Year 3 Autumn 1 Ice Age Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age

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At the end of the Iron

Age, coins were made Year Three

and used as Ice Age, Stone Age to
Bronze Age to Iron Age
During the Iron Age, An ice age is when
settlements became temperatures all over The most recent Ice Age
larger because tribes the world are very low started between
Glossary were better able to farm and stay low for a long 110,000 and 70,000 Autumn 1
and defend themselves. time. Glaciers are years ago and lasted
Archaeologist - someone who Large numbers of
studies the past by exploring old formed in an ice age and until around 12,000
remains people lived in hill forts continually expand years ago.
built on higher land. during this time.
Artefact - an object from the past
that shows evidence of what life Ice Age Map with Ice
was like and Extra Land
The IRON AGE Humans were
Barrow - a large structure made followed the Bronze around in the last ice age
of earth that people used to build Age. It was called and made good use of Megafauna existed in the Ice Age. These were
over graves the Iron Age because the extra land to migrate large animals where an adult weighed over
to different places in the 44kg. Megafauna included the woolly
Bronze - copper and tin are tools were now made mammoth, sabre-toothed cats, giants sloths
melted together to make a metal from iron. Iron was world. These humans,
and a huge armadillo-type creature called a
called bronze who survived the Ice Age
heated up and then glyptodon.
and are our ancestors,
Century - a period of 100 years hammered into
were Homo sapiens.
shape while hot.
Circa - Latin meaning 'around'
e.g. c.800BC means around 800BC The The
We also BRONZE AGE followed STONE AGE followed
Druids - powerful religious
people see a the Stone Age. It was the Ice Age. This period of
change in history is called the Stone
clothing as called the Bronze Age
Homo sapiens - the scientific wool was because humans started Age because it Skara Brae is an
name for the human species, in woven into was when early humans, extremely well
particular early man making tools from…
sheets of known as cavemen, preserved Stone Age
Hillfort - settlements built on
fabric and started using stones for Village built in the
used to Bronze was an alloy their tools and Neolithic period,
hills to provide more protection make made from copper weapons. around 3000BC. It was
Invasion - to try to take over a and tin. discovered in 1850
place by force after a heavy storm
The Bronze Age
stripped away the earth
people no longer that had previously
Loom - an apparatus that makes
fabric using threads used one dwelling been covering what we
for everything. They can see today.
Migration - movement from one built roundhouses
place to another in order to settle and they had
there different uses for
Rampart - a defensive wall built each roundhouse.
for protection
Settler/settlement - people who
migrate to a new place. When
people start a community, this is
a settlement.
Stone Circle - burials took place
in stone circles

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