T NG Ôn Unit 1

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Test 1: Revision

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. sugar B. consume C. muscle D. obesity
2. A. vitamin B. mineral C. diet D. fitness
3. A. medicine B. energy C. exercise D. obesity
4. A. balanced B. yoga C. fatty D. natural
5. A. vegetable B. hygiene C. sugary D. longevity
6. A. smoked B. called C. photographed D. based
7. A. demanded B. lived C. questioned D. supposed
8. A. exactly B. exist C. exhaust D. extinct
9. A. change B. poaching C. chemical D. achievement
10. A. survive B. prohibit C. fertilizer D. environment
11. A. naked B. looked C. booked D. hooked
12. A. concerned B. raised C. developed D. maintained
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. prevent B. injure C. balance D. suffer
2. A. fitness B. disease C. treatment D. headache
3. A. longer B. fatal C. immune D. careful
4. A. infectious B. essential C. resistant D. properly
5. A. nutrient B. vitamin C. mineral D. infection
6. A. expression B. example C. friendliness D. superior
7. A. nervous B. healthy C. verbal D. polite
8. A. exercise B. prohibit C. operate D. cultivate
9. A. acupuncture B. longevity C. environment D. establishment
10. A. natural B. dangerous C. unhealthy D. regular
11. A. capture B. discharge C. survive D. exhaust
12. A. fertilizer B. development C. environment D. advertisement
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
1. The smallest _____________ are about 0.4 micron in diameter.
A. animals B. species C. bacteria D. diseases
2. Some can cause ___________ diseases such as tuberculosis and food poisoning.
A. infect B. infection C. infectious D. infectiously
3. Since 2009, Iceland has been the global _________ in gender equality.
A. leader B. leads C. leading D. lead
4. Vaccines are often used to prevent the _________ of diseases caused by viruses.
A. development B. increase C. decrease D. spread
5. Viruses can cause a range illness, from the common cold or the flu to more _________
diseases such as AIDS and Covid-19.
A. infectious B. minimal C. serious D. benign
6. Start by looking at food labels, paying attention to ingredients and ________ such as
vitamins and minerals
A. nutrients B. features C. types D. drinkables
7. The screens __________ blued light that can prevent you from sleeping well.
A. give away B. give out C. give in D. give off
8. Exercise __________ to always keep your body fit and your mind happy.
A. regular B. regularly C. irregular D. irregularly
9. Many doctors recommend _________ as a way to reduce stress.
A. medication B. thought C. stillness D. calmness
10. Whole grains are high in fiber and contain a variety of ________ that support healthy
blood sugar levels.
A. nutrition B. nutrients C. nutritionists D. nutritious
11. Living to an average of 83 years old, Japan is the nation with the highest ________ in
the world.
A. life skills B. life work C. life force D. life expectancy
12.This idea has long been _________ to Keynes, but in fact he was not the first to think
of it.
A. contributed B. attributed C. dedicated D. applied
13. The doctor put me on a low-salt __________ to reduce my blood pressure.
A. weight B. food C. scale D. diet
14. The acid in nonstick pans is associated with birth and developmental defects,
_________ system problems, and cancer.
A. immune B. immunity C. immunization D. immunized
15. By paying attention to your hunger signals and switching to healthy snacks, you can
_________ nutrition, control cravings, and lose weight.
A. succeed B. boost C. stimulate D. request
16. Baking soda is considered the best home _________ for acne as it sooths itching and
inflammation around spots.
A. chemical B. medicine C. remedy D. substance
17. My own _________ for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through
the grass.
A. hobby B. treatment C. medicine D. prescription
18. If you want to keep fit, you should keep doing _________ like jogging, cycling, or
swimming every day.
A. exercise B. homework C. test D. examination
19. Laura fell asleep during the lesson _________ she was tired.
A. so B. but C. because D. therefore
20. The doctor __________ me to go jogging every morning.
A. demanded B. advised C. ordered D. persuaded
21. Fruit tastes good __________ it’s healthy for your body.
A. so B. but C. or D. and
22. In order to have good ____________, you should eat lightly and laugh cheerfully.
A. spirit B. body C. health D. mood
23. I forgot to wear a sun hat today and I got a__________.
A. backache B. headache C. stomachache D. earache
24. Watching too much television is not good ___________ your eyes.
A. at B. for C. with D. to
25. He eats a lot of burger and chips so he’s putting on___________.
A. weigh B. weightless C. weight D. weighting
26. The Japanese eat a lot of fish instead of meat _________they are healthier.
A. although B. so C. but D. because
27. You can avoid some diseases by _________ yourself clean.
A. looking B. bringing C. keeping D. taking
28. When you have a temperature, you should drink more water and rest ________.
A. least B. less C. most D. more
29. When you have flu, you may have a cough and a ________ nose.
A. following B. noisy C. runny D. runing
30. Yoga involves breathing exercises, stretching and _________.
A. meditate B. meditation C. meditated D. meditative
31. Cycling makes you fitter and gives you a better life ____.
A. expectation B. expecting C. expectancy D. expectant
32. People with normal, healthy _________ systems generally can fight off certain
diseases without drugs, and might not even feel sick.
A. immune B. commune C. operation D. prevention
33. The effects of diarrhoeal disease can be conquered with one of the simplest and
cheapest natural _______ known to science.
A. restorations B. selections C. remedies D. fixings
34. A poor diet, with low nutrient snacks can lead to nutritional __________.
A. shortages B. lacks C. inadequacies D. deficiencies
35. If the victims survive the first half hour, there is a good chance of complete
A. coverage B. recovery C. improvement D. treatment
36. What a pity! Thomas wasn't strong enough to ________ his own confidence.
A. improve B. progress C. boost D. raise
37. The rapidly ________ population will put a strain on the country's health care
A. ageless B. ageing C. ageless D. anti-aging
38. Mass media have helped to raise people's awareness of _________ choices.
A. lifestyle B. living C. livelihood D. lifelong
39. It is said that adults are often immune ________ such diseases as measles, whooping
coughs, or mumps.
A. at B. off C. over D. to
40. Research has suggested that the food we eat _________ longevity.
A. must affect B. should affect C. affected D. affects
41. My brother is now in hospital, ____ treatment of his upset stomach.
A. in B. under C. on D. over
42. After suffering an injury during the match against Federer, Nadal has required
surgery ____ his right knee.
A. on B. at C. to D. in
43. Remember that even simple _________ changes can boost our immune system.
