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FLUID DYNAMICS Thtroduction and Some Basic Concepts: Fluid Pynamics is the okidy of = motion of fluids Cligut and qoses) ov that of sbedies in contact with -Pluid.s Teokropy : A flad is said te be isokopic with respec some — propexty Cpressuxe, density ete.) if that Propeshy is the. same in at divections at a poiut. Otherwise the fluid is onisolropic. web oa propes ly | Properties of fluid : GW) Densily -: 1 Cs ia a ab a poiat (mass per tnit Specific weight We volume) Pye Creight per unit Vvolame) Spectic volume. i + (volume per unit wase) db Pressuve ; Ata point po et, SE. Croce. per unit area’ <0 Gil Temperative 1p G4 Thermal conductivi eee eee ee eee aT Bx ee %n = Neat flux Cheat flow per unit area) ca a bemperaliee decrease per unit distance Moe divection normal 1 the area. ©) Specific heat: ose ue! Fe Sp Wi cThcompxessible ond Compressi ble fluids; Gases - compressible Liquide - Can be treated ac incompressible -for most of Ime cases- Compressibility end bulk modulus : bulk modulus Kk =P 2 dp NP 58 = ie a VQ = constant = ¢ $e Rdvavdece K ~ ratio af volumetric 7 eetae ae stecs to Vvolumelric shein Coveffident of compecsibility, p= tL. Viscous Creal) and inviscid Cideal or Non - Viscous, frickonless, perfect) : Viscous — Novmat force and shear stress ezcisks. L fangentied force fer unit aren. dnviseid — shear stress doeswt exist Custer, air are near te iavisdd). Aviecosity / Toternal friction: weet vel=yv i 4 etd Sayers ile y ra po ee a Vel =o ae > Be covebficienl of viseasity Newton's law af viscosity Flade which obey Newton’ law of Mecosiby ave. called —Newoniane fluids» ~ Leportont types of- flows: © Laminar (eheamline’) and Tarbulent flows + Perea eee See =< Cuvves troced out by two different -flaid particles donot intecsect Gd Steady and unsteady flows : oP ar. ae “be P— veloc ly, densify, prescure, tempera lave ele. at a pot. GHD Onigorm sand noneunitorm Hows: S Fld pavkicles possess equal Velocitiee at each section of the channel or pipe Gy) Retalieral and trrotational flows: » pad ans (9) Bavobopic flow : Pressure = £(0) — function af dencity. Vector Calculus : particles go on volating about theiv own : d gp Corb) = ox db y de xb b =e fifb> = a db y do at de Ge? f Veckor operator VW (del) 3 _%2 A> atte: (c =_ Fee ieee eee eee ie on 7 Tay t Kap Gx ye) area (et b(ey,z) and Cay, 2 be scalas point cfunckions and tet HYD ond Bowy be vector poimt functions a i ee cd > z p 1 4 AL N \z 3 » 7 3 4 Bax, da by on Gel ZaVna =] bo jk 2 2 2 Om ay Te a Pat As divergence of grad b fe Known as. Laplasion div gad $= VW) =v = Be + ab 4 ob roe On ee Laplacian opexalex, rete! defined as P25, Fe a To Tmportant vector Tdentities : grad (yr = 4 quad yry qs qr (a-by) = Ca-T)b + Cb-VR 4(F x abd + (B x cl 2) dv (44) = 4d diva 4 godbh. a g div CAxb>D = Bead & — & an Gol COE) = hb cul Bo qeae% a Gel (ixby = KX dNE Dave + (6 DE —WWE axl Gal © = grad div = we Cor] qa pb =o div Gal K = 0 (&@. = aR) + “oe +a) SEmportant Thtegral Theorems? + the Divergence “theorem CGauss's theorem) < tet denete a surface bourdary bounding Volume Yooand 4 “the unit vecler normal te the surface eu faeus = (avx av 1, 4 - Stokes theorem = let s be a awhace bounded by a closed caomve € and R the unit vector nomal to the surface. “Then , He = (adr Ss ° ¢ + Green's theorem s let gb and py be lwo scalar pot functions and Ss be iw surface “then bounding a Volume Vs : [cory ~yVeddy = Sco -y 2byde TH ard YW are harmonic 2 thal vo = =wy , ther On _ 3 fe ak 8 = fy Bde. Orthegonal co-ordinate systems : Cartesian coordinates Cx,y 2) werk ¢C * nN qrody avipy= OT Sp + ave a Vip = ty BY ae. ad oye Ber + dy Beveg = fey 2%, om a F “px yt oz Gal Fo= Tre =]! . Gylindricat’ wordinates (YO2) wink 2,,e6,e2 (a eo god y avy Cdsd= Uy we} + dey . e Fr ert pov eg ete ~ eh DH Bee qredys oy er +L. LOY egy . vps 7 4) tit 2. ov) + Pon 85 (600 5) 5; by Pek = =~ Dt iigitats 1 OF = PW) + Soe 7 Bs (sino Fe) + SB Gal Favxe a _! ey veg Ksin® ep Vee | 2_ toe 2 (6 | Oh yy VFg YSiMOFp (asd = ay + wee” (sino day” Kinematics of flade in motion : Two methods for slidy ing fluid ywation watthematically : . Lagrangian method -»Trdividual time vale of Chawge. + Eulerian (Flux) method ~» Local “time. vale of change Lagrangian Method : “eng Tn thie method we shady the, history ef each fluid — particle. rita lek tne flad pavltdle be at Oo) Yo20) at time, t=0. At later ime t=t let the coordinates D of Ehe same. pavkcle be. (x,y, =f Coit, 4, sy ef Gotz <= bs Hei%o,xoh) lef uy,w and Ax, ay, Ae be “the componente velocilg and — acceleraction vecpecti vely . Then, = OL =O = 2 Mtoe Mca eae o- ag 2 ~ be _ 34 - oz | Ma = BEE MYR Bye 2 OF BEE “these fundamental equations f, Lagvangian mether are non-Ineay and ave Af ficult te seve. “This wethod will have on advantage only im aome one-dimensional probleme Eulerian