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118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Do you like learning languages?
Yes, I absolutely enjoy learning languages. It opens up a whole new world of
opportunities, facilitates communication with people from diverse cultures, and
deepens my understanding of different societies. Learning languages also helps me
appreciate the richness and beauty of different linguistic expressions.

What languages do you speak?

I possess a commendable fluency in Vietnamese which is my mother tongue.
Additionally, I have dedicated myself to the acquisition of English, honing my
linguistic prowess during my academic years resulted in my acquiring a refined
level of proficiency. I find it rewarding to be able to communicate and connect
with people in multiple languages.

When did you start learning English?

I started learning English around the age of 10 as it was introduced as a
mandatory subject in our curriculum. It began with basic vocabulary and simple
phrases, gradually progressing to more complex grammar and sentence structures.
Additionally, I participated in various language-oriented activities with the aim of
honing my English skills.

Is it easy for you to learn it?

Learning English has been both challenging and rewarding for me. While it is
not easy, I have put in considerable effort to improve. Initially, I struggled with
grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary, but with practice and guidance, I have
made significant progress. Regular practice, exposure to English media, and
utilizing online resources have been helpful. Overall, while learning English has its
difficulties, I find it to be a rewarding experience that requires persistence and

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Is there another language you would like to learn?

Absolutely! I am always eager to learn new languages. One language that
particularly interests me is Japanese as their rich history, vibrant culture, and
economic significance make it a valuable language to pick up.

Do you have a lot of friends?
Yes, I am fortunate to have a good number of friends. Over the years, I have
built meaningful friendships through school, college, and various social activities.
Having a diverse group of friends has enriched my life, as each individual brings
unique perspectives, shared experiences, and support.

Have you made friends on the Internet?

Yes, I have made friends on the Internet. With the advent of social media
platforms and online communities, it has become easier to connect with people
who share similar interests and passions. Through online interactions, I have been
able to forge genuine friendships with individuals from different parts of the world,
fostering a sense of global camaraderie.

Do you prefer to have a lot of friends or a few close friends?

While having a wide circle of friends is wonderful, I personally value having a
few close friends more. Close friends are like a second family, providing a deep
level of trust, understanding, and support. These intimate connections allow for
meaningful conversations, shared experiences, and a sense of companionship that
goes beyond surface-level interactions.

Are friends important to you?

Yes, friends hold immense importance in my life. They provide emotional
support, laughter, and companionship. Friends are there to celebrate joys, offer
comfort during challenging times, and share experiences that create cherished
memories. The presence of good friends adds value and richness to life, making it
more fulfilling and enjoyable.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Do you remember teachers who taught you?
Yes, I have vivid memories of the teachers who taught me throughout my
educational journey. They played a significant role in shaping my knowledge,
character, and personal growth. Many teachers left a lasting impression on me with
their passion, dedication, and ability to inspire. Their guidance and encouragement
have influenced my academic pursuits and career choices.

Who is the teacher you remember the most?

The teacher I remember the most is my high school English teacher, Ms. Lien.
She had an incredible ability to make the subject come alive through her engaging
teaching style and infectious enthusiasm. Her creativity in lesson planning,
insightful feedback, and genuine care for her students left a lasting impact on me.
She fostered a love for literature and language within me, and I am grateful for the
knowledge and inspiration she imparted.

Is there any teacher you dislike?

While I respect and appreciate the efforts of all my teachers, there isn't any
particular teacher whom I dislike. Each teacher has their own teaching style and
approach, and although there may have been differences in personalities or
teaching methods, I recognize the valuable contributions they made to my

Would you like to become a teacher?

No, I do not have the aspiration to become a teacher. While teaching is a noble
profession and plays a crucial role in shaping young minds, I personally have
different career aspirations. I enjoy engaging with knowledge and assisting others,
but my interests lie in other fields where I can utilize my skills and contribute in
different ways. Nonetheless, I have great respect for teachers and the important
work they do in educating and inspiring others.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Is it easy for you to concentrate in a noisy environment?
To be honest, mental absorption is not exactly my strong suit, especially in a
noisy environment. The constant chatter, background music, or other distracting
sounds tend to disrupt my focus and make it difficult for me to maintain a train of

Did you find it easy to concentrate when you were a kid?

As a child, I remember it being simpler for me to focus compared to now. I think
children have a natural ability in focusing on tasks without getting easily
distracted. However, as I grew older and became more exposed to technology and
the fast-paced world around me, maintaining concentration has become more

Have you done something to improve your concentration?

Yes, I have taken steps to improve my concentration. I have practiced
mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, to enhance my
ability to stay focused. Additionally, I have developed a habit of setting aside
dedicated quiet time for focused work or study. I also find that eliminating digital
distractions, such as turning off notifications on my phone or using productivity
apps to block distracting websites, greatly helps me maintain concentration.

Is it important to concentrate?
Absolutely, concentration is crucial in accomplishing tasks effectively and
efficiently. It allows us to give our full attention to the task at hand, which leads to
improved productivity and better results. Whether it's studying for exams,
completing work assignments, or engaging in creative pursuits, concentration plays
a vital role in achieving success.

Do you prefer a quiet place or a place with some background noise?

Personally, I prefer a quiet place when I need to concentrate. A serene and calm
environment enables me to stay focused as well as set aside distractions. However,
I do understand that some individuals find a moderate level of background noise,

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

such as soft instrumental music or ambient sounds, helpful in maintaining their

attention. It ultimately depends on personal preferences and the nature of the task
being performed.

Are you an ambitious person?
Indeed, I consider myself to be an ambitious individual. I possess a strong drive
and determination to set and pursue meaningful goals in various aspects of my life.

What would you like to achieve in your life?

In the grand scheme of things, I aspire to lead a fulfilling life that encompasses
both personal and professional accomplishments. Specifically, I aim to make a
positive impact on society through my work, nurture meaningful relationships, and
continually strive for personal growth and self-improvement.

What was your dream as a child?

As a child, my dreams were often fueled by curiosity and imagination. One of
my cherished childhood dreams was to become an astronaut, exploring the vastness
of space and unraveling the mysteries of the universe. While my aspirations may
have evolved over time, the essence of dreaming big and pursuing the
extraordinary remains ingrained within me.

Is it good to be ambitious?
Undoubtedly, harboring ambition can be immensely beneficial. It serves as a
catalyst for personal growth, propelling individuals to push their boundaries,
unlock their full potential, and achieve remarkable feats. Ambition fuels
motivation, determination, and resilience, fostering a proactive approach to life and
encouraging continuous self-improvement.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Repairing things
Do you often repair things? What do you usually repair?
Yes, I do find myself frequently engaged in repairing various items. From small
household appliances like lights and lamps to basic plumbing fixtures, I enjoy
taking on the challenge of fixing things myself whenever possible. It not only saves
money but also gives me a sense of accomplishment.

Did someone teach you how to repair things when you were young?
Undoubtedly, my early exposure to the art of repairs can be attributed to the
guidance and expertise of my elders. From a young age, I had the privilege of
learning practical repair skills from my parents and older siblings. They patiently
passed down their wisdom, equipping me with the necessary know-how and
instilling in me a sense of self-sufficiency and resourcefulness.

What was the last time you repaired something?

Most recently, I had the satisfaction of successfully repairing a malfunctioning
fan. By meticulously diagnosing the issue, sourcing the appropriate replacement
parts, and employing my technical prowess, I managed to rectify the problem and
restore the functionality of the device. It was a gratifying experience that
showcased the value of my repair skills.

What do you think you can’t repair?

While I have developed confidence in my repair abilities, there are certain
complex and specialized areas that I acknowledge may be beyond my expertise.
For instance, high-end electronic devices such as smartphones or laptops often
require specialized knowledge and equipment, making them more suitable for
professional repairs. In such cases, I prefer to seek the assistance of trained
technicians to ensure proper and efficient resolution of the issue.

An active
118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Do you like cycling?
Yes, I quite enjoy cycling. It’s a fantastic way to stay active, explore the
outdoors, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Cycling allows me to appreciate nature
and experience a sense of freedom while exercising.

Did you ride a bicycle when you were a kid?

Absolutely! When I was a child, riding a bicycle was one of my favorite
pastimes. I have some fond memories learning the ways of cycling and exploring
my neighborhood on my bike. It was quite an exhilarating and liberating
experience that provided me with the sense of independence and adventure.

Would you like to buy a bicycle?

Yes, I would definitely like to purchase a bicycle in the near future. Cycling
offers numerous benefits, both physically and mentally, and it would be a great
addition to my daily routine. In my opinion, cycling would greatly enhance my
overall fitness and allow me to commute more efficiently while enjoying the

Do you think Vietnamese people will cycle more in the future?

I concur that the Vietnamese would likely cycle more moving forward. With the
increasing focus on sustainable transportation and environmental awareness,
cycling is slowly but surely gaining popularity as an eco-friendly way of
commuting. Moreover, the government’s effort to improve the infrastructure of
cycling and promote cycling initiatives are expected to encourage more people to
take up cycling as a means of transportation. This, coupled with the cultural
inclination towards cycling in Vietnam, suggests that the trend of cycling will
likely continue to grow in the future.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Keeping fit
What do you do to stay healthy?
To sustain a healthy lifestyle, I make sure to maintain a balanced diet by
including plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in my meals. Additionally,
I engage in regular physical exercise such as jogging, cycling and playing sports to
keep my body active. Drinking enough water, getting sufficient sleep, and
managing stress are also integral parts of my healthy lifestyle.

Did you learn about health at school?

Yes, health education was an essential part of my school curriculum. We were
taught about various aspects of health, including nutrition, personal hygiene,
physical fitness, and the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. These lessons
provided a foundation of knowledge that I continue to apply in my everyday life.

Is it important to keep fit?

Absolutely, keeping fit is incredibly vital. Regular exercise and physical
activity contribute to maintaining a healthy weight, boosting immunity, and
enhancing overall well-being. Physical fitness not only benefits our physical health
but also has positive impacts on mental and emotional well-being.

What would you like to do to improve your health?

To further improve my health, I would like to integrate more strength training
exercises into my fitness routine. Building muscle strength and endurance can help
enhance overall physical fitness and prevent age-related muscle loss. On that note,
I am interested in exploring mindfulness practices such as meditation to improve
my mental welfare and reduce stress levels.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Do you use bags? What do you use them for?
I don’t usually carry a bag unless it is necessary. I prefer to travel light and only
carry essential items in my pockets. However, on occasions where I need to bring
more items or have specific needs, such as a laptop or a camera, I would opt for a
suitable bag that fulfills those requirements..

Do you often buy new bags?

I wouldn't say that I often buy new bags, but I do purchase them every now and
then when I have a specific need or when I find a design or style that appeals to
me. I believe in buying bags that are durable and serve their intended purpose,
rather than constantly buying new ones for the sake of fashion.

Did you use bags when you were a kid?

Yes, even as a child, I used bags to carry my belongings. In school, I had a
backpack to carry my books and stationery, and for short outings, I had small bags
to hold my snacks and personal items. Though I don’t use them quite often
nowadays, bags were considered essential during my young days.

What kind of bag would you use when traveling?

When traveling, I prefer to use a sturdy and spacious backpack. A backpack
allows me to distribute the weight evenly on my shoulders, leaving my hands free
to navigate through airports, train stations, or explore new destinations. It provides
ample space to carry essentials such as clothes, toiletries, electronics, and travel
documents, making it convenient and practical for various types of trips.

Have you bought a bag as a gift?

Yes, I have bought bags as gifts on several occasions. Bags make great presents
as they are not only functional but also can be stylish and reflect the recipient's
personality. Whether it's a handbag for a close friend, a laptop bag for a family
member, or a backpack for an adventurous colleague, bags can be thoughtful and
useful gifts.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Do you like rain?
Personally, I have a slight fondness for rain. The gentle pattern of raindrops and
the refreshing scent in the air create a soothing and cozy atmosphere which I find
quite pleasing.

Does it rain a lot where you live?

In the area where I reside, rainfall is a common occurrence. We experience
moderate rainfall throughout the year, with distinct rainy seasons that contribute to
the lush greenery of the region. However, it is not excessive to the point of causing
significant disruptions.

What do you often do on rainy days?

On rainy days, I typically gravitate towards indoor activities. I enjoy hitting up
lobbies in games, pursuing creative hobbies such as painting or writing , or simply
relishing quality time with loved ones over conversations and board games.

Would you change your plans because of the rain?

It depends on the nature of the plans and the intensity of the rain. If the rain is
minimal or does not significantly interfere with the intended activity, I may
proceed with my plans as scheduled. However, if the rain poses safety concerns or
substantially hinders the practicality of the plans, I would consider making
alternative arrangements or rescheduling the activity.

Do you prefer a lot of rain or no rain at all?

Personally, I appreciate a moderate amount of rain. It's refreshing and
contributes to the overall greenery and vitality of the surroundings. While I enjoy
rain, excessively heavy rainfall or prolonged periods of rain can sometimes be
inconvenient, particularly when it leads to flooding or disrupts daily routines. So, a
balanced amount of rain is ideal for me.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Do you like holidays?
Yes, I absolutely love holidays. They provide a wonderful opportunity to take a
break from our regular routines, relax, and spend quality time with loved ones.
Whether it's exploring new destinations or simply enjoying leisure activities at
home, holidays bring a sense of joy and rejuvenation to my life.

Are there many holidays in Vietnam?

Yes, the Vietnamese celebrate a significant number of holidays throughout the
year. There are both traditional and national holidays that are of cultural and
historical importance. Some of the major holidays include Tet (Lunar New Year),
Reunification Day, Independence Day, and various other occasions when people
come together to celebrate and honor their heritage.

What do you do on public holidays?

On public holidays, I usually engage in activities that help me relax and unwind.
It could involve spending quality time with my loved ones, going on short trips to
nearby attractions, exploring local events and festivities, or simply enjoying
leisurely pursuits such as reading, watching movies, or pursuing hobbies that I
don't often get time for during regular days.

What did you do on the last holiday?

On my last holiday, I took the opportunity to visit a serene coastal town with my
family. We enjoyed strolling along the beach, indulging in delicious local cuisine,
and exploring the cultural landmarks of the area. It was a wonderful time spent
together, creating lasting memories and cherishing each other's company.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Do you prefer to spend time with your family or your friends during
While both family and friends hold significant importance in my life, I tend to
prioritize spending time with my family during holidays. Family bonds are
invaluable to me, and holidays offer a chance for us to strengthen those bonds,
create shared experiences, and reconnect on a deeper level. However, I also make
sure to allocate time for my friends and engage in activities that allow us to
celebrate and enjoy the holiday season together.

Wild animals
What kinds of wild animals do you like?
I am fascinated by a wide range of wild animals. Some of my favorites include
lions, elephants, dolphins, and eagles. I am captivated by the beauty, strength, and
unique characteristics of these majestic creatures. Learning about their natural
habitats, behavior, and conservation efforts is both educational and inspiring.

Are there many wild animals in Vietnam?

Yes, Vietnam is blessed with rich biodiversity and is home to numerous wild
animals. The country's diverse ecosystems, such as rainforests, wetlands, and
coastal areas, provide habitats for a wide array of wildlife. From rare primates like
the golden-headed langur to iconic species like the Asian elephant and clouded
leopard, Vietnam boasts a remarkable variety of wild animals.

Have you been to a zoo?

Yes, I have been to a zoo on several occasions. Zoos provide an opportunity to
observe and learn about different species of animals up close. It is a chance to
appreciate the beauty of nature and gain a deeper understanding of wildlife
conservation efforts. While I enjoy the experience of seeing animals in a controlled
environment, I also value the importance of promoting ethical and responsible
practices in zoos.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Where can you see wild animals?

Wild animals can be observed in various settings, depending on their natural
habitats. National parks, wildlife reserves, and protected areas are some of the
places where one can have the opportunity to see wild animals in their natural
surroundings. These areas provide a safe haven for wildlife and allow visitors to
appreciate the beauty of nature while ensuring the well-being and conservation of
the animals.

Do you like watching TV programs about them?

