LB003570 MasterAT v1 - 4 Clienti (ING)

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VER 1.4/

00 - LB003570


SERIAL N° ___________

MW310 – Project Windows

1. MACHINE SETTINGS............................................................................................. 3
1.1. MACHINE TOOLING ............................................................................................................. 4
1.1.1. MACHINE SETTINGS menu........................................................................................ 4
1.1.2. HEAD............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1.3. MAGAZINE................................................................................................................. 24
1.1.4. CONFIGURATION OF THE MULTIPLE HEADS ................................................... 25
1.1.5. Positioning logic of the multiple heads ........................................................................ 29
1.1.6. MULTIPLE HEADS.................................................................................................... 31
1.1.7. 4-axis Blade/Milling device configuration................................................................... 32
1.1.8. 5-axis Blade/Milling device configuration................................................................... 36
1.2. TOOL EDITOR ...................................................................................................................... 40
1.3. RELOAD TOOLS................................................................................................................... 40
1.4. TOOL MEASURING DEVICE.............................................................................................. 40
2. JOB ORDER MACHINING: .................................................................................. 47
2.1. GENERIC ELEMENTS ......................................................................................................... 50
2.2. UTILITY:................................................................................................................................ 60
2.3. MANUAL ............................................................................................................................... 68
3. GENERAL SETTINGS: ......................................................................................... 72
4. MASTERWORK..................................................................................................... 81
4.1. Foreword ................................................................................................................................. 81
4.1.1. MasterWork working areas .......................................................................................... 81
4.1.2. Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements........................................................ 82
4.2. User’s interface description .................................................................................................... 83
4.2.1. Main Window............................................................................................................... 83
4.2.2. Keyboard controls ........................................................................................................ 92
4.2.3. Selecting elements........................................................................................................ 92
4.2.4. References to workpiece .............................................................................................. 93
4.2.5. Help function................................................................................................................ 94
4.2.6. Importing DXF files ..................................................................................................... 95
4.3. The project .............................................................................................................................. 96
4.3.1. Project general data ...................................................................................................... 96
4.4. Interactive programming......................................................................................................... 98
4.4.1. Single vertical hole....................................................................................................... 98
4.4.2. Multiple vertical holes................................................................................................ 100
4.4.3. Single horizontal hole................................................................................................. 103
4.4.4. Horizontal fitting ........................................................................................................ 105
4.4.5. Indexed (tilted) vertical hole ...................................................................................... 107
4.4.6. Cuts............................................................................................................................. 108
4.4.7. Trimming.................................................................................................................... 110
4.4.8. Routing ....................................................................................................................... 113
4.4.9. Multiple routings ........................................................................................................ 116
4.4.10. Advanced modification of a machining ..................................................................... 119
4.4.11. Turning geometrical elements into machinings ......................................................... 122
4.4.12. LAMELLO CONNECTION FITTING ..................................................................... 124
4.4.13. MASTERWORK 1 LAMELLO CONNECTION FITTING GUIDE ....................... 126
4.5. CAD ...................................................................................................................................... 131
4.5.1. Drawing polylines ...................................................................................................... 131
4.5.2. Drawing rectangles..................................................................................................... 135
4.5.3. Drawings circles and ellipses ..................................................................................... 136

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4.5.4. Copy polyline with offset ........................................................................................... 137

4.5.5. Polyline deformation .................................................................................................. 138
4.5.6. Advanced modification of a polyline ......................................................................... 139
4.5.7. Modification of polyline segments............................................................................. 141
4.5.8. Modification of polyline vertices ............................................................................... 143
4.5.9. Automatic Polyline Creation ...................................................................................... 145
4.6. View ...................................................................................................................................... 146
4.6.1. Zoom in ...................................................................................................................... 146
4.6.2. Zoom out .................................................................................................................... 147
4.6.3. Reset zoom ................................................................................................................. 147
4.6.4. Zoom on window........................................................................................................ 147
4.6.5. Optimized zoom ......................................................................................................... 147
4.6.6. Whole screen display.................................................................................................. 147
4.6.7. Display suction cups................................................................................................... 147
4.6.8. Working faces visualization ....................................................................................... 148
4.6.9. Measure distances and angles..................................................................................... 151
4.7. Advanced Machinings........................................................................................................... 152
4.7.1. Flange holes................................................................................................................ 152
4.7.2. Introduction of special figures (fitting grooves)......................................................... 154
4.7.3. Import ISO macros (subprograms)............................................................................. 155
4.7.4. Creation of hollowed profiles..................................................................................... 156
4.7.5. ISO instructions.......................................................................................................... 158
4.8. General and default parameter setting .................................................................................. 158
4.8.1. Project default-setting................................................................................................. 159
4.8.2. General default-setting ............................................................................................... 160
4.8.3. DXF default-setting.................................................................................................... 161
4.8.4. TED default-setting .................................................................................................... 162
4.8.5. Defining tool names ................................................................................................... 165
4.9. DXF format ........................................................................................................................... 166

MW310 – Project Windows



TOOLING: creates and configures tools on machine.

TOOL EDITOR: allows to create a tool.

MACHINE PARAMETERS: machine parameter configuration. For technicians only

GENERIC PARAMETERS: general parameter configuration. For technicians only

HEAD CONFIGURATION: head configuration. For technicians only

RELOAD TOOLS: realignment of tool parameters.

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? TOOLING submenu

The first window which appears is the following:

Displaying the various parts making up the machine.

In the HEAD box all the tools mounted manually are configured.
In the MULTIPLE HEADS box, multiple head tooling is configured.
In the MAGAZINES boxes, the magazines present on the machine are configured (those which
appear on the display are the ones with which the machine is equipped).
MAGAZINE 24 is only used in the tools table 1 to manually load the electrospindle tool.

Let us see the individual items in detail.

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1.1.2. HEAD







These are the two exits of the horizontal pantograph



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Horizontal drill bits

Vertical drill bits

The tools created appear in the right column.

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To create a tool, click the icon in the menu at the top.

The central window opens up.

Select new file
Define the type of tool to be configured (create).

DRILL BIT: Tools which go on the head to be drilled

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MILLING DEVICE: Tools which go on any type of mill (Multiple heads, horizontal mills, tool
change mills)
BLADES: All blades wherever located
TRACER: only if mounted, configured in Masterwood
LASER: only if mounted, configured in Masterwood
The following are the parameters to be entered: DRILL BIT

DIAMETER: Drill bit diameter

LENGTH: Length of vertical and horizontal drill bits. The maximum length allowed for the vertical
drill points is 70 mm, while that for the horizontal drill bits, except for special applications, is 57.5

SPEED OF ROTATION: If the machine has an inverter for the head to be drilled, the number of revs
must be set, otherwise it is left at 0.
It is recommended to use the drilling speed appropriate for the diameter and number of drill bits
used. To do this, it is advised to consult the following table that states the recommended values.

Drill bits Speed

5 2-3 metres
8 1-2 metres
10 1 metre
12 1 metre
35 0.5 metre

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SPEED OF MACHINING: Wood machining speed (axis descent speed)

PASSING DEPTH: Always at 0.

TOOL DESCRIPTION: ATTENTION: Corresponds to the filename with which the tool is saved.

FLOATING ANGLE: Never ticked.

By double-clicking X you can associate an image to the tool.

When the configuration is finished, save and close the window. The created tool can be found in the
right column. At this point position the created tool, left-click it and drag it to the desired position. MILLING DEVICE

Pay attention to the difference between pantograph mills and tool change mills
on the manual cones and horizontal mills.

DIAMETER: Milling device diameter

LENGTH: taken as shown below

Tool length with ISO 30 and HSK attachment

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Length of tools mounted on NO TC spindles

Length of the tools for index heads

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SPEED OF ROTATION: Provided by the tool supplier.

Before saving any modifications made, the control will request to confirm the modification.
This prevents unintentional modifications (which could be dangerous) for these parameters.



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8000 RPM = 8
12000 RPM = 12
18000 RPM = 18
24000 RPM = 24

ENTRY SPEED: Speed at which the tool reaches the depth (Z) entered in the program.

SPEED OF MACHINING: Speed with which the tool performs machining.

PASSING DEPTH: Used only in default macros inside our program (E.G.: Knobs, Locks, Stanley,

UNDERCUT: By enabling this function, the pantograph remains launched in any emergency
condition. Before saving any modifications made, the control will request to confirm the



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SLOW ACCELERATION: This function is associated to heavy and large tools.

SHAVING DEFLECTOR: Used in the presence of the shavings deflector.

To couple a shavings deflector to a tool, this function must be activated by ticking the “Shavings
deflector” box in the window relative to the milling device data.

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LH CLEARANCE / RH CLEARANCE: Used only in machines enabled with automatic tool change
(4WIN). Defines the left side and right side clearance dimensions of the tool in the tool change.

It is therefore necessary to insert the dimensional data characteristic of the deflector, present in the
"Deflector" tab, as shown in the following figure.

Tangent angle Represents the angle described by the deflector axis and the
direction of machining. Considered that the angle value is positive
in the direction of compensation.

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Min. angle This parameter establishes the minimum angle at which it is possible to
machine. If machining is programmed that envisions an acute angle with
amplitude less than this parameter, the control will display a warning
message that will indicate the possibility of a possible collision between
the deflector and the wooden profile. It must be considered that the
minimum angle depends on the sum of different factors:
a) Radius of the deflector
b) Amplitude angle of the deflector
c) Working depth of the profiling tool or max milling depth of the tool.

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Park. angle T.C. Angle at which the head is brought to be parked in T.C.
(This value is used by the Masterwork).

Park. angle Head Angle at which C axis is turned before retracting launch of the

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Pin Offset Difference between work angle of that afflict and tangent angle
(pin angle).

Defl. amplitude angle Angular clearance of the deflector.

Deflector radius Represents the maximum radius of the shavings deflector.

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Max clearance Z Maximum clearance of the deflector in Z, used to calculate the air

Specifications and configuration

The rotation of the shavings deflector is run by the C axis, therefore it is not possible to associate a
deflector to an Index head or any other accessory that uses the C axis.

In case of execution of figures, if working is controlled with deflector, the tangent angle during
working remains the same.

FLOATING ANGLE: This function is only enabled when using heads or floating tools with air blow
for cleaning. This angle corresponds to the tool change attachment angle and does not change during
machining (C axis does not turn).

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ROTATION: Defines tool rotation.



To determined if a given tool has right or left rotation, follow that stated below:

The general convention for the determination of the direction of rotation of the
milling devices and the spindles affirms: Spindle with right hand rotation is that
which turns in the machining direction and seen from the part opposite that of the
tool assumes clockwise rotation.

Therefore, looking at the tool from the front part (as shown in the following figures) and
turning the tool in the machining direction:

If tool rotation is anti-clockwise, it is defined as right rotation.

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If tool rotation is clockwise, it is defined as left rotation.

On the basis of that affirmed in the figure at the side, a tool with
right rotation is shown.

On the basis of that affirmed in the figure at the side, a tool with left
rotation is shown.


filename with which the tool is saved.

MW310 – Project Windows BLADE

DIAMETER: Blade diameter

BLADE THICKNESS: Thickness of the blade

SPEED OF ROTATION: Provided by the tool supplier.

Before saving any modifications made, the control will request to confirm the modification.
This prevents unintentional modifications (which could be dangerous) for these parameters.

L1= Blade measurement from the

attachment point of the back of the

L2= Max tool length

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8000 RPM = 8
12000 RPM = 12
18000 RPM = 18
24000 RPM = 24

ENTRY SPEED: Speed at which the tool reaches the depth (Z) entered in the program.

SPEED OF MACHINING: Speed with which the tool performs machining.

FLOATING ANGLE: This function is only enabled when using heads or floating tools with air blow
for cleaning. This angle corresponds to the tool change attachment angle and does not change during
machining (C axis does not turn).

MW310 – Project Windows

ROTATION: Defines tool rotation.

To determined if a given tool has right or left rotation, follow that stated below:
The general convention for the determination of the direction of rotation of the milling devices and
the spindles affirms: Spindle with right hand rotation is that which turns in the machining direction
and seen from the part opposite that of the tool assumes clockwise rotation.

Therefore, looking at the tool from the front part (as shown in the following figures) and
turning the tool in the machining direction:

If tool rotation is anti-clockwise, it is defined as right rotation.

If tool rotation is clockwise, it is defined as left rotation.

If the orientation of the blade teeth is such that the correct direction
of rotation corresponds to that indicated by the arrow indicated in
the figure below, the blade must be considered with right rotation.

MW310 – Project Windows TRACER

Configured on site or by installer technician LASER

Configured on site or by installer technician


The numbers correspond to the position of the tool in the tool change.
N.B. Play close attention that the tool positioned in the configuration corresponds to the tool
actually mounted in the tool change.

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In addition to the configuration logic of the multiple heads, below is also the meaning of the
parameters relating to the angles and to the physical quotas of these heads.

A multiple head is configured inside a screen to which access is gained from the head configuration
page by pressing key “ ” see Fig. 1.
Fig. 1

N.B To properly configure the multiple heads, rotate it around the attachment cone until
the anti-rotation pin is at zero degrees (Fig. 2 e Fig. 3). Then, to determine the
angles of the openings it will be sufficient to consider them as shown in Fig. 2 and
Fig. 3.

Meaning of the parameters:

Radial clearance -Represents the maximum clearance measured between the centre of
rotation of the head and the furthest point with the tools of maximum
allowed dimensions, assembled. It is advised, within the limits
allowed by the runs and by the machine requirements, to further add ±
5/10 mm to this quota. This value is expressed in hundredths of a

Pin angle - The meaning of this parameter is ONLY for managing the MANUAL
MULTIPLE heads, (Parameter “Tipo Montaggio” (Assembly Type) = 1,
pantograph is without axis C), and it represents the orientation of the
attachment pin.
During configuration of an AUTOMATIC MULTIPLE head, (Parameter “Tipo
Montaggio” (Assembly Type) = 0, pantograph is with axis C), MUST ALWAYS
BE SET AT 0. It represents the angle at which the pin is, considering the
increasing direction of the angles as shown in Fig. 3 This value is expressed in
hundredths of a degree.

Ingombro Z (Clearance Z) - Represents the maximum clearance measured (along the Z

axis) between the head attachment point and the most extreme point of the
multiple head with the tools mounted. It is advised, within the limits
allowed by the runs and by the machine requirements, to further add ±

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5/10 mm to this quota. This value is expressed in hundredths of a


Ang. Risal. (Asc. Ang.) - Represents the parking angle at which axis C will bring
itself (attachment pin) before the pantograph launch is retracted. This
value is expressed in hundredths of a degree.

Ang. Parch. (Park. Ang.) -Not used.

Tipo Montaggio (Assembly Type) It specifies whether the multiple head is used with
pantograph provided with axis C (Assembly type “0”), or using a
pantograph without axis C (Assembly type “1”).

Tipo montaggio (Assembly type) = 1 (Without Axis C)

In case of a manual T.C., the head can be manually assembled
respecting the management logic of the machine that varies depending
on the type (“TC Man CEE” for EEC machines or “TC Man NON
CEE” for NON EEC machines).

In case of an automatic T.C., it will be possible to execute only

machining in which the orientation angle of the head pin, when in the
tools warehouse, coincides with the angle of the pin during all
programmed machining phases.

Assembly type = 0 (With C Axis)

N.B. It is not currently possible to use a multiple head with assembly

type "0", using a manual tools change.

Rotazione Massima (Maximum Rotation) With this parameter the maximum allowed
rotation speed for the attachment cone of the Multiple head is defined.
This value is expressed in Revs./minute.

Verso (Direction) It defines the rotation direction of the attachment cone of the
multiple head:
“0” allows rotation to the right (Clockwise looking at the head from above).
“1” allows rotation to the left (Anti-clockwise looking at the head from
“2” allows rotation to the left and to the right.

N.B. By setting “0” or “1”, the control will check the consistency between the
programmed rotation direction (S + or S-), the tool rotation direction
(defined in the tools table) and the allowed rotation direction for the tool
carrier opening (also determined by the parameter Verso Conc.).

By setting value “2”, it will be the type of rotation associated to the

assembled tool, combined with parameter “Verso Conc”, to determine the
rotation direction that the spindle will assume. But, in this case, the only
consistency check of the rotation directions that is carried out will be that
between the programmed rotation direction (S + o S-) and the rotation
direction of the tool defined in the tools table.

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Off Nonio (Vernier gauge off) It must be set at 0 (See Fig. 4).

Type It defines the type of opening:

Type 1 = openings with milling device or fixed point at 90°
Type 2 = openings with blades (whether fixed blades or tilting blades)
Type 3 = openings with milling device or tilting point

Offset X - Case 1 - Type 1 opening (Milling device at 90°) o type 2 (Blade, if

not tilting):
It represents the distance (Along axis X) from the rotation axis of the
multiple head to the rotation axis of the opening. see Fig. 2. If they
coincide the value is 0.

Case 2 - Type 3 opening (Tilting milling device) or type 2 (Tilting blade):

It represents the distance (along axis X) between the rotation axis of
the multiple head and the inclination hub of the opening in question. If
they coincide it is 0.
The offset will be positive if the opening is inside quadrant "A" or
"D", see Fig. 3.

This value is expressed in hundredths of a millimetre.

Offset Y - Case 1 - Type 1 opening (Milling device at 90°) or type 2 (Blade, if

not tilting):
It represents the distance (along axis Y) from the rotation axis of the
multiple head to the inclination hub of the opening, see Fig. 2. If they
coincide the value is 0.
The offset will be positive if the opening is inside quadrant "A" or

Case 2 - Type 3 opening (Tilting milling device) or type 2 (Tilting blade):

It represents the distance (along axis Y) from the rotation axis of the
multiple head to the inclination hub of the opening. If they coincide it
is equal to 0.
The offset will be positive if the opening is inside quadrant "A" or
"B", see Fig. 2.

This value is expressed in hundredths of a millimetre.

Offset Z - Case 1 - Type 1 opening (Milling device at 90°) or type 2 (Blade, if not
It represents the distance (Along axis Z) between the attachment point
of the head and the axis of the opening in question, see Fig. 2.

Case 2 - Type 3 opening (Tilting milling device) or type 2 (Tilting blade):

It represents the distance (Along axis Z) between the attachment point

of the head and the inclination hub of the opening in question, see Fig.
This value is expressed in hundredths of a millimetre.

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Ang Orient. - It represents the orientation of the opening considering the angles as
represented in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. This value is expressed in hundredths of a

Lock nut diameter - Case 1 - During configuration of a type 1 opening (Milling

device at 90°) or type 2 (Blade, if not tilting). This parameter

Case 2 - During configuration of the type 3 opening (Tilting milling

device) or type 2 (Tilting blade) it represents the maximum
diameter of the arm. In case a blade is present or tools whose
clearance exceeds the effective diameter of the locknut, the
maximum measured clearance must be inserted in this parameter,
see Fig. 3.
This value is expressed in hundredths of a millimetre.

Arm length -During configuration of a type 1 opening or a type 2 blade, it represents

the distance between the rotation axis of the head and the last
fixed point of the opening (see Fig. 2). During configuration of a
type 2 or type 3 opening (see Fig. 3), it represents the distance
between the inclination hub and the last fixed point of the
This value is expressed in hundredths of a millimetre.

Quota 3 - (Not Used).

Verso Conc. - It defines whether the rotation of the tool opening is consistent with the
rotation of the attachment cone of the head. (0 = Discordant; 1 = Concordant)

Rapporto rid. - It defines the reduction ratio between the revs of the attachment cone of
the head and those of the tools openings. (Therefore it defines the maximum
rotation speed allowed for the tool opening).

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1.1.5. Positioning logic of the multiple heads

Example multiple heads type 1 and type 2 (blade at 90°)

Fig. 2

(View from above) (Side view)

LB= Arm length

OX = Offset X L = Tool Length
OY = Offset Y X = Direction towards X axis
IZ = Clearance Z Y = Direction towards Y axis

Example multiple heads type 2 (tilting blade) and type 3

Fig. 3
(View from above) (Side view)

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X = Direction towards X axis OX = Offset X S = Blade Thickness

Y = Direction towards Y axis LB = Arm length L = Milling device length
IZ = Clearance Z OZ = Offset Z DG = Lock nut diameter

(View from above) (Side view)

Fig. 4

OY=Offset Y DG=Lock Nut Diameter ON =Vernier gauge Offset IR =

Radial Clearance

This way the tool angle is consistent with the direction of the 5 axes

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First of all create the tool or tools as described in the previous pages (pay attention to the tool length).
Select multiple heads and the following window opens up

Select the type of head (this is the sequential configuration number of that certain head) (the
heads are configured by Masterwood or by the installer technician).
Take the tool corresponding to the list on the right, and with Drag&Drop move it to the position
where the head is mounted.
You can also add a description at the top right (in this case it does not coincide with the filename as
in the previous cases).

RADIAL CLEARANCE: This value is already present in the head configuration. It can however be
modified, only to enlarge it for safety purposes.

MAX CLEARANCE IN Z: This value is already present in the head configuration. It can however be
modified, only to enlarge it for safety purposes.

An image can be associated to the head by double-clicking in the image box.

Save the configuration defining the filename.

The head must now be positioned in a tool change.

Select the magazine where the head should be positioned. Press and the configured multiple
heads will appear to the right.

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Position it with Drag&Drop and you are requested the type of launch with which the head is used. If
not indicated differently, select the single launch.

1.1.7. 4-axis Blade/Milling device configuration

The tool used to process the Lamello connection fitting at 0° on a 4-axis machine is shown in the
figure and is configured as follows.

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1) Configure a multiple head as follows:

Ingombro Z (Clearance Z) (1) is the total length of the tool increased by 10 mm L2

Offset Z (2) is the length from the blade (L1) hooking point to the beginning of the cutting edge
Ingombro radiale (radial clearance) is the diameter increased by 10 mm

2) The tool to be allocated to the head must be configured as follows:

Configure a blade tool with the correct features. In the advanced part, L1 and L2 parameters must be

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Set to zero L1 and L2 parameters

To process the Lamello connection fitting on different angles, configure an inclined aggregate (see
multiple head configuration) and allocate it to a blade tool configured normally.

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Never configure an aggregate as shown in the figure

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1.1.8. 5-axis Blade/Milling device configuration

The tool used to process the Lamello connection fitting on the horizontal surface and at different
angles on a 5-axis machine is shown in the figure and is configured as follows.

The tool must be configured as a blade:

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Configure a blade tool with correct features indicating the real values of L1 and L2 parameters

To process the Lamello connection fitting on the upper side of the panel, you must configure a
specific tool.
VERTICAL MILLING TOOL specific for processing the Lamello connection fitting on a vertical

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Configure a milling tool by selecting "Lamello routing bit" in the tool type box (1). The red-circled
window (2) shows a value which must not be modified.

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This allows to create and edit a tool according to the instructions above


This function must only be used after having created a new tool or modified an existing one, or
having modified one of the existing tool tables, before running a program.


How to use the tool measuring device

select the "tool measuring device" function

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A window will open showing all the positions of the tool changes, with the relative tool, with the
name with which they have been saved and not the description.

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Then select the tool you wish to measure (1), and press RUN to continue

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The wording "Premere START per continuare" [Press START to continue] will appear. Run the

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The machine will get the tool, measure it and then unload the tool.

After a few seconds the measurement taken in box (3) will appear; if it is found in the green field,
this means that the value taken is near to the one written in the tool configuration ("TOLL.MISURA"
[TOL.MEASURE] parameter),
if it is in the red field, the value taken is higher or lower than the tolerance ("TOLL.MISURA"
[TOL.MEASURE] parameter).
Press "SAVE TOOL" (4) to save the value directly in the tool configuration; alternatively press
"EXIT" (5) to exit the application without saving the value.

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Below is the relative parameters page

EN_MIS_UTE [EN_MEAS_TOOL] = 1 present 0 not present

RIF. U MIS. [REF.U MEAS.] = offset U

RIF. V MIS. [REF.V MEAS.] = offset V

RIF. W MIS. [REF.W MEAS.] =offset W

VEL.AVV.RIF [SPE.APP.REF] = tool approaching speed on the probe

VEL:USC:RIF [SPE:OUT:REF] = tool output speed from probe for measurement reading

TOLL:MISURA [TOL:MEASURE] = comparison tolerance between the measurement read and the
measurement set.

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? JOB ORDER submenu

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The left column has the tools for machining the elements.
The DOORS/WINDOWS section allows to machine default job orders (MasterWindow).
The GENERIC ELEMENTS section allows to upload a program generated in TFL or XML or
sequences saved previously with MasterAT.
The UTILITY section gathers the function keys which allow managing the element being machined
and the relative blocking system.

The Menu above has:




MACHINE STATUS: The current status of the machine is displayed. It can be accessed even
during machining.

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MDI MODE: in this mode you can check the machine status and give direct commands. Write
an instruction line and when pressing start the machine will run it.

MANUAL MODE: Enter manual commands. The machine commands, including the outputs,
can be forced manually.

RESET ALARM: this button resets the errors displayed


In this window you select the tools table (number and description)

To the right of the tool table window, the thickness of the element and set Z
offset are displayed.

These windows allow you to correct perforations in junctions, used in the

MasterWindow program, Masterwood.

The configured suction cups appear on the right of the monitor. You can act to position them
on the bed. Select the concerned the suction cup with the mouse and drag it where you wish
(Drag and Drop).

This window can be green or red and indicates the current machine status (Stand by,
Automatic, MDI, Manual, Reference). When it is green, the control is ready to start
the machine; when it is red, it is not ready. Be careful not to confuse red with an error
status. In that case it would be specified in the top bar.

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From this Menu, you can upload individual programs or program sequences to run them on the

From this position you recall the machine bed upon which the individual programs will be

This operation can even be performed with the machine processing. When you select the new
program command, a window appears requesting whether you wish to eliminate the program being
run; if you respond NO, a new work bed is created automatically where the next element can be

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It includes different programs and program blocks having specific measurements with different
repetitions. The sequence created can be saved to remain always available.

