
e.g. unintentional emissions from
 communication and radar transmitters,
 electric switch contacts,
 computers,
 thermostats,
 motor speed controls, thyratron circuits, voltage regulators,
 pulse generators, arc/vapor lamps, and intermittent ground
e.g. may also result from galactic and solar noise, lightning electromagnetic
pulses, and by radio frequency pulses associated with electrostatic
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Types of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
Receiver problems

The following types of interference are applicable to Radio Frequency

(RF) communications equipment
Receiver Co-Channel Interference
Results: Receiver desensitization, signal masking, distortion
Receiver Adjacent Signal Interference
Results: Non linear effects in the RF or mixer stages producing
receiver desensitization, intermodulation and cross modulation.
Receiver Out of Band Interference
Results: An undesired response created by the mixing of an undesired
signal with the LO. The undesired signals which mix with the LO and
are capable of being translated to the IF stages are the spurious
response frequencies. These frequencies and their interference power
levels are a function of the receiver’s susceptibility to these responses.
Receiver Blocking
Results: A strong signal is desensitizing the receive capability

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Types of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
Transmitter problems

The following types of interference are applicable to Radio Frequency (RF)

communications equipment
Transmitter Fundamental Emissions
Nominal bandwidth (3dB) is too large due to exceeded input power (overdrive).
Transmitter Harmonic Emissions
Undesired signal outputs which are harmonically related to the fundamental
Transmitter Noise
Broad-band noise that is a result of the thermal noise generated in the driver and
final amplifier stages as well as the synthesizer noise from lower level stages.
Transmitter Intermodulation
These are the undesired signals that result from the local mixing of a
transmitter’s output emission with that of another transmitter. The mixing usually
occurs in the non-linear circuits of a transmitter whose antenna receives a high
level of RF from another transmitter antenna in close proximity. The mixing
products are radiated by the transmitter’s antenna as possible co-channel or
adjacent signal interference signals.

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Types of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
A harmonic is a signal or wave
whose frequency is an integer
multiple of the frequency of
some reference signal or wave
In an ideal system, the fast
Fourier transform (FFT) of a
sinusoid would result in a single
peak at a specific frequency.
In real-world systems, non-
linearity and noise result in
imperfections. When a signal of
a particular frequency f1 passes
through a nonlinear system, the
output of the system consists of
f1 and its harmonics.

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Types of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)

Intermodulation results from two or more signals appearing in a

nonlinear circuit.
Sum and difference frequencies are created from the mixing of
fundamentals and harmonics.
Because intermodulation involves the mixing of multiple signals, it
will only occur when all component signals are present (W-CDMA!).
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Types of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
Passive Intermodulation

The junction between two pieces of metal

can create a rectifier (diode), especially
when corrosion is present.
This effect can generate spurious signals
that are then radiated by metallic elements
in the joint.
Aged or wrong made cables, connectors and
distribution units are usually involved in this
kind of broadband intermodulation
Rusty towers and guy can also be seen as
a radiating source, because they have long
metal elements, and are close to powerful
Utility poles/wires, metal fences, and gutters
are also prime suspects.

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What is interference and its
source, effect and types on …

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Types of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
What are Interference and its source, effect and types …

on GSM service
IM2 interference due to BCCH
on UMTS service
IM3 and IM4 interference

due to LTE 800 blocking TV RX

LTE 800 on CATV networks

LTE ingress into cable systems
may create digital video pixilation
Cable system egress into the
wireless spectrum may effect data
transfer speed from mobile phones

LTE 800 on PMSE networks

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What do we observe in real world?

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Real world interference
Repeaters / BDAs

Cellular repeaters or
bidirectional amplifiers (BDAs)
can be used to extend cellular
coverage in buildings or in
fringe areas.
May also be installed on boats.
The main interference issues are
the retransmission of unwanted
signals at the input of the BDA
as well as malfunctioning BDAs
Difficult to troubleshoot but a
very common source of
interference in the cellular
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Real world interference
RFI from unmodulated sources

Unmodulated sources are devices which

unintentionally generate RF signals.
Common sources are electric motors, faulty
transformers, vehicle ignition systems,
electrical fences, fluorescent lighting, etc.
Easy to recognize, often shows up as jumps
in the noise floor or a wide, random spectral

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Real world interference
Deliberate Interference

Deliberate interference may be

narrowband (e.g. talking on a public
safety frequency) or broad-band
Pirate or unlicensed (“free-band”)
operations can also cause issues to
licensed users.
Sources may be mobile, possibly to
avoid detection / radiolocation.
Although most businesses and
individuals are very cooperative in
resolving interference, deliberate
interferers will usually deny or
conceal their activities.

