Myer's Index

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Myer’s Index(Myer’s Blended Index)

This Index was developed by R.J.Myer in 1940 and reflects the preference or dislike for each of the 10 digits
from 0 to 9. The method is based on the assumption that the number of persons by age varies linearly, that is the age
distribution is in an arithmetic progression. That is from age “0” onwards. The number of persons of subsequent ages
decreases by the same number. This may be true only in stable or stationary population.
Mayer’s approach is to derive a “blended population” to overcome the decreasing nature of the population curve
and to calculate heaping at each age using the entire age span.
“Mayer’s Index can be calculated for Male or Female separately or combined.”
The method involves the estimation of percentage of population totals for ages ending in one particular digit to
the total population. For example the method determine the percentage of population for age ending in any digits say 0
that is ( 10 + 20 + 30 + 40+---) to the total population. However the estimation is not done in a simple way as is done in
case of Whipple’s Index. Myer’s Blended Index followed the following ways
1). Sum all the population ending in each digit over the whole range i.e 10-99
2). Sum the figures between ages 20-99.
3).Multiply the sum in 1). By coefficients 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 .
4).Multiply the sum in 2). By coefficients from 9 to 0 in descending order 9,8,7, 6,5, 4,3, 2,1,0 .
5). Add the product of 3) and 4) step to obtain the blended sum.
6). Add up the blended sum 5).
7). Find the % of the total blended sum at different digits ends.
8). Take the deviations of each % in 7) from 10.0 . This result indicates the extent of concentration or avoidance of a
particular digit.
9). A summary Index of preference for all terminal digits is derived as one half of the sum of deviation from 10% each
without regard to sign.
Q). Find the Myers Blended Index of the given data.
Term Persons (Male or Female) at Ages Sum for Ages
inal 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 10-99 20-99

When there is absolutely no age heaping at any digits then the Index will be equal to zero. The other extreme is
when there is age heaping at any digit with all other digits being not preferred in which case Myer’s Index will take the
value 180.
Limitations of Myer’s Blended Index
(1) It has no sound theoretical basis.
(2) It does not capture other forms of age bias.
(3) It is not suitable for grouped data.

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