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LINE40- Display GL1500

Instructions manual
For any help or further information, contact

Reference : Manual

List of parts:

- Display GL1500
- GPS Antenna
- USB Cable
- Covering Plate
- E-F Cable
- G-H Cable
- H-Box Cable
- F-F1-F2 Cable
- A-B-C Cable
- Flyback diode
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1. First, you need to dismantle completely the dashboard as explain in the owner’s manual.
2. (Fig.1) Remove the instruments, the old display and the lamp in the center above. If you want to be
able to apply updates, cut a hole as show in the second picture.

Fig. 1
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We advise to let the cable connected so it is easier to apply upload with a laptop, you will not need to dismantle the
dashboard at each update.
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3. (Fig.2,3&4) Manage the cables.

Fig. 2

Fig 4

Fig. 3
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4. (Fig.5&7) Fix and center the module. Replace the provided screws (use to maintain the display during
transport) by the original ones. Place the cover to check the centering.

Replace the transport screws (visible

on the picture) by the original ones
and tighten the display after centering

When removing the transport

screws, keep the upper and lower
parts of the display together

Fig. 5
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5. (Fig. 6) Test the display by powering it with a DC source from 6 to 12V.

Fig. 6

6. If the display turns on, connect back the

tachometer and the speedometer. Do not
forget to glue carefully the small plate to the
back of the cover.

Fig 7
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7. The front is now finish. Now we need to connect all the cables in the back of the dashboard. Figure 8
show every element you need to perform the cable management. Double check every time you
connect a cable.

Figure 8
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a. Connect both connectors P together.
b. Connect connector A to the female 3 pin connector from the speedometer. (Fig.9)
c. Connect connector B to the male 3 pin connector. (Fig.9)
d. Connect both connectors C together. (Fig.9)

e. Connect connector D to the female 3 pin connector from the tachometer. (Fig.10)

Figure 9

Figure 10
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f. Connect connector M1 to the female 10 pin connector from the main wiring. (Fig.11)

Figure 11

g. Connect connector M3 to the male 6 pin connector from the main wiring. (Fig.12)

Figure 12
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h. Connect both connectors E together. (Fig.13)

Figure 13

i. Glue or tape the gps antenna to the flat surface on the back as show below.
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8. Now that the dashboard is complete, connect the remaining connectors back to the motorbike. Test that
everything is working by turning on your Goldwing.

9. On the bike, you need to dismantle the right inner cover and the top compartment of the radio in order to
access the main wiring. Chapter 13, page 12 of the manual (check the reference at the beginning of this

Figure 14

Figure 15
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10. A. Push the connector F (from the E-F cable) (Fig.15) through to connector case (Fig.16). We advise to go near
the registration number plate.
B. Disconnect the 6P-BLK connector pointed on the diagram of the Fig.16.
C. Connect both connector F1 & F2 to the 6P-BLK connectors you just disconnect (steps 1 and 2 of the Fig.16).

Figure 15

Figure 16
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11. Fig.17 show the wiring of the Cable G-H to the battery.

Figure 17

12. For the cable connection at the battery:

- Under the fuse case, screw the black cable (from “H” Cable) instead of the red one. (Point 1 of the Fig.18)
- With a bolt (not included), lock together the red wire from the “H” Cable and the red wire of the main wiring
(+) (Point 2 of the Fig.18)
- Close back the fuse cable and insulate both red wires to avoid shortcut with another cable or the frame
(Point 3)

Figure 18
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13. To secure the display from overvoltage caused by deflating of the rear suspension, you need to install a flyback
diode in parallel of the charge. The easiest way is to connect the diode on the cable of the connector 3P-RED by
soldering (as show in the picture) or with the help of another connector. The connector is located under the

Without the diode

With the diode
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14. Everything is now in place, turn on your bike and you should see all the information on the screen (Fig.19). (The
blue effect is due to reflections, the screen is black)

Figure 19

15. A. To adjust the clock, turn the knob clockwise (+1) or counterclockwise (-1) until you see +1/-1 coming to the
screen. Release the knob and the clock should change. Repeat until you get the desired time.

B. To change the unit system from metric to imperial, keep the knob turned for 10 seconds. (Point 2 of Fig.20).

Figure 20
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How to update ?

1. Install the Arduino drivers by installing the Arduino IDE Software :

2. Windows :
3. Install the Serial Bus driver (CAUTION ! Your display has to be connected during the installation) :
4. Connect the usb cable to the module by the hole you made at the point 2. If not, you need to dismantle the
dashboard to access the port.
5. follow this link to download the program “Xloader”. It is
used to upload software upgrades (“.hex” files) to the memory of the display.
6. Choose the update .hex file in your files (if an update comes out, we ll send it by email).
7. Choose the correct device, in our case the chip is a ATMEGA2560 at 115200 baud rate.
8. After you connect the module to the USB, choose the right COM Port. (The com port corresponds to the USB
port, if you have many displayed check what port disappear by unplugging the display.)
9. Upload

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