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This certificate is to declare that this project on the topic “Globalization and Social Life in
India: An Analysis” and sub-topic “Social Impact of Globalization on Developing
Countries: with respect to India” made by Manya and submitted to Rajiv Gandhi National
University of Law, Punjab is an original and bonafide piece of research work, that was carried
out under my supervision and was required for the 1 st semester of B.A.LLB. (HONS).

Dr. Jasleen Kewlani

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab

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The successful completion of this project in these trying times of virtual classrooms and
different modes of carrying out the teaching-learning process required a lot of assistance and
guidance from many people, and I feel extremely lucky and privileged to have got them in the
right manner and time and hence, I was able to complete my project duly on time.

Firstly, I would like to thank our esteemed Vice-Chancellor of RGNUL, Prof. Dr. G.S. Bajpai
for providing me this opportunity to showcase my talent and learn a plethora of things from
this project.

Secondly, I would like to thank Dr. Jasleen Kewlani, our Political Science professor for
providing the necessary support and guidance to complete the project on time.

Lastly, I would like to thank the I.T Department and library for providing me with remote
access portal, without which my research would not have been possible.


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1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………….06
1.1 Definitions and Significance……………………………...06
1.2 Types of Globalization……………………………………07
2. RISE OF GLOBALIZATION……………………………….08
3.1 Positive Impacts…………………………………………...09
3.2 Negative Impacts………………………………………......09
4. GLOBALIZATION IN INDIA……………………………….10
4.1 Background of Globalization in India…………………….10
4.2 Impact on Social Aspects in India…………………………11
4.2.1 Education……………………………………………...11
4.2.2 Family and Marriage…………………………………12
4.2.3 Community and Social Structure…………………….12
4.2.4 Women and Children………………………………….13

5. RECENT TRENDS………………………………………………14
6. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………14

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Type and Aim of Research: The project is an extensive piece of research and is the result
of thorough analysis about the effect on Globalization on Society and social life of people. The
project also aims to study about the positive and negative social impacts of globalisation. The
project will also carry out a brief case study on impact of Globalization in India and the recent
developments related to same.

Review of Literature: For this project, various journals, and articles available on Internet
and other online databases were referred to. Also, information from other internet sites was
quoted as secondary resource for the method of data collection related to this project.

Limitation and Scope of Study: The biggest hurdle before undertaking the study was the
inexperience of the researcher, as this was the first time such a detailed, formal, comprehensive,
and in-depth study was taken by her. In the process of making the project, the unavailability of
physical library and lack of physical guidance from the professor due to certain circumstances
also affected the study.

Research Question Formed: The research in this project is carried out to test the waters on
the issue that how globalization effects the social life of citizens. It also intends to learn about
the difference in the situation before and after globalization in India.

Hypothesis: The research concluded that globalization does have impact on society at large
and on the social aspects of people living in it. It reflects both positive and negative effects.
The structure of society has changed considerably after the onset of globalization in India. The
condition and quality of life of people in India has undergone transformation as well.

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This chapter will introduce the concept of globalisation, its basic meaning and definitions,
significance along with different types of economic globalization.

Globalization is an emerging trend and feature of the modern society. It is a process of global
social, economic, political, and cultural integration and interdependence. Globalization has
brought together different people from various countries and connected millions of cultures
and ideologies. The people, who earlier lived isolated due to physical distance, have become
extremely close to each other. It is a result of modernisation and capitalist approaches. As
quoted, Globalization is the new buzzword that has come to dominate the world since the
nineties of the last century.1 The revolution in information technology, introduction to different
human rights, development of transport and communication medium; all these are a result of

1.1 Definitions and Significance

The process of globalization has been defined differently by different economists, researchers,
and sociologists. All of them have taken into consideration different aspects of globalization.
Some of the well-known definitions are as follows:

• “Globalization is a social process in which the constraints of geography on economic,

political, social and cultural arrangements recede, and in which people become
increasingly aware that they are receding and then act accordingly.”
- Water
• “Globalization can thus be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations
which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events
occurring many miles away and vice-versa.
- Anthony Giddens
• “The process of globalization not only includes opening up of World Trade,
development of advanced means of communication, growing importance of

A.K Ojha, “Globalization and Liberalization: Prospects of New World”, Third Concept, August 2002, p.13.
Available at,>

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multinational corporations, population migration and more generally increased
mobility of persons, goods, capital and ideas; but also of diseases, and pollution.” 2

- Guy Brainbent

As defined in the above-mentioned definitions, Globalization covers a wide range of aspects.

