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School: Bataan Peninsula State University Grade Level: 8

LESSON Teacher: Christian Rhey S. Nebre Learning Area: Mathematics
Teaching Dates and Time: week 8 Quarter: 4rt quarter

I. Objectives
A. Content The learners demonstrate understanding of key concepts of probability
B. Performance The learner is able to formulate and solve practical problems involving probability of simple
Standard events.
C. Learning  Find the probability of simple event.
Competency  Ready to take risk and grab opportunities
D. Valuing

II. Content Probabilities

A. References:
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
SLM Week 8 (Probability of Events)
Author: Charito M. Castaneda
Co-Authors: Magno, I
2. Learner’s Ariola, CD

3. Additional https://youtube/probabilityofsimplevents
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning
Power point, Google meet, Google forms, Quizizz

A. Preparatory 1. Prayer
Activity and
Reviewing 2. Greetings
previous lesson
3. Checking of Attendance

4. Review of the Past Lesson

Let’s have a review

ok class, what is our lesson last meeting?

Sir! Is all about fundamental counting
Very good class!
What is fundamental counting principle?
By multiplying the number of ways each
event can happen
Very good!

Answer this!
Jericho invited Maria to her party: Maria has 3
Blouses (Stripes with ruffles, long-sleeves, and
sleeveless) and 3 skirt (red, pink, black) in her
closet reserved for such occasions. Assuming
that any skirt can be paired with any blouse. In
How many ways can Maria select her outfit?

3 ×3=9 ways can select her outfit


Let’s review the features in standard deck of

cards that we can use in our new lesson

How many playing cards do we have?

52 playing cards
What are the colors of the cards?
black and red cards
Good job!

How many black cards and red cards do we

have? sir we have 26 red cards and 26 black cards

Very good!

How many suits in a card?

There are 4 suits

And what are the 4 suits?

clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds

Precisely! .

In each suit how many cards?

Sir we have 13 cards for each suit

Good job!

What are the face cards?

Sir! those are king, queen and jack

Very good!

In each face cards how many suits?

Sir we have 4 suits

Very good!

B. Establishing a Now that you’ve understand concepts of

purpose for the counting principle
Let us have our activity!
Direction Let’s use a poll to play Rock, paper
and scissors. choose “ONE” on what you want in
playing rock, paper and scissors.

Based on the activity how many choices of rocks

do we have?

One sir!
All right! how many choices of papers do we

Correct! Sir one again

and for scissors we have also one

Now, how many numbers of all possible

outcomes do we have in playing rock, paper and
Sir we have 3 possible outcomes

Very good!
It means you can choose a rock, paper and
scissors once and Out of three number of all
possible outcomes, what is the chance that you
are choosing a rock?
Si! 1 out of three or

Very good!
So, class this chance is what we call probability
And for today’s lesson we are going to discuss
probability of simple events.

C. Presenting Here are the learning objectives

examples/ (class please read)
instances of the
new lesson  Find the probability of simple event.

Valuing- one time you saw the mystery box and

if you buy the mystery box that is worth a brand
new (I phone 13 max) but not all mystery box
has an (I phone 13 max) will you still buy the
mystery box? Why? Because, there is a chance or possibility that
I won an I phone

Ok class, we are ready to take a risk and to grab

the opportunities to win and that mindset is what
we call positivity.
Probability – is a field of mathematics that
deals with chance.

Ok class, let us define probability

(class please read)

Here is the formula to solve the probability of an


n(Event )
P (Event)=
n(Sample space )

n(event)- number of outcomes of the event

n (Sample space)- number of all possible

D. Discussing Let’s have an example

new concepts and
practicing new Example 1
skills #1
(Class please read)
A single 6-sided die is rolled.
a. Find the probability of getting an even
b. Find the probability of getting a number
less than 5

Since we need to Find the probability of getting

an even number
Will you give me what are the even numbers?

Good job! So, we have 3 even numbers

How many possible outcomes do we have?

Sir! {1,2,3,4,5,6}
Correct! we have 3 even numbers and we have 6
possible outcomes

Therefore, what is the probability of getting even

number? Will you give me?
P (getting an even number) =
n( Event )
n( Sample space )

3 1
Excellent! P (getting an even number) = or simply
6 2

How about getting less than 5?

Will you give me numbers less than 5?