method: Th this method we select any potut fixed in space occupied by the flu and study the changes vohich take place in vetoail prescuse and densilg as “the fluid pascee Let uvw be the components of veloaly at the point Cuy,=) at time + lerrows h this peiwit. “= FOG, zt), ve (aiy,z jt) ) WE Fe Ca, 42) “The. point under consideration being fred, xy zat ave independent’ variables and hence ae, ff, ot have no meaning fq this method: 7 Relationship by the. Lagrangian and Eulerian metkeds; CPy particle parameters and space parameters) db Lagrangian te Eulerian + Let b Crert, yt) be some Physical quantile iovalving Lagrangian deseriphow b= (Hoy Yo, 7, ©) me FE Geode ys te (te doptet) , = be CXoito,z0,£) Solving for Ko, Yo, Fo we have oe Gy GY, Zr) Le # Joly, 770) _, Zoe JalG pee) b= [4 CZ. g.coyed, geCuy eA €) which expresses gb fn terms of Eulerian description. Gi) Eulerian Lagrangian: : Let @ Gyz) be some physierd quantity e involving Eulerian deseription =p CUge Swe k gz) , ve Bye) , we Bey ze) > Raye, Honwyeb , don cye Ttegt ng Gres Cho yy Zo —tonslants of imlegvortion) =f, Cortez t) 2» Yo fa Ort 26) 9 zo fs Hohe PW Pl Geez), 4, Crone, td, fs Corte, 298), +] which expiesses Y in terme oF von gion deseriptien i ' f “4 “e Qi: For a two-dimensional. flow the velocities at a Point i a | fluid may be expressed in the Eulerian coordinates bg ue ety pak and verge. Determine. the Lagrange cwoovdinates ac functions of the invited bocitions 2, and yg, and the Bme t. Ge ec see Give atte gee xeytet and ve ey tt : Th ferme dp dicplacements x ond y, we haven ue BR and v= > de satyr et ond Sto nytt a ena, they at EF og {edt oat Then the solution ts Fe file tbat +e wee ga t (rhe) {t- Cede s eB yrwytet— perrt . qn &Gteet® > ys ye Cty, Substiteding in Ax LD my Fob at dx x = Gert, tee) dt Ip 2 & oct oe ace ee Ot et J Setar nebe graety Shed — fOeebae > ea ett OP CHD /4 Using ified conditions | x=xo and Ye whey t=b=o > ye Gre and aye atq (V4) 2 G2 pth and G = %—-Gortt > 2 Gower eh s Gt bet ~ GEDA B= Chor £) e*® = GH) /4 sthese. eqnatione gives -the. desived dieplacementt aeand yg in the Lagrangian system involving the. Initial —positione ote, fe and th tre t- Velocity ef a flad particle: Ler a fluid particle be at Pp ak any me t and tet it be at @ at time 448b crch that Pav and 66 =V457 Pe = 3r 7 , 87 dy calg, A . U feet pete Veloeily, = ue SE? ae “the leit existe uniquely fy we take fluid as continuous. Clearly Y is w punetion of © and t ~ = tle yp Th uy,w are compouents of Velodly olong tthe anes os tt AG = utavs enRy Aleutating the vate of change of A physicnt arantilg: hor 2 bed ‘ : ler a fluid particle moves from PCHy 2) at time € a Rate yt By pEebz) at Hime t+ St | tet @Oygzt) be a selar function associated with ome propexlay Cpre ssuve, density eae). ; Ler chonge of gf due ti the movement oly the fluid pevfide from Pt Q be 8 + Then, we have a 7 FE Mr Bb ae 20 bey 2b st Ob _ aby § st ee + GE) Se GBs B ae lim So db Reece esse Sto SE EE” Se gob 9? too TY? Ube &@ = a dt» SE where @ cut avgtwe dg ab 2 erate et 8 vee » O8 ae pete She dy TN 10 i a ener ete 3 YE a! tuys + ak av = (2 2 Pee > 46 _ 2 caw). Ger ot Ca-v)> Similerlg tet oF =F (yy, 2/0) assowdated 2 8f OF ge tt aE TCR VOF For both saclay and fd 2 aw) fae = ee TCH Material (or paride) Locet derivative: derivative 4 4 Dif ferentiation Time Variation lowing the motion at a fixed of the -flid Point Acceleration of a fluid pewbide + Ate 48 2 286 2 ae, oz be a vector with some properlG of the lui function veckor functions Convective. cerivative. 4 change of physiat quantity due te the motion op the -fluad partele- Se +G- V4 7 dt t 7 a can be exprescect o£ the material devivative af -the Velocity vector | ee 28 2k yy BE 2h rt Ox a On” + Components of acceleration e x 7 > a i tay J + ak a a Oxit ays t ak 2 ia cartesian coovelimates (aif? ud Cuberfowks + v RC) dG) + 2@) 7 Mae eB VB ww Be Be 2 a, = wey oe wy Be. Bw. 11 . Components ef acceleration Mm Undsicat co-ordinates 0,2) with velocity Componente CY %6, Ye) = Ove ave Ve Ove Over a oe pasate Hv, att Ww oe 7 Se ares Ow , Vy Be Up Oy a = = 52 + Ye ve 4 ove ot OY Oy ee bY Se apa Se 4 OMY Me Ove yy Ove. ot or ate: renee + Components of acceleration f, spherical polar coordinates (¥,0,6) with Velouitey components vy Vp, ¥p): 4 Hy ar = OM vy ME 4 Mo OMe y VE We _ vpn is eee eee eee eee or r at Mp ay, Y% Ve Q& = + vy ONe © O¥e Vb Me YY, 8 BE “Or ye Taine dp t He Vo Cot! cote a = ave, Ve av, v ag = av. ¢ MD Ny at Ye. \e te me xe + YMG 4 vovp cot ce aa -Q: The velocity components of a flow iW Oy Pndeicad Polar Coovdinates ave (ye core, vecine, ZL) . Dekermine “he component's of the accelertion of a fluid paride Sl: Let Mw ve ve be the components of veloity tn Cflindvicat pola coordinates Cv,6,23 + Then we have Vz cose we Sine , Vz = 2" ' Is let ae, ag, a, be the components of acceleration, ' They = Ove ovr | Vp 2% Aor vy Oy = Sb vy OYE 4 Yo Ove fe SE NO y ae Ot Sy + AR te S + = 0 4 Z cose @IZ COLO + tegen (-24Z ined | co + LEAN) — Geng) ¥ 12 = rz Caressa — 3 Siu + vt cose) Me Y, ay = B+ we OMe 4 Yo Be w ave Se vee =G% cose) Cz Sine + ae Cezcose> +2 Cesine) Ap O72 cose) Cv z cin) sino C8 és et) = OMe a, ve azz Peay, =o Set SE + ae te aE = 24 O™xcos6) xo ++ ES xo +02"t) Gazt> = 2°14 ey. Fauction of Cont nuit 2 (by Euler's mettrod) Also cated as equation of consevvalion of macs. Let ¢ be an axbitrary amall. chsed vface drawn in the ¢ ompressi ble fluid enclosing =< Vodume Vo and let S be +taken fixed in Space. beh FP Cu yz> be any point of S and CCuyzt) be plaid density ot Pat any time -€. Let Se denote an element of the surface § enctoslugt heb be the unit vector drawn normal at Se and | be the fluid very ok Fs Then the mormal component ob | meawved outward from V is A-f ‘Role of macs flow across S2 = 0 (A-G)SS “Total vate of wass flow across & = fe(hads = [ vxeé dv \ s boy Gyanas divergence thearem, + Totat wale of mass flos tate Ve —(v- eG) dv v Again, the mass of the Plutd within S ot time t @ +! =e Jeav 5. Totat vate of mass Mereate Within Ve = 3 feave (3iay y Y Note : 2. 3 14 Suppose thet the wegion V of the fluid contains neither Sources vor sinks: then by ‘the law of fluid mass, the vale of increase ef the macs of the fluid within Vo must be eanet te the total vale of mass oflevsing inte .v = Lae Bray = [ V-ceerdv v S[2h+ v.(¢e) [dv =0 Vv hahich helds fer arbitrary email volumes V, congesvation of the = i TOL i a b Bla v.08) 20] “this ia cated equation of continuity ond it holds at aly poms. of fla free from sources and. Aiaks- - Since YH = OVE 4 VET [Other forms of eqnation of cowtinuity are VEE + OTT 4 VOT H0 VY ae v Gece eae yd Clog @) : 4 eg Fer an incompressible and heterogeneous bledd the density of. any fluid porkicde fe imuawi edble with dime so that at =0 > 0 T4209 PV G=0> 34 + so / Se oo For an tncompressible and sovsgee fraud, € is constant and hence 2p Veg =0 > ve as 06 constant: the equation of continuity im cartesian Coordinates: let there be a fluid particle af PCxy,2 and touyz/t) be the density of Plad ot p at omy time t aud u,w be the velocity components at PF paaller to the vectangulay coosdimate axes. “ther by constructing with edges ok lengtic 8x, dy, 8% Parallel te -theiy vespective coordinate axes as & small parallelopi ped Shown im the figuee. Mass of the fluid that passes though ‘the face PRRS =O Sy Szyu per unit time = Peyy 2 (sayy “Mass of the fluid thet passes out through the oppesite face pla'p's! = fC, Fy zd per unit time = Fug 22 4+ 8% 2 boyy zt. -- (by Taylors theorem) <. The met gain in mass per unit time within the element Cvectang law Parallelopiped) due te the flee through the” faces PeRs and platals! = £0042 ~ [Pouy,2) + be 2, Poy et. -- J =~ 8a 2 fay, 2) , to the fret order of approxi medion = ~ Sx 2. Ce Sy Se) = Se by Sz acew | ax Similarely , Net gain in mace per unit time within the element due to the flow through the faces pscte! and @reta! alev | °y = 8x dy 8% Net gein in mass per unit time. within the. element — due bo the flow through the faces Prag and ssl’ R = —Su by bz BOw) | eZ ~', Total vate of mass flow into the S& by Se BU -_ &E spf lew 7 OY 4 2 a ot ™ By 52 [ Tox ay | - 2b 4, aw , acew, ate _ at ox “Oy Bz = (at. ure ae 2 7 (Se tu Soe oy te oo + (ake = de * at ew 4) =o, Bai Nofé: Sk the Fluid ie incompressible or heterogeneous > © 1 conatent cthen ®u *- 16 inition super od a a ov eo eae The equation of continuity in cylindrical coordinates t (6,2) where vz0, 04642", -e VBL Bctravy + (tae + v2 Zaps pao 3 de. get be rant L 2 (eae) +2 G42) =0 Za Neke: For incompressible fluid teow + + Bay+ Zas= The © equation of Conti naatiy in spherical’ pday coordinates: : (6,0) = RQ vz0 Osheon O<6en 84, oe ® € (8, 6, t) P SS @ 4 4) *3i00 5% Ip f 8,6) =€ v80 Tsing Sh-4,. x FOB, 6.4) (0,9) + & 2 £40, d)---- #,8,6) ~Flrt84,0.4) = — Sy 2 60x09) = -8¢ By (Ev Gino Hy So 5) 7 8" 50 Shane 2 (eray). GPO) — gly O1 8,5) = - 50 2 — (4p 2in0 Ep 5x) = -&r = S$ 2. Guede) h(“8,9)—W(¥,0,H484) ~ — > 2 gS (ae 7 50 8«.e) 18 i = -Y8* 60 se Sp C0) : > 2 (ersine Sv Se $4) =- 818656 [sine — av) tr 2. (€ Sin0 Ve) + 21g) ] > sno 3 + oud Seve + BD PeCOne de) v2 Bp lta=° > By REO + te, Belen Ope? =° Holds at all points of the fluid free : from Sources and sinks. Fanation of continuity in Lagrangian -form + (er= to) ex ax where Y= 22) | da Se BS Be pz oz | Oa ‘Sb be 2a 2B = de TCR _Bélation bho Euler and Lagvangian’ forms: Gr br = Po a at dr ise “ae ome Sg rmebrient formes : OL Glindsical syrametey Bose and Boao ay (yt) veloc 18 ands 0 (x,t - densilg dy plaid 2 8 ey + Zerr)=0 ! BE eo ot Totegrating wont 7, we have Vey = 84) BS 4H GO) Tp the flow is steady, g(t) veduces te an abeclute constant «thee for a steady . flow Ya,50, Where C ie