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Challenges encountered in the implementation of talent management

practices at Mimosa Mining Company

Kareen (2016) says without the support of top managers strategy

implementation is stifled and talent management also. Business and HR
leaders in a survey mentioned that inability of senior not spending enough time
on talent management was the primary barrier to talent management (Hejase
et al, 2016). Also, failure by senior leadership to encourage optimistic
collaboration, line supervisor’s dedication to people development affect talent
management negatively (Blass, 2009). By means of supplying visible assistance
and dedication, senior management instils a talent mind-set in the course of
the organisation this is, a deep conviction that the best and brightest will
create shareholder value (Bright, 2002). The current study support the
literature above, the questionnaires revealed that lack of support and
dedication of senior management on talent management initiatives is hindering
the implementation of talent management.

Furthermore, effective implementation of talent management is associated with

constraints such as scarcity of financial resources at the point of
implementation due to economic deficit (Gelens et al, 2014). The organisation’s
economic base can be crippled; it could fail to introduce progressive and
powerful skills management strategies (Bak, 2004). Boichenko (2015)), agues
talent management is hindered by the challenges of monetary constraints and
because of loss of monetary talent management techniques won't be
efficaciously applied. The current study concurs with literature above; the
questionnaires revealed that financial constraints are hindering the
implementation of talent management in the organisation.

More so, Armstrong (2011) argues that communication is a significant part to a

business entity and effective communication is of major value on talent
management whether the purpose is update employees on new policies. The
demanding situations consist of ensuring that managers have fine
conversations with talent, aligning excessive performers with function
expectations, the usage of talent management generation and growing
integration of talent management initiatives (Bussin, 2013). Some other
difficulty that can be encountered at some point of talent management is
alienating or demotivating employees that aren't "high fliers" however have high
ability and are still crucial to the company (Abdullah and Jins, 2015)). The
current study differs with literature above; the questionnaires revealed that
communication challenges are not hindering the implementation of talent
management in the organisation.

Additionally, despite the fact that there's a need for change inside the firm
there are a few employees who are adamant to reform (Anderson, 2002). Due to
technological development the company may recognize a need to broaden its
personnel so that they could adapt to the current modifications in technology
(Bak, 2004). In support Hughes and Rog (2008), says the the largest venture in
this complete technique is to convert employees' behaviour to build windmills
for the triumphing wind of change in the business enterprise. Therefore
resistance to change is one of the demanding situations faced by companies
when setting talent management system (Blass, 209). The current study is in
line with literature above; the questionnaires revealed that resistance to change
is hindering the implementation of talent management in the organisation.

To add more, nepotism is when one is hired or promoted in an organization

simply because of his circle of relative’s connections through ignoring his traits
and without considering a few elements consisting of training stage, abilties,
competencies and accomplishments (Davies and Davis, 2010). Nepotism fosters
a place of job environment that is diametrically contrary to effective talent
management practices (Anderson, 2002). If leadership positions are stuffed by
using family and friends, there's no incentive through the management to
encourage employees to aim for management roles (Zamcu, 2014). The knock-
on impact is that favouritism impedes skills retention and absolute confidence
interferes with recruitment proceudure (Zamcu, 2014). Nepotism eliminates
personal development by placing limits on how far a worker can progress
within the business (Elegbe, 2010). In stopping employees from growing into
positive roles, nepotism fuels disengagement (Dries, 2013). The current study
concurs with literature above; questionnaires revealed that nepotism is
hindering the implementation of talent management.

Furthermore, many human resources capabilities are non-negotiable, because

a loss of them could mean the distinction among talent management success
and failure (Blass, 2009). For skills management to be successful there's need
for human resources practitioners to be more than technically gifted; they want
to translate what they know through key behavioural competencies (Devine
and Powell, 2008). The mixture of technical understanding and behaviours
presents the right system for success for HR leaders (Zamcu, 2014). HR experts
are expected to be valued crew contributors with the rest of the enterprise and
contribute as business partners for the growth of the organisation (chunk and
Chan, 2010). The HR business leader have to serve the reason of providing HR
know-how and behavioural attributes to organizational to make a contribution
(Dries, 2013). The current study differs with literature above; the
questionnaires revealed that lack of professionals in the human resources
department is not hindering the implementation of talent management.

To add more, failure by organisatins to regnise the strategic nature of talent

management is the major cause for its failure (Bussin, 2013). employees are
the organisation maximum valuable resource and it’s time for leaders to raise
its strategic importance (Devine and Powel, 2008). Talent management is
committed to attracting, hiring, coping with, growing, retaining and elevating
the overall performance of the most efficacious personnel of an employer
(Davies and Davies, 2010). It has been stated by way of many experts at diverse
structures that the knowledge owned by using an organisation’s employees
stands at the centre of its achievement (Blass, 2009). The current study
concurs with literature above; the questionnaires revealed that lack of
knowledge about the significance of talent management is hindering the
implementation of talent management.

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