A. diet B. dietary C. dieting D. diets
44. About 50,000 bicyclists suffer _________serious head injuries each year.
A. on B. from C.at D.about
45. For the past five years, Iceland __________ in the first rank of educational
achievement and improvement in women's economic conditions.
A. have been B. has been
C. has have beeing D. had been
46. She _________ two miles and a half, and now she feels exhausted.
A. will have run B. was running
C. has run D. has been running
47. I haven’t met him again since we _________ school ten years ago.
A. have left B. leave C. left D. had left
48. Ba ___________ the cap all day yesterday.
A. wear B. wears C. weared D. wore
49. This room__________since I was born.
A. has been painted B. was painted
C. painted D. has painted
50. We _________since we left school.
A. don’t meet B. haven’t met C. hasn’t met D. didn’t meet
51. I haven’t applied for this job ________.
A. Just B. never C. ever D. yet
52. Has Mary listened to the song ________ 2 hours?
A. for B. never C. ever D. yet
53. Peter has played football ________ he was a child.
A.for B. so C. since D. because
54. I have ________ drunk all the milk.
A. already B. yet C. since D.so far
55. I can’t find my eraser. Have you seen it ________?
A.Never B. before C. recently D. just
56. She hasn’t met her family ________ a long time.
A.Since B. for C. in D. from
57. He can’t come with us because he has ________ broken his leg.
A.Ever B. never C. yet D. just
58. Some students haven’t done their homework ________.
A.Before B. yet C. so D. since
59. Men’s plateau in earnings _______after the 1970s, allowing for the increase in
women's wages to close the ratio between incomes
A. began B. begin C. begun D. has begun
60. Where_________ you__________ on the Tet holiday last year?
A. do - go B. did - gone C. did - go D. did - went
61. _______ people used to read more.
A. Twenty years before B. Twenty years ago
C. For twenty years D. Since twenty years
62. I _______ there once a long time ago and _______ back since.
A. was / have not been B. had been / was not
C. would be / had not been D. have been / will not be
63. In the past, people _________ to the beach more often.
A. have gone B. used to go
C. were going D. had gone
64. Where _________Nam from yesterday?
A. am B. is C. was D. Were
65.She __________ her keys. She’s trying to find them.
A. have lost B. lost C. has lost D. was lost
66. Peter _________ as a teacher for 2 years.
A. has work B. has worked C. have worked D. have work
67.Mary_________ with her mother to go to the mall 1 hour ago.
A. goes out B. gone out C. went out D. was gone
68.I _________ a writer since 2010.
A. was B. has been C. have been D. had been
69. Linda_________ anything because she was full.
A. weren’t eating B. wasn’t eat
C. didn’t eat D. doesn’t eat
70. My close friend __________ my new watch yet.
A. haven’t seen B. didn’t see
C. hasn’t see D. hasn’t seen
71. I__________ the bus yesterday.
A. can’t catch B. didn’t catch
C. not catch D. weren’t catch
72. We _______ touch since we _________ school three years ago.
A. lost / have left B. have lost / leave
C. have lost / left D. were losing / had left
73. ________ Tom Cruise's last movie? Yes, I _________ it three days ago
A. Have you ever seen / saw B. Did you ever see / have seen
C. Had you ever seen / would see D. Will you ever see / saw
74. The number of the participants in the survey _________ 250 students for Oxford
A. are B. was C. were D. have been
75. I can't believe that ___________ the news.
A. you haven't read B. you didn't read C. you don't read D. you read not
Read the following passage 2 and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions
Health Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is a healthy lifestyle. One of the benefits of yoga is that you can choose a yoga style
that is suitable for your lifestyle, such as hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga, etc. If
you are a yoga beginner, Hatha Yoga, which focuses on basic postures at a comfortable
pace, would be great for you. If you want to increase strength through using more of
your own body's resistance, Power Yoga may be right for you. Whether you prefer you're
at home, in a private session, watching a DVD or at a studio or gym, there are a huge
variety of options available to suit your goals and needs. Improved flexibility is one of
the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class, you probably won't
be able to touch your toes. But if you stick with it, you'll notice a gradual loosening, and
eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. Each of the yoga poses is
built to reinforce the muscles around the spine, the very center of your body, which is
the core from which everything else operates.
When the core is working properly, posture is improved, thus alleviating back, shoulder,
and neck pain. Strong muscles do more than look good. They also protect us from
conditions like arthritis and back pain, and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when
you build strength through yoga, you balance it with flexibility. If you just went to the
gym and lifted weights, you might build strength at the expense of flexibility. Yoga gets
your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can help
your circulation, especially in your hands and feet. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your
cells, which function better as a result. Twisting poses are thought to wring out venous
blood from internal organs and allow oxygenated blood to flow in once the twist is
released. Many studies found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression and
led to greater levels of happiness and better immune function.
1. Yoga is a very convenient type of exercise because_______________.
A. we can watch a DVD at a studio or gym and follow it
B. we can choose a yoga style that is suitable for our lifestyle
C. we can choose Hatha Yoga to focus on basic postures or to increase strength
D. there are a huge variety of options available for our private session
2. According to yoga's principles, the spine is of great importance because _____ .
A. when the spine is working properly, postures will become possible
B. seemingly impossible poses will become possible
C. it is the center of your body, from which other muscles operate
D. we can avoid back, shoulder, and neck pain
3. In order to build strong muscles, _____.
A. we build strength with high expenses at the gym
B. we don't pay any attention to our appearance
C. we should reinforce the muscles around the spine
D. we can have strength with flexibility through yoga
4. Yoga can improve our circulation because _______.
A. it helps to provide more oxygen to cells or internal organs
B. it helps us to perform twisting poses more easily
C. we can have more relaxation exercises
D. it helps to provide more blood to internal organs than others
5. The word " internal " in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. inner B. emotional C. relevant D. applicable

