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Microgravity Sci. Technol.

(2014) 26:131–138
DOI 10.1007/s12217-014-9391-z


Granular Flow Under Microgravity: A Preliminary Review

Yu Huang · Chongqiang Zhu · Xiang Xiang

Received: 29 October 2013 / Accepted: 3 September 2014 / Published online: 21 September 2014
© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract The complex macroscopic rheological behavior Introduction

of granular flow contains elements of both solid and liq-
uid flow. Furthermore, under microgravity, granular flow Granular materials are complex systems formed by the
exhibits novel flow features. To overcome a lack of com- interaction of a large number of discrete solid particles,
prehensive analyses of granular flow under microgravity, generally with diameters >1 µm. Granular materials are
this study reviews the microgravity platforms and devices widespread; most common examples include non-cohesive
under which granular flow can be observed, the experi- soil, clay, silt, coal and various raw materials widely
mental findings made in such settings, and the range of used in the chemical industry. Even lunar soil and the
numerical simulations that can be used to examine gran- regolith of other planets and moons are typical granular
ular flow under microgravity. Differences in experimental materials.
research between normal gravity and microgravity are high- Geotechnical materials often consist of granular aggre-
lighted. These differences are found in the modifications gates such as sand, silt, gravel, and soil, and geological
made to conventional granular flow experimental devices, disasters like avalanches, landslides, and mudslides often
in new or unique granular flow behaviors, and in the numer- exhibit granular flow behaviors. The regolith of asteroids
ical simulation methods needed for microgravity modeling. have a kind of typical granular materials that have been
Additionally, the benefits of numerical simulation methods developed by impact of other asteroids; tidal forces and the
for examining rapid and dense flows under microgravity are Yorp effect lead to changes – or even reversals – in shear
also discussed. This study may have wide-ranging implica- stress. The geotechnical materials covering the surface of
tions in such fields as investigations of the surface geology the asteroid, Itokawa, are produced by a granular convection
of asteroids or the efficient design and development of process (Miyamoto et al. 2007), which actually is the main
anchoring mechanisms or space vehicles. geological process at work on asteroids.
Microgravity environments provide us with a novel
Keywords Microgravity · Granular flow · Phase ground for studying the mechanical properties of granular
transform · Microstructure flow. The complexity of granular fluids is related to the
unique characteristics of its static and dynamic mechanic
properties; these characteristics include the granary effect,
Y. Huang ()
Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering phase transforms and the Brazil nut effect (Masson et al.
of the Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, 2000; Esipov et al. 1997; Möbius et al. 2001). Granu-
China lar flow in a microgravity environment is quite different
e-mail: from granular flow in a conventional gravity setting and
Y. Huang · C. Zhu · X. Xiang
observes a series of new rheological behavior. Moreover,
Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil the rapid development of space exploration will require the
Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China space vehicles landing on the asteroids surface covered with
132 Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2014) 26:131–138