Yes, I am quite fond of watching TV programs about wild animals. These
programs offer a captivating and informative experience, allowing me to learn
about different species, their habitats, and their behaviors. I find it fascinating to
witness the wonders of nature through the lens of wildlife documentaries and gain
a deeper appreciation for the diversity and complexity of the animal kingdom.
Such TV programs not only entertain but also educate and raise awareness about
conservation efforts, which I believe is crucial in protecting our natural heritage.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Ice cream
Do you like ice-cream?
Yes, I absolutely love ice cream. It's a delightful treat that brings joy and
indulgence. The creamy texture, variety of flavors, and the cool sensation it offers
make it a perfect dessert, especially during hot summer days.

Did you eat ice-cream when you were young?

Yes, I have many fond memories of enjoying ice cream during my childhood.
Whether it was a special treat after a school achievement or a refreshing dessert
during family outings, ice cream was always a delightful part of my childhood

Is it easy to buy ice-cream where you live?

Yes, it is quite easy to buy ice cream where I live. There are numerous ice cream
parlors, dessert shops, and even supermarkets that offer a wide variety of ice cream
flavors and brands. Whether I'm looking for classic favorites or unique artisanal
creations, I can easily find delicious ice cream options within my vicinity.

Would you like to learn how to make ice cream?

Absolutely! I would love to learn how to make ice cream. It seems like a
fascinating process to create different flavors and experiment with various
ingredients. Being able to make my own ice cream would not only provide me with
the opportunity to customize flavors to my liking but also give me a sense of
accomplishment and the joy of sharing homemade treats with family and friends.

Do you often eat breakfast?
Without a shadow of a doubt, I adhere to the practice of partaking in breakfast
on a daily basis. Recognizing its pivotal role in sustaining overall well-being, I
prioritize this fundamental meal to ensure a nourishing start to my day.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Do you make your own breakfast or eat out?

More often than not, I take pleasure in the art of crafting my own breakfast. This
allows me to exercise creative control over ingredient selection, ensuring the
inclusion of wholesome elements tailored to my dietary preferences and nutritional
requirements. However, on certain occasions, I relish the indulgence of dining out
for breakfast, savoring the culinary expertise of establishments renowned for their
morning repasts.

Did you usually have breakfast when you were a kid?

Indeed, during my formative years, the practice of having breakfast was
considered as an integral part of my daily routine. Under the nurturing guidance of
my parents, I assimilated the understanding that breakfast plays a pivotal role in
nourishment, nurturing both physical and cognitive development during crucial
stages of growth.

Is it important to eat breakfast?

Undoubtedly, the significance of breakfast in maintaining optimal health and
vitality cannot be overstated. Scientific research has consistently underscored the
manifold benefits of this essential meal, encompassing enhanced concentration,
improved memory retention, regulation of blood sugar levels, and a heightened
metabolic rate. By replenishing vital nutrients and providing sustained energy,
breakfast empowers individuals to navigate the challenges of the day with
resilience and vigor, rendering it an indispensable aspect of a balanced lifestyle.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239


1. A far away place you would like to go to on a holiday.
• What & where
• What you want to do there
• Why you’d like to go there

One distant destination that has always managed to captivate my imagination

and holds a special place in my heart as an ideal holiday spot is none other than the
breathtaking archipelago of the Maldives.
In the Maldives, there are several activities I would love to engage in to make
the most of this tropical paradise. First and foremost, I would immerse myself in
the mesmerizing underwater world by snorkeling and exploring the vibrant coral
reefs. I would also indulge in leisurely beach walks, feeling the soft sand beneath
my feet and relishing the calming sound of the waves. I would take time to unwind
and simply soak up the breathtaking surroundings along with the natural beauty of
the Maldives. One of the highlights would be to embark on a sunset cruise, sailing
across the azure waters while watching the sun dip below the horizon. The
spectacular colors painting the sky would create a truly magical and romantic
experience. The reason I am drawn to the Maldives is its unparalleled beauty and
serenity. It is a place where I can disconnect from the fast-paced world and
immerse myself in nature's embrace. The idea of waking up to the sound of gentle
waves, basking in the warm tropical sunshine, and experiencing the ultimate sense
of relaxation is truly enticing.
All in all, I am eager to explore the wonders of the Maldives, engage in exciting
water activities, embrace relaxation as well as wellness and lastly be surrounded by
the sheer beauty and tranquility that this tropical paradise offers.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Part 3
1. What places do people in Vietnam often go to on holidays?
Well, As i see it, people have various options for holiday destinations in Viet
Nam. One popular choice is coastal areas such as Nha Trang, Da Nang, and Phu
Quoc, which offer beautiful beaches and resorts. Historical sites like Hanoi's Old
Quarter, Hoi An Ancient Town, and Hue Imperial City also attract many tourists.
Additionally, the mountainous regions of Sapa and Dalat are frequented by nature
lovers and adventure seekers. I think the reason has something to do with the fact
that these locations provide a glimpse into Vietnam's rich culture, stunning
landscapes, and vibrant traditions, making them appealing holiday destinations for
both domestic and international travelers. For that, those are the destinations which
the Vietnamese frequently visit during their vacations.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism?

As far as I’m concerned, tourism itself has its pros and cons. On one hand, it
contributes significantly to the economy and fosters cultural exchange.
Additionally, it promotes infrastructure development and plays a role in preserving
heritage sites. On the other hand, tourism may leave a negative impact on the
environment and lead to issues such as overcrowding. Furthermore, it can
contribute to cultural commodification and economic leakage. Therefore, it is
vitally important to achieving a balance between the benefits and drawbacks is
essential for promoting responsible and sustainable travel practices.

3. Is it important to make travel plans?

In my opinion, making travel plans is generally important for a smooth and well-
organized trip.The reason for this is pretty simple. Planning in advance allows
travelers to make the most of their time and resources. It helps in ensuring
availability of flights, accommodations, and attractions, especially during peak
seasons when demand is high. Additionally, travel plans also enable individuals to
set a budget, research local customs and regulations, and make necessary
arrangements for transportation and sightseeing. Moreover, having a well-
structured itinerary reduces stress and enhances safety by providing a clear
roadmap of activities and destinations. All in all, planning in advance is considered
essential for traveling.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

4. Who are more likely to make travel plans? Old or young people?
While travel planning is not limited to any specific age group, younger people
tend to be more inclined towards making detailed travel plans. By which I mean
that younger individuals often have a higher comfort level with technology and
online resources, which facilitates research and booking processes. They are more
likely to explore various travel options, compare prices, read reviews, and use
travel apps to plan their trips. However, it is worth noting that older people may
also engage in travel planning, especially if they have specific preferences or
special considerations such as health needs or accessibility requirements.
Ultimately, the propensity to make travel plans can vary depending on the
individual's personal preferences and circumstances rather than solely based on

2. A sport you’d like to watch.

• What it is
• Where to watch
• Who to watch with
• Why you’d like to watch

To be honest,I have a preference for observing football, which is alternatively

referred to as soccer in certain regions.

Football is a globally beloved sport that captivates millions of fans around the
world. It is played on a rectangular field between two teams, each consisting of 11
players, with the objective of scoring goals by maneuvering the ball into the
opposing team's net. In order to watch football, there are several options available
such as live matches in stadiums, which offer an exhilarating and immersive
experience or simply enjoy it via television, making it convenient to watch from
the comfort of home. Not only that, numerous sports bars and venues broadcast
football matches, providing a lively atmosphere with fellow enthusiasts. From my
point of view, football is best enjoyed with friends or family who share the same
passion for the sport. The reason for this is pretty simple. The camaraderie and
excitement that come with supporting a team and discussing the game greatly

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

enhance the overall viewing experience as well as create a sense of unity and
connection. Personally, the intense competition and skillful displays are the factors
which made me fall in love with this sport as each match brings moments of
exhilaration, anticipation, and pure joy, making it an immersive and thrilling

In summary, football is a globally beloved sport that captivates myself along

with millions of fans. Whether one chooses to witness the action firsthand at live
matches or enjoy the sport from the comfort of their home through televised
broadcasts, the captivating nature of football's intense competition makes it an
exhilarating spectacle to behold.

Part 3
1. What kinds of sports are popular in Vietnam?
Well, as far as I'm concerned, football is incredibly popular in Vietnam. It is
widely played and followed, with passionate fans supporting both local and
international football teams. Other popular sports in Vietnam include martial arts,
particularly Vovinam and Taekwondo, badminton, tennis, table tennis, and
volleyball. Furthermore, traditional sports such as dragon boat racing and
Vietnamese wrestling not only hold cultural significance but also attract
participation as well as spectatorship. To summarize, these sports contribute to the
vibrant sports culture in Vietnam, capturing the enthusiasm and spirit of both
athletes and fans alike.

2. Do you think children need to do sports?

In my view, it is essential for children to engage in sports activities. The
plausible justification for this could be that participating in sports offers numerous
benefits for children's physical and mental well-being. In addition to that, regular
exercise through sports helps maintain a healthy weight, strengthens muscles and
bones, and promotes cardiovascular fitness. To illustrate, children who engage in
football tend to have better physicality as opposed to those who don’t participate in
any sports. On the whole, I am in agreement with the point that younglings ought
to indulge in sports.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

3. How to encourage children to play sports?

To encourage children to participate in sports, several strategies can be
employed. Firstly, parents and schools can provide a supportive and encouraging
environment by promoting physical activities and organizing sports events or
competitions. Offering a variety of sports options and allowing children to choose
the activities they enjoy can increase their interest and motivation. Additionally,
providing access to sports facilities, equipment, and training resources helps
facilitate their participation. Role models, such as successful athletes, can inspire
children and serve as sources of motivation. Lastly, highlighting the fun and
enjoyment aspects of sports and creating a positive and inclusive atmosphere can
help engage children and foster long-term interest in sports.

4. Do people in Vietnam prefer watching sports or playing sports?

From my point of view, while people in Vietnam enjoy both watching and
playing sports, there is a significant preference for watching sports. Vietnamese
individuals avidly support and follow various sports, especially football, through
televised broadcasts and live streaming. What I’m trying to say is that the passion
for watching sports is evident during major tournaments or matches involving the
national football team, where people gather in stadiums, sports bars, and homes to
cheer for their favorite teams. However, there is also an increasing interest in
playing sports, with many individuals participating in recreational sports activities
or joining local sports clubs. To sum it up, while there is a significant preference
for watching sports, the increasing interest in playing sports reflects a balance
between enjoying sports as spectators and actively participating in physical

5. Is watching sports on TV the same as watching sports live?

Watching sports on TV and watching sports live offer different experiences.
While watching sports on TV provides the convenience of following matches from
the comfort of one's home, it lacks the atmosphere and immediacy of live sporting
events. Attending sports events in person allows spectators to feel the energy of the
crowd, witness the action up close, and immerse themselves in the vibrant

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

ambiance of the stadium. The live experience enables direct engagement with the
athletes and the ability to appreciate the intricate details of the game. Nonetheless,
watching sports on TV provides the advantage of multiple camera angles, expert
commentary and instant replays, enhancing the viewing experience in certain

6. Are there many sports events in Vietnam?

Vietnam has been actively hosting and participating in various sports events. The
country has organized international tournaments, including football competitions,
badminton tournaments, and martial arts championships. Additionally, Vietnam
has hosted major sporting events like the Southeast Asian Games and the Asian
Indoor and Martial Arts Games. These events attract athletes and spectators from
different nations, contributing to not only the commercial side but also to the
promotion of sports and the cultural exchange between countries. Furthermore,
local sports events such as marathons, cycling races, and youth championships are
regularly held across Vietnam, fostering a vibrant sports culture. At the end of the
day, Vietnam's active involvement in organizing both local and international sports
events showcases its commitment to fostering a dynamic sports culture and
promoting sporting excellence.

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of hosting international

sports events?
Hosting international sports events brings several advantages and disadvantages.
On the positive side, hosting such events can boost tourism, stimulate the local
economy, and promote infrastructure development. It provides an opportunity to
showcase the host country's culture, traditions, and hospitality to a global audience.
Moreover, hosting international sports events can inspire and encourage local
athletes, as they have the chance to compete against world-class opponents on their
home turf. Though, there are also potential drawbacks. The high costs involved in
organizing and preparing for such events can strain the host country's finances.
Additionally, there may be concerns about the displacement of local communities,
environmental impacts, and the long-term utilization of sports facilities after the
event concludes. It is crucial for host countries to carefully evaluate the potential

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

benefits and drawbacks to ensure that hosting international sports events aligns
with their long-term goals and priorities. On the final note, hosting international
sports events can bring economic benefits, promote cultural exchange, and inspire
local athletes, but careful consideration is necessary to manage potential drawbacks
such as financial strain and environmental impacts, ensuring a balanced approach
to reaping the benefits of hosting.

3. An interesting job
• What it is
• Why it is interesting
• What is needed for this job

Though I haven’t had much job experience, I can tell you about an exciting
job that I took last year. I was offered the position of translator for university and
college representatives at a study abroad fair here in Ho Chi Minh city.
I was reconnecting with a friend of mine when she told me I had an opportunity
to meet these amazing people from across the world. I wholeheartedly agree that
that was the primary factor for why I was so drawn to the job. At the fair, I was
fortunate enough to get to know two incredible educators, both of whom are from
Portugal. They shared with me about their friendship, the places they've been to
and the people they've met from across cultures. It opened my eyes a lot after
speaking with them. At the same time, taking the job was a leap of faith for me. I
had never been able to strike up a conversation with foreigners before, and the
experience helped me realize that it wasn't too intimidating after all. Knowing that,
it still required a lot of courage and confidence from me in the beginning, aside
from English and note-taking skills of course. Afterwards, I was very proud of
myself for being able to face that challenge and push through it. It was a valuable
experience for me on my journey of self-improvement.
All in all, the experience is invaluable to me. Aside from the payment, I was able
to make interesting friends and step out of my comfort zone.

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085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Part 3
1. What kinds of jobs do young people in Vietnam like to do? Why ?
From my point of view, young people in Vietnam are inclined towards a variety
of jobs. Many aspire to work in sectors such as technology, engineering, finance,
and healthcare. The rapid growth of the technology industry and the increasing
demand for digital skills have made jobs in software development, data analysis,
and cybersecurity particularly appealing. Moreover, careers in finance offer
opportunities for professional growth and financial stability. The healthcare sector
is also gaining popularity as young people are drawn to careers that contribute to
the well-being of others and provide job security. In short, jobs that young people
in Vietnam prefer tend to be in sectors such as technology, engineering, finance,
and healthcare. The rapid growth of these industries, coupled with the demand for
digital skills and opportunities for professional growth, make them attractive career

2. Do you think people liked the same types of jobs in the past?
In my view, the job preferences of people in the past may have differed to some
extent from those of the present. Technological advancements and changes in
societal needs have led to the emergence of new industries and job opportunities.
In the past, traditional occupations such as farming, manufacturing, and manual
labor held more prominence due to the agrarian and industrial nature of society.
However, as Vietnam has undergone significant economic development and
modernization, young people now have a wider range of career options, including
those in the service sector, technology, and knowledge-based industries. To wrap
things up, the types of jobs people liked in the past may have differed from those
preferred today. Traditional occupations related to agriculture and manufacturing
held prominence, but economic development and modernization have opened up
new career options in the service sector, technology, and knowledge-based

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

3. What kinds of jobs will be popular in the future?

Jobs that are likely to be popular in the future are those related to technology and
innovation. Roles in fields such as artificial intelligence, data science,
cybersecurity, renewable energy, robotics, and virtual reality are expected to be in
high demand. Additionally, jobs in healthcare, sustainable development, and
creative industries are likely to flourish as well. From my point of view, in the
future, jobs related to technology and innovation, such as artificial intelligence,
data science, cybersecurity, renewable energy, and creative industries, are expected
to be popular as well as roles in healthcare, sustainable development, and robotics
are likely to thrive.

4. What skills should be taught at school to prepare young people for their
future career?
Schools should focus on equipping young people with a combination of
technical and soft skills. Technical skills may include computer programming,
digital literacy, data analysis, and critical thinking. Soft skills such as
communication, problem-solving, teamwork, adaptability, and creativity are
equally important as they enable individuals to navigate an evolving job market
and collaborate effectively. On the whole, schools should teach a combination of
technical and soft skills to prepare young people for their future careers. Technical
skills like programming, digital literacy, and data analysis are crucial, as are soft
skills like communication, problem-solving, teamwork, adaptability, and creativity.