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Real world interference
Interference from Radio Jammers

Jammers are typically easy to

identify and locate
always-on signal.
Tend to increase the noise floor even
outside of their nominal operating

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Some real examples I

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Interferences – real examples
PIM & interferences LNB Sat

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Interferencias – ejemplos reales
Unlocked LO & switched noise

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Spotting and characterization
of RFI

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Spotting and characterization of Interference
Important – Use Bandpass Filters

• Check for interference at receiver

– At the tower for Cellular or complaint area for Two Way or in
the complaint area for Broadcast

– Allow the RX pre-filter to eliminate

the strong side emissions
– Measure noise floor from a receive antenna
Receive filter
• Same receive pattern as the radio for out of band signal
– Get a visual ID on the interfering signal
• Characterize signal so you will know it later

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Spotting and characterization of Interference
Interference – just make it through the RX filter

• Look on the Receive frequencies

– Signals passed by the radio’s receive
filter (pre-selector) affect the receiver’s
front end causing:
• A reduction in sensitivity
• Apparent lower C/I

– It’s called Receiver De-Sensitization

• Or Blocking if severe

– Interfering signals do not need to be on

your receive channel! Interferer
• They only need to make it through the Rx filter

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Spotting and characterization of Interference
You should know “your spectrum”

• Know your bands

– Which signals belong to you?
– Which signals do not belong to you?

– How does a modulation

scheme look like? Not
only the own ones.
• Study national frequency
plan of Spectrum
Regulation Authority in
order find potential
original assigned band
for the signal in question

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Spotting and characterization of Interference
Signal Libraries
10 10

0 0

-10 -10

• Develop libraries of common

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40

-50 -50

-60 -60

-70 -70

-80 -80

– For your -90



• Area and
-110 -110

-120 -120
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz)

• Frequency Bands LTE FTD


• Cellular shapes (GSM,

0 0

-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40

• Broadcast shapes (DVB-x)

-50 -50

-60 -60

-70 -70

• PMR shapes (TETRA,

-80 -80

-90 -90

-100 -100

-110 -110

-120 -120
-2 -1 0 1 2 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

• Analog shapes (NBFM)

Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz)

– Work with a

• Spectrum analyzer and/or -10



• Channel Scanner

– Know what’s not right! -60


-120 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Frequency (MHz)
Frequency (MHz)

Mob WiMax WLAN 11g

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What features do you really need?
Characterizing Interference with spectral

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Characterizing Interference with spectral analysis
Documentation of all measurable signal parameters

• Signal parameters
– Center Frequency
– Occupied Bandwidth
– Channel Power
– Transmission shape / envelope
– Time based characteristics
• Pulse Duration (PD)
• Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF)
– Location based parameters
• Time
• GPS location
– Weather conditions
– Propagation environment
• Rural Signals may be linked to other signals
• Suburban
Look for a trace that turns on and off
• Urban
Look for carriers that turn on and off when
your interference turns on and off

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Characterizing Interference with spectral analysis
Spectral Display – Amplitude versus frequency

• The most fundamental display in interference hunting is a spectral

display (amplitude vs. frequency).
• A max hold function is also important in detecting short duration signals
or looking for an elevated noise floor.