If you right-click inside the window, you can create groups of programs; select NEW GROUP from
the displayed menu.

It is possible, even for the group, to define as many repetitions as you wish.

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If you right-click the icon of the group, the following options can be run:
Create programs inside the group, create groups inside the main one, delete the group.

If you wish to add programs present in the window, drag them with your mouse inside the group,
selecting MOVE INSIDE in the window which appears.

MW310 – Project Windows

You can also move programs out of the group by dragging them out and deciding where to put them.

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With this operation, select the program you wish to run.

If you select OPEN, a dialog box opens up allowing you to confirm the program data or to edit the
corresponding values of the parametric program.

Now you must specify where to position the element. Element specularity can also be chosen. With
the offsets, move the element respect to the chosen stop. The arrows rotate the element. With your

MW310 – Project Windows

mouse, click the program name and drag it moving the element onto one of the references present in
the machine bed drawing. Another window opens up where, by means of green symbols, you can
decide how to refer the element respect to the stop.

1) Element insertion point

2) Figure specularity
3) Offset on element stops
4) Element rotation

MW310 – Project Windows

MW310 – Project Windows

You can now load a second element in the other work area. In this case, the machine will work the
entire field optimising machining or running the priorities if inserted.

If you want tandem machining, select it from the menu on the left and the bed will automatically
divide into two parts (representing the two areas). In this mode, while the machine processes the
element in one field, you can change the type of element in the other or change the element to be
machined, always clicking the run key. Press NEW PROGRAM to exit tandem mode.

MW310 – Project Windows

To eliminate the programs made, select them and click DELETE CURRENT PROGRAM in the
menu on the left.
If you want to repeat tandem machining for a large number of elements, upload the two programs as
above, go inside the TANDEM MACHINING function and create a new sequence.

You can now see the two uploaded programs in the window and you can select the desired number of
repetitions. Proceed with machining. In this condition, the machine will run the elements without
giving the element run consent every time but will only wait for the operator to press start.


MW310 – Project Windows

After having selected LOAD ELEMENT from the menu on the left, clicking the element twice with
your mouse opens a window where it can be turned in the space you wish. This makes the process
associated to the element well visible.

By selecting them in the menu displayed on the left, you can disable a process by removing the
relative tick. When you press ESC, the modifications are automatically saved.

If on the other hand you click the element once, a window opens up where you can:

MW310 – Project Windows

eliminate element
edit retainer (allowing you to move the bed and suction cups)
edit the element positioning parameters
upload the program as it was saved or as a file is saved
enable element
disable element

The element already positioned can be moved to another reference; select it by left-clicking with the
mouse (Drag and drop) and drag it to the new reference.
If you wish to duplicate it, select it by right-clicking it and position it on the new reference.


This allows you to see in 3-D the machine bed and processes present which you can turn with the

SHOW ELEMENTS NOT MANAGED: For Masterwindows only

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This allows you to move the rails and suction cups wherever you wish.

By moving the scroll wheel on the mouse, you can enlarge or shrink the image of the bed (zoom).

It can be moved by clicking the middle key (scroll wheel).

MW310 – Project Windows

The bed can be turned in space by simultaneously pressing CTRL and right-clicking the mouse.

MW310 – Project Windows

SHOW MACHININGS: Once the element has been loaded, it displays the associated machining

A window opens up with the following descriptions: Clicking a row displays a window concerning
machining with the same data of the table and indicating where machining is applied on the element

Priority: Machining priority in element.

Tool: tool number used.

Description: Description of machining.

Thickness: thickness of element

Depth: Depth of machining.

ID: Machinings sequence without priority

MW310 – Project Windows

ISO GENERATION PARAMETERS: Defines the types of machine blocking.

AUTOMATIC BLOCKING ON: Only when the machines have the automatic bed. Specifies the
element blocking/unblocking on automatic beds

1) MACHINE BED USED: Definition of machine bed: One of the configured machine beds is

MW310 – Project Windows

2)-13) BLOCKING MACRO: Definition of blocking system, reserved for technicians only; DO

3) STOPS CONDITIONED BY PEDAL: With this function the X and Y stops only move up
with the pedal

4) PANEL LIFTER MANAGEMENT ENABLED: Displays whether or not there are panel


6) WORK MODE: Selecting TANDEM the machine works in two semi-areas; selecting
WHOLE FIELD the machine works on the entire machine bed.

7) TOOL PATHS OPTIMIZATION: Optimizes machining paths.

8) TOOL RESERVATION: Only for machines with two pantographs and two tool changes

9) Z OFFSET: Template thickness: Allows to lift or lower the machine bed.

10) LEFT REFERENCE, RIGHT REFERENCE: Automatic default references.

11) MINIMUM ROTATION SPEED: the minimum rotation speed assigned if a speed has not
been assigned in machining or in the tool.

12) CASE DEFAULT: Position of pantograph suction case if not assigned in machining.

14) OPTIMIZED MAGAZINES: only for 4WIN: the possibility of unloading a tool in any tool

15) INCREASED AIR QUOTA: Represents the distance between the tool and the edge of the
panel which is normally 5 mm *; it can be increased as much as you wish.

*CAUTION ! If clamping devices for arch windows are used, THIS VALUE HAS

MW310 – Project Windows


Displays the measurements of the rails and of the suction cups.

TANDEM MODE: Manages tandem mode automatically dividing the bed into 2 work areas.


ISO GENERATION: checks whether the program was written correctly to be run in a machine and
also has a graphical simulation of machining

RELOAD MACHINE PARAMETERS: the function to be selected whenever machine parameters or

values of the tool table are changed so that MasterAt memorizes them.

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Used to write programs in ISO.


Saves or restores the entire system.

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This box represents the current status of the machine:


AUTOMATIC = Automatic page: the machine is ready to

execute an element

MDI = Sends a direct command to CN

MANUAL = Manual page

REFERENCE = The machine resets the axes at zero

CH / SINGLE BLOCK MODE = For technicians only

PLC RUN = The PLC works properly

ENABLE = GREEN control ready to work

GREY/BLUE control not ready to work

Displays active (on)/deactivated (off) inputs

MW310 – Project Windows

Displays active (on)/deactivated (off) outputs

Window highlighting the axes: namely their:


OVERRIDE = Axis advancement speed

F1,F2,F3,F4 = Manual command of axes in fast,

slow, positive, negative. In particular:

F1= fast negative

F2= slow negative
F3= slow positive
F4= fast positive

FEED = Indicates axis movement speed

To move an axis, first select it and then click the desired speed (F1,F2,F3,F4)

TIME WORKED = Displays the machine working time

MW310 – Project Windows

Open the next window

Indicates the state of the channels (for technicians


HISTORY ERROR = History of errors appeared on the machine

HELP = In-line help

Reset axes

T.C. Jog: Moves the tool change displayed on the button (in this case number 6). Whenever
the button is clicked, the tool change moves one position.

Oil: runs an additional machine lubrication cycle (volutes, racks, slide blocks)

Reset Block: resets motorized rail references. After this operation, either the machine must be
reset or a new program uploaded.

Unload Tool: The machine will run an automatic cycle in which the tool mounted on the
electrospindle will be unloaded.

Synoptic: manually activates/deactivates tools mounted on the head. (see FIG. 5)


Indicates the position of the tool in T.C. when it rotates manually.

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FIG. 5

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?? Length the length of the machine bed is found from the difference between the
stop in X field A and that in X field D.

?? Width the measurement between the stop in Y of the rail and the end of it.

?? Parking quotas

Left always 0
Right found from the parameter of the FCSW_MAX limit switch.

MW310 – Project Windows

A is the value of the semi-area. It is obtained by dividing the length by 2.

B Create a symmetrical area at half bed, where if the element being machined
enters, it can no longer be performed in tandem mode.

The virtual reference point indicating the position of the

machine bed respect to the axes.

? MACHINE BEDS submenu

The list of configured beds is found at the top left, while in the centre the view of the bed composition
with the number of rails and arrangement of suction cups or clamps.

Create a new bed

Edit the current bed

Delete the current bed

Exit the submenu

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Bed name

Bed description

If ticked, the program takes the configuration of the

suction cups or clamps set by the customer while
generating a new bed or editing an already existing bed.
(see par)
If not ticked, it considers no suction cup or clamp, or it
considers those inserted in the *.tlf file generated with

Length of rail, measured lengthwise

Number of trolleys on the rail where the clamps or

suction cups can be housed.

Minimum distance between stop in Y (if present) or the

end of the rail and the centre of the suction cup support

MW310 – Project Windows

Maximum distance between stop in Y (if present) or the

end of the rail and the centre of the suction cup support

Defines the limits in X of the left semi-area:

Minimum travel in X: obtained by bringing the first rail at

the left against the stop, and reading the measurement to
the right of the rail on the millimetric ruler.

Maximum travel in X: obtained by bringing the last rail of

the left semi-area as far right as possible and reading the
measurement at the right of the rail on the millimetric

Defines the limits in X of the right semi-area:

Minimum travel in X: obtained by bringing the first rail of

the right semi-area as far left as possible and reading the
measurement at the right of the rail on the millimetric

Maximum travel in X: obtained by bringing the last rail at

the right against the respective stop, and reading the
measurement to the right of the rail on the millimetric

MW310 – Project Windows

Defines whether the bed is formed by manual or automatic


Defines the number of fields the bed is composed of.

Inserts a new rail in the bed:

When selected, a new window opens where the rail
parameters are defined:
rail width:
left projection: the distance between the rail considered and
the one to its left, once put side by side
right projection: the distance between the rail considered
and the one to its right, once put side by side
Left semi-bed: defines which semi-area the rail (blue)
belongs to
Right semi-bed: defines which semi-area the rail (red)
belongs to.

Edits the parameters of the selected rail

Eliminates the selected rail

Defines the positions of the stops. When selected, the

window below opens up. The values in X and Y refer to 0
of the machine bed.

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1) X coordinates of reference
2) Y coordinates of reference
3) Z coordinates of reference
4) "Type" indicates the type of stop:
fixed = cylinder (blue)
precision = it does not exist
normal = not a physical stop, but a dummy reference (e.g: reference to arcs) (green)
5) "Name" defines the row the stop belongs to:
ABCD = Rear
EFGH = Middle
IJKL = Front
6) Diameter: Stop diameter
7) "ID" is a sequential number inserted automatically by the program.

Hides or displays the rails

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To insert reference stops to block arcs, follow this procedure:

?? position the rails in the fixed references of the machine
?? to insert the measurement in X, read the value on the millimetric ruler (including the
measurement calculated on half the suction cup support).
?? To insert measurement Y, position the clamps as shown in the figure and read the value on the
corresponding millimetric ruler.

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Select the bed to be edited from the list on the left and it will appear in the central window

The machine bed has now been defined.

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4.1. Foreword
MasterWork is a complete integrated product that comprises as well CAD as CAM programs and
an Interactive system featuring Visual/Geometrical programming. It is supplied as a designing aid
added to the MW310 application program. It aims at making easier the creation of machinings to
execute on a wooden plate. This programming may be done either directly using the tools available in
the CAD program or importing graphical elements from other application programs (such as
AutoCAD, e.g.) without having to explicitly use ISO codes.
In developing this project some of the software features were expressly chosen with the primary aim
of making the program user-friendlier.
First of all, since it features the possibility to import projects directly from external CAD systems,
MasterWork was not overloaded with too many graphical functions though it was provided with a
sufficient quantity of tools for profiles drawing and moving. Our main intent was to create an
instrument capable to convert geometric elements into machinings and to subsequently move and
manipulate them as desired, so that both the user’s interface and the utilization mode of the program
are definitely set on such target.
MasterWork runs on WINDOWS 95/98, NT 4.0 or upgraded version. This implies that:
• MasterWork my be run on any PC working on one of the above mentioned versions of
Microsoft WINDOWS, with no other choice implications for what concerns graphics, input
peripheral devices or else.
• MasterWork has a standard interface, which may be easily used by anyone being familiar
with its environment.
Finally, as already said above, MasterWork may be used only as an additional tool of the MW310
program. Therefore it is necessary to have version 2.15 or upgraded of such application program
installed on the PC.

4.1.1. MasterWork working areas

Though MasterWork is a unique integrated software package, it is actually made up of the following
working areas: CAD program, CAM program, Interactive program, Post-Processor unit and
ISO part program. CAD program

It allows to create and modify drawing files and to import them in .DXF format.
Basic functions :
• line and polyline tracing
• arc and circle tracing
• radii, diameters, horizontal and vertical dimensioning.
• multiple selections and possibility to delete / move / rotate /
scale the selected elements
• zoom, pan, snap, grid functions

Advanced functions:
• polyline modification
• polyline automatic construction
• snap (grip function) at elements

MW310 – Project Windows CAM program

It allows drawing conversion from .DXF to .TLF format (i.e. Tecnos machining format) by
associating technological parameters with drawing elements. It also allows tool radius compensation
on open and closed profiles. Interactive Program

It is used to create and eventually modify machining programs in the visual mode (.TLF format).
With the Interactive Program the following functions are performed:
• creation and modification of horizontal, vertical, slanting,
aligned holes
• creation and modification of groove-cuts
• creation and modification of open and closed routing
profiles on horizontal, vertical and
slanting working faces.
• machinings dimensioning with respect to the 4 workpiece edges and 2 axes
• automatic workpiece trimming
• manual nesting
• introduction of macros written in ISO language
• introduction of special figures (fitting grooves)
• creation of hollowed profiles
• introduction of ISO instructions ISO Post Processor

It converts a project from the .TLF format into the Project MW310 machine specific ISO language. ISO Program

Used for the text mode visualization of the automatically created machining program.

4.1.2. Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements

This software may be installed in PCs having the following minimum requirements:

• Intel CPU with a PENTIUM 200 Mhz Processor or above;

hard disk with a minimum 40 MB free space;
• VGA 800x600 video with 16 colors (65535 at least are suggested);
• a two button mouse, the third button, if existing, will not be used;
• 32 MB RAM;

WINDOWS 9x, WINDOWS NT 4.0 (or above) operating program must be previously installed in
the PC.

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4.2. User’s interface description

User must always have a consistent and homogeneous outlook on the machining program while
working at the project. Switching over from CAD to CAM or Interactive mode is a very easy
process involving a subtle change only, the only noticeable difference being the insertion or removal
of some commands aiming at freeing the user’s field of vision from currently useless functions.
Moreover the mouse cursor shows the user the current phase of the processed program (drawing,
selection, creation, modification). Selection is the default status, therefore when not creating or
modifying any object (only 2 cases in which selection is not admitted), it is possible to select any
machining and display its properties.

4.2.1. Main Window

As you enter the program, the main window is displayed on the screen. This window is divided into seven
different areas. Working Area

The drawing or working area is a box on the drawing of the project limited by two rulers that indicate
the distance (or offset) between said box and the working surface origin (or zero point) and by two
SCROLL BARS that allow the user to shift the box in all the four directions (PAN function). Dedicated Menu

A dedicated menu, opening with a click on the right
mouse button, is associated to the working area and shows
“short cuts” to easily perform some frequently used
complex functions.

The first part of this dedicated menu contains advanced

modification functions that apply to machinings
programmed on the vertical working face and usually
reached by means of the specific key in the commands
table (see specific chapter). The functions available in this
first box are copy, move, rotate, delete and scale.
Therefore, when selecting one of these functions the advanced machinings box gets opened in the
lower part of the screen, thus supporting user’s work with the possibility to enter data upon the
keyboard. Other important functions are redraw workpiece (to recompute the aspect of figures or
ISO macros imported on workpiece), display (visualization on whole screen or optimized in relation
with the dimension of the area containing machinings) and modify (undo and redo commands).

MW310 – Project Windows Toolbar and menu

The tool bar contains the most frequently used commands in file management (open, close, save,
delete elements) and the general modification of a project (undo and redo operations, delete
element). The same functions are also available on the tool bar, so they be commanded from the
keyboard too, as well as other additional commands related to the visualization mode and default
parameter setting, all very useful functions when creating new machinings. Create new project

Select this command to start a new project: if the current project was modified a prompt asks user if to
save the modification. Then the whole project is reset, the values displayed are the default ones and the panel
drawn is “empty” so that user can create any geometrical element and machining he wants. Open project

This command allows user to recall a project previously saved on disk (with .TLF extension),
selecting both the drive and path to retrieve the project to load. Save project

This command allows saving the current project on disk, in .TLF format. The file is identified
by the name chosen by the user, with .TLF extension. It is possible to select both the drive and path
to retrieve the project to save. Import TLF file

This command allows importing a .TLF file into the currently open .TLF project. In this case all
geometrical elements and machinings are summed with those of the current project. Create ISO program

Starts the ISO program editing process or compilation (i.e. its translation into ISO codes).
Upon completion of the ISO program compilation, user is asked whether he wants to display the ISO
file just created, and - if so - the relevant file is displayed in a special window. The ISO file may not
be modified from this window. A dialog box is opened that allows user to abort the compilation
process in case he wishes to, for instance when it would be particularly long. Open DXF file with work parameters

This command allows loading a file in .DXF format that contains not only geometrical
elements but also the technological parameters related to the machinings associated to such
geometrical elements. This kind of files being provided with a set of default parameters that can be
set in a specific program (see General DXF default-setting), should some data be missing, such
default values would apply.

MW310 – Project Windows Open DXF file

Unlike the previous button, this command allows the importation of standard DXF files, as
they are normally saved by applications like AutoCAD. For more details, see the section below
concerning loading a DXF file. Open TED file

This command allows loading a file in .TED format that contains not only information on the
geometrical part of the drawing but also additional information on the machinings (the technological
parameters). Also see General TED default-setting. Redraw
This function allows recomputing all the figures and ISO macros contained in the currently open project.
This proves useful when the file that contains a figure or an ISO macro was modified through an external program
(typically MW310) unless MasterWork has been closed. When pressing this key you will also reload the tools
table (that can be modified through an external program too). Delete
Deletes the currently selected machining, if any. Is no machining selected, a warning prompt is displayed
to inform user thereof. Cancel (undo)

Undo function that annuls the actions previously taken: the last made action is the first one
cancelled. Restore (redo)

Redo function that restores the actions previously cancelled: the last cancelled action is the
first one restored. Print project

Recalls the box featuring the required data for project printing with the indication of the
printed TLF file name and of the currently visualized working face. Program check and work times computation

This function allows to close the application and “to pass” the MW310 master program the current project
related data, for it to check it and compute the various work times.

MW310 – Project Windows Head configuration

Recalls the Edit Head utility used to tool-up the working head. So, should user notice while
working on a project that the tools table is uncompleted, he can go on tooling up the head without
having to close the MasterWork application and get back to the MW310 master program. To
subsequently read again all data related to the thus modified head please press previously explained
key Redraw. Figure Editor

This button displays the figure editor which can normally be called up by MW310. This is
particularly useful when a figure has to be added or modified before inserting it. Tilting faces Editor

This button displays the tilting faces editor which can normally be called up by MW310. This
is particularly useful when a tilting face has to be added or modified before inserting it.

MW310 – Project Windows End of work

With this command you exit the MasterWork application. Since the later is usually opened
inside the MW310 master program, when exiting the MasterWork, the MW310 main menu page is
then displayed. Working face selection

Will you click on the tongue on the right side of the current working face box (see figure aside)
you’ll display the list of the currently available working faces. Once you have selected one of them,
it is displayed on the working area while the relevant junction of the machinings’ tree is selected and

MW310 – Project Windows Gripping (snapping) keys

This set of keys that reveals very useful in drawing, editing and modifying operations enforces the
mouse cursor to position itself on given points of a figure or of the whole drawing area.

- Grid: enables/disables grid visualization on the screen. The grid can be very useful when
creating very complex figures using only the mouse, because it draws on the workpiece a
network of dots the which interspace is set by the user (see General default-setting
- Ortho: enables/disables the orthogonal motion mode of the cursor: when enabled, the
cursor can move only along the two Cartesian axes
- Snap: enables/disables the cursor snapping at the grid function (to display the grid, press
the above-described key): when enabled, the cursor can move only by n pixel at a time,
where number n is set by the user (see General default-setting chapter).
- Grip: selection of cursor mode of gripping the elements. There are 5 possible
1. gripping intersections between 2 segments
2. gripping the nearest vertex
3. gripping the projection of cursor’s position on the nearest element
4. gripping the center of an arc or of a circle
5. gripping the middle point of a line or an arc of circle

When the grip mode is enabled each time cursor moves near one of these specific points you’ll see a
colored circle displayed on the drawing, the which center is the exact gripping point. The gripping
tolerance depends on a parameter set by user (see General default-setting chapter).

MW310 – Project Windows Machinings’ tree

This simple and user-friendly instrument allows to see the whole

project at once, showing all together the various faces of the workpiece
to machine, the machinings to perform on each of them and the order
in which these will be executed by the tooling machine. With this tree
you can also access all the machinings programmed on the current
workpiece and select the workpiece face on which to work. At last, a
dedicated menu, which you can open with a click on the right mouse
button, allows you to copy or delete machinings displayed on the tree
as well as to enter ISO instructions between one machining and the
other (see relevant paragraph) while the drag and drop function allows
you to easily change the order in which the machinings are arranged.
The reader be reminded that to bring a machining found at the last
position sequence on a given working face it is necessary to drag it on the tree junction of said
working face. Moreover, it is not possible to move a machining from a working face to another.
The button in the left upper corner allows to vertically stretch the machinings’ tree, thus allowing, in
case there are more machinings on the workpiece, to display the largest possible number of them at
once, may be eliminating the vertical scroll-bar if necessary. The same function is available upon
pressure of the F8 key. Data chart

User’s interface lower area is dedicated to a dialog box in which the data relevant to what has
currently been selected or created is displayed. When nothing (drawing or machining) was created or
selected, this chart automatically displays the workpiece dimensions but as the situation changes, in
accordance to the operations made by the user, it is automatically updated and shows the data related
to the currently processed machining, or displays the fields in which to enter the necessary data to
create a new drawing or a new machining. Status bar

This bar shows in every instant the updated status of the application (creation of a polyline,
construction of a routing work, modification of a machining, etc…) while often offering, for the
advantage of the most inexperienced users, help prompts suggesting the best step to take in every
situation. Indeed many commands comprise more steps, i.e. they are made up of more, subsequent,
actions to be made in a precise order, as illustrated herefater, therefore a short text string appears to
guide user moment after moment in taking the right action, thus preventing any ambiguity and
speeding the whole procedure development. This bar also contains a box on the left displaying the
values corresponding to the current mouse position on the drawing.

MW310 – Project Windows Control (tool) bar

This tool is described in details further on. The control bar contains a series of keys, logically divided
into 4 sets, each of which being selectable by a click on the relevant icon on the right side of the bar
itself, as shown in the figure here-aside. These keys give access to all main functions available with
this application: drawing, machinings processing and project analysis, display and advanced
machinings functions. Will you place the mouse cursor on a key whatever, the use of such key is
automatically displayed, thus helping new users getting familiar with this program. Usually selecting
a key causes the updating of the data chart displayed in the lower part of the screen, so that only the
fields that are necessary for the operation to do are shown. This mechanism is fully automatic and has
the purpose to guide user in the progress of his work, since constantly having under his eyes this data
chart arranged in logical and intuition-based mode, independently from the function he is about to

The third set features functions allowing the visualization and graphical analysis of a project:
- zoom in
- zoom out
- Zoom on window
- zoom reset
- optimized zoom
- full-screen display
- display suction pads
- 3D workpiece display
- measure angle and segments

The fourth set, finally, gives access to the functions required for the most advanced machinings:
- flange holes

MW310 – Project Windows

- add figures
- import ISO macros
- creation of hollowed profiles
- n polyline, (including automatic polyline welding)

MW310 – Project Windows

4.2.2. Keyboard controls

Some commands selectable from the main menu can also be enabled directly from the keyboard
(shortcuts) by selecting the keys or combination of keys listed here below:
?? CTRL+’+’(small numeric keyboard): the picture displayed is enlarged, where the center
of the new picture is given by the cursor position (zoom in).
?? CTRL+’-‘(small numeric keyboard): the picture displayed is reduced, where the center of
the new picture is given by the cursor position (zoom out).
?? PGUP: previous segment/vertex (see polyline modification); selection of append in
symmetry function (see polyline creation); selection of offset direction (see polyline
?? PGDN: next segment/vertex (see polyline modification); selection to append in symmetry
(see polyline creation); selection of offset direction (see polyline offset).
?? ESC: aborts the current command.
?? CTRL+N: create a new project.
?? CRTL+O: open a project.
?? CRTL+P: print a project.
?? CTRL+T: head tooling-up.
?? CTRL+Q: quit MasterWork.
?? CTRL+Z: cancel the last operation (Undo).
?? CRTL+Y: restores the cancelled operation (Redo).
?? CTRL+CANC: deletes selected elements.
?? F5: Redraws the workpiece (figures and ISO macros) and reloads the tool table.
?? F8: expand/shrink the machinings tree.
?? F9: display whole workpiece.
?? F10: display with optimized zoom.
?? F11: full-screen display of drawing (if possible).