a constant Th @ 16 conatant, 26 =0 a, =e ges 2 M4, = YO Tt the flow 16 sleady WG,= 6, where Cis a Conatank ivction of continusty eh oa Channel or pipe: incompressible fluid Uiguid Pow through ~ Let an iow A A, through a channel or)" | J 7 as Pre 8 : bhp Q- Quantity ef fluid -flowi acoss the secHon “S Q- Hacharge 2 Qe aM From law of conservetion ef mast Bas hee Qaa = Soon = Ag’ = poate Thus AW, = Ane =AeVe 20 ~ fe the equaction H comivunty Working rule of toviting the egustion of continu: ler P be position of ang fluid particle and lee R be density ot P. with P as one corner conatruct a pawallelopiped whose, edges are ASK, Ep, v SH Lengths of elements : ASK woe, vb¥ Components ok velocity + uw, Eas Calewale the vate of excess -flos-in over flow-ouk along ail the lengths - a bx 2Clu Sp v9 uw) - Sp apt AB 7 bk v) — SB, (ea Sps “the total mass of Bluid ithe elemenk = CASK Be v bt Rate of increase in mass of the element = BCA ube YO) For equedion of contin +e A&K pSp vS%) = - 6x2 Cuber dtu ~ Sp Belly nda vot - aon (Ow rBx wn Sp) SQ: A wose of fluid moves tm such a reaug that each paskicle describes & civcle in ene plane about a Fixed axis; Show that the eauntion Op covttimutty it BE + ace . z Sr t+ CP ao, where eo te the ongulow velocity of a parce whose arimutiat avgle ts Oat time t Sol + Considering the melon in Caylind «cat polar Co-ordinates (v,6,2) with fixed acds as X-axis. 6 P dvs As the motion it confined te & plane and civedtar . the Heid powticles have erly Ve component of velocilg. vyso=Ve - the rete G excess -flow~in over -ftow-out = 50 50 Ye 58s = — 80-2 Cevw 86 52) = — Sy Sede 2B (evw): the vate gy Increase in wate oy the elements = 22(e 6% x66 82) = 4 by beSz s Equating for equation ay combined ly Be Le 2 a 54 6682 Bria & 9Sz B,Cewend ae 7 3e Poe 3 2-(ew) <0. 2 a+ Be (ey 4Q: TH © is -the area of Croee-seetion of a stream filament prove, thak the equation of Continus is 2 Cew + Bz (emq) = 0, there Ss fa an element ef are of the filament In the divection ef floes and q, ié the apeed- SI: la peg be steam flament whose area 5 cross-section. is wo and are pax bs The vate of the excess flavin Over the flow -ouk along PQ a = -8s 2-4) AGO. the totes mass of the fluid within the stream filamentl as Cwss the vale of increase in mass of the fluid in che stream filament = BeCewsds). Hence the eaneation 4 conti mut is given bg a 3 BE OWED = 63 2 ce guy 2 Slew + 2Cegud =0 QT GA pulse travetting along a fine staight uniter tube filled with gas causes the density ot time % 22 and didtance x from the origin where the velocity is Uo te become fo O(VE-%) Prove that the velocity u (ok time t and diekance % from -the ovigin) (8 gwen by Ve Cor 6 (ED bE -%) Sol: Let ¢ be the density and u be the velocity. ati time + and at a distance x vthen given that, Ca &bOt-m -O “he equation of Conti nud bg is a a as + $e lew = 2S ye du + uk OE eae From @ BE tov! (tw and Boe = Ro P WE-*) PF Gv OENO 4 eo dOvt-wO BE. Uta givt-O = 0 > Qew d WVE-W + b (vt) Beso > du HOVE 4 Oeu) GIVER =o dx ade 4. PERW gy 20 ww oie Tntegeating ; WWE“) = log ¢ = log (rw = 19g bu log 2 Wu OWED =e Given wea, When %=0 > Wrte) Pvt} = ¢ we (ew PCVERO = Qveto) (ved SS usve Wer eOD t-%)> 6Q: A mass of fluid it in’ motion to that the limes oy motion lie on -the surface of Cor acdak cylinders Show that the equation gs co! weti naig ta ° oe 1 a + 2 Se t or pe (em * oz kD Where U,V ave the velociby components Per perdicatan. wee 23 0,2 z ? e rdir 25 (tw + roe (ey) =? 2 a > Bt 1A (ew + 2% (ev) Zo FQ: Th the lines of motion are ceeves on the surface of cones having theiy vewtces at the ovigin and the axis o 2 for common surface, prove thot the eqyvehonw of continuitg is ae 2 + 2th Cosec® 9 te BE + Seley + 24. SEES Beltn) =o where u and Wo ave the Velocity components in the divecktens in which Yand ¢ Increade . SA: be 0, che vestex of cones, be the ovigit and let Oz , thei common O04, be the omnis z. Ut the 24 emi - vertices — angle be 8. Ut us consider a -fluid particle iS P whose spherical coorctinates ae (10,0) Attording te question Y5inos D oo Bre=* foo x 2 (0 br. 150.1 5ine 54) = - 5x2 (eu vb0-¥ Hue $4) ~ +8 34 (ew: 63-50) 9 5 0 Sh smo BE + br 60 5982, 2 Coat) + Br 6086 Beles) o i = Bk 4 3m® 2B (ery r 2 (ew) =o SPU ppc ySeqrplt ee Cente ter oecae tag Cec) er neeet 1 doeegtsopndl ats aracc? Da ic 2 Oe te [ Belo + av ew) + ss Belen) =e > 26 + Bey 4 ze 4 cose? r BQ: TP every partite moves on the sphere. Prove thak the equation ds oe $i Ces Oot aoe (ewcose) +2 (ew! cose) = 0, @ bei density , 0,6 the fattate and longitude of any element, UW and wl the angular velocities of the element in lecitude and longitude vetpectively. Sat aif Siagaite z or Sr, v 80, vcos0 $4 2, veo, vcasees! s x see Ser 9 -rc06 Sb) y ' . be 156) =- so 2 (e vas. br: vcore &) ~ 56.3, (¢.feeso ud, > (BE). ease. 6150 56 + 1S d054 [Bz (Cw core) + Bes corey] > 