granular materials. Therefore, it is significant to figure out Granular Flow Test Platforms and Devices
the rheological behavior of granular flow which will provide Under Microgravity
preliminary advice for the design of space vehicles and then
keep the landing stable (Brucks et al. 2008). Microgravity refers to gravitational accelerations that are
Because of the scarcity and high cost of accessing a significantly less than Earth’s conventional gravity (1g=
microgravity environment – combined with the complexity 980cm/s 2 ). Strictly, this means that the effective grav-
of conducting a granular flow experiment in a short time— ity must be less than or equal to 10−6 g. Because of the
studies of granular flow in microgravity are rare. Those extremely low level of effective gravity, the effect produced
experiments that have been conducted have focused on the by gravity on a granular flow can be eliminated. Currently
stress-strain relationships, the angle of repose, avalanche microgravity can be obtained by numerous means, such as
angle and length, and a few other physical characteris- a test in a space station, a satellite, a parabolic flight air-
tics; however, none has examined new rheological behav- craft a microgravity rocket, an altitude balloon, and a drop
ior of granular flow under microgravity. The lack of a tower (or drop well). The differences between these means
systematic summary or study of the effects of micrograv- are listed in Table 1.
ity on granular flow possibly will hinder future research To choose which of the various means listed above
progress. should be used, experimental costs, the experimental cycle,
This paper summarizes previous researches on granu- the duration of microgravity required, and microgravity
lar flow under microgravity, including the testing platforms level should be considered. The contrasts between prin-
and devices used, and some new rheological behavior of cipal microgravity platforms are shown in Table 1. In
granular flow under microgravity. We propose two novel addition to choosing the right test means to provide a suit-
methods of numerical simulation that have been specifi- able microgravity environment for conducting advanced
cally established for this research that can be used to verify research, an appropriate experimental device for granular
the rheological behavior of granular flow under micrograv- flow under microgravity is equally significant. The com-
ity. This will help to: (1)facilitate familiarity with the latest mon granular flow test devices include impact devices
research into granular flow under microgravity, (2) improve such as the COLLIDE Impactor Box System used to
understanding of new behaviors of granular flow under figure out the response of very low velocity collisions
microgravity and, by extension, on the surface of other into a modelled regolith (Colwell 1999, 2003), the oscil-
planetary bodies, and (3) develop an efficient design for lating granular damper system adopted to evaluate the
an anchoring mechanism or space vehicles, while consid- effectiveness of dissipate energy by particles collisions in
ering the interaction with the surface of regolith covered reduced gravity (Bannerman et al. 2011) and the low-
bodies. velocity collision box developed to study the interactions

Table 1 Contrast between principal microgravity platforms (based on Thomas et al. 2000)

Microgravity equipment Microgravity duration Microgravity level Advantages Shortcomings

Space station, Recoverable a few years in Space 10−5 − 10−6 g providing stable microgravity test opportunities are
satellite station, a few days to a environment with long relatively rare; expensive
few years in satellites microgravity duration and
good microgravity level;
satellites are recoverable
Manned spacecraft, space 5-10 days 10−4 − 10−5 g providing superior microgravity test opportunities are
shuttle environment; the space shuttle relatively rare; expensive
is recyclable
Sounding rocket 5-10 minutes 10−3 − 10−4 g relatively cheap;used for relative poor stability
Parabolic flight aircraft 20-30s 10−2 − 10−4 g several experiments can be relative poor stability
conducted in one flight
Drop balloon 30-60 s 10−2 − 10−4 g relatively cheap and reusable relative poor stability
Drop Tower (or Drop well) 1-10 s 10−2 − 10−5 g relatively cheap and reusable relative poor stability and
short duration
Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2014) 26:131–138 133