Read the following passage 5 and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions
We need calories or (1)…………………..to do the things every day. For example, when we
walk to school or (2) ………………..a bike to school we spend a certain amount of
(3)………….and even when we sleep, we also use them. But how many calories should we
(4) ………………a day to stay in shape? It’s difficult (5)…………………..us to calculate. If people
want to keep (6) …………….., they should remember that everyone should have between
1600 and 2500 calories a day.
We get calories (7) ……………. the food we eat. If we get too many food and don’t take
part (8)………… any activities, we can get fat quickly. So besides studying, we should do
some (9)………….., play sports or do the housework, such as cleaning the floor, cooking
etc. Otherwise, we don’t eat enough, we will be (10)…………….and weak.
1. A. food B. energy C. drink D. ingredient
2. A. ride B. come C. drive D. fly
3. A. things B. food C. calories D. vitamins
4. A. do B. spend C. have D. make
5. A. for B. with C. in D. on
6. A. health B. fit C. active D. ridicilous
7. A. in B. of C. from D. at
8. A. with B. in C. on D. from
9. A. exercises B. activities C. conversations D. campaigns
10. A. extensive B. tired C. exhausted D. brave

Read the following passage 6 and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Keeping fit and healthy may seem difficult, but there are few-easy-follow guidelines.
Firstly, a balanced diet is absolutely essential. This means selecting food that is (1)
__________ in salt and sugar.
Experts recommend reducing the amount of fat in your diet as too much can lead to
heart problems. They also suggest increasing (2) __________ of high fiber food we eat.
This comes in the form of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole meal bread and pasta. As well as
being packed (3) __________ vitamins and minerals, they are delicious, too. Secondly,
it’s important to fit exercise in to your daily routine. This can be done by simply walking
as much as possible and climbing stairs instead of (4) __________ the lift. Finally, staying
relaxed is important for good health. Too much stress can lead to a variety of illness,
from headaches to high blood pressure. (5)_______possible, do things you enjoy and
treat yourself occasionally. So the message is simple - enjoy yourself but learn to respect
your body too. It’s all a question of getting the balance right.
1. A. poor B. short C. small D. low
2. A. Amount B. figure C. number D. mass
3. A. with B. by C. of D. in
4. A. catching B. having C. taking D. going
5. A. Whenever B. Whichever C. However D. How

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