2 cose + 2s (emcee) + Be B, (eu! core) =o 25 cusves on -the susfaces lines of motion ave plane of Ry at the 4Q: TF the of Spheres, alt touching the. origin ©, ‘the equation “of continuity ts ‘ao 2 vine Bt 4 Bp OP + Sine (euy + eu C42 cere) = 0 fe where v te the vadus cP vk one of the spherec, ‘elthe angle PCO, uu the Velocity im the plane PCO, Vv the Hee Velocity and p the telination oy the plane pro t a Aixed plane -theough the acds HO x: SEs Op Cels Sr : 8 Ps = vd0 v, vsne 8 Jr80. w PR = vSino 5¢ en @cos0) 5* 0 Qs rev cpe7 PQ = cQ—cP cla™s cel 4 CQ 2 cd 6@ Cor (it0-8) DCB = BV Cr pay 254 C49 PQ) CoslK-6) PAYS = 2y PQ + Pay 27 54 Cose + 28x PQ tos® Since PQ and Sd are Very cmall, ty fist order A appronimation 27 66 Ci-tese) = av PQ 2 PQ =U-wspSr. Rate 4 -flow-in over fPlow-eut alo a 502. (€ 4. cosa) Sv. x ¢ine 5h] Rs = ~ 5b 2. [ev Ct-cose) Su. v 56] > Be [0 ese) $4.1 50. v eine 84] = ~ 64 BOS Gur. DB (eu (1-wse)sing) & 5050.1. 2 Grower) ne @yg 26 > Yon BE +S 2 (ew +2. Cet talitraese) = incompressible Plas, the velocity - 40 Q: TH a “twee dimensional divections are Vead by cz”, components in ¢t and = Determine -the missing compoment dy we bre Cyt ante continuity equation (s velocity dichibution uch that sakiebied 5: = ate byte ce we bP opy az ay 2 -2by 28 2am Continuity equation for am Incompressible Fivdd for av bw t Qu “Set Sy 7 Se = 2 a ~ aby 4 2azx=0 -O (du = (ebpax +6207 ox] Titegracting Diownt X! > U = 2by%~ 20% s+ + ¢,2) = abyt ~azxt 4 flyD> where -f (y22 i an ctunction independent Ay x Lohese susface 6 cusve yo at Ker a oF ax biktows flows through «pipe ef revolution (42% 4 ad: Bh the Nquid enters Hine with velocily V, shew thet te troverse the. ‘& Qs Liquid. the suxface about the x-axis end gaa t the . pipe the time token by a liquid particle entive length of the pipe from “wera t& Lea £29/verrey} f+ 2B +E Accume that Kk le to amall that tow vemains apprecially one dimensional throughouk of the. : > te WR ER or Care = A (yea) i © ve ie = pe ee x yt aa ence curve i beg PCxiy) be ang point on the, Pay F ysat Kar cross -Aectional aren at O B= Wwe Sem Cee = at Ka salitk) Cross SecHons area at ® Se- 7 Pat = (an key : Veloci ta at secon D is V and at sector @ can be aiven by ax ci q Ge Since the wotion is vegarded as one-dimensional, by equation 4 Continuily SV, = Sp OMe 2? Tht V = Kay die RutK Vy =H (ar KEY die > Kk IY il: dx ROLE Cr eP ae oot = at Ue Se VER 7 lek time 4 travelling from xe dae ie eee Verner [C+ Gea oO then vee a , {f+ Bet 4 ake mc vCtKS : [ae vr 2 ‘3 PoS ake, Kat Sat ete 2k te 2e »[re 2k > Te Nate 28 o coe KO, x & xsta be T —1—.2 ee ke Yd oe) dx I, -#); Boundary Surface conditions : bee F(t) =o or FCty 2 =° may be a boundary Bucfoce Ze Veloeiby of the -flsd pevticle in contact vith boundary sus face Gh ~ velocity of the boundary Susbace + The fluid and the surface with whieh contact ts pwesesved must have the dame velocity normal i sto the sux face Bim = Gd Divection vatios et ® Tf pA) move to a pert @ +5, 4454) in Hwe St then Q must satishy F(x, t) =0 > F(v+by, &45t) =0 2 Piyt) + SPV & bt Exo by Tauylov's theorem =» OF 8 get ETF = As SF 0 So ° spt UVF 20 > lad > 2F oF E 2 Sey ugh av oF Nokes 1 When boundary surface is at vest OE 0 = oF, y BF Fo Pelee ae Vag geo H —-- _ 7. ¥E 2. Normal velo uty of the boundary = Un = 4 ge at 29 30 12@ + Show that (Ly toe + OD coe a = form for the bounding an expression for the le @ possible surface of a ligud, and find vrormal velocity . Sol: For the present ap: mation (BE 2’ and a2 20), the. Suvdoce . i Fog) = tae + FE cote) 20 = Can be a possibic boundavy suvface of & liquid, Ip tt detishes the boundary Condition oF ar OF Ente mgarritauuicow tina amd the same values of u and v catishy “the eqmaction of continus f+ Bao oF a casei atant soft — t 2cott coset Sa Hety pe ore oe tet, a = BE coe 9 etral Cy cect p what? + LOCE (yeoiete evaat tae, a be which is iderti cally Satishied ib we take xe sect +utant =o od Hy etert eV cote =o x us capes 4 Sink cast (aiiaaeetete OUseeEaE HESS ee ee She Gost TES Ba est au yy. ? ae + oy a Normal velodty of “the boundory 4 ifn) tv CHy) TS Stee gare EEE V Cred + Clay) [cae caezey | Ayrcot t Cosel — Ex tant eet V Cara tant pyro cot FED Streamline or line of flow? A skieamline is a ‘curve: drawn in the fluid that its tangent moon Cie fluid so at each point ja the Velocity) ak ithat pent - let Fs afayS+zR be the point Pom a divectton of position vectow of a sheam Une and 7 wutervpewe be the fluid velocitg at P. then 3 ie pawallel Goat Poon the streamline. thus, the equation of Sheamlines is qven by 4 * di? <0 Cutavptmwk > x Canta dy Pe dz&) =0 = Mee FO} wde- ude co 3 traly — vde = 0 pp te int gia ect te we ¥ ww The equation @M have a double Iadinie seb of Aolutions « the flow field ® Caryere) donot Theowgh — each peimt of BOY ZAI 4 Vx ye, and all Vaniah, “there passes one and