4.2.3. Selecting elements

The default status of the MasterWork program, as previously explained, is the selection mode: as
soon as you have completed the creation or modification of a new object (machining or drawing), the
program automatically enters selection mode. Selecting machinings

It is possible to select only machinings while
drawings can be selected through a specific menu
(see polyline modification in the CAD dedicated
chapter). Since you first have to select an element
to be able to modify it, this option offers a quicker
access to the machining relevant data and a faster
processing thereof. You may select machinings in
two ways: either by clicking with the mouse on
the drawing of the workpiece, the cursor being on
or near the concerned machining; or by picking it
directly up from the machinings’ tree. In both

MW310 – Project Windows

cases the final result is that the selected machining is highlighted as well on the drawing and on the
machinings’ tree, while the data chart displays the information stored on such machining, for user to
modify it, if desired. As you can understand, it is sufficient to select a machining to display its
properties. Therefore it is not possible to select more machinings at once with this command. In case
of overlapping machinings, when clicking on them with the mouse, user is shown the list of all the
machinings found in the point indicated by the cursor when he clicked and it is necessary to select
one of the options proposed and confirm clicking on “OK”, so that only the concerned machining is
eventually highlighted.
To operate a multiple selection, open the advanced modification of a machining menu. There, it is
possible to select more machinings either with a succession of mouse clicks (remember that clicking
again on a selected machining causes its de-selection or revocation), or using a selection box the
which limits you draw with the mouse, in order to capture at once all the machinings included in its
perimeter. In addition, in case of overlapping machinings, the above illustrated selection window
allows user to choose only the desired machinings (using the CTRL or SHIFT key) before confirming
with a click on “OK”. Remark: remember that you may select horizontal holes (either single or
aligned holes) and consequently display the relevant data and modify it, if desired, only when the
current working face is the horizontal one, whereas if proceeding from a side face, you can see but
not select them.
We also wish to point out that to directly select a machining on the drawing you have to point the
mouse cursor on a given part of such machining and click: for most machinings this position is an
edge thereof, as for routings and cuts, or, if speaking of vertical and tilted holes, the inside of the
represented circle. When dealing with complex machinings, you must point the mouse cursor only on
a part of them: a figure made up of aligned holes, for instance, can be selected by clicking on the line
that runs through all circles’ centers; in an horizontal fitting figure the line on which to click is the
one made up by all circles’ tangent; whereas the sensible area for flange borings is the first hole (the
one marked with a cross). Finally it is important to know that direct selection by mouse click features
a tolerance, set by machine user as a default parameter, that corresponds to the precision degree
wanted to grip an object with the mouse cursor. Selecting polylines

To select polylines (i.e. geometrical elements that will not be machined), open the advanced
modification of a polyline menu (see relevant chapter). Just as it goes with machinings, in this
context it is possible to select more polylines at once either clicking in succession on more of them or
using the selection box drawn with the mouse. The only difference is featured in the event of
overlapping polylines: indeed no selection window is provided for polylines so that all polylines
contained in the mouse drawn box are captured at once.

4.2.4. References to workpiece

When creating a new project, one of the most frequently occurring operations is entering
with absolute co-ordinates the position of a given machining, or of the extremity of a
segment and so on. MasterWork allows you to enter co-ordinates either expressed as
absolute values or referred to workpiece real dimensions. In other words, co-ordinates may be
referring either to workpiece edges or to its midlines along the Cartesian X and Y-axes.
Are the here-aside shown keys pushed down, then the X (key with arrow to the right) and Y
(key with upward arrow) values respectively are not bound to workpiece dimensions but
intended as absolute values computed from the axes zero point (which, precisely, is the intersection
of the left and bottom sides).
The here-aside shown keys, on the other hand, indicate that the co-ordinate value is referred
to the right (X value) or to the upper workpiece edge (Y value). To transform a relative

MW310 – Project Windows

value into an absolute one, the computation to do is the following:

Xa = L – Xr and Ya = W – Yr
where L and W respectively stand for workpiece length and width, pedicel ‘a’ stands for the absolute
value and pedicel ‘r’ for the relative value.
Are these keys pushed-in, this means that the co-ordinate they are associated to refers to
workpiece midline axis. To convert such a value into an absolute value the computation is
the following:
Xa = L/2 + Xr and Ya = W/2 + Yr
where L and W respectively stand for workpiece length and width, pedicel ‘a’ stands for the absolute
value and pedicel ‘r’ for the relative value.
Once you have set the type of reference to workpiece (edges or midlines) you want to use to fix a
given value, the latter will not only always follow workpiece dimensions but it will vary as these are
modified. Example: do you program to bore a hole at 100 mm from the right edge of a workpiece
with total length 900 mm, said hole will be drilled at the absolute co-ordinate 800 mm. But is
workpiece length changed into 1200 mm, then the hole will be drilled at the absolute co-ordinate
1100 mm (since it was programmed at 100 mm from the right edge). This mechanism also applies
when computing the deformation of a geometric element (see relevant paragraph in the CAD

4.2.5. Help function

MasterWork features several help functions supporting users in all the activities.
First of all there’s an on-line help function may be enabled at anytime by striking the F1
key or by clicking on the HELP button when it is active.
On-line help is context-sensitive, that means that when it is enabled it automatically goes
to the topic relating to the current system status (normally it displays the page
corresponding to the selected menu). The on-line help is context-sensitive… The on-line
help is in HTML format, which has now become a very common standard allowing easy
and fast retrieval of information.
Other on-line help functions are: the description of the control bar buttons’ function (which
is visualized whenever the cursor is placed upon each symbol) and the description of both
the currently active control and of the suggestions concerning the next step to be taken,
which are displayed on the status bar. Moreover, when moving the mouse arrow along the
machinings tree, a caption is displayed describing the junction, either workpiece face or
machining, the mouse is pointing at.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.2.6. Importing DXF files

Masterwork alows importing geometrical elements directly from DXF files. The dialog box shown
in the figure may be displayed either within the 'File' menu or by means of the specific button on the


Within this box you may select the file to be imported, decide whether you want to change the units
of measurement and if you want to use the layers that are already defined within the file. Once you
have confirmed your selection, all enmtities included within the file are imported into the program
according to the following principles:

- polylines and arcs of a circle are directly imported as polylines - they also take on
polyline features;
- circles and segments are imported as geometrical elements to which you have to assign a
meaning - here follow the instructions on how to turn circles into circular polylines or holes and
segments into groove-cuttings or polyline segments-; that's why such elements will be displayed
in gray.

You shall need to expressly transform the entities that will not be automatically turn into polylines or
machinings by using the available Masterwork tools for machining or drawing conversion -please
refer to the following paragraphs-.
PLease note that not all entities contained in a DXF file are recognised so far. In particular, the
following entites are not imported: “spline” entities, formatted texts -i.e. texts that have not been
saved as a polyline- and dotted figure fillings.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.3. The project

The integrated operational system MasterWork is based upon the concept of project.
A project is the totality of geometrical and technological information defining all operations to be
performed in order to turn the raw material into the final product. Within the same project, user
individually processes the various working faces available on the tooling machine which the project
is allocated to, and for each working face he is required to set the type and geometry of each single
machining, the associated technological parameters and the sequence in which the machinings will
be executed. All this information is stored in a file with .TLF extension.

4.3.1. Project general data

The Project General Data dialog box is displayed each time no element is currently selected, being
modified or created. It can be recalled any time by a click on one of the main junctions of the
machinings’ tree (that represent the available working faces for the current project). The information
is divided into 2 pages: the first one titled “standard” that contains the most frequently used (and
changed) data, whereas the second page, titled “advanced”, is dedicated to information less subject to
be modified by users.

The tables contained in such pages feature the following fields:

?? Description a short description of the project.
?? Length, height & width define workpiece dimensions; modify the values
displayed to change workpiece dimensions. Are drawings or machinings bound to
workpiece edges, these are altered consequently
?? Tools table No. identifies the tools table bound with the ISO program
?? Suction cups table No. identifies the suction cups table bound with the ISO program
?? Measurement unit selects the measurement unit: millimeters or inches. Important
remark: whenever you change the measurement unit in a given project, the existing values
ARE NOT CONVERTED in the new measurement unit! The numerical values remain
UNCHANGED since only their interpretation changes. Example: in a project you have
programmed a hole with diameter 5 mm; will you change the measurement unit for inches,
you still have value 5, intended as inches instead of millimeters and NOT 5/25.4=0.197 ”).
However a prompt is displayed at any measurement unit change to warn users on this

MW310 – Project Windows

?? Boring optimization when ticked off, i.e. enabled, it allows the machine head route
optimization during vertical and horizontal boring process, independently from the tool
used for each of them
?? Machining sequence sets the sequence in which the various workpiece faces
will be worked
out. A click on this field opens a dialog box in which it is possible to change such order
using two keys.
?? Offset on X, Y and Z additional offsets to sum to workpiece dimensions (for instance
when using a larger supporting board under the workpiece). The drawing side is provided
as a guide.
?? Break value for long workpieces: it defines the position where the workpiece is to be
cut if it exceeds the dimensions allowed by the machine working area. Click on the button
located by this field to enable it, then enter the desired value either by typing it or by
clicking in the intended position on the workpiece drawing.

Each time you modify one of these fields, buttons “OK” and “Cancel” are enabled while the other
areas of the user’s interface are disabled, therefore you can access them newly only after having
confirmed (clicking on OK) or annulled (clicking on CANCEL) the modification made to the project.
User is thus always made aware that the project data was altered and possible errors or dysfunctions
during the execution are thus avoided.
User has the possibility to set the default values displayed in this dialog box each time a new project is
being created. Indeed, does user mostly work with pieces having common characteristics (size or
other), once stored as default values (the default-setting function is explained in another chapter) these
will be automatically proposed in the relevant fields each time user begins the creation of a new
The button shown here-beside, which is found in the Project General Data main window,
displays the table where the slanting faces may be defined. The present version of the program
allows defining two slanting faces, one in the back and one in the front, that may be added to the
default faces included in the machinings tree.

The buttons located by the text boxes display a grid featuring all
slanting face configurations, which may be created within the MW310
software environment and which are defined by the three parameters
shown in the table here-beside. The grid gives access to the available
slanting face library and displays their properties. Click on the row
corresponding to the intended slanting face to select it. The number
identifying it will thus be displayed in either text box, where no direct
modification is possible except for deleting the face number by
pressing CANC or BACKSPACE on the keyboard. The properties of
each selected face are displayed underneath the relating text box. To remove a slanting face, simply leave the
corresponding box empty. Click on Cancel to abort any modifications to the slanting faces and on OK to
confirm them. In both cases, you will then go back to the Project General Data table. Please note that if at least
one slanting face was introduced, the button opening the slanting face configuration window will be displayed
in colors.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.4. Interactive programming

The Interactive programming area is made up of all those functions that allow creating machinings on
the current workpiece. These functions are accessed by a simple mouse click upon the corresponding
icon out of the first set of keys of the control bar, found on the right side of the screen. This first set of
keys is usually displayed as soon as the program is opened, otherwise you can select it by clicking on
the highest of the 3 icons that identify the 3 sets of keys that make up the control bar.
This first set of keys allows to create any type of machining and to modify any existing machining.
This chapter is dedicated to the detailed explanation of all these functions, starting from the simplest
one, i.e. single hole boring, to finally describe a complex routing work.

4.4.1. Single vertical hole

Click on the aside-illustrated key to create a single hole on a workpiece. Upon selection of this
key the data chart is immediately updated insofar as it will display all the necessary fields to
program a vertical boring work. The first page displayed is the one titled “standard”, that contains
the most frequently used (and changed) data, whereas the second page, titled “advanced”, is
dedicated to information less subject to be modified by users.

buttons Symmetry choice
Type of drills Slowdown buttons

?? Type of drill: these 4 buttons allow you to choose, amongst those available on machine, the
type of drill to use (standard, countersinking, V-point or flat drill). Selecting one type
automatically excludes any other one and to each type of drill is associated the following
default information: a slowdown mode, a rotation speed, a diameter and two slowdown
depths, set by user in the default-setting program. So, as soon as you select a type of drill, the
associated default-information is automatically proposed in the data chart. Anyhow these
values are not binding; user shall consider them as suggestions and may change them any
time, as he desires.
?? Slowdown mode: these 4 buttons allow you to choose, amongst those available on machine,
the type of slowdown you want to apply when drilling the current hole. Selecting one type
automatically excludes any other one. To each type of slowdown is associated the following
default information: a rotation speed and two slowdown depths, set by user in the default-
setting program.

MW310 – Project Windows

?? Hole center co-ordinates: X1 and Y1 are the values respectively on axis X and Y of the hole
position, expressed in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may be keyed-in on
the keyboard or entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the desired position on the
workpiece drawing.
?? Reference choice buttons: these 6 buttons indicate the type of reference to workpiece with
which you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended referred to workpiece edges,
or workpiece midline axes, or to machine zero point. If you click on one of these buttons with
the left mouse button you only set the new reference, therefore the numeric value entered
changes to adapt to such new reference; but if you click on one of these buttons with the right
mouse button you set the new reference but the numeric value entered remains unaltered,
therefore the hole position changes.
?? Relative reference choice button: if you click on this button, the values contained in the X1
and Y1 fields are not considered as absolute values but instead as increments with reference
to the previously drilled hole (if the “Next” button is clicked-on).
?? Depth: is the depth of the hole to drill.
?? Diameter: is the diameter of the drill and therefore that of the hole.
?? Entry speed: is the speed at which the tool rotates when it penetrates into the wood.
?? Description: is the description, if any, of the programmed hole.

?? Tool: is the number assigned to the tool to use to drill the hole. If the boring
optimization is enabled, this field is senseless and will not be considered. The key
to the left of the data field, if pressed, allows you to specify the tool name instead of
the tool number, while the key to the right allows you to access a list of all tool
currently available on the head, thus permitting you to choose the most suitable
?? Symmetry choice buttons: these 3 buttons (that may be selected all together if desired) allow
you to create simultaneously also mirror-copies of the programmed hole, where the
symmetry axis is the one shown on the selected button. Example: should you push-in the first
button (symmetry with respect to axis X) then click on “OK”, two holes are created, one of
which is exactly positioned as per the values entered and the other one being its mirror-copy,
whose values are symmetric with respect of workpiece midline along the X axis.

Once data input is completed, if you click on “OK” a hole is created on the upper
horizontal face or, if you click on “CANCEL”, the whole operation is aborted. In both
cases the dialog box is then disabled and the “single hole” button on the control bar is re-
enabled. The "Next" button produces the same effect as clicking on “OK”, with the
advantage that you don't quit the table and that you may go on setting other holes.
Important: if, in phase of creation, you wish to drill more identical holes on a single
workpiece, instead of clicking on “OK” once the procedure is completed, it is sufficient to
double-click on the workpiece drawing in the position where you want to create another
hole. This command, if associated to an appropriate use of the boring default parameters,
allows you to create new holes in the twinkling of an eye. Finally, have a look on the
machinings’ tree: once a hole was created, you can see the tree has a new junction, whose
representation is a vertical drill, as a “branch” of the current working face.
When in selection mode (you understand it from the mouse cursor) you can capture a single vertical
hole to display its properties and modify them, if desired. So, to select a single vertical hole previously
created you may click with the mouse either on its drawing or on its icon created in the machinings’
tree. In both cases the selected hole color changes, the relevant junction on the tree is highlighted and
the dialog box we have described here above is displayed. Will you change some values, you can
immediately verify the effects thereof on the drawing even before confirming the modification made
with a mouse click on “OK”. Will you click on “Cancel” instead, the modifications made are annulled
and the previous data are restored. You can see that the symmetry choice buttons are disabled. Indeed,
they may be enabled only in creation phase. So should you wish to make a mirror-copy of an existing
hole, you must use specific commands of the advanced modification page, described further on.

MW310 – Project Windows
At last we wish to recall you that vertical holes may be programmed only from the horizontal surface
(i.e. with the horizontal working face displayed during programming) or from the slanting faces. In the
latter case, however, the table being displayed is slightly different.

As you may see here-above, it is much simpler: in fact, you no longer need to select a slowdown mode
and a type of drill, in that routing bits are normally used to drill holes on slanting faces. For this
reason, however, the field for the tool rotation speed, which was not included in the previously
described tables, has been added to this one.

4.4.2. Multiple vertical holes

Click on the aside-illustrated button to create on a workpiece a machining made up of more
vertical holes arranged along a straight line. Upon selection of this button the data chart is
immediately updated insofar as it will display all the necessary fields to program aligned vertical
holes. The first page displayed is the one titled “standard”, that contains the most frequently used
(and changed) data, whereas the second page, titled “advanced”, is dedicated to information less
subject to be modified by users.

Types of Slowdown Symmetry

Types of Reference drills modes choice buttons
machining choice buttons

?? Type of machining: these 3 buttons allow you to choose the type of multiple hole machining you
want to create (fitting on X, fitting on Y or aligned holes on the XY face). In fitting works, the number
of holes is determined by the position of both ends and the pitch between 2 holes, whereas in aligned
holes works the number of holes is entered by user and the position of the last hole is determined by
the programmed angle and pitch between 2 holes. Finally, in accordance with the type of work
chosen, the necessary fields to fill-in in the data chart are activated.

MW310 – Project Windows

?? Type of drill: these 4 buttons allow you to choose, amongst those available on machine, the type
of drill to use (standard, countersinking, V-point or flat drill). Selecting one type automatically
excludes any other one and to each type of drill is associated the following default information: a
slowdown mode, a rotation speed, a diameter and two slowdown depths, set by users in the default-
setting program. So, as soon as you select a type of drill, the associated default-information is
automatically proposed in the data chart. Anyhow these values are not binding; user shall consider
them as suggestions and may change them any time, as he desires.
?? Slowdown mode: these 4 buttons allow you to choose, amongst those available on machine, the
type of slowdown you want to apply when drilling the current hole. Selecting one type automatically
excludes any other one. To each type of slowdown is associated the following default information: a
rotation speed and two slowdown depths, set by user in the default-setting program.
?? First hole co-ordinates: X1 and Y1 are the values respectively on axis X and Y of the first hole
position, expressed in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may be keyed-in on the
keyboard or entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the desired position on the workpiece
?? Last hole co-ordinates: X2 and Y2 are relevant only for fitting works. In this case these are the
values respectively on axis X and Y of the last hole position, expressed in the current measurement
unit. The total number of holes the fitting work is made up of is automatically computed in accordance
with the pitch entered (there shall be as many holes as possible along the concerned segment). This
co-ordinate may be keyed-in on the keyboard or entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the
desired position on the workpiece drawing. Obviously one of the two co-ordinates is always disabled
since it is identical for both the first and the last hole (X2=X1 if constructing a fitting on Y or Y1=Y2
if constructing a fitting on X).
?? X2 and Y2 do not apply for aligned holes boring works (and are therefore disabled), since the
only other data required to construct the machining is the line angle, while the number of holes is a
value user must key-in (instead of being automatically computed as for fitting works).
?? Fitting centering: if this checkbox is selected, the fitting work will be centered with reference to
the end-points set in the previously mentioned fields; the first hole will therefore, generally, no longer
correspond to the fitting start point.
?? Reference choice buttons: these 6 buttons indicate the type of reference to workpiece with which
you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended referred to workpiece edges, or workpiece
midline axes, or to machine zero point. If you click on one of these buttons with the left mouse button
you only set the new reference, therefore the numeric value entered changes to adapt to such new
reference; but if you click on one of these buttons with the right mouse button you set the new
reference but the numeric value entered remains unaltered, therefore the machining position changes.
?? Depth: is the depth of the holes to drill.
?? Diameter: is the diameter of the drill and therefore that of the holes.
?? Entry speed: is the speed at which the tool rotates when it penetrates into the wood.
?? Pitch: is the distance between two holes.
?? Angle: is the inclination in degrees of the line running through all hole centers in an aligned
holes boring work. This value may be keyed-in on the keyboard or entered graphically clicking with
the mouse in the desired position on the workpiece drawing, after you have entered the first hole co-
ordinates. This field is disabled when the machining to create is a fitting work.
?? Number of holes: is the number of holes to draw in an aligned holes boring work. This field is
disabled when the machining to create is a fitting work.
?? Description: is the description, if any, of the programmed machining.

?? Tool: is the number assigned to the tool to use to drill the holes. Is the boring
optimization enabled, this field is senseless and will not be considered. The key to the
left of the data field, if pressed, allows you to specify the tool name instead of the tool
number, while the key to the right allows you to access a list of all tool currently
available on the head, thus permitting you to choose the most suitable one.
?? Symmetry choice buttons: these 3 buttons (that may be selected all together if desired) allow you
to create simultaneously also mirror-copies of the programmed machining, where the symmetry axis is

MW310 – Project Windows
the one shown on the selected button. Example: when creating a fitting on Y, should you push-in the
first button (symmetry with respect to axis X) then click on “OK”, two fittings on Y are created, one
of which is exactly positioned as per the values entered and the other one being its mirror-copy, whose
values are symmetric with respect of workpiece midline along the X axis.

Once data input is completed, if you click on “OK” a series of holes is created on the upper horizontal
face or, if you click on “CANCEL”, the whole operation is aborted. In both cases the dialog box is
then disabled and the “multiple holes” button on the control bar is re-enabled. Pressing the "Next"
button produces, instead, the same effect as clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't quit
the table and that you may go on setting other aligned holes. Important: if, in phase of creation, you
wish to drill more identical multiple hole machinings on a single workpiece, instead of clicking on
“OK” once the procedure is completed, it is sufficient to double-click on the workpiece drawing in the
position where you want to create another machining. This command, if associated to an appropriate
use of the boring default parameters, allows you to create new multiple hole machinings in the
twinkling of an eye. Finally, have a look on the machinings’ tree: just as it happens with single holes,
you can see that once a multiple hole machining was created, the tree has a new junction, whose
representation is a series of vertical drills, as a “branch” of the horizontal working face.
When in selection mode (you understand it from the mouse cursor) you can capture a multiple hole
machining to display its properties and modify them, if desired. So, to select a multiple hole
machining previously created you may click with the mouse either on its drawing or on its icon
created in the machinings’ tree. In both cases the machining color changes, the relevant junction on
the tree is highlighted and the dialog box we have described here above is displayed. Will you change
some values, you can immediately verify the effects thereof on the drawing even before confirming
the modification made with a mouse click on “OK”. Will you click on “Cancel” instead, the
modifications made are annulled and the previous data is restored. You can see that the symmetry
choice buttons are disabled. Indeed, they may be enabled only in creation phase. So should you wish
to make a mirror-copy of an existing machining, you must use specific commands of the advanced
modification page, described further on.
At last we wish to recall you that vertical holes may be programmed only from the horizontal surface
(i.e. with the horizontal working face displayed during programming) or from the slanting faces.
Again, just as it happens with single holes, the table being displayed in the latter case is simpler:

there is still no need to select the slowdown mode and the type of drill in that routing bits are assumed to be
used, which requires the tool rotation speed selection.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.4.3. Single horizontal hole

Click on the aside-illustrated key to create a single horizontal hole on a workpiece. Upon
selection of this key the data chart is immediately updated insofar as it will display all the
necessary fields to program a vertical boring work. The first page displayed is the one titled
“standard”, that contains the most frequently used (and changed) data, whereas the second page, titled
“advanced”, is dedicated to information less subject to be modified by users.
Side to bore Reference Symmetry
choice choice
buttons buttons

?? Side to bore: i.e. choice of the working face in which to bore the horizontal hole. Selecting one
type automatically excludes any other one. According to the selected face, X1 and Y1 will have a
different meaning.
?? Hole center co-ordinates: X1 and Y1 are the values determining the hole position, expressed in
the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may only be keyed-in on the keyboard. Is the
current face the front or the rear one, Y1 is the offset of the hole with respect to workpiece edge and
X1 its position along X axis; is the current face the left or the right one, X1 is the offset of the hole
with respect to workpiece edge and Y1 its position along Y axis.
?? Z co-ordinate: is the position of the hole along Z-axis.
?? Reference choice buttons: these 6 buttons indicate the type of reference to workpiece with which
you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended referred to workpiece edges, or workpiece
midline axes, or to machine zero point. If you click on one of these buttons with the left mouse button
you only set the new reference, therefore the numeric value entered changes to adapt to such new
reference; but if you click on one of these buttons with the right mouse button you set the new
reference but the numeric value entered remains unaltered, therefore the hole position changes. This
principle applies as well for all 3 the axes.
?? Depth: is the depth of the hole to drill.
?? Diameter: is the diameter of the drill and therefore that of the hole.
?? Boring speed: is the speed at which the tool moves in the wood, in m/min.
?? Description: is the description, if any, of the programmed hole.

?? Tool: is the number assigned to the tool to use to drill the hole. Is the boring
optimization enabled, this field is senseless and will not be considered. The key next to
the data input field, if the MW310 programme is enables, allows you to access a list of

MW310 – Project Windows

all tool currently available on the head, thus permitting you to choose the most suitable
?? Symmetry choice buttons: these 3 buttons (that may be selected all together if desired) allow
you to create simultaneously also mirror-copies of the programmed hole with respect to the X or Y
axis on the same side or on the opposite workpiece side. Example: when creating an horizontal hole
on the left workpiece side, should you push-in the first button (symmetry with respect to axis X) then
click on “OK”, two holes are created, one of which is exactly positioned as per the values entered and
the other one being its mirror-copy, on the right face. But is the programmed hole on the rear or front
face, the second hole, if symmetric with respect to axis X, is always on the same side but its values are
symmetric with respect of workpiece midline along the X-axis.
Once data input is completed, if you click on “OK” a hole is created on the selected vertical face or, if
you click on “CANCEL”, the whole operation is aborted. In both cases the dialog box is then disabled
and the “horizontal hole” button on the control bar is re-enabled. Pressing the "Next" button produces,
instead, the same effect as clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't quit the table and that
you may go on setting other horizontal holes. Now, if you have a look on the machinings’ tree you can
see that, once a hole was created, the tree has a new junction, whose representation is a horizontal
drill, as a “branch” of the current working face.
When in selection mode (you understand it from the mouse cursor) you can capture a single horizontal
hole to display its properties and modify them, if desired. So, to select a single horizontal hole
previously created you may click with the mouse either on its drawing (if viewed from the horizontal
face) or on its icon created in the machinings’ tree. Will you visualize a vertical face instead, the hole
is visible but it cannot be selected. In both cases the selected hole color changes, the relevant junction
on the tree is highlighted and the dialog box we have described here above is displayed. Will you
change some values, you can immediately verify the effects thereof on the drawing even before
confirming the modification made with a mouse click on “OK”. Will you click on “Cancel” instead,
the modifications made are annulled and the previous data is restored. You can see that the symmetry
choice buttons are disabled. Indeed, they may be enabled only in creation phase. So should you wish
to make a mirror-copy of an existing hole, you must use specific commands of the advanced
modification page, described further on.
At last we wish to recall you that horizontal holes may be programmed only from the horizontal
surface (i.e. with the horizontal working face displayed during programming).

