12 Science Holiday Homework

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GRADE 12 Science


1 ENGLISH a) Interview-Based research:

Students can choose a topic on which to do their

research/ interview, e.g. a student can choose the
topic : “ Evolving food tastes in my neighbourhood”
or “Corona pandemic and the fallout on families.”
Read the available literature. The student then
conducts interviews with a few neighbours on the
topic. For the interview, student will frame questions
based on the preliminary research/background.

The student will then write an essay/ write up /

report etc. up to 1000 words on his/her research and
submit it. b) Students listen to podcasts/
interviews/radio or TV documentary on a topic and
prepare a report countering or agreeing with the
speakers. Write an 800 - 1000 words report and

b) Students create their own video/ Audio, after

writing a script. Before they decide a format, the
following elements can be taken into consideration:

● Theme/topic of the audio / video. Would the child

like to pick a current issue or something artistic like
theatre? ● What are the elements that need to be part
of the script?

● Will the video/audio have an interview with one or

more guests?

● Would they prefer to improvise while chatting with

guests, or work from a script?

● What would be the duration?

● How would they present the script/report to the

teacher, e.g. Can it be in the form of a narrative?

2 SUGGESTED Books, newspaper reports and articles on the chosen


3 MATHS Students can choose any one of the following topics given as
per the latest syllabus of Mathematics.
Project on history of Mathematicians: It may include history
of Indian

mathematicians such as Aryabhata, Brahmgupta,

Varahamihir, Sridhara,

Bhaskaracharya, Ramanujan etc., and history of foreign


such as Cantor, Pythagoras, Thales, Euclid, Apollonius,

Descartes, Fermat,

Leibnitz, Euler, Fibonacci, Gauss, Newton, etc.

02. On linear Programming problems related to day-to-day

life like collecting

data from families of their expenditures and requirements

from the

factories to maximum output.

03. Collect data from dieticians, transporters, agents and

formulate linear

programming problems.

04. Make a chart of the formulae of applications of calculus.

05. Applications of conic sections, vectors, three dimensional


calculus, etc., in Mathematics and Physics.

06. Mathematics and Chemistry: Study structure of organic

07. Mathematics and Biology: Study of science of heredity


08. Mathematics and Music

09. Mathematics and Environment

10. Mathematics and Arts: Construction of shapes using


11. Mathematics and Information and Communication


Writing of Mathematical programmes, flow charts,

algorithms, circuit diagrams etc.

12. Collection of statistical data and analyzing it for standard

deviation and mean deviation.

13. Observe the various patterns and properties in Pascal’s

triangle and make a Project.

14. Prepare a project based on the Fibonacci sequence, their

properties and similar patterns found in nature.

15. Form a differential equation for the growth of bacteria in

different environments.

16. Study the nature of mathematics and make a project

showing where three aspects of nature of mathematics -
formalism, logic, intuition - are applied in the development of

Make your Activity as informative, creative, attractive as


Your final submission file must have

Title- name of the project

Introduction - Short note about the topic and mode of


Learning objective

Pre-requisite knowledge

Visual representation/ sketches

Mathematical explanations

Learning outcomes

list of sources used

4 PSYCHOLOGY Dear students,

Develop a case profile using appropriate methods like

interview, observation & psychological tests.

Please refer to the link below to develop a case



Dear Students, Kindly choose any one of the following topics

for doing an Investigatory Project. I already sent a model for
doing an investigatory project in an effective way. Follow
those criterias and do the Investigatory Project as a Physics
Holiday Homework.

1. To study various factors on which the internal

resistance/EMF of a cell depends.

2. To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit

containing an LDR because of a variation in

(a) the power of the incandescent lamp, used to 'illuminate'

the LDR (keeping all the lamps at a fixed distance).

(b) the distance of an incandescent lamp (of fixed power)

used to 'illuminate' the LDR.

3. To find the refractive indices of (a) water (b) oil

(transparent) using a plane mirror, an equiconvex lens (made
from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable
object needle.

4. To investigate the relation between the ratio of

(i) output and input voltage and

(ii) number of turns in the secondary coil and primary coil of

a self-designed transformer.

5. To investigate the dependence of the angle of deviation on

the angle of incidence using a hollow prism filled one by one,
with different transparent fluids.

6. To estimate the charge induced on each one of the two

identical Styrofoam (or pith) balls suspended in a vertical
plane by making use of Coulomb's law.

7. To study the factor on which the self-inductance of a coil

depends by observing the effect of this coil, when put in
series with a resistor/(bulb) in a circuit fed up by an A.C.
source of adjustable frequency.