only one stream Fae. ata qven instant. (This fact can be vevified by employing eristence theovem for ayttem af equations & Nele; TH the vanithes at a Var fous where. velocity qven point, occuy ab thet pent. Such a ‘Cviticet point’ or * stagnaction singularities poimt 16 called ag polit’. Pathline or path of a pavticle + A path Ime jc a Curve or trajectory edong which oO parkeular luid partele travels P P ducing its motion “The differential equactions of path Unes are d¥_ x eet at dy a; Sz 40 th Ge TY Gery and oe where YealagpeeR ond ge utavie wk Note : Leta Fluid pashde of fixed identi when tzbo, ther path line is be ak (Xo) fo,20) determined -from aoe SE = weap» Iyse = vouy,=/t) 5 Fae = Coy ee Streak lines or filament lines t A sheakline is a line en which lie alt these fluid particles that at some easlies inehwt passed through ao certain pomk of space Thus streak line presents the Inghanbancous pictave of the position of . an fluid postices , which me passed rough ae Given point ak some previous ime, kklhen a die is injected into a moving fluid ot some fived point, tne coloured lines produced im the fluid are streak lines whith have passed trough the injected point | the equation of streakline at Eime + can he derived by Lagrangian method. Leta fluid partide (0,4,20) passes a fixed Pent 4,21 Hy © $, Crop Yo,2/t) 5 Yr = 4, Co, ye, 206) » 2 = fa (moi Ho,70 kb) Solving. Hoe Gis y At? 2 For Go Cy Bb), 27 fs iy 47 Now, Streak line 14 -the locus of the posivous Cay, 2 of the pay hdes which have passed Hheough the fired point Cx,,4,,2 > Hence “the equation of the streak Ime at Lime + te gven by Re hy (Xe, yo,26,t) , q= he CxorYo, 20,6) , = =hg(%o)Yo,Zo,t). Gubchlating %0)Yo,Z0 the. desived equation ap treak line passing Hough Cay 2 ia gven by eh (Gi ao,%s,4) yy Hh (445,904) ond z= hs (95 as, G24) 32 Difgerence ble the . sheamlines and path Wines : Sreamlines are not, jn general , the gawe aa the path Unes- « Sheamines show how each perkele ie moving ob Oo qven — tnebant of time white -the path lines present the motion of the parhcle at each imsbant + Except jo the case of ate motion, wv,o ave alooge functions of tne time and hence the Atreamlines go on Changi with the. ime and he actual path ef any fluid parkide wit! wot in gees Cincide with a streamline. + In the cose of steady metion the aheamlines remain unchanged ad Hime. Progresses and hence. they ore also the path Mines Sheam tibe (on tube of Plow: A tube obtained by drawing stream Itnce from each point of a closed curve tn a fluid 74 called ~the steam tube. A sheam tube of infinitesimal crose-dection 1a Called 42 hream filament. Notes Since there ‘witl be vo movement of +luid across a dheamline , no fluid con enter ov leave the streaw tube except” at the ends For oa steady motion of Incompvessible fluid AY, = fave Theovem? The product of the speed and area ih | Conatant along A stream filament of a Uauid in dtendy motion. Croge- sechonal 33 1S Qi The velocilg components tn a twee — dimensional How fiad for an freompressible Pld are (2%,-y,~ 2). Ts tk @ possible field ? Determine -the equations cy the Streamline. passing through the point C11, - Sketch the Streamlines - Sl: Here, we2K woe Streamlines are given by ae dy eae cg ie Se 2 ty 2 de oe ‘ Consider? 7 ° onsidering “C dx ott and Sh 2 x 4 DH > log ays log cand log a2 log @ 2 xyes and GP ES Mere Cj and G are arbitrary constants. the streamlines are given by tthe cusves dg intersection ef meee and x2Eq- The requived sheamline passes fhmough Cid > get and wel cthe desived streamline is given by the Intersection of aye1 and xeE 1. we also have Our aeons Bw. ox 22 Beal y By Fol = Bee Bhowing thal He equation of confinuily ie aatistied for the given flow fietd for an Incompyessible |yluid- Hence the given veloutg components correspond, ‘te x possible fiela- WAL Find the steamlines and paths of ‘the pasticles when. usal(itt) ve y/Get) o we2z(cit @oed) $4, Streamlines are given by u ee Ww dx dy de afar) t/iet) fet) > de St 2 de e = ¢ Taking fict two and last two we Gee hye aud Yl, See “he desived streamlines ave given by the Intersection of *y =q and YL =e. “the paths a -the pawbcle are. ven by > Fo eee ei ce ei/Get) 5 dz = ary : Foe ee des dy dt dz _ dt : * Itt “Yo Te 7 = 7 Ge Tnteqrating, KEG CRD , gach CHO > == Cs Cit) Gen, ck = acbitrary. conctants holich give the desived patus oy the pew Bele, ‘ 15k: Foy an incom pressi ble point (x,y ,2) the as = y/o) , the dietance homogeneous fluid of the Velouitz dictibution ia given by ve Ry, Wee, where Y denotes from the Zeaxts. Show that th lew Possible motion and determine the dinface vohich te orthogonat to shreamlmes- (2003) Sol: Since + ig the distance of the pelt Cury,2) from the xeavig, we ve Oey) velocky diati bution ce Hence given becomes ua - Cy pr e ve CHL ym Ofer go> > lary 9 Wwe > OQ. 2 2@yx ° sae ay Oe ey aye