MW310 – Project Windows

4.4.4. Horizontal fitting

Click on the aside-illustrated key to create a horizontal fitting on a workpiece (this machining is
conceptually identical to a vertical fitting work with the only difference that it is executed on a
vertical face, in parallel to the horizontal surface). Upon selection of this key the data chart is
immediately updated insofar as it will display all the necessary fields to program horizontal fitting
works. The first page displayed is the one titled “standard”, that contains the most frequently used
(and changed) data, whereas the second page, titled “advanced”, is dedicated to information less
subject to be modified by users.
Reference Symmetry
Side to bore choice choice
buttons buttons

?? Side to bore: i.e. choice of the working face in which to bore the horizontal hole. Selecting one
type automatically excludes any other one. According to the selected face, X1 and Y1 will have a
different meaning.
?? First hole co-ordinates: X1 and Y1 are the values determining the first hole position, expressed
in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may only be keyed-in on the keyboard. Is the
current face the front or the rear one, Y1 is the offset of the hole with respect to workpiece edge and
X1 its position along X axis; is the current face the left or the right one, X1 is the offset of the hole
with respect to workpiece edge and Y1 its position along Y axis.
?? Last hole co-ordinates: X2 and Y2 are the values determining the last hole position, expressed in
the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may only be keyed-in on the keyboard. Is the
current face the front or the rear one, Y2 is the offset of the hole with respect to workpiece edge and
X2 its position along X axis; is the current face the left or the right one, X2 is the offset of the hole
with respect to workpiece edge and Y2 its position along Y axis
Obviously one of the two co-ordinates is always disabled since it is identical for both the first and the
last hole (X2=X1 if constructing a fitting on Y or Y1=Y2 if constructing a fitting on X).
?? Z co-ordinate: is the position of the hole along Z-axis.
?? Reference choice buttons: these 6 buttons indicate the type of reference to workpiece with which
you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended referred to workpiece edges, or workpiece
midline axes, or to machine zero point. If you click on one of these buttons with the left mouse button
you only set the new reference, therefore the numeric value entered changes to adapt to such new
reference; but if you click on one of these buttons with the right mouse button you set the new
reference but the numeric value entered remains unaltered, therefore the hole position changes. This
principle applies as well for all 3 the axes.
?? Depth: is the depth of the holes to drill.

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?? Diameter: is the diameter of the drill and therefore that of the holes.
?? Boring speed: is the speed at which the tool moves in the wood, in m/min.
?? Pitch: is the distance between two holes.
?? Description: is the description, if any, of the programmed machining.

?? Tool: is the number assigned to the tool to use to execute the fitting work. If the boring
optimization is enabled, this field is senseless and will not be considered. The key to
the left of the data field, if pressed, allows you to specify the tool name instead of the
tool number, while the key to the right allows you to access a list of all tool currently
available on the head, thus permitting you to choose the most suitable one.
?? Symmetry choice buttons: these 3 buttons (that may be selected all together if desired) allow you
to create simultaneously also mirror-copies of the programmed machining with respect to the X
or Y axis on the same side or on the opposite workpiece side. Example: when creating a
horizontal fitting work on the left workpiece side, should you push-in the first button (symmetry
with respect to axis X) then click on “OK”, two fittings are created, one of which is exactly
positioned as per the values entered and the other one being its mirror-copy, on the right face.
But is the programmed fitting on the rear or front face, the second one, if symmetric with respect
to axis X, is always on the same side but its values are symmetric with respect of workpiece
midline along the X-axis.

Once data input is completed, if you click on “OK” a fitting work is created on the selected vertical
face or, if you click on “CANCEL”, the whole operation is aborted. In both cases the dialog box is
then disabled and the “horizontal hole” button on the control bar is re-enabled. Pressing the "Next"
button produces, instead, the same effect as clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't quit
the table and that you may go on setting other horizontal fitting holes. Now, if you have a look on the
machinings’ tree you can see that, once a horizontal fitting was created, the tree has a new junction,
whose representation is a series of horizontal drills, as a “branch” of the current working face.
When in selection mode (you understand it from the mouse cursor) you can capture a single horizontal
fitting to display its properties and modify them, if desired. So, to select a single horizontal fitting
previously created you may click with the mouse either on its drawing (if viewed from the horizontal
face) or on its icon created in the machinings’ tree. Will you visualize a vertical face instead, the
fitting is visible but it cannot be selected. In both cases the selected machining color changes, the
relevant junction on the tree is highlighted and the dialog box we have described here above is
displayed. Will you change some values, you can immediately verify the effects thereof on the
drawing even before confirming the modification made with a mouse click on “OK”. Will you click
on “Cancel” instead, the modifications made are annulled and the previous data is restored. You can
see that the symmetry choice buttons are disabled. Indeed, they may be enabled only in creation
phase. So should you wish to make a mirror-copy of an existing machining, you must use specific
commands of the advanced modification page, described further on.
At last we wish to recall you that horizontal holes may be programmed only from the horizontal
surface (i.e. with the horizontal working face displayed during programming).

MW310 – Project Windows

4.4.5. Indexed (tilted) vertical hole

Click on the aside-illustrated key to create a single tilted vertical hole on a workpiece. Upon
selection of this key the data chart is immediately updated insofar as it will display all the
necessary fields to program an indexed boring work. The first page displayed is the one titled
“standard”, that contains the most frequently used (and changed) data, whereas the second page,
titled “advanced”, is dedicated to information less subject to be modified by users.


?? Hole center co-ordinates: X1 and Y1 are the values respectively on axis X and Y of the hole
position, expressed in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may be keyed-in on the
keyboard or entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the desired position on the workpiece
?? Reference choice buttons: these 6 buttons indicate the type of reference to workpiece with which
you want to operate, i.e. if the values set are referred to workpiece edges, or workpiece midline axes,
or to machine zero point. If you click on one of these buttons with the left mouse button you only set
the new reference, therefore the numeric value entered changes to adapt to such new reference; but if
you click on one of these buttons with the right mouse button you set the new reference but the
numeric value entered remains unaltered, therefore the hole position changes.
?? Z co-ordinate: is the value along Z axis of the penetration point, i.e. the distance along which the
drill must go down from the upper surface before penetrating in the wood.
?? Face XY angle: is the drill penetration angle on the XY face.
?? Face ZX angle: is the drill penetration angle with respect to the horizontal face.
?? Air value: is the distance between drill tip and workpiece surface before starting the execution.
?? Depth: is the depth of the hole to drill.
?? Entry speed: is the speed at which the tool rotates when it penetrates into the wood.
?? Boring speed: is the speed at which the tool moves in the wood, in m/min.
?? Description: is the description, if any, of the programmed hole.

?? Tool: is the number assigned to the tool to use to drill the hole. If the boring
optimization is enabled, this field is senseless and will not be considered. The key to
the left of the data field, if pressed, allows you to specify the tool name instead of the

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tool number, while the key to the right allows you to access a list of all tool currently
available on the head, thus permitting you to choose the most suitable one.
?? Symmetry choice buttons: these 3 buttons (that may be selected all together if desired) allow you
to create simultaneously also mirror-copies of the programmed hole, where the symmetry axis is the
one shown on the selected button. Example: should you push-in the first button (symmetry with
respect to axis X) then click on “OK”, two holes are created, one of which is exactly positioned as per
the values entered and the other one being its mirror-copy, whose values are symmetric with respect
of workpiece midline along the X axis.
Once data input is completed, if you click on “OK” a tilted hole is created on the upper horizontal face
or, if you click on “CANCEL”, the whole operation is aborted. In both cases the dialog box is then
disabled and the “indexed hole” button on the control bar is re-enabled. Pressing the "Next" button
produces, instead, the same effect as clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't quit the
table and that you may go on setting other indexed holes. Important: if, in phase of creation, you wish
to drill more identical holes on a single workpiece, instead of clicking on “OK” once the procedure is
completed, it is sufficient to double-click on the workpiece drawing in the position where you want to
create another hole. This command, if associated to an appropriate use of the boring default
parameters, allows you to create new holes in the twinkling of an eye. Finally, have a look on the
machinings’ tree: once a hole was created, you can see the tree has a new junction, whose
representation is a tilted drill, as a “branch” of the horizontal working face.
When in selection mode (you understand it from the mouse cursor) you can capture a single tilted hole
to display its properties and modify them, if desired. So, to select a single indexed hole previously
created you may click with the mouse either on its drawing or on its icon created in the machinings’
tree. In both cases the selected hole color changes, the relevant junction on the tree is highlighted and
the dialog box we have described here above is displayed. Will you change some values, you can
immediately verify the effects thereof on the drawing even before confirming the modification made
with a mouse click on “OK”. Will you click on “Cancel” instead, the modifications made are annulled
and the previous data is restored. You can see that the symmetry choice buttons are disabled. Indeed,
they may be enabled only in creation phase. So should you wish to make a mirror-copy of an existing
hole, you must use specific commands of the advanced modification page, described further on.
At last we wish to recall you that indexed holes may be programmed only from the horizontal surface
(i.e. with the horizontal working face displayed during programming).

4.4.6. Cuts
Click on the aside-illustrated key to create a vertical cut on a workpiece. Upon selection of this
key the data chart is immediately updated insofar as it will display all the necessary fields to
program cuts in the horizontal surface. In addition, is no suitable blade for the desired type of
cut found in the tools table, user is immediately warned thereof. On the contrary, when the right tool is
found, its number is automatically entered in the appropriate box and the blade entry speed and cutting
speed fields are instantaneously updated in the data chart as per the maximum values found in the
configuration page of such tool. This data is subject to be modified by user, if desired.
As explained many times, the data chart is made up of 2 pages. The first page displayed is the one
titled “standard”, that contains the most frequently used (and changed) data, whereas the second page,
titled “advanced”, is dedicated to information less subject to be modified by users.

Type of Reference Symmetry

machining choice choice
buttons buttons

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?? Type of machining: these 2 buttons allow you to choose the type of cut you want to create (cut
along the X-axis, cut along the Y-axis, or tilted cut in the two possible modes: using the cut end-points
or its length and angle with relation to the X-axis). In accordance with the type of work chosen, the
necessary fields to fill-in in the data chart are activated.
?? Start point co-ordinates: X1 and Y1 are the values determining the position of the initial
extremity of the cut to execute, expressed in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may be
keyed-in on the keyboard or entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the desired position on the
workpiece drawing.
?? End point co-ordinates: X2 and Y2 are the values determining the position of the final extremity
of the cut to execute, expressed in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may be keyed-in
on the keyboard or entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the desired position on the
workpiece drawing. Obviously, if the cut is to be executed either along the X-axis or along the Y-axis,
one of the two co-ordinates is always disabled since it is identical to the initial extremity (X2=X1 if
constructing a cut on Y or Y1=Y2 if constructing a cut on X).
?? Reference choice buttons: these 6 buttons indicate the type of reference to workpiece with which
you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended referred to workpiece edges, or workpiece
midline axes, or to machine zero point. If you click on one of these buttons with the left mouse button
you only set the new reference, therefore the numeric value entered changes to adapt to such new
reference; but if you click on one of these buttons with the right mouse button you set the new
reference but the numeric value entered remains unaltered, therefore the cut extremity position
?? Cut length: this field is enabled when a tilted cut is to be executed by using its length and angle.
?? Cut inclination: this field is enabled when a tilted cut is to be executed by using its length and
?? Depth: is the depth of the cut to execute.
?? Cutting width: is the width of the programmed cut. Is the blade thickness minor than this value,
the deriving ISO code shall provide for more passes of the tool until the desired slot width is reached.
?? Entry speed: is the speed at which the tool rotates when it penetrates into the wood, expressed in
?? Cutting speed: is the speed at which the tool moves in the wood.
?? Description: is the description, if any, of the programmed machining.

?? Tool: is the number assigned to the tool to use to execute the cut. The key to the left of
the data field, if pressed, allows you to specify the tool name instead of the tool
number, while the key to the right allows you to access a list of all tool currently
available on the head, thus permitting you to choose the most suitable one. Usually,
when creating a new cut this field is automatically filled by the program that searches
for the first available blade on the operation head and provides to enter its
identification code. In case no blade is available a warning is displayed.
?? Symmetry choice buttons: these 3 buttons (that may be selected all together if desired) allow you
to create simultaneously also mirror-copies of the programmed machining, where the symmetry axis is
the one shown on the selected button. Example: when creating a cut along Y axis, should you push-in
the first button (symmetry with respect to axis X) then click on “OK”, two cuts are created, one of
which is exactly positioned as per the values entered and the other one being its mirror-copy, whose
values are symmetric with respect of workpiece midline along the X axis.

MW310 – Project Windows
Once data input is completed, if you click on “OK” a cut is created on the selected face (either
horizontal or vertical) or, if you click on “CANCEL”, the whole operation is aborted. In both cases the
dialog box is then disabled and the “cut” button on the control bar is re-enabled. The "Next" button
produces the same effect as clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't quit the table and that
you may go on setting other groove-cuttings. Now, if you have a look on the machinings’ tree you
can see that, once a cut was created, the tree has a new junction, whose representation is a saw blade,
as a “branch” of the current working face.
When in selection mode (you understand it from the mouse cursor) you can capture a single cut to
display its properties and modify them, if desired. So, to select a cut previously created you may click
with the mouse either on its drawing or on its icon created in the machinings’ tree. In both cases the
selected machining color changes, the relevant junction on the tree is highlighted and the dialog box
we have described here above is displayed. Will you change some values, you can immediately verify
the effects thereof on the drawing even before confirming the modification made with a mouse click
on “OK”. Will you click on “Cancel” instead, the modifications made are annulled and the previous
data is restored. You can see that the symmetry choice buttons are disabled. Indeed, they may be
enabled only in creation phase. So should you wish to make a mirror-copy of an existing machining,
you must use specific commands of the advanced modification page, described further on.
At last we wish to recall you that cuts may be programmed only from the horizontal surface (i.e. with
the horizontal working face displayed during programming).

4.4.7. Trimming
Trimming means to cut down the edges of a workpiece with a specific tool (usually a routing bit)
in order to bring workpiece to the programmed dimensions. Click on the aside-illustrated key to
create a trimming work on a workpiece. Upon selection of this key the data chart is immediately
updated insofar as it will display all the necessary fields to program a trimming work. Once you
have programmed the trimming of a workpiece, pushing-in this key again will have no further effect,
since trimming is an operation you may perform only once in each project. As explained many times,
the data chart is made up of 2 pages. The first page displayed is the one titled “standard”, that contains
the most frequently used (and changed) data, whereas the second page, titled “advanced”, is dedicated
to information less subject to be modified by users. It is necessary at this stage to mention an
important factor that is not included in the data chart but is always present with cutter-like tools, i.e.
the type of compensation in accordance with the tool dims. In trimming operations the compensation
is completed NC-controlled, therefore it will always remain outside the workpiece area and the
programmed compensation will never happen to be incompatible with the machining direction.

Change Types of Reference Move start Manual

direction attack choice point junction

MW310 – Project Windows

?? Change machining direction: this key allows reversing the sense in which the tool moves along
the workpiece perimeter (from clockwise to anticlockwise and vice-versa). Each time you change the
direction you must change the type of compensation too (from left to right or vice-versa), so that it
always remains external. In addition, should the penetration side not be compatible with the current
machining direction (i.e. the trimming would be performed inside the workpiece area instead of
outside) the relevant button (penetration from the left or from the right) is automatically disabled.
?? Type of attack: these 4 buttons allow user to select amongst those available (vertical, with
junction loop on the left, with junction loop on the right, slanted along Z axis). Selecting one type
automatically excludes any other one and to each type of attack is associated some default information
so that as soon as you select a type of attack, the associated default-information is automatically
proposed in the data chart. Follows a short description of the various attack modes:
- Vertical attack: the cutter moves above workpiece to the trimming start point where it starts
rotating and vertically lowers down to the programmed depth. Then it starts moving forward along the
workpiece perimeter until it has reached the start point again, where it vertically exits the wood again.
- Side attack: the cutter moves to a given point on workpiece edge, penetrates into the wood then
it moves forward along an arc of circle that connects the penetration point with the trimming start
point (also called entry junction loop). Then it starts moving forward along the workpiece perimeter
until it has reached the start point again, where it exits the wood covering an arc of circle (or exit
junction loop) that is the mirror-copy of the previous one.
- Slanting attack along axis Z: the cutter moves above workpiece to a given point at distance x
from the trimming start point. Then it starts to rotate and lowers along the Z-axis while
contemporaneously moving forward until it reaches the trimming start point. Then it stops lowering
and only moves forward along the workpiece perimeter until it has reached the start point again,
where it exits the wood again in the opposite mode with respect to the entry.
?? Workpiece offset: is the distance between the trimmed workpiece edges and the stop (i.e.
between the trimmed and the rough edges).
?? Trimming start point co-ordinates: X1 and Y1 are the values, expressed in the current
measurement unit, respectively on axis X and Y of the start point position, i.e. the point where the
trimming effectively begins at the preset depth. These co-ordinates may be entered only graphically
clicking with the mouse in the desired position on the workpiece drawing. Should no start point be
entered, a point near the axes zero point would automatically be selected for this purpose (when no
junction loop is set in vertices, it will be the axes intersection vertex; otherwise it will be the junction
loop start point). Thanks to the graphical selection user can immediately see the compensation type
and direction indicated by a colored arrow.
?? Reference choice buttons: these 6 buttons indicate the type of reference to workpiece with which
you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended referred to workpiece edges, or workpiece
midline axes, or to machine zero point. They display read-only values, which may not be altered, their
only purpose being to show the hooking reference being associated with the trimming start-point
coordinates. Such hooking reference is automatically assigned by the program, basing upon that of its
nearest vertex.

?? Tool: is the number assigned to the tool to use to trim workpiece. The key to the left of
the data field, if pressed, allows you to specify the tool name instead of the tool
number, while the key to the right allows you to access a list of all tool currently
available on the head, thus permitting you to choose the most suitable one. As to
trimming tools, the number that will appear in this field can be entered as a default-
parameter. Each time you change this value, also the values displayed in the speed,
depth and tool compensation fields are updated accordingly. The junction loop radius
is modified too, because deemed proportional (by default) to the diameter of the tool
used to perform the trimming work (see here-under).
?? Entry speed: is the speed at which the tool rotates when it penetrates into the wood.
?? Working speed: is the speed at which the tool moves in the wood, in m/min.
?? Rotation speed: is the tool rotation speed, in thousands of laps per minute.
?? Depth: is the programmed working depth.

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?? Pass depth: if set on zero, the cutter passes one time only to perform the work; otherwise there
shall be as many passes of the cutter as necessary to reach the programmed depth. Example: the
programmed depth is 10 mm and the pass depth is set on 3 mm, then the ISO code sees 4 passes, the
which first three will cut 3 mm each and the last one 1 mm only.
?? Junction loop radius: is the attack of the cutter on wood with junction loop, this value is the
radius that such junction route (whose shape is a semi-circle) shall have. This value is proportional (by
default) to the diameter of the tool used to perform the trimming work, therefore it is automatically
updated when the tool changes. It is anyhow possible to use a radius whatever. In this case the button
aside this field should be pushed-in to re-enable the automatic radius calculation in relation with the
tool diameter, after you had entered a value manually (see here-under).
?? Length of the slant along Z-axis: is the length of the slanting portion of route along workpiece
side that tool has to cover before reaching the trimming start point.
?? Set trimming start point: When selecting a trimming work, this button upon which you can select
a new start point on the perimeter along which workpiece shall be trimmed is enabled. Push button in
then point the mouse cursor on the desired start point and click. Once pushed-in it remains down as
long as you haven’t chosen a new start point, then it automatically comes out again.
?? Set junction route start point (set attack point): this key allows you to customize the initial
junction loop (if pushed-in while another type of attack is selected, automatically the attack mode
automatically changes to side attack with junction loop) and decide the junction route start point and
shape (in this case not necessarily a semi-circle). When using this command the junction loop radius
field is disabled (colored in gray and up again) to remind user that it is not pertinent to the current
junction loop.
?? Description: is the description, if any, of the programmed machining.
?? Trimming junction radius: this parameter is intended as the junction radius applied on the rough
workpiece vertices during the trimming work.
?? Compensation without junction: parameter K is entered in the G41 and G42 ISO instructions to
activate the compensation mode in which no junction is created on the vertices of the compensated
?? Generate Q: if disabled, parameter Q is not entered in the G41 and G42 ISO instructions and
compensation is carried out using only the tool radius, whereas when ticked off, the compensation
field is enabled and the value therein is attributed to parameter Q for the compensation.

?? Compensation radius: is the “generate Q” parameter ticked off, this field is enabled too and used
for the computation of the compensation radius, independently from the tool radius value.

Once data input is completed, if you click on “OK” a trimming work is created on the upper
horizontal face or, if you click on “CANCEL”, the whole operation is aborted. In both cases the dialog
box is then disabled and the “trimming” button on the control bar is re-enabled. Important: in phase of
creation, instead of clicking on “OK” you may double-click on the workpiece drawing in the position
where you want to create a trimming. This command, if associated to an appropriate use of the
trimming default parameters, allows you to create a trimming work in the twinkling of an eye. Finally,
have a look on the machinings’ tree: once a trimming was created, you can see the tree has a new
junction, whose representation is a panel with dotted outlines, as a “branch” of the horizontal working
When in selection mode (you understand it from the mouse cursor) you can capture a trimming work
to display its properties and modify them, if desired. So, to select a trimming previously created you
may click with the mouse either on its drawing or on its icon created in the machinings’ tree. In both
cases the selected machining color changes, the relevant junction on the tree is highlighted and the
dialog box we have described here above is displayed. Will you change some values, you can
immediately verify the effects thereof on the drawing even before confirming the modification made
with a mouse click on “OK”. Will you click on “Cancel” instead, the modifications made are annulled
and the previous data is restored.
At last we wish to recall you that trimming works may be programmed only from and on the
horizontal surface.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.4.8. Routing
A routing or spindle molding work is a machining consisting in having a routing tool cutting the
wood along a profile whatever that had been previously drawn. The profile or shape drawing is
examined in another chapter of this book. In this paragraph we shall describe only the creation of
the execution program. More routing works may be programmed on the same workpiece; in this
case we’ll use the term “multiple routings”. Click on the aside-illustrated key to create a routing work on a
workpiece. Upon selection of this key the data chart is immediately updated insofar as it will display all the
necessary fields to program a routing. The first data chart page displayed is the one titled “standard”, that
contains the most frequently used (and changed) data, whereas the second page, titled “advanced”, is dedicated
to information less subject to be modified by users.
Type of Change Move start junction
compensation direction point
Type of attack choice

?? Type of compensation: differently from trimming works where the compensation may only
be external, in routing works it can be programmed as user desires. User may choose no compensation
at all, compensation on the right or compensation on the left (with respect to the routing tool feed
direction). According to the compensation type chosen, one of the two penetration sides may not be
admitted; in this case the relevant button would automatically be disabled. Moreover, the side on
which to perform the routing may be changed if incompatible with the preset compensation type.
?? Change machining direction: this key allows reversing the sense in which the tool moves
along the profile to rout (from clockwise to anticlockwise and vice-versa). Each time you change the
direction you must change the type of compensation too (from left to right or vice-versa), if you chose
any, so that the side on which the routing is performed remains unaltered.
?? Type of attack: these 4 buttons allow user to select amongst those available (vertical, with
junction loop on the left, with junction loop on the right, slanted along Z axis). Selecting one type
automatically excludes any other one and to each type of attack is associated some default information
so that as soon as you select a type of attack, the associated default-information is automatically
proposed in the data chart. Follows a short description of the various attack modes:
- Vertical attack: the cutter moves above workpiece to the routing start point where it starts
rotating and vertically lowers down to the programmed depth. Then it starts moving forward along the
profile until it has reached the start point again, where it vertically exits the wood again.
- Side attack: the cutter moves to a given point aside the routing start point, penetrates into the
wood then it moves forward along an arc of circle that connects the penetration point with the routing
start point (also called entry junction loop). Then it starts moving forward along the profile until it has

MW310 – Project Windows
reached the start point again, where it exits the wood covering an arc of circle (or exit junction loop)
that is the mirror-copy of the previous one.
- Slanting attack along axis Z: the cutter moves above workpiece to a given point at distance x
from the routing start point. Then it starts to rotate and lowers along the Z-axis while
contemporaneously moving forward until it reaches the routing start point. Then it stops lowering and
only moves forward along the profile to rout until it has reached the start point again, where it exits
the wood again in the opposite mode with respect to the entry.
?? Routing start point co-ordinates: X1 and Y1 are the values, expressed in the current measurement
unit, respectively on axis X and Y of the start point position, i.e. the point where the routing
effectively begins at the preset depth. These co-ordinates may be entered only graphically clicking
with the mouse in the desired position on the workpiece drawing. Should no start point be entered, the
first vertex of the figure would automatically be selected for this purpose. Thanks to the graphical
selection user can immediately see the compensation type and direction indicated by a colored arrow.
?? Reference choice buttons: the 6 buttons located beside the hole coordinates, identify the selected
type of reference to the workpiece, that is to say whether the displayed values are referred to one of
the workpiece edges or to the workpiece midline axes. They display read-only values, which may not
be altered, their only purpose being to show the hooking reference being associated with the trimming
start-point coordinates. Such hooking reference is automatically assigned by the program, basing upon
that of its nearest vertex.

