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Phyicar ne 8808 te fumes rence in REE suchas weerataton Poor oih® Menta heim tages ta fetuipment est eats Nara. eine elo tars won 8. repaing or enc et wid aderuate suey taining. overoading eRUBMENE UND og eacioment while sen, and more You maybe requires Purposes. fy {0 fl an inspection “ven if its 'Pection form. especialy # you're ‘conducting the safety inspection for insurance Pot required cha form may be useul to hep a recard of our Inspection data. While conduct ucting the in salety of Becton, i ing YOU Workers, and even yee mPOANL IO remember hat he ume goals not comptance but ensuring the Yoursell So, to ensure an efectve, safe napacion, keep the folowing best practices Communicate any in reacn one gr mediate danger or hazard tothe relevant authorities without wating for your repor to Clarenty being athe an fe 0 as ao0n as pena For example pace of enuement Pat + omar fetid USedis untate, ensure mats sha wn enmity fo revert aces + Take como i e4MeN! on your own # you are nat tained Yodo 80 RES BI res. ering vey haarsand eee ono wd wh cin, nt ent: atonal nxmaton you do raw bout prt work rece of eqvpant + ener Satz te werk fo much 9 unecessary errupons may resulin sey sues ‘ope nformaton such as equpment readings (exposure to enemas rain ives, ee), emsiont !828rdous condone, and chest orm of notes, sketches, hotograghs. and videos necessary Remember that here ae no expos i sally, and tomebies evanile mistakes maybe quite 3. Review the Data jprce the inspection data is colected, i needs tobe reviewed and analyzed to fd gaps and take action to mitigate the hazards and improve workplace practices, ‘Any trends in the collected data would help identity the root causes ofissues and make changes atthe enterprise level o prevent the pazards from occurring again, A cloud-based, automated inepection solution would make this work simple and etfcent, analyzing trends and generating reports to make planning corrective actions e9sy, ‘4 Implement Corrective Actions ‘The whole process of nspeciing your workplace for safety issues would be pointless if you don't use the data to help prevert risk 'n your inspection report, include a section proposing the actions to be taken to correct the hazards found. For example, 2 certain ‘work practice involves safety risk, the proposed action may be a recommendation to reform the practice. Or, ifthe data shows a ‘concerning trend, a team may need to be insituled to investigate the matter futher. ‘Make sure your proposed actions are comprehensive, including the delegation of work fr all the proposed actions, deadines forthe Actions to be completed, and a way to report the progress inthis work by providing the teams responsible for corrective actions with ‘the contact information of the stakeholders to report to Follow Up on Your Findings ‘Schedule regular follow-ups to ensure that your findings from the safely inspection are being acted upon. When the proposed deadlines for the actions pass, ask the relevant teams for progress repos anc follow up with stakeholders to check ifthe selution is working. Ia hazard persists despite taking action, i might be thatthe root cause of he issue was not eliminated, making futher analysis, necessary. Remember that this is a continuous process and not something that can be forgotten once the inspection has been done. APPLICATION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (OSH) LEGISLATION AND OTHER RELATED ACTS AND REGULATIONS LLogistation is a law or a set of laws that have been passed by Parliament. Whilst an act is that piece of legislation, which deals with specific circumstances and people. And regulations arethe practices established to control and manage an activity or process. ‘The health and safety risks related to mining include but are not limited to: 4) Page Mine eros ‘mine fres = fthetee rie ek st ote, a aabiog and sendy tng daassee nde tenga bythe inhalation of eepabie coalmine du. {rushing ofa miner between m shock bums anges anton ofmenane wn epee i ne ig ol tng, inundations of danger for rom eld mine workings or geological fours fous gases, wat og leror other te-fowing materia premature foc alo Gab rleased tom te atte ee m m chinery er macrinary ae the coal sides in conned spaces: Ss, trips and fais; + handing materas unguarded machinery: + falls from heights; UNDERGROUND SITE CONTROL PROCEDURES Chock-infchock-out procedures ‘The employer must maintain a check-inicheck-out procedure fo ensure that above ground personnel maintain an accurate accounting of the number of persons underground and to prevent unauthorized persons rom gaining access tote ste. Ths is especialy important in the event of an emergency but is a commen sense requirement at allies, Control of Access and Exit Points ‘The employer must ensure safe access fo and exit frm all workstations a he construction site to protect empleyees from poten hazards, such as being struck by excavators, haulage machines, or ether moving equipment To help control access, all unused openings including chutes and man ways, must be tghly covered, buk headed, baricaded,or fenced ‘off, and posted with waming signs that read, "Keep Out” or similar language. Ground Support of Portal and Subsidence Areas shoring, fencing, head wals, shorting or equivalent protection to ensure that these areas Subsidence areas must be simlarly guarded by shoring, filing in, or Portal openings and access areas must be guarded by ist be scaled or secured to prevent lose sol, rock. or fractured ‘employees and equipment have a safe means to access placing barricades and warring signs to prevent enty. Adjacent areas mus hatenals from endangering portal, subsidence, and