Unit 3 Chllenge Test

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Unit 3 Challenge test

Name ______________________________________


1 Read and circle T (True) or F (False). /10 marks

On school days I get up at seven o’clock because I need to have a

shower and have breakfast before I leave the house. (On Saturday and
Sunday, I can get up at nine o’clock!) I go to school by coach. I meet my
friends in front of the coach station and then we sit in the waiting room.
My school has a lot of rules. We must arrive at school at nine o’clock. We
must wear a white shirt, a green jumper and grey trousers or skirt. We
mustn’t run inside the school. There are lifts at the school, but only the
teachers can use them. We must use the stairs! I usually play football
with my friends in the playground at lunchtime. Sometimes the teachers
play too! OK, I need to go now. I’m going to watch a film on TV with my
brother. (I did all my homework yesterday. ) Bye! Matt

1 Matt needs to get up at seven o’clock 6 They must walk when they
on school days. T/F go from classrooms. T/F
2 He doesn’t need to get up at seven 7 Teachers mustn’t use the lifts. T/F
o’clock at the weekend. T/F 8 At Matt’s school, you mustn’t do
3 He meets his friends inside the coach sport in the playground. T/F
station. T/F 9 Matt must buy a ticket to watch
4 They mustn’t arrive at school a film with his brother. T/F
at half past nine. T/F 10 He doesn’t need to do any
5 They must wear school uniform. T/F homework now. T/F

2 Read and circle. /10 marks

Conversation 1 Conversation 3
A: We (1) mustn’t / need to get the 11:45 train to A: Billy’s tired. He (8) must / needs to sit down.
Exeter. I looked at the (2) departures board / Let’s sit on the platform.
timetable on my phone yesterday. B: No, I don’t want to sit (9) inside / outside.
B: Look! The 11:45 to Exeter is on the I can see a (10) waiting room / escalator.
(3) departures board / timetable now. Come Let’s sit there for ten minutes.
on! We (4) must / need to go to Platform 7.
Conversation 2
A: Good morning, can I see your ticket, please?
B: I haven’t got a ticket.
A: You (5) mustn’t / don’t need to travel without
a ticket. The ticket office is next to the
entrance, (6) below / above the big clock.
B: Does my child need a ticket?
A: Yes, he (7) must / doesn’t need to have a
ticket to travel. That’s the rule.

All About Us 6
Unit 3 Challenge test
Name ______________________________________ arrive bring (x2) buy do listen to 
run sit in take wear

3 Complete the rules and information about a school trip. /10 marks

1 2

Here are the rules for our school trip next Friday.
You (1) ____________________ school
3 4 uniform.
(2) ____________________ at the station at
half past seven.
(3) ____________________ a mobile phone.
(4) ____________________ the teacher.
5 6
(5) ____________________ because it’s
(6) ____________________ the waiting room.
Here is some other information.
7 8 You don’t (7) ____________________ a ticket.
(8) ____________________ lunch and a drink.
(9) ____________________ photos.
(10) ____________________ homework.

9 10

4 Write rules and information about a different school trip. /10 marks

Here are the rules for our school trip on Saturday:

Here is some other information:

All About Us 6
Unit 3 Challenge test
Name ______________________________________


5 CD4 Listen and draw lines. /10 marks


Vicky   James   Lucy   Frank   Sophia

Sam   Clare   Matt   Anna   Paul

6 CD4 Listen and circle. /10 marks


1 George and Clara need to buy tickets / 6 They see Luke. He’s above /
find Luke. below them.
2 They walk / run through people at the 7 George wants to / needs to
station. press the red button.
3 They need to go to the ticket office / 8 Clara and George must / don’t need to
Platform 4. buy a ticket.
4 They need to go over a bridge / 9 They can / mustn’t run on the platform.
through a waiting room. 10 They need to use a phone to speak to
5 They use the stairs / escalator. someone / eat.

Total for test ____ / 60 marks

All About Us 6
Unit 3 Challenge test
Name ______________________________________

How do you feel? Tick .

I am happy with my result.
I am happy, but I can study harder.
I need to study harder.

All About Us 6

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