?? Tool: is the number assigned to the routing tool to use. The key to the left of the data
field, if pressed, allows you to specify the tool name instead of the tool number, while
the key to the right allows you to access a list of all tool currently available on the
head, thus permitting selection of most suitable one. The number that will appear in
this field can be entered as a default-parameter in creation phase. Each time you
change this value, also the values displayed in the speed, depth and tool compensation
fields are updated accordingly. The junction loop radius is modified too, because
deemed proportional (by default) to the diameter of the tool used to perform the
routing work (see here-under).
?? Tilting angle: this function is enabled only in case of tools being assembled on tilting spindles. It
allows setting the tool inclination with reference to the horizontal axis.
?? Entry speed: is the speed at which the tool rotates when it penetrates into the wood.
?? Working speed: is the speed at which the tool moves in the wood, in m/min.
?? Rotation speed: is the tool rotation speed, in thousands of laps per minute.
?? Depth: is the programmed working depth.
?? Pass depth: if set on zero, the cutter passes one time only to perform the work; otherwise there
shall be as many passes of the cutter as necessary to reach the programmed depth. Example: the
programmed depth is 10 mm and the pass depth is set on 3 mm, then the ISO code sees 4 passes, the
which first three will cut 3 mm each and the last one 1 mm only.
?? Junction loop radius: is the attack of the cutter on wood with junction loop, this value is the
radius that such junction route (whose shape is a semi-circle) shall have. This value is proportional (by
default) to the diameter of the routing tool used, therefore it is automatically updated when the tool
changes. It is anyhow possible to use a radius whatever. In this case the button aside this field should
be pushed-in to re-enable the automatic radius calculation in relation with the tool diameter, after you
had entered a value manually (see here-under).
?? Length of the slant along Z-axis: is the length of the slanting portion of route along workpiece
side that tool has to cover before reaching the routing start point.
?? Set routing start point: When selecting an already existing routing, this button upon which you
can select the start point on the profile to rout is enabled and allows you to change it. Push button in
then point the mouse cursor on the desired start point and click. Once pushed-in it remains down as
long as you haven’t chosen a new start point, then it automatically comes out again.
?? Set junction route start point (set attack point): this key (enabled only with already existing
routings) allows you to customize the initial junction loop (if pushed-in while another type of attack is
selected, automatically the attack mode automatically changes to side attack with junction loop) and

MW310 – Project Windows
decide the junction route start point and shape (in this case not necessarily a semi-circle). When using
this command the junction loop radius field is disabled (colored in gray and up again) to remind user
that it is not pertinent to the current junction loop.
?? Symmetry choice buttons: these 3 buttons (that may be selected all together if desired) allow you
to create simultaneously also mirror-copies of the programmed machining, where the symmetry axis is
the one shown on the selected button. Example: when creating a routing, should you push-in the first
button (symmetry with respect to axis X) then click on “OK”, two profiles are created, one of which is
exactly positioned as per the values entered and the other one being its mirror-copy, whose values are
symmetric with respect of workpiece midline along the X axis.
?? Description: is the description, if any, of the programmed machining.
?? Sharp edges if enabled, the edges in the figure will be routed without junction and kept sharp.
?? Compensation without junction: parameter K is entered in the G41 and G42 ISO instructions to
activate the compensation mode in which no junction is created on the edges of the compensated
?? Generate Q: if disabled, parameter Q is not entered in the G41 and G42 ISO instructions and
compensation is carried out using only the tool radius, whereas when ticked off, the compensation
field is enabled and the value therein is attributed to parameter Q for the compensation.
?? Compensation radius: is the “generate Q” parameter ticked off, this field is enabled too and used
for the computation of the compensation radius, independently from the tool radius value.

?? Change of direction on symmetrical workpiece: if this checkbox is selected when a

workpiece is being executed in the machine symmetrical area, the routing direction will be
?? Tool management for symmetrical workpiece: if this checkbox is selected, the data contained in
the fields it enables, the ones defining the tool and its speed of rotation, will apply whenever a
workpiece is being executed in the machine symmetrical field. Such fields take as default values the
one defining the tool set for routings in non-symmetrical areas and the same speed of rotation, with
opposite sign, set in the first data window.

Once data input is completed, if you click on “OK” a routing is created or, if you click on
“CANCEL”, the whole operation is aborted. In both cases the dialog box is then disabled and the
“routing” button on the control bar is re-enabled. The "Next" button produces the same effect as
clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't quit the table and that you may go on setting
other routing works. Important: if, in phase of creation, you wish to create more identical routings on
a single workpiece, instead of clicking on “OK” once the procedure is completed, it is sufficient to
double-click on the workpiece drawing in the position where you want to create another routing. This
command, if associated to an appropriate use of the routing default parameters, allows you to create
new machinings in the twinkling of an eye. Finally, have a look on the machinings’ tree: you can see
that once a routing was created, the tree has a new junction, whose representation is a routing bit, as a
“branch” of the current working face.
When in selection mode (you understand it from the mouse cursor) you can capture a routing work to
display its properties and modify them, if desired. So, to select a routing previously created you may
click with the mouse either on its drawing or on its icon created in the machinings' tree. In both cases
the selected machining color changes, the relevant junction on the tree is highlighted and the dialog
box we have described here above is displayed. Will you change some values, you can immediately
verify the effects thereof on the drawing even before confirming the modification made with a mouse
click on “OK”. Will you click on “Cancel” instead, the modifications made are annulled and the
previous data is restored. As already explained, you may create more routings on the same workpiece.
In case of overlapping machinings, user is shown the list of all the machinings found in the point
indicated by the cursor when he clicked, for him the one he wants to display and/or modify.
Routings may be performed on all workpiece faces.

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4.4.9. Multiple routings

This function is an advanced version of the previous one. This menu allows selecting several
profiles at the same time and programming, for all workpieces, a routing work having the same
Technological Parameters. This menu window is therefore very similar to the single routing one.
Type of Symmetry choice
compensation buttons

?? Type of attack: these 4 buttons allow user to select amongst those available (vertical, with
junction loop on the left, with junction loop on the right). Selecting one type automatically
excludes any other one and to each type of attack is associated some default information so
that as soon as you select a type of attack, the associated default-information is automatically
proposed in the data chart. Follows a short description of the various attack modes:
- Vertical attack: the cutter moves above workpiece to the routing start point where it lowers
along the z axis to the programmed depth and it starts moving forward along the profile until
it has reached the start point again, where it vertically exits the wood again.
- Side attack: the cutter moves to a given point aside the routing start point, penetrates into the
wood then it moves forward along an arc of circle that connects the penetration point with the
routing start point (also called entry junction loop). Then it starts moving forward along the
profile until it has reached the start point again, where it exits the wood covering an arc of
circle (or exit junction loop) that is the mirror-copy of the previous one.

?? Tool: it is the number assigned to the routing tool that will be used. The key to the left
of the data field, if pressed, allows you to specify the tool name instead of the tool number,
while the key to the right allows you to access a list of all tool currently available on the
head, thus permitting selection of the most suitable one.The number displayed in this field
may be set as a default parameter at routing creation. Each time this value is changed, the
fields defining the speed, the depth and the tool compensation radius are updated
accordingly. The junction loop radius is also modified, since it is proportional, by default,
to the radius of the tool being used to perform the routing work (see below).
?? Tilting angle: this function is enabled only in case of tools being assembled on tilting
spindles. It allows setting the tool inclination with reference to the horizontal axis.
?? Entry speed: it is the speed of the tool when piercing the wood.
?? Working speed: it is the speed at which the tool moves in the wood.
?? Speed of rotation: it is the tool revolving speed in thousands of revolutions per minute.
?? Depth: it is the programmed working depth.

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?? Pass depth: if this value is set to zero, the cutter passes only once to perform the work;
otherwise the cutter will pass as many times as required to reach the set depth. If, for
instance, the set depth is 10 mm and the pass depth is 3 mm, the produced ISO code will
feature 3 passes with 3-mm depth each and a last one with 1-mm depth.
?? Junction loop radius: if an attack with junction loop is set, this value determines the
radius of such junction, which shall have the shape of a semi-circle. Usually, this value is
proportional, by a factor that is set with the program default parameters, to the diameter of
the tool to be used. Which means that when the latter is changed, the former is also
updated. It is anyhow possible to use a radius whatever. The button located beside this
field thus allows re-enabling it, in case it had been previously disabled due to manual
radius setting (see below).
?? Symmetry choice buttons: these three buttons, which may be enabled all together if
desired, allow creating at once mirror copies of the machining being programmed, with
reference to even all three symmetry axes. If for instance you select only the first of the
three buttons (symmetry with respect to the X-axis), while programming a routing work,
and then click on "OK", two cuts would be created, one having the set values and the other
being the mirror-copy of the first one, having symmetric values with reference to the
workpiece midline along the X-axis.
?? Description: in this text box users may optionally enter a description of the routing
work being programmed.
?? Sharp edges: if this button is enabled, the edges in the programmed profile will not be
blended, but will instead be cut as sharp edges.
?? Compensation without junction: in ISO compilation, the K parameter is included in
G41 and G42 instructions to enable the compensation mode, which does not generate
junctions outside the compensated figure edges.
?? Generate Q: If this checkbox is not selected, parameter Q will not be included in G41
and G42 instructions and compensation will be carried out basing upon the tool radius
only. If instead it is selected, the compensation radius field will be enabled and the value it
contains will be associated with parameter Q for compensation.
?? Compensation radius: If the Generate Q checkbox is selected, this field is also enabled
and will be used in working out the compensation radius, regardless of the tool radius
?? Change of direction on symmetrical workpiece: if this checkbox is selected when a
workpiece is being executed in the machine symmetrical area, the routing direction will be
?? Tool management for symmetrical workpiece: if this checkbox is selected, the data
contained in the fields it enables, the ones defining the tool and its speed of rotation, will
apply whenever a workpiece is being executed in the machine symmetrical field. Such
fields take as default values the one defining the tool set for routings in non-symmetrical
areas and the same speed of rotation, with opposite sign, set in the first data window.

After entering all above data, within this menu, you may select as many profiles as you
wish and then confirm by either clicking on "OK" or on "Next". The program will thus
create as many routing works as the number of profiles you selected, all having the same
technological parameters. The only possible attack in this mode is the vertical one. Routing
works created by means of this command may be modified afterwards, just as they had
been individually programmed.
After setting all data, click on "OK" to create the routing works or click on "Cancel" to
abort the whole operation. In both cases the dialog box is disabled and the multiple
routings button on the control bar is re-enabled. The "Next" button produces the same
effect as clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't quit the table and that you

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may go on setting other routing works. Finally please note that after routing works are
created, new junctions, represented by routing-bit icons, are also added to the machinings
tree as "branches" of the current working face.
If the "Cancel" button is instead selected, all modifications are deleted and the machining
will take back on its previous values. As we've already mentioned, new routings more
routings may be created on the same workpiece. In case of overlapping machinings, you
are shown the list of all the machinings that were found in the point you selected by mouse
clicking; you may thus choose the one you want to display and/or modify.

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4.4.10. Advanced modification of a machining

The last button of the control bar first set of keys allows to access some very helpful functions
aimed at operating more radical and sophisticated changes on the machinings than those possible
simply changing values in a data chart.

As explained before, a dedicated menu, activated by a click on the drawing with the right mouse
button, allows you to access some of these functions that we’ll now examine in details. When
pushing-in this button some selected machinings are de-selected and the advanced modification chart
is displayed as usual in the lower part of the screen. Now you may select more objects at once, either
clicking on them in succession (an object previously selected will thus be de-selected) or by means of
a selection window, which outlines are traced by means of the mouse and which includes all the
desired machinings.
The keys found on the upper edge of the chart are similar to a tool bar: indeed, each key is associated
a specific function that may be executed either with the mouse or with the keyboard, obviously used
to fill-in the various fields and activate the keys of the chart. With the aim of guiding user in his work,
the pertinent fields and keys are automatically enabled while those not inherent to the selected
function are disabled. Once you have completed the modification process, exit the advanced
modification page. The above-mentioned chart is now disabled, once again so to facilitate user’s steps.
All keys are initially disabled. But as soon as at least one machining is selected, they are activated
again. Important: not all keys are enabled for all types of machinings (if the relevant function is not
pertinent for this type of work) and if selecting more machinings of various types at once, only the
function keys that are compatible with all the selected machinings are enabled. E.g.: rotation cannot be
applied to a fitting work or a cut, but it can to aligned holes. Identically, symmetry with respect to a
straight line whatever or scaling do not apply to all machinings.
Proceed as follows: first select the machining(s) to modify, then click on the specific key to achieve a
given modification. Indeed, once a modification key was pushed-in no further machining can be
selected and be affected thereby. Delete

Simply push-in to delete the selected machining(s). A prompt is displayed that asks user to
confirm deletion before proceeding, thus preventing accidental deletion or the removal of the wrong

MW310 – Project Windows Relative motion

This key allows moving one or more machinings by a given offset (on X and Y axes) with
respect to its/their current position. This operation may be commanded either with the mouse or with
the keyboard. Relative displacement with the mouse

Once you have pushed the “relative displacement” key shown above click on a point whatever of the
drawn machining to capture it. Now slide the mouse on its mat to drag the selected machining(s) on
the drawing up to the desired point, then drop it with a click of the mouse, thus confirming the
displacement made. In the data chart you can see the extent of the displacement displayed in the offset
fields. Relative displacement upon value input in the chart

Pushing-in the above-shown key enables the offset on X and offset on Y fields. Will you enter a value
in those fields and confirm them by pressure of the “OK” button, automatically the concerned
machining is shifted by the entered value (e.g.: a machining at value 100 on axis X will be shifted to
value 500 on axis X if the entered offset on X value was 400). Move to absolute value

This function allows you to move a machining up to a given point on the working face. Push-
in the illustrated key then select a point whatever on the current working face; all the selected
machinings shall be “hooked” to such point and shifted along a distance equal to the distance between
this point and the point whose co-ordinates are the X and Y values previously entered in the relevant
fields (that appear enabled). This function is very practical since once you have entered a given value,
when you select a point of a figure, you can move the latter to a very precise position on the working
face. As you can understand, this function requires both the use of the mouse and of the keyboard to
enter the destination point absolute co-ordinates. Copy at relative values

This function is used in the same way as the relative motion function. The only difference is that
the selected machining(s) also remain in their original position and it is a copy thereof that is
created by a given offset (on X and Y axes) with respect to its/their original position. You can also
notice that the copy made is added as a new junction of the machinings’ tree. Copy at absolute value

This function allows you to copy a machining in a given point on the working face. Push-in
the illustrated key then select a point whatever on the current working face; all the selected
machinings shall be “hooked” to such point and copied at a distance there from equal to the distance
between this point and the point whose co-ordinates are the X and Y values previously entered in the
relevant fields (that appear enabled). This function is very practical since once you have entered a
given value, when you select a point of a figure, you can copy the latter in a very precise position on
the working face. As you can understand, this function requires both the use of the mouse and of the
keyboard to enter the destination point absolute co-ordinates. Rotate
This key is used to rotate a machining. This operation can be achieved either intuitively with
the mouse or filling-in the relevant fields in the data chart, which are the rotation center and the angle
with respect to axis X.

MW310 – Project Windows Rotate with the mouse

With a mouse click you choose the rotation center then you capture and drag the concerned machining
up to the desired inclination. The rotation occurs in real time and a mouse click will confirm the whole
procedure. Rotate upon value input in the chart

Pushing-in the above-shown key enables the rotation center and inclination fields. Will you enter a
value in those fields and confirm them by pressure of the “OK” button, automatically the concerned
machining is rotated by the entered values. Scale
Scaling of a machining requires a reference point (becoming the scaling center) and a scale
factor. The selected machining is then shifted to the entered reference point and scaled as per the
entered enlargement factor. Scale with the mouse

With a mouse click you choose the scaling center then the final point. The farer the final point is from
the initial one, the bigger the scale factor is. You can see the machining being enlarged in real time.
Upon completion of the enlargement the distances previously selected with mouse clicks are
converted into values that appear in the relevant fields of the data chart. Scale upon value input in the chart

Pushing-in the above-shown key enables the scaling center and scale factor fields. Will you enter a
value in those fields and confirm them by pressure of the “OK” button, automatically the concerned
machining is scaled in relation to the entered values. This function is very useful in those cases where
a direct graphic enlargement is not possible. Mirror-copy with respect to the axes

These 3 buttons aim at creating mirror-copies of selected machinings with respect to the
Cartesian axes (only X, only Y, both X and Y), or better said with respect to the workpiece midlines
running along such axes. This function is available only in creation phase. Will you push-in one of
these keys and confirm upon key “OK”, a new machining is created in symmetric position, with
respect to the concerned axis/axes midline, to the original one. A new junction is created in the
machinings’ tree. Mouse is not required to achieve this operation. Mirror-copy with respect to a straight-line

This function aims at creating mirror-copies of selected machinings with respect to a straight line
whatever. Mirror-copy with the mouse

With a mouse click you choose the 2 extremities of the symmetry line and the creation of the mirror-
copy is automatic. Upon completion the co-ordinates of the symmetric copies appear in the relevant
fields of the data chart. Mirror-copy upon value input in the chart

Enter the co-ordinates of the 2 extremities of the symmetry line then push key “OK”. The creation of
the mirror-copy is then automatic.

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4.4.11. Turning geometrical elements into machinings

This command allows turning geometrical elements, which have either been created by
Masterwork or imported from external CAD programs, into machinings complete with
technological parameters. Particularly you may turn:

- circles into vertical holes;

- lines into horizontal, vertical or slanting groove-cuttings;
- rectangles into horizontal holes.
When you acces the data input table, all fields it contains are disabled and you may
only use the buttons located on the upper left-hand side of the window. These buttons
allow you selecting the kind of conversion you want to use, among the above-listed
ones. According to your choice, you will then be able to select one or moe circles,

lines or rectangles - these selections are all mutually exclusive-.

?? Types of machinings: by clicking on these buttons you may choose the kind of boring
or cutting work you want to be performed (vertical or horizontal holes, groove-cutting along
the X-axis, the Y-axis or even a slanting one, with either of the available modes, that is to
say through either the groove-cutting end points or its length and angle with respect to the
X-axis). According to the button being pressed, the required fields will be enabled. The

buttons relating to the groove-cuttings along the X or Y-axis allow only selecting horizontal
or vertical elements, while the buttons corresponding to the two slanting groove-cutting
modes allow selecting any segment. Please note that you may only select as rectangles to be
turned into horizontal holes, those having one of the sides adjacent to the upper face edge.
?? Type of drill: these 4 buttons allow you to choose, amongst those available on
machine, the type of drill to use (standard, countersinking, V-point or flat drill). Selecting
one type automatically excludes any other one and to each type of drill is associated the
following default information: a slowdown mode, a rotation speed, a diameter and two
slowdown depths, set by user in the default-setting program. So, as soon as you select a type
of drill, the associated default-information is automatically proposed in the data chart.
Anyhow these values are not binding; user shall consider them as suggestions and may
change them any time, as he desires.
?? Slowdown mode: these 4 buttons allow you to choose, amongst those available on
machine, the type of slowdown you want to apply when drilling the current hole. Selecting
one type automatically excludes any other one. To each type of slowdown is associated the

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following default information: the rotation speed and slowdown depths, set by user in the
default-setting program.
?? Z coordinate: it is the hole value along the Z-axis
?? Reference choice buttons: these buttons, located beside the hole value, indicate the
type of reference to workpiece with which you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are
intended as referred to workpiece upper or lower edge, or to workpiece center. If you click
on one of these buttons with the left mouse button you only set the new reference, therefore
the numeric value entered changes to adapt to such new reference; but if you click on one of
these buttons with the right mouse button you set the new reference and the numeric value
entered remains unaltered, therefore the hole position changes.
?? Depth: it is the hole or grooving-cut depth. With horizontal holes, it is inferred by
the rectangle position and dimensions.
?? Groove-cutting width: it defines the width of the set groove-cut. If theset tool has a
smaller thickness than this value, the generated ISO code will include several saw
passings, up to produce the required width.
?? Larghezza del taglio: indica la larghezza desiderata per il taglio impostato. Nel caso
l’utensile impostato abbia spessore minore di questo valore, il codice ISO prodotto
conterrà più passate effettuate con la lama fino ad ottenere la larghezza richiesta.
?? Entry speed: is the speed at which the tool rotates when it penetrates into the wood
and it is given in m/min.
?? Velocità di lavorazione: indica la velocità con cui la lama si muove nel legno.
?? Description: is the description, if any, of the programmed machining.
?? Saw tool: it is the code number of the tool being used for the machining, Ifhe button
located on the left of the textbox is pressed, it means that you want to indicate the
name of the tool instead of its number. The button on the right, instead, displays the
list of all the available tools for that head, so that you may select the most appropriate
one. Usually, when a new groove-cutting is being generated, this field is
automatically filled by the program that searches for the first available saw on the
head and enters its ID number code. If there’s no saw, an error message will be
?? Rotating speed: it is the tool rotatine speed given in thousands of rpm.
?? Diameter: it is the diameter of the drill being used, that is to say the hole diameter.
?? Diameter enabling: it enables the fields where the diameter value may be entered. If
this check box is enabled, all selected circles will be turned into holes having the
same diameter, which corresponds to the set value; if it is disabled, each hole will
have the diameter corresponding to the circle it has been generated from.
?? Drill tool: it is the number code of the tool being used for boring. If boring
optimization is enabled, this field is ignored and has np effect. If the button located
on the left of the box is pressed down, it means that you want to specify the name of
the tool, instead of its number The button on the right, instead, displays the list of all
the available tools for that head, so that you may select the most appropriate one.

Once data input is completed, clicking on “OK” or “Next” produces a number of machinings
corresponding to the number of selected elements and having the same technological
parameters they have. If you click on “CANCEL”, the whole operation is aborted. The
"Next" button produces the same effect as clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you
don't quit the table and that you may go on transforming other elements. Finally notice that,
after machining creation, new junctions, represented by a vertical drill, have been added to
the machining tree as “branches” of the current working face.

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The Lamello connection fitting can be processed on 4-axis or 5-axis machines. Every machine has a
different processing system.

Use a blade/mill specific for this type of processing.

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The blade/mill has the same radius as the Lamello connection fitting; therefore, perform a side
displacement to make the profile (interpolation is not required).

This processing can be performed on any angle and on any section of the panel.

the holes can be made with the drilling head. Otherwise, add an inclined aggregate which will mount
the drill bit

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The icon of the Lamello connection fitting function is found in the "modify processing" menu.

Below is the description of the various programming fields.

Point 1:
s the
since it
varies depending on the type of Lamello connection fitting. We recommend increasing its value by at
least 1 mm.

Point 2: indicates the Lamello connection fitting width. Pay attention to indicate one that is supported
by the tool you are using.
Example: if you have a Lamello connection fitting with a 7 mm wide cutting edge and a 4 mm blade
body, the processing will be maximum
(7-4)+7=10 mm wide, otherwise the blade body will be touched.

Point 3: indicates the direction of axis C (only on the upper surface). It is essential to indicate the
angles correctly to prevent collisions (see figure)

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The arrows indicate the position of the head (4-axis machine) or of the pantograph (5-axis machine).
With a 5-axis machine the arrows must go on the opposite side to prevent collisions between the
pantograph and the panel.

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Point 4: indicates the Lamello connection fitting inclination compared to the application surface
Depending on the various machine configurations, check the angle to be set.

Point 5: indicates the distance from the edge of the panel where the keyhole must be made (with
reference to the centre). This hole can be made with the CU pantograph or with the drilling bits. If the
Lamello connection fitting is not perpendicular to the surface, use the pantograph to direct axis A
perpendicular to the processing.
Attention!! When you choose the tool to make the keyhole, no coherence check is performed.
Therefore, you can program a keyhole on the upper surface using a horizontal bit and vice-versa.
The keyhole can also be programmed on the left side of the panel by indicating a horizontal bit
directed to the left (e.g. T37 or T38)

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Currently it is not possible to make keyholes on Lamello connection fittings with direction angles
(point 3) other than those known.
Automatic distribution

Put the check where indicated in the figure to enable automatic distribution of the Lamello
connection fitting. The additional fields to be filled out are 3:

A: indicates the height where the first Lamello connection fitting is to be placed (with centre

B: indicates the height where the last Lamello connection fitting is to be placed (with centre

N: indicates the number of Lamello connection fittings to be placed (minimum 2)

- progression always goes from minus to plus

- indicate an angle of 0° or 180° to place the Lamello connection fittings in X or indicate an angle of
90° or 270° to place them in Y
- it is not possible to fit the Lamello connection fittings obliquely or with angles other than those

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Example of Lamello connection fitting

As shown in the figure, point 1 is at 50 mm from the left edge of the panel (because the zero in X
starts from the left). On the other hand, point 2 is at 10 mm from the right edge, and point 3 indicates
the number of Lamello connection fittings (equidistant between them) to be placed within the
indicated range

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4.5. CAD

The CAD section of Masterwork includes all basic functions for drawing and thus creating geometric
objects (polylines) on a workpiece. Actually all drawings produced with the CAD tool are polylines,
i.e. objects that are made up of segments (and with this term we call both straight segments and curved
lines) and vertices. After their creation these polylines can be used as profiles to be routed if the CAD
file is turned into a machining file, as explained in the previous section.
The drawing functions are accessed upon the second set of keys of the control bar found on the right
side of the screen. Each of these keys, upon its pressure, opens a specific data chart that user will fill-
in, thus producing the requested drawing (or part of it). Just as with the Interactive program, with the
CAD program user can create and draw new polylines and modify existing polylines. Now let us see
these tools in details!

4.5.1. Drawing polylines

The first button of the page dedicated to drawing functions (see figure underneath) allows user
to carry-out guided construction of new polylines. The data chart is zero-set in real time and user can
immediately enter the polyline first point co-ordinates.

