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D [Natural numbers ——___— i cohole nermber, not “including 0, eet ‘called ‘countin, Lnambe rs) a Odd Sumber e _| Any ashole_ number that cannet “be divided exactly by 2 > | Even eeu —|Awhole number that can be exo clin, divided bay 2. oa Integer sae - ~ Ang wioole- number, including O. pasitive or negative. > | Prime. ue | Whole number, 046 greater than | only has two Factors’ \ and number itself. Lis not_a_prime number. 2) | Squase number a ‘i lhe product obtained ae an integer is maltiplied by Titsett._ So aii - 0 Fraction siesta a Represents pack of an : sa ofa enn - can, be written as comme! gor) Hractien in. the form & of as decimal 2 MULTIPLES AUD FacToRs —— > Polis : b Multiple of a nambe, by a pesitive inkeger. & (Pisst eee of ‘oy 7 - eras the san be |} found by. multip rum bec_itselt 6. ‘What are the Fist. thie multiples of _ 2. Ans. - To Find these A and then. a eee malboly \2 by \,2 and thend. DAL = 24 = LIZA = DG b Is 200 a multiple of 22 Tettee Ans a Divide Boo by 12, if it ssa divides then it _—is_ a multiple of (2. _ | 300 2122 29 200 iso “coulkigle- Set > The Lowest Common. Mulkigle CLM). CLM). -- — t ~ which is_@ _Comman. malhple 5 LCM is “the smallest numbe. ot all given nambers. Example pa —— ot find the LM. of Gand. a aes Write several tail of : _- List seveca! Tallies aE ———— ——-—- Ms Ti 21 2P, 35,42 — TI i = Be |S - fi number_that appears_in both set, jLcM= 2% | is > | Fackor : A factor is a number that — divides exacts into _anathe, umber with no remainder | 7 ae 2s ea -- find the factors of 12- [Steel find the pts — Some Saat mtbaly bo gu “a \ 2 a Bs ga as. o| 2X4 ia Step Wile the facta n_eumesiel mes = at : * Die tight seomen ctor (uC) is tha_highast aurnbt! —that a factor of all the given ae tisk the fortis ab po Seco ceecee ein List the factors, eal so ot 42.8 12 ee a2 ~ (Step d-nderline fan Sean jo DST lacfesS that appear in both _ Step 4- Pic Sea eee eee Ge nee dice = 8 “Bout the highest underlined factoc CHCEL - of —sumbecs have exact ly a factors + adimiete teacher Thal | sseateneeniaaadta Composite num bers _hove re twa factors 5/1 has onlay one factse soit is neither prime _nor_companite __ ©) Prime factors_are the factors of a_numberthat are also _ prime _mumnbeps ——————______________— | 6 | Every composite aahele number _can _be_biohen down asd exritter las dhe product of its prime Factors Earp ~@ Write the prime factors of G8. Ans ‘stent é Dioike by the smallest “prime number that will go ink ‘ee the num bec exacthy———— 3 ne ae dhe 2 - Conbnue- aiding using the sae pame number | will ge into__your new answe coch Hme-—— _ > b b& ghe —pnme factors 'Glegd = Sting when —youseach Lwe'* ascending oder wath Xs. gns- “Using. -pime Fattors To Find the Hefond LOM. Word problems invdving HCF usualy imuclves splitting 1! Linky smoller_pieces —of orcanging things 10 equal 4! cu Lows.— nen ‘WWlocd problems —inucluing LOM usaally sndude repeat Jevents. You fend mary —be asKed how many fines yor Ube have enough’ of when. something wuill happen. 44 at the same ‘inne — Q@ Ans Example 4 “Find the HCE of 168 ond Bo. Step) - Expiess each umber aso product of prime 1 Onde i Ot - Paap th ‘ seen: the factues common to both num bers. Step> - Marts tply these out te End the HC ZZ _ Shep 2 - Underline the largest set of multiples of each Factey al Steps. = Lisk these _and_malk, phy theme ta find, te Le > KEKE KE = DAE 7 60 ea | Bit ile st ee a if thes divided by a. : if the last two digits can be divided by 4 : foc Lif it ends with oO oS. + fae : ‘f ik is. diutsible by bath 2 and % 4 if the last thee digifs