5. When should young people start to think about their future career?
Young people should start thinking about their future career during their teenage
years or even earlier. It is beneficial for them to explore different career options,
gain exposure to various industries, and develop a sense of their interests and
passions. Early career exploration allows individuals to make informed decisions,
set goals, and plan their educational and professional pathways effectively. To
wind things up, young people should start thinking about their future careers
during their teenage years or even earlier. Exploring different career options,
gaining exposure to various industries, and developing a sense of interests and
passions early on can help them make informed decisions and plan their
educational and professional pathways effectively.

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085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

6. What factors influence the career decision of young people?

Several factors influence the career decisions of young people. These may
include personal interests, talents, values, family influence, societal expectations,
economic factors, and educational experiences. While school plays a significant
role in providing academic knowledge and guidance, it is not the sole determining
factor. Factors such as personal aspirations, exposure to different industries,
mentorship, and practical experiences outside of school also shape career
decisions. To put it bluntly, several factors influence the career decisions of young
people, including personal interests, talents, values, family influence, societal
expectations, economic factors, and educational experiences. While school plays a
role, it is not the sole determining factor.

7. Do you think school is the biggest factor?

No, I don't think school is necessarily the biggest factor in influencing the career
decisions of young people. While school plays a significant role in providing
education, guidance, and exposure to various subjects, it is just one of the many
factors that shape a person's career choices. Personal interests, talents, family
influence, societal expectations, economic factors, and practical experiences
outside of school also play important roles in influencing career decisions.
Ultimately, it is a combination of these factors that helps individuals determine
their career paths.

8. What do you think is an interesting job?

In my opinion, an interesting job can vary from person to person as individual
preferences differ. However, generally speaking, an interesting job is one that
aligns with a person's passion and allows them to utilize their strengths and skills.
It may involve engaging tasks, opportunities for growth and learning, meaningful
impact, and a sense of fulfillment. Ultimately, an interesting job is one that brings
joy, satisfaction, and a sense of purpose to the individual.

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9. Do you think salary is more important than job satisfaction?

The importance of salary versus job satisfaction is subjective and depends on
individual priorities and circumstances. While a good salary is necessary to meet
financial needs and provide stability, job satisfaction plays a vital role in overall
well-being and long-term career fulfillment. Striking a balance between both
aspects is ideal, as it ensures a reasonable income while enjoying the work one
does. It's essential to find a job that offers a combination of both, but the weight
given to each factor varies from person to person. Overall, salary and job
satisfaction both hold importance, but their significance varies from person to
person. While a good salary is necessary for financial stability, job satisfaction
contributes to overall well-being and long-term career fulfillment. Striking a
balance between both is ideal.

10. Should companies care about the well-being of their employees?

Absolutely, companies should prioritize the well-being of their employees.
Prioritizing employee well-being creates a positive work environment, increases
job satisfaction, and enhances productivity. Companies can show care for their
employees by providing work-life balance, opportunities for professional growth,
fair compensation, mental health support, flexible working arrangements, and a
safe and inclusive workplace. Taking care of employee well-being also helps with
talent retention, attracts new talent, and contributes to the overall success and
reputation of the company.

4. An exciting adventure you had

• What adventure
• When & with whom
• What you did
• Why it was exciting

Well, that's certainly a fascinating question. While I have had numerous thrilling
and memorable experiences traveling, one particular trip arises as a notable

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Recently, I had the opportunity to embark on a 2-day journey in Nha Trang with
friends. On the first day, we decided to visit the local beach shores. Upon reaching
our destination, we were welcomed by the salty breeze. There, we built
sandcastles, splashed in the azure waves, and basked in the sun's warm embrace.
For the rest of the day, we visited various landmarks around the city, such as the
local marine biology museum, hiking spots, and night markets. Soaking in the
city's vibrant atmosphere, indulging in local delicacies, and immersing ourselves in
the culture was indeed a delightful and stimulating experience. On the second day,
we readied ourselves to travel back home. Since it was our first vacation together,
adrenaline coursed through our veins as we tried thrilling activities together,
whether hiking breathtaking trails or diving into crystal-clear waters. Even the
dullest activities were now exhilarating moments and memories filled with joy and
Through and through, the trip was a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and
connection. As we bid our farewells, our hearts were filled with excitement,
looking forward to the next trip. This trip with friends will forever be etched in our
hearts as a time of pure joy and treasured moments.

Part 3
1. What kinds of adventures do young people in Vietnam enjoy?
As far as I'm concerned, young people in Vietnam enjoy a wide range of
adventures. Outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and exploring nature are
popular among them. Additionally, water-based adventures like swimming,
kayaking, and snorkeling attract those seeking exhilarating experiences. Adventure
sports such as rock climbing, zip-lining, and bungee jumping are also gaining
popularity, particularly among thrill-seekers. Furthermore, cultural adventures,
such as visiting historical sites, participating in local festivals, and immersing
themselves in different traditions, provide young people with unique and enriching

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
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2. Why do some people like adventures?

There are several reasons why some individuals enjoy adventures. Firstly,
adventures offer a break from the routine and allow people to step out of their
comfort zones, providing a sense of excitement and novelty. Adventures provide
an opportunity to challenge oneself, overcome fears, and develop resilience and
confidence. Engaging in adventurous activities also enables individuals to
appreciate the beauty of nature, explore new environments, and create lasting
memories. Moreover, adventures often foster personal growth, self-discovery, and
a sense of accomplishment, making them appealing to those seeking personal
development and transformative experiences.

3. What kinds of people are willing to take risks?

People who are willing to take risks often possess certain characteristics. They
tend to be adventurous, open-minded, embracing new experiences and challenges.
These people have a high tolerance for uncertainty and are comfortable stepping
outside their comfort zones. Individuals who are self-motivated, ambitious, and
driven by personal growth are more likely to take risks in pursuit of their goals.
Additionally, those with a positive mindset, resilience, and a belief in their abilities
are more inclined to take calculated risks in various aspects of life, including

4. Why do some people dislike adventures?

While adventures have their appeal, some individuals may dislike them for
various reasons. One possible factor is a fear of the unknown or a fear of taking
risks. People who prioritize safety and security may hesitate to engage in
adventurous activities due to concerns about personal safety or potential accidents.
Additionally, some individuals may prefer activities that align with their personal
interests or hobbies, finding more enjoyment in pursuits that do not involve
physical challenges or potential discomfort. Lastly, personal preferences, cultural
background, and past experiences can shape individuals' attitudes toward
adventures, leading some to have a general dislike or disinterest in such activities.

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5. Do you think people now like adventures more than they did in the past?
To the best of my knowledge, it is reasonable to assume that people today have a
greater interest in adventures compared to the past. The modern world offers
increased accessibility and exposure to a variety of adventurous activities through
the internet, social media, and travel opportunities. The desire for unique
experiences, personal growth, and the pursuit of memorable moments has become
more prevalent in contemporary society. Aside from that, the growing emphasis on
work-life balance and the search for meaningful experiences have contributed to an
increased appreciation for adventures among individuals, especially the younger

6. What should parents do to encourage their children to go on adventures?

To encourage their children to go on adventures, parents can take several steps.
Firstly, they can lead by example and actively engage in adventurous activities
themselves, demonstrating the enjoyment and benefits of such experiences. Parents
can also expose their children to nature, cultural events, and outdoor activities from
an early age, fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration. Encouraging
participation in school programs, summer camps, or organized group activities can
provide a supportive environment for adventure. Those are just a few ways to
inspire the young for new adventures.

5. Your favorite piece of clothes

• What it is
• When you had it
• When you wear it
• Why you like it

This question instantly makes me think of my favorite piece of clothing which

is a pair of well-fitted jeans.
If my memory serves me right, I purchased them approximately three years ago
and have been wearing them regularly ever since. The reason I am particularly
fond of these jeans is quite simple. As their fabrics are soft, yet durable, they

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

enable me to move freely and comfortably throughout the day which are not only
exceptionally comfortable but also versatile. Moreover, these jeans provide a
relaxed and effortless feel whenever I run errands, meet up with people or engage
in casual activities. Furthermore, I really appreciate the timeless nature of jeans, as
they can be worn in various settings and paired with different types of clothing. For
a casual look, I often combine them with a simple t-shirt or a cozy sweater. When I
want to appear more put together, I usually pair them with a stylish button-down
shirt or a light tone jacket. The jeans effortlessly adapt to any occasion, making
them a reliable choice in my wardrobe. In addition to that, the faded blue wash of
the jeans adds a touch of character and individuality. Over time, they have
developed a unique and personalized look, reflecting my own experiences and
adventures. This distinctiveness sets them apart from other jeans and makes them
truly special to me.
In summary, my favorite piece of clothing, the well-fitted jeans, holds a special
place in my heart due to their comfort, versatility, and personalized appearance.
They have become a trusted companion for everyday activities and continue to be a
staple in my wardrobe.

Part 3
1. What kinds of clothes are common in Vietnam?
In Vietnam, the common types of clothes vary depending on the occasion and
cultural norms. Traditional clothing such as the "ao dai" for women and the "ao
gam" for men hold cultural significance and are worn on special occasions,
ceremonies, and festivals. For daily wear, the Vietnamese often opt for modern and
Western-style clothing like shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, and t-shirts. Additionally,
due to the tropical climate, lightweight and breathable fabrics such as cotton and
linen are popular choices for everyday attire.

2. When do people wear formal clothes?

Formal clothes are typically worn during important events, formal ceremonies,
business meetings, or social gatherings that require a more professional and
polished appearance. Some prime examples of this are weddings, official

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

functions, award ceremonies, or job interviews. In these settings, people often wear
suits, dresses or traditional attire, depending on the cultural context and personal

3. Who cares about fashion more? Young or old people?

From my point of view, young people tend to be more focused on fashion trends
and personal style compared to older individuals. Younger generations often
prioritize keeping up with the trend such as experimenting with different clothing
styles, and expressing their individuality through fashion choices. They are more
likely to keep pace with fashion influencers, celebrity fashion, and popular culture.
In spite of that, it is important to note that personal preferences and interest in
fashion can vary among individuals, regardless of age.

4. What is important when buying clothes?

When buying clothes, several factors are significant to consider. Firstly, the fit
and comfort of the clothing item are crucial. Clothes that fit well and are
comfortable to wear contribute to one's confidence and overall satisfaction.
Additionally, the quality of the fabric and craftsmanship should be assessed to
ensure durability and longevity. Style and personal preference play a crucial role in
selecting clothes which align with one's taste and fashion sense.Finally, price and
affordability are also important considerations, along with the ethical and
sustainable practices of the brand or manufacturer.

5. Do you think traditional costumes are important?

Yes, traditional costumes hold significant cultural and historical importance.
They serve as a representation of a country's heritage, customs, and identity.
Traditional costumes embody the cultural values, artistic expressions, and
craftsmanship of a particular community or region. Besides, they also play a vital
role in preserving and showcasing the rich cultural diversity of a nation. Last but
not least, traditional costumes often hold symbolic meaning and are worn during
traditional ceremonies, festivals, and special occasions, contributing to a sense of
cultural pride and continuity.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

6. When do people in Vietnam wear traditional costumes?

In Vietnam, people wear traditional costumes on various occasions and events
that celebrate the country's cultural heritage. Traditional costumes like the "ao dai"
and "ao gam" are commonly worn during traditional weddings, festivals such as
Tet (Lunar New Year), and cultural performances. They are also worn by students
on important school events and national holidays to display patriotism and promote
cultural identity. Additionally, traditional costumes may be worn by performers,
artists, and those involved in cultural preservation activities.

7. Why do people wear uniforms?

People wear uniforms for several reasons. Uniforms are often worn in
professional settings to promote a sense of unity, equality, and identification within
an organization or profession. They create a cohesive visual representation and
help distinguish individuals belonging to a particular group or occupation.
Uniforms can also serve practical purposes, such as ensuring safety in certain
industries, providing ease of recognition for customers or clients, and establishing
a professional image.

8. Why do people in different countries wear different types of clothes?

The types of clothes people wear in different countries are influenced by a
variety of factors. Firstly, climate and geographical location play a significant role.
Clothing choices are adapted to the local weather conditions, with warmer regions
favoring lightweight and breathable fabrics, while colder regions require heavier
and insulated clothing. Additionally, cultural traditions, religious beliefs, and social
norms influence clothing preferences. Historical and socioeconomic factors also
shape fashion choices, with cultural heritage, colonial influences, and globalization
impacting the adoption of certain clothing styles. Furthermore, individual
preferences and personal expression contribute to the diversity of clothing choices
across countries.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

6. A game you played as a kid

• What it was
• Who you played with
• How you played it
• Why you liked it

If I recall correctly, during my childhood, one game held a special place in my

heart: Hide and Seek, which I often played with other kids around the

The rules were simple: one person designated as "the seeker" must find the rest
of the hidden players after a countdown period. The game was particularly fun as it
gave a new meaning to our familiar surroundings, transforming these mundane
settings into an intricate labyrinth filled with secret alcoves and covert hideouts.
We reveled in the challenge of selecting clever hiding places, blending seamlessly
with our surroundings. The thrill of remaining undetected, coupled with the
adrenaline rush as "it" drew near, provided an unparalleled rush of excitement.
Additionally, what made Hide and Seek truly special was the bond it forged among
us. To achieve victory, we often have to collaborate, for example the instances
when we silently signal the perfect time to dart from one hiding spot to another.
Thus, the game fostered a sense of camaraderie, creating lasting memories of
shared triumphs and spirited chases.
In retrospect, the game of Hide and See will forever remain a cherished part of
my childhood due to its simplicity, universality, and, especially, the treasured
memories and moments it has enkindled.

Part 3
1. Is it important for children to play games?
Yes, it is vital for children to play games. Games play a crucial role in a child's
development as they contribute to their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional
growth. Through play, children learn essential skills such as problem-solving,
critical thinking, creativity and communication as well as decision-making. Games

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

also provide opportunities for physical activity, imagination, and social interaction,
fostering overall development and well-being of a youngling.

2. What kinds of games do children in Vietnam like? Indoor or outdoor?

Children in Vietnam enjoy a variety of games, both indoor and outdoor.
Traditional games such as Ô ăn quan otherwise known as mandarin square
capturing game and shuttlecock kicking game are still popular. Other than that,
modern games consisting of hide and seek, badminton and football are also well
received within the community. Additionally, with the influence of technology,
video games and mobile games have gained popularity among Vietnamese children
as well.

3. How are games now different from the past? Why?

Games today are quite different from back then primarily due to technological
advancements. Traditional games that were once popular have faced some decline
as modern forms of entertainment, including digital and online games, have gained
prominence. The rise of technology has introduced new gaming platforms, such as
gaming consoles, computers, and smartphones, offering a wide range of interactive
and immersive experiences. These digital games often incorporate virtual reality,
multiplayer options, and complex narratives, providing a different level of
engagement and entertainment compared to traditional games.

4. Do you think digital games are good for children?

Digital games can have both positive and negative impacts on children,
depending on the content, duration of play, and how they are integrated into a
child's life. When used appropriately, digital games can enhance cognitive skills,
problem-solving abilities, coordination, and even social interaction when played in
a multiplayer setting. However, excessive or unmonitored screen time can lead to
sedentary behavior, reduced physical activity, and potential negative effects on
mental health. It's important for parents to set limits, ensure age-appropriate
content, and encourage a balanced approach to gaming.

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085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

5. Why do people play different kinds of games when they grow up?
As people grow up, their motivations for playing games may shift. While
children often play games primarily for fun and entertainment, adults may engage
in games for various reasons. Some play games for social interaction and bonding
with friends or family. Others may play games as a form of stress relief or
escapism, providing a temporary break from the demands of daily life. In addition,
competitive games can appeal to individuals who enjoy the challenge and the sense
of achievement that comes with mastering a skill or winning.

6. Do you think winning is important in games?

While winning can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, the
importance of winning in games can vary depending on the context and individual
perspective. For some individuals, winning may be a primary goal, driving their
competitiveness and motivation to improve. But for others, the process of playing,
having fun, and enjoying the experience may hold greater significance than
winning itself. In many cases, games can offer valuable opportunities for learning,
teamwork, and personal growth, regardless of the outcome.