?? Polyline first point co-ordinates: X0 and Y0 are the values respectively on axis X and Y of the
first point position, expressed in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may be keyed-in on
the keyboard or entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the desired position on the drawing.
When you enter in these fields the co-ordinates of the end point of a previously created polyline, the
next steps will be a prolongation of the old polyline, insofar as any new segment will be appended
?? Reference choice buttons: the 6 buttons aside the first point co-ordinates fields indicate the type
of reference to workpiece with which you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended
referred to workpiece edges, or workpiece midline axes. If you click on one of these buttons with the
left mouse button you only set the new reference, therefore the numeric value entered changes to
adapt to such new reference; but if you click on one of these buttons with the right mouse button you
set the new reference but the numeric value entered remains unaltered, therefore the polyline first
point position changes.
?? Depth: it is possible to associate every vertex of a polyline a specific depth. In this case the
general routing depth will not apply to such vertex that, on the contrary, shall be routed at the specific

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depth entered for this vertex. Before keying-in any value in this field, it is necessary to enable it
ticking off the box aside.
?? Enable Z value: Tick off to enable the input of a specific routing depth for a vertex. You can then
key-in a specific depth at which to rout only the concerned vertex, independently from the general
routing depth entered.
The routing start point can be entered either upon the keyboard, filling-in the relevant fields of the
data chart, or by a mouse click on the drawing. It is necessary then to click on “OK” to confirm the
data input or to double click on the workpiece drawing, in the desired position. A new chart is
displayed that contains all the available CAD functions. From this moment, when moving the mouse
on workpiece, a dotted line (whose form may vary, as we’ll see in the following) will constantly
connect the mouse pointer to the last entered point. This feature allows user to add new elements to
the existing polyline in an even easier and intuition-based way while recalling him that the final point
of the last set segment is the start point of the new appended segment.

?? X1 and Y1 co-ordinates: are the values respectively on axis X and Y of the last point of a
segment or an arc of circle (but in case of arcs defined by 3 points, these are the co-ordinates of the
intermediate point), expressed in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may be keyed-in
on the keyboard or entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the desired position on the
workpiece drawing.
?? X2 and Y2 co-ordinates: are the values respectively on axis X and Y of the last point of a arc of
circle defined by 3 points, or of the center of an arc (in the which case they become “Cx” and “Cy”),
expressed in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may be keyed-in on the keyboard or
entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the desired position on the workpiece drawing.
?? Reference choice buttons: the 6 buttons aside the first point co-ordinates fields indicate the type
of reference to workpiece with which you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended
referred to workpiece edges, or workpiece midline axes, or to machine zero point. If you click on one
of these buttons with the left mouse button you only set the new reference, therefore the numeric value
entered changes to adapt to such new reference; but if you click on one of these buttons with the right
mouse button you set the new reference but the numeric value entered remains unaltered, therefore the
concerned point position changes.
?? Absolute/relative value buttons: Enable the relevant buttons marked with the symbol “? ” to turn
the input co-ordinates (in mm/inches or degrees) into relative values, i.e. as referred to the last vertex
(for metric/imperial values) or the last segment (for angles).
?? Segment length: field in which to enter a segment’s length.
?? Radius: field in which you may enter the radius of an arc for those functions that require this
?? Angle: field to use to enter the inclination degree as well of segments and of arc tangents.
?? Arc width (or central angle): field to use to enter the width of the angle in the center of an arc, if
?? Depth: it is possible to associate every vertex of a polyline a specific depth. In this case the
general routing depth will not apply to such vertex that, on the contrary, shall be routed at the specific
depth entered for this vertex. Before keying-in any value in this field, it is necessary to enable it
ticking off the box aside.
?? Enable Z value: Tick off to enable the input of a specific routing depth for the last vertex of the
current segment. You can then key-in a specific depth at which to rout only the concerned vertex,
independently from the general routing depth entered. It is possible to associate every vertex of a
polyline a different depth. In this case, when turning the profile into a routing, the general routing
depth will apply only to the vertices for which no specific routing depth was entered, while the others
shall be routed at the specific depth entered. The machining will therefore be performed with a linear
interpolation on axis Z between vertices at various depths.
?? “Next” button: allows to confirm the data entered on the current polyline element and to go on
with the polyline construction appending a new segment on its extremity. If drawing with the mouse
this key is useless (the “next” command is automatic).

MW310 – Project Windows

?? “Stop” button: confirms the data entered on the current polyline element and terminates the
polyline construction with the last segment or arc entered before push-in this key, while the data chart
is disabled.
?? “Cancel” button: disables the data chart after deletion of the last entered segment or arc. Was the
polyline made up of one element only, it is completely removed.
The data input chart is very similar to the one used to create machinings: a tool bar in the upper part
allows to select the type of element to add to the polyline (arc or linear segment) and with what type
of data (e.g. an arc may be constructed defining either 3 points, or the 2 extremities and the center, and
so on). Each of these buttons enables only the necessary fields. In this case too, data may be entered
either directly with the mouse on the workpiece drawing or keyed-in upon the keyboard.
After every new entry you must press the “Next” command or, whenever you want, the “Stop”
command: the only difference is that when pushing-in the “Next” button you save the information
entered until then and you can go on adding elements to the current polyline while when pushing-in
the “Stop” button you save the information entered until then and terminate, because no further
element my be appended and the data chart is no longer accessible. Remember that you may also
terminate a polyline with a mouse double-click and that if setting as last point of a segment the first
point of the polyline, the latter is automatically closed and terminated. Also mind that the depth at
which to rout the final extremity of a segment must be entered before confirming with “Next” or
“Stop”. Segment defined by 2 points

This is the default mode proposed when opening the program. It allows adding a new segment to
the polyline upon indication of its final point (the initial point corresponds to the final point of the last
entered segment). If working with the mouse, simply click on the desired point and the dotted line
(called rubber) becomes a plain line that evidences that a segment was created and a new one may be
appended. If you prefer to enter the final point co-ordinates manually, key them in so that the
appendage is created and push-in key “Next” to confirm and allow the next input. If pushed-in, the
key with symbol “? ” indicates that the entered values are referred to the last entered point and not to
the axes origin, i.e. that the entered values are relative. Tangent segment

This key allows adding to the polyline a new segment that is tangent to the previous one on the
common point. This function is disabled if the last entered segment is NOT an arc. The
construction rubber shows that it is necessary to enter only the final point of this new segment,
because its direction is given by the condition of tangency to the previous arc. Said end point may be
entered either with a mouse click or you may key-in the segment length manually in the chart. Once
again, the “Next” command function is implicit when working with the mouse whereas it is necessary
to press such button when using the keyboard to manually enter some data. Segment defined by length and inclination

Another possibility to construct a segment is to specify its length and inclination. If key with
symbol “? ” is pushed-in, then the entered angle is referred to the previous segment slant (or to the
previous arc tangent) and not to the axes origin. The angle is deemed positive if developing to the
right, otherwise it is negative. Arc defined by 3 points

An easy method to construct an arc is basing it on 3 points: the initial, the final and an intermediate
point whatever. In this case too you may proceed using the mouse and clicking first on the chosen
intermediate point then on the arc end point, where you also benefit on the real time representation
of the arc thus created. You may also enter these points’ co-ordinates upon the keyboard then push-in
the “Next” key made by the rubber. If key with symbol “? ” is pushed-in, then the entered values are
referred to the previous segment end point (which also is the actual arc start point) and not to the axes

MW310 – Project Windows Tangent arcs

This key allows adding to the polyline a new arc that is tangent to the previous element on
the common point. The construction rubber shows that it is necessary to enter only the final point of
this new segment, because its direction is given by the condition of tangency to the previous element.
Said end point may be entered either with a mouse click or you may key-in its co-ordinates manually
in the chart. In the latter case it is necessary to press “Next” to be able to go on with the construction
of the polyline. Arc defined by end point and tangent on the start point
This key allows drawing an arc based on the final point and the slant of the tangent running
through the start point. If proceeding with the mouse, first fix the final point then move the mouse on
its mat to shape the arc as desired with the rubber (the arc being anchored at both extremities, you
only have to decide the curvature). Or you may enter with the keyboard the end point and angle values
in the respective fields of the chart then press “Next” to be able to go on with the construction of the
polyline, or “Stop” to terminate. Arc defined by end point and center

This key allows drawing an arc of circle based on the final point and the center. As usual you can
operate with the mouse clicking first on the final point then on the circle center on the workpiece
drawing or you may enter with these points’ values upon the keyboard then press “Next” to be able to
go on with the construction of the polyline, or “Stop” to terminate. Arc defined by end point and radius

This function is basically identical to the last one described (also the construction rubber is
the same): the only difference is that you choose as second data to enter the circle radius instead of its
center co-ordinates. If using the mouse proceed as above explained, if filling-in the chart upon the
keyboard enter the radius length in the second field then press “Next”. Arc defined by end point and width

This function is basically identical to the last ones described (also the construction rubber is
the same): the only difference is that you choose as second data to enter the arc width. If using the
mouse proceed as above explained, if filling-in the chart upon the keyboard enter the arc width in the
second field then press “Next”. Arc defined by center and width

The data to enter is the arc center co-ordinates and width. If proceeding with the mouse, first fix
the center then move the mouse on its mat to set its width following the rubber (and thus, implicitly,
the arc end point). Or you may enter with the keyboard the arc center and width values in the
respective fields of the chart then press “Next” to be able to go on with the construction of the
polyline, or “Stop” to terminate. Arc defined by radius, initial tangency and width

This key allows adding to the polyline a new arc based on its center, the slant of the tangent
running through its start point and the width of its central angle. If proceeding with the mouse first fix
the center then move the mouse on its mat to set the inclination of the dotted segment running
between the start point and the mouse pointer: this will be the initial tangent. Finally rotate the dotted
segment running between the mouse pointer and the arc center to set the width. Or you may enter
these values in the data chart upon the keyboard, remembering as usually that if key with symbol “? ”

MW310 – Project Windows
is pushed-in, then the entered values are relative (or absolute if this key is out). Then press “Next” to
be able to go on with the construction of the polyline, or “Stop” to terminate. Polyline symmetry

These 3 keys interrupt the polyline construction process seen up to this stage and
introduce a new prolongation modality. Indeed, will you push one of them in, the dotted line that
connects the mouse pointer with the last vertex is cut off and the appending new segments (or arcs)
modality is disabled. Will you now select one of the polyline open extremities you can prolong such
polyline appending there its mirror-copy with respect to the axis shown on the key itself, or to both
Cartesian axes. The symmetry type is chosen upon those 3 keys or with the PgUp and PgDn keys.
Will you choose another time the symmetry direction, you can mirror-copy the new polyline thus
obtained by pressure of key “Next”, and so on. If during one of these subsequent processes of mirror-
copy of always-longer polylines it should happen to close itself (a polyline, even if complex, often
happens to close itself through symmetric duplication), then it cannot be further prolonged and the
“Next” key is therefore effect less. At this stage you can also push-in key “Stop” to save the drawing
made and completely exit the polyline construction menu.

4.5.2. Drawing rectangles

This key allows constructing very easily and quickly a rectangular closed polyline with either
sharp or rounded angles. This latter characteristic is selected upon the two keys in the left upper
part of the chart, pushing-in the key displaying a rectangle with sharp corners or the one showing
a rectangle with rounded corners.

?? X1 and Y1 co-ordinates: are the values respectively on axis X and Y of the rectangle first
vertex, expressed in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may be keyed-in upon the
keyboard or entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the desired position on the workpiece
?? X2 and Y2 co-ordinates: are the values respectively on axis X and Y of the rectangle second
vertex (opposite to the first one). These co-ordinates may be keyed-in upon the keyboard or with a
mouse click in the desired position on the workpiece drawing.
?? Reference choice buttons: the 6 buttons aside the co-ordinates fields indicate the type of
reference to workpiece with which you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended referred
to workpiece edges, or workpiece midline axes, or to machine zero point. If you click on one of these
buttons with the left mouse button you only set the new reference, therefore the numeric value entered
changes to adapt to such new reference; but if you click on one of these buttons with the right mouse
button you set the new reference but the numeric value entered remains unaltered, therefore the
concerned point position changes.
?? Junction loop radius: in case the constructed rectangle has rounded corners, this parameter
indicates the curvature radius to apply to the four vertices.
To create a new rectangle, simply fix the extremities of a diagonal thereof (either with mouse clicks or
entering their co-ordinates with the keyboard). Press key “OK” to confirm only if operating with the
keyboard. Remember that once a rectangle has been drawn, you may go back to it for possible
modifications, just as it happens with other polylines.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.5.3. Drawings circles and ellipses

Just as for rectangles, this key allows to construct very easily and quickly circular or elliptic
closed lines, which drawing with traditional tools is rather difficult. Will you press on this key;
automatically the chart hereunder is displayed. You may then choose upon the two keys in the left
upper part of the chart whether to create a circle or an ellipse.

?? Cx and Cy co-ordinates: are the values respectively on axis X and Y of the circle or ellipse
center, expressed in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may be keyed-in upon the
keyboard or, only for circles, entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the desired position on
the workpiece drawing.
?? Reference choice buttons: the 6 buttons aside the co-ordinates fields indicate the type of
reference to workpiece with which you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended referred
to workpiece edges, or workpiece midline axes, or to machine zero point. If you click on one of these
buttons with the left mouse button you only set the new reference, therefore the numeric value entered
changes to adapt to such new reference; but if you click on one of these buttons with the right mouse
button you set the new reference but the numeric value entered remains unaltered, therefore the
concerned point position changes.
?? Circle radius: is the radius of the circle to draw (only circles).
?? Semi axis along X: is the length of the ellipse semi axis along axis X (only ellipses).
?? Semi axis along Y: is the length of the ellipse semi axis along axis Y (only ellipses).
?? Ellipse inclination: is the inclination, expressed in degrees, of the ellipse to draw with respect to
axis X. To set before the ellipse is drawn.
A circle may be drawn either using the data chart or the mouse: in the latter case you first have to fix
the center then to shift the mouse externally to set the circle radius. As usually press key “OK” if
entering the required data upon the keyboard. As a result a polyline made up of two symmetric arcs
with common extremities and center is created, i.e. a circle.
On the other hand an ellipse can be created only using the data chart and NOT GRAPHICALLY.
Enter the required information in the concerned fields and confirm upon key “OK”. As a result a
polyline made up of more arcs joined together is created, whose final shape is approximately an
ellipse. The number of single arcs it includes mainly depends on the semi axes dimensions. Are the 2
semi axes identical, obviously the final result is a perfect circle made up of only 2 arcs. Remember
that once a circle or an ellipse has been drawn, you may go back to it for possible modifications, just
as it happens with any other polyline.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.5.4. Copy polyline with offset

The offset function allows reproducing a given polyline (whether open or closed) in a different
position that is parallel and aligned with the original one. So closed polylines generate new closed
polylines, with the same shape but proportionally larger or smaller, and all concentric, while open
polylines generate other open polylines, all on the same side.

?? Offset pitch: is the distance between two polylines, one of which is the original one and the
other one generated with this function.
?? Change direction: this key, enabled only with open polylines, allows to decide on which side
of the original polyline to create the larger or smaller copies: thanks to the arrows displayed on the
polyline extremities user may thus see the direction in which the offset develops. You may also
change the direction entering a negative offset pitch. For closed polylines, is the value negative the
copies are drawn internally to the original one (and are always smaller), whereas if the value is
positive the offset runs externally and the copies are always larger.
?? “Next” button: allows creating a new polyline at the set offset from the previous one.
?? “Back” button: allows deleting the last copy generated.
Once you have selected the polyline to reproduce with an offset, enter the pitch and upon the direction
button (or with keys PgUp + PgDn) the offset direction. As explained above, the latter step is possible
only with open polylines. With closed polylines the offset usually develops outwardly, so to create
smaller copies internally you must give the pitch a negative value. Will you now press key “Next” a
new polyline is created at the given offset, and a new one again pressing the “Next” key again, and so
on until the available space is completely occupied (and the “Next” button is disabled). Will you press
key “Back” you remove the last created polyline, and the previous one again pressing the “Back” key
again, and so on until there is no other polyline to delete (and the “Back” button is disabled). Click on
“Cancel” to delete the last polyline and exit this function or click on “Stop” to exit this function.
Please note that a dialog box is displayed, allowing to abort the creation of highly complicated
polylines and offsets, which take a long time for their computation.

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4.5.5. Polyline deformation

A polyline or part of it may be “hooked” (tied) to workpiece, therefore, if the dimensions of the
latter change, the bound polyline is consequently deformed. The illustrated key gives access to
this particular modification function. The dialog window displayed only contains a small tool bar
made up of 4 keys corresponding to the functions available to achieve a deformation.

The deformation applies to the portion of polyline (or to the complete polyline) included in the
rectangular selection box created with the mouse. This selection area shall contain specific points of
the polyline through which it is tied to workpiece edges or midpoint. These connection points along
each axis are referred to the maximum value of the selected polyline portion, the minimum value, the
start point co-ordinates and the end-point co-ordinates. Deformation is performed independently
along axis X and axis Y, in accordance with the workpiece dimensions variation and with the
references set for the above-mentioned specific points. Set deformation

Once you have selected the polyline, you must indicate which part of it shall be subject to
deformation. Therefore create a selection box (clicking with the mouse on two opposite vertices
thereof) that contains the complete portion of polyline, or the entire polyline, which you intend to
The concerned polyline portion is then automatically enclosed in a rectangle whose dimensions are the
overall dimensions of the selected portion. The deformation basic points appear along the X and Y
axes of such rectangle, maximum four of them per side. Now you must define for only two of these
basic points the type of reference to the workpiece edges that characterize the deformation to perform.
This operation is made upon the reference choice buttons found aside the deformation basic points:
clicking on them with the mouse opens a dialog box that includes all the possible types of bonds
available for this specific vertex and along this specific axis, i.e. as well those related to workpiece
edge or center and the proportional bond (the segment which the selected extremity belongs to is made
proportional to workpiece dimension along such axis). Once you have set all bonds press key “OK” to
exit the deformation setting function and the deformed portion is displayed in a different color on the
workpiece drawing. Very important: it is not possible to modify a polyline that is subject to
deformation. Modify deformation references points

Select the polyline portion (or the entire polyline) subject to deformation. The deformation basic
points appear together with the references to the workpiece edges that characterize the deformation.
Now you can select with the mouse the basic points references simply clicking on the keys that
represent such references. A dialog box is opened that contains the various types of references
amongst which you can choose the most suitable one.

MW310 – Project Windows Remove deformation

This command is used to remove the deformation from the polyline portion (or the entire polyline)
that was subject to it. Simply select the concerned part with the mouse after you has pushed-in the
here-aside illustrated key. Restore workpiece primary dimensions

When you command a deformation, the primary workpiece dimensions are automatically
memorized. With this key you can restore them so that workpiece turns to its primary look.

4.5.6. Advanced modification of a polyline

This button allows to access some very helpful functions aimed at operating more radical and
sophisticated changes on entire polylines (and not only on single segments thereof, a type of
modification that we’ll explain in the following of this guide). As usually the object to modify
must be selected before. You may also select more objects at once, either clicking on them in
succession (an object previously selected will thus be de-selected) or by means of a selection window
the which outlines are traced by user with the mouse and which includes all the desired polylines.

The keys found on the upper edge of the chart are similar to a tool bar: indeed, each key is associated
a specific function that may be executed either with the mouse or with the keyboard, obviously used
to fill-in the various fields and activate the keys of the chart. With the aim of guiding user in his work,
the pertinent fields and keys are automatically enabled while those not inherent to the selected
function are disabled. Once you have completed the modification process, exit the advanced
modification page. The above-mentioned chart is now disabled, once again so to facilitate user’s steps.
All keys are initially disabled. But as soon as at least one polyline is selected, they are activated again.
As you can see the above-illustrated chart is absolutely identical to that of the advanced modification
of machinings. Nevertheless, if accessed through the polyline advanced modification key, the chart
can be used only to modify POLYLINES. Delete
Simply push-in to delete the selected polyline(s). A prompt is displayed that asks user to confirm
deletion before proceeding, thus preventing accidental deletion or the removal of the wrong
polyline. Relative motion

This key allows moving one or more polylines by a given offset (on X and Y axes) with respect to
its/their current position. This operation may be commanded either with the mouse or with the

MW310 – Project Windows Relative displacement with the mouse

Once you have pushed the “relative displacement” key shown above click on a point whatever of the
drawn polyline to capture it. Now slide the mouse on its mat to drag the selected polyline(s) on the
drawing up to the desired point, then drop it with a click of the mouse, thus confirming the
displacement made. In the data chart you can see the extent of the displacement displayed in the offset
fields. Relative displacement upon value input in the chart

Pushing-in the above-shown key enables the offset on X and offset on Y fields. Will you enter a value
in those fields and confirm them by pressure of the “OK” button, automatically the concerned polyline
is shifted by the entered value. Move to absolute value

This function allows you to move a polyline up to a given point on the working face. Push-in the
illustrated key then select a point whatever on the current working face; all the selected polylines
shall be “hooked” to such point and shifted along a distance equal to the distance between this point
and the point whose co-ordinates are the X and Y values previously entered in the relevant fields (that
appear enabled). This function is very practical since once you have entered a given value, when you
select a point of a figure, you can move the latter to a very precise position on the working face. As
you can understand, this function requires both the use of the mouse and of the keyboard to enter the
destination point absolute co-ordinates. Copy at relative value

This function is used in the same way as the relative motion function. The only difference is that
the selected polyline(s) also remain in their original position and it is a copy thereof that is created
by a given offset (on X and Y axes) with respect to its/their original position. Copy at absolute value

This function allows you to copy a polyline in a given point on the working face. Push-in the
illustrated key then select a point whatever on the current working face; all the selected polylines
shall be “hooked” to such point and copied at a distance there from equal to the distance between
this point and the point whose co-ordinates are the X and Y values previously entered in the relevant
fields (that appear enabled). This function is very practical since once you have entered a given value,
when you select a point of a figure, you can copy the latter in a very precise position on the working
face. As you can understand, this function requires both the use of the mouse and of the keyboard to
enter the destination point absolute co-ordinates. Rotate
This key is used to rotate a polyline. This operation can be achieved either intuitively with the
mouse or filling-in the relevant fields in the data chart, which are the rotation center and the angle
with respect to axis X. Rotate with the mouse

With a mouse click you choose the rotation center then you capture and drag the concerned polyline
up to the desired inclination. The rotation occurs in real time and a mouse click will confirm the whole
procedure. Rotate upon value input in the chart

Pushing-in the above-shown key enables the rotation center and angle fields. Will you enter a value in
those fields and confirm them by pressure of the “OK” button, automatically the concerned polyline is
rotated by the entered values.

MW310 – Project Windows Scale
Scaling of a polyline requires a reference point (becoming the scaling center) and a scale factor. The
selected polyline is then shifted to the entered reference point and scaled as per the entered
enlargement factor. Scale with the mouse

With a mouse click you choose the scaling center then the final point. The farer the final point is from
the initial one, the bigger the scale factor is. You can see the polyline being enlarged in real time.
Upon completion of the enlargement the distances previously selected with mouse clicks are
converted into values that appear in the relevant fields of the data chart. Scale upon value input in the chart

Pushing-in the above-shown key enables the scaling center and scale factor fields. Will you enter a
value in those fields and confirm them by pressure of the “OK” button, automatically the concerned
polyline is scaled in relation to the entered values. This function is very useful in those cases where a
direct graphic enlargement is not possible. Mirror-copy with respect to the axes

These 3 buttons aim at creating mirror-copies of selected polylines with respect to the
Cartesian axes (only X, only Y, both X and Y), or better said with respect to the workpiece
midlines running along such axes. This function is available only in creation phase. Will you push-in
one of these keys and confirm upon key “OK”, a new polyline is created in symmetric position, with
respect to the concerned axis/axes midline, to the original one. Mouse is not required to achieve this
operation. Mirror-copy with respect to a straight-line

This function aims at creating mirror-copies of selected polylines with respect to a straight line
whatever. Mirror-copy with the mouse

With a mouse click you choose the 2 extremities of the symmetry line and the creation of the mirror-
copy is automatic. Upon completion the co-ordinates of the symmetric copies appear in the relevant
fields of the data chart. Mirror-copy upon value input in the chart

Enter the co-ordinates of the 2 extremities of the symmetry line then push key “OK”. The creation of
the mirror-copy is then automatic.

4.5.7. Modification of polyline segments

In this paragraph we’ll explain how to operate to modify a polyline not as a whole but acting on
the single segments and arcs it is made up of. Single segments are selected by a mouse click on
them. Once selected it is possible to perform on the segment the various modifications that are

MW310 – Project Windows
displayed in the data chart automatically displayed:

?? Displacement offset: do you wish to move a segment, select it with the mouse and enter in
this field the value of such displacement.
?? Number of segments: this data is bound to the division command, insofar as you can specify
there in how many equal parts you want to divide the selected segment.
?? Curvature radius: allows modifying the curvature of an arc entering the new radius.
?? Multiple selection: Is this item ticked-off, the multiple selection is enabled, therefore it is
possible to select more segments at once (before operating any modification) clicking in succession on
the concerned segments. Was a segment already selected, a new mouse click de-selects (revokes). The
type of modification subsequently commanded would apply to all the selected elements that appear
highlighted. Remember that you may not select more than one segment at a time, unless they all
belong to the same polyline. If you select a vertex on the same polyline the previously selected
vertices belong to, the multiple-selection function is disabled.
?? Shift keys: these keys allow you to move on a polyline and change the currently
selected segment (an operation that with the keyboard is achieved upon the PgUp and
PgDn keys). Is the multiple selection enabled, the current segment is added to the list of
the selected elements.