ore divisible by 8 bya) 8A pumber is eee ee ee ba The squate. ints =f telah is the number that was — ——malineled bay itself to get the square _numbs et Pos Se A ds ef da tigi: be sybel “fot sedil ier ere : —then—maltiplied by itseif again. oO. Ftad the square of 224 Ang Stepl - Write the factors of 224 T 324 = we yr __ Step 2 — Croup the. fac bors into _patis beach | Square toot of each pair Si pair — ble 7x72 xDx% x2 ~~ amas 3 a squate toot of 32% «Step - Multiphy the roats together +h 42_give youthe e the. cube teat §\) Stead - Maltioly together to 9h al nt real- life atbuate, % Mhen you use numbers > seprese oN temprature ,albtude y and direction, you Som sign to indicate the e times need tou Aurection of the nur ber. _E3: Hactgeataa ashe ent ac 4 - “Sea level can he 215m 08 +290 5 Braet Opt Divide : coe _— Subliock eee eee bl Diesen types of Serre eae bul bother symbols 7 F Ol feackinn batt 05. bay tt oh umber jot the value of th ____ttigint_ef the “tog a given decimal place —y0u lool . *o_the value of the digit to the Specified place. TE it is § of greater you MOL AE it is less 5 The First signi ficont ___{digtt ashen | —datgit of ao namber is the fist ton 2a reading from left tot ght. The next digit isthe second_significant “aigit dhe next _the third significant and }8O_on. All zeros after sho First significant digit are considered significant, yebraic 8 ge oe tether | seas openPR ge npn i Ui inked by setcaion signs fash ot called a term. ——————— oe ee s yhe_onke b [hsio_an Male isteptesented oj he ne sang —thess.—o5e © exprosia ie fetes of re Teli Pe » Applying. ecg te eee a tefi-a sumbed Heh oAwartable is wari tten fest +82 2h and not bh Dy weilten in alphabe Real acdar, to ather than soc and 2ba. itten as ht and hahah is wittea ash he. ged idee ele gl Lp Sour et gas late _»b The_power only applies to the number or variable ie | dicectly abefore it, 80 Sa* means Sraxg, by) When a_power 1s outside a bracket , it applies fo j¢ eee eee the bracket. So Tere ie te xy. 7 > ems ‘Addiog cod Seblractiog. be Tess Ww sith exactly “the _same_variobles are called (ike termi «3xy) and x eh ~£ £9. 2a and 4a —o: 4, . Ly L Ke. be arn anePR tie = 1 shy Set! iMe ter et | 3q_- 19 “Opand=Ipis, - Tee , “tne like terms " 7 Ans . Steph - en kfy [2p 154+29> TP ‘Step2- Add Write ti, ceients As bhract the “coef Ficien and 34 oro p > Mattia _toaling 2 —— | Stop 3 - Write in_simplest = B4ey — _ + Lil by Remouing the —T brackets is called expanding the expressico— + 2 {1o— we Proclets you mutipl each term vaide the bracket Thy the number Cand lor wertstied eteide she oo G [elyeet anges ‘ he bracket aoa pelet = 2) = py -3¢ = 7 —— Example 4 = 5 the brackets 40 simplify > ey C2= Be) oe _Ans {Step\ = Multiply tne iter om _Foutside the bracket ait —— ee eee inside the bracket. se —t tS : = 2a “Step 2 = Maltiply the term outs we the brachet with — | ‘the _second_kecm inside dhe bracket — Pat thet elas > Revisiting index tebebie pura _— hes s Aiees (post you how now osite a number _ei0j— ces pons 7} When. ere ey Ls See —— et worikben it in index Pee ice ———— i | il Les ngex ins) ae Megas 5 Anny number can be used as 9 ie ee Land frac tion,———— Ce ae ok RR RE * ans. Shep) - Count hous many —smes— 2 | a fy get the index of 2. — t $$ — : Step 2- Count hows many mes a | get the index of y- 7 | oe ee ey ny ep ye — > | 2 © Lows Of Indices | — » index expressiors with the samé + - u 5 Wheo you multiply |base you _can_add_ the ind men icos 7K" aX =e tession with the same tase by When you divide index exp you can subtract the indices} 2%" 0" amr? by Any value to the power of O's equal _to\.. So x** | 4b When