of dust particles (Blum 2010); common granular flow sensitive to residual gravity and gravity fluctuations. In the
tests such as the plane shear flow test, the Taylor- space station, for example, some special phenomena called
Couette shear test (Baran et al. 2006; Bossis et al. 2004; gravity jitter are caused by changes in the position of stars
Rozitis et al. 2009), the silo discharge test, the inclined and aircraft. Because of its relative inaccessibility, such
planar flow test (Huang et al. 2013b), the hourglass test platforms will not be discussed further in this paper.
(Brucks et al. 2008), the rotating drum test (Rajchenbach Vibrations are found in the lifting and upgrading pro-
1990) and some other tests are also included. The six typi- cesses of drop towers and parabolic flights, which may
cal granular tests can be divided into confined flow test and cause difficulties in the stability of granular flow during data
free surface flow test (GDR MiDi 2004). Plane shear flow collection.
test, Taylor-Couette shear test and silo discharge test belong To ensure that a gravity wave is positive and to solve
to the confined flow test, and others are free surface flow for the small negative residual gravity values, some meth-
test. The plane shear test is the simplest experiment to study ods, such as using a sprung-loaded movable pressure disk
the rheological behavior of granular flow. Granular materi- to provide a small force in a preferred direction to simulate
als filled between two parallel rough plates are sheared by the effect of very low positive gravity, which is equal to the
the motion of one plate. The Taylor-Couette shear test is maximum amplitude of gravity oscillation, can be applied
conducted in a cell composed of two concentric cylinders. (Murdoch et al. 2013a). Meanwhile, there are some ways
The outer cylinder is fixed, while the inner cylinder is free to to avoid vibrations, including isolating the model box from
rotate. Shear stress is applied to the granular material filled vibrations by using silent blocks (Murdoch et al. 2013b).
in the gap between cylinders by the rotation of inner cylin- More shock devices are expected to modify conventional
der. The experiment can study the time to start a steady state granular flow to fit the microgravity environment.
flow, behavior of steady flow and memory effect of sheared
particles. The silo discharge test has been widely studied
considering its extensive application. In this test, granular Vacuum and Low-temperature Apparatus
material flow out of an aperture at the bottom of silo toward
reservoir. The flow rate, response angle and particle veloc- Current space environments can be used to achieve some
ity can be measured. The inclined planar flow test has been particle flow simulations. For example, such environments
widely used in geophysical engineering. The duration, the enable actual granular flow simulations that might occur in
maximum slop angle, the impact force and the configura- outer space – such as for Saturn ring research or for surface
tion can be recorded during the experiment. In hourglass granular flow on an asteroid. In addition to microgravity,
test, the angle of response, the crater angel and the volume vacuum and low-temperature (as low as 140 K) environ-
flux can be observed. The free surface of granular material ments are required for some current rapid flow experiments.
for different rotation speeds of cylinder can be obtained in If done on Earth, the experimental device generally needs
the rotating drum test. The aforementioned tests are essen- to be placed in a vacuum chamber that can avoid any heat
tial to reveal the rheological behavior of granular materials transfer and air flow.
under reduced gravity from the point view of laboratory Because liquid Nitrogen (N2 ) is not generally allowed
experiment. aboard any aircraft, cooling to such extreme temperatures
A traditional granular flow experimental apparatus is not must be done in some other way, such as a thermal reser-
suitable for microgravity platforms. Often, some modifi- voir, which is cooled by liquid N2 spiraling through a copper
cation is required for them. Current microgravity experi- tube wound around a copper block and attached to a liquid
ments must consider the following points: residual gravity N2 fed through at the lower edge of the vacuum chamber
fluctuations and vibrations, vacuum and low-temperature (Blum 2010).
apparatus. In order to prevent particles from flying out of the top,
the cover is one of the elements that must be considered.
Meanwhile, the development of a new microgravity plat-
Residual Gravity Fluctuations and Vibrations form, such as a suspension simulation system or air-bearing
simulation system may also help to the research of granular
At present, most granular flow experiments under micro- flow, even though now they are labeled unstable and impre-
gravity are carried out in parabolic flights and drop towers; cise. Moreover, the large diameter centrifuge is introduced
only a few are conducted in microgravity rocket or space to study the discharge of a planar monolayer of grains under
station environments, with the details shown in Table 1. In microgravity carried out by horizontal rotation with constant
parabolic flights and drop tower tests, there still is often speed (Dorbolo et al. 2011, 2013). This method can create
significant residual gravity and residual gravity fluctua- stable microgravity environment, but the application is lim-
tion (up to 10−2 g). Some granular flow processes are very ited. By using magnetic resonance imaging, X-rays and
134 Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2014) 26:131–138