Correct! We have 4 numbers less than 5 And we
have 6 numbers of all possible outcomes in die 1,2,3, and 4
therefore, what is the probability of getting less
than 5?

Very good! 4
P (Getting number less than 5) = or simply
Do you have questions? 2

All right!

None sir!
E. Discussing new Ok class you got it now let’s have another
concepts and example
practicing new
skills #2 Example 2

(Class please read)

A glass jar contains 7 red, 6 green, 5 blue

marbles. If a single marble is chosen at
random from the jar, what is the probability
of choosing a red marble? a green marble?
And a blue marble?

Ok class let’s answer first choosing a red marble

Ok class how many red marbles do we have?
7 red marbles
Good job!
What is the total number of all marbles?

Great job!
what is the probability of choosing a red marble?
P (choosing a red marble) =


What is the probability of choosing a green


6 1
Very good! P (choosing a green marble) = or
18 3

What is the probability of a blue marble?

Great job! 5
P (choosing a blue marble) =
None sir!
Very good 8 clemente!

Let us proceed to the next example

Example 3

From a deck of 52 playing cards, what is the

probability of drawing
a. spade
b. a king card

Again, how many spades do we have?

All right! And we have 52 playing cards

therefore, what is the probability of drawing of
spades? 13 spades

Very good
Ok class, try letter b find the probability of 13 1
a.. or simply
drawing a king? 52 4

A king has 4 suits those are clubs. Spades, hearts

and diamonds therefore, how many numbers of
outcomes in a king?

Very good!
And we know, that in a standard deck of cards is 4
we have 52 playing cards therefore, what is the
probability of drawing a king?

Very good!
what is the probability of drawing a red card 4 1
b. or
52 13
how many red cards do we have?

Therefore, what is the probability of drawing a

red card
26 red cards

Very good!
Questions? 26 1
52 2

Let’s go to genetics
A couple plans to have three children. find the None sir!
probability that they will have

a. All girls

In each child we have 50% chance or. , so
therefore the probability of having all girls is.
1 1 1 1
× × =
2 2 2 8

chance that they will have all girls

Do you have questions?

None sir!
G. Finding For me to know what you have learned. Answer
practical the problem task.
applications of Direction: Find the probability of an event.
concepts and skills
in daily living.

A. In Set R= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}

Find the probability of getting

1 a number 10
2. a number greater than 9
3.a number that is even
B.A glass jar contains 5 red, 4 yellow 3 blue
marbles. If a single marble is chosen at random
from the jar, what is the probability of choosing
4.Red marbles marbles
6.yellow marbles

C.In playing a deck of cards, what is the 1

probability of drawing: 12
7.a queen 3 1
8 diamond 2. or
12 4 card 6 1
10.hearts 3. or
12 2
. 3 1
5. or
12 4
4 1
6. or
12 3
4 1
7. or
52 13
13 1
8. or
52 4
Excellent 8 clemente! 26 1
9. or
52 2
13 1
10. or
52 4

H. Making Ok class, let’s summarize on what have you

generalizations learned
and abstractions
about the lesson What is probability?

a field of mathematics that deals with

Very good!

What is the formula in finding the probability of

simple events?

n( Event )
n( Sample space )

Very good!

Where in :

n ( Event ) −¿ number of outcomes of the event

n ¿)-number of all possible outcomes.


None sir!
All right!

I. Evaluating Now that you’ve understand our lesson. Let’s

Learning have a quiz.

Direction: Find the probability of events.

A When a fair dice is thrown, what is the

probability of getting

1.The number 5
2.a number that is even
3. number 3

B.A bag contains five red, two white, and three

green balls. If a ball selected at random, find the Answer:
probability that it is A. 1
1. 6

3 1
2. or
6 2

5 1
4. or
10 2
C. In playing a deck of cards, what is the
probability of drawing:
6. a black card
7.a cloves
8. a red card
9. jack


13 1
7. or
52 4
Very good class! 4 1
9. or
52 13
13 1
10. or
52 4

J. Additional Assignment
activities for
application or Find the probability of the events
When a fair dice is thrown, what is the
probability of getting

1.Multiples of 3
2.A number less than 6

In playing a deck of cards, what is the

probability of drawing:

3.A king of diamonds?

4.A number 10
5.odd numbers
4 1
4. or
52 13
4 1
5. or
52 13

: Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

Bataan National High School

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