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Importance of polyelectrolyte modification for

rectifying the ionic current in conically shaped
Cite this: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
2017, 19, 5351 nanochannels†
Jyh-Ping Hsu,ab Hou-Hsueh Wu,a Chih-Yuan Lina and Shiojenn Tseng*c

Due to their specific geometry, conical nanochannels/nanopores are capable of exhibiting several
interesting electrokinetic phenomena including, for example, ion concentration polarization (ICP) and
ion current rectification (ICR). Extending previous analyses, we consider two types of nanochannels: only
the inner surface of a nanochannel is functionalized by a polyelectrolyte (PE) layer in a type I
nanochannel, and both its outer and inner surfaces are functionalized in a type II nanochannel. The
Received 10th November 2016, influences of the thickness of a double layer and that of the PE layer on ICR are examined through
Accepted 15th January 2017 numerical simulation. We show that the ICP of a type I nanochannel is more significant than that of the
DOI: 10.1039/c6cp07693a corresponding type II nanochannel. The behavior of the rectification factor of the former as the bulk salt
concentration varies also differs significantly from that of the latter. In particular, the rectification factor of a type I nanochannel at a low bulk salt concentration shows an inversion.

1. Introduction phenomena including, for example, ion concentration polar-

ization (ICP),20,21 ion selectivity,22,23 and ionic current rectifica-
Due to its capability of mimicking ion channels in living tion (ICR).24–27 ICR is the phenomenon that a nanochannel/
organisms, the ionic transport in artificial nanochannels/nano- nanopore shows a diode-like current–voltage behavior, or the
pores has drawn the attention of researchers in various preference for ionic current in a certain direction when an
fields.1–3 Recent advances in nanochannel/nanopore fabrication electric potential bias is applied. In biological science, ICR is
technology also make relevant applications versatile. These observed in ion channels such as those of K+ and Na+.28–30 For
include, for example, sensing of biomolecules and ions,4–12 ionic charged nanochannels, ICR might arise from, for instance,
gates,13–15 energy conversion,16–18 and water desalination.19 asymmetric pore geometry,26,31–34 the imposed salt gradient,22,35–37
Fu et al.4 showed that nanopipettes can be used in DNA sequencing and bipolar surface properties.38–41
through monitoring the ionic current shift. Ali et al.5 studied the Polyelectrolyte (PE) is often used to modify the surface of
binding capability of calcium ions by a conical nanopore coated inorganic13,36,42,43 and organic nanochannels,14,44,45 providing
with poly acid chains. Umehara et al.6 proposed the use of them a versatile characteristic and, therefore, an ICR nature.44,46
various materials and methods for nanopipettes based bio- Zhang et al.,13 for example, found that a glass conical nanopore
sensing. German et al.8 and Lan et al.9 investigated the trans- modified by poly[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate], a smart
location of nanoparticles in a glass nanopore. Vogel et al.10 homopolymer capable of undergoing conformational transitions
estimated the size of a nanoparticle by its translocation in a stimulated by pH and temperature, exhibits ICR behavior.
polymeric conical nanopore. Umehara et al.42 showed that after coating with poly-L-lysine a
As the size of a nanochannel is down to the order of the quartz nanopipette is capable of amplifying ionic current and
Debye length (or the thickness of an electric double layer, EDL), giving a rectification direction opposite to that of an uncoated
the overlapping of EDLs yields distinctive electrokinetic nanopipette. In a study of the ICR of a glass nanopipette coated
with PEI, Deng et al.36 found that its rectification factor has a
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 10617, local maximum as the bulk salt concentration varies, regardless
Taiwan of whether a salt gradient is applied. The coating of materials
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and on a nanopore also provides a way for estimating the pKa of
Technology, Taipei, 10607, Taiwan
the coating materials through the experimentally measured
Department of Mathematics, Tamkang University, New Taipei City, 25137,
Taiwan. E-mail:; Fax: +886-2-26209916;
pH–ionic current relationship. Liu et al.,43 for instance, estimated
Tel: +886-2-26215656 ext. 2508 the pKa of polyethyleneimines (PEIs) by coating them on a glass
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6cp07693a nanopipette.