high-speed photographic methods, PIV and other means, (Rozitis et al. 2009), where the rolling direction in the
the particles’ positions, speeds and other information can be Taylor-Couette shear test is inverted after the formation of
obtained. stable granular flow. The ground test shows that the times
needed to form the first and second stable granular flows are
both short. While in a microgravity environment, if the shear
Experimental Investigation of Granular Flow rate of first stable granular flow is relatively large, the sys-
Under Microgravity tem will be quickly destroyed when the rolling direction is
inverted. Also, with the absence of gravitational force bonds
From the point of view of fluid mechanics, granular sys- in a system, shearing of the slow dense flow disappears and
tems subjected to Earth’s gravitational environment usually it transforms to the rapid phase.
exhibit common phenomena such as convection caused by Gravity plays a role in remodeling a system. Remodeling
gravity and vibration, density stratification, and density is based on condensing the granular system and configuring
alteration during flow. However, these effects are almost gravitational bonds. While in a microgravity environment,
eliminated under microgravity. This leads to a simplification the absence of gravity eliminates the possibility that rapid
of flow structure that assists in investigations of the nature of flow could convert to dense flow by long contact and the
particle interaction and the effect of the absence of gravity. formation of gravitational bonds. Also the absence of grav-
Several new behaviors of granular flow under microgravity itational potential energy increases the likelihood of any
are introduced in the experimental study presented here. particle moving over to its neighbors.
Free planar flow was also found in a similar situation,
inclined plate flow (Huang et al. 2013b). The great change
Flow Phase Transformation of rheological behavior under microgravity was found to be
that sand flow velocity decreased much more slowly and the
Granular flow falls into two categories, rapid flow which is flow duration lengthened; however, some of the particles in
dominant by binary collisions, and dense flow that governed the later part of the flow showed rapid flow behavior. As a
by many-granular interactions as the particles have enduring result of decreasing gravity in avalanches of small spheri-
contacts with surrounding particles (Corwin 2008). Mean- cal grains, particles were shown to be more likely to move
while, dense flow is divided into slow dense low and rapid far away or even to fly away (Hofmeister et al. 2009; Blum
dense flow. The inertia of particles is negligible to slow 2010). Thus when gravity is absent, dense flows also tend to
dense flow, while rapid dense flow is dominated by inertia experience the same external forces and move freely; some
(Rozitis et al. 2009). In reduced gravity, the dense flow may of them evolve into rapid flows and preserve their force
turn into rapid flow considering the microgravity reduced bonds without adopting the characteristics of a solid.
the possibility of collisional dense flow into a slower and
denser flow (Louge et al. 2000). The slow dense flow in nor-
mal gravity may move to the rapid dense flow in reduced Microstructure
gravity provided that the kinetic energy of particles is same
in both situations (Rozitis et al. 2009). The transformation In granular flow experiments under microgravity some
is reasonable due to the inertia of particles no longer being micro-structures (e.g., particle rings, radial convection, and
negligible. Therefore, under microgravity, but with specific shear zones) are found. In the rheological experiments of
conditions kept the same, a slow dense flow may transform Bossis et al. (2004), particles with intermediate solid frac-
into a rapid dense flow, and a dense flow may turn into a tions form regular rings spaced along the height of the cell.
rapid flow. A granular flow is essentially a kind of discrete The shear stress and shear strain rate curves are also found
shear movement. The shear stress in granular flow primarily to be consistent and coincide with the kinetic theory of
consists of the Coulomb friction forces, the dissipative con- gases; a quadratic relationship is clearly observed that is
tact forces and the collision forces. Coulomb friction forces also consistent with Bagnold’s classic experimental results
dominate for a granular flow with a low shear rate and a (Bagnold 1954).
high concentration, and they are proportional to the normal Bossis et al. (2004) hypothesized that the microstructures
stress. formed as shear movement increased because of the sliding
In microgravity environment, granular flow is free of the rotating column. As the volume fraction increased,
because of the absence of gravity that otherwise would more particles were generated in the ring. The rings of
provide the normal stress. Also, Coulomb friction forces particles together with the roughness of the inner rotating
decrease greatly because time dissipative contact forces boundary will increase the sliding effect. Then less energy
dominate. This also means that freer shear movement would be transmitted among particles, thereby reducing the
will occur. This has been confirmed by experimentation shear stress.
Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2014) 26:131–138 135