In this case too, with the aim of simplifying the use of the modification commands, once a command
key is pushed-in, the relevant modification is performed then the modification function is exited and
the input chart is totally disabled until a new segment or group of segments is selected, thus enabling
again the keys found in the upper part of said chart. Each of these keys has a specific function, as
explained hereafter. Remember that, with relation to the functions explained hereafter, the “OK”
button may be replaced by the “Apply” button, which may be used to produce the same effect as the
former without quitting the Modification of Polyline Segments function. Delete segments

First select the segments you want to delete, then press on this key to actually cancel them. A
confirmation prompt is displayed. Will you confirm deletion, the selected elements are definitely
removed and the modification status is exited. Note that deleting one or more segments always has
the effect to open a polyline. Deleting all polyline segments is the same as deleting the whole polyline. Move segments

First select the segments you want to displace, then press on this key to actually move them on the
workpiece face, still maintaining them connected to the rest of the polyline which they are part of.
As it goes with entire polylines, this operation may be commanded either with the keyboard -
entering the offset value in the relevant field and confirming them by pressure of the “OK” button - or
with the mouse - clicking on a point whatever of the segment to capture it and sliding the mouse to
drag the selected segment(s) up to the desired point, then drop it without any further confirmation. In
the data chart you can see the extent of the displacement displayed in the offset fields. Division of a segment into equal parts

Once you have selected a segment, enter in this field the number of parts into which you want to
divide it, then confirm upon key “OK”. Just as the others described up to this stage, this command
may apply to more segments at once (whether linear or arcs).

MW310 – Project Windows Conversion of straight lines into arcs

This command allows you to set a curvature radius for a given segment defined by the
two extremities' co-ordinates: this function not only allows to change the curvature of an
existing arc but also to turn a straight line into an arc. Once you have selected the desired
segment, push-in the here-aside illustrated key and the program automatically proposes the
minimum radius necessary to create an arc running through the two vertices previously set.
Should the entered radius be minor than the suggested value, the arc (that appears as a
semicircle) would be drawn with the minimum possible radius. This command does NOT
apply to more segments at once. In case the selected segment is an arc of a circle, it will be
immediately converted into a straight line. Change arc direction or reverse arc

This multiple-choice command allows you to replace the selected arc with one of the other three
possible arcs that run through the same extremities. Click on the button as many times as necessary
until the desired change is obtained, then confirm upon key “OK”.

4.5.8. Modification of polyline vertices

A polyline may be modified also acting on the single segments thereof. The functions we’ll see in
details in the following allow to change form, position or number of vertices. Push-in the here-
illustrated key to recall the vertex modification function. The data chart hereunder is displayed
and enabled to operate changes on the polyline vertices only.

?? X1 and Y1 co-ordinates: when moving a vertex, these are the values respectively on axis X
and Y of the new position.
?? Reference choice buttons: the 6 buttons aside the co-ordinates fields indicate the type of
reference to workpiece with which you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended referred
to workpiece edges, or workpiece midline axes, or to machine zero point. If you click on one of these
buttons with the left mouse button you only set the new reference, therefore the numeric value entered
changes to adapt to such new reference; but if you click on one of these buttons with the right mouse
button you set the new reference but the numeric value entered remains unaltered, therefore the
concerned vertex position changes.
?? Depth: it is possible to associate every vertex of a polyline with a specific depth. In this case
the general routing depth will not apply to such vertex that, on the contrary, shall be routed at the
specific depth entered for this vertex. Before keying-in any value in this field, it is necessary to enable
it ticking off the box aside.
?? Enable Z value: tick off to enable the input of a specific routing depth for the last vertex of
the current segment. You can then key-in a specific depth at which to rout only the concerned vertex,
independently from the general routing depth entered. It is possible to associate every vertex of a
polyline with a different depth. In this case, when turning the profile into a routing, the general routing
depth will apply only to the vertices for which no specific routing depth was entered, while the others

MW310 – Project Windows
shall be routed at the specific depth entered. The machining will therefore be performed with a linear
interpolation on axis Z between vertices at various depths.
?? Chamfer length: indicates the chamfer length to be applied to the selected vertices.
?? Curvature radius: allows modifying the curvature radius to apply to the selected vertices.
?? Multiple selection: Is this item ticked-off, the multiple selection is enabled, therefore it is
possible to select more vertices at once (before operating any modification) clicking in succession on
the concerned vertices. Was a vertex already selected, a new mouse click de-selects (revokes). The
type of modification subsequently commanded would apply to all the selected elements that appear
highlighted. Remember that you may not select more than one vertex at a time, unless they all belong
to the same polyline. If you select a vertex on the same polyline the previously selected vertices
belong to, the multiple-selection function is disabled.
?? Shift keys: these keys allow you to move on a polyline and change the currently
selected vertex (an operation that with the keyboard is achieved upon the PgUp and PgDn
keys). Is the multiple selection enabled, the current vertex is added to the list of the selected
Some operations require first the selection of one or more vertices then the pressure of the desired
modification command key. Others are directly launched by pressure of the desired modification
command key that causes the data chart to appear so that user can directly enter the requested data and
confirm it by clicking on “OK” or on “Apply”. Others, at last, are actuated with the mouse only. First
the input chart is totally disabled (but the 2 keys on the right side that are explained here-under) until a
new vertex or group of vertices is selected, thus enabling again the keys found in the upper part of said
chart. Each of these keys has a specific function, as explained hereafter. Again the only difference
between the "OK" and the "Apply" button is that the latter allows confirming the entered data without
quitting the Modification of Polyline Vertices function. Introduce new vertices

This function allows you to create a new vertex in a point whatever of a polyline, i.e. to divide in
two parts the segment the selected point belongs to. When pushing-in this key the cursor shape
changes to recall user that whatever point of the polyline that he will then select shall be transformed
into a new vertex. Once a point was selected a new mouse click allows exiting the function and
selecting a new point to transform, if any, or to confirm upon key “OK” and definitely quit. Break a polyline on a given point

When pushing-in this key the cursor shape changes to warn user that whatever point of the polyline
that he will then select, the polyline shall be cut-off on this point and 2 different and separated
polylines are thus created. When using this command on an intersection of more straight segments
or arcs, all the concerned elements are opened. Once a point was selected a new mouse click allows
exiting the function but not the data chart, so that you may switch over to another function, if desired,
or confirm upon key “OK” and definitely quit. Weld/blend overlapping vertices

This function allows constructing new polylines based on already drawn segments or other open
polylines. To do so, the necessary condition is that one polyline has a vertex that partially overlaps
a vertex of the other polyline (in the contrary case, you can create this situation either with the
polyline or segment moving functions seen before, or with the vertex moving functions explained
here-after). When this condition is fulfilled simply select one of the overlapping vertices by clicking
on: this causes the two vertices to blend together so that the two polylines are welded to each other.
Are the overlapping vertices the extremities of 2 open profiles, this automatically becomes a close
polyline. To abort and quit this function simply press again the corresponding button, which will thus
be de-selected.

MW310 – Project Windows Delete vertex with profile opening

This function allows you to delete a vertex from a polyline and break it. The final result is that the
polyline is divided into 2 different polylines on the point corresponding to the selected vertex. First
select the vertex, then press on this key to actually cancel it and break the polyline. You may repeat
this operation on other vertices after having selected them, one at a time. To exit this function press
key “OK”. From this function you can also directly switch over to another function. This function
does not apply to more vertices at once. Delete vertex with profile closing

Differently form the previous one, this function allows you to delete a vertex from a polyline and
keep it closed. First select the vertex, then press on this key to actually cancel it and re-weld the
polyline. You may repeat this operation on other vertices after having selected them, one at a time.
To exit this function press key “OK”. From this function you can also directly switch over to another
function. This function does not apply to more vertices at once. Move vertex

This command allows you to move a vertex to given absolute co-ordinates. First select the vertex
you want to displace, then press on this key to actually move it on the workpiece face. You’ll see
that after pressure of this key all values and bonds related to the selected vertex are displayed in the
data chart, thus permitting user to know the exact situation of said vertex before the modification. Its
motion may be commanded either with the keyboard - entering the absolute co-ordinates of the new
position and confirming them by pressure of the “OK” button - or with the mouse - clicking on the
destination point of the selected vertex, an operation that can be repeated as many times as wanted as
long as you don’t exit this function. This function may apply to more vertices at once. The first
selected vertex shall move to the programmed position and the others shall follow it maintaining the
distances between them unaltered. When operating with the mouse it is also possible to move different
vertices with the shift keys found in the lower part of the chart (you cannot use the mouse because its
function is to fix the coordinates of the destination point). Round vertex

This function allows you to round the vertices of a polyline, i.e. to transform the sharp edges into
rounded corners by application of a given rounding radius. First select the concerned vertex (or
more vertices with the multiple selection mode) then press this key and enter the desired radius
value. Finally confirm upon key “OK” so that all the selected vertices are rounded with the entered
curvature radius and this function is exited. Chamfer vertex

This function is similar to the rounding function but it transforms sharp corners into chamfered
edges. First select the concerned vertex (or more vertices with the multiple selection mode) then
press this key and enter the desired chamfer length. Finally confirm upon key “OK” so that all the
selected vertices are chamfered as programmed and this function is exited.

4.5.9. Automatic Polyline Creation

This function has two applications: besides allowing the conversion of circles imported from
DXF files into circular polylines - each path, in order to be routed, has to be a polyoline -, it
has also an automatic feature for making one single polyline out of several segments of a
polyline and/or lines - imported from DXF files-, with very close or even superimposed vertices.
Both operating mode are fully automatic: according to the element that you select by means of your
mouse - a circle or a segment - this function will produce either conversion.

MW310 – Project Windows Turning a circle into a circular polyline

This function allows turning a circle element that has been imported from a DXF file into a closed
circular polyline, where you may even add a routing work. In order to do so, you simply need to click
on the button shown here above - which stays down and may be pressed again to end this operation -
and select the circle you wish to convert. Each time you click on a circle, the program produces a
closed circular polyline. By clicking on the workpiece, outside the circles, you will instead end
conversion. Automatic polyline construction

If you select a segment, instead of a circle, teh program will assume you intend to make a polyline
out of one or more closeby segments - after importing several elements from a DXF file or after
performing CAD program operations such as cutting a polyline st intersecton points with other ones-
. An automatic algorithm, in fact, starting from the selected segment and following its direction, will
search for any segments that might be appended to the current one and will blend them in a sequence.
In caso of branching-off, the user will be asked to chooseeans of the Page up and Page down keys, in
which direction he/she wants to proceed - the candidate segment for polyline continuation is
displayed in a different color- and to confirm selection by clicking on the workpiece. At the end of
the creation process - if it's not possible to go on the algorithm tries going through the polyline in the
opposite direction for blending further segments- users are asked whether they want to append
another polyline or to end creation process. If the last polyline segment ends on the first one, a closed
polyline will be directly created and the algorithm will automatically stop after informing users.

4.6. View
In this section we shall examine all the MasterWork functions aiming at the visualization and
analysis of a project. These functions are usually used in a second moment, after the creation of the
project (whether machining or polyline) but thanks to keyboard shortcuts it is possible to recall most
of the featured viewing functions already in construction phase.
The viewing functions are accessed upon the third set of keys of the control bar found on the right side
of the screen. Differently from the first 2 sets, most of these keys are not associated to a data chart but
are direct function keys. Now let us see these tools in details!

4.6.1. Zoom in

This function allows magnifying a project so to be able to analyze it with major precision. When
pushing-in this self-latching key the cursor shape changes to warn user that the current modality
is the “zoom in” function. At this stage, each mouse click will produce an always major
enlargement of the drawing according to a scale factor that user will have previously set as a default-
parameter. Therefore the drawing is reproduced at a smaller scale and centered on the point where you
did click with the mouse, thus creating the effect of the drawing moving closer to user’s eyes. To exit
this function simply click again on the key, that comes up while cursor’s shape turns the usual one.
During a profile or machining construction you may recall the “zoom in” function upon
contemporaneous pressure of the ‘Control’ and the ‘+’ keys on the small keyboard, once you have
pointed the cursor on the desired position.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.6.2. Zoom out

This function allows reducing the drawing display. When pushing-in this self-latching key the
cursor shape changes to warn user that the current modality is the “zoom out” function. At this
stage, each mouse click will produce an always major reduction of the drawing according to a
scale factor that user will have previously set as a default-parameter. Therefore the drawing is
reproduced at a larger scale and centered on the point where you did click with the mouse, thus
creating the effect of the drawing moving away from user’s eyes. To exit this function simply click
again on the key, that comes up while cursor’s shape turns the usual one. During a profile or
machining construction you may recall the “zoom out” function upon contemporaneous pressure of
the ‘Control’ and the ‘-’ keys on the small keyboard, once you have pointed the cursor on the desired

4.6.3. Reset zoom

This function allows to annul any enlargement or reduction of the drawing display previously
commanded and to bring it back to its primary scale factor (1:1) so that the workpiece drawing is
seen again in its wholeness (therefore the default scale factor varies in accordance with the drawn
workpiece dimensions). This button is not self-latching. This function can also be recalled upon
the F9 function key.

4.6.4. Zoom on window

This function allows magnifying only a rectangular portion of the project, which will thus occupy
the whole working area. When pushing-in this self-latching key the cursor shape changes to warn
user that the current modality is the “zoom on window” function. At this stage, you can draw with
the mouse a dotted rectangular area (click on the first vertex, drag, click on the second vertex)
that will automatically adapt so to occupy the whole display area. To exit this function simply click
again on the key, that comes up while cursor’s shape turns the usual one. No keyboard shortcut

4.6.5. Optimized zoom

This command allows zooming only on the area of the workpiece that is occupied by machinings
or polylines. The function automatically chooses the right scale factor to adapt such area (that
contains all the geometric elements and machinings created on the workpiece) to occupy the
whole working area on the screen. This button is not self-latching. This function can also be recalled
upon the F10 function key.

4.6.6. Whole screen display

With this non-self-latching button you command the workpiece drawing to occupy the whole
screen surface. Differently from the 2 previous commands, not only a portion of the workpiece is
magnified (but the entire drawing) and it does not occupy only the working area on the screen but
the whole screen, included the space normally occupied by the machinings’ tree and the tool bar.
This function can also be recalled upon the F11 function key, if available in the third set of keys (view
functions) of the control tool bar.

4.6.7. Display suction cups

Masterwork also features an advanced

suction cups management program able
to perform many operations on the
clamping suction cups positioned on the
worktable, beneath the workpiece. Such
function proves particularly useful in
case of through-borings works that

MW310 – Project Windows
could therefore damage the suctions cups underneath. The program features tests on the position of the
suction cups’ supporting bars and holders and checks out that they will not collide. The here-aside
illustrated key allows you to enable the suction cups operation on the current tooling machine. The
first information requested is whether user prefers an initial arrangement in accordance to workpiece
and holders’ dimensions, or if he wants the suction cups to be positioned at the minimum X and Y
values. After the first arrangement the suction cups may anyhow be moved as desired upon the mouse,
simply dragging the supporting bars or the holders up to the desired position. You’ll see you cannot
just move the suction cups to any position whatever, because also during manual displacements the
program carries out the due collision tests and operates under consideration of the maximum X value
which the supporting bars may slide to as well as of the minimum Y value the suction cups’ holders
may assume. If, when loading a project constructed with a given suction cups’ configuration, the
controls made reveal a collision between supporting bars or suction cups’ holders, a relevant prompt is
displayed that explains how such problem shall be automatically shot off. In addition to manual
dragging, suction cups may also be positioned as follows: click with the right mouse button on a given
supporting bar or holder to open a dialog box in which user may enter its new co-ordinates (on X for
supporting bars and on Y for holders), the type of value entered (absolute or relative) and, for holders
only, the inclination of the suction cup fitted hereon.
Will the new position thus commanded (once confirmed by pressure of the “OK” key) cause a collision, user is
warned thereof and the requested motion is refused.

When suction cups are visualized the chart beneath is shown too:

Further to the “OK” key used to confirm the modification made and exit the function, it includes the
here-aside illustrated key that commands the shuttle operation, i.e. the possibility to arrange and
visualize only half or a quarter of the usable supporting bars (depending on the number of working
fields available on machine) and the others are then automatically arranged in symmetry. When
pushing-in this key once, only half the available suction cups are displayed. Has the machine four
working fields, if you push-in the key a second time the suction cups displayed are newly halved (i.e.
a quarter of the total number). With a third pressure of the key all the available suction cups are

4.6.8. Working faces visualization

The program allows user to create drawings and machinings as well on the upper horizontal (i.e.
standard) workpiece face and on its 4 sides (or vertical faces). All these working faces correspond
to main junctions on the machinings’ tree. As seen in the previous chapters, some machinings
cannot be performed on the vertical faces (cuts, ...). This function key allows first of all selecting

MW310 – Project Windows
the working face to visualize and on which to work; it also allows the interactive and three-
dimensional visualization of the whole workpiece, thus facilitating the comprehension on behalf of
user of the project totality and of the origin points on the various faces.

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The keys arranged under the letters ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ allow to rotate workpiece around the specified
axis of a number of degrees that is multiple of respectively 15 or 30. The “Reset” key allows setting
the workpiece position to zero, with respect to such axis. By each pressure of the desired key (+30,
+15, -15, -30) the three-dimensional drawing of workpiece is updated, i.e. rotated of respectively 30
or 15 degrees to the right or 15 or 30 degrees to the left. This function allows user to better figure the
arrangement of the various elements and machinings in the space. On each working face you can also
see the origin of the axes as used by the program in two-dimensional visualization and their
Click on the working face list to select one of them, that is immediately displayed: click then on the
“OK” key to select such working face as the current one on which to work and thus close the here-
above shown dialog box.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.6.9. Measure distances and angles

While analyzing or constructing geometric figures or machinings it is often necessary to know

the distance that runs between 2 points or the angle made by 2 segments. This function key
allows to very easily and precisely calculating such values. Push-in the here-aside illustrated
key to open the following data chart:

Differently from all the other data charts described in this guide, the present one does not allow to
input any value but only to read automatically surveyed values. The 2 buttons in the upper left part
allow selecting the measurement either of a distance or of an angle. Measure segments

The default mode proposed upon the opening of the data chart is the measurement of a distance.
Simply click with the mouse on the two extremities of a segment to display in the chart its length,
its projection on the X and Y-axes and its angle with respect to the X-axis. Push-in key “Cancel” to
quit the measurement function. Measure angles

Click on the relevant button on the left upper part of the chart to calculate the angle made by 2
segments, then follow up the steps suggested in the status bar. First select the vertex of the angle to
measure, then click on a point of the first segment and then on a point of the second segment (thus
entering as well the initial and the final angle requested by the prompts of the status bar). At this stage
you can read in the specific field of the data chart the width of the angle thus defined. Is the initial
angle major than the final one (the angle is calculated clockwise), then the width shall have negative
value. Push-in key “Cancel” to quit the measurement function.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.7. Advanced Machinings

4.7.1. Flange holes

Click on the aside-illustrated key to create on a workpiece a machining made up of vertical holes
arranged along a circle, called flange holes. Upon selection of this key the data chart is
immediately updated insofar as it will display all the necessary fields to program flange holes. The
first page displayed is the one titled “standard”, that contains the most frequently used (and changed)
data, whereas the second page, titled “advanced”, is dedicated to information less subject to be
modified by users.

Types of
drills Reference Symmetry
choice Slowdown choice buttons
buttons modes

?? Type of drill: these 4 buttons allow you to choose, amongst those available on machine, the type
of drill to use (standard, countersinking, V-point or flat drill). Selecting one type automatically
excludes any other one and to each type of drill is associated the following default information: a
slowdown mode, a rotation speed, a diameter and two slowdown depths, set by user in the default-
setting program. So, as soon as you select a type of drill, the associated default-information is
automatically proposed in the data chart. Anyhow these values are not binding; user shall consider
them as suggestions and may change them any time, as he desires.
?? Slowdown mode: these 4 buttons allow you to choose, amongst those available on machine, the
type of slowdown you want to apply when drilling the current hole. Selecting one type automatically
excludes any other one. To each type of slowdown is associated the following default information: a
rotation speed and two slowdown depths, set by user in the default-setting program.
?? Flange center co-ordinates: X1 and Y1 are the values respectively on axis X and Y of the flange
middle point, expressed in the current measurement unit. These co-ordinates may be keyed-in on the
keyboard or entered graphically clicking with the mouse in the desired position on the workpiece
?? Reference choice buttons: these 6 buttons indicate the type of reference to workpiece with which
you want to operate, i.e. if the entered values are intended referred to workpiece edges, or workpiece

MW310 – Project Windows
midline axes, or to machine zero point. If you click on one of these buttons with the left mouse button
you only set the new reference, therefore the numeric value entered changes to adapt to such new
reference; but if you click on one of these buttons with the right mouse button you set the new
reference but the numeric value entered remains unaltered, therefore the machining position changes.
?? Radius: is the radius of the circumference along which the flanges holes are arranged.
?? Start angle: is the angle made with respect to axis X by the line that runs through the flange
center and the first hole center.
?? Depth: is the depth of the holes to drill.
?? Diameter: is the diameter of the drill and therefore that of the holes.
?? Entry speed: is the speed at which the tool rotates when it penetrates into the wood.
?? Description: is the description, if any, of the programmed machining.
?? Tool: is the number assigned to the tool to use to drill the holes. Is the boring optimization
enabled, this field is senseless and will not be considered. The key aside the tool number field allows
you, when the MW310 is active, to access the list of all tools currently available on the head, thus
permitting you to choose the most suitable one.
?? Symmetry choice buttons: these 3 buttons (that may be selected all together if desired) allow you
to create simultaneously also mirror-copies of the programmed machining, where the symmetry axis is
the one shown on the selected button. Example: when creating a flange, should you push-in the first
button (symmetry with respect to axis X) then click on “OK”, two flanges are created, one of which is
exactly positioned as per the values entered and the other one being its mirror-copy, whose values are
symmetric with respect of workpiece midline along the X axis.
Once data input is completed, if you click on “OK” a series of holes arranged in circle is created on
the upper horizontal face or, if you click on “CANCEL”, the whole operation is aborted. In both cases
the dialog box is then disabled and the “flange holes” button on the control bar is re-enabled. The
"Next" button produces the same effect as clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't quit
the table and that you may go on setting other flange holes. Important: if, in phase of creation, you
wish to drill more identical flanges on a single workpiece, instead of clicking on “OK” once the
procedure is completed, it is sufficient to double-click on the workpiece drawing in the position where
you want to create another flange. This command, if associated to an appropriate use of the boring
default parameters, allows you to create new machinings in the twinkling of an eye. Finally, have a
look on the machinings’ tree: you can see that once a flange was created, the tree has a new junction,
whose representation is a circle of holes, as a “branch” of the current working face.
When in selection mode (you understand it from the mouse cursor) you can capture a flange
machining to display its properties and modify them, if desired. So, to select a flange previously
created you may click with the mouse either on its drawing or on its icon created in the machinings’
tree. In both cases the machining color changes, the relevant junction on the tree is highlighted and the
dialog box we have described here above is displayed. Will you change some values, you can
immediately verify the effects thereof on the drawing even before confirming the modification made
with a mouse click on “OK”. Will you click on “Cancel” instead, the modifications made are annulled
and the previous data is restored. You can see that the symmetry choice buttons are disabled. Indeed,
they may be enabled only in creation phase. So should you wish to make a mirror-copy of an existing
machining, you must use specific commands of the advanced modification page, described further on.
At last we wish to recall you that vertical holes may be programmed only from the horizontal surface
(i.e. with the horizontal working face displayed during programming).

MW310 – Project Windows

4.7.2. Introduction of special figures (fitting grooves)

The term "figure" stands for any group of one or more machinings, being normally
used to fit hardware in (locks, bottom plates and so on). They may not be edited within
the Masterwork program, which would process them as unalterable and indivisible read-
only objects. They are instead created within the MW310 environment and stored in a
library that is therefore loaded by Masterwork and thus made available to users. During the
editing process, the program will then recall the dedicated figure machining ISO function.
The dialog box allowing to enter the data for figure input is displayed here below:
choice Reference choice
buttons buttons

?? Symmetry choice buttons: they allow selecting the figure arrangement among four
possible positions.
?? Figure number: it is the number identifying the figure, which may be selected among
the available ones. It may also be entered manually, that is to say without selecting it from
the drop-down list.
?? Co-ordinates of the point of insertion: X1 and Y1 are the coordinates of the figure
origin (any kind of figure has one).
?? Reference choice buttons: the 6 buttons located beside the figure coordinates, identify
the selected type of reference to the workpiece, that is to say whether the displayed values
are referred to one of the workpiece edges or to the workpiece midline axes. If one of these
buttons is selected by left-clicking on it, only the hooking will be changed, while the
numeric values will be updated to suit the new reference. By right-clicking on one of them,
instead, the hooking is modified but the numeric values remain the same, which means that
the figure position actually changes.
?? Tool: it is the number assigned to the boring tool that will be used. The button located
beside the text box allows, when MW310 is running, accessing the list of all currently
available tools for the head and thus selecting the most appropriate one. The number
displayed in this field, at routing creation, may be set as a default parameter. If this is
changed, the value in the speed field will also be updated.
?? Entry speed: it is the speed of the tool when piercing the wood.
?? Working speed: it is the speed at which the tool moves in the wood.
?? Speed of rotation: it is the tool revolving speed in thousands of revolutions per minute.

After setting all data, click on "OK" to insert the selected figure on the current workpiece face or
click on "Cancel" to abort the whole operation. In both cases the dialog box is disabled and the
figures button on the control bar is re-enabled. The "Next" button produces the same effect as
clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't quit the table and that you may go on setting
other figures. Finally, please note that after a figure is created, a new junction, which is represented

MW310 – Project Windows

by an icon corresponding to the selected type of figure, is also added to the machinings tree as a
"branch" of the current working face.
When you're in selection mode, you can tell by the mouse-pointing icon, you may select a figure to
display its properties and/or modify it. to do so, click on any part of the intended figure, this also
reminds you that a figure is to be considered as a whole, with no distinction between the different
parts comprising it. The selected figure will thus change in color, the corresponding junction will be
highlighted and the above-described box appears on the screen. This allows changing the machining
values and immediately displaying the effects of such modification on the workpiece, even before
confirming by clicking on "OK". If the "Cancel" button is instead selected, all modifications are
deleted and the figure will take back on its previous values.