It, however, mainly deals with the flows of capital, commodities, ideas, and labour across
different parts of the world. All these flows take place through different modes. For instance,
flow of ideas takes place through modes of communication like mobile phones, internet,
televisions; flow of commodities and labour takes place through different modes of
transportation and flow of capital takes place through banking and networking systems. But the
most important element that remains constant and makes all these transmissions possible is

In sociological terms, it focuses on national development. Sociologists examine global

processes such as: the impact of labour regulations on working class, electronic media on the
young, or the entry of foreign universities on the education system. The focus on study is not
only on societies but also on how societies are linked to the global world. So, the process of
globalization becomes an important concept in Sociology.

1.2 Types of Globalization

Globalization is of mainly four types- political, economic, social, and cultural.

• Political Globalization is the process of sharing of political ideologies, discussions, and

debates, between nations and states.
• Social Globalisation deals with interconnectedness of societies. It deals with the way,
happenings in one society affect the other society across the world.
• Economic Globalization refers to introduction of economic policies, MNCs and inter
dialogue between businesses at international level.

Guy Brainbent, “Public Administration and Development”, International Review of Administrative Sciences,
vol. 62(2), 1996, pp.163-176. Available on

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• Cultural Globalization refers to the connecting of different cultures, which leads to


This chapter will discuss in detail, how the process of globalization gained momentum and
bagged a central position in life of every person.

The rise of globalization came about in different phases. The roots of globalization, however,
can certainly be traced back to the time when Asia, America and Africa were colonised by
dominant powers of Europe. It experienced a sudden growth towards the end of Middle Age in
Europe. The societies at that time, were far less than developed because of which, people had
to suffer a lot. Migration was allowed only during the times of war or a natural calamity.
Religion was limited to a selected few and only those people were allowed to visit pilgrimages.
Education and schooling were a far-fetched dream. There was a shortage of markets and
poverty was a common picture. So, compelled by the need to alleviate poverty and have new
sources of wealth, and fanned by the industrial revolution3, the colonialism of societies set the
pace of Globalization. Immediately, remarkable changes took place. Flow of ideas, information
and commodities started to take place because of the newly developed transportation and
communication system. The growth of globalization passed through mainly four phases. The
first phase started during 16th century with emergence of modern states and spread of ideals of
French revolution. The second phase began in 18 th century during the Industrial Revolution.
This phase witnessed large-scale developments in technology, transport, and communication.
It led to productivity and brought prosperity among the societies. The revolution also
introduced the concept of merchandise products and cross-border trade, which again kept
nations interconnected. After the second phase, the growth halted for a long period due to the
outbreak of two deadly wars. Then, the third phase began in the 19th century. This phase was
known for the expansion of the merchandise trade and increased flow of investments and
capital across border. Then came the fourth phase, in 20th century which brought along, the era
of multi-national corporations, improved societal conditions and better living conditions. Since,
then the world has become more interconnected and there have been many recent developments

Alok Sheel, A Brief History of Globalization, The Economic Times, 25 July 2008.

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in the areas of science, technology, education, and communication. The rise of globalization
was a well-planned process that took decades but changed the scenario for the better.


This chapter will discuss the positive and negative impacts of globalization combined with
political, cultural, economic, and social impacts.


• Economic- Globalization helps in strengthening the economies because of dealings

across borders. It has increased the employment opportunities as well as the wages of
the people. It has led to an expansion in market and subsequently, the demand has been
increased as well. Buyers have access to cheaper goods and sellers have access to a
wide consumer base.
• Political- With the rise of globalization, many political organizations such as UN and
WHO have come to power. These organizations exercise power for the ultimate benefit
of people. It has given rise to ‘minimalist state’, the prime focus of which is to improve
the standard of living for its citizens. The political structure of politics, power and
privilege is more defined and stable now. So, the possibilities of global conflicts have
reduced as well.
• Sociological- With the development in transportation system, the migration has become
much easier. People move across borders and share different ideas and traditions. This
has resulted in mixing of different types of societies. It has increased the peace and
unity among the societies.
• Cultural: The cultural exchanges among different cultures have impacted people from
all the cultures. The influence of one culture can be overtly seen on other culture. This
is a positive influence as people have become modern in their outlook and approach
because of the influence of western culture.


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Economic- although globalization has introduced the concept of FDIs and MNCs, it has also
led to competition at a large scale. The small-scale businessmen fail to compete at such a large
scale and eventually, face losses.
• Cultural- Globalization leads to the rise of a uniform culture called homogenisation.
Although it has positive impacts, but it has negative impacts as well. It leads to erosion
of traditional values and ideals. People openly accept the influence of western culture
and in the process, push away their own cultural values and beliefs.
• Environmental- globalization has a negative impact on the environmental. The
pollution level is increasing with each passing day and so is the global warming. It has
adversely affected the health of people and eventually, led to various health problems



Globalization is an important factor in a developing country like India. It is a continuous

process through which different societies, sections of people, traditions and cultures integrate
with each other on a large scale through exchange of ideas and means of communication.
Talking about the origin of globalization in India, according to researchers, it can be traced
back to ancient civilizations such as Indus Civilization. The evidence of the process of
globalization was depicted through trade connections between these civilizations. India also
had trade links with other countries like Egypt, Greece, and Roman Empire. The Silk Road was
another evidence of globalization in India. The need to expand the trade forced the people to
break barriers and make more connections. The trading also included meeting different people
from different countries which led to establishment of connections, sharing of beliefs and ideas,
and intermingling of languages. The Industrial Revolution also had an ever-lasting impact on
developing countries like India.