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Several attempts have been made for analyzing the ionic identical, large, cylindrical reservoirs. Referring to Fig. 1, we
transport in nanopores and nanochannels.47–51 For example, consider two types of conical nanochannels: only the interior of
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Siwy et al.48 investigated the influence of the surface charge of a a nanochannel is coated with a PE layer in a type I nanochannel,
conical nanopore on its ICR behavior. The influences of bulk and both its interior and exterior are coated with a PE layer in a
salt concentration, grafting density, and PE thickness on the type II nanochannel. The PE layer is homogeneously structured
electrokinetic ion and fluid transports in two types of nanopores and ion-penetrable, having dissociable functional groups and
obtained by different ways of modifications were examined by thickness RS. The dissociation of these functional groups makes
Yeh et al.21 If the bulk salt concentration is low, Yeh et al.20 the PE layer negatively charged with a fixed charge density,
observed an appreciable ICP near the cathode end of a PE rfix = eZNfsPE/RS, where e, Z, N, f, and sPE are the elementary
modified nanopore, and near the anode end if that concen- charge, the valance of the dissociated functional groups, the
tration is sufficiently high and the applied electric field is number of dissociable functional groups per PE chain, the
relatively weak. In addition, the counterion-rich CP in a PE dissociation fraction, and the site density of the PE chain,
modified nanopore is more significant than that in the corres- respectively. The nanochannel and the two reservoirs are filled
ponding solid state nanopore, in general. Yeh et al.22 showed with an aqueous KCl solution. Cylindrical coordinates (r, y, z)
that for a nanopore of constant surface charge, both ionic are used with the origin at the nanochannel center.
transport and ion selectivity can be tuned by applying simulta- Let f, u, Nj, and p be the electrical potential, the fluid
neously a voltage bias and a salt gradient across the nanopore. velocity, the flux of the j th ionic species, and the hydrodynamic
For instance, a reversed ion selectivity can be achieved by pressure, respectively. Assuming steady state, the present problem
adjusting the levels of these two factors. Recently, several can be described by the following verified continuum-based
groups52,53 have concluded that the ICR behavior in a conical model:21
nanochannel can be influenced significantly by the electro- re þ irfix
osmotic flow inside it. r2 f ¼  ; i ¼ 0; 1 (1)
In this study, we analyze the ICR in a PE-modified conical
nanochannel, focusing on the influence of how a nanochannel zj Fcj
r  Nj ¼ r  cj u  Dj rcj  Dj rf ¼ 0 (2)
is modified. A complete set of electrokinetic equations com- RT
prising Poisson–Nernst–Planck (PNP) equations for ionic trans-
port and electric field, and modified Stokes–Brinkman ru = 0 (3)
equations for flow field is solved. The behaviors of the system
considered under various conditions are simulated by varying Zr2u  rp  rerf  igu = 0 (4)
the applied voltage, bulk salt concentration, and the thickness P
of the PE layer. re ¼ zj ecj is the space charge density of mobile ions with
zj , cj, and Dj being the valence, the concentration, and the
2. Theory diffusivity of the j th ionic species ( j = 1, cations, 2, anions),
respectively. e, F, R, and T are the fluid permittivity, Faraday
The system under consideration comprises a nanochannel of constant, gas constant, and the absolute temperature, respec-
tip radius RT, base radius RB, and length LN connecting two tively. The region index i is 0 (1) outside (inside) the PE layer.

Fig. 1 Conical nanochannel modified by a PE layer: (a) only its interior is coated with a negatively charged PE layer; (b) both its interior and exterior are
coated with a PE layer. (c) Variation of the conductance of a charged nanochannel, G = I/Vapp, with the bulk salt concentration C0. Solid curve: analytic
result at a constant surface charge,56 discrete symbols: present result.