7. An important decision you made

• What decision
• When
• Why it was difficult to make
• How you felt

When mentioning a decision that I have made, one significant choice came to
my mind was when I made a transition into a career in the IT industry. This
decision took place approximately one year ago when I was in the last moments of
my final highschool year.
The act of pursuing an IT career instead of a more traditional path was a
challenging choice for several reasons. Firstly, at that stage, most of my peers were
considering entering college to study business or other conventional fields.
Diverging from the norm meant going against the expectations of my family and

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

friends, which added an additional layer of pressure and uncertainty. To be honest,

I found it quite complex as the transition to the IT industry required acquiring
technical skills and knowledge in areas such as programming, computer systems,
and software development.Therefore, just the thought of starting from scratch in a
highly technical and competitive industry was intimidating. Not only that, the
timing of this decision also added to the difficulty. Being in the final year of high
school meant preparing for college applications, standardized exams, and making
crucial choices about future education. Balancing these responsibilities while
exploring a completely different career path was a daunting task. Emotionally,
making this decision brought a mix of excitement and apprehension.
Looking back, I am grateful for the decision I made to transition into an IT
career during my final year of high school. Embracing this unconventional path has
allowed me to develop valuable technical skills and pursue a career that aligns with
my genuine interests and aspirations.

Part 3
1. What kinds of decisions do people usually make in their daily life?
People make various decisions in their daily lives, ranging from simple and
routine choices to more complex and impactful ones. Common decisions include
what to wear, what to eat, how to manage time, how to prioritize tasks, and how to
handle daily responsibilities. They also make decisions related to personal
relationships, career paths, educational pursuits, financial matters, health and well-
being, and long-term goals.

2. What kinds of decisions are difficult for young people to make?

Young people may find certain decisions challenging due to their stage of life
and limited experience. Some decisions that can be difficult for them include
choosing a career path, deciding on higher education options, making significant
financial choices, handling relationships and social pressures, and making
independent choices that shape their future. These decisions often involve
considering long-term implications and balancing personal aspirations with
external expectations.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

3. What should people do when making such decisions?

When making important decisions, it is helpful for individuals to gather relevant
information, consider the potential outcomes and consequences, and evaluate their
own values, preferences, and long-term goals. Seeking advice from trusted mentors
or experts in the respective fields can provide valuable insights. It is also beneficial
to reflect on personal strengths, weaknesses, and interests while considering the
potential risks and benefits of each option. Taking time for self-reflection and
weighing different perspectives can aid in making well-informed decisions.

4. Do you think it is easier to make a decision by yourself or by discussing it

with others?
The ease of making a decision can vary depending on the individual and the
nature of the decision. In some cases, making a decision independently can be
faster and more efficient, especially for routine choices or decisions that align with
personal preferences. However, for complex or life-altering decisions, discussing
the options with others can provide different perspectives, insights, and
considerations that may help in making a more well-rounded and informed

5. Who do young people often ask for advice when they need to make a
tough decision?
When faced with tough decisions, young people often turn to various sources for
advice. They may seek guidance from parents, close family members, friends,
teachers, mentors, or professionals in relevant fields. Each person offers different
perspectives and experiences, providing young individuals with a diverse range of
insights and support.

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085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

6. Why do you think many young people don’t like to follow their parents'
There can be several reasons why young people may choose not to follow their
parents' advice. It is a natural part of growing up and establishing their own
identities and independence. They may want to explore their own path, make their
own mistakes, and learn from personal experiences. Sometimes, there may also be
generational or cultural differences that influence their perspectives and decision-
making. However, it's important to note that this can vary greatly among
individuals, and many young people still value and seek guidance from their

7. What should people do to make better decisions in the future?

In order to improve future decision-making, individuals can employ strategies
to enhance their choices. This may involve seeking different perspectives,
reflecting on past experiences, considering long-term consequences, evaluating
personal values, managing risks, trusting intuition, seeking feedback, and making
necessary adjustments. By utilizing these approaches, individuals can make more
informed and effective decisions in various areas of their lives.

8. A famous person
• Who he/she is
• How you knew him/her
• Why he/she is famous
• How you feel about him/her

To start, Lionel Messi is a famous Argentine professional football player, widely

recognized as one of the greatest footballers of all time and as a football fanatic, I
became familiar with him through watching football matches and following the

Messi gained fame for his exceptional skills, agility, and ability to score
remarkable goals. Throughout his illustrious career, he has achieved numerous
accolades, including winning multiple FIFA Ballon d'Or awards, setting goal-

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

scoring records, and leading his team to numerous victories including the highly
valued World Cup. Personally, I have immense admiration for Lionel Messi. His
extraordinary talent, versatility, and consistency on the field are awe-inspiring. His
skills and ability to change the game's outcome single-handedly make him a true
icon of the sport. Beyond his on-field achievements, the man has also displayed
humility, professionalism, and dedication throughout his career. Despite his fame
and success, he remains grounded and committed to continuous improvement. This
specific aspect of his personality resonates with me and further adds to my respect
for him. As a football enthusiast, watching Lionel Messi play is always a delight.
His brilliance on the pitch, combined with his sportsmanship and leadership, make
him an exemplary figure in the world of football. Messi's impact on the sport is
undeniable, and his contributions have left a lasting impression on fans worldwide.

In conclusion, Lionel Messi is a famous football player known for his

exceptional skills and achievements in the sport. I have great admiration and
respect for him, not only for his footballing abilities but also for his humility and
dedication as his influence and talent continue to inspire fans around the globe.

Part 3
1. What are the benefits of being famous at school?
Being well known at school can have several advantages as it may lead to
increased recognition and social status among peers, providing opportunities for
leadership roles and influencing decision-making processes. Additionally, fame at
school can result in wider social networks, fostering new friendships and
connections. It may also offer chances to participate in various activities, such as
school events or clubs, boosting personal development and self-confidence.

2. What are the benefits of being popular at work?

Being renowned at work can have positive implications for one's professional
life. It can create a supportive and harmonious work environment, enhancing
teamwork, collaboration, and communication among colleagues. Being well-liked
may also result in increased opportunities for career advancement, as employers
often value employees who are respected and trusted by their peers. Last but not

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

least, popularity at work can contribute to a positive reputation and build strong
professional networks.

3. Why do people want to become famous?

There are various reasons for why one would pursue to be famous. Some seek
recognition and validation, desiring acknowledgment for their talents,
achievements, or contributions. Others may be driven by the allure of wealth, fame,
and the associated privileges. Furthermore, fame offers a platform to influence and
make a difference in society, allowing individuals to amplify their message,
advocate for causes, or inspire others. It can also provide opportunities for personal
and professional growth.

4. What are the disadvantages of being famous?

Despite its allure, fame also brings certain disadvantages. Invasion of privacy is
a common issue, as public figures often have limited personal space and face
constant scrutiny from the media and public. The pressure of maintaining a public
image can be overwhelming, leading to stress and mental health challenges.
Moreover, fame can attract unwanted attention, including criticism, jealousy, and
even threats. It may also create unrealistic expectations and hinder personal
relationships, as genuine connections can be overshadowed by superficial interests.

5. Is it easier to become famous now than in the past?

In the current digital age, it may appear easier to become famous due to the
widespread reach of social media and online platforms. The internet offers
opportunities for individuals to gain visibility and build personal brands. Yet, the
sheer volume of content and competition can make it challenging to stand out and
maintain long-term fame. While technological advancements have expanded the
avenues for fame, the fundamental principles of talent, hard work, and luck remain
relevant factors in achieving lasting recognition.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

9. A water sport you'd like to try

• What it is
• Is it difficult
• How to play
• Why you’d like to play it

One water sport that I would love to try is surfing. It is a sport where individuals
ride waves on a surfboard, maneuvering and balancing their bodies to catch and
ride the wave's energy.

Surfing can be considered a moderately difficult sport to learn. It requires a

combination of physical fitness, balance, coordination, and an understanding of
wave dynamics. Mastering the art of riding waves and maintaining stability on the
board can take time and practice. However, with proper instruction and dedication,
individuals can gradually improve their skills and enjoy the experience of surfing.
To play, one needs a surfboard designed for riding waves, suitable protective gear
such as a wetsuit, and access to a beach with suitable waves for surfing. Beginners
typically start by learning the basics on smaller waves, gradually progressing to
more challenging conditions as they gain confidence and skill. Paddling out into
the water, timing and catching the wave, and then riding it while maintaining
balance are key aspects of the sport. I would love to try surfing because it
combines elements of adventure, nature, and physical activity. The idea of riding a
wave, feeling the power and rhythm of the ocean, and being in harmony with
nature is incredibly appealing to me. Surfing also offers a sense of freedom and a
chance to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It seems like an
exhilarating and immersive experience that allows individuals to connect with both
the ocean and their own inner selves

Overall, I am drawn to the beauty and excitement that surfing promises, and I
would love to challenge myself and embrace the waves in this water sport.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Part 3
1. What kinds of water sports are popular in Vietnam?
Vietnam, with its extensive coastline and numerous rivers, offers a range of
popular water sports. To illustrate, activities such as swimming, snorkeling, scuba
diving, kayaking, and jet skiing attract enthusiasts and tourists alike. Traditional
water sports like dragon boat racing and traditional fishing practices are also
prevalent in certain regions. That’s why I think water sports have always been and
will still be popular with the Vietnamese.

2. Why do people like spending time near water?

There are several reasons why people find solace and enjoyment in spending
time near water. What I’m trying to say is that water bodies, such as oceans, rivers,
and lakes, offer a sense of tranquility and relaxation. Take the calming sound of
water and the refreshing environment by way of example. They can provide a
peaceful retreat from the stresses of one’s everyday life. Moreover, water-based
activities provide opportunities for recreation, adventure, and connecting with

3. What are the advantages of water transport?

Water transport offers several upsides. One of which is a cost-effective mode of
transportation for moving large quantities of goods and materials, particularly over
long distances. Furthermore, it enables access to remote areas, promotes
international trade, and supports the tourism industry through cruise ships and
ferries. A prime example of this is when comparing the cost of transporting goods
overseas on water as opposed to on air as the former is more wallet-friendly than
the latter.

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085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

4. What are the disadvantages of water transport?

While water transport has its benefits, there are also drawbacks to consider. It
generally takes longer to transport goods via water compared to air or land
transport. Delays can occur due to factors like adverse weather conditions, port
congestion, or the need for transshipment. In addition, the infrastructure and
maintenance costs associated with water transport can be substantial, making it less
feasible for certain regions or inland areas.

5. Is it important to teach children how to swim?

Teaching the young to swim is crucial for their safety and well-being as it is
considered a life skill that can prevent drowning accidents and increase water
safety awareness. Not only does it promote physical fitness, it also enhances
coordination and boosts confidence in and around water. Moreover, learning to
swim at an early point in life can also open up opportunities for recreational
activities and water sports, fostering a lifelong enjoyment of aquatic environments.
For that reason, it is absolutely necessary for young children to take up swimming
at an early age.

6. Who should teach them?

From my point of view, children should be taught how to swim by trained and
qualified instructors. Professional swim coaches or swimming instructors with
expertise in teaching children can provide proper guidance, ensure safety measures
are in place, and offer structured learning experiences. Additionally, parents or
guardians can play a supportive role by encouraging and supervising their children
during swimming lessons or recreational water activities.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

10. A time you saved money to buy an expensive gift for SB

• When
• What you saved money for
• How much you saved
• How you felt

One notable occasion when I saved money to purchase a pricy gift for someone
was two years ago during my high school years with the view of gifting my mother
a birthday present. At that time, I took on a part-time translation job in order to
earn some extra income.
The gift I had in mind for my mother's birthday was a luxurious watch she had
admired for a long time. It had a price tag of 2 and a half million Viet Nam Dong,
which was a significant amount considering my limited financial resources.
Through my part-time translation work, I dedicated myself to completing various
assignments which required attention to detail and linguistic precision to ensure
accurate as well as high-quality translations. I allocated a portion of my earnings
from this job specifically for saving towards the watch. Over a span of several
months, I diligently saved money, carefully budgeting my expenses to reach the
desired amount. It required discipline, as I had to resist the temptation of impulse
purchases and focus on my goal of buying the watch for my mother. As the
birthday approached, a mix of excitement and satisfaction filled me. I felt proud of
my ability to save a substantial sum of money through my own efforts. When the
special day arrived, I presented my mother with the watch, and her eyes lit up with
happiness and surprise. It was a heartwarming moment that made all the saving and
hard work worthwhile. Seeing her appreciation and gratitude filled me with
immense joy and a sense of accomplishment.

In conclusion, the act of saving money to buy an expensive gift for my mother
was a journey that strengthened our bond and created lasting memories. It was a
reminder that sometimes, the most precious gifts are not measured by their price,
but by the love and thoughtfulness behind them.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Part 3
1. What do young people often spend their money on?

2. Is it important to save money?

3. Who are better at saving money? Young or old people?

4. Why do you think some people can’t save money?

5. Who should teach young people to save money? Parents or schools?


11. A dream house

• Its location
• What it looks like
• Why you want it

The dream house I envision is a semi-modern villa situated in the heart of Ho

Chi Minh City, Vietnam's vibrant and bustling metropolis.

This dream house exudes a perfect blend of contemporary and traditional

architectural elements. Its exterior boasts clean lines, a combination of sleek
concrete and glass, giving it a sophisticated and stylish appearance. Inside, the
house features spacious rooms with high ceilings, allowing ample natural light to
flood in. In addition, the interior design combines modern aesthetics with
Vietnamese touches, incorporating traditional materials such as wood and stone,
harmoniously blending the old and the new. Additionally, the house features a
well-maintained garden, a swimming pool, and a rooftop terrace offering
breathtaking views of the city skyline. The reason I yearn for this semi-modern
villa in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City is the combination of convenience and
beauty it offers. The central location provides easy access to the city's vibrant
culture, bustling markets, and thriving business opportunities. Being surrounded by
the energy of the city while having a tranquil oasis to retreat to is an appealing
concept. Furthermore, Ho Chi Minh City holds a special place in my heart. It is a

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

city filled with history, diverse cuisine, and a rich cultural heritage. Having a
dream house in this dynamic and cosmopolitan environment would allow me to
fully immerse myself in its unique charm.

Ultimately, the desire for this dream house stems from the longing for a
harmonious and fulfilling lifestyle. It is a space that reflects my personal style and
offers a haven of comfort, all within the vibrant heartbeat of Ho Chi Minh City.

Part 3
1. What kinds of houses are common in Vietnam?
In Vietnam, various types of houses are prevalent, including traditional
Vietnamese houses, modern townhouses, condominiums, and high-rise apartments.
Traditional Vietnamese houses often feature a compact design with a central
courtyard and sloping roofs. Modern townhouses are typically multi-story
buildings that are narrow yet spacious, catering to urban living needs.
Condominiums and high-rise apartments are increasingly popular in cities, offering
vertical living spaces with amenities and convenience.

2. What are the differences between apartments and detached houses?

Apartments are housing units within larger buildings, often offering shared
facilities and services. They are typically more compact and suitable for urban
living. In contrast, detached houses are standalone structures with their own land,
providing more privacy, space, and flexibility in terms of design and
customization. Detached houses are more common in suburban or rural areas.

3. Do you think climate has an impact on housing styles?

Climate has a significant influence on housing styles in Vietnam. In regions
with hot and humid climates, houses are often designed with features such as open
courtyards, high ceilings, and ample ventilation to facilitate airflow and provide
relief from the heat. In areas prone to typhoons or heavy rainfall, houses may be
constructed with stronger materials and reinforced structures to withstand the

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

4. Do you think people in Vietnam lived in the same kinds of houses in the
In Vietnam, housing styles have evolved over time due to various factors,
including urbanization, economic development, and changes in lifestyle
preferences. In the past, traditional Vietnamese houses were more prevalent,
reflecting cultural and architectural traditions. However, with urbanization and
modernization, the demand for apartments and modern townhouses has increased,
particularly in cities. These changes reflect shifting societal needs and preferences.

5. Do people in Vietnam prefer to buy or rent a house?

The preference for buying or renting a house in Vietnam can vary among
individuals and depends on personal circumstances. Some people prefer to buy a
house as it offers long-term stability, investment potential, and the freedom to
customize the property according to their preferences. On the other hand, renting
provides flexibility, particularly for those who may frequently move or prefer not
to commit to long-term ownership. For those reasons, I think the Vietnamese’s
fondness towards both purchasing and leasing are on equal terms.