you haus fo tose a power 4 another powt! * _multiply ihe indices* Cx)" s oO bo xms 1 Coben «#0) oe a bole’ gt sie = Gay I} Racaltel i | A pair of lines that ove the same distance apart all along Ahett_length are parallel baits Ly) The symbol tor (//)_ is used Fer parallel tines e.g ABNCO b lines that ate patalle|_are marked _on_dingrams with arrows ey A! Angle — : a b When “hoe lines meet at_a_psint,they form_dn_angle tre .: _ vectors ee pne angie 4nd 4 | gre verte © The_meeting POT igo gs OIE ones hoo lines o coed RE ters * e_letber oh the by Angles -2f© named asing fi fa and she \ette, \ end of one arm = 4 the end of the by the letter iM indicates the 5] Perpendicular & When two line: __to- each other il Re Flex an Se aaa! ged hea hg alls gid gle da gh 880 uJ Re volukion »b A cevolution 360° » AngeBelattonshrps 3} Complementary anges (om » When the sum of hwo a eae ey ore complementary. angles Wha com plete 4 7 Orn Gan angle of exact ny 18 $0"Athose ture angles il GoeglemaclanyAncie 4S pp 4 Angles -GSupp angles) (angles on line by When the sana of tus angles ts Igo" those tus Ose angles are supplementary angles. 7 3) Angles found a_potnt Cang\es omtrre} around point) 4 Angles ata portant make_a complete revolution. the sum_of the + Angles at a point is 260% on E 4 Vecticalry opposite. a ngles — : = __» When two ines _ intersect, two pairs of vecticall _loppostte angles ace farmed. 7 : 5 Ver Holly opposite angles are equal in size, REX, Y7y. ff Ss - ‘ey adjacent angle _paris_in verbally \es_ form pails of supplementary angles eae "aise angles ©0-% gb raight line. because they ore * Anges and paralle| lines nat intersects hwo Stray, 42 » A transversal is any net Tine at distinct points. 3 ) b 4) Couespondt ler C0? shaped ponding angle ; O When two parallel lines are cat by o krans versal f, pairs of corresponding angles are forme tin 4 Corres ponding anges are 4y to each other. Dy 1 7 SS LE 2] Alteinate angles. ('2"= shaped) — SS .. b When tuo parallel tines are cat bya Arons versal : paint. of alternate angles are_formed See eet ie & Alternate ange Sate equa) to each other yi i 3 Co- interior angles C'c'-s Ls de bek lak pS 4 When two _pocalle| lines are cut by ao trans uersal fet pats of co-intecior _angles_are formed. HH > Co-interior angles ate supplementary Gadd up to \ga°) ae Se Ee a gthe ot ij e180" 5) /LRIANGIS 0) [Sralene te lea ibs a : ol | No equal_sides bo. fae oe 7 A eS | Isoceles triangle _ ite rt be Two sides of equal long te ob freee equal _ 52 QUADRILATERNS 6) Obluse-ongie4 triangles ~ b Obtuse-angié s 7 2 one angle? 99 - A je naneibee ah SO 4} Anges bong 088 4P to 190" be ta ty =O" Congies 9F > line) “but: aa b= ond C4 Carer rate angles) Pon go" / Sl a> \ go orb re* equol *o the sum of Nhe oP PS! 4 2) the exterior angles iokenul ang) ¢3- bc +x Wo" Congo iso. * \¥O" = jastorc = 180" Congle sum © c= Wo - Cash) -O-n)> so" - Xe nO \ine) £ tangle) ‘So (80° hence ath = % a} Parallelogiom b Opposite sides patallel £ equal ‘ by Oppos.te angles equal. f b Dagonds tsect each other os ! ‘ 3] Rectangle ; — I ite sick 4 | Opposi! © parallel ang, se LAN ongles_+ so" eval es A — ;-— & Oragonds are equal $y OK fe I a cd by Diagonal _biseck each athe, . SS | & Drogonals—i | Diagonals_bisect— Dal hinds oe Pla ma % \ ir 2 a ead of quali, esl vs poet oe eetole ae cane a ; octagon. its “angles equal \i >t b eflex. angles, itis called Con 4 Te see any fe } 21a eps es polygons are conver paly gens. Soo on pat Angles of Polygon : 2 Sum_of- then | anghes « (n= D Xiao" aa re ech fale ted gles ofa. fobnans b The sum of tne are sae af a conver poly Lis always 360%. Ae Ag matter