4.7.3. Import ISO macros (subprograms)

ISO macros are essentially subprograms that are written by means of the MW310
integrated ISO editor, which is made available through a conversion file with '.mac'
extension. The ISO program thus created will therefore contain a subprogram call with
a reference to the file corresponding to the inserted macro. Even ISO macros, just like figures, are to
be considered as indivisible and unalterable read-only elements.
The input box for ISO macro data is the following one:

?? ISO macro name: the search function selects all files having '.mac' extension and
displays the description of the selected macro, beside the possible parameters it exports.
Such parameters, if any, are displayed in a grid located on the right of the data table.
?? Co-ordinates of the point of insertion: X1 and Y1 are the values defining of the macro
origin's position, which, during the macro creation within the ISO editor, is assumed to be
the same as the machine axes' origin. Since, within MW310, the machine axes are located
at the top and on the left, the macro will still be referred to that corner within Masterwork
as well. This means that it will be displayed exactly in the same way as within MW310,
only if its origin will correspond with the upper left corner of the workpiece.
?? Reference choice buttons: the 6 buttons located beside the ISO macro coordinates,
identify the selected type of reference to the workpiece, that is to say whether the displayed
values are referred to one of the workpiece edges or to the workpiece midline axes. If one
of these buttons is selected by left-clicking on it, only the hooking will be changed, while
the numeric values will be updated to suit the new reference. By right-clicking on one of
them, instead, the hooking is modified but the numeric values remain the same, which
means that the macro position actually changes.
?? Parameters grid: if the macro exports some parameters, the latter are displayed in a
grid containing, for each one of them, the relevant description, number, (‘#…’), as well as
an empty box where the value to be assigned to that specific parameter, within that given
macro, is to be entered. Therefore, for each raw on the grid there will be, within the edited
ISO program and before the subprogram call, as many assignments (‘#…=…’).

MW310 – Project Windows

After setting all data, click on "OK" to insert the selected macro on the horizontal
workpiece face or click on "Cancel" to abort the whole operation. In both cases the dialog
box is disabled and the ISO macros button on the control bar is re-enabled. The "Next"
button produces the same effect as clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't
quit the table and that you may go on setting other macros. Please note that macros may be
inserted in the horizontal face only. During the editing process, moreover, the program
saves the current environment (working face and axes origin), previous to the subprogram
call, and restores it afterwards. Finally, please note that after a macro is created, a new
junction, which is represented by an icon corresponding to the selected type of figure, is
also added to the machinings tree as a "branch" of the current working face.
When you're in selection mode, you can tell by the mouse-pointing icon, you may select a macro to
display its properties and/or modify it. To do so, click on any part of the macro icon; this also reminds
you that a macro is to be considered as a whole, with no distinction between the different machinings
comprising it). The selected macro will thus change in color, the corresponding junction will be
highlighted and the above-described box appears on the screen. This allows changing the machining
values and immediately displaying the effects of such modification on the workpiece, even before
confirming by clicking on "OK". If the "Cancel" button is instead selected, all modifications are
deleted and the macro will take back on its previous values. Finally remember that macro shifts do not
affect the position of the horizontal holes and hinge sections that the macro itself could possibly
include. Such machinings may, in fact, be displayed from the horizontal face but do not belong to it.
ISO macros, moreover, are not subject to advanced modifications (scale, rotate, etc..).

4.7.4. Creation of hollowed profiles

As it often happens, you may have to create hollows having particular shapes on one of the
workpiece faces. This function allows an optimized hollowed profile to be executed by a
routing bit after simply entering the geometrical properties of the profile itself. Possible
hollowed profiles include rectangles with rounded corners, circles and ellipses. The box shown here

below displays all the fields to be filled-in in order to define each of the above-mentioned profiles.

?? Profile selection buttons: they allow selecting the type of hollowed profile to be
executed, thus enabling the required fields and disabling the unnecessary ones.
?? X1 and Y1 coordinates: they define the values of either the first vertex of the rectangle
or the center of the circle and ellipse.
?? X2 and Y2 coordinates: they define the values of the rectangle second vertex.
?? Reference choice buttons: the 6 buttons located beside the coordinates, identify the

MW310 – Project Windows

selected type of reference to the workpiece, that is to say whether the displayed
values are referred to one of the workpiece edges or to the workpiece midline axes.
If one of these buttons is selected by left-clicking on it, only the hooking will be
changed, while the numeric values will be updated to suit the new reference. By
right-clicking on one of them, instead, the hooking is modified but the numeric
values remain the same, which means that the position of the point actually
?? Circle radius: this field is used to set the radius of the circle to draw.
?? Semiaxis along the X-axis it defines the length of the ellipse semiaxis being parallel to
the X-axis.
?? Semiaxis along the Y-axis: it defines the length of the ellipse semiaxis being parallel
to the Y-axis.
?? Ellipse inclination: it defines the slope angle, in degrees, of the ellipse that will be
drawn to the X-axis.
?? Tool: it is the number assigned to the boring tool that will be used. The button located
beside the text box allows, when MW310 is running, accessing the list of all
currently available tools for the head and thus selecting the most appropriate one.
Just as it happens with routing works, the number displayed in this field, at
hollowed profile creation, may be set as a default parameter. Each time this value is
changed, the fields defining the speed and the depth are updated accordingly.
?? Entry speed: it is the speed of the tool when piercing the wood.
?? Working speed: it is the speed at which the tool moves in the wood.
?? Speed of rotation: it is the tool revolving speed in thousands of revolutions per minute.
?? Depth: it is the programmed working depth.
?? Pass depth: if this value is set to zero, the cutter passes only once to perform the work;
otherwise the cutter will pass as many times as required to reach the set depth. If,
for instance, the set depth is 10 mm and the pass depth is 3 mm, the produced ISO
code will feature 3 passes with 3-mm depth each and a last one with 1-mm depth.
?? Description: Short description of the machining.
?? Junction radiuses: these values define the junction radiuses for the four vertices of the
rectangle hollow to execute.

After setting all data, click on "OK" to insert the selected hollowed profile on the current workpiece
face or click on "Cancel" to abort the whole operation. In both cases the dialog box is disabled and the
hollowed profiles button on the control bar is re-enabled. Pressing the "Next" button produces,
instead, the same effect as clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't quit the table and that
you may go on setting other hollowed profiles. Finally, please note that after a hollowed profile is
created, a new junction is also added to the machinings tree as a "branch" of the current working face.
In order to distinguish standard routing works from hollowed profiles or from the so-called "meeting"
figure, hollowed profiles are represented in a more realistic fashion, that is to say by its final-product
appearance, after processing (and therefore not by the mere external profile of the hollow).
When you're in selection mode, you can tell by the mouse-pointing icon, you may select a figure to
display its properties and/or modify it. This is possible by clicking on either the hollowed profile
itself or the corresponding junction of the machinings tree. The selected figure will thus change in
color, the corresponding junction will be highlighted and the above-described box appears on the
screen. This allows changing the machining values and immediately displaying the effects of such
modification on the workpiece, even before confirming by clicking on "OK". If the "Cancel" button is
instead selected, all modifications are deleted and the hollowed profile will take back on its previous
values. Remember that upon clicking on ”OK”, the NC checks all entered data are consistent and
makes sure the programmed hollow may actually be executed. The values given for the rectangle
vertices, for instance, may produce incompatible junction radiuses.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.7.5. ISO instructions

With version 2,00 and above, ISO instructions may be introduced directly within the project, either
before or after a given machining. In order to do so, go to the machinings tree and right-click on it. A
pop-up menu will thus appear featuring the "Append ISO instruction" and the "Insert ISO instruction"
items. With the former the ISO instruction is inserted after the junction corresponding to the selected
machining and with the latter it is inserted before it. If the selected junction corresponds to a
workpiece face, only the first option will be available. In both cases the following dialog box will be

The field located on the upper left of the window allows selecting the instruction to be inserted among
the available ones. If the instruction features one or more parameters, an equal number of text boxes
will also be displayed. The required ones will be marked by an asterisk, ‘*’, which means that such
fields must absolutely be filled-in in order to insert a syntactically correct instruction in the program.
Upon ISO instruction selection, users are also asked to provide a short description of the instruction
itself and its parameters, this in order to save users from searching for such information elsewhere.
After setting all data, click on "OK" to insert the selected ISO instruction on the current
workpiece face or click on "Cancel" to abort the whole operation. The "Next" button
produces the same effect as clicking on “OK”, with the advantage that you don't quit the
table and that you may go on setting other figures. Finally, please note that after an ISO
instruction is introduced, a new junction, which is represented by an icon featuring the
code of the selected instruction, is also added to the machinings tree as a "branch" of the
current working face.
When you're in selection mode, you can tell by the mouse-pointing icon, you may select an ISO
instruction to display its properties and/or modify it. This is possible by clicking on the corresponding
junction of the machinings tree (ISO macros do not have a visible graphical representation on the
workpiece). The corresponding junction will thus be highlighted and the above-described box appears
on the screen, which allows making all required modifications. If the "Cancel" button is instead
selected, all modifications are deleted and the ISO instruction will take back on its previous values.
When inserting ISO instructions, however, keep in mind that no check will be performed on either the
syntax or the final result in case of hole optimization. When this function is enabled, in fact, the holes
will not be bored in the same order as they are represented on the machinings tree, which causes
misalignment of the machinings and the ISO instructions. When inserting ISO instructions, users
should therefore accurately select their order or disable boring optimization. Whenever this function is
enabled and ISO instructions have been inserted in between boring works, the program will execute
the latter after boring the last hole.
4.8. General and default parameter setting

This part of the program allows users to set and store in memory some general parameters’ values as
well as pre-defined values of given working parameters. The preset values will thus be automatically
proposed in the relevant fields of the data charts displayed in creation phase and users don’t have to
enter them manually each time they are requested, what spares a lot of time and facilitates the
procedure of creating new machinings. This part is accessed clicking on item “General default-
setting” within menu “Settings”: a dialog box contains all the possible settings in this application,
divided in thematic pages.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.8.1. Project default-setting

In this page you can set all

default values related to project
general data: so each time a new
project is created, the here-
entered values are automatically
displayed in the data chart and
the here-set workpiece
parameters shall apply.
Nevertheless user can change
the project data any time, as
desired, thus customizing the
workpiece according to the
current requirements.
This page (see above
illustration) also features default
settings related to routing
works: the tool number should
be the code of the most frequently used cutter (also for trimming works). So, when creating a new
routing work this value already figures in the data chart and user doesn’t have to enter it each time.
The second routing default setting is the ratio between the entry radius (in case the attack is by means
of a junction loop) and the routing tool diameter: according to the here-set value, when changing the
type of cutter, you’ll always know the optimal entry radius for such specific tool. This feature
contributes to simplify and accelerate the programming of a routing since user has less data to enter.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.8.2. General default-setting

The fields figuring in the here-

aside data chart are not related to
the currently loaded project but
directly to the program. In other
words, these are global
The upper part of the chart
displays the values of some
parameters used for to modify
and visualize the drawing. The
snap values indicate the
sensitivity grade of the mouse
motion (i.e. the minimum pitch).
E.g.: should the set value be 5
mm as well on X and on Y, the
mouse can move along both axes
by “steps” of minimum 5 mm or multiples thereof but cannot go to intermediate positions.
The selection tolerance indicates, in number of pixels, the admitted tolerance in selection phase. E.g.:
is the set tolerance 10 pixels and you try to select an element clicking with the mouse pointer at a
distance of 7 pixels from the desired element, this is been captured all the same.
The zoom factor indicates the enlargement or reduction pitch by each new pressure of a zoom
The rounding radius is the default value entered to round a vertex originally figured as a sharp corner
(see chapter related to vertex modification). As usually this is only a suggested value that can anyhow
be changed any time by user, as desired.
The chamfer length is the default value entered to chamfer a vertex originally figured as a sharp
corner (see chapter related to vertex modification). As usually this is only a suggested value that can
anyhow be changed any time by user, as desired. Boring default-setting

This chart allows associating to every type of drill a series of preset values for some of its parameters,
such as diameter, depth, speed and slowdown type. These values are used to propose user a pre-filled
data chart each time he commands the creation of a new vertical boring work (being a single hole, a
fitting or flange holes). Let us see them in details and understand how user can employ them once set
as default values.
MasterWork is presently configured for 4 different types of drills: standard, countersinking (with
wider base), V-point (for through-borings) or flat (for holes with very large diameter).
First of all it is possible to associate to each type of drill a given diameter. Best thing is to enter for
each type of drill the diameter of the most frequently used tool.
It is also possible to associate to each type of drill a boring depth that shall be determined in
accordance with the use normally made with each of them.
The third column is dedicated to the preferred slowdown type
for each type of drill: no slowing-down, slowing-down when
perforating the upper surface, slowing-down when perforating
the bottom face, slowing-down when perforating both the upper
and the lower horizontal faces). To select a slowdown type,
double-click with the mouse on the concerned slowdown field
thus causing the list of the possible slowdown types to be displayed (see here-aside). When selecting
one of these with the mouse, the list automatically disappears and the relevant field in the data chart is
immediately updated accordingly.
In addition to the slowdown type you must specify the depth up to which such slowdown shall be

MW310 – Project Windows
Finally enter in the last 2 columns the drill working speed and the slowed down speed used during
workpiece perforation (if any).
Now the chart is completed and the values it contains shall be automatically displayed and shall apply
(unless user enters different values in creation phase) every time user selects a drill. If filled-in
rationally, this default-setting chart may reveal a very clever tool thanks to which programming new
borings becomes a very easy game.
At last we wish to precise that the entered diameter, “quick” speed, depth and slowdown type values
are only suggestions that appear in the boring data chart and they may be modified as user desires.
The parameters related to slowdown (“slow” speed, upper or lower depth along which the slow speed
is maintained) do not appear in any chart and can therefore be modified only from this page. These
parameters are indeed usually bound with workpiece dims and characteristics, therefore they do not
need to be changed for any type of boring.

4.8.3. DXF default-setting

As seen with the TED files,

also DXF files, that contain
machinings, refer to default-
settings in case the necessary
data to convert geometric
elements into machinings is not
complete in the file itself. But
differently form TED files,
those with .DXF extension
(saved with the necessary
information to perform
machinings) can be directly
created with standard programs
such as AutoCAD. While in
TED files technological
parameters are stored in fields
usually used for other
purposes, the DXF format
allows the use of fields specifically created for the management of machinings (fields 8 and 39).

As you can see on the here-aside chart, also in DXF format you may set default values to balance the
lack of specific information on machinings (saved as geometric elements): specifically you may set a
default value for the working speed, the selected measurement unit for DXF files in which it is not
specified, the tools table associated with such DXF project and so on.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.8.4. TED default-setting

The TED settings page is made

up of 5 options. Click on one of
them to display the list of
default settings that are
necessary to convert the
geometric elements of a TED file
(Tecnos Extended DXF): this is
a kind of extension of DXF files
that contains extended data
aiming at converting into
machinings the geometric
elements stored therein. The
extended data in TED files refers
to those technological
parameters that are necessary to
interpret a geometric figure as a
machining. Does the program
not find such extended data
inside the TED file, it withdraws it out of the default-setting page. Each type of machining is
associated with a specific set of parameters displayed in a specific chart, as we’ll see in the following. General default-setting

These are the default parameters related to project general data.

It is necessary to indicate the type of tooling machine in the first field, since MasterWork works
only in combination with the MW310 application program.
The value to enter in the field aside “Inches” is 1 in case you intend to set the imperial system as
default measurement unit for TED files or enter 0 if you intend the metric system as default.

MW310 – Project Windows Boring default-setting

These values are attributed to every

circumference contained in a TED file,
which is interpreted as a vertical hole, in
case the relevant extended data is not
specified. Please note that the rotation
speed is expressed in thousandths of
laps per min and must be an entire
number without decimals. Cutting default-setting

These values are attributed to every straight line contained in a TED file, which is interpreted as a
cut on the horizontal surface, in case the relevant extended data is not specified. Please note that the
rotation speed is expressed in thousandths of laps per min and must be an entire figure without

MW310 – Project Windows Routing default-setting

These are the technological parameters attributed to all geometric elements (but circumferences, that
are interpreted as vertical holes), contained in a TED file, in case the relevant extended data is not
Admitted compensation values are ‘0’, ‘1’, or ‘2’, commanding respectively no compensation,
compensation on the left or compensation on the right.
Please note that the rotation speed is expressed in thousandths of laps per min and must be an entire
figure without decimals. Indexed boring default-setting

These are the technological parameters attributed to a rectangular geometric element, that is
interpreted as an indexed hole, contained in a TED file, that are to be fixed in case the relevant
extended data is not specified or partially missing.

MW310 – Project Windows

4.8.5. Defining tool names

Masterwork allows specifying the type of tool that will be used for each machining, both as code
number - corresponding to its position inside machine head - and as an alias, that is to say a free
name that is univocally associated with a specific code number. This might make it easier to identify
the tool to be used without having to remember its position on the head; nonetheless, these names
have to be clear and must easily recall the tool they stand for. Aliases may be assigned to each tool
that is available on the machine, through the following box, which may be opened within the settings

The field on the left contains the name assigned by users,

while the right-hand one will display its code number. At
first Masterworkrunning, this table is automatically
initialized. All tools detected on the machine are displayed in
the second field and each of them is given ‘Tool i’ as default
name, where ‘i’ stands for a progressive number.
THis table may then be freely modified by users, who may
assign the names they wish to the available tools. Thereafter,
every time users wish to add a tool to a machining table and
specify they want to do so by means of the tool alias, the
'Scroll' button - located beside the corresponding textbox -
will display the list of the defined aliases, instead of the code

MW310 – Project Windows

4.9. DXF format

Specifications dated April 20, 2001.
DXF format is the most common standard being used by software houses, in the United States, to
transfer data for creating machine code (ISO) programs.

The aim is to transfer as much information as possible and keep, at the same time, its compatibility
with "standard" DXF format, that is to say through a DXF file that may be read by AutoCAD.
Opening and displaying contents of DXF files created with AutoCAD (or other CADs) allows
visually checking file information and easier debugging, when need be.

The DXF file should anyways contain enough information to create complete programs requiring no
modifications by the operator. Programs such as Cabinet Vision “Solid”, Cabnetware "Euro” or
Pattern Systems “Drill Mate” may produce tens of workpieces per session and it's impossible for an
operator to manually modify the tens pf DXF files generating machine programs.

It is also important to remember that US and Canadian users are already familiar with the automatic
conversion of files created by Solid, Euro, Drill Mate and similar programs; a product not providing
for the automatic conversion of DXF files into ISO codes would have few chances of selling on the
American market.

The DXF format was created to allow data exchange between different CAD environments and was
not specifically designed for the wood processing industry. Larger amounts of data may be
transferred, without quitting the DXF standard, thanks to conventions and expedients that are
currently being adopted by software houses and that actually make up the current standard:

1) Workpiece is displayed in 2D format.

2) The different types of machinings are divided among different layers. There are
layers for:
Workpiece dimensions (PANEL)
Top face boring (TOP[$Fn])
Left face boring (LEFT[$Fn])
Front face boring (FRONT[$Fn])
Right face boring (RIGHT[$Fn])
Rear face boring (BACK[$Fn])
Horizontal indexed boring (INDEX[$NOME_UTENSILE][$Fn])
Saw-cutting (SAW[$Fn][$En])
Routing (TOOL$NOME_UTENSILE[$R;$L][$Fn][$En][$Sn])

MW310 – Project Windows

Layer reading

Is the name of
the layer in the No The layer is ignored (no
machining error is generated).

No DXF importing is
Does the layer aborted with error
contain proper generation

The machining is
interpreted on the basis
Machinings –to- layer
names correspondence

Items inside square brackets are optional parameters and are explained later in this document.
Above-mentioned layer names are used as default, but are not intended to be binding. The program
initialization file contains a configuration table where layer names are associated with machining
types. Layers not being acknowledged as machinings are ignored without generating any error
message. This feature was expressly intended for application when DXF files contain values, or
other descriptive data, that are irrelevant to the machining. Layers acknowledged as machinings
are instead analyzed, in order to check that the information they contain is correct. In this case,
instead, any inaccuracy (i.e., a tool not existing) results in an error and the conversion procedure is
therefore aborted. With the file-group automatic conversion mode (batch mode), the process goes
on even when errors occur, a log file containing the list of the files causing conversion errors is
anyway created.

MW310 – Project Windows

3) Information concerning the Z-axis (workpiece thickness, machining depth on top

face and Z value in horizontal boring) is identified by the "thickness" parameter for
the different entities, its value is always taken as depth, regardless of its sign. Such
solution allows a very effective 3D presentation, despite the project is drawn in 2D.
Note: some programs provide for the Z value (machining thickness or depth) to be
entered in the layer name (i.e., PANEL19P00 or TOOL_A12P50 - where letter “P”
is used instead of the decimal point, which, in AutoCAD versions before the 2000
release, could not be included in the layer name-). With this solution, nonetheless,
the three-dimensional effect is lost.

4) Each layer may be associated with a different color, with which are associated also
the colors of the different entities. Using a different color for each type of
machining allows immediately understanding if the drawing is correct, even though
the related "color" does not provide any information to the conversion program.

5) Importing is compatible with DXF formats for AutoCAD 12, 13, 14 and 2000.
LINE, ARC, CIRCLE, POLYLINE and LWPOLYLINE are also acknowledged
and interpreted.

6) There is also a DXF default table where the values taken on by the parameters not
being specified in the DXF are set (i.e., speed of travel, of rotation, etc.) during the
DXF ISO conversion process ?.

7) Workpiece dimensions X and Y are defined by the dimensions of a rectangle

located in the appropriate layer (PANEL). Thickness is given by the value of the
rectangle “thickness” parameter. All machinings are defined with reference to the
workpiece bottom left corner. All data concerning the workpiece dimensions are

8) Vertical holes are defined by circles located in the appropriate layer (TOP).
Boring co-ordinates correspond to the circles' center co-ordinates. The diameter of
the drill to be used is given by the diameter of each single circle. Boring depth is
given by the circle's thickness parameter.

9) Horizontal holes are defined by rectangles (closed polylines) located in the

appropriate layer (LEFT; FRONT; RIGHT; BACK). Boring direction is bound to
the layer. The diameter of the drill to be used and the boring depth are functions of
the rectangle's dimensions and of the boring direction. The boring start-point co-
ordinates are defined by the mid-point of the segment representing the diameter,
still as a function of the boring direction. The value along the Z-axis is defined by
the “thickness” parameter.

MW310 – Project Windows

10) Horizontal indexed holes (horizontal holes with different direction than the
Cartesian axes' one) are defined by rectangles (closed polylines) located in the
appropriate layer (INDEX). The tool to be used in the machining may also be
defined, as an optional; if it isn't, the tool set within the DXF default table will be
used. Given a rectangle defined by the points P1, P2, P3 and P4, the diameter of the
drill to be used is identified by the distance between P1 and P4; the hole depth is
identified by the distance between P1 and P2; the boring direction is identified by
the vector going from P1 to P2; the boring start-point co-ordinates are defined by
the mid-point between P1 and P4. The value along the Z-axis is defined by the
“thickness” parameter.

11) Saw-cuts are defined by parallel lines to the Cartesian axes (or by polylines made of
a single straight segment) or by rectangles (closed polylines consisting in four
segments) located in the appropriate layer (SAW). Cutting depth is given by the
entity's “thickness” parameter. Two cases are possible, according to the entity being
a) If the cut is identified by a segment, the latter always defines the tool path. The
cutting direction is identified by the vector going from P1 to P 2.
b) If the cut is identified by a rectangle, the area defined by the latter will be emptied.
Cutting direction is given by the longest side and the emptying width is given by
the shortest side. The cutting start-point is always close to point 1 of the rectangle.

12) Routing works are defined by lines, arches, circles or polylines located in the
appropriate layer (TOOL$NOME_UTENSILE). Specification of tool name is
compulsory. The ”/” symbol (ASCII 47 - Hex.2Fh), in the tool name, should be
replaced by symbol ”_” (ASCII 95 - Hex.5Fh) in the layer name. Cutting depth is
given by the entity's “thickness” parameter. The cutting direction is identified by
the vector going from the first to the last point. If parameter $R is specified in the
layer name, the machining will be executed on the right of this vector; If parameter
$L is specified in the layer name, the machining will be executed on the left of this

13) The speed of travel in meters/min. may be specified, for all machinings, in the
layer name, through the optional parameter $Fn (n = number).
The layer name may also contain, with saw-cuts, the entry speed in meters/min.,
through the optional parameter $En.
With saw-cuts, instead, the layer name may feature, besides the entry speed in
meters/min., also the tool speed of rotation in thousands of rpm through the
optional parameters $En and $Sn.
Parameters $F, $E, $S, whenever included, may be entered in any order. If they are
not specified, the value set in the DXF default table will be taken. With the speed
of rotation only, if the value on the DXF default table is 0 (zero), the speed will be
taken from the tool table.

?? With the following “TOP” string, the vertical holes in the layer will be
executed at the speed specified within the DXF default table.

MW310 – Project Windows

?? With the following “TOP$F3” string, the vertical holes in the layer will be
executed at 3 meters/min.

?? With the following “TOOL$41_2” string, the routing works in the layer will
be executed at the speeds specified within the DXF default table.

?? With the following “TOOL$41_2$S12$F3$E1” string, the routing works in

the layer will be executed at 12000 rpm, with 3 meter/min. speed of travel
and 1 meter/min. entry speed.

?? With the following “TOOL$41_2$S12” string, the routing works in the

layer will be executed at 12000 rpm, with the speed of travel and the entry
speed taken from the DXF default table.

14) The speed of rotation may only be assigned values with integers. The entry speed
and the speed of travel may take on values with both integers and fractions. Since
the DXF format with AutoCAD versions before the 2000 release do not allow the
decimal point, the symbol "P" is to be used instead of character “.” (decimal point).
The "DECIMALPOINTCHAR" parameter, within the initialization file, also allows
defining what character is to be used instead of the decimal point.

MW310 – Project Windows

Here follows the plan and isometric drawing of a sample workpiece featuring machinings that
comply with the above-listed rules:

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