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of renting a house/ buying a

Renting a house offers flexibility, as it allows individuals to move easily
without the responsibilities of property maintenance and long-term financial
commitments. It provides a sense of temporary accommodation and can be more
affordable in the short term. However, renting may lack the stability and potential
financial benefits that come with property ownership. Buying a house offers long-
term stability, investment potential, and the freedom to personalize the living
space. However, it requires a significant financial commitment and entails
responsibilities for maintenance and potential market fluctuations. The choice
between renting and buying ultimately depends on individual circumstances,
financial goals, and lifestyle preferences.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

12. A time you talked to a group of people (spoke in public)

• When
• With whom
• What you talked about
• How you felt

During my first year of university, I had a wonderful opportunity to meet up

with some of my old high school friends at a cozy coffee shop in town. It was a
delightful reunion as we hadn't seen each other in a while and had plenty of
catching up to do.

The group consisted of a mix of close friends and acquaintances from our high
school days. We were all transitioning into different paths and universities, so it
was a great chance to hear about each other's experiences and adventures. As we
sat around the table, sipping our favorite beverages, our conversation covered a
wide range of topics. We talked about our respective university majors, course
selections, the challenges and exciting opportunities we had encountered so far.
Sharing stories about our new environment, campus life as well as the freedom and
responsibilities that came with university. We also reminisced about our cherished
memories from high school, recalling funny incidents, unforgettable trips, and the
ups and downs we experienced together. It was heartwarming to share those
nostalgic moments and laugh together, bridging the gap between our past and
present lives.As the coffee shop gradually emptied and we said our goodbyes, I left
with a renewed sense of connection and gratitude.The experience left me with a
feeling of warmth, contentment, and a renewed appreciation for the bonds we had
formed during our high school years.
In the end, it is the people we journey alongside who make life's experiences
truly special. And for that, I will forever be grateful for that cherished reunion in
the coffee shop, where laughter, stories, and friendship intertwined to create a
lasting memory.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Part 3
1. Why do some people dislike speaking in public?
Some people dislike speaking in public due to various reasons. One common
reason is the fear of being judged or criticized by others. Public speaking can be an
intimidating experience for many, as it involves standing in front of a large
audience and expressing oneself. The fear of making mistakes or forgetting what to
say can also contribute to the discomfort. Additionally, some individuals may lack
confidence in their speaking abilities or have a fear of public speaking ingrained
from past negative experiences.

2. What should people do to improve their public speaking skills?

To improve public speaking skills, individuals can take several steps. Firstly,
practice is key. Regularly engaging in public speaking opportunities, such as
joining toastmasters or participating in presentations, helps build confidence and
familiarity with speaking in front of others. Seeking feedback from trusted peers or
mentors can provide valuable insights for improvement. Secondly, preparing well
in advance by researching the topic, organizing thoughts, and creating a structured
presentation can enhance one's speaking abilities. Thirdly, practicing vocal
techniques, such as proper breathing and articulation, can improve clarity and
overall delivery. Finally, managing nervousness through relaxation techniques and
positive self-talk can help individuals feel more at ease when speaking in public.

3. Who likes talking on the Internet? Young or old people?

Both young and old people enjoy talking on the internet, although their
preferences and patterns of online communication may differ. Young people,
particularly those who have grown up in the digital age, tend to be more active in
online discussions and social media platforms. They often use the internet as a
means of staying connected with friends, sharing experiences, and expressing
themselves. On the other hand, older individuals are increasingly becoming
familiar with online communication and may use it for various purposes, such as
connecting with family and friends, accessing information, or participating in
online communities that align with their interests.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

4. What do young people often talk about online?

Young people engage in a wide range of discussions and topics online. Social
media platforms, online forums, and messaging apps provide spaces for them to
share their thoughts, interests, and experiences. Common topics among young
people include popular culture, entertainment, fashion, music, sports, gaming, and
current events. They also discuss educational pursuits, career aspirations, and seek
advice or support on various personal matters. Additionally, online platforms allow
young people to explore their identities, discuss social issues, and participate in
activism and advocacy related conversations.

5. What are the advantages of online communication?

Online communication offers several advantages. Firstly, it enables people to
connect and communicate with others regardless of geographical barriers, fostering
global connections and expanding social networks. It provides convenience,
allowing individuals to communicate at their own pace and time, making it suitable
for busy schedules. Online communication also offers a wide range of mediums
such as text, voice, and video, accommodating different communication
preferences. It can enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing, as people can
easily exchange information and ideas. Moreover, online communication provides
a platform for marginalized voices, empowering individuals to express themselves
and engage in meaningful discussions.

6. What are the disadvantages of online communication?

Despite its advantages, online communication has some drawbacks. One major
disadvantage is the lack of non-verbal cues and context, which can lead to
misunderstandings or misinterpretations. The absence of facial expressions, body
language, and tone of voice can make it difficult to convey emotions or gauge the
sincerity of a message. Online communication can also be prone to information
overload, as the vast amount of content available can be overwhelming and result
in reduced attention spans. Additionally, the reliance on technology and internet

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

connectivity introduces the risk of technical issues and online security threats, such
as hacking or privacy breaches.

7. How has technology affected the way people communicate?

Technology has significantly transformed the way people communicate. The
widespread availability of smartphones, social media platforms, messaging apps,
and video conferencing tools has revolutionized communication by enabling
instant and continuous connectivity. People can now communicate with others
across the globe at any time, making distance and time zones less of a barrier.
Technology has also increased the speed and efficiency of communication,
allowing for real-time conversations and swift information exchange. However, it's
important to note that while technology provides convenience, it can also
contribute to a sense of disconnection or impersonal interactions, as face-to-face
communication and physical presence are sometimes replaced by virtual

13. A car journey you made

• When & with whom
• Where & the distance
• Did you enjoy it

A few months ago, I embarked on an exciting car trip to the beautiful coastal city
of Vung Tau in Viet Nam. Accompanied by my family with my elder brother at the
helm, we set off on a memorable adventure, eager to explore the scenic landscapes
and soak in the seaside charm.

According to my vague memory, Vung Tau is located about 120 kilometers

from our residential area, making it an ideal destination for a weekend getaway.
The journey was peppered with lively conversations, laughter, and the occasional
sing-along to our favorite tunes. We made frequent stops at roadside cafes, where
we savored delicious local snacks and sipped on steaming cups of coffee. I think
these moments of respite allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in the journey and
appreciate the surrounding beauty. Once we arrived, we wasted no time in

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

exploring the city's attractions. We not only visited the famous White Villa, a
picturesque colonial mansion with panoramic views of the sea but also took a cable
car ride up to the summit of Nui Lon, where we were rewarded with breathtaking
vistas of the coastline and the city below. Throughout our stay, we indulged in the
fresh seafood that Vung Tau is renowned for. From succulent grilled prawns to
mouthwatering fish dishes, each meal was a culinary delight that satisfied our taste
buds and immersed us in the local flavors.The car journey to Vung Tau was an
absolute joy. It provided us with an opportunity to spend quality time together as a
family, discover new landscapes, and create cherished memories.

The car journey had allowed us to experience the beauty of Vung Tau firsthand,
forging unforgettable memories that we would cherish for years to come.

Part 3
1. Do you think cars are becoming more popular in Vietnam?
Yes, cars are indeed becoming more popular in Vietnam. With the country's
economic growth and increasing disposable income, more people are able to afford
cars. The improved road infrastructure and availability of financing options have
also contributed to the rising popularity of cars in Vietnam. Additionally, the desire
for convenience, comfort, and mobility has driven the demand for personal

2. What are the advantages of cars?

Cars offer several advantages. Firstly, they provide convenience and flexibility,
allowing individuals to travel at their desired time and destination without relying
on public transportation schedules. Cars also offer privacy and comfort,
particularly during long commutes or in extreme weather conditions. Additionally,
cars can be seen as a status symbol and provide a sense of independence and
freedom. They are often considered more suitable for carrying heavy loads or
transporting multiple passengers compared to other modes of transportation.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

3. What are the disadvantages of cars?

Cars have certain disadvantages as well. One major concern is the negative
impact on the environment. Cars contribute to air pollution through emissions,
which can harm human health and contribute to climate change. The high
dependency on cars also leads to traffic congestion, increased fuel consumption,
and noise pollution in urban areas. Moreover, the cost of purchasing, maintaining,
and fueling a car can be significant, especially for lower-income individuals.
Additionally, car accidents and road safety issues pose a risk to both drivers and

4. What can be done to reduce the negative impacts of cars?

To mitigate the negative impacts of cars, several measures can be implemented.
Firstly, promoting the use of public transportation, such as buses and trains, can
help reduce the number of cars on the road and alleviate traffic congestion.
Encouraging carpooling and ridesharing services can also contribute to reducing
the overall number of vehicles. Implementing stricter emissions standards and
promoting the use of electric or hybrid vehicles can help reduce air pollution.
Developing efficient urban planning strategies that prioritize pedestrian-friendly
infrastructure and promote alternative modes of transportation, such as cycling and
walking, can also contribute to reducing car dependency.

5. Is it important to develop public transport?

Yes, developing public transport is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps
reduce traffic congestion by providing an alternative mode of transportation for
individuals who would otherwise use private cars. Efficient and well-connected
public transport systems can lead to shorter travel times, increased accessibility,
and improved mobility for all residents, including those who cannot afford or
choose not to own cars. Additionally, public transport is generally more
environmentally friendly compared to individual car usage, as it can accommodate
a larger number of passengers per vehicle and contribute to reduced emissions.
Developing public transport also promotes social equity by providing affordable
transportation options for all segments of society.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

6. What kinds of cars do people in Vietnam prefer?

In Vietnam, there is a preference for smaller and more fuel-efficient cars. This is
mainly due to factors such as affordability, ease of maneuverability in crowded
urban areas, and lower fuel costs. Hatchbacks and sedans from popular brands such
as Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, and Ford are commonly seen on Vietnamese roads.
However, the preferences can vary depending on individual needs and preferences,
with some opting for larger SUVs or luxury vehicles.

7. At what age should people be able to get a driving license?

The legal driving age in Vietnam is 18 years old for cars and motorcycles. At
this age, individuals are considered to have reached a level of maturity and
responsibility necessary for safe driving. However, it's important to note that
driving skills and experience can vary among individuals, and it's essential for all
drivers to undergo proper training and education before obtaining a driving license.
Additionally, there may be specific requirements and restrictions for new drivers,
such as the need for a provisional license or supervised driving for a certain period.

14. A person who usually helps others

• Who
• How you knew him/her
• What he/she does to help others
• How you feel about him/her

Allow me to introduce you to a remarkable individual named Sarah, who

embodies the true spirit of altruism and consistently goes above and beyond to help
others. She and I first met in our junior year of highschool.
Sarah has a natural inclination towards helping those in need as she actively
seeks out opportunities to make a positive impact in people's lives. Whether it's
volunteering at homeless shelters, organizing donation drives, or simply lending a
listening ear, Sarah always finds ways to assist others. To me, one of the

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

remarkable things about Sarah that I regard highly is her genuine empathy and
compassion. She approaches every situation with a kind heart and a willingness to
understand the struggles of others. Her acts of kindness are not limited to material
assistance; she also provides emotional support and encouragement to those who
need it most. Personally, I am in awe of this girl’s selflessness and dedication to
helping others. Her unwavering commitment to making a difference is truly
inspiring. Whenever I see her in action, whether it's through her volunteer work or
the countless stories she shares, I feel an immense admiration and respect for her as
it motivates me to find my own ways to contribute to the well-being of those
around me.
In a world where acts of kindness can sometimes feel scarce, Sarah's consistent
willingness to help others serves as a beacon of hope. She embodies the values of
compassion, empathy, and selflessness, making her a true role model for everyone
who has the privilege of knowing her.

Part 3
1. What kinds of jobs involve helping others?
Several jobs involve helping others. Some examples include healthcare
professionals such as doctors, nurses, and paramedics who provide medical
assistance and care to patients. Social workers work to support individuals and
communities facing various challenges, providing counseling, advocacy, and
resources. Teachers play a crucial role in educating and guiding students. Police
officers and firefighters ensure public safety and help those in emergencies. Non-
profit organization workers, volunteers, and humanitarian aid workers also
dedicate themselves to helping others in various capacities.

2. Why do some people like helping others?

People may have different motivations for enjoying helping others. Some
individuals find fulfillment and purpose in making a positive impact on the lives of
others. Helping can evoke feelings of empathy, compassion, and satisfaction. It can
also contribute to a sense of connection and belonging within communities.
Additionally, helping others can provide a sense of personal growth, as it allows

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

individuals to develop empathy, communication skills, and problem-solving

abilities. Altruistic actions can also generate positive emotions and contribute to a
sense of personal well-being.

3. Is it important to teach children about helping others?

Yes, it is essential to teach children about helping others. Teaching children
about empathy, compassion, and the value of helping cultivates important social
and moral values. It helps children understand the importance of kindness,
consideration for others, and contributing to the well-being of their communities.
Learning about helping others also fosters the development of important life skills
such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. By instilling these values
from an early age, children grow up with a sense of social responsibility and
become more engaged and active members of society.

4. Who should teach children about helping others?

Various individuals and institutions can play a role in teaching children about
helping others. Parents and family members have a significant influence on a
child's values and behaviors, making them important role models. Schools and
educators can incorporate lessons on empathy, kindness, and community service
into their curriculum. Non-profit organizations and community groups can
organize volunteering opportunities and programs that involve children in helping
others. Additionally, religious and spiritual institutions often emphasize the
importance of compassion and giving back to others.

5. What can children do to help their parents?

Children can contribute to helping their parents in various ways, depending on
their age and abilities. Younger children can assist with age-appropriate household
chores such as cleaning up their toys, setting the table, or making their beds. They
can also show appreciation and express gratitude for their parents' efforts. Older
children can take on more responsibilities, such as helping with meal preparation,
doing laundry, or running errands. They can also offer emotional support and
communicate openly with their parents, fostering a positive and supportive family

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

15. A book you have read many times

• What it is
• when you got it
• What it is about
• Why you like it

Amongst all the books that I have read, "Three Days of Happiness" by Sugaru
Miaki is one that I have immersed in countless times which holds a special place in
my heart. I first discovered this light novel a few years ago when I stumbled upon
it on an advertisement on the Internet.
"Three Days of Happiness' ' follows the story of a young man named Kusunoki,
who sells his remaining lifespan in exchange for a substantial amount of money.
With only three months left to live, he begins to reevaluate his priorities and seeks
true happiness in the limited time he has left. What draws me to this novel is its
unique blend of melancholy and bittersweet moments. The book explores profound
themes of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness, encouraging readers to reflect on
their own values and what truly matters in life. From my point of view, one of the
aspects that stands out most in the novel is the well-developed characters as the
protagonist's internal struggles and his interactions with others evoke empathy
which make the story more and more relatable. The novel skillfully balances
moments of despair with glimmers of hope, leaving a lasting impact on the reader's
emotions. Adding to that, the book's concise and straightforward narrative style
makes it an engaging and easy read. It allows me to delve into the story
effortlessly, losing track of time as I immerse myself in Kusunoki's experiences
and reflections.
Overall, "Three Days of Happiness" has become a beloved book in my collection
for the reason that it serves as a poignant reminder to appreciate the present
moment and prioritize the things that bring genuine joy and fulfillment into our

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Part 3
1. What kinds of books are popular in Vietnam?
In Vietnam, a wide range of books are popular among readers. Novels and
fiction books, including both domestic and international works, are highly sought
after. Historical fiction, romance, and fantasy genres are particularly popular. Self-
help and personal development books, as well as motivational literature, also have
a significant readership. Non-fiction books covering topics such as history,
biographies, and travel are also well-received.

2. What kinds of books do children like?

Children in Vietnam, like children elsewhere, have diverse reading preferences.
Picture books, storybooks with engaging narratives and colorful illustrations, are
popular among younger children. Adventure and fantasy books, such as those
featuring magical worlds or heroic characters, often capture the imagination of
children. Series books, such as those with multiple volumes or installments, are
also favored by young readers. Educational books that teach concepts, introduce
new skills, or provide knowledge on various subjects are also commonly enjoyed
by children.

3. What can children learn from reading?

Reading offers numerous benefits for children. It enhances language and literacy
skills, including vocabulary expansion, comprehension, and critical thinking
abilities. Reading fiction books helps children develop their imagination, creativity,
and empathy by immersing themselves in different characters and storylines. Non-
fiction books provide knowledge and facts about the world, fostering a thirst for
learning and broadening their understanding of various subjects. Reading also
improves concentration, focus, and enhances overall cognitive development.