haus many sides” [ eons cree\ [ eco: - Civde | a sms other sn etmah Wp ae el of face > Diffesenk Types of Data ——— | a et 5 Glegorital_ Dake spon: numerical deka. ees 6 Glours, names of people and_place_,ges and ne_ansese:: Lt a) _ opinions _and_ehoices_are_a\l_ categorical. ae Numerical data is_data in number form Amount, measurement me of scofe gre. all_ numer ica by —» Numeric deka is also called quantitative date b ‘ Qualitative Disctete 7 Conthnu cus & Discrete Data - > Oata only in cshole numbers. When « Count things 5. When you ata. you are callecting discrete 4 Contin 7 iauous Data Dota i either fractton or decimal. b Age iS continuous by Shoe size is discrete ae > Methads af Gllecting Data % Data collected by doing sSatveys ot Interuiews , by asking — ____people tn complete _questionnaries, by doing experiments or by counting and_measuring——is— called primary data ___» Doka ccllected. _by using existing a ed_,is called seco ndary data. you collect data— Crom on internet site ata_to Kad the informatics _for example iF. __* Jolly_Tobles — Ty Tallg tab —ses lite tly Se gi een tecacd ee “thems you t tata a J —_ » saping Dota in ee : ee ee ee a tesa s ipa ~~ Texample below: grouped bs -awranged ie class. Hinkge= je Ss Jalble. Lock ot the dou canned see —he—acual data ulue pat he ouinbee ——_lof data gers 10 eae Io hte: and Pret Te ee a ee ne As. buoben in —4uso pacts > a— stem anda leaf. ______— zd i lett pod Ah] ple othe find aig of eoch yalue th sate stems Lb me stems ote i llen abe eft Of @ vertical ne fare waiter to the ah of Ane veces Line | leat i me al EE LS : ____two- ' i se of a ee ia axe eaittten to __» Left. ; a : mpl This_stem_and leaf plot_compares Ah £ e botkery fe Ke of ha pdt ee ae : | Grand 4 a eee 3 s g72| 0 [58 | [34g7123, It Biond A 812.2 28 ho [ a 2 ae: lasond 9. 2 mi | 2 42 bows - | 4 12 Q Th - 30 + Iwo- way tatles > A Awo-Way table Shows +h, for WOOF more e Frequency of cerkoin sesalts sets of data “the headin. ch th cheat Tela : in fop of the table gives you informatten jhe table gi 9 Seal belts te headings down the side of dhe give you information about gender: -3 USING CHARTS TO DISPLAY DATA » Pictogiam 4) Pickograms use smal) symbals (pictures) to represent quanht es. 4 The meaning and omount Yhe_ symbel represents (a‘ they’) mus Ane giaph to moRe sonse. AL pie chart te a efreular Widee eles elieaeae, sector __of the ciccle— tos 7 | Caingle bor) IF yor want b | Use_pie chart of bar charts ne there ss P 2 oh whole, + Ne > mang Pieces . _Conpot & _ different __ me involved + and thet data. eee) 6 Use bar_chack foc aiscrete data spat does not choy, lever Hime- com pat< _b Use compound bar chart if you want to -—~ aa ‘os mote sets of di acrete data. Use tine graphs for numerice’ data when you wo to__sYow something changes over time, 5. Fractions and S| form — FOUIVALENT FRACTIONS b A faction is pack of a whole Teal anda rd » (onmonfractoo (AKA yal foun 2 walgat fracton) are cari ten in the » The number_on the 4op,a . 7 { 7, Can be any dumb i called numerator. 9 ee EEL “D the_qumber oo the bottom ,b, can be any number extent O an ts called the denpminate rc. eee eEEees b Tf you multiply of divide beth the numerator_and the __ denominator by the same number, the nea _pwen- fraction still (e presents the same_arnount of the ushele as the — —atiginol fractton.and is called equivalent £r OPERATIONS ON. FRACT TONS —- ac Hons, ——--— rr Massiplying. fiaekinns———-——~—— by \ ocvereony mote frachtonstoge thet got ee oe numecators and yhe muadtiply ths can simply multiply Sarees _ > rs td 10g Fracktons , b ‘he rece of any feacton_ con be be bias rane Resp of Bais and of 2 53. if ang fracken i yy alk pli resulh 18 always |. Pied by its Lectprocal then the > bh: b fx b A. To divide one Frackron multiply the ty the Second. 