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Research and Development Division

National Research Program for Universities

No: 9352/Sindh/ NRPU/R&D/HEC/ 2017 Date Printed : 11.07.19

Principle Investigator
Riaz Hussain Bhanbhro,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering,
Quaide Awam University of Engineering and Technology, Nawabshah,
Sindh, Pakistan


Higher education Commission has provisionally approved your project titled "Advanced Laboratory testing , Physical and Numerical Modelling of Canal
Embankments using various soil types including cemented soils." at total cost of Rs. 7397805/- (seven million three hundred ninety seven

thousand eight hundred five ) with an amount of Rs. 6037600/- (six million thirty seven thousand six hundred ) as a first installment for a period
of 36 months with the following detailed breakup of budget:

Component-wise Installment Final

Items Rates as per NRPU policy
cost Payment
1st 2nd 3rd

PI Honoraium Assistant Professor Rs.59210 p/a 177,630 0 59,210 59,210 59,210

CoPI1 Honorarium Professor and Dean Rs.76720 p/a 76,720 0 0 0 76,720

PhD Student Ship 900,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 0

5,351,000 5,351,000 0 0 0

551,000 311,000 240,000 0 0

Litrature 50,000 0 0 50,000 0

Local Travel Not more than 200,000/pa 56,400 45,600 10,800 0 0

Miscellaneous 60,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0

Stationary Rs. 10,000 p/a 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0

Not allowed as per Fedral Audit

Audit Fee 0 0 0 0 0

Total 7,252,750 6,037,600 640,010 439,210 135,930

Indirect Cost @ 15% of total amount 145,055 0 48,351 48,351 48,351

Grand Total 7,397,805 6,037,600 688,361 487,561 184,281

You are requested to execute an agreement on the stamp paper as per attached specimen, and the same may be sent to this office within 15 days
after issuance of the award letter, failing which the award would be withdrawn automatically. Principal Investigator (PI) would also have to submit
final proposal along with agreement as per caluse 06 of the agreement. Please note that all expenditure must be made as per government rules after
observing all codal formalities such as PPRA rules. All accounts of these funds shall be maintained as per Government rules and are subject to audit.
Please note that project funds are released upon receipt of grant from Govt. of Pakistan. If PI is already executing more than two projects
simultaneously, under NRPU, then this project will be automatically considered as closed, as per policy.

Furthermore, TA/DA is not allowed, however, expenditure as per actual may be reimbersed from local travel budget-head. Next installment will be
released after deduction of the previous unspent amount reflected in the audited expenditure statement.

The Rector/VC
The Director Finance
The Director ORIC
Quaide Awam University of Engineering and Technology, Nawabshah,
(Afeefa Irshad)
Dy Director (R&D)
Computer generated document doesn't need signatures

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