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xo] Pate = || b+ exe SS | ro study aeons of a tompound | ences |g, -% | Exp: 2 [| to_studyand desciUbe the quan {oweitny | Iptont anne. d-rplay. of antinen and oveiy | o show. no.of chambers. 4 | ear . ||. study. the alu dnloutton of Mora ta. | lon upper are lower surtacer.of op ~ land cotculate Khe stomatal _uidest. Aad EXPY ‘To Compame}ne-vaue. of + panspeet a bom sne—upper.p lower gurfaces JleaP 5 CPD. fo seperate J tudy the pln ce pigments by paper one oy . Ay. a - : Td. deheck dhe petorts_of. “sug. __| ; - (luonse) et ‘ Cup . Oo _ To detect Ane. presence of oupunun | —— 4) UL. en eee INDEX Name of the Experlment Teacher's Signature | | | 1 rae Experiment - a] pate —_ |__i_PakT--8 = spores ——— | eet = t |_| gau ph_plank spec mens 9 | || denficais©in eto XOKLONS — ExOIZ Study pf Char acser s oh_anurnal_ Spoumennts 4 Ldanitecat.oo | LS Exh 3 To obrenve. and wake 2a be ed | _______—~ ASCH es of animal +s sue: | To _¢tudy vasious $4ages Bf _mitosle onion 200 4p (els Rom foaymmenent glide CoMPOOND MicRoccoPEe jain 1 Boakey Tobe th | Revolving naepae—— | _ et High Power dyécre — Lows power deyeetit WT covet Sip sup condense MrvyoY Qase —- | CoMeOUND MICROSCOPE = [14 1s 4ne most —_Commonty_ysed_—_emicvoscope_1n_hiclogy — inboradory» magnifies tne oljecis by tne Combination — | of uo lenses Stysdevy 8 | th Objective lens ies __lose_to_tine _ObeCt _@ ______— | __Gi) ye piece px Ocular _tens remains _close_40 the eye. = The magnifying power Of _a_jons_is_cuatiten_on tae | Bx t0t, 15 xX, Ab x etc, The magnification of tae _narcioscnpe 16 tne combination of mognlicastons —of_tus0_le as | Susi@me. Thus, MAmNiFicAnTiow oF ComPouNb micRoscoPe —_ [w= magnitying, -powe+t ob chyective lens» _ —pnagnityung poet __of _cevlar_lens [Prove of teneenpe tl ro0r : he, _rnievostope 3 built oapund_a_basal_ toed — —2- MB: is Slightly cusnved port of tne microscope , which — ——holel__tine._boaty tube. [sanece -A__dqudno stage te Cixed 40 tno mb wit 4400 i——Opa_to__hold_te slide —— —poat_of Ahe_ymio,_45_plane 94 curface.1s_Osed -to— -Arveck_aine Light aver dhe _Dbyeed~ acer _ynder low — — le ae Surface _1s_Used_4o_cave 14g2_tbe _— Obect seen _ondey —high— powes, sl omeeacata Ts : ~ Ln 4 | to_4egutate the _ainnouins flight _eimiering the — te. Qowey nel - 1. Conese £ Finie AvIUSTMENT 1. Case ¢ fine adusiment Whitin dre. Used to focus ith low 4 gh —4.1 Locote the oloect and focus tk _taila_9.tou-powiear——§ ~—dbjective_UstngContse _adhyostment Ie ty paagnifinii 1S denwed , j0:0n no nose piece 4 Hseohly ne. odyosiment od axa G10 92. -Bluiiye pbsesve. Ltt pot eyes open, | = —T.... "|p, eof and clean hand kerchet wninno scope —_Caverve | _when_nd + —_n_use —2 g.[Do not aomove the olpjective lenses 4som the nose. piece _ | Hanoi ine Scxoud_>—CLondeinser ,—nont yoy 2 siage. clips — "5. Case —ghould tu token hod objective dens should not oud ne Shidle un. Qny tase Expestree ft . = sl [pppave + TO Sitey—Aana—dastail ane gwen fiowerung J s _ plant 4, peimna_,_2Lotirus, 5.espaqnagas /pslivrsy “and display of —Ushorls and anther ‘and_ovoay Jo coo umber _of_Chantbena____— a _ | —_— : a | toquumenta in —Fiwer ,iorteps, razor 01 blade, slides ,— __ needies= 2, LOvership > microrope 5 hile _papem.