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Z and g are the fluid viscosity and the friction coefficient of the reference pressure ekB2T2/z12e2RT2, the reference velocity
PE layer, respectively.54 u = uer + wez, where er and ez are the ekB2T2/z12e2RTZ, the reference charge density ekBT/z1eRT2, and
Published on 03 February 2017. Downloaded by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GUWAHATI on 7/14/2023 7:22:31 AM.

2 2
unit vectors in the r- and z-directions, respectively. the reference diffusivity ek T /z12e2Z. The superscript * denotes
To specify the boundary conditions associated with eqn (1)–(4), a scaled variable. k ¼ ekB T=2C0 z1 e2 is the EDL thickness,
we assume the following. (i) The rigid surface of the membrane and lRT ¼ ga2 =Z the scaled friction coefficient. For illustra-
(O1) is non-slip (u = 0), ion-impenetrable (nNj = 0), and tion, we assume l1 = 1 nm in the subsequent discussion.20,21
uncharged (sw = 0), where sw and n are the surface charge The typical value of sPE ranges from 0.1 to 0.6 nm2.21,55
density of the membrane and the unit outward normal vector,
respectively. (ii) The electric potential, ionic concentration,
and flow field are all continuous at the PE layer–liquid inter- 3. Solution procedure
face (O2). (iii) The ionic concentrations in the two reservoirs The present problem is solved numerically by using COMSOL
are at their bulk salt concentration cj = C0. (iv) An electric MultiPhysics (version 4.3a, operated in a
potential Vapp is applied on the bottom surface of the base-end high performance cluster. Its applicability is first examined
reservoir (O4), and the top surface of the tip-end reservoir (O3) is by solving the conductance in a charged nanochannel solved
grounded. (v) No external pressure is applied to the system. analytically by Steinbock et al.56 As seen in Fig. 1(c), the
(vi) The side boundaries of the two reservoirs (O5) are slip, free performance of the software adopted is satisfactory. The deviation
of normal flux (nNj = 0), and free of charge (nrf = 0). (vii) The at low levels of C0 might arise because the ICP effect, which is
present problem is symmetric about the axis of the conical important when C0 is low, is neglected in the analytic study.
nanochannel. Typically, using a total number of 81 000 mesh elements is sufficient
The ionic current I is evaluated by using21 for a type I nanochannel, and 100 000 for a type II nanochannel.
ð !
X 2
I¼ F zj Nj  ndS; (5)
S j¼1 4. Results and discussion
with S being the cross sectional area of either reservoir. The electrokinetic behaviors of the nanochannels considered in
For convenience, eqn (1)–(4) are rewritten in the following this study are examined through numerical simulation by
scaled form: varying the bulk salt concentration, applied voltage, and PE
1 layer thickness. For illustration, we assume RT = 10 nm,
r2 f ¼  ðkRT Þ2 ðz1 c1 þ z2 c2 Þ  irfix  ; i ¼ 0; 1 (6) RB = 98 nm, LN = 1000 nm, RS = 5 nm, Z = 1, sPE = 0.35 nm2,
N = 3, and f = 1/3.40 For convenience, the size of the computational
r*Nj* = r*(cj*u*  Dj*r*cj*  Dj*cj*r*f*) = 0 (7) domain of a reservoir is chosen as 200 nm with equal radius
r*u* = 0 (8) and length.20,57,58 The rectification factor Rf is defined as
Rf = |I(1 V)/I(+1 V)|.
r2 u  r p  ðkRT Þ2 ðz1 c1 þ z2 c2 Þr f  iðlRT Þ2 u ¼ 0
2 4.1 Influence of the applied voltage
Fig. 2 illustrates the variation in the ionic current I with the
The scaling factors adopted include the tip-end radius RT, the applied voltage Vapp at various levels of the bulk salt concen-
bulk salt concentration C0, the reference potential ekBT/z1e, the tration C0 for both types of nanochannels when their wall is free

Fig. 2 Variation of the ionic current I with the applied voltage Vapp at various levels of bulk salt concentration for type I, (a), and II, (b), nanochannels.
Curves: conical nanochannel modified by PE; discrete symbols: bare conical nanochannel (i.e., free of PE layer) at sw = 0.35 e nm2. The insets highlight
the I–Vapp curve at C0 = 1 mM.