Similarly, variation in the convective flow area is notable. Only vibrational convection and the first flow law work
Under Earth’s gravity in a Taylor-Couette shearing box, par- under microgravity. In contrast, the effect of buoyant force
ticles start to rotate after a period of time. The flow in the is cancelled in reduced gravity and therefore the segrega-
rotational direction is referred to as the primary flow, and tion of grains by size or mass is driven by spatial gradients
the flow velocity decreases as the distance to the internal in the fluctuating energy of the grains which balanced the
drum increases. After the formation of the primary flow, a momentum transferred among particles.
convective-like flow running parallel to the drum develops
and is referred to as the secondary flow (Fig. 1). The sec-
ondary flow (Murdoch et al. 2013b) is largely influenced Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Simulation
by gravity. As gravity increases, the scale of the secondary of Granular Flow Under Microgravity
flow also increases; it disappears under microgravity. Con-
versely, though, the primary flow field is not influenced by A granular system suffering external loads, and exhibiting a
gravity, even though the absence of gravity may change the nature similar to a fluid, is known as a granular flow. A basic
frictional particle-particle and particle-wall interactions. mathematical and physical model for granular flow can be
constructed based on the contact model between particles;
whereas a fine numerical simulation relies on a mathemati-
Changes in Convection and Separation Mechanisms cal contact model. Since Hertz (1881) proposed his contact
theory, various other contact theories for spherical particles
The Rayleigh number, because of the great decrease in natu- have been proposed. For different regimes, different numer-
ral convection under microgravity, indicates that the natural ical schemes have been proposed to analyze the rheological
convection of particles was greatly weakened. The new con- behavior of granular flow.
vection mechanism will dominate. Radial convection during In rapid flow, the collisions between particles in exper-
ring-like shear movement is greatly weakened. Louge et al. iment are similar to molecular collision; the difference is
(2000) investigated the separation of granular flow under that the energy dissipates when the solid particles collide.
microgravity by putting two different kinds of spherical par- Therefore the kinetic theory of gases is widely used in the
ticles in a track-like shear box to experience shearing. A analysis and numerical simulation of rapid flow. Beyond
gradient of fluctuation energy is found between the inner that, the hard-sphere model (Roth et al. 2002), the direct
and outer boundaries of the shear box. Monte-Carlo method (Myo et al. 2011) and the molecu-
From the perspective of fluid mechanics, the new micro- lar dynamics model (Hrenya 2010) are also classic rapid
gravity convection mechanism is based on convection flow models, which have obtained some credible results in
caused by heat and surface tension. Because of the prop- previous works.
erties of a granular solid, only vibration convection rather The quasi-static flow has a high solid fraction and low
than natural convection takes place, and even radial convec- shear deformation, its behavior is more similar to the solid,
tion associated with ring-like shear movement disappears. therefore many scholars have proposed a series of fric-
tion plastic model based on Mohr-Coulomb friction criteria,
such as the double shear model (Alexandrov 2005) and the
plastic potential model (Harris 1995).
Dense flow is more complicated because it is different
from the above two extreme states. It flows like fluid, while
particles maintain enduring contacts. The contact mechan-
ics system theoretically can solve any complex granular
flow, but it is still difficult in realizing by the computer.
Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of granular
flow based on different sorts of methods such as the DEM
method, the linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis
methods (Alam et al. 2005), the non-smooth contact dynam-
ics (NSCD) (Jean 1999) and the non-smooth DEM (Sanni
et al. 2010) are developed to model dense flow.
Sun et al. (2009) suggest that Hertz theory and MD
theory are used to describe the normal stress and tangen-
tial stress respectively when the contacts are viewed as
Fig. 1 Graphical illustration of primary and secondary flow fields smooth; while the JKR theory and Thornton theory are
(based on (Murdoch et al. 2013b)) adopted when the contacts are adhesive. Constraining the
136 Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2014) 26:131–138