However, the surge in growth in of Globalization in India came about in the 1990s during the
reign of the then Finance Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh. He initiated an all-together different
economic plan for India. The change in economic plan and the subsequent reforms led to
various other social and cultural changes as well. The condition of India before globalization

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took its pace, was pitiful and disheartening. The financial structure of the country was not up
to the mark as the exports were stagnant for few years following independence. The job sector
was not well-developed. People were less educated and their exposure to the outer world was
minimal. Globalization altered the scenario and brought remarkable changes in India. The job
sector developed introducing private as well as government jobs. The working people in India
were introduced to the concept of FDI and economic liberalization. It also led to Indians
adopting the influence of Western Culture and its traditions. A large section of people felt the
need for education and took up the task of education. There was many other evidence of
Globalization in India.

The chapter further will discuss the impact of globalization on social aspects in India such as
education, culture, women, living conditions in society and the rights of people.


Globalization had life-changing impacts on developed as well as developing countries. It had

political, social, environmental, and cultural impacts which were both, positive and negative.
This section will deal with impacts on social life and elements in India.

4.2.1 Education4

Education is one important factor in every individual’s life. Education assists a person in
becoming more knowledgeable and organized in his/her life. Education is a driving force that
makes a person capable enough to face different challenges in this competitive world. The
growth of Globalization in India had a positive impact on educational sector. The desire to learn
something grew in Indians and as a result, the literacy rate of India increased as well. Under
the privatization plan, more Indian universities were setup and collaborations were made with
foreign universities as well. The advancement of the Information Technology sector has also
aided educational growth by introducing new paradigm shifts. The distinction between formal,
non-formal and informal education gradually vanished because of the shift to informative
society. Globalization promoted artificial learning and E-learning techniques in India. Indians

Prakash S. Kattimani, “Impact of Globalization on Indian Society: An Overview”, Indian J. Soc. & Pol.,2017.
Available at,>

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were also introduced to overseas learning and distance learning programmes through internet
services. Indian students and professors were also sent abroad as a part of Temporary Faculty
and Student Exchange programmes. Due to all these changes in the education system of India,
the ideas, values, and quality of knowledge have changed as well. All this has created a
productive environment with healthy competition resulting in exceptional growth of teachers
and students in India.

4.2.2 Family and Marriage

Globalization has numerous positive impacts, but we cannot ignore the negative impacts it has
on the society and its structural components. Due to the increase in growth rate of globalization
the concepts of family and social structure have changed as well. Before the advent of
globalization, families were bonded with mutual trust, love and care and the structure of
families was well defined. However, the onset of globalization has led to a change in the family
structure creating more individualistic families which somewhere lack the bonding and the
mutual trust. The lack of love and care can be observed by taking the example of an increase
in the number of Old-age homes. The increase in movement across borders has made the
families more apart than they ever had been. There is a decline in number of joint families and
a tremendous increase in the number of nuclear families as in the changing scenario, it has
become extremely difficult to maintain joint families. There has also been a close check on the
existence of Patriarchal families. 5 Except for a few secluded villages, such families are
disappearing with time. Due to globalization, there has been a slight change in the institution
of marriage as well. The concept of love marriage, inter-caste marriage or even inter-religion
marriages are openly accepted now. Unlike the traditional ritual of bride and groom meeting,
globalization has introduced the concept of online spouse meetings. The respect for the
institution of marriage is declining as well with the increase in rates of divorce.

Bahira Sherif Trask, “Globalization and Families: Meeting the Family Policy Challenge”. Available at

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4.2.3 Community and Social Structure

The impact of globalization can be seen on social structure as well. The structure of society and
its components, mainly caste-class systems are highly influenced by the process. Earlier, there
was a rigid caste system with equally rigid norms and rules. Untouchability was strictly
followed, and the lower caste-higher caste difference was strictly maintained. However, now
the caste rigidity has lessened giving way to fair norms and rues that involve socializing
between people of all castes. This positive change has been accepted widely by all the Indians,
especially the lower castes. Though the situation has changed to a great extent, still the unfair
caste practices can be seen at times. The caste system still is a bit resilient, and untouchability
is still practiced in some parts of society. But in all, globalization has acted as a boon for the
people of lower castes for most of them can now be a part of various social gatherings.