ee a 8 iygo® => 24 bv és Set 4 BWweeo, showty tar the egusction ds continuity tg aabe fied ond do the molion Specified _i& possible . - “The surfaces which are orthogonal streamlines ae ven by udx + vay + wdz=o bleeitphni sense aia dy <0 CP ae 4h) 2 a dae udy =e ft tte dx => log y = log kr logan ey yeka , kK -acbibray constant: « re Determine the streamlines and the path lines the pasticle when the components dh the velocity tidd ove given b x ve _¥ z us S We gc 5 te 7 2+e 7 Bre Ales atale the condition for ighich, the streamlines ere identical with path lines (n.000) sol: Stream lines : due 2 dy 2 dz Hee & 7 Ww Gy tas er dy -@+Dbde > okt) _ yor? ang yar > He + 7 ye SCI) and rae The desived streamlines ab a qfen Faby are given by the tulersechion surfaces @ by subshticting ts for t Again, the path lines owe given by d dz “age 2 ae > dx dt d de dz od ee be ae’ = Bre Due Cy CittD , Ye (ee , zo cs Cat) Desived pathlinea Mm terme g the parameter t * Condition; In case of Steady motion «bseam lines 36 Femain urchanged at dime, Pproqvesses and. hence tthey are tdentical with the path Ines: The velocity potential or veloeily function : Let fluid velocity ot time + fs | =(u,v,4) and there exiats 2 scalar function > (> y,2/t) uniform — Horowghout the entire field of ftow ancl Auch that ~db = ude vdy + wide ‘ ae Be = ye dh + BE dy + 28 dz) cadet vag tide “Then ud + vdy + nde is om exact differentiat and we have = 2d = —2b - 2d oa” aa: “Oz ran 4=-vVh eee -@ — 16 called ~the velocity potential. “The negative Sign ensures that the flow fokes ploce from the. higher to [ower potentials The necessary and sufficient condition for O ee eg oo er eecial gy oa Paw avy, 4 ect Cop oz) ' FSS BO +R Bard Note + 4s the. suvfaces 4 (uy 2/6) = constant are called at at right angles by the eu cox ven bi the differential enustion fe a e ude +vdy + Wdz zo and such orthogonal surfaces exists ify eqipetentials - The streamlines dx. dy deez Soe feeb eee tern eran eee eh a av. . Bu “oy 7 Oe 6 Be Fhe ee eee At all points of field of tow the equi potentials are . cut orthogonally by the streamlines a Lt Vxq%eo or curl | =0, then the low is Known as the ‘potential Kind’ rt ja@ also Known as Ciwotational’ . for such “How the Held | is ‘Conservative! . 37 3. the equation of 4 ef an incompressible Plxich ie Bu aw oe ° Suppese tat the Plaid move lwrotetionally Then the velocity os > edaels such that = 2 = 26 ele we BL ve RB we BE 4 4 % => > 1% 2 Bae + oy + ae stows Hak gb is a harmonic Panction’ sablabying the laplace equation wp =o. “The Verticity Vector + vet Zs ubouvPaw® be the fluid velodty such that Gal @ #0. Then vorHeity vecer, 1 = cursl + lee = a7 + Oyj +R “then x + yi +k CR ov dT 4(ae - 29) +(e -%) Some books/auttors define —regtand ag eho ge % Sabon qed ay, Fete ov bu and Dy = Ce 2s), Dy =(Be -B) » Det Sa" if cra Note: 1. In two dimenetonal Cartesian coordinates ee eee wu, Nor haky ts Given by Le* 3 Oy 2 In two hmensional — polar coordinates = we a%m 1 BNa oe + “or Y %e 3: tn B-p Cy lindicad palar Corordinates C¥,0,7) Ove. Ve, Ve Ly ae L Oz _ ve = oe, = hy Dee $e » he ey te or 7 ¥ Be 4 Th 3D. Spherical polar coordinates Cx 0/4) ae 1 OMe Me cot 0 Tee ee ee Tine OH 7 = Se -+ 38 2 =e 3 Oe avg -“2 > X= oye + Ye 5 vu a Vortex linet A vorten line is a curve drawn ta the -fidd Suds that the tangent oP ik ot every point Is tn he directon of the vortiaity vector 2. : 6 6 Ae ay tery ft 5 ¥ euPag eek be she. positon vector of a point P on a vortex lime vthen 2 ic parallel to d¥ at P on the vorber Ime. Hence eqnation of vortex line te given by Ladtzo > Crit Dy P+ OAR Ix (dx ht dy P+ deb) = 0 =» te 2 ty _ dz hy sty Sh equctions of Vortex lines. gives the desired Vortex tibes A tube obtained by drawing the vortex lines crom each «pout of a closed = une in fhe Alad 16 called the vortex tube- A vorkex tube of infiartesimal cross-section is Known as vortex filament or simply & vostex. Rotahonal and ivvotational motion: Drvetational Rotational + 2, vowel Vector + Vorticily vector 2 ta of every fluid pewtide. ditferent from zero. is zero + QeaslZ. * No vortex Ines, - Atco said te be vortex Nete: motion. then cul J 20 then F must be of “the forme grad $ for some scalar point fumetion $ (say) because cer! grad b=! sthus velodly potential exists whenever the fluid motion is ierokoctional « an, when velouty potentiat exists the motio is lrotetonet COMSE. B= geadd DS alge = cars] grad b =0° the fluid motion is Terotetional Rand only | 39 ped Seer age Sraasesnes ae Coy Peeereeer “The. angular velocity vector t Be Lat Zr ~ ee aly P= 2a eas B= (3 2H ered (Bt BDI ey- Beye @ is also called rotation. AEE 17 Q + Test whether -the motion specified by = % &j-4¥O i Wp ye (Ck stonstant) , is a pessible motion for an incompressible fluid: Tf So, determine the equation of the streamlines Also test whether motion is of the. potential