8. To study the earth's magnetic field using a compass

needle-bar magnet by plotting magnetic field lines and
tangent galvanometer.

6 CHEMISTRY Dear students,

You are asked to complete the following tasks

1. Holiday Worksheet
2. Record Note book
3. Should write Amine and biomolecules Notes in
your notebook
4. Investigatory Project

Holiday worksheet

Section –A

1. What is the most basic aromatic amine’s common name?

a) Benzenamine

b) Benzylamine

c) Aniline

d) Aminobenzene

2. Which of the following statements concerning

methylamine is correct?

a) Methylamine is stronger base than NH3

b) Methylamine is less basic than NH3

c) Methylamine is slightly acidic

d) Methylamine forms salts with alkali

3. A disaccharide is formed when two monosaccharides are

bonded together by a bond.

a) glycosidic

b) peptide

c) ionic

d) phosphodiester

4. Sucrose is a _____ chemical, and the hydrolysis product

combination is ______in nature.

a) dextrorotatory; dextrorotatory

b) laevorotatory; laevorotatory

c) laevorotatory; dextrorotatory

d) dextrorotatory; laevorotatory

5. Which of the following is the IUPAC name of the

chemical in which an ethyl group replaces one hydrogen of

a) Ethanamine

b) Aminoethane

c) Ethylamine

d) Ethane amine

Section -B
6. Classify the following amines as primary, secondary or

7.Write chemical equations for the following reactions:

(i) Ammonolysis of benzyl chloride and

reaction of amine so formed with two
moles of

(ii) Conversion of CH3 –CH2 –Cl into

CH3 –CH2 –CH2 –NH2

(iii) Conversion of C6H5 –CH2 –Cl into

C6H5 –CH2 –CH2 –NH2

8. Write structures of different isomers corresponding to the

molecular formula, C3H9 N. Write IUPAC names of the
isomers which will liberate nitrogen gas on treatment with
nitrous acid.

9. Arrange the following in increasing order of their basic


(i) C2H5 NH2 , C6H5 NH2 , NH3 , C6H5 CH2

NH2 and (C2H5 )2 NH

(ii) C2H5NH2 , (C2H5) 2NH, (C2H5 ) 3N, C6H5NH2

(iii) CH3 NH2 , (CH3)2 NH, (CH3)3 N, C6H5 NH2
, C6H5 CH2 NH2 .
10. Give one chemical test to distinguish between the
following pairs of compounds.

(i) Methylamine and dimethylamine

(ii) Secondary and tertiary amines

(iii) Ethylamine and aniline

(iv) Aniline and benzylamine

(v) Aniline and N-methylaniline.

11. Account for the following:

(i) pKb of aniline is more than that of methylamine.

(ii) Ethylamine is soluble in water whereas aniline is not.

(iii) Methylamine in water reacts with ferric chloride to

precipitate hydrated ferric oxide. (iv) Although the amino
group is o– and p– directing in aromatic electrophilic
substitution reactions, aniline on nitration gives a substantial
amount of m-nitroaniline.

(v) Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction.

(vi) Diazonium salts of aromatic amines are more stable than

those of aliphatic amines. (vii) Gabriel phthalimide synthesis
is preferred for synthesising primary amines.

12. Glucose or sucrose are soluble in water but cyclohexane

or benzene (simple six membered ring compounds) are
insoluble in water. Explain.
13. Classify the following into monosaccharides and
disaccharides. Ribose, 2-deoxyribose, maltose, galactose,
fructose and lactose.

14. What happens when D-glucose is treated with the

following reagents? (i) HI (ii) Bromine water (iii) HNO3

15. Give the structures of A, B and C in the following

7 BIOLOGY Dear students,

Kindly complete the following tasks during summer








Choose any one of the following topics for doing an

Investigatory Project

· Drug Addiction

· Possible Effects of Maternal Behaviour on

Foetal Development

· Pollination

· To Study of Drug Resistance In Bacteria

Using Antibiotics

· The Effect of Oil Spills on Oceans

· Study On Gene Therapy

· Study Of Effects Of Antibiotics On


· Microbes in Human Welfare

·Detailed Study on Infertility its Causes and

·Recombinant DNA Technology In Today's


· How Cigarettes Affect Your Health

8 IP Project Work

The class project aims to create tangible and useful IT

applications. The learner

may identify a real-world problem by exploring the

environment. e.g. Students can

visit shops/business places, communities or other

organizations in their localities

and enquire about the functioning of the organization, and

how data are generated,

stored, and managed.

The learner can take data stored in csv or database file and
analyze using Python libraries

and generate appropriate charts to visualize.

