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Terms of Reference for the Project Cycle Management Training


Ministry of Labor and Skills (MOLS)

The Ministry of Labor & Skills has set a clear goal of creating three million jobs by 2019/2020, 14
million by 2025, and 20 million jobs by 2030 through guiding the investment of government, the
private sector and development partners to high-growth sectors and implementing innovative
programs and targeted policy interventions in the labor market to align skills development with
market needs and incentivize and support entrepreneurship and enterprise creation. In accordance
with its operational mandate, the Ministry of Labor & Skills (the former Jobs Creation Commission)
is organized in five departments that include Policy and
Strategy, Partnerships and Grant Management, Data & Analytics, Innovative Jobs & Projects,
Delivery Assurance and Capacity Building teams. Accordingly, the Enabling Ethiopia (EE) project is
one of the initiatives in achieving the above stated goals and have a unique chance to shape and
empower the team within the Ministry. Such structure set up will ensure the success of an
organization and delivery of a program that is a crucial component in the future of Ethiopia.

Enabling Ethiopia Project supported by the MasterCard Foundation

Mastercard Foundation (MCF) supports for the Enabling Ethiopia (EE) Project, a three-year initiative
designed to improve youth employment opportunities through the implementation of key
components of the 2020 - 2025 Plan of Action for Job Creation. These include:

 Adopting Job rich policies: Alignment of policies with the Plan of Action’s Visions and
Objectives including revision the MSME strategy
 Building and strengthening capacity: Fully embedding a ‘One Plan. One Report’ approach
in Jobs Creation and building the delivery capacity of regional and sub-regional bodies
 Establishing and strengthening systems: Building a data-rich environment for
employment services (LMIS);
 Building a labor market resource mapping and optimization: ensuring sufficient
resources are directed towards meeting job creation
 Creating the next generation of high-growth entrepreneurs in Ethiopia & Expanding
Economic opportunities and inclusiveness: Large-scale market-oriented upskilling work-
readiness program along with inclusive innovation solutions in job creation
 Encouraging Entrepreneurship: through behavioral change and direct support through
grants and competitions.

Target Business Consultant PLC (Target)

Target is a consulting firm established in 2004 for the provision of consulting services in business,
finance and organizational development. It also provides business outsourcing services including
fund management, payroll and payment management services. Target has been assigned by the
MCF to provide service to the Enabling Ethiopia Project of MOLS as a Fund Manager. Accordingly, it
has the responsibility of handling the process of procurement of service, hiring service providers
and effect payment for the service provided as per the approval of its performance of the
assignment by the Enabling Ethiopia, MOLS project.

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Description of the Assignment

Following the capacity assessment carried out at the start of the EE project, staff members that are
on leadership were prioritized to receive training on project cycle management (PCM). The training
was delivered in collaboration with an international training institution developed and delivered a
training program covering the full project cycle management. The training has secured an
internationally recognized certificate. Such training, by then has strengthen a specialized technical
capacity on project management, promoted internal management and successfully lead the
execution of project deliverable while addressing operational challenges. While most team
members were expected to receive the training in a different batch. However, following the delivery
of the first training and completion of the restructuring of the Ministry, almost all trainee has been
assigned with different roles. As a result, a new team was set up under the division of Employment,
Job Creation & Markets Division as well as to lead the project management, partnership and
resource mobilization role (PMPRM). Based on the assessment conducted project management is
still one of the key interest area among team and there is a gap in knowledge on the subject matter.

Currently, a terms of reference is designed to deliver training on PCM for the leadership in the new
structure and the new team members of the PMPRM team. These training will be provided by an
independent service provider/agency/company and the trainees are expected to commit specific
hours to attend the session (either online/onsite as applicable). Such self-paced trainee programs
will provide flexibility to trainees to complete the course on reasonable time without overlapping
with working hours. In the end, the service provider will facilitate the examination process for
trainees in order to qualify for an international certificate. Accordingly, the project will increase the
pool of qualified and credible trainees on PCM across the country and qualify the Ministry’s staff on
the same topic to promote the quality and efficiency of project performance.

Purpose, Scope of Work, Key Deliverable,


PCM enables that all aspects of projects are considered carefully at each stage of the cycle to
ensure that relevant conditions or any changes which have occurred are included in the project
design. The outcome of applying these knowledge and skills will allow better management of
projects and streamline smoother operational details.

The PCM training will be delivered by the service provider/agency/company with the following

 Trainees can develop smart projects that consider the local context to support the resource
mobilization efforts
 To strengthen trainees’ competency in effective project management.
 To equip trainees with knowledge, skills and practices on the key phases of a project
including programming, identification, formulation, financing, implementation, monitoring
and evaluation;

 To introduce trainees to project management tools such as the logical framework approach
as well as participatory approaches commonly used in projects;

Scope of work and key deliverable

The plan of this ToR is to outline the details of training, mode of delivery including outcome of the

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training. Under the direct supervision of MoLS, the service provider/agency/company will be
contracted to deliver the PCM to identified trainees and takes the lead on the development the
training package. In addition, the service provider/agency/company will facilitate and ensure that
trainees sit for international examination to secure an internationally recognized certificates.

