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Talent management best practices obtained at Mimosa Mining Company

For effective talent management to take place talent management applications

should be tightly aligned to business goals and strategies (Anderson, 2002).
Davine and Powell (2008) say corporations should deal with commercial
enterprise selections and talent management decisions below one umbrella and
thoroughly tie skills control techniques with organizational techniques. If this
matching is as it should be achieved, firm will have the right range and proper
sort of employees on the proper place able to attaining the long-run business
goals (Breaugh, 2009).The organisation should ensure that talent management
efforts help important organizational goals and this will lead to improved
performance. Blass (2009), says if a company doesn't link talent management
techniques to company strategies, it can't recognise what abilities can be
needed within the future. This is why many organizations that did not do this
have ended up with typical pools of high-capacity leaders who lack the proper
skills for the jobs the groups now required to fill (Aginis, 2009). An
organisation's talent management should shape part of the general HR strategy
and ultimately align with the corporation's strategy (Anderson, 2009). The
current study differs with the literature above; the questionnaires revealed that
the organisation is not networking talent management to business strategy.

Furthermore, It essential as part of effective talent management practices for

businesses to identify excessive performers and key personnel with potentials
(Bak, 2004). To take a worker from capacity to readiness/performance requires
education, mentoring, personalised development, stretch assignments to build
salient competencies (Anderson, 2002). The global management survey (2015),
cited in Kareen (2016) stated the majority of the sector's groups perceive
excessive potentials and thirty-nine (39) percentage have applications to boost
up development. Then again, high performers are employees firms cannot
afford to lose, they assist businesses to achieve aggressive gain and reach their
strategic desires (Bright, 2012). Hence, firms have to enghance their
performance via profits increments, bonuses or different economic rewards but
additionally through demonstration of organizational dedication to them and
other non-monetary compensation (Boinchenko, 2015). The current study
differs with literature above, the questionnaires revealed that the organisation
is not recognising and rewarding high potential and performers.

More so, Dries (2013) says constructing a deep stream of successors at every
level enables firms to create a pool of gifted employees who are self-assured to
take over management roles as the business grows. Kehinde (2011) says
organizations with succession making plans packages in place foster a skills-
orientated lifestyle through recruiting skilled workers and top skills.
Consequently in conditions of abrupt employee’s adjustments, the advantages
of succession making plans become very obvious (Bright, 2012). Elegbe (2010)
says there may be less time and decreased financial expenditure on
recruitment and management development as skilled internal candidates were
already recognized and trained. The current study is contrary to the literature
above; the questionnaire revealed that the organisation is not creating a
pipeline of successors in every department.

More so, Egerova says (2013) says schooling and improvement is the heart of a
talent management initiative. Garavan et al (2012) argues that education will
give employee an extra knowledge of their obligations inside their role, and in
turn build their self-belief and this self-belief will boost their overall
performance. Worker education is substantial as it will increase skills and
assist the personnel to advance new talents (Blass, 2009). The current study is
in contrary to the literature above, the questionnaires revealed that the
organisation is not providing adequate training and development for current

To add more, Even though hiring and development are all a part of powerful
talent management it's practical for corporations to put more emphasis on
hiring (chew and Chan, 2010). The intent behind that is that not the entirety
may be developed for an instance; training/growing people to improve their
experience of judgment, adaptability, gaining knowledge of agility among others
for most of the people recruited these days can be very tough, if not possible to
do (Bussin, 2013). Cheese et al, (2008) says, however, setting a fashionable
hiring technique in area, which includes aptitude exams, personality,
intelligence, and interest exams, is important than developing them. The
current study concurs with literature above; the questionnaires revealed that
the organisation is placing a greater value on hiring procedure than

More so, a talent review consultation is a meeting to interact for senior leaders
and line managers in sharing and discussing expertise information (Blass,
2009). This ensures organizations have the proper talent currently and in the
destiny for more performance (Aguinis, 2009). The performance appraisals offer
an opportunity for managers and employees to discuss overall performance
tiers, review beyond achievements, current challenges, on-going dreams and
talent improvement (Berger and Berger, 2004). Performance appraisals also
open a forum to speak about talent units, career aspirations and development
plans that deal with overall performance gaps (Bak, 2004). For employees to
perform at their high standard, it's far vital to offer them frequent and
exceptional comments with unique details on areas they may be performing
well and in which development is needed. The current study differs with the
literature above; the questionnaires revealed that the organisation is not
conducting talent assessment meetings and performance evaluations.

Furthermore, succession planning refers to a system for preparing employees

to fulfil an organisation's needs for talent over time (Chapman, 2009). It is any
conscious attempt directed at making sure continued effective performance of
an employer or workgroup by making provision for the improvement,
replacement and strategic application of key human resouces over time
(Chapma, 2009). Consequently, the need for businesses to have an expertise
pool based succession plan in place, compels agencies to pick out important
abilities they want to prevail over the lengthy-run, as well as growing excessive-
able personnel to fill those needs after they rise up (Armstrong, 2006). The
current study contradicts the literature above, the questionnaires revealed that
the organization is not establishing a talent pool based succession plan.

Lastly, in the ambiguous and uncertain world, the emphasis is extra on

growing talent pools in place of specific individual with a purpose to ensure
there's a pool of skills from which to select from while an opening happens
(Agarwal and Islam, 2015). (Blass, 2009) says one of the main responsibilities
for any supervisor is to ensure a sturdy skills pipeline. They should perceive
important competencies and talents required for current and future
organisational goals (Chapman, 2009). In addition to this, the manager also
has to highlight key positions and decide which personalities might be skilled
of taking over those key positions in the future (chew and Chan, 2009). The
current study differs with the literature above; the questionnaires revealed the
organisation is not creating skills pools and professional progressions.

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