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04/08/2023, 14:41 Shortform | The 12 Week Year

understanding and implementation.)

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What would you accomplish if you had your full
potential at your disposal? How would your life change
if you were functioning at your highest level? You most
likely have skills and abilities far beyond what you
currently use and desires you’ve yet to realize. These
aspects are part of your “second life,” or the life in which
your true talents are recognized and dreams achieved.
In this second life, procrastination is a thing of the past,
you’re not driven by fear, and you’re confident in your
ability to achieve success. So if this life is already yours
for the taking, why haven’t you started living it?

The concepts provided in The 12 Week Year will help

you claim that potential by helping you increase your
productivity so you can do more in less time and gain
better results. You have the power to tap into your best
self every day, and the actions required are not difficult.
But the process isn’t easy because what’s been holding
you back from this higher self is fear and a lack of
motivation. Learning to adjust your routines to push
past fear and increase motivation and performance
requires a major shift in your mindset and behavior.

The Power in Knowledge

The adage knowledge is power is a bit of a misnomer.
Knowledge alone doesn’t lead to success, nor do talent
or luck. You use your knowledge to strengthen your
talent and remove the need for luck through successful
implementation of your ideas. You can have
groundbreaking ideas all day long but if you don’t
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04/08/2023, 14:41 Shortform | The 12 Week Year

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