— | taxe one — od floweingplanis and mace the — | Fo\LovolG, obser vahons ole. down thao aype pF yoot ( 10p_O1 adventitious ), Seno, nue Or uxgdy) aod teat Canangement shape, youlaion wpe or compound) of +he plant Nolo down > werner 14s flower has opedical ,bracls, | epicales oxy not 44 Onsesve tne _puesence of _dx#ferent whorlg gf 6 floral eowes (1.0.5 calyx» corable, andsoeccumn & gy noel) & Ingertinn of Sioval Leave S| Cancfully fake out fior.a\ leave ofeach whorl € place thom whorl sige on _a._chute _papoy. Le. . epi Calycr a present sepals - Pea» giamens: and caspele._—_____— Count -Kne number of Fiomal leaves of each whorl £ ——_|note down ner —_cohocion (union among _Hae_meinaloPars. OF she ——|same tsnor!) or adhe sion (Union wit the Piovol bo > _woatet & Oxamine under ne dissectiing—— ——{Mionscope. Count the _memolas of char bers 01 ee ope eS 2 Pea) ——| oH 7 Flowet et 0 & ¥#ic giamen 71 —T Ba ; eagle a Flours | & ( it _- Zz h\ sepa) it ons LY ol OU. er Flowesing | rel thalamus L anther Lg Floved an > conrectwe ae . ' | [ Frlarnert Stomen _#| Root! Tap ook »— prxonChed, $$ +] | classiicecttornt ——— - Psion = —AngtoSpe tna. [| clang = _Pcotyle donae————— SS | Family —= Solanaceae — __ CTepus =~ Petmnia_— Odo SS —S. pecies__= | diem 1 Fler haceays 5 CIeC4 + haiely———— ee _t| leaf) Aliemate._. Oppose. the flova)_2eq.010, Pedrolate | stmple Oat Pog _# | |nflove sete. Soliiarny —, CLC Ney, — —¥| Power. bya cieaie., pedi collate. compbie_, hice xual, — |< _ ach nomoyphic.., _Ppentamerons, ny pogy pons .—— —#| Calyx! doiala 6, gamoperalons . nfund. buliforna , valvate —|___arsmation_, hie _or_pox plish_va_coloux. ———— —] Gnoecium 1 Bicarpeiiary , Sy% campos. Ovary Sopeuor— pp —loliquety placed, bil oanlascaitle—axile—glacentatia ¥| Miroocium. Giamens 6, Qhermpotdtone, epiperalone »— —__amihey_ bit hema, basitneed + ee Tyre 2.2 gweel Pea ,6r— ser de\| _—» Leaf 24 \pule aie eal (Petals) ry Plo ——T ba owle __| ova meccium «US OF own | Gynreecio> Ts of ory | te (a » Overy, Coradelphous) MiPeop + op toot, byanch eal uit ood anduloc cert sing _nuingen fiyring inacdenia Siem» Plovbar 20ue , weak. hollow lim leat Bisernate , pesiolaie stipnlage ~ Cripotes leat | \\ 44 24 3 —ht lodd Gopa) anterior | gdoumeings —_|= Some S Ea A Oe Classificato yy ?- Division — Anqwspermae. ;——Class_— _Monocofyledpnae | | # | + Aanaily = _filrareac Genug — wm, Species — cepa. Root. Advenjwitions , filbvoue : Hinfore scene: Umbe lloue Cap woe ee Ts _of ovoty a FicPAL_ DIRGRY @ 3 fot : h A SoM ei Stightly—gamophylinns at me _lnase, a o@ 3610 midath . ppeciom - Siamens 6, polywa ndyons Ousanged_in . qu s'8084 cols Stomat rlerroe of & dicot lear _Sdomato. nine _2Prcre | from tne ppey $ lower ___ leufanes of Pedwimla Jecf 2 oud thew wn woater io seperate OF Stomate x 10 NO. OF SAO MOlG + Nowe epidermal i seqvasions. f= ake - ; oe “teat Of Petre. the auumigey _ oh “slomada._1g rote | ye_Aower_pidemmais » and only foro s4ommada On pwsent othe —tipptl epidermis trowever j+ne oat “Bly —Aras_almost Te of stomata iin i | hing: = Fi. the cuaiing Of tie peel Shroutd bo. avaided. 2} lays Use brush to transfey the peel from wate Lo lglasc 40 the slide | 2 Extess OF Glycosire Should be_aemoved my blotting paper. - _~ — en hace __filley_papet at Soraces of re test a + Pepore—Cobalt—enlenicle Paper _hy clipping 0 Aiton fap —th—6. —S-¥— Cola —uttnlowidd. gotten. Day tne ad N —finet_paper—ond_tut diseet of curtable axe saith the —thelp of punciaing machine . Stove. these chee, wa desice@or. The tev Paper 1S pink jn cOlous When ie} Places tne dled dhiecs of cobalt chimide paper, ane 7fach_on tne paper Upper ancl lower cuifaces of a leat glass glides Clip the slides jogeher Grorme <4 Nowtiophal co cntorophyfl & AF O'ovop hy! is Loading pot petpes SH Seperation of ProloSyPthetic pigmehis boy __ paper Cheomatogpaphy ._ Drocod uve = Fee at pa ant Setabih—auhe eon | Gund a for Spine _leaves writin tile Ane sand and 2a} —3, fi [ pl | [f{ ] f bout Gimli cf aeiene in a moray Ond__pecile . Filter jp —4O-get_oerione _@vtvact of tine leaf pigments Jano —{tod tur one ond ek the _ SHIP _into A namoa nakths _ciip nea ant nowt the mone see illaay tne pt ton cr ne dap ae natn en the best tulbe_and poor ahout Eml_ot einer action seat £2 eter 1 acetone. % mi pias bang, 4ue_piyee Mantel looded__cmomateqnapine snip yotne tsk tobe ‘tla te ho Of 4_apht cork, iN_soch away shad M2teodcg *gpei. ee abeat Yom ene tee ee p evel, Make he cCovK ay gla and place the -+test4oho pstibe_tor sometime iahen sayin ikea apo Yt esp 3 he— stip, 40Ke oot the ctmp aoxefully and ery Achy _ = ‘) se ~ . ' » anied al toa, ene meh te AP he Paper stip ay. ist UnCl— AAG} —bancs__ DULerenp (ea 'P. Chowe fou, _idenitfaled py amen satan pigment. cy __arstance—el—ach_pigment band ~Meacute ne {The —Opper.m.@s4_osarage yellow “band ___| Cayoteine The. _Yyetuowtsh bana — below lt from - ne ee a a ~Solvent , -COV7ICS ponds —MOAKS. \pe ——Lanthophylle_“The _Maiva_-fom above dark geen pe present — Ctalorophytl OO. The lower mnoct —tyeltovaich— —L1Spinach Leaves. Should _be_fresh_an } 24 : r— i | hovel. +—{gveen band 1s. Macrl—_of_Chtorophyll b, dd qreeyy, The __Loactung spol _¢hould bo Sma 9 concentrated. +81 The loading spat should be. -placed 2-2 em au2dy Ane Lp _ofWne _wwadtela OAc. ___ Ft while ranging -athe Sup inte. test tobe. tbe loading. Shup should gom(tun gp ootu_4.Crn above. je olvant_ [The _chyomat ocy1aphic. pa pes _.2thip—shauld_nodtooela — Of tne __dest tube _____--—--— jhe _Chyaomcogaaphic._papes._orip—2hauld ot _be—— jtted ta conhgin} i = Caleutlahens + + anbe = Ry vse of each pagent SPP cCaleutoied % follows ‘7 Re - eee or Rees nq st. travelled by Whe oe Dot: teavellod loy 4ne sowely e ee i Re value Of a4fevent plant pqmenrs ay Room temper Re Voloe Di@MentTs COLOR OF SPOT 4.) Covotene | yellows CLONE | oIs : e Xan Moph yl! | yellows | on’ : 3 Jenlorophgta | creopryva | bE q. |chlovophy b | Chlovophy) by Oar a - oe in —eosine a es oe Fpgeaments uune Sample _Ceunnidted_preporared Tess tobe Stand» Spnit_tamp,Genedits sooo, Tretiings -solasion_A and tetas Solution B — e 2m) of te true sample in Lo Jostiube and adil 2a af Beneder& sawwtt0n 4a— Kk Bolt and then cool tf fo __dee-h 2emporaene, | => aweon , gellow or nick red) _preciptate Appeas— as 2] Bhs 44 _=-Take 2 mt of the _cnine—sample In a _—restiche and odd 2m af each pf —Fehwags solution +—1& and ening Solu san B. Sal for about 2 mamptes— ancl _snen—Canl tt _104ne— > 2it ONS ami each of teling woh, ond Feng SVB. Dea) ovine enn) Cardic, Solution > Green, glow, oranges o brwk tod i Burney Precapqiote \ Penedest for Sucyon feVinng bt fe K je pe? Toten — ond large gu [inate serene somple__ Sot tase asp vi “Tasos : 7 Taam ane _tes4 dbo s tin . clan mes eS 40nc Aecigents. oe an 2m vune “ae” SUR tare, Sulphosauicyeuc Test Se VIAME —» wire wg ———>» 5) Robes JoHOV) tellers Test Urine 105+ foY alloumun - 42st tubes, yecy [apne —siond 5s eurit —Metobsulphesaulayne cicid , Sober WT eotutinn 0 ttn “migS@4) and dropper. Dic cer 72.8 bsesvAHON 4- #1Sulphosalicyelic Bad Test. take 9 wal op -Uine samol — tw a dest tube ond od tun -24ual vouime pp ao, Sulphosaa\tc acid to ub - at io tone, gortly > A_Whitich oF Cloudy tor bidiiy Appears inthe _ a Solution —t [El yilers Test 3 Toke ml of Ropers Clay, = __Chiorephyceae pers = Spivogy aa 6p. : | -————___ a Bel Eel Pe | re CEE “i : reeant —? i se uum. “poco —_ Of Slip ea puke fulament . SC aR a [cath {lomert consis ol tadrecal Cylonarncal cella ipigeed tuck 40 inc), neeaeeee eee nTna | ghe Cot wall 15 two Layered and uw rnde ppop | cowstose 4 pectin. Yn Ane mnie nine covhe. -periphey of colk , elaung 1Oe or Moye _riloloon_ Shaped _Spinaily a ogecl_¢ laste, am —pasont wane —cuaplocen ea ~-€iCo__Chlomphst bears _pirennti Single, nucleus cme eet —lntine conte of the yacuile ules Ase: lyin. ‘Uoby —_=_ AL dugnostie Fearwres - tL fn cea amnion beste. Sry. th htop lag¢ Sto baat ‘pase sands ~¢feucaus Tatend Mould 4 ting dona = Eungt _ | —busion = Eumycophgta a ea = DyqO rayier0s , Se : Species - Stolomse be + | | eee et iN P| fs 4] Asexual reproduction 0 Ac comme ms rom! grows. Pesala read.» deonying vege pu _ = fruds. Oe us Vedly 6 bade _Lap_of interwoven _ tras, tun _y—steceads —ok_—hyphté, tnd tnoioin as naycelim aa daypr OF The_Ouyceluund one bsauched : sopscie and havitamcleate Ce02hoey He hyphae) . Tyme vouzontaly Qrowlyg Ayphae are called Hon Occurs — by _Cohyvgation. Diagnostic Fe atores '- hy isuuna K_une¢pine ana south nuclease finance) — \Sporangidphaxes price 4p tn-he Porm of a tutte AA Ricus C wuchvooml + Corsitication + Ion» _ Kin goo Es Fung. p> ———Duision = Eupyco phyta ;————clam = Batidtomyce tes —_____ Genus ae AgaVicus — [— Gpertes — Comparis.. L eet FE LT | fe] E | ab AW Let E| H —Bhizolde pro pom nine mS thot, posal Foniwres— oa oun "body tO “tena otta_nepeatt_ schema sand orophylé eededed tthe thal 4 [magewnnccin C vero [nigesiucntion ___kungdono = Prantoe ——— __ Division = ‘Bayoplyto___ _ a Clas = Hepatical, ee a = Maycloamtie *p a [comments — - |T4 16 Commonly _ yous on_moist , shady —and damp. {places orn Putig | |The {yallus 1s __choysiverrtally, “plationed and _dichotoman [branched with _rodched Apow, }The trols bears a _nagdinin tongitudial 47100214 |-doys0l__gurfac and _o cortesponding ridge on te Ventval gio —— Cup _Shapa odes coed pone Cups. cue pent the _nogdian groove en_doySd)_eurbace _0F the The ~Gemnae cups contans—qortmae—fo+—wageitet e jaalon Hutto way purple _folouved scale : nated “unt Bet, oe Soa ga Fass Reaainas | puqnoste TenAuyes-___ i nT Pe mally Liane ¢ arcnormauly | pranched Haas, | | Prosence of —Gerame. cups oo a | Sox organs ove Produced on An the AL oph owes and_ _larenegerophores « a $$ OL FONGARIA AYAROWETRICA Coypssd _ Ai clowficaiOns oo a dom — Plonigg — oo - ———_Dwision BILOS Phyto —j—____ Class — Muses _ Genus = Fonosia fT Specs = hy ovornetiia, — tH lommons = ee “Gorn nly ~ FOS Om noi st) ghady 5 and damp sols, alls off. AWOnSOy , Creo ites Of yooks, 2 htno Plon__bedy AS Gomedophyte. Lt 1 qyoenerect _ hs dup reonband —inin ahizopidey anid Cate? g_ — Neovo, ee a we eee we cna Te 20 Venu tieotulos and toranenad with obdqus. a aL —{3 Moun _oxig is owera_ and bears .apratty O90 ren S Faves HW leaf jo ares iyle witha —dimind..mid%b... 2h The _o is —OX14 eass an theridio. abs. operand ts. - ie pyyud rool. Sheol A_Loddal toranth cajted tovrabe “pos wens or Cheqonta oe tbs ape pL _ foriiizo Hon a Pordially capendant saprop hye! ys ss £10 PS- ontve female 2noot ayer ae aaa Tg Sporoplag te 1S Ary {oreoted Into Fook, cetd and ip psule + Tne £ Capsole encloses _gpoie. 8ec nat __— “pp cs$ns —$pO8QS @ Tha Spies 9p ranOdo. — into Alomenious protonerna % 0! no sale Ff eotares - Oo I Cyurnbero jo 16 sepyesented by flow on-tous proto nena orth oon Lonty gorndto Pnyie, amen ——— seen 9, Prizods bsonchad and. obligusly op tote. ___— 4 Sgeropryle 1S Oo paoilal porache ypon ane gameto phate PINbPTE RIG — Cmare Fen] W Clusaficadion ? vo nadom — Plonioe. ——— Division ~ Piertdo phelo ———— Class - Tihemae enn Genus ~ Dogoprerts Sp.—.——___—_—_—— my COMMeYNIG —_ \ puprs fommonty — eotec Mette. fern 16 a parennial fay upeant «Lt grows 1 Cool y che ano moist places. eee 4 The plant brdy 1s Sporophayte. and 1s__differentiateok WMO Avot » sel Candergnound. tbizene) cand Pinnately. ‘ fompoundl Waves ( fronds). » The young leaves have. curcinaie pagers and ono __ Covarecl Witth hae cated momenta. ————______— hon The Matuso | eavos bear keadneyghaped gen. Sec leaves — TT tee _ rl FP el “Tape babe _spoxophylls . Te 2071 bear Sport ~[ pontavns Spores — 7 ee [ Tyo _spoies 222 -aploid_tinich _ que—uiee 40_heari shaped | The modal 1G _mdnOe elous |e, pears both | | [aatheyicuo, anc OrChegon ig Toms Roxbugeu! Come —C— -gametophye. cated proshellue | o Peo -fuies \~ _ ; | ghom Lt Ou AYz0 Me = Loaves Daud _ascinateplyrta _cind beat Sarna | Loves —prnrdte toto Porcate _VongtiOn . x Classlficatton + - Z Kington =P teen Division = Sposmodo Ploy da ______—— __ class = Gy manosper 102, ____— (onus — Prnus {| Species — De rou sgh —_______—_ vr_| comments t - a} The plant pedly 16 caprophyt ic 4 1e_a_overgeen tal — —| fire aij evorttated no 004 > $1@inq_aod leaves ~21Ron_frove_tap sot _tyStena_annd of ten_atsooiated tata — Wizae : 4 Sern As Coveved with bark aod —|branches long ehoots and lust choois + The tong ——-Shoole oar _goale, Lecyes au x ——1 8 yous 1 temperate _d.nd_sob= tre real yagns On the slopes of ia, ee _ ee a of} swo_4 pes. ae “ft () Stale Searls axe Haw) y_eoembronntus Won= proto 7 Te syne! ie an piptective. any punchy Rovec = \ And Gre long 1 % tiselOr geoen an prolmymhenc. An function» Doaft snot st bs ayes AS cauied Spv1 Shoot. —____-__..-_ ba Pans tee \o__monpecions and beats hole male | and Female cones In_SpungYeason.________— 4) male Cones oxo borne in. Clusters on long \yarehee. ” | eae mold Cone We Ovold, brown ww colours aye. 00se . And proool Ot the apex. A_ number. a membranous Misr ospor0 phyllas — Are arranged oprally ongnund IAS Amis + tach Mierdspor Phyl boaatwOd.-—- MAL OI05 poranALa. }aoaing wivigeet dhitcdo spo yec_Ov pollen. ~— owns, : = 8 Temale Genes Ore bonne. a ngly en tae. lon shoats. Each ternale.. Ane. 19 Cone. enapal and bears. large Ond Woody Mndya-sporvophylia . Each mag 4 sporophy ll. poo? two ovules OM He dorsal Suoface- The ovles matune Into winged Geeds. - J # pingne die Paaroyes te —— 2 Avegean Looady , parcnmal Aree — O Pyosencea cat long ahovk 4 Gwosl shoots. & keppechouyo dy acne one cones, a fs eodo oak Need, —isenenenions Rann ae: mpecTRIs Cmuctord] t- _ 4. |The 40m 15 oft igen with aistintt nodes aoynodes ._ _lond _10¢ . A Bariwipie venation flower 6 bse yuo) und _bimerous with caudfain x1 te Seecl axe _encdloced _toitn _un_-the frctlt £1 Tne Seorl yoniains dun _Smipai4o Awl th ‘on ealyledneg | 1 | Drognoctie Fonsuros += re =—Aiiiospes mae TP Site = Cictss =D bony leona ££ g = Asptaodo tu Le | Span? jenonfolivs fom nk naka ie And ge 3 4 sa ace pod tt rts abe al Lec leaf te , | aso besuo .tn dHertine _clusier 4 Leawes aise | “| » and Aes _Parallch _Venanon out_ot the foil ard bans AguM2100S_ | fl the seeds ox _pipcluce al —yaith un tine —Agcotts | 2 Dunqanedic Feo Ww7Os += | Advontytinns Toot system | eoyes wath Porael venation FiO age AOU! }Aveds enclored tin fomg, U0 Catgle don Mae bP fF one —, e| Uchens — Pcs \——— TA Sypetsotic er a ro ng OM ~ tompesHeeigantime —aepsesoniing oO symbole. [pygouatson—peitee—a—foagos aban. ‘olla. ________— apo on ands, 30ckS ,dgee taonks and walks OF a ae [aouses_» We —aay—vegetadion. ana fee pe dials 0-0. bchen_sesemes ned er _olqa._ov dirs. [ip mo —tiehe Analuis the algal individual cased t ea belongs —40- clalorophy Cee 08 iy Sango — matwidual rated paycobt tani —belorgs to 106 oy has idomycete oceutt In three forms t= | i) Civstpie__\iclnens — oxe_-thin_,.rrembianaus _, Jouod | i) Cintra licens. |__ariached 40 ¥ne— gobsttatum mn tne form of a_crost.— fi ave flat ,jovect ¢ leaf hice thats cose Ut) —pavo_—bincraed and —Seeah Pata fhollus Quached 10 the ALsc— gepsoduce vegetaavely, by feagroentation » | Qxeyually toy. _osedia ond 18idia and Sexually fey Duming Sex _©sgans__[11ce diosa formed Ua —___— | dsco myseres (Sau Song, $$$ —- - pur BA BRD TES LOA * —— Qs a cassis lt Pros _ 4 dom = Protista. a22 _4 __ kang Le : : Phy lw —— PeolOZOQ gece. = — procolaida = 2 [Genes = — ft A etee tet eeeis = _psoieus. a ; oa | _species — | comments —-— — = = ~- = —— [ pmecto_cocnis in_ponds_, duiches_, Paes, sJooams ele, “| | ,oving —pients _ pf —_Clecaying —esgante_mnai, (08 —________— a{ ue _onucontelas, WUEAOSCOPIC».qeaunch tn_colour_and 16 | pou e2 lo OS mnt duometos, 31 Onde the _ nic ,0%OpPO_4—O— Quyung Dimeolod—a.ppeass—like——— _| | on _thregitl0s— yey Dace Line 00 ob —dgatinepsoroplas sno pxotopl losm_ min be chutunguti led) tnt. a4 0V! a and inne) —endopla sina plus —Ceniauns 4oad__Vacuoles contsasti@e vacuole yl The ¢ndoy _ land a prominani nucle - 6. The pedine of body —sorn+mw0s— changing duc to tHe Foarmatinic- —{0F somal finger Ake, Ot Gro: Us — laiso help tin food Cay o pty. —_____— oe _ a te Fone ss OO ee Ypody 1S AAtorgotas 4 Deas ial _ Bu cov@sed With auticle pei of +two_Suckeag [psca oe “yuMaRicoires Cord wom) | cinsaif rection = | Kunatonn—— POUL sn npemathelranthes | Oscley _=—— ASCOD OO yeas = —- a fe | doubt to__pouind ALckes , sivers , Suamps otc. yhe_moit Sails 140% _GUCh Wate Pedieg , yg a focultoriiye ec4oparasiie Of cattle and othea | paarmmals 4 Suexs —sload — (Sang usntvevous> Sy—pentodhcathy Coming W0 _LoniOct _Witia tine healy ofa Weck jiSbeey18_Sommeahor A62co= Venikaluy flatoned 4 measure, [Dlooud Kem 0 engin bud it can S#4e4Ch_4s length Upto | Socm, when Aequgod Lt 1a ole —GAcin un Coloug the edly tc diwidled into 3a Aeqments 4 cach seq ment Bas SupeFiCI O 40% annuti C4ungs) eee “The anterior ~pOAt pf the hady. 45 NAOKO Feng @ boone _gusxdunded by Cupc bik Suche, Ss vthe Posteo enc pear. 0 Lager pos4onor guckes pa Pintdeasat_ ~f20Mk_of the corked «the gockore —_ ace witicd Serle 1) Lo: pe Dame Mattes 16 peesent pen tere Coe of thelt busious a [p sgonstc entre — gocwpied > pLunditeol ¢ among _ [a ouste —ok_grsstonmauen 4 Gmertéd edly “aioe tf} [itt t0ia Jo nan mbkon ———— — = oj [al tacnenon Seeman] so ——— ae Yost: a OR1 Sk wom + Kung Ao = pnumalia Pag Lua — ——_PirHnA0 po. da cloAy = _tnrecta Onder =—_Lept dopteng Gena = Rombyx Species = wom Comments > phe cult — ets — mon —i¢ Algor 2° eM) Pong Wit, tI vored by munte ¢ tates female mmotia days tHhAge ta he life Cy tie Of the snaon Compr op fooy Stages <— Con — > Lowae ——> Pupa ——> Adair pi Mtereds a _Aticky fluud trough lis _$pinneree ts, Svound tks +0 Z A_a0mauA durapyod ody ooo -pupo__hetthes out Unto an adult moth. on yr; qo ) ee Lounge —ttee_paias OF legs, of ko paws pf ie eeroon Fe inpica Va heey 4s IN AEA Hones naa = Prumalia Pap lar = Aathropoda. _ | thea Insect oxrdor = ete —__Pepig Specs = Indica ‘yl Comments {= bed 2 | Damme e 13) — Fp ps te GS 8 tee pm pp SEW & wo paves pp Wings nen | ting — Sn : pee etonest Lhpnte ina] ST ALh tatogesA Yppple snatT _ g . m _ MOLULIC —_ Qader —__ Pros) byanchiata yess =—Pula | Specs = yloboca Lb 1S terannonls found tn _freah unter creams , pobdy -Te_pead Aenvactes 4 one Pou of eyes | hetoct 4, ante aor 4 vonkoQ_, sole ake used fo creping | Sixa_axr _Sepo.oke yyy —Alught —Seeuall__dumorphisth ._—_ eh] {{ PRE R | 4 | gpnes = Anus 1s present in the conte 06 tre odie. 61 & nore) Cuno La..crot _axd0ve. extends fram gach __ | The drat Triasao awenied, _Aovonwards beats pentagonad — b pereeins Cer yo - _ Le ttt = Brimaa ee [Pete = rnino dormata lass = psitriocia [bade = Fo Cp Uae 7 | teas — Acre vias _ a [—peenes = Rubs == es - whe a enn penal and 1A found a | ook 08. — Joo Horn 4 halo —_ water — 1s body 4 Hott eared tor shapel_and pear mexcus. yah — |p _Smalk_cenesak cise 4 five thot 9 _ta,peating —____ — OMA + — ——_—__—___— lmourh vr He cent dye, a | Aporat @urpace beoxA dare Muunnbass i chat, “and movable ingle pe the mouth along hae mida@dine at the _ | oar Austace Of @ACh o€m 1 Gach ambulc rat _gooVve-—. | conics on @iehey 8 tde w0_AQUW2S__OF AWHULOS Ve LLACHL Le ‘Body roniagonat 4 “s4on_ghapoa. _ Aion ~OuNnM wit fous Ap ws of {be foek . vo yections , doried toe {20k Ox OMA. The Rates, at + fonneckda yy Un LWwodker VoLAcutas System 4 oips —_\n ae LRoromotion, tood capture _@ Aca prvaOon.___ - Sexes are Co perdie _puithouk —_Gexab “dumosphityD. [dagnesiie _¥ Featuser : prot obormd surfaces art quske dbatinal a —_— } ope’ { Dog _£18h J shoak ga “gobi , # cumin (es 4 / _kangdom—= ae —t _ Phil —— Ohordoro . —| ~ Sub phybuen — = Meriahnia, = el hs = Chlorrdl 41 clathyes ee So = Seplindon ep, a — “pleomnen en a — | 00g sh commoniy nowt On_4 4 tosh 1 ve foond dnthe "| pooatot— pga tp Li | [a nox —SomaenZha — PorteArauy. “nompmastcl_¢spurdla taped — | | px _steanaruned body “woleh —pornted _Sinount .‘Tnd_lody _$ ~[iemnd tach oye | Auo potas ot loxeaah _£ pectoral_g_pelwic) Fins axe present — | | La Sasa A tot pia tupn lange yf ast peat —— so- enieailiy tonapsessea, ,vohuch ventrally — vertical 94tll _elefts _dr4_fresent. ‘ag =_pnicl ventral, ore_candal Gnd —[teqion Tnese aie enpubatodg O64 0M $$ tl shake axe Viviporous le, Give pits 40 t young -Oei_——§ Phylum \ RoHITA £2 BED. Ht ohut 91 Clare canon + Chordata. | | | @plppen- { Dog ish J shork ¥ | _Yangdem = Animate _ Phiten Chordata Sub phytum = Vertebrata — i Oss = —Chtond $1 chithyes Re asineets nits =__¢nlindon tp. 5 ud pete dors one - mich yonnal , one Candal and 6 ootss pp lortra pecrora\ 9 pe Pine Ox presen icyou « ete Ore peposnte n mores have DAD Pe) on tA Q eppudororsy O4Gon Eng, Oe 1 p04 0 e Q plytin 1 oung One yO + enusA - Labeo Speer - Rubia , yg | connments To fresh VUCT aweller commonty Callod Ashu fuh . awe Indian Corp), yorttely red O4 food fith tn our county ; ale UA obdut 0 40 Vo em. In Length the body | | popu — flere _9_ehienmdened _,cliiatsy lack Acta (gta ly bud pote _- Whit Ve ntQiuy . \t 1s Covered } ~_ | wig evesLappuing explora arabes, = : + 4 q_ Mouth 1¢ Sub: 4@rmunad $ Venkat . A posi each oF “| novels $ Large _Laserad eyes _woltrout eyelids ore |_passeie ——_—_ — —— | ware ox five _-parrs of gill slits Covered by an gesdiluin, ty Si thee median CdorsOl , venta 4 Candal) apd pomed ial | Pectoral _4__Peiw1e fine O _pseiont for_suouramung,, The | -tot_4_hvomndcercad_—(1o.Candap tun equally toed . 61 lnteroo tune _Aerae pagans arc paogent __ 1 Sexes Ore _gopornte . The males — O44 —titout _(g:| RANA TiogiwA ¢FROu F a | ef edi Sudo Pluyfuan = Neate praube - loss = Pen phbia — Dado - Ayora — Conus > Rona ] pecieg = Aig y cna ft Commons L —l = _ | dake. dw cna Loud places. oe | tt has Someuonhad trangquiar bilaieA aus Suynomet ical with Ardad 4 aun k __|-bocly : = e Th skin 1a dark _gaetn tolth blatk patches most $_ g covered bby mucus. The (kin tolous mouy Change tn ydonte WIL the envigzenment.____ ae t fyes_—Pulgicy —upuraad ud Leno bagi» Lunda woea_, ane oAe _paoteried by 0 Haun _errdoAGue Caled __ | yenbanne te Rocoed pernund 29th oye. ___ ee _— | Cyr buiguiy _upwoad 10 LHrout eyelid. undos water ,O¢s— pou _paobecked — -by—o Haun atin bone. Called nic bing. -6{ tne tink beast —4yc0 pass of tummies ——Thna Arad tunes Out webbed A ant Longer non fore Qumis » Thia helps in LE Chery = Re pitta t— Cyonus Cayotea 8p. b 8! comments 1 Beeson pounted backwOr dug Aucted Spins trsende | vy be wud —dOL00 Quint. fownn neck 1D bash. Dean is ong _f__slendot. athe a pend tg broad 4% disnot . The neck (¢ rod, oo ie _pentadodye Ard clawed. E | the tammos — Counsse cumin LPgeonY — aca hick 4y tute _ | ond Short aul id__mobile neck re : Teeter = Lado apa asses . _cpoclta = cunt tab — 1 - tues an lds, making pymaas Cleese) — f [gna feeds on _Veqetablewr —¢ yexouowe’s)—_____— [gmall pushy 4000. The bony \¢ covered walt, Wass Lop whuke 1 goon 0” black Colous ee ano Lips trfied (Inaby = 2p} wit, — gensoky 00.44 oh Us rts KA py tne sok i vObje pinnae 04 4eanah L044 gre petdent ben tat cues the expt Oe Pink Un cole -t e RIMENT -& 00h nose Yehisd Aaoyoras ot a bie | " copit Abwuicttn of grirol MrAsies L cqpomous Hae Lh) 5 tale. Ls , nine iba $% reommauon 40a _ ee Pot manne Adis of Cortoy . bone and _ Lo. beaniog 5 Apnauos tus genads.___ te MOHbA § eopacninks ! UA__Eptraliakn . ss fob ,.plake Uke poligonat colle: Se Age patted Ad 4 ro dige soithnouk jnsercollulos ALIN + Oth co) 02 an Ook 04 spyerrcdd — “nucleus Withe Lonhio 5 SD budgnng O& the C4todesna Blew. Corton boxres tae nan —Lintke Of Gunes, Hated 94 4resotas mune Cvowuntary eanactes Y__ He nurcler ferouar oe elongeked , og lsnacal 4 je pL f1 ko 200n o5oA : Fhe __{4_ nucle Hota. CO \S9b 4 Aeros —Flbre. on | smuacecl —orussCltA— ake oda aaa geste nthe _genorad rahe bones and g thoy C¥e tuna _Hng Conol Of tng eae 04 Anima B| Non coded 04 2 moot Mircler nvolin y Joe atsele five, a eLonga OM Aso LA into lund le | Coch Musele Abe thar an ovod ehapod ix fen Kuirkened yoidolle paat and 14 covered bu a Hain Lmend sit Colled 8 (sco lenuma Tht saxcoplosm C caytopastn) conta Ns yiumeros Haun LayofUbats Aatnvaung — dang) 2. TAOniwome Smatons as Ob Son, ™ =the Aclaxed frlowes _cuppeos tau and slongated abt | the contratiech ones Ouppead nick ond Sno7 +Mon- ttiaked yusrcler 0 {Cond . blood Yorsels , tiginory _$ —qenite’ aude Oe wok under mie Conmol © COADUAL plese ne. stones & the _wuucle Fibres oe —_Cofindld oma ond more ‘Fach fibyo 1¢ coved fe a : pUbinurleate ox pincloate Gtyrouttown CMs ile fbr ae te faint e044 striahohe inne _pyesen od 0 pp sexe Ong nos00se bganche yo fuer ob found Hamar Blood j= FolLowtng dey Per Of COs ban Observed in hurnon bead 1) gnu MYO CY LOS (ABCC) 1 Then ded biconcawe 4 dee -wKe. ennucleaked CMa. Thuy OAL wolthoud loploarnic oagjaniadbes but Conta 4. Ad eeloured at « haemoglobin: They At SAN I ACLU dinrnee, i) Leucoryies (WBC) "Thee dou dorm annoeod 4 wurteorod Cella They OL # bus Ly peas ) Aqgvantlo cytes 4 OK, OnWhes in heir yaktal 2 cole ae ae Lyra phocytes. Thaw hove Sperical ¢ pronurent WACO tno us mot: Of the Cyte plain). Thing cane Tex hitb lOped 99 bo Thiomhoeyter / Plasolers OM ornau siglhote , _Onnutoloated body be Maid or The Nua lea dn Auster ad precautions | -FNGey AMAL be Oe yi sec) Peepesly before pricking - | Needle Ahould* Le Completely Stevilited gver the’ Kane oy Ure —auapo sable needio . The Eun Should fo¢ Hun ond Lunformn. 40 Get ail the +ypen of (eal ole — The $'0.Un __naust be washed, Prophily do_AtmOve, tre tuto __g\ Ou and it _ebre naaterrcd CU _shoutd be observocl at yortous forces po — tondirmn the sinape of nucioua . ars

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