4. Do you think children who read a lot will be more successful?

Reading a lot can contribute to a child's success, although it is not the sole
determining factor. Reading extensively exposes children to a wide range of ideas,

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

perspectives, and knowledge, which can enhance their intellectual capacity,

creativity, and critical thinking skills. It helps them develop a strong foundation in
language and communication, which is crucial for academic achievements across
different subjects. Additionally, reading promotes a love for learning and a lifelong
habit of seeking knowledge. While reading is an important element in a child's
overall development, other factors such as personal motivation, parental support,
and access to educational opportunities also play significant roles in determining

5. Do people in Vietnam prefer paper books or e-books? Why?

In Vietnam, paper books are still preferred by many readers. Traditional paper
books offer a tangible and physical reading experience that some readers find more
immersive and enjoyable. They appreciate the sensory aspects of reading, such as
the feel and smell of the pages. Additionally, paper books do not require access to
technology or power sources, making them convenient for reading in various
settings, including areas with limited or no internet connectivity. However, the
popularity of e-books has been increasing in recent years, particularly among
younger generations and tech-savvy readers who appreciate the convenience and
portability of digital reading devices.

6. Is reading now more popular in Vietnam than it was in the past?

As far as I’m concerned, reading has become increasingly popular in Vietnam
compared to the past. Over the years, there has been a growing interest in reading
among the Vietnamese population, particularly among the younger generation.
Factors such as improved literacy rates, increased access to books and educational
resources, and the promotion of reading culture have contributed to this rise in
popularity. The Vietnamese government has also made efforts to encourage
reading by implementing initiatives like book fairs, literary festivals, and public
library expansions. Furthermore, the advent of digital technologies and e-books has
made reading more accessible and convenient for many people. Overall, the
combination of these factors has led to a significant increase in the popularity of
reading in the country nowadays.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
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7. Who do you think reads more? Young people or old people?

It is difficult to generalize and determine who reads more between young and
old people, as reading habits can vary among individuals. Young people,
particularly students, often have academic reading requirements and may read
more in that context. They may also engage in reading for leisure, exploring
various genres and books of personal interest. On the other hand, older people may
have more leisure time and may enjoy reading as a hobby or a means of relaxation.
Additionally, older generations may have developed reading habits over a longer
period of time. Ultimately, the frequency and amount of reading can differ based
on personal interests, lifestyle, and individual preferences.

8. Do people prefer reading a book or a film based on that book?

Preferences regarding books versus film adaptations can vary among individuals.
Some readers may prefer the immersive experience and imaginative freedom that
books provide, allowing them to visualize the story and characters in their own
unique way. They may appreciate the depth and details that books can offer, which
are sometimes condensed or altered in film adaptations. On the other hand, film
adaptations can bring stories to life visually, with added elements such as music,
cinematography, and acting performances. They can provide a different
perspective and enhance the emotional impact of the narrative. Ultimately, whether
one prefers reading a book or watching a film based on that book depends on
personal preferences and the specific qualities of each medium.

16. A crowded place you went to

• What place
• When you went there
• Why it was crowded
• How you felt

During one unforgettable occasion, I found myself in the midst of a bustling and
vibrant crowd which was during the New Year countdown in Ho Chi Minh City. It

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

was a few years ago when I decided to join the vibrant festivities and witness the
city's grand celebration.
As I arrived, I found myself in the heart of District 1, surrounded by an
enormous crowd of enthusiastic revelers. The streets were adorned with colorful
lights, and the atmosphere was filled with anticipation and excitement. People from
all walks of life had gathered to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new
one with great enthusiasm.The reason for the overwhelming crowd was the city's
reputation for hosting one of the most spectacular New Year countdown events in
Vietnam as Ho Chi Minh City attracts both locals and tourists, eager to be a part of
the lively festivities and witness the magnificent fireworks that illuminate the sky
at the stroke of midnight. Being amidst the sea of people, I couldn't help but feel a
sense of excitement and unity. The collective spirit of the crowd created a strong
sense of camaraderie and celebration. It was a unique experience to share such a
joyous moment with thousands of strangers, all united in their anticipation of a new
As the clock struck midnight and the fireworks illuminated the night sky, a
collective cheer erupted from the crowd. In that moment, surrounded by the energy
and unity of the bustling multitude, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection
and shared joy. The countdown in Ho Chi Minh City had left an indelible mark on
my memory, reminding me of the power of celebration and the beauty of coming
together as a community. It was an experience I would forever cherish, a testament
to the vibrant spirit of this incredible city.

Part 3
1. What places are usually crowded?
Places that are commonly crowded include shopping malls, popular tourist
attractions, airports, train stations, stadiums during sporting events, concert venues,
amusement parks, beaches during peak seasons, and busy city centers during rush
hours. Additionally, public transportation hubs, such as bus stops and subway
stations, can also be crowded during peak travel times.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
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2. Why are cities more crowded than the countryside?

Cities tend to be more crowded than the countryside due to several reasons.
Firstly, cities attract larger populations because of the availability of job
opportunities, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and cultural amenities.
The concentration of economic and social activities in cities leads to a higher
population density. Additionally, cities often have better transportation
infrastructure, which makes commuting and access to various services more
convenient. The limited space in cities and the higher demand for housing and
commercial areas also contribute to crowding.

3. What kinds of people like to go to crowded places?

People who enjoy socializing, being around others, and thrive in vibrant
environments often like to go to crowded places. Extroverted individuals who
derive energy from social interactions may find crowded places stimulating and
exciting. Moreover, people who are interested in cultural events, concerts, or sports
may willingly go to crowded venues to be part of the collective experience and
share in the atmosphere. Additionally, individuals who seek networking
opportunities or enjoy people-watching may be drawn to crowded places.

4. Why do some people dislike crowded places?

Some individuals may dislike crowded places for various reasons. Introverted
individuals may find crowded places overwhelming and draining, as they prefer
quieter and more solitary environments. Others may have anxiety or
claustrophobia, which can be triggered by large crowds. Some people may have
had negative experiences in crowded situations, such as feeling unsafe or being
unable to navigate through crowds comfortably. Additionally, individuals who
prefer personal space and privacy may find crowded places intrusive and

5. What can be done to solve overcrowding in big cities?

To address overcrowding in big cities, several strategies can be employed.
Firstly, investing in improved public transportation systems can help reduce

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

reliance on private vehicles and alleviate traffic congestion. Developing satellite

cities or promoting decentralized urban planning can distribute population and
economic activities more evenly across the region. Creating incentives for
businesses to establish in suburban or rural areas can also help reduce the influx of
people into already crowded cities. Additionally, implementing smart city
technologies and optimizing infrastructure can improve efficiency and resource
utilization. Lastly, encouraging remote work and flexible working hours can help
reduce the concentration of commuters during peak times.

17. A time you got lost

• When & where
• Why you got lost
• What you did
• How you felt

It was a sunny day in Singapore, and I was filled with excitement and curiosity
as I embarked on a solo adventure to explore the vibrant city. Little did I know that
this day would unfold into an unexpected and memorable experience of getting lost
in a foreign land.
A couple of years ago, during my visit to Singapore as a foreigner, I found
myself lost in the bustling streets of the city. It happened when I was exploring the
intricate network of roads and unfamiliar neighborhoods. Feeling a mix of
frustration and curiosity, I remained calm and used my smartphone's navigation
app to find my way back. I also approached some locals for help, and they
graciously provided me with directions and guidance. With their assistance, I
slowly but surely made my way back to more familiar areas. The initial stress of
being lost turned into relief and a sense of accomplishment as I navigated through
the busy streets once again.
As I reflect on that incident of getting lost in Singapore, I am reminded of the
valuable lessons it taught me. It was a humbling reminder of the importance of
adaptability, seeking help when needed, and embracing the unknown with an open
mind. Through this experience, I not only discovered hidden corners of the city but
also gained a deeper appreciation for the kindness of strangers and the resilience

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

within myself. Getting lost became a memorable part of my journey, reminding me

that sometimes the most extraordinary moments arise from unexpected detours.

Part 3
1. Who are more likely to get lost? Young or old people?
There is no definitive answer to who is more likely to get lost as it depends on
various factors. Younger people, especially children, may have less experience
with navigation and may get lost more easily in unfamiliar places. Older people,
particularly those experiencing cognitive decline or memory impairments, may
also face challenges with orientation and directions. However, it is important to
note that individuals of any age can potentially get lost depending on their
familiarity with the surroundings, level of preparedness, and the complexity of the

2. How do people feel when they get lost?

When people get lost, they may experience a range of emotions including
anxiety, frustration, confusion, and even fear. The feeling of being disoriented and
uncertain about one's location or how to reach a desired destination can be
distressing. People may feel a loss of control or a sense of vulnerability, especially
in unfamiliar or unsafe surroundings. However, the intensity of these emotions can
vary depending on the individual, their level of preparedness, and the context of
getting lost.

3. What should people do when they get lost?

When people find themselves lost, it is important to stay calm and try to regain
their bearings. They can look for familiar landmarks, ask for directions from
reliable sources such as locals or authorities, or use navigational tools such as maps
or GPS devices. If possible, finding a safe and well-populated area to seek
assistance is advisable. It can also be helpful to have a contingency plan in place

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

beforehand, such as sharing travel itineraries with others or carrying emergency

contact information.

4. Is it easier for people to get lost now than it was in the past? Why?
In some ways, it can be argued that it is easier for people to get lost nowadays
compared to back then. With the advent of advanced technology and reliance on
navigation apps, people may rely heavily on electronic devices and have reduced
map-reading skills. This dependence on digital navigation can be problematic if
there is no access to technology or if the devices fail. Additionally, the increased
urbanization and complexity of modern cities, along with globalization and
international travel, can present unfamiliar environments and challenges in
navigating through them. Ultimately, while technology has provided convenience
and efficiency in many aspects of our lives, it is important to maintain basic
navigation skills and a sense of direction to mitigate the risk of getting lost in
unfamiliar surroundings.

5. Why are some people better at reading maps?

Some people may be better at reading maps due to various factors. Spatial
awareness and the ability to mentally visualize and interpret spatial relationships
can contribute to map-reading skills. Some individuals may have a natural aptitude
for understanding and interpreting visual information. Additionally, experience and
familiarity with maps, geography, and navigational concepts can enhance map-
reading abilities. Practice and exposure to different types of maps can also improve
one's proficiency in map-reading.

6. Is getting lost really a bad thing?

Getting lost can be seen as a temporary setback or a learning opportunity rather
than a wholly negative experience. While it may cause initial discomfort or
inconvenience, getting lost can lead to new discoveries, unexpected adventures,
and a chance to develop problem-solving and resilience skills. It can provide
opportunities for individuals to explore unfamiliar environments, engage with
locals, and develop a deeper understanding of a place. However, it is important to

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

prioritize personal safety and take necessary precautions when navigating unknown

7. Why do some people like traveling around without a map?

Some people enjoy traveling without a map because it allows them to embrace
spontaneity and serendipity. They may find joy in the element of surprise,
discovering hidden gems, and stumbling upon unexpected experiences. Traveling
without a map can foster a sense of adventure and freedom, enabling individuals to
fully immerse themselves in their surroundings without the constraints of
predetermined routes or itineraries. It can also encourage interaction with locals
and a deeper connection with the destination.

8. Are paper maps important now? Will they disappear?

Although digital maps and navigation systems have become increasingly
prevalent, paper maps still hold value and are unlikely to disappear entirely. Paper
maps provide a tangible and reliable backup option, especially in areas with limited
or no internet connectivity. They allow for a broader perspective and can be
beneficial for planning, visualizing large-scale routes, and gaining a sense of
geographic context. Paper maps also hold nostalgic and aesthetic appeal for many
people. While their usage may have decreased, paper maps continue to serve a
purpose and are valued by travelers, adventurers, and enthusiasts of cartography.

18. A newly-opened shop in your area

• What & when it was opened
• What it sells
• How you feel about it

Recently, there has been a grand opening of a small grocery store about 5 blocks
away from my house, attracting attention from the local community. It opened its
doors just a few weeks ago, aiming to provide convenience and quality products to
the residents.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Unfortunately, what sets this shop apart is the disappointing customer service
and negative attitudes displayed by the staff. Many people in the community have
expressed dissatisfaction with the rude behavior and lack of professionalism. As a
member of the community, I share the disappointment regarding the shop's poor
customer service. I personally think it's disheartening to see such behavior in a
newly-established business, as it not only affects the shopping experience but also
tarnishes the shop's reputation. The important course of action is for the shop
owners to recognize the importance of exceptional customer service and address
the concerns raised by the community. By improving the attitudes of their staff and
fostering a positive environment, they have the opportunity to build a stronger
relationship with the locals and establish a positive reputation. I really do hope that
the shop owners take the necessary steps to rectify the situation and create a
welcoming atmosphere that fosters community engagement. With improvements in
customer service, the shop has the potential to become a valued asset in our
In conclusion, while the newly-opened grocery shop offers convenience, the
negative attitudes displayed by the staff need to be addressed. By prioritizing
customer service and creating a positive experience, the shop has the opportunity
to win over the community and establish itself as a beloved establishment in our

Part 3
1. Where do people in Vietnam usually go shopping?
In Vietnam, people have various options for shopping. Traditional open markets,
known as "chợ," remain popular among the local population. These markets offer a
wide range of products, including fresh produce, meats, seafood, clothing, and
household items. Additionally, shopping malls and department stores have gained
popularity, particularly in urban areas, providing a modern shopping experience
with a diverse selection of retail stores, food courts, and entertainment facilities.
Moreover, convenience stores, specialty shops, and online platforms cater to
specific needs and preferences.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of supermarkets?

Supermarkets offer several advantages. Firstly, they provide convenience by
offering a wide variety of products in one place, eliminating the need to visit
multiple stores. Secondly, supermarkets often have regular operating hours and
consistent stock availability, ensuring that customers can shop at their preferred
times. Thirdly, supermarkets are well-organized with clear aisles, signage, and
product displays, making it easier for shoppers to navigate and find items.
However, there are some disadvantages to consider. Supermarkets may lack the
personal touch and individualized service found in smaller shops or open markets.
Additionally, the abundance of choices and marketing techniques in supermarkets
can tempt customers to overspend. Some customers also express concerns about
the freshness of certain products, particularly fresh produce, which may not be as
locally sourced as in open markets. Furthermore, supermarkets often involve
excessive packaging, contributing to environmental issues.

3. What are the advantages of open markets?

Open markets offer several advantages for shoppers. Firstly, open markets often
provide fresh and locally sourced products, including fruits, vegetables, meats, and
seafood. This promotes a connection to the local agricultural and farming
communities, and shoppers can enjoy the freshness and quality of these items.
Secondly, open markets may offer competitive prices since they involve direct
transactions between producers and customers, bypassing intermediaries. This can
result in cost savings for shoppers. Thirdly, open markets serve as social spaces
where people can interact with vendors, neighbors, and fellow shoppers, fostering a
sense of community and promoting local culture. Lastly, open markets often
feature unique and traditional products, handicrafts, and local specialties, providing
a cultural experience and preserving local heritage.

4. Do you think online stores will replace traditional stores?

While online stores have gained significant popularity and transformed the retail
landscape, it is unlikely that they will completely replace traditional stores. Online
stores offer convenience, a wide selection of products, and the ability to shop from

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

anywhere at any time. However, traditional stores provide a tactile and immersive
shopping experience that some customers prefer. Traditional stores allow
customers to physically examine products, receive immediate assistance from store
staff, and enjoy the ambiance of a physical retail environment. Additionally,
traditional stores play a vital role in supporting local economies and creating
employment opportunities. Both online and traditional stores can coexist, catering
to different customer needs and preferences.