The service provider/agency/company shall:

 Review the profile of selected trainees to proceed with the PCM training
 Adjusting the existing training curricula for the targeted trainees as applicable
 Preparation of training modules (including handouts/handbooks for trainees)
 Delivering trainings (prepare and compile training pack for participants, including all relevant
supporting materials; agenda, presentations, handouts, group exercises (if applicable),
exercises for individual work, reference materials, evaluation forms, etc.)
 Once the courses are completed, the service provider/agency/company will facilitate the
examination process that will enable trainees to sit for international exam to qualify for the
international certificate
 The service provider/agency/company will liaise each trainee in case of support required to
receive the certificate such as postal delivery/ follow up emails/confirmation of test time &
venue as applicable
 Reporting (Upon the completion of the training delivery, the service
provider/agency/company will prepare a final report that will include, but will not be limited
to: training goals and results achieved number of trainees, analysis of pre and after training
knowledge, lessons learned and recommendations)

The service provider/agency/company is expected to deliver the PCM training to 18 trainees (2

CEOs, 1 Advisor to the State Minister, 8 Desk Leaders and 7 PMPRM staff). Once agreement is
entered with the service provider/agency/company then it will be the responsibility of the trainees to
complete the course and notify the service provider to sit for exam. The service
provider/agency/company will agree the details of the examination process (time, venue…) with the
trainees and facilitate the training. Since this will be a self-paced training each trainee is entitled for
the flexibility of when to take the exam and complete the course. However, the support from the
service provider/agency/company will only remain for 12-months maximum after entering into a

The training package is expected to cover (but not limited to) the following topics.

 Introduction to Project Cycle Management (PCM);

 Key components of a project;
 Significant steps in project planning (needs assessment, problem analysis, objective setting
and stakeholder analysis);
 The logical framework approach (LFA);
 Theory of change (ToC);
 Project Monitoring and Evaluation plan;
 Project Implementation plan; (Project work plan, time management …)
 Project resource plan, Budgeting & Financial Management;
 Risk Management & Project assumptions
 Initiating proposal Preparation
 Human resource management in projects;
 Sustainability mechanisms for projects & close out.

Learning approach and language

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The training delivery method may include a mix of lectures (if applicable), power point presentations,
articles, lecture notes, videos, exercises and assessments.

Training Language

The entire training will be facilitated and delivered in English.

Training Timeline

The Ministry expects the training to start from July 15, 2023 and will be completed based on the
trainees pace. However, the service provider/agency/company will only facilitate, follow up and
support the trainees for the maximum of 12 months. The training will be self-paced course which
trainees can enrol and complete the course at own time. In scenario where these options are not
sufficient the service provider/agency/company will request the trainee to sit for a specific time
over the week to attend a class and the trainee should oblige. Such suggestion should be either
done during the weekend or after working hours and avoid possible overlapping over working hours.

Schedule of payment

Item Milestone Schedule

Registration, Tuition and Examination 100% Paid upon submission of trainees’
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Fee profile and signed registration form.
*Early payment may result in provide discounted amount.

Competencies & Experience

The service provider/agency/company will be responsible for developing the pertinent curricula and
preparing training reports along with relevant analyses and recommendations. The qualification and
skills required include the following;

Pool of experts with Master’s Degree/ equivalent in Economics, Business Administration,

Management, Development, training or any related field.

 Proficient in English language and impressing communications skills, excellent report

writing skills and proposals development
 Computer literacy, in particular experience with Microsoft Office products (MS. Words, Excel,
Power Point, Internet Explorer, etc.)
 Network with related national & international agencies
 Team management, strong coordination and presentations skills

Required Experience:

 Five years of experience in the field of project management, training, and other related fields
 Strong track record in running training on project cycle management with tangible results
taking into account the local context
 Experience in developing training material in PCM and soft skills, etc., for multiple audiences
 Sound knowledge of the project management in Ethiopia
 Substantial experience in developing capacities of stakeholders at the local and federal level
 Extensive experience in conducting training and facilitation sessions
 Experience working with MoLS or other government institutions is an advantage

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 Availability and commitment for time-durations specified in ToR
 Renewed Registration, VAT & TAX Certificates

Criteria for selection

Three service providers/agencies/companies will be invited to submit both a technical and financial
proposals under a closed bid. Then, the service providers/ agencies/ companies, will be selected on
the basis of the analysis as follows.
 Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
 Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and
financial criteria specific to the solicitation. In this regard, the respective weight of the
proposals is
a. Technical Criteria weight is 70%
b. Financial Criteria weight is 30%

In case of limited applicants, the reviewer will provide justification for the analysis before reaching
to decision.
Criteria Point
Technical Competence (based on CV and Proposal) 100
Criteria a. Understanding the Scope of Work, Key Deliverable, and Description; 45 pts
comprehensiveness of the methodology/approach of the training; and
organization & completeness of the proposal
Criteria b. Strong track record in running training on project cycle 20 pts
management with tangible results taking into account the local context; At
least five years of demonstrated experience in designing, developing,
monitoring and managing PCM trainings
Criteria c. Substantial experience in developing capacities of stakeholders at 20 pts
the local and federal level in similar field; have already established partnership
with internationally accredited institutions for certification.
Criteria d. Timeline and commitment to deliver the objectives of the 15 pts
assignment based on the deadlines provided in this document
Financial (Lower Offer/Offer*100) 100
Total Score = Technical Score * 70% + Financial Score * 30%

Application Process

Interested bidders should submit their technical and financial proposals in the email before June 21,2023 5:00PM
Target Business Consultants Plc
N/Lafot Sub City, Lebu mebrat Shoa supermarket 3rd floor
Tel +251 911 726996, +251 116 636645
Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Target Business Consultants PLC reserves the right to reject any or all the offers.

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