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Substance Abuse Policy

SOCAR OGCT upholds a commitment to its employees and to the community to maintain a safe and
productive workplace and a pleasant work environment. It is the SOCAR OGCT position that
employee involvement in substance abuse adversely affects his/her health and quality of life, as well
as safety and productivity. Therefore, SOCAR OGCT prohibits the following:

 Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants, drugs, or controlled substances;
 Using, possessing, manufacturing, selling, buying, or transferring these substances in any amount
on SOCAR OGCT property, while performing SOCAR OGCT business anywhere, or in v vehicles
whether on Company business or not.
 Use of prescribed drugs in a way which is inconsistent with the applicable prescription or label
 Any other use, possession, manufacture, or transfer of substances occurring on or off the job, which
is detrimental to the interests of SOCAR OGCT.
 Failure to consent to or cooperate with a drug test as directed by SOCAR OGCT.
 Personnel should inform their supervisor or the HSE representative about the medication prescribed
by the doctor, which may affect the person's ability to work, behave, or judgement.
 Failure to consent to or cooperate with a rehabilitative program as directed by SOCAR OGCT.

Our policy formally and clearly states that the illegal use of drugs will not be tolerated. This policy was
designed with two basic objectives in mind:

1) Employees deserve a work environment that is free from the effects of alcohol and drugs and the
problems associated with their use.

2) SOCAR OGCT has a responsibility to maintain a healthy and safe workplace.

3) SOCAR OGCT emphasizes the importance of its policy on the use of alcohol, drugs and illicit
substances to both contractors and subcontractors and approves their policies in this area.

4) Any employees, contractors or subcontractors can be randomly subjected to pass the test at any
time if the company suspect that they are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or illicit substances.
Refuse to take test will be considered as a violation and appropriate measures will be taken.

Document approved by Director: Gaghameli Seyfullayev

Signature: Date:
Socar OGCT/HSE/P-06
Issue: 1
Rev: 0
Date: 08.05.2021

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