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Bài tập relative clauses

I. Fill in the blank with relative clause:

1. The men …………. lives next-door are English.
2. Do you know the girls …………. are standing outside the church?
3. The chocolate …………. you like comes from the United States.
4. A burglar is someone …………. breaks into a house and steals
5. I can’t find the key …………. opens this door.
6. I don’t like the boy …………. Sue is going out with.
7. The man …………. she is going to marry is very rich.
8. He wore a mask …………. made him look like Mickey Mouse.
9. The man …………. mobile was ringing did not know what to do.
10. The woman …………. daughter was crying tried to calm her
11. The family …………. car was stolen last week is the Smiths.
12. A bus is a big car …………. carries lots of people.
13. Children …………. like music are often good at mathematics.
14. The girl …………. recited the poem is my niece.
15. The Pacific Ocean, …………. might have been crossed by raft
during the Stone Age, is the world’s largest ocean.
16. The parents thanked the woman…………. had saved their son
17. Two men, neither of …………. I had been before, came into my
18. He ate the food ………….no one else wanted
19. The village …………. I ran out of petrol didn’t have a petrol
20. John sold his computer, …………. he no longer needs, to his
21. The dictionary …………. you gave me is very good.
22. The police are looking for the thieve …………. got into my house
last night.
23. I have lost the necklace ………….my mother gave me on my
24. Buses …………. go to the airport run every half hour.
25. I gave you a book …………. had many pictures.
26. Did you see the beautiful dress …………. she wore yesterday.
27. This is the bank …………. was robbed yesterday.
28. He arrived with a friend …………. waited outside in the car.
29. The car …………. the robbers escaped in was a BMW.
30. The postman …………. works in the village is very old.
31. The cowboy ………….is wearing a red shirt looks very funny.
32. The volunteers, …………. enthusiasm was obvious, finished the
work quickly.
33. The engineers …………. designed the building received an
34. The townspeople, …………. pride in their community is well-
known, raised enough money to build a new town hall.
35. The newspaper to …………. we subscribe is delivered regularly.
36. The factory …………. closed last week had been there for many
37. I like the ice-cream …………. they sell in that shop
38. John has got a new mobile phone …………. takes photos
39. The job for …………. she has applied is in London
40. Teddy has two cars, one of …………. is very expensive.

II. Find the mistakes:

1. The film who I watched yesterday was interesting.

2. The only house to be paint last week was Tim’s.
3. A dictionary is a book whom gives her the meaning of words.
4. I like that dress whom is really beautiful.
5. Do you get on with the person which lives behind?

III. Rewrite the sentences using relative clause:

1. He worked for a woman. She used to be an artist.
2. They called a doctor. He lived nearby.
3. I wrote an email to my sister. She lives in Italy.
4. Linda liked the waiter. He was very friendly.
5. We broke a car. It belonged to my uncle.
6. Bill dropped a cup. It was new.
7. John loves books. They have happy endings.
8. I live in a city. It is in the south of Vietnam.
9. The man is in the class. He is wearing a blue hat.
10.The woman works in a hospital. She is from India.
11.My sister has four sons. She lives in Japan.
12.The man was rude. He was wearing a red shirt.
13.The phone is on the table. It belongs to An.
14.The TV got broken. It was my grandfather’s.
15.The radio was stolen. It was bought 35 years ago.
16.The girl gave Berny his phone. She is his daughter.
17.This is the laptop. My mother has just bought it.
18.That’s the man. His car is a Ferrari.
19.I know the woman. She lives upstairs.
20.It’s the dog. I always talk to him at night.

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