Learners can use Python libraries of their choice to develop

software for their school or

any other social good.

Learners should be sensitized to avoid plagiarism and

violation of copyright issues while

working on projects. Any

resources (data, image etc.) used in the project must be

suitably referenced.

The project can be done individually or in groups of 2 to 3


9 VALUE Prepare a movie maker on any of the moral values.


Duration: (2 -5 minutes)

10 ECONOMICS Students can choose any one of the following topics given as
per the latest syllabus of Economics.

● Micro and Small Scale Industries

● Food Supply Channel in India
● The contemporary Employment situation in India and
the policy of the government
● Self-Help Group Trends in Credit Availability in
● Role of RBI in Control of Credit
● Government Budget & its Components Trends in the
budgetary condition of India
● Livestock – Backbone of Rural India Alternate fuel
– types and importance
● Waste Management in India – Need of the hour
● Digital India- Step Towards the Future
● Organic Farming – Back to the Nature
● Aatmanirbhar Bharat e-Rupee (e- ₹)
● Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) )
● New Education Policy (NEP) 2020: A Promise for a
New Education System

The objectives of the project work are

❖ enable learners to: probe deeper into theoretical

concepts learnt in classes XI and XII
❖ analyse and evaluate real-world economic scenarios
using theoretical constructs and arguments
❖ demonstrate the learning of economic theory

Expected Checklist:

● Introduction of topic/title
● Identifying and analyzng the causes, consequences
and/or remedies
● Various stakeholders and effect on each of them,
advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues
● Short-term and long-term implications of economic
● Appropriateness and relevance of data used for
research work
● Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in
footnotes, resources section, bibliography etc.
➢ The project should be of 3,500-4,000 words
(excluding diagrams & graphs), preferably
➢ It will be an independent, self-directed piece of study.

`11 ISLAMIC EDUCATION Grade 12: Extremism or Responsibility in Islam

➢ How To Make a Project:

✓ Take A4 sheets (Color or white) and follow the below


✓ 1st Page: Front Cover Page (Topic, your name, grade,

section, date, etc)

✓ 2nd Page: Table of content (Index and Page Number)

✓ 3rd Page: Introduction (In this page you have to give

an intro of the topic)

✓ 4th _ _ _ _ _ _8th Page: (Definition, Categories, Al

Quran and Al Hadith,

Importance, Benefits, Impacts, Mind Map, etc) This

varies based on the topic

✓ 9th Page: References (Links, Books, Magazines,

Articles, etc)

✓ 10th Page: Winding Up Page (Eg: Thank you)

✓ 11th Page: Back Cover Page

➢ Note:

✓ Total Marks of the Project is 100

✓ You can use the colors and pictures to be more

attractive and efficiency.
✓ Do not write in double side of the A4 sheet. It should
be written in one

side only.

✓ Do not copy and paste from the INTERNET. If it is

found, The Project will

be rejected

✓ Hand writing is Mandatory for all except those who

have a valid reason.

(It should be discussed with the teacher before starting the

project if you

have a valid reason)

✓ Project Submission deadline is 28th August, 2023

12 MORAL EDUCATION Prepare a powerpoint presentation on ETHICS AND

MORALS on any one of the following Topic & ideas OR
Students can choose a topic of their own which the
student has to present in class. (max 10mins)

● Sports
● Business
● Environmental
● Medical
The powerpoint should include minimum 15 slides
and maximum 25 slides covering the topic content
chosen by the student. (Max. 10 mins of presentation)

A 4 pages handwritten Assignment should also be submitted

on the same topic which the ppt has been made.


➔ First slide should contain the topic name and

student name.
➔ Last slide should be thankyou slide and should
contain references (Links, Books, Magazines,
Articles, etc)
➔ A folder will be shared wherein the student
will upload their ppts.
➔ Each student HAS to name their folder in the
following format:
For example: rahulnaik_12A

GUIDELINES for Assignment

➔ Use A4 sheets (Color or white)

➔ Front Cover Page which includes the Topic, your

name, grade, section.

➔ You can use the colors and pictures or draw regarding

the topic

➔ Do not write on the double side of the A4 sheet.

➔ Kindly stick to only 4 pages (including the cover/front

● Kindly update your AI notebook with the last term
13 Artificial Intelligence
sessions -notes using the provided PDF including
Model question paper.
● Write down an essay in your notebook regarding the
importance of AI in agriculture-”The importance of
agriculture and the implementation of technology / AI
in the modern agriculture”(Please write down your
innovation and ideas)
● Submit it on or before 1st August 2023

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