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Technical Presentation 2

Please note that this is not a group work, Each one of you must present only one topic
mandatorily. Each one of you must not take more than 2 minutes for the presentation.
All of you must create a ppt for presenting the work from the list of given topics. 

The dataset ,topics are also attached below

Below I am also sharing the drive link to which all of you must submit your presentation
[ppt] after presenting it to the trainer on the above mentioned date. Each one of
you must put your file individually into the respective groups.

Topics :

Combination of Arithmetic,Logical,Lookup functions, Data Validation(with Solve 'Brainstorm 2'

Dependent drop down) Explain steps taken
Date and Text Functions Explain concepts, logics used
Data Handling::Data cleaning,Data type identification,Remove Duplicates, Explain why you used certain formulas
Formatting and Filtering and functions

Note : Please be clear that it is not group work and each member in the group must
present their work in ppt and also submit the same in the respective folders depending
upon their group
Note : Your work will be evaluated by the trainer and therefore please present your work
without fail.

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