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of charge (i.e., sw = 0 e nm2). For comparison, the corres- combinations of C0 and Vapp for the two types of nanochannels.
ponding results for a bare nanochannel (without PE layer) at This figure shows that if C0 is low (1 mM and 10 mM), cations
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sw = 0.35 e nm2 are also presented. As expected, the higher (counterions) are significantly enriched near the nanochannel
the C0 the larger the I. Note that the curves in Fig. 2 are non- tip region. This is because EDL overlaps significantly in that
linear, exemplifying the ionic current preference of these region, thereby capable of retaining more counterions. In
nanochannels and, therefore, their ICR nature. Fig. 2(a) reveals Fig. 3(a) and (c), where Vapp = +1 V, the degree of enrichment
that for the type I nanochannel, I(Vapp = +1 V) 4 |I(Vapp = 1 V)| of c1 at C0 = 1 mM can be comparable to that at C0 = 10 mM.
at C0 = 10 mM (red curve). However, if C0 is raised to 100 mM However, if C0 is raised to 100 mM, EDL overlapping is
(blue curve), |I(Vapp = 1 V)| 4 I(Vapp = +1 V), implying that the unimportant, so the degree of counterion enrichment is much
ion current preference of the type I nanochannel depends on less significant compared to that at C0 = 1 mM.
the level of bulk salt concentration. In contrast, Fig. 2(b) indicates Fig. 3(a) and (c) also reveal that at Vapp = +1 V and
that for all the levels of C0 examined, |I(Vapp = 1 V)| 4 I(Vapp = +1 V) C0 = 100 mM, a depletion of both counterions and coions
for the type II nanochannel, especially at higher levels of C0 occurs near the nanochannel center. At C0 = 1 mM, because
(50 and 100 mM). Note that the ionic current of a PE- EDL is thick the depletion of coions is significant in both types
functionalized nanochannel is not necessarily larger than that of nanochannels. For both types of nanochannels at C0 = 1 mM,
of the corresponding bare pore (without PE).43 However, the the concentration of coions reaches a local minimum near the
rectification factor of the former is larger than that of the latter, nanochannel base end (z = 500 nm). The distribution of ions
in general, which is consistent with the literature results.5,13,43 in the type II nanochannel is similar to that in the type I
nanochannel, but a more significant coion depletion is
4.2 Counterion enrichment inside the nanochannel observed in the former. Note that the region of ion depletion
Because the PE layer coated on the nanochannel wall is in the type II nanochannel is larger than that in the type I
negatively charged, anions (cations) are repelled (attracted) by nanochannel. This is because both the interior and the exterior
the nanochannel. Fig. 3 illustrates the cross sectional averaged walls of the former are modified by PE, yielding a broader
ion concentration cj ( j = 1, cations, 2, anions) at various region to repel coions.

Fig. 3 Cross sectional averaged ion concentration distribution cj in type I, (a) and (b), and type II, (c) and (d), nanochannels. Solid curves: cations; dashed
curves: anions. Shaded region: nanochannel interior.

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Fig. 3(b) and (d) indicate that at Vapp = 1 V, counterion region for both types of nanochannels. As shown in Fig. S1 of
enrichment occurs inside the nanochannel for all the levels of C0 the ESI,† because the c1* near the base region of the type I
Published on 03 February 2017. Downloaded by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GUWAHATI on 7/14/2023 7:22:31 AM.