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Characterizing Interference with spectral analysis
Several traces operating in different trace modes

A max. of 3 traces can

have completely
different setups
E.g. for short
E.g. for remaining
Dual trace spectrum
helps see what’s
Trace features
Trace Hold
Recall Trace
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Characterizing Interference with spectral analysis
Auto mask feature

• To look for intermittent signals near

or on a legitimate signal
– Auto-Mask allows “save on event”
waveform capture
– Auto Mask can save traces when the
mask is violated
• Allows for quick analysis of data
captured over several hours or days
– Upper and lower mask created
• Can be round or square
• User sets number of points
– Look for unusual events within the
Rx channel or band

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Characterizing Interference with spectral analysis
Burst Detect for bursty Signals

• Bursty Signals
– Many digital signals are bursty
• On 50% of the time, or less
• Wi-Fi
• LTE Uplink
• WCMDA Uplink
• CDMA Uplink
• Bluetooth
• Industrial automation
– Use “Burst Detect” to view these
signals reliably
• Trace mode that detects pulses
over 200 micro seconds reliably
• Makes direction finding much,
much, faster

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Characterizing Interference with spectral analysis
Spectrogram Analysis

• A Spectrogram shows frequency, Up to 15600 traces, over 3 days

time, and level information and is Zero Span operation possible
extremely useful in analyzing
• GPS referenced spectrogram
• Record Spectrogram

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Characterizing Interference with spectral analysis
Spectrogram Analysis

• Use the spectrogram to look for

signals that change its keying
over time
• Signals may occur at specific times
of the day, or days of the week
– Gas stations sending the day’s
receipts in by satellite
– A car with a jammer on its
weekday commute
– Teachers that want to stop
cheating during tests
– Meeting leaders who don’t want
– High average BTS power at the
rush hour when loaded to
– When a RF Lab is testing new

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Characterizing Interference with spectral analysis
Spectrogram Analysis

• Use the spectrogram to look for

signals that change frequency and
amplitude over time
– e.g. due to temperature
– e.g. due to changing reflections
• People
• Cars
• Etc.
– Displayed signal is unstable in
• From a cell phone booster
with insufficient input to
output isolation
• Common consumer grade
equipment issue

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Characterizing Interference with spectral analysis
Signal analysis, demodulation and decoding

• Demodulate the signal in order to prove

the signal type
– For cellular signals
• Find Cell ID
• Find network owner by
Base Station Colour Code
– Prove if it’s GSM, UMTS, LTE
• By modulation scheme
– Find Owner and Cell ID
in case of PMR signals
– IQ Capturing
• Record signal for post analysis
• Files are MATLAB compatible
• Replay captured signal using
e.g. MS2830A

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Characterizing Interference with spectral analysis
Audio Analysis

• Audio demodulation means listening to

the signal
• Audio demodulation allows
– AM / FM / PM demodulation
(NBFM, WBFM, SSB, etc.)
• Measure audio parameters
– Modulation Rate, RMS, Pk-Pk/2,
SINAD, THD, and Distortion/Total
– Audio Spectrum
– Audio Waveform
• Station ID / call signs
• Language and content
• Even digital signals can sometimes be
identified using audio demodulation

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Interference Hunting Tools

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Interference Hunting Tools
Spectrum Master MS2720T family

• Spectrum and Signal Analyzer

– Spectrum Analyzer Key Capabilities
• Fast Sweep
• Burst Sweep Mode
• Wide RBW range
• High Dynamic Range
– Signal Strength Tools
– EMF Tools
– Channel Power / Occ. BW measurements
– Trace Types
• Max-Hold
• Normal
• Min-Hold
– Averaging
• Trace Averaging
• Video Bandwidth Filter

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Interference Hunting Tools
Spectrum Master MS2720T family

• Frequency
– 9 kHz - 9 GHz
– 9 kHz - 13 GHz
– 9 kHz - 20 GHz
– 9 kHz - 32 GHz
– 9 kHz - 43 GHz
– 1 Hz - 10 MHz
• Average display noise level
– -164 dBm/Hz (typ.) (1 GHz, preamp ON)
• TOI Various demodulation capabilities

– +20 dBm (typ.)