19. A movie you watched and were disappointed with

• What it was & when you watched
• What it is about
• Why you were disappointed

As an enthusiast of superhero films and the widely beloved franchise in

particular, the 2015 adaptation of Fantastic Four was a profound cinematic failure
to me.
The titular characters, called "the Fantastic Four," were a group of scientists who
gained powers after undergoing an accident amidst their cosmic expedition. The
leader, Reed Richards, could stretch and elongate his body like rubber, while his
girlfriend, Susan, could turn herself invisible and generate force fields. On the
other hand, her brother Johnny could engulf his body in flames and fly, and Reed's
childhood friend Ben acquired a rock-like hide which gives him super strength and
durability. Together, they confront the imposing and mischievous Dr. Doom, a
former friend of Reed who was morally corrupt and now possesses telekinetic
While I have been a huge supporter of the project ever since the beginning, I
couldn't help but feel a profound sense of letdown as the credit rolled. Fantastic
Four (2015) proved to be an unfortunate misstep, failing to capture the essence of
what made the superhero team so beloved due to its numerous cliche moments and
lack of clear directions, character growth and development. It was a missed
opportunity to deliver an exciting and engaging cinematic experience, leaving fans

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

disenchanted and yearning for a more faithful adaptation that would do justice to
the iconic characters and their captivating universe.

Part 3
1. What makes a good movie?
Several factors contribute to making a good movie. Firstly, a compelling and
well-crafted story is essential. A good movie often has a strong plot, well-
developed characters, and engaging storytelling techniques. The screenplay plays a
crucial role in creating a captivating narrative. Secondly, effective direction brings
the story to life through skilled use of cinematography, visuals, pacing, and other
technical elements. Thirdly, a talented cast that delivers convincing performances
and effectively portrays the characters can greatly enhance the movie's impact.
Additionally, production design, editing, sound design, and other technical aspects
contribute to the overall quality of a film.

2. Do you think the cast is more important than the screenplay?

Both the cast and screenplay are integral to a movie's success, but their
importance can vary depending on the genre and storytelling approach. A well-
written script can provide the foundation for a compelling story, well-developed
characters, and engaging dialogue. It can give the cast a better profound
understanding of their characters and the scenarios they are placed in, which help
shape and foster the overall narrative. However, a skilled and talented cast can
bring the characters to life, add depth and authenticity to their portrayal, and
enhance the audience's emotional and physical connection with the ensemble of
characters and their stories. Moreover, experienced actors/actresses can add new
value to existing scripts through their personal insights and improv. Thus, this joint
collaboration between the cast and the screenplay is crucial in creating a
memorable movie.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

3. How has movie making changed?

Movie making has undergone significant transformations over the years due to
advancements in technology, changes in storytelling trends, and shifts in audience
preferences. Technological advancements, such as computer-generated imagery
(CGI), have expanded the possibilities for visual effects and world-building.
Digital cameras and editing software have made production more accessible and
streamlined. Additionally, online distribution platforms and streaming services
have changed the way movies are consumed and have created new avenues for
independent filmmakers. Social media and digital marketing have also played a
role in promoting and reaching wider audiences. Furthermore, there has been an
increase in diverse representation and storytelling, highlighting underrepresented
voices and perspectives in the film industry.

4. Do you think movie reviews are reliable?

Movie reviews can provide insights and opinions that help inform viewers'
decisions, but their reliability can vary. Reviews are subjective and reflect the
personal preferences and biases of the reviewers. It's essential to consider multiple
reviews from reputable sources to get a broader understanding. Additionally,
audiences may have different tastes and preferences, so what one person considers
a good movie, another may not. Ultimately, individual viewers should watch
movies and form their own opinions based on their personal experiences and

5. What kinds of movies are popular in Vietnam?

Vietnam has a diverse movie industry with a range of genres and themes.
Vietnamese audiences enjoy various types of movies, including romantic
comedies, action films, historical dramas, horror films, and family-oriented
movies. Romantic comedies often attract a large audience, as they offer light-
hearted entertainment and relatable stories. Action films with thrilling sequences
and dynamic storytelling also garner popularity. Historical dramas that explore
Vietnam's rich cultural heritage and significant events are well-received. Horror
films with suspenseful and chilling narratives have gained popularity among

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
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younger audiences. Additionally, family-oriented movies that emphasize themes of

love, unity, and traditional values are appreciated by Vietnamese viewers.

6. Do young and old people in Vietnam like the same types of movies?
While there can be some overlap in movie preferences, young and old people in
Vietnam often have different tastes when it comes to movies. Younger audiences
may gravitate towards contemporary genres, such as romantic comedies, action-
packed films, and horror movies. They are often more receptive to experimental
storytelling, visual effects, and international films. On the other hand, older
audiences may prefer classic films, historical dramas, and family-oriented movies
that reflect traditional values and cultural heritage. However, it's important to note
that individual preferences can vary, and there are individuals from different age
groups who appreciate a wide range of movie genres.

7. Do people in Vietnam prefer to watch movies at home or at the cinema?

In Vietnam, both watching movies at home and going to the cinema are popular
options, and preferences can vary depending on individual circumstances and
preferences. On the one hand ,watching movies at home offers convenience and
flexibility, allowing viewers to enjoy movies in the comfort of their own space, at
any time, and with a personalized viewing experience. On the other hand, going to
the cinema provides a social and immersive experience whereas the big screen,
superior audiovisual quality, and collective atmosphere contribute to the enjoyment
of movies for many people. Furthermore, cinemas often release new movies earlier
than home platforms, which can attract movie enthusiasts who want to be among
the first to experience new releases. Ultimately, it depends on individual
preferences and the desire for comfort or a shared movie experience. Regardless of
the choice, movies remain a popular form of entertainment that brings joy to
people in Vietnam.

8. What are the benefits of watching films?

Watching films offers several benefits. Firstly, films can be a source of
entertainment, providing an escape from everyday life and allowing viewers to

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immerse themselves in different stories and worlds. Movies can evoke emotions,
provoke thought, and create shared experiences. Secondly, films can be
educational, offering insights into different cultures, historical events, and social
issues. They can broaden viewers' perspectives and increase cultural awareness.
Additionally, films can serve as a medium for storytelling and artistic expression,
showcasing the creativity and craftsmanship of filmmakers. They can inspire
creativity and spark conversations. Lastly, movies can provide a form of relaxation
and stress relief, allowing viewers to unwind and enjoy a form of leisure and

9. Is it necessary to censor movies?

Censorship of movies is a complex and debated topic. While it is important to
ensure that films adhere to certain ethical and legal standards, the extent of
censorship can vary among different countries and cultures. Censorship aims to
protect vulnerable audiences, maintain social harmony, and uphold cultural values.
However, striking a balance between censorship and creative freedom is crucial. It
is important to allow artistic expression and diverse perspectives while considering
the potential impact on society. Some argue that age-based rating systems and clear
guidelines can be more effective than outright censorship in ensuring that
appropriate content reaches the intended audience.

19. A time you got incorrect information

• When
• What info & how you got it
• Why it was incorrect
• How you felt

A notable incident where I received incorrect information occurred during a

school project gathering a few years ago.

It was an exciting time as my classmates and I were organizing a group study

session for an important project. One of my friends shared an address they claimed
was the location of a spacious library where we could work together. Trusting their

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information, we all eagerly agreed to meet there. When the day arrived, we set off
to the address provided, only to realize that the location did not match our
expectations. We were perplexed as we found ourselves in front of a residential
building instead of the intended cafe. It became evident that the address we had
received was incorrect. Upon reflection, it appeared that my friend had
unintentionally shared outdated or mistaken information. Naturally, I felt a sense of
disappointment and frustration. The anticipation of a productive study session
quickly turned into confusion and wasted time. We had to quickly regroup and find
an alternative location, causing unnecessary stress and a delay in our project
preparations. This incident served as a valuable lesson in the importance of
verifying information and double-checking details. It highlighted the significance
of relying on reliable sources and ensuring the accuracy of information shared.

Ultimately, while the incident caused temporary inconvenience and frustration, it

became a learning experience for all of us involved. It emphasized the importance
of attention to detail and reinforced the need to independently verify information
before relying on it.

Part 3
1. Has the way people get information changed?
Yes, the way people get information has significantly changed with the advent of
technology and the widespread use of the internet. Previously, people relied
heavily on traditional sources such as newspapers, television, and books. However,
nowadays, people increasingly turn to online platforms, search engines, social
media, and news websites to access information. The internet has made
information more accessible, immediate, and abundant, allowing individuals to
find a wide range of sources and perspectives on various topics.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting information

There are several advantages to getting information online. Firstly, the internet
provides a vast amount of information on virtually any subject, giving individuals

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access to diverse viewpoints and global perspectives. Secondly, online information

is often available in real-time, allowing people to stay up-to-date with the latest
news and developments. Thirdly, online platforms enable interactive and
participatory information-sharing, fostering engagement and collaboration.
However, there are also disadvantages to consider. Firstly, the internet can be a
breeding ground for misinformation, fake news, and biased content, requiring
individuals to exercise critical thinking and verify sources. Secondly, the
overwhelming amount of information online can be overwhelming and time-
consuming to navigate. Lastly, the digital divide and access limitations can create
disparities in information access among different populations.

3. How can people know the information they have is correct or incorrect?
Verifying the accuracy of information is crucial in the digital age. To determine
the reliability of information, individuals can employ several strategies. Firstly,
they should consider the credibility of the source. Assessing the reputation,
expertise, and bias of the author or organization behind the information can
provide insights into its reliability. Secondly, cross-referencing information with
multiple sources can help identify consistent and trustworthy information. Thirdly,
fact-checking websites and online resources can assist in confirming the accuracy
of specific claims or statements. Developing critical thinking skills and being
skeptical of sensationalist or unsubstantiated claims are also essential in discerning
accurate information.

4. Why do people publish fake news on the Internet?

The motivations behind the publication of fake news on the internet can vary.
Firstly, some individuals or organizations may spread false information
intentionally to manipulate public opinion, advance certain agendas, or gain
personal or political advantages. Fake news can be used as a tool for propaganda or
to create confusion and chaos. Secondly, the viral nature of social media and online
platforms can incentivize the dissemination of sensational and misleading
information for attention and clicks, generating revenue through advertising.
Additionally, some people may inadvertently share fake news without verifying its
authenticity, contributing to the spread of misinformation. The complex interplay

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of technological, social, and psychological factors contributes to the prevalence of

fake news online.

20. A happy childhood memory

• What it was & when
• What you did & with whom
• Why it was a happy experience

One of the most cherished memories from my childhood is when my family and
I went overseas to Singapore at a tender age of nine. It was an exciting and
enchanting experience that left an everlasting impression on me.
We embarked on the adventure with great anticipation as we boarded the plane
and flew to Singapore. As we touched down in Singapore, the city's mesmerizing
skyline, adorned with towering skyscrapers, welcomed us with open arms. The air
was thick with excitement and a sense of multicultural vibrancy. We delved into
the heart of the city, immersing ourselves in its diverse culture and embracing its
unique attractions. Yet, what truly made this trip unforgettable was the quality time
spent with my family. We laughed, played, and explored together, forming
memories that would last a lifetime. The culinary adventures in Chinatown, where
we sampled delectable local delicacies, created a tapestry of flavors that still
lingers on my taste buds. I was captivated by the city's rich cultural blend and the
unique experiences it offered. From the diverse cuisine to the vibrant streets,
bustling markets which felt so magical and extraordinary. It was a time of pure
wonder and exploration.
Looking back, I am grateful for the experiences and the bond we formed during
that trip. It was a source of happiness and opened my eyes to the beauty of the
world. The memories we created in Singapore will always hold a special place in
my heart, reminding me of the power of travel and the love of family.

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Part 3
1. What kinds of happy memories do people often remember?
People often remember a variety of happy memories, and these can vary
depending on personal experiences and preferences. Some common types of happy
memories include special celebrations such as birthdays, weddings, and holidays
spent with loved ones. Achieving personal milestones, such as graduations or
promotions, can also create lasting happy memories. Memorable vacations, joyful
experiences with friends and family, significant achievements, moments of
laughter and fun, and acts of kindness and love are also commonly cherished

2. Why do some people remember their unhappy memories?

Unhappy memories, like happy ones, can have a lasting impact on individuals.
While it is natural for people to prefer remembering positive experiences, certain
factors can contribute to the remembrance of unhappy memories. Unpleasant or
traumatic events may leave a stronger emotional imprint, making them more
difficult to forget. Negative experiences can also prompt reflection and serve as
lessons learned, shaping personal growth and resilience. Additionally, individuals
may dwell on unhappy memories in an attempt to understand and cope with the
emotions associated with those experiences.

3. Why do you think some people have a better memory than others?
Memory capabilities can vary among individuals due to a combination of
factors. Some people may have a naturally higher capacity for retaining and
recalling information, while others may have developed effective memory
strategies and techniques. Factors such as genetics, brain structure and function,
age, overall health, lifestyle habits, and individual differences in cognitive abilities
and learning styles can all influence memory performance. Additionally, external
factors such as attention, focus, interest, and emotional significance attached to
certain memories can impact the strength and vividness of recall.

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4. What should people do to improve their memories?

There are several strategies individuals can employ to improve their memory.
Firstly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular physical exercise,
adequate sleep, and a balanced diet, can positively impact cognitive function,
including memory. Engaging in mental stimulation and challenging activities, such
as puzzles, reading, and learning new skills, can also help keep the brain sharp.
Secondly, developing effective organization and mnemonic techniques, such as
creating associations or visualizations, can aid memory retention. Breaking
information into smaller, manageable chunks and spacing out learning sessions can
also enhance memory. Finally, staying mentally and socially active, managing
stress levels, and engaging in mindfulness practices can support overall cognitive
function, including memory.

5. Do you think computers will replace human brains in remembering

While computers and technology have significantly augmented human memory
and information storage capabilities, it is unlikely that they will completely replace
human brains in remembering things. Computers excel at storing vast amounts of
data and retrieving specific information quickly. However, human memory is a
complex and dynamic cognitive process that involves not only the storage and
retrieval of information but also the integration of emotions, experiences, and
context. Human memory is intricately linked to our personal identities, creativity,
and the ability to make connections and draw insights from diverse experiences.
While technology can assist in memory-related tasks, the unique qualities and
capacities of human memory are likely to remain essential and irreplaceable.

21. A person you know who just moved to a new place

• Who & when they moved
• Where they moved into
• Why they moved

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One person I know who recently moved away is my neighbor, Mrs. Dao. She bid
farewell to our neighborhood a couple of months ago.
Mrs. Dao's decision to move was primarily motivated by her family's changing
needs. Her husband received a job transfer to another city, and it was a great
opportunity for their family to explore new horizons and create a fresh start. They
moved into a lovely suburban house in their new city. The neighborhood is known
for its peaceful atmosphere and close-knit community. Mrs. Dao was excited about
the spaciousness and the amenities the new house offered, which would better
accommodate their growing family. The reasons behind Mrs. Dao's move centered
on providing a better quality of life for her family. The new city offered excellent
educational opportunities for their children and a thriving job market for her
husband. It was a strategic decision to enhance their overall well-being and future
prospects. As a neighbor, I felt a sense of nostalgia as Mrs. Dao prepared to leave.
She had been an integral part of our community, always ready to lend a helping
hand and engage in friendly conversations. While I will miss her presence, I am
genuinely happy for her and her family as they embark on this new chapter in their
Mrs. Dao's move is an example of embracing change and pursuing new
opportunities. She prioritized her family's needs and made a thoughtful decision to
enhance their future prospects. Although she is no longer our neighbor, I am
certain that she will thrive in her new environment and create a warm and
welcoming home for her family.

Part 3 – Moving home

1. Why do people move to a new house?
People move to a new house for various reasons. Some common motivations for
moving include changes in personal or family circumstances, such as starting a
new job, getting married, or having children.Moreover Individuals may also move
to pursue better educational opportunities, seek a safer or more desirable
neighborhood, downsize or upgrade their living space, or be closer to friends and
family. Economic factors, such as cost of living, housing affordability, or
investment opportunities, can also influence the decision to move.

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2. What problems do people have when moving home?

Moving home can come with its share of challenges. Some common problems
include logistical issues such as packing, transporting belongings, and coordinating
the moving process. Finding a suitable new home that meets one's requirements
and preferences can also be a challenge, especially in competitive housing markets.
Additionally, adjusting to a new environment, establishing new social connections,
and adapting to a different neighborhood or community can pose initial difficulties.
Finally, Financial considerations, such as managing moving costs and potential
unforeseen expenses, can also be a concern.