examined. However, different from that at Vapp = +1 V, the degree of nanochannel is close to that of the type II nanochannel, only
counterion enrichment at C0 = 1 mM does not reach the level at the c1* near their tip region is discussed. Fig. 4 reveals that for
C0 = 10 mM seen in Fig. 3(a) and (c). As can be seen in Fig. 3(b) at both types of nanochannels, a considerable amount of cations
C0 = 1 mM coion depletion occurs in the entire interior of the type I is attracted by the negatively-charged PE layer, yielding signifi-
nanochannel, with a local minimum near its tip end (z = 500 nm). cant ion enrichment near their tip region.
However, at both C0 = 10 mM and 100 mM the depletion of coions Fig. 4(a) and (b) show that c1* is very large (can exceed 100 in
near the nanochannel tip end is less appreciable, and can even lead some region), implying that the ion concentration inside the
to enrichment near the region inside the tip end. The depletion of nanochannel is much higher than the corresponding bulk salt
coions at C0 = 1 mM lowers the total ionic concentration and, concentration. This arises mainly from because EDL is very
therefore, the corresponding ionic current differs from that at other thick under the conditions examined. In the present case
levels of C0. This will be discussed later in detail. Fig. 3(d) shows that (C0 = 1 mM), the degree of ICP in both types of nanochannels
the depletion of coions in the type II nanochannel is less significant is significant.
than that in the type I nanochannel, with ion enrichment inside the As seen in Fig. 4(c) and (d), if C0 is raised to 10 mM, the
nanochannel and less depletion near its tip end. c1* near the nanochannel tip region is ca. 5–7 in the type I
The behavior of the ionic current in Fig. 2 can be explained nanochannel and 4–6 in the type II nanochannel, suggesting
by Fig. 3. At Vapp o 0, the ion current of the type II nanochannel that the effect of ICP in the former is more significant than that
is larger than that of the type I nanochannel since the former in the latter. As illustrated in Fig. 4(e) and (f), if C0 is further
contains a larger amount of ions. In contrast, if Vapp 4 0, raised to 100 mM, the effect of ICP in the type I nanochannel
because the depletion of coions in the type II nanochannel is becomes even more apparent than that in the type II nano-
more significant than that in the type I nanochannel, the ionic channel, where the c1* near the tip region is ca. 1.4 in the
current of the former is smaller than that of the latter. former, and 1.2 in the latter. Note that because the EDL at
C0 = 100 mM is thin, the enrichment of counterions is not as
4.3 Influence of ion concentration polarization significant as that at C0 = 1 mM, as can be inferred from their
Fig. 4 illustrates the contours for the scaled concentration c1* values. We conclude that because the type I nanochannel is
of counterions (cations) c1* (=c1/C0) near the nanochannel tip capable of yielding a greater degree of ion enrichment, and

Fig. 4 Contours of the scaled counterion (cation) concentration (c1*) near the nanochannel tip region for the type I nanochannel, (a), (c) and (e), and the
type II nanochannel, (b), (d) and (f), at Vapp = +1 V for various values of bulk ionic concentration. Color bars: level of scaled concentration; the number
associated with m (.) denotes the maximum (minimum) value. Contours of the scaled counterion (cation) concentration (c1*) for the entire nanochannel
are placed next to those of the tip region.

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therefore, a more significant ICP than the type II nanochannel, In addition, the Rf of the type I nanochannel crosses unity
and the higher the bulk salt concentration the easier to observe at C0 D 20 mM.
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the difference between the two. Because the exterior of the type It is interesting to note that the behavior of the Rf–C0 curves
II nanochannel is also modified by PE (capable of attracting in Fig. 5 is different from that reported by Momotenko et al.27
more counterions), the EDL near the tip region is less distorted Note that their system corresponds to our type II nanochannel,
by the applied voltage bias, yielding a less significant ICP. where both its interior and exterior are charged. An inversion in
Rf is observed in their study, and Rf has both a local minimum
of ca. 0.80 and a local maximum of ca. 1.05. In contrast, Rf does
4.4 Influence of bulk salt concentration not have an inversion in our case (type II nanochannel). In
As seen in Fig. 5, the Rf of the type I (II) nanochannel has a local addition, it shows a local maximum of ca. 3. Furthermore,
maximum of ca. 1.8 (3.5) at C0 D 200 mM (C0 D 50 mM). Rf inversion occurs in the type I nanochannel, and the corres-
ponding rectification effect is significant at a low level of C0.
The values of Rf reported by Momotenko et al.27 are much
closer to unity than ours, that is, the rectification effect is less
significant in their system. This might arise from because their
cone angle (30.871) is much larger than ours (51), and the
nanochannel surface is rigid in their case, but is modified by
a charged PE layer in our case.
To explain the dependence of Rf on C0, we define the
normalized conductivity NC27