• 20 MHz demodulation bandwidth
• IF output at 140 MHz with 30 MHz bandwidth
• Burst Detect capability (captures 200 μs bursts the first time, every time)

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Interference Hunting Tools
Spectrum Master MS27xxE family
• Frequency
– 9 kHz - 3 GHz
– 9 kHz - 4 GHz
– 9 kHz - 6 GHz
– 100 Hz - 3 MHz
– 1 Hz - 3 MHz
• Average display noise level
– -162 dBm/Hz (typ.) (1 GHz, Various demodulation capabilities
preamp ON)
– +25 dBm (typ.)
• 20 MHz demodulation bandwidth

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Interference Hunting Tools
LMR Master S412E

• Multipurpose instrument
– Cable- and Antenna Analyzer
– Spectrum Analyzer
– Signal Analyzer
– Signal Generator
– Coverage & Interference Mapping
– Interference Analyzer
• Frequency
– 500 kHz - 1,6 GHz
– 500 kHz - 6 GHz
Various demodulation capabilities
– 10 Hz - 3 MHz
• Average display noise level • NXDN,
– -162 dBm/Hz (typ.) (1 GHz, preamp • DMR,
– +25 dBm (typ.) • LTE 10 MHz
• 10 MHz demodulation bandwidth • WiMAX

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Handheld based emitter

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Handheld Emitter Location

MA2700A for manual sniffing and

taking bearings for locating
Built-in electronic compass
Built-in GPS receiver
Built-in preamplifier
Trigger for saving vectors
Easy no-tool attachment
of antennas
Ergonomic design
Instrument in front of the hips
Antenna operation by one hand
Light weight
Several available antennas

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Handheld Emitter Location
Available LF / VHF Antennas

Directional LF Antennas
2000-1777-R 9 kHz
to 20 MHz
2000-1778-R 20 MHz
to 200 MHz
2000-1779-R 200 Mz
to 500 MHz

Port Extender for MA2700A

2000-1798-R DC to
6 GHz

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MA2700A Handheld emitter localization
Available UHF / Mw Antennas

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MA2700A Handheld emitter localization
Available Antennas

Directional Antenna for MA2700A

Frequency: 698 MHz to 2500 MHz
Gain: 2 - 10 dBi typ.
Order number 2000-1715-R

BPF for MA2700A

2000-1739-R 880 MHz - 915 MHz,
2000-1740-R 1710 MHz - 1785 MHz
2000-1741-R 1920 MHz - 1980 MHz
2000-1742-R 832 MHz - 862 MHz
2000-1743-R 2500 MHz - 2570 MHz
2000-1799-R 2305 MHz - 2320 MHz
2000-1734-R 699 MHz - 715 MHz
2000-1735-R 776 MHz - 788 MHz
2000-1736-R 815 MHz - 850 MHz
2000-1737-R 1711 MHz - 1756 MHz
2000-1738-R 1850 MHz - 1910 MHz

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MA2700A Handheld emitter localization
MS2700A – typical results

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Automatic broadband
Interference Locating

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Automatic broadband direction finding system
MX28007A – a typical interference scenario

Complains about broadband

Location unknown, seems to
come everywhere

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Automatic broadband direction finding system

Mobile Direction Finding 9 kHz - 43 GHz

Mobile system to find interference sources
using Windows based tablet/laptop
MX28007A Mobile Interference Hunter™
Roof-top-mounted directional antenna array
MS2720T Spectrum Master with
Interference Mapping
Automatically “Locate while drive”
Take large number of measurements and
calculate signal location using mathematical
Finds all Types of Interference
Bursty signals with Burst Detect™
Narrowband Interference
Modulated Signals

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Automatic broadband direction finding system

Single or multiple emitter

detection modes
make it easy to use for any type
of emitter detection application
e.g. multiple emitter mode
is ideal for locating multiple
cable TV interferers
Multiple TRX operating the
same RF
A spectrum clearing mode using
channel power measurements that
map signals above a certain power
Compatible to any kind of Spectrum
Master, LMR Master, VNA Master,
Site Master, BTS Master

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Mobile Interference Hunting System

Vehicle Position

Position Estimate

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Mobile Interference Hunting System

Vehicle Position

Position Estimate

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Mobile Interference Hunting System

Vehicle Position

Position Estimate

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Mobile Interference Hunting System

Vehicle Position

Position Estimate

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Mobile Interference Hunting System

Vehicle Position

Position Estimate

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Mobile Interference Hunting System

Vehicle Position

Position Estimate

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring
and emitter geolocation