parameters achieved by ground tests in microgravitational of dense flow. Recently, new constitutive models and a
environments is a topic worth exploring. Nakashima (2007) theoretical model that considers force chain deformation
conducted a test with the Toyora sand under micrograv- have been proposed to support a phenomenological consti-
ity outflow from a hopper to a plate, and the impact of tutive model (Forterre et al. 2008). This model successfully
gravity for the angle of repose is assessed. They used two reproduces the complex flow of particles under different
kinds of hoppers with different hopper angles. The exper- boundary conditions in dense flow (GDR MiDi 2004). More
iment was conducted by a parabolic flight of airplane. In attention should be paid on the establishing dynamic numer-
the test, the Toyora sand flows out of the hopper and heaps ical model for dense flow. Considering the rheological
up on a circular plate. The sand flow was recorded by a behavior under microgravity, the smoothed particle hydro-
digital video camera and the angle of response was mea- dynamics (SPH), which has been adopted to analyze the
sured. The hopper experiment confirmed that the response large deformation of geo-materials under normal gravity
angle is less affected by gravity condition. Subsequently, the (Huang et al. 2011, 2012, 2013a), can be introduced to sim-
DEM method was used to simulate the hopper experiments. ulate the dense flow by appropriate constitutive model based
The simulation results were consistent with the experi- on force chain.
mental results when using a spring constant obtained from
ground testing in different gravitational environments. This
suggests that the DEM parameters are independent of grav- Conclusions
ity; i.e., the DEM parameters obtained from ground testing
can also be used in a microgravity setting. This shows the We have presented an analysis of granular flow test plat-
superiority of DEM analysis for granular flow. forms and devices operating in microgravity environment,
Linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis methods experimental studies of granular flow under microgravity,
have also been used in the study of granular flow under and the numerical simulation of granular flow under micro-
microgravity. Alam et al. (2005) established a kinetic-theory gravity. These three types of studies presented in a logical
rheological model to analyze granular Couette flow. They sequence have led to the following conclusions.
found that at low shear rates, particles are densely packed
near the bottom wall and the shear rate is close to 0; above 1. The current development and construction of the Inter-
this base is a sheared dilute region. Through this process, national Space Station (ISS) makes it one of the
gravity adds imperfection to the system by destroying the most ideal microgravity platforms. However, because
perfect bifurcation structure of uniform shear. of economic constraints, most granular flow tests under
The non-smooth contact dynamics method (NSCD) pro- microgravity are conducted during parabolic flights or
posed by Jean (1999) provide a new view for the simulation from a drop tower. To undertake granular flow experi-
of dense flow. The contacts between particles are described ments under microgravity, traditional experimental
by Coulomb’s unilateral contact law with dry friction; there- devices need to be modified to deal with gravitational
fore the simulation of multi-body contacts and collisions fluctuations and vibrations. Dampening devices and
among particles can be realized. The non-associativity of seismic isolation devices, as well as vacuum and cool-
the constitutive law faces numerical challenges. By adopt- ing devices, and techniques for containing the experi-
ing the bi-potential concept in the framework of the NSCD ments within the devices, should be taken into account.
DEM with a faster and more robust time stepping algo- 2. Several new rheological behaviors of granular flow
rithm is put forward. Fortin et al. (2005) use the dual under microgravity have been identified in recent stud-
potential method solved this non-binding problem. The ies. These include phase transformations, the occur-
bi-potential method leads to a fast and easy implement rence of microstructures, and change in the mechanisms
predictor-corrector scheme and allows using a convergence of convection and separation. These new findings show
criteria based on an error estimator in constitutive equation unique contributions of gravity that cannot be observed
The NSCD DEM model has been executed in the software in normal Earth gravity. We suggest that the study of
MULTICOR. The superiority of this algorithm on dense granular flow in the future should focus on quanti-
flow has been proven. The method has been used success- fying these three behaviors, including how to define
fully to solve various three-dimensional problems (Sanni precisely the transition from slow flow to dense flow
et al. 2010; Nguyen et al. 2009). and dense flow to rapid flow. Future research should
Force chain has been proved by experiments and numer- also address theoretical models of convection and sep-
ical simulation in dense flow. The complicated characteris- aration under microgravity and the size or significance
tics of dense flow are derived from the complex evaluation of microstructure.
of force chain. Therefore the research based on force chain 3. The development of numerical simulation for analy-
is necessary approach to make out the rheological behavior sis of rheological behaviors of granular flow under
Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2014) 26:131–138 137

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