access areas, Ground Suppor of Underground Are: each shit and as often a8 necessary to lent porson must inspect the roo. face, and wal ofthe work areas athe beginning of each shit and aso ary en ne compte persnieted ih een mpeconszonolies mst oes to lo od by hex tion, ground support, or equivalent means. The ground conditions along all haulage ways and travel ways must also be inspected as locaton racesar(erace ele pasage and ose ground consees oe hazarcous emioyes mute scaled, supported, rtaken down tobe tested o ensure tat they meet the necessary torque ‘aking into ‘competent person must determine how often rock Bos ne a ney Ponitone datnea Wom vraton sae, adhe apecfb system mu, On tau mechs hese teed when trson-dependent bots are used for ground suppor. S| Page ystems, ‘Support must be anchorage 1 preveny el Protected fi ust be provieg Det eee sss rom ane t28€ und. The batons any suppor ses aed i in9 Suppor ses insted must have suet a immedia the suppontbere 1 ‘oma Alacer sets icreate taney, See aera (neluding col bracing, eros, ee spresdem) 'ArdOUs condition m s NStBe Brom repaired orrelacea oe SOY: Ny laid or damages geund surpons bate The new wr ain roe ante rr ve eran wry dns ss a ei Sa mae s ‘ny support replacemer rei Ground Suppor of Shatts Placement operat Fire Prevention and Controt ‘Open flames and fres are prohibited in una ited in underground construction areas excep as permited for welding, cutin, ex oter hot work operations. Smoking fs prohibited unless an areas free offre and explosion hazaes. Signage prohibiting smoking and open fore Should be placed throughout work areas Fire extinguishers must be avalabe atthe head and ta pulleys of underground be conseyers Ventilation Requirements Fresh air must be supplied to all underground work areas in suficiont amounts to prevent any dangerous or ham accumulation of dusts, fumes, mists, vapors, or gases. If natural venation does nol provide te necessary a quay through suicert air volume and cr flow, the employer must provide mechanical ventilation to ensure that each employee working underground has enough fresh required IMlurination Requirements Occupational safety and heath requtes that proper iluminaton be provided during tunneing operations, When explosives are handed only acceptable portable lighting equiament may be used within 0 fet of any underground heading ‘Special Air Monitoring Requirements ‘The employer must assign a “competent person’ to perform air montoring is ind! determines that a oaminants may preset a ganger 9 leat anytime, the employer must immediately take all necessary precautions and posta note a allenances to Gaderground ste about the hazardous conditon, ‘ax mentoring duties, the competent person st tke it consideration the cation a he jobte (ts proxi fo Nel nese): the geology af he ste, nding so ype and permeabity, he Ntary fre ae and he constcton levels of substances montored aver time), and work practces atthe jobste (use of diesel engines, exp ions of employees to working underground In peroring tavko, sewers 25 avon ranges i oes nt work wen, and ctig, athe phys ‘special Conditions for Dring and Blasting Underground ran onde : women a wel a he round, ‘competent person mustinspec tig ad stoked equipment A jor aciimaturenadal bts monuun ars amazin bore ay hazards. Elyse 9 upentan os ut be seed anne mas leeds se pasion. mache, sei 6|Page Waly tests tative, The rece Mant ed stove gr : cna nha he esa wort bo aval on equet othe Secreto aber or mesa records) pe 1" 2 year fats eet date aera oun ie Seen of aor 2s muse 0-120 fr mere detaed mtormaton on acess a omployes expose and al "yest records must be relaned ona Inspection cor Droject is complete. ication Person pertrmins yo fo rds fo al ois forming the inepect Lame caing te date fhe mos recat specton and lad ed he snare athe tion and test, a 48 serial umber rome teier forte hi ml be mamta on eu pets DANGERS ASSOCIATED WITH WORKING ON THE SURFACE Wi ou responsi Preciosa ere MO" dene tno we adn, coger canbe ote ake ee ene neta Isolate, remove fuses or inks, check with tester, place safety boards, lock excut breaker board or (ors, use insulated too's, wear rubber gloves and boots. ‘Secure ll ladders, scaffolds and tol, ft barriers use safety ines, check slay clathing's and equipment, observe safely 3. Falling objects ~ wear a hard hat and saely boots, avd areas where men are werkng ver head, mein a high standard of tidiness and good housekeeping by keeping al tools and malerals away from edges were they may be accidently pushed over, ‘and returning all tools tothe tool box alr use, place salty boards 4. Machinery ~ use only hose machinery which you ae qualified and permitled to use, use safely equipment, uards, goggles etc observe safety rules. 5. Jobs = before stating work consider the six (6) questions 2) What must be done b)Whois todo) Why must tbe done. J) When is ito be done ¢)Whats its importance 1) Do an act of safety PROMOTING A NON-DISCRIMINATORY WORK ENVIRONMENT No person with HIV or AIDS shall be unairy discriminated against within the employment relationship or within any employment pokes or practices, including with regard to; (i) Recruitment procedures, advertsing and selection erteria, {i Appointments, and the appointment process, including job placement; (i Job Gasification or gracing; iv) Remuneration, employment benefits and terms and conditions of employment; (v) Employee assistance programmes, (09 Performance evaluation systems; (v) Job assignments (vi) The workplace and facilites; (4) Promotion, transfer and demotion; cplinary measures ismissal, and (viiy Occupational health and safety: (23) Discipinary short of a oe 7|Page

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