3. Is it good to move house frequently?

The decision to move house frequently depends on individual circumstances and
personal preferences. While moving can offer new opportunities, a change of
scenery, and fresh experiences, it also involves disruption, stress, and expenses.
Some people thrive on change and enjoy exploring different living environments,
while others prefer stability and the familiarity of a long-term home. Frequent
moves can provide variety and the chance to discover new communities, but they
can also disrupt established social networks, routines, and stability. Ultimately, the
"goodness" of moving house frequently varies from person to person and depends
on their specific needs and priorities.

4. Who has more difficulty when moving home? Young or old people?
Both young and old people can face difficulties when moving home, but the
nature of these challenges may differ. Younger individuals, such as students or
young professionals, may encounter obstacles related to finding affordable
housing, adjusting to a new environment, and establishing new social connections.
They may also need to balance the demands of their studies or career with the
logistics of moving. On the other hand, older individuals or retirees may face
challenges associated with downsizing, managing the physical demands of moving,
and adjusting to a new community. They may also have established social
connections and routines that are harder to replace. Overall, the specific difficulties
can vary depending on the circumstances and individual resilience.

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5. Is it good or not for young people to live on their own?

Living on their own can offer young people a range of benefits and opportunities
for personal growth. It can foster independence, self-reliance, and a sense of
responsibility. Living alone allows young individuals to explore their interests,
develop their identities, and make decisions without relying on others. It can
provide a valuable learning experience, teaching essential life skills such as
budgeting, time management, and problem-solving. Living alone can also offer
privacy, freedom, and the chance to create a personal space that reflects individual
preferences. However, it is important to consider that living alone also comes with
challenges, such as increased financial responsibilities, potential loneliness, and the
need for self-motivation and discipline.

6. What skills do young people need to learn besides cooking?

Besides cooking, young people can benefit from acquiring a range of practical
skills that can enhance their independence and self-sufficiency. These skills may
include basic household maintenance, such as knowing how to perform minor
repairs, manage utilities, or handle common household tasks. Financial literacy is
also crucial, including skills related to budgeting, managing personal finances, and
understanding basic concepts of saving and investing. Effective communication
and interpersonal skills are valuable for building relationships, resolving conflicts,
and navigating various social situations. Additionally, time management,
organization, and problem-solving skills can help young people handle
responsibilities, set goals, and overcome challenges in their personal and
professional lives.

7. What kind of people prefer to live by themselves?

The preference to live by oneself can vary among individuals and is influenced
by personal circumstances, lifestyle choices, and personality traits. Some people
may choose to live alone to have more privacy, independence, and control over
their living environment. Others may prefer a quiet and introspective lifestyle or
value personal space for creative pursuits, hobbies, or personal growth. Some

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individuals may find living alone more compatible with their preferences for
solitude, autonomy, or personal routines. Furthermore, those who have had
negative experiences in shared living arrangements or value their own company
may also choose to live by themselves. It's important to note that living alone is a
personal choice and can vary greatly depending on individual preferences and

22. A useful invention

• What it is & who made it
• How you use it & is it difficult to use
• Why it is useful

One immensely important invention that came off the top of my mind was the
Gutenberg printing press. It was made by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany,
somewhere around the 15th century.
It operated similarly to an olive oil press. There were these small metal keys
with letters embossed on them, and one would arrange them into texts. Then, ink
was applied to the keys and a moist piece of paper was laid on top. Next, one
would turn the mechanical lever on the machine to compress the paper and the
keys, imprinting the ink. Finally, the paper is pulled out to dry.
The new book-making process centering around the Gutenberg press was
spectacularly more efficient than previous methods, like hand copying or wood
pressing. As a result, books, which were previously scarce, became more available
to the general public. This accelerated the progress of humankind exponentially.
The exchange of ideas and knowledge was faster than ever before. Step by step,
that invention laid the foundation for the technological advancements that we see
in the world today.

Part 3
1. What kinds of inventions have changed the world?
To the best of my knowledge, there have been numerous inventions that have
had a profound impact on the world. But for me, those that are of most significance

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
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are the Internet which revolutionized communication and access to information,

electricity which transformed industries and enabled modern technology. Last but
not least, the printing press has greatly influenced education and the spread of
ideas, and the development of automobiles and computers has reshaped
transportation and information processing. All in all, those are the creations that I
personally consider to have transformed the world.

2. What kinds of inventions need improvement?

In terms of inventions that need improvement, various areas can benefit from
further advancements. Renewable energy technologies, for instance, require
improvements to enhance efficiency and reduce environmental impact. In addition,
medical devices and treatments can also be refined to improve patient care and
outcomes. Not only that, transportation systems and communication technologies
have room for improvement to address challenges and meet evolving needs.

3. What are some qualities of an inventor?

Qualities commonly associated with inventors include creativity, as they
generate unique ideas and solutions. They also possess curiosity, perseverance, and
problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles and develop innovative solutions.
Resourcefulness is another important quality, enabling inventors to utilize available
resources effectively.

4. Do you think people with no schooling can become inventors?

While formal education can provide valuable knowledge and skills, it is not a
prerequisite for becoming an inventor. People with no formal schooling can
certainly become inventors, as creativity, problem-solving abilities, and curiosity
can drive innovation.

5. How long does it take to make an invention?

The time required to create an invention varies significantly depending on
several factors. The complexity of the invention, available resources, and

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individual circumstances all play a role. Some inventions may take years or even
decades to develop, involving research, design, prototyping, testing, and

6. Do you think the government or private companies should support

inventors/ scientists?
Both government and private companies play important roles in supporting
inventors and scientists. Government funding can provide resources and support
for research and development, while private companies often invest in innovation
to drive technological advancements and gain a competitive edge. Collaboration
between the two can lead to fruitful outcomes, promoting scientific progress and
the translation of inventions into practical applications.

23. A time you spent time with a child

• When & who the child was
• What you did
• How you felt

One particular experience that stands out in my memory is the time I spent with
my young cousin during his visit to our family last summer. Despite his reputation
for being a bit mischievous and full of energy, I was determined to make the most
of our time together and create lasting memories.

It was a sunny afternoon, and I found myself tasked with entertaining my

energetic cousin. We decided to make the most of the weather and headed to a
nearby park to engage in various outdoor activities such as exploring the
playground, and even flying a kite. Interacting with my young cousin was a unique
experience filled with laughter, energy, and occasional mischief. Despite his
occasional mischievous antics, it was fascinating to witness his boundless
enthusiasm and the joy he found in simple activities. Throughout our time together,
I experienced a mix of emotions. There were moments of amusement as my
cousin's innocent and carefree nature brought a smile to my face. I also felt a sense
of responsibility as I tried to ensure his safety while allowing him to explore and

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have fun. There were instances when his high energy level tested my patience, but
overall, I felt a deep sense of love and connection with my young cousin. Engaging
with a child allowed me to tap into my own sense of playfulness and embrace the
simple joys of life. It reminded me of the importance of cherishing the present
moment, finding delight in the little things, and appreciating the wonder and
curiosity that children naturally possess.

In conclusion, spending time with my young cousin, despite his occasionally

challenging behavior, was a rewarding experience. It was a reminder to embrace
the innocence and wonder that children bring into our lives.

Part 3
1. Is it important for parents to spend time with their child?
Yes, it is crucial for parents to spend time with their children. Quality time spent
together allows parents to establish strong emotional bonds, provide guidance, and
support their child's overall development. By engaging in activities together,
parents can better understand their child's needs, interests, and challenges, fostering
a sense of security and trust. Furthermore, parental involvement has a positive
impact on a child's cognitive, social, and emotional well-being, enhancing their
self-esteem and overall life satisfaction.

2. Do you think parents now spend less time with their children than in the
past? Why?
There is a perception that parents today may spend less time with their children
compared to the past. This can be attributed to various factors. Firstly, modern
lifestyles often involve demanding work schedules and other responsibilities,
leaving parents with limited time for family interactions. Additionally, societal
changes and increased opportunities for individual pursuits have led to busier
lifestyles. Technological advancements, such as smartphones and social media, can
also distract parents and impact the amount of time they allocate to direct
interactions with their children. However, it is important to note that this may not

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be true for all parents, as there are families who prioritize spending quality time
together despite these challenges.

3. Who usually takes care of children in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, the responsibility of caring for children is often shared among
family members. In traditional Vietnamese culture, extended family members, such
as grandparents, aunts, or uncles, play an active role in childcare. Additionally, in
urban areas, where both parents may work outside the home, childcare services
such as daycare centers or nannies can be employed to assist in taking care of

4. What do Vietnamese parents do if they are both busy and can't look after
their little kids?
In situations where both parents are busy and unable to personally care for their
young children, Vietnamese parents may seek alternative arrangements. They may
rely on the support of extended family members, such as grandparents, aunts, or
uncles, who are often willing to assist in caring for the children. Some parents may
also choose to hire professional caregivers or utilize daycare services to ensure
their children receive proper care and supervision.

5. Do you think there are too many rules for young children to follow,
whether at school or at home?
The number of rules for young children to follow can vary depending on
cultural, societal, and familial factors. While rules and guidelines are important for
children's safety, well-being, and development of discipline, it is essential to strike
a balance. Excessive rules can create a rigid and restrictive environment that may
hinder a child's creativity, independence, and critical thinking. To illustrate, overly
strict rules may limit a child's ability to explore and learn from their own
experiences. When children are constantly told what to do and how to behave
without room for autonomy, they may struggle to develop decision-making skills
and self-confidence. It is important to provide children with opportunities to make
choices, take risks within safe boundaries, and learn from the consequences of their

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actions. Therefore,while rules play a crucial role in shaping a child's behavior and
fostering a safe and orderly environment, it is important to strike a balance.
Excessive rules can stifle a child's development and hinder their creativity and
independence. By providing reasonable and age-appropriate guidelines, involving
children in rule-making, and encouraging their autonomy within safe boundaries,
we can promote their overall well-being and growth.

6. Do you think children should follow all the rules?

Children should be taught the importance of following rules as they provide
structure, promote safety, and teach responsibility. However, it is also crucial to
foster critical thinking and allow children to express their opinions and ideas within
a supportive and nurturing environment. There may be instances where children
can be encouraged to question rules respectfully and engage in discussions to
understand the reasons behind them. This helps children develop decision-making
skills and a sense of autonomy while respecting the boundaries set by parents and

7. Do you think it is necessary for parents to make decisions for their

Parents play a crucial role in making decisions for their children, especially
when it comes to their well-being, safety, and overall development. As primary
caregivers, parents possess valuable life experiences and insights that can guide
their children towards positive choices. However, it is also important for parents to
gradually involve children in decision-making processes as they grow older,
allowing them to develop decision-making skills, independence, and a sense of
responsibility. Balancing parental guidance with age-appropriate autonomy helps
children build confidence and prepares them for making decisions in their future

8. Do you think it is good for parents to help children choose friends?

Parents can play a supportive role in helping children choose friends by offering
guidance and helping them understand the qualities of healthy friendships. Parents

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can encourage their children to develop relationships with peers who exhibit
positive values, empathy, and mutual respect. By engaging in open and
constructive conversations with their children about friendships, parents can help
them navigate social dynamics, make informed choices, and develop meaningful
connections with others.

9. Do you think children should have a lot of toys?

The quantity of toys that children have is subjective and may vary based on
cultural and individual preferences. While toys can provide entertainment, promote
creativity, and facilitate learning, it is important to strike a balance. Having a
variety of toys can help children explore different interests and stimulate their
imagination. However, excessive materialism or reliance on toys can hinder a
child's ability to engage in imaginative play, problem-solving, and social
interactions. Parents should prioritize providing a mix of toys that encourage active
engagement, learning, and social interaction while considering the child's
developmental needs.

10. Where do children in Vietnam usually play?

Children in Vietnam often engage in play in various settings depending on their
living environment. In urban areas, playgrounds, parks, and recreational facilities
may serve as common spaces for children to play and interact with peers. In rural
areas, open fields, natural surroundings, and communal spaces offer opportunities
for outdoor play. Additionally, children may engage in play at home, either indoors
or in outdoor spaces, where they can utilize toys, engage in imaginative play, or
participate in traditional games.

11. Is play important to children?

Play is incredibly important for children as it contributes to their overall
development and well-being. Through play, children explore their environment,
develop cognitive and motor skills, express creativity, and build social
connections. Play provides opportunities for problem-solving, imagination, and
emotional expression, fostering intellectual, emotional, and social development. It

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helps children develop essential skills such as communication, cooperation, and

resilience, enabling them to navigate challenges and learn about the world around

24. A traditional festival

• What it is
• How it is celebrated
• Why it is interesting

Tet, also known as the Lunar New Year, is a significant traditional festival in
Vietnam. It is celebrated by the entire nation with great enthusiasm and joy.
During Tet, families gather to honor their ancestors, visit temples, and exchange
wishes for a prosperous year ahead. Homes are adorned with colorful decorations,
and traditional dishes are prepared and shared among loved ones. Red envelopes
containing lucky money are given to children, symbolizing good luck and
blessings. Tet is interesting due to its cultural significance and the unity it brings to
Vietnamese society. It is a time when people set aside their differences and come
together to celebrate their shared heritage. The festival showcases unique customs,
such as dragon dances, traditional music performances, and the vibrant display of
fireworks. Moreover, Tet provides an opportunity for families to reunite and
strengthen bonds. It is a time of forgiveness, gratitude, and reflection. The festive
atmosphere, delicious food, and heartfelt celebrations create a sense of joy and
togetherness among people of all ages.
In conclusion, Tet is a cherished traditional festival in Vietnam that brings
people closer, honors traditions, and promotes cultural identity. Its celebrations and
customs make it a fascinating and significant event in Vietnamese culture.

Part 3
1. What kinds of traditional festivals are popular in Vietnam?
Vietnam has a rich cultural heritage, and traditional festivals play a significant
role in the lives of its people. Some popular traditional festivals in Vietnam include
Tet Nguyen Dan (Lunar New Year), Mid-Autumn Festival (Tet Trung Thu), and

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Hung Kings Temple Festival (Giỗ Tổ Hùng Vương). These festivals often involve
vibrant celebrations, traditional rituals, music, dance, food, and community
gatherings, showcasing the country's customs, beliefs, and values.

2. Are traditional festivals disappearing?

While modernization and urbanization have led to changes in the ways
traditional festivals are celebrated, they continue to hold importance in Vietnamese
culture. Traditional festivals have evolved and adapted to contemporary lifestyles,
incorporating elements of modernity while preserving their core traditions. To sum
it up, even though some aspects of traditional festivals may have been transformed,
they still remain integral to Vietnamese identity and are celebrated with enthusiasm
and pride.

3. Do young people in Vietnam like traditional festivals? Why?

Young people in Vietnam generally hold a deep appreciation for traditional
festivals. Because these festivals provide an opportunity for younger generations to
connect with their cultural roots, strengthen family bonds, and experience the
customs and traditions of their ancestors. Traditional festivals also offer a sense of
belonging and cultural pride, fostering a connection to Vietnamese heritage and
identity. Moreover, many young people actively participate in traditional festival
activities, such as dragon dances, lantern-making, and traditional games, creating a
sense of joy, camaraderie, and cultural continuity.

4. Are traditional festivals important?

Traditional festivals hold significant importance in Vietnamese culture as they
serve as a means of preserving and showcasing the country's rich heritage. They
contribute to community cohesion, intergenerational bonding, and the passing
down of cultural values and traditions. Traditional festivals provide a platform for
collective celebration, fostering a sense of unity and shared identity among the
Vietnamese people. They also attract tourism and promote cultural exchange,
allowing visitors to gain insights into Vietnam's customs, rituals, and folklore.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú,
085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

5. Is music important to traditional festivals?

Music plays a vital role in traditional festivals as it sets the atmosphere, enhances
the ceremonial aspects, and facilitates cultural expressions. Traditional musical
instruments, such as the dan bau, dan tranh, and trong com, are often used to
accompany performances and create rhythmic melodies. Music adds vibrancy,
emotional depth, and a sense of cultural authenticity to traditional festivals,
reinforcing the connections between participants, rituals, and the cultural
significance of the celebrations.

6. How can we preserve traditional festivals?

Preserving traditional festivals requires collective efforts from individuals,
communities, and the government. It involves promoting cultural education and
awareness among younger generations through school curricula, cultural programs,
and community initiatives. The documentation and recording of traditional
practices, rituals, and songs can ensure their preservation for future generations.
Additionally, the active participation and engagement of local communities,
cultural organizations, and the support of the government in organizing and
promoting traditional festivals can contribute to their continued relevance and


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