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Spectrum Today – Crowded and Expensive
• Cellular network operators have invested billions of dollars
purchasing rights to use frequency spectrum
• Carriers and other spectrum users need to protect their
investments and quality of service
• Interference mitigation is a top priority for optimizing network
performance and maximizing revenue
• Exploding demand for more bandwidth is driving the need to identify
and repurpose under-utilized spectrum

* NTIA - United States Frequency Allocations, 300 MHz to 3 GHz

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring
Goal of Spectrum Monitoring

• The overall of spectrum monitoring activities is to support the proper functioning

of the general process of spectrum management. Central objectives for spectrum
managers include the following
– Spectrum efficiency in determining planned and
actual frequency usage and occupancy, assessing
availability of spectrum for future uses;
– Compliance with national spectrum management regulations to shape and sustain radio
environments and user behavior, maximizing the benefit of the spectrum resource to society;
– Resolution of interference problems for existing and potential users.

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring
Why 24/7 Spectrum Monitoring Is Needed
• Discover and facilitate removal of interference sources
– Interference may be intermittent, periodic, and frequency-agile
– Need the ability to examine logged data
• Frequency and bandwidth
• Date and time of first and last intercept
• Patterns of unwanted signal activity
• Occupancy report
(usage number vs frequency)
• Characterize unwanted signal behavior
• Locate the interference source

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring
Key Applications

Teleport & Cellular DAS Systems

VSAT Terminals & Hubs

Broadcast Governament
Military Spot Beam Sig. Analysis



Oil and Gas Short & Long

Term EMF

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring
Performance – Insight – Reliability - Scalability

Desired characteristic for a Remote

Spectrum Probe
Broad frequency range
Fast survey or scan rates
High sensitivity, inc. PreAmp and narrow RBW
Applicable in high signal environments (high
Local or remote computer control
Add. Application specific software packages

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring
MS2710xA Remote Spectrum Monitors

Half Rack x 1U
Single Input
Full Rack x 2U
12 or 24 Input Ports
IP67 Outdoor Rated
1 or 2 Input Ports

PCB Only

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring
MS2710xA Performance Highlights

• 9 kHz to 6 GHz frequency coverage 20 MHz instantaneous FFT bandwidth

– Spectrogram operation mode IQ capture in block and streaming
• Fast sweep speed mode
– Up to 24 GHz/sec Integrated preamplifier
• High dynamic range Integrated GPS receiver
– > 106 dB dynamic range Gigabit Ethernet for high speed
– –165 dBm/Hz DANL with preamplifier on communications
– +10 dBm Third Order Intercept (TOI) 4 GB internal memory available for
– Spectrum Trace with up to 4000 points storing files
• Excellent spectral purity Signal ID software (*)
– < -70 dBc input-related spurious AM/FM/SSB Demodulation (*)
– -88 dBm residual spurious (*)
Under development
– -100 dBc/Hz phase noise @ 10 kHz

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring
MS2710xA Performance – Operation modes

• Two-way communication with remote probes provided by

Gbit Ethernet
– Documented SCPI commands available for users to write their
own scripts and applications…develop custom programs
• Enabling security agencies and contractors to create proprietary
secure applications
– Standard user interface using built in web server allows
multi-user view and operation
• Full control of instrument configuration
• View trace data and spectral traces parallel on PC, Tablet or

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring
MS2710xA Performance – Operation modes

– Anritsu ‘Vision’ PC software tools

• VISION Acquire
poll probes for spectrum information, database creation and
• VISION Monitor
automatically capture spectrum data, set thresholds and generate
keep spectrum history and provide reports on network health
• VISION Locate
use three or more probes to geo-locate location of signals and
• SpectraVision
automatically capture and demodullate spectrum data, set thresholds
and generate alarms, keep spectrum history and and provide reporting.

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring
VISION Monitor Functions

Edit probe
information and
scan settings

View synchronized historical or live data from numerous probes

Edit limit lines and apply retroactively to

historical trace data

pass/fail reports

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring

• Launched via Vision

• At least three
probes must be able
to “see” the target
• Emitter geolocation
– PDOA or

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Automatic Spectrum Monitoring
SpectraVision – Signal Analysis for LMR, DVB-S and Cellular Standards
• Parallel control of
several spectrum
• Fully automated
scan and
• Record and replay
• Automated
• Channel Scanner

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