c1 L1 þ c2 L2
NC ¼ ; (10)
C10 L1 þ C20 L2

where cj, Cj0, and Lj are the local concentration, the bulk
concentration, and the molar conductivity of the j th ion species
( j = 1, counterions, 2, coions), respectively.
Fig. 5 Variation of the rectification factor Rf with the bulk salt concen- Fig. 5 indicates that for the type I nanochannel at C0 = 1 mM,
tration C0 for type I (black curve) and II (red curve) nanochannels. The inset Rf o 1, implying that I(Vapp = +1 V) 4 |I(Vapp = 1 V)|. This can
highlights the Rf for C0 ranging from 600 to 1000 mM. be explained by Fig. 6(a) and (b), which show that in the region

Fig. 6 Contours of NC in the type I nanochannel for various combinations of C0 and Vapp. The number associated with m (.) denotes the maximum
(minimum) NC value.

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near the nanochannel tip end NC(Vapp = +1 V) 4 NC(Vapp = 1 V). The significant enhancement in NC at 1 mM can be attributed to
If C0 is raised to 100 mM, Rf 4 1, that is, I(Vapp = +1 V) o a much thicker EDL, capable of attracting a more amount of
Published on 03 February 2017. Downloaded by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GUWAHATI on 7/14/2023 7:22:31 AM.

|I(Vapp = 1 V)|. However, Fig. 6(c) and (d) reveal that in counterions. The increase in the counterion concentration
the region near the nanochannel tip end NC(Vapp = +1 V) 4 makes the conductivity of the liquid in the nanochannel much
NC(Vapp = 1 V). As can be inferred from Fig. 6(c) and (d), this is larger than that in the bulk liquid, yielding a large NC.
because although NC(Vapp = +1 V) 4 NC(Vapp = 1 V) in the
region near the nanochannel tip end, NC(Vapp = +1 V) o 4.5 Influence of the PE layer thickness on ionic current
NC(Vapp = 1 V) in the region inside the nanochannel tip
The influence of the PE thickness RS on the ionic current I is
end, implying that the ionic enrichment inside the nanochan-
illustrated in Fig. 8. Since the PE layer is thin compared to the
nel dominates the ICR behavior.
nanochannel radius, its possible deformation/nonuniformity is
As seen in Fig. 5, for the range of C0 considered Rf inversion
neglected.47,55,59 Note that as RS increases, although the charge
is not observed in the type II nanochannel. This can be
density of the PE layer decreases, it occupies more space in the
explained by Fig. 7(a) and (b), where the NC(Vapp = 1 V) near
nanochannel interior. As seen in Fig. 8(a) at Vapp = +1 V,
the nanochannel tip region is slightly larger than NC(Vapp = +1 V),
I(RS = 8 nm) 4 I(RS = 6 nm) 4 I(RS = 4 nm), but |I(RS = 6 nm)| D
so |I(Vapp = 1 V)| is only slightly larger than I(Vapp = +1 V), and
|I(RS = 8 nm)| 4 |I(RS = 4 nm)| at Vapp = 1 V. If Vapp 4 0, the
therefore, Rf is close to unity at C0 = 1 mM. If C0 is raised to
behavior of I for the type II nanochannel as RS varies shown
100 mM, Rf D 3, suggesting that |I(Vapp = 1 V)| is much larger
in Fig. 8(b) is the same as that in the type I nanochannel, but
than I(Vapp = +1 V). Fig. 7(c) and (d) reveal that near the
that behavior is different if Vapp o 0, that is, |I(RS = 4 nm)| 4
nanochannel tip region NC(Vapp = 1 V) is only slightly larger
|I(RS = 6 nm)| 4 |I(RS = 8 nm)|.
than NC(Vapp = +1 V), so |I(Vapp = 1 V)| 4 I(Vapp = +1 V).
Fig. 9(a) shows the axial variation in the cross sectional
Furthermore, Fig. 7(c) and (d) indicate that the NC inside the
nanochannel in the latter is much larger than that in the averaged normalized conductivity, NC, of the type I nanochannel
former, which explains why |I(Vapp = 1 V)| is much larger at Vapp = +1 V. Here, NC is seen to have a local maximum near its
than I(Vapp = +1 V). We conclude that the ionic current rectifica- tip, which arises from ion enrichment. For each level of RS, ion
tion is influenced not only by the NC in the region immediately depletion occurs inside the nanochannel, causing a decrease in
outside the nanochannel tip end but also by that inside. NC. Note that the NC at RS = 8 nm (4 nm) is larger (smaller) than
Note that NC also measures the level of ICP. Fig. 6, for that at other values of RS, implying a larger (smaller) ionic current
example, shows that at C0 = 100 mM, the maximum value of NC in the former case. As can be seen in Fig. 9(c), the behavior of
ranges from 1.5 to 2.2, but can be of the order of 50 at C0 = 1 mM. NC in the type II nanochannel is similar to that in the type I