Kiad and so determine the velocity potentiaL sel: Let g aulbaverwk Thy * m ee ue - KH, ve KR woo -® wey rey Equation one for an imeorapressible Fiusa is au oath + + aoe =0 -® Frm © 2u 2K% ay fs ous ¢ er ee i rag OH age? ee Since @® is satticed and so the wotion specified by given | is possible Equation of the streamlines: ax, ty 2 dz w PE Ww => dx de = Ve, i Re oujr Considering, dz=o we =e; -@® considering first bao fractons eas ep * > xdxtrydy =o exdkt eydy 0 > Mya: —@ @ and @ together qe “the Streamlines - “the streamlines anes axe ticles whose centres are onthe z-asds, ond thee pl Ae’ t zeands 40 490") aE 2 i ate ee ee ie PS oz Gea to 2 . co Fe > -& Me ae Pay™ » ah Hence the flow Is of -the potential Kind and we Can find welodty potential (x,y,2) Such that Z=-V- “thus, we have 24 cee = KY oo aie ay ab eve Le °g eg dd eee _ porter aner aria dq= Bbda+ ey 4 Shde = ude tvdy tw ds). 3 d¢= wena 5 ye dpe Rd Grout Hy J ° Tntegeating gc Khai a4 of Conshant Since. the constant can be omitted while borting velouity potential , the vequdved velo potemtiol §8 pe batt aw “the equipetertiale are given by gees eae = Cont Ae d which are planes though Zrands- mh 13k (a) Show that us BAye pve Opa pet = (tyr tty?) my are the velouily components dy a possible Nauid mation. TS +hia motion ivrebechonalk (2-000)(2002} ) thos that a fluid of constant density can have wveldly 5 given by ga fname GPE Gapy Cay” ed Find tH tek eee Ri he Vorl ty ve.ckay il SOLE gy ghee” Ch? Fm 8ye ised » DRL, Peg? Pater ete Hence equation 4 continutty at St ee iS satisfied and se the fluid omotion fs possible - 1, = Oe av eee ay Oe er 2 Raf" Peg My = 24 Oe 2-Day 24 og por CVD” He Raz (By*D BE (Bf) Coy GGT ue 28 > av 2 mu oz On Ox oy and hence the -metion iS Swvotational ce Lek ges (u,v, 9) SL= Agi + Dy ben Reo. 19 Te velodig distibution of an — intompressible fluid at point (yy, 22 is given by (2%) 3B 8 fet aaa determine the. parameter K euch that it is & possible. metion. Hence find ile velocity potintiot i Gost} S81: Baz a kero 2 peer ye where oy 2 4 sues pee ee ite o. dul. 5% SZ Ox 1 Hive & 2 3% edie kKeutetiis Oy sf ve ye = c2kidz _ 152 2 = Te For possible liquid motion, the equation os continuity must be satished. a a one ie a Re oyt SS se => (2k+ae 152 on yee se Faget? 2 (2ktaDe suse = attecaaare ae Nia 2K-6) 2 CKO? 2p & kes. +e Gy) = (se Bye aoe”) Pee oeeseeeeey cect ve dp = Bb de + ci + 2b de = Cadet v dytode), by definition & $+ a D> do= - Be 2yz ae | ¢ + du + ee eae 4b = Ge ~ se Cxdntydy rede? 4 dz -3rz. vdr dpe TE : = de Wdz - si7zdy Ue Go” Tategrating , be F/yn Comittug constant Ie Integration, for ie hat no siquifieance in oD . z oe —s Ze vlese im polar coordinates (spherical) cose Zz > b= Lh oo» oe Nole: fir streamlines: do, dy de gg dk ty de ie % w Buz By? Behe d rs ee eee eee Beeb Bye + Bee = ndaty dy teat Bz (Weyree? ate = ada+ yede catersecHion ya . Oond® giver Per eam er pra ae 1 zda ok dttapee) ety “the streamlines. Pa TE Ses = 0c, OSD Ha ao: Tt the velocilf potential of a fluid 3s Wt Ye pohere 72 Ceype’, then show that lie om the Sut faces - ae the limes 4 flow C Stream lines) eg ae ze Cag y?, c being 20 an ly.) 2 Ey teat Ye aubitrany constant (2-028) cae Spe) sax taal We ee eee ago? = rhe *Y cage a LS 45 ae oe 2 BRT WA tet = ae vs a . Equation qd flow Vines! epee cera eee rae saute Seen 2D po Matty pede nant yy © a ys 20 me FY 2 nee eee eee 5 py 3] bo Ye © Pago BET taste [OP apa ed az ade t yay » adet yg pede eae a ar? 3 Qty 1 ap 2(adetydg bede) a(adxtyay) nt BC LD log CPt go + log ¢ ete Jeg CGE) = B tapers 6 yT®. 44 21Q: Show that “pews the velocily potewtial given ky ba As (ary Poe) serlisties the Laplace equation. Mso determine the sheamlines, : oo Ly. a6 ag pate ieee 2 2 3 = RAL - = | me iaieueie i 4 2 a 2 2 oe », > , oe + 34 = a > Theo . > satisties the Laplace eqmotion 2\ge <2 4 « eV = Hx) tay} — aazk) eae . 2 -2az Burcae ,Vvenag 7% 2a stream limes > y RZ i , 8e 4 ies x=ty and CZ = Cy aeqy & kKzac, gether give the eqrccion 4 streamlines « 22Q 2 Shoo “tak all vecessav¢ conditions can be aatsfied bye a velocity potextiat of the form ge xte ppt heh , and x bounding Surface § the form Fe ante byt ret so, vhere AW wa apuen function G the time and

cet pet =o or yohich a, ph must be 4ome suitable functions of ‘time fa SEs wae yt ba te HK OF 3 BE. 8 oF L BE = yan? bye PN’ aed hee = 2d ue Bb = -pmm , Ve ->pq, YF z a (B- Bae) + yt (b-Bbp) + zh Cé-eeH) - 2 =o tthig eq uation Should be aaticfied by au the pots on ate by + o 24 — Alp 0 3 d-sae . boshp . set . h a & © gh Congidering ec oe ~ Kk > bh, *k = A f= tnt hs deg a a (dk + leg o We dogh = af pat + rol , doges Bf tart Legh DP abade as functors at thus, Veloit® potemtiat anc boundary surface ae aotiefy she. necessary conditions Tf be, oe, p and t are some surtable. Dun etions 4 ime

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