4.2.4 Women and Children

Globalization, with its defining feature of interconnectedness to the world, has exaggerated the
issue of poor condition of women. The condition of women has kind of worsened after the
onset of globalization. Women are marginalized and are offered low-wage jobs as compared to
men. Some of them are not allowed to engage much in political activities. Women have
culturally, lost a sense of autonomy and individuality. In many parts of India, women are taken
up for the task of slavery. 6 The migration of women in search of jobs has increased to
possibilities of trafficking as well. The shift in family structures has also caused enough strain
on the minds of women. 7 Though there are many negative impacts of globalization on the
condition of women in India, there are positive impacts as well. Globalization has made a large
section of women in India aware of their rights and status. Women today have increased
opportunities than the women before globalization. Unlike before, they are allowed to step out
of their homes to work. Many women are taking active part in national matters as well. There
have been leading examples of incredible female parliamentarians in India. The modern-day
technology has helped women a great deal in communicating with their fellows. There has also
been a shift in attitude of people towards female education and their exposure to the outer
world. On the other hand, the impact of globalization on children has been overall positive. The
new technologies and systems have introduced many new opportunities for them. Children are

Y. Gurappa Naidu, “Globalization and its Impact on Indian Society”, The Indian Journal of Political Science,
Vol. 67, No.1, Jan-Mar, 2006, pp. 65-76. Available at,
Sakhi Athyal, “Globalization, Youth and Religion in India”, p.6

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investing their capabilities in different types of ventures. From school students to young adults,
all of them are greatly influenced by the western culture as well. It can overtly be seen in their
physical appearances as they prefer western wears like jeans, shorts, and jumpsuits. The
influence can also be seen on their eating habits as most of the youth prefers eating foods like
Pizza, Burgers, etc. All this is a result of homogenisation which is an outcome of Globalization.
The positive impact has the power to turn into negative so there is a need for elders to keep a
check on the activities of the children.

These were the impacts of globalization on social aspects of life of people in India. Similarly,
globalization has influenced other areas as well be it economy-related or administration related.
These factors such as economy of a country, administration of that respective country or the
justice system of that country, in turn effect the lives of people living in that country as well.


Globalization has ever since its origin benefitted people at large. Even in current scenario,
globalization is the major force behind all the changes and developments happening around in
the country. In terms of social context of globalization, the world is still connected and
interdependent because of the technologies and inventions. There have been noticeable trends
in recent times related to globalization. There has been a shift in production market with level
of production being increased. The labour market has undergone reform as well. Labourers
now have individual choices to choose their place of work and greater technologies at hand.
The current pandemic scenario due to the COVID-19 has again shifted the global picture in
terms of globalization. The spread of virus is kind of another flow added to the features of
globalization along with the flow of ideas, information, and capital. The role of organizations
like UN, WHO and UNESCO has increased as well. These organization provide a platform to
all the countries to come together and find a solution. The pandemic in this sense increased
interconnectedness as leaders from different nations have worked together to eliminate this
deadly disease. Apart from this, globalization is still benefitting the global world by assisting
in almost every field and every task known to the mankind.

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The research work above was an attempt to learn about the impact of globalization on social
life. The evidence has clearly shown how globalization effects the society at large as well as
the components that form the society. As a result, India is getting recognition at a global level
and is moving on the path to be a developed country. Even today, India is known for its unity
and diversity. India is considered the largest democracy because the citizens of India have their
rights ranging from political to civil to social. The process of globalization has in past, changed
the picture of society altogether. Now, noticing the current scenario, it can be clearly pointed
out that globalization will continue to bring remarkable changes in society and world at large.
It will soon be one of the largest and the most successful economy.

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Book Referred

• Social Change and Development in India, NCERT, 2015.

Journals/ Articles Cited:

• A.K Ojha, “Globalization and Liberalization: Prospects of New World”, Third Concept,
August 2002, p.13. Available at,>

• Guy Brainbent, “Public Administration and Development”, International Review of

Administrative Sciences, vol. 62(2), 1996, pp.163-176. Available on

• Alok Sheel, “A Brief History of Globalization”, The Economic Times, 25 July 2008.
• Shalmali Guttal, Globalization, Development in Practice, Vol. 17, No. 4/5, Aug 2007.
Available at

• Prakash S. Kattimani, “Impact of Globalization on Indian Society: An Overview”,

Indian J. Soc. & Pol.,2017. Available at,>

• Bahira Sherif Trask, “Globalization and Families: Meeting the Family Policy
Challenge”. Available at

 Y. Gurappa Naidu, “Globalization and its Impact on Indian Society”, The

Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 67, No.1, Jan-Mar, 2006, pp. 65-76.
Available at,
 Sakhi Athyal, “Globalization, Youth and Religion in India”, p.6

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