Fig. 7 Contours of NC in the type II nanochannel for various combinations of C0 and Vapp. Color bars on the right denote the NC level; the number
associated with m (.) denotes the maximum (minimum) NC value.

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Fig. 8 Variation of the ionic current I with the applied voltage Vapp at various values of the PE layer thickness RS for types I, (a), and II, (b), nanochannel at
C0 = 100 mM. The inset of (a) highlights the I–Vapp curves for Vapp ranging from 1 to 0.7 V.

Fig. 9 Axial variation of the cross sectional averaged normalized conductivity NC in type I, (a) and (b), and II, (c) and (d), nanochannels. Shaded region:
nanochannel interior. (e): Contours of NC near the tip region of the type I nanochannel at Vapp = 1 V; top-down: RS = 4, 6, and 8 nm.

nanochannel, so at Vapp = +1 V, I(RS = 8 nm) 4 I(RS = 6 nm) 4 The results shown in Fig. 9(e) also imply that the depletion of ions
I(RS = 4 nm) in both types of nanochannels. near the nanochannel tip at RS = 8 nm is the least significant. Since
Fig. 9(b) reveals that for the type I nanochannel at Vapp = 1 V, NC(RS = 8 nm) is only slightly smaller than NC(RS = 6 nm) and the
NC(RS = 8 nm) is slightly smaller than NC(RS = 4 nm) depletion of ions near the nanochannel tip end at RS = 8 nm is the
and NC(RS = 6 nm), and NC(RS = 4 nm) is comparable to least significant, it can be inferred that I(RS = 8 nm) is close
NC(RS = 6 nm), suggesting that |I(RS = 6 nm)| D |I(RS = 4 nm)| 4 to I(RS = 6 nm) at Vapp = 1 V. Therefore, |I(RS = 6 nm)| D
|I(RS = 8 nm)|. However, according to Fig. 9(e), the depletion of |I(RS = 8 nm)| 4 |I(RS = 4 nm)|. As seen in Fig. 9(d), the NC at
ions near the nanochannel tip end at RS = 4 nm is the most RS = 4 nm (RS = 8 nm) is larger (smaller) than that at other values
significant, so I(RS = 4 nm) is the smallest at Vapp = 1 V. of RS, implying that I(RS = 4 nm) 4 I(RS = 6 nm) 4 I(RS = 8 nm).

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