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mmаr F*а,gý рýжу

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ta l_*jцý Sport: compound nouns
ý Read the first story. Тhеп write the two other
Complete the news stories below with compound ofa cross-country race using the орепiпg sentences
почпs. Write опе word in each gap. provided. Use the past simple and the past perfect.
'l lt was bright and sunny when David started
сlтY Wlil the
cross соuпtrу rасе, lэut Iаtеr it began to rаiп,тhеп
- right's big football 1
saw а bus stop апd decided to get оп the
-..l.d bus.
ll * City 0 at half-2 дt the start **ri*g ihe. аr******з,зп*гg r*r-q !t bag** t* r*igt, it
, ..е second hatf, United got а penalty,

but United h*d ]b**:i }r!g}rt аtзе1 *а*tзлз1 иh** р*ч]d *tзrtg,d
_ , егWayne Rooney missed the penilty. City
,.. rа*а" ý*dd*.*i1, }.а* **и * 1зж* *t*p а*з;i
de,*i;ý*d t*
'* *et
_. scoted
LUtчц two
л f LwU goals
tuats апо and tпе
the З ,,.,, .,, ,, Sсоrе ** th* trэlg*,
.,-.:.l ninety minutes was United l *
. 4
City 2. City's Jеппу rап rеаlIу well iп the rасе. she was in second
.] ,.., . , Joe Нагt, played u".y *.ri place. Then she fe]l оvеr and hurt hеr
und leg she tried to
:ped United fгоm getting uny Йоr. gЙIr:
finish the rасе, but it was impossible.

:еге аrе аlotofexciting,,. 3 Andy rап faster than the other athletes at the
start of
sporls atthis .,,,,,,,
the cross-country rасе. Не was in the lead
. :Jг's Olympics, including sКing, sпоwЬоЪrdiпg fоr most
and ofthe rасе.l hеп he saw Lee ahead of him at the
_., hockey. Tbday, Ъrпmу Hardy
is in action. She
, )-d to Ье а drugs cheat but, after finishing line. Не cou]dn't believe it. How did Lee
serving hег ban, win?
t.: поw compete again. She hopes to win the *и,:tru:lе*l.g. &rldg *аи l-ae ahc;d g{ lз;rrl.
:ln first ,,. ,.
: ,]d б ,

of the gаmеs at ihe ice rink. She's

lе best in the world this
уеаr, but she didn't win at

::oke. 4 Complete the text with the past simple or the past
L,l the speed skating, Fгапz Huber hopes to achieve
perfect form ofthe verbs iп brackets.
je fastest time in history * he
wants to Ьrеаk the Late for the match of his life
.,, оrid
,,.., ,.,, ,,

Rоrу МсIlrоу, the world's best golf pIayer, went

to bed
еаrlу оп the evening of Saturday 29 September
2О1 2.
Earlier that day, he1. ,, (play)tulo qoJf
2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in
brackets. matches in the Ryder Cup on the famous gоJfЪоursе
Change one ofthe verbs into the past perfect. lVedinah пеаr Chicago, but he 2,,, at
(lvin) опlу
1 The match startec] at three, we аrrivеd at
the stadium
one of them, Не really З. (want) to get up
at ten past three. (when) early and Ье readY for his match on Sunday
tjlз** wе аr"гivрd at th* *t*dleaaв *i tttэ p;**t t}эr*а *h*
*з*t*h had *i*rtgd. (forget) to check the starting time
of his match. Не
thought that it started al12.25
2 Tom forgot to Ьriпg his ice skates. Не wanted
to go 11,25 а.m,
р,m. ln fact, it was at
ice skating. (but)
The next morning, the captain of the European
Cup team, Jоsё N/аriа Olazdbal sucldenly 5
З (realize]that hjs best player б (not arrive)"
Loulse ЬriЬеd the rеfеrее, so she wоп the
(because) ' in the
fight People in the team 7
boxing ring.
8 lcall) Rоrу, and he
(rасе) to the golf course in a'police
Не arrived опlу ten minutes Ьеfоrе his match

4 Simon finished the bike rасе, Then he went

f";; ]Rory 10
, (start). There was no time to prepare,
drugs test. (after) (play) rеаIlу ё
well. Не wоп! One point to Rory },
N/c|lroy. &('Т
5 Amy played badiy, so Rachel won the tennis
Гhе final score was Europe 14rlz Ъе
(lэecause) points, USA 1ЗИ points. The Й;
European playe,s started celebratinq
because they had wоп the Ryder '.',

6 Gаrу touched the ball with his hand. Тhеп

he scored
Cup - Ьу one important point.
а goal. (Ьеfоrе)

ý снА!-!.ЕNGЕ! Think about ап important event

you took part in, watched оп ТV or went
to. What
happened beforg during and after the event?

Асhiече 61Wr

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