7 by anather frachon, you simply fraction by dhe tectprocel of E xample 5 Q. 4:3 fn Sheal - Multiply by the teaprocal of 3.ue. ow 21 = >» Frackion with decimals % Any fraction that contains a decimal sn either its numetatet of denominator will oe not be considered to be simelified. follow through the example below to learn to Sam with decimals prify traction s Exomple 6 &. Simplify a oles - Maltiely out ee by 1D 4% convert O.\ ban integer tor bo Mak | equivalent Fractig, Q iy ap ee pns-Sten~ \Aiply ib - gy lOy f Pb a snubs a a lds . igtark by cscits Ee fuck 7 ; -} fee ete apercentaye of another, yo 7 : he second number then multiply b. a oe ae Example es | Step2_- Muli ply— pea 5 by ' yo and simp tits = 712 “2 204 : oe 7 ——————— [oo ta = HE Oe ato eg ahha eae ee tol ae 7 : ly by ia SB 2u ss 4 ip 4 100 L Bangle & eases © | normal sellin g-price for =the Sole_price Satie as “uo calcul e TL datedal lee! 10%. A jocKet . Set Yo in this_sole is sold For |__com_you Find the original price of Renan Jans, Step - ~ Let the original 7 b, ad “ ae oe See. foe be x. If an item is ec_| e€ peu cost is 904+ of the i -original Goo - to) | 904. of {108 T —=| SQ__x_ oe 1 | “the equakion —_____ Solve e She GTANDARD FORM- for large ~_& Standard — foren a ed in standard 4) landto mali press by Any — large + can We eo ik asa number betwees by urcting lied by —a suitable power of 12. ae 4b To do this write the pepiepeile Pe ae tend to first te akon ee nes oe you need Fore. the Firsl_Aigit to sne—lebt- Ds “you by -esbat pases 10S number af — l be multselied nue (2.8 x10!) C4 x10") : S (2.2 410%) + (4 x10") 2 2.2 x15 * > _ Vou x0" 22.8 4 10% [ou 04 __[Step2 - Use the oppropriate law a of indices. = 2 »1o0* a care ae AN ees ep xio%) canto Ana. Stepl Rewrite both © ; Shep2- Add Cit 1s eosiet fo add wher theyie lined, Slep- Wate i ; 2 oe (3. Qm104)- Gxt) ——$_____~ =» Ans. Step| - Rewrite ‘both numbers io _ordinarg- forte. j 2H pep 399 ee tae toa ala Vo - pe Step3 - Write in tondard forn o La x19 * ; in the nes SAME order os ap “*-ertginal pele Step3- the Gist Awgit,3> has bp poo Shep: RSM Atgit)'S\ has tes ESET roo Nast meve seven places ty _ [the tk so, you mally “by lo? 7 —_|—— ——__ . ES ic _& To estimate, the oumbers are_ Sing need to be rouncled before you do the calcaotion Usually they are iounded to ene significant Figures, ae ee J foes aeelapinanle fa ele enalaprilat fromge 3.39 XDA ead? Bo __Nokce shat 3-9 X2-1 8.19, so the eskimoted value 8 is nod eo _far from +he teal value el etn eeu *z’ symbol _is_only “used at the poral where an _approaimakion is made, At other Hes “ should use use ‘2’ when two cumbes ose exactly sequal i 6. Equ lions 4 kearr ang m J form ae a of BRACKEL Exomple | FURTHER 21 vf 7 - ee abide “the. bracke Q_Simpli f 3 (2 Ans Steal - ay the noamber- calsie thet everything + sega So an : ——— | 2ps3) =% = Linea pushing enn he re — than 1 ee es ve, dee Led _ : > — 3x0) ne ies —____— eee ——_, —+ ee ale —Gabtract _Licam both st! , F — COrvide bith vides by threel Ae AD we = 4 aie sienlancinmsbeh b Aways Wine ay your fs igost werRiag mach cleacey Exern ip le 2 Signs because *+his makes a Soave tne “equation Sx-2+ 20 +6 - = oe Akepl- lock for she smallest x's and subtract this witli, tiveen, —koth sides So, subtiact 3x from beth Sides att y-2 = Ava a - By-72 = bx- 3G 2x-l= 6 Gtep2 -Adad tue to both sides 2X -242 = GO x2 2x: § Step3- Divide bot sides by tur | QC + & T > 2 x24 both sides—— Fromm Ee Step2.- Subtract 0 : ