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OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Gafety in the Workshop ce where facies such as machines, ools and workbenches 26 ut his or her work in a good manner Most of the 1s or damages ‘A workshop is a building or pla ker or student to carry 0! provided to enable a wor aescnines and tools f aot properly used may result in injuries OCCUPATIONAL HEALTHANDSAFETY = means the physical conditions, agents, matenals or substances present in & vaonment, which may cause sickness, impaived Healy and well-being, oF among employees or among other persons Cccupational healt! sorking oF community env Sonifieant discornfert and inefficiency, sotety - means any precaution taken inorder to Prevent unnecessary injuries or camage t© machinery accident -means an unexpected event or an event without a7 apparent cause Occupation - means any employment, business, calla, pursuit, vocation or profession, inetation to employees, any place where the employers work or are likely te fo frequent in the course oftheir employment or incider Workplace - means i snore. or which they frequent or are likely stional health and safety means the art and science applied by both the employers wand health working environment or protecting erjovees Ads) « of the conditions in ytuch the work ts lore, occur \d employees in providing safe ary health or safety hazard whic ec on. fh may arise out of their wor ence environmental heaith and safety involves understanding the impacts of environmental an! ee aes hazards and protecting human health and ecological systems against hazards Tnuvelore 2 safe environment is fundamental to health for the development of the individuals #3 the country at large. It is important to note that, in order to achiev © safe and hes g enwronment satety audit is the key Safety audit 1s 2 8) stematic method to evaluate an ro company’s safety management, 2nd this should cover the Gniit: safety management Seen the aclivties aiming at ensuring adequate contro! of the hazards affecting perty or the environment, ystems make he ‘ designing, developing 2 ith and safety an important part of your business's designing, developing and implementing an efecve safely manageren syste aging reporting, responsibiities, planning and resourcing to create @ + Policies, procedures and processes ‘+ Training and induction. + Monitoring upervision © Reporting Feinember, 11s not enough to simply adopt a satisfactory safety management system You must iso actively umolement that system in your workplace, To do this, you must ensure that + Workers comply with procedures and instructions; + Workers are appropriately trained. and + \Norkers are subject to ongoing supervision. svanagement system combines all the different elements in your workplace that nees A satety + to ensure you provide a safe working environment for everyone who enters Implementing effective Safety management systems include the following: 1. Safety plan safer olan is @ strategic action plan that forms part ofthe business plan It analyses the cunent ara prospective risk for a company and charts how the risks will be eradicated and Controlled over a calendar period (the safety plan must have @ budget) This plan will ensure that there is a governance structure within your company that ensures avery worket clearly understands their safety obligations (and how to comply) and is accountable to carry out those obligations. 2. Policies, procedures and processes Polcies, procedures and processes include all safet This paperwork will describe all safety behaviour, ex reporting and incident notification documentation. ty paper infrastructures within your company ppectations, record-keeping, incident 3. Training and induction Depending on the nature of your workp! Gniers your workplace should receive trairung and induction oF Jace (whether its low-risk oF high-risk), everyone who + The rules of your company; 21 ne rules of the site: and he rules of the location they are visiting, The trainin aining content will depend on the level of risk the person is exposed to i Monitoring Your obligation Maciiee ; salor te mont your wikaca depend on creumatanices an peed. Ay Sati the level of risk. The higher the risk, the more frequent and deta the montoring nae o Other times when monitoring will be necessary include + To ensure that all risk has been covered by a new risk assessment that has been carried out due to a change in process, e.g. the installation of new workstations; and + When an investigation takes place following an incident. 5. Supervision The only way to ensure your workers are carrying out their safety obligations is to have adequate supervision. ‘The lavel of supervision required in your workplace wil increase if the level of safety control put in place to reduce a risk is low, ie. the less effective the control measure used, the higher the Jevel of supervision necessary 6. Reporting The governance structure of your company needs safety reporting at all levels, not just at boar level ‘Your workers need to know what safety looks ike ~ what's going right and what's going wrong, This can only occur when they receive safety feedback from you, e.g. how many hazards identification. the risk levels associated with those hazards and what control measures were implemented, CARRY OUT SAFETY AND HEALTH INSPECTIONS inspection must examine who, what, where, when and how. Pay particular attention to tems that gee most likely to develop into unsafe or unhealthy condittons because of stress, wear, impact. bration heat, corrosion, chemical reaction of misuse. Include areas where no work is done ich as parking lots, rest areas, storage areas and locker rooms regularly, Su look at all workplace elements — the people, the environment, the equipment, the Thereton crutiny of the workplace to: |g. and the process. A safety inspection involves 2 thorough s material SRO ple include the n umber of smunlton workers, demographics, shit schedules, and eh ee potential heaith and safety hazards which include: enna se ie ad setting, and the conditions that surround tne workers es ion, lighting, temperature, and ventilation vevew safety equipment (e.g, fre extinguishers ist aid kts, safely Shoes protective gear, etc.) = Eramine the effectiveness of your workplace safety practices «neck for compliance with health and safety requlations «Recommend corrective actions to rectify or eliminate 2ny hazards four Workplace Steps To Conduct an Effective Safety Inspection at part of a continuous ‘ro conduct an effeatve safely inspection, t may be Use to consider es. Here are the steps mnproverent cycle to ensure the safest possible workplace for yur ef can take to streamline your Process, f 4 . 1. Create an Inspection Strategy az Before conducting 2 safety inspection. it's imperati wolves the following elements: 4 ting 2 safety inspection plan in e v Aschedule should be regular, the fist step would be 1° decide how regularly Since inspections y,one every six months or s0) 2n4 when these you're going to conduct ther (seal inspections would be. ection covers alt the shifts 19 he day, and also the areas Try to ensure that your inst shore the work is not as regular {euch as equipment maintenance ‘ctivities) so that all sable hazards are explored. THIS ‘schedule should then be ‘communicated to all the oereeholders involved in the inspector euch as shit supervisors, managers etc). . list of the inspectors ho will be invoived inthe safety inspection process anc tO ‘adividual skils. applicable. "'S @ good single person {nis important to know te duties according 10 the inspectors! purpose as placing the burden O72 Tead to errors or omissions celegat sractce to establish 2 team for ern they are highly trained, ™=Y consist ofinaividuls with Ivers skits — for example, trained safety The team could professionals, equipment experts, and supervisors al? ¥ An inspection checklist ts useful Hs cote an idea of what to look for before your team conducts the en speton checks tailored to your workplace may help the inspectors e re that they don't miss anything. F kespont ing. For an efficient and Stteamiined process. you can organize the checklist nto categories such as quioment safety, fall protection, accident risk. ete ¥ Finally make sure to include all the elements of your workplace, incucing the osople 9. whether your workers are following safety practices), the equipment (e@ wear ied igar_corresion, ete), and even the environment (e.g.. noise, lighting, emissions A list of guidelines Before you start inspecting your workplace, you may want tore evant quidelines or standards to know what to look for, For instance, hazards you can check the National Fire Protection Association! outlines the minimum design, operation, and maintenance requit types of spaces to ensure safety from fire or similar emergency 2. Conduct the Safety Inspection ‘Once a comprehensive strategy has been ¢ Sepection team must observe all work processes and equipment closely. loosing varkolace hazards including + Inadequate machine guards + Malfunctioning safety equipment + Absence of a well-stocked first aid kit + Biological hazards such as parasites Environmental issues like fumes or radiation Brvsical hazards such as wear and tear of equipment, heat, electrical hazards, etc Risks to the mental health of wor Poor work practices like using mar overloading equipment, using defective tools, repairing oF 2 while it's on, and more reated, is time to carry out the inspection. The for possible ers such as stress or workplace Oullying .chinery without adequate safety training, djusting equipment jre conducting the safety .ction form, especially if you ha form may be useful You may o¢ required to fill an inspec its not required. sucl insurance purposes. Even if inspection for inspection data. p a record of your to Keel 51 While con. conducting the i inspect ny ml if fat coreg ions, it’s i nce But en iportant to remembe! onal uring the safety of your workers, adore fae i ote n yoursel ion, keep the folowing best practices in min ° ” effective, sate inspecti Communicate te any immediat without waiting for your eon rane 7 hazard to the relevant authorities coon ae ae ot open reach them, so thal they can fix the issue as ake ious Notes, describing every hazarc wihich it occas ry hazard and the exact conditions under sk the workers for additional information if you don't know about the partici & process or equipment without disrupting the work too much as “necessary interruptions may result in safety issues. d information such as equipment readings (exposure on levels, etc.), emissions inspections, hazardous con r= form of notes, sketches, photographs, and videos if m ‘ember that there are no exemptions in safety, and sor mistekes may be quite hazardous. emicals IS, and others s even ittle 3. Review the Data Once the inspection data is collected, it needs to be reviewed and analyzed to fing gaps anc take actions to mitigate the hazards and improve workplace practices Any trends in the collected data would help idenify the root causes of issues anc make changes athe enterprise [evel to prevent the hazards from occuring again. & cloves hases automated inspection solution would make this work simple and efficient ‘analyzing trends and generating reports to make planning corrective actions easy 4 Implement Corrective Actions The whole process of inspecting yo! jointiess if you don't use the data to help prevent risk. In your inspection report, include a section proposing the actions hazards found. For ‘example, if a certain work practice involves $: may be 2 recommendation to reform the practice. OF, if bas shows a concerning proposed actions, deadlines for the actions to be completed, and a “aie foot na oa e the stakeholders to report to. ur workplace for safety issues would be Ps sto be taken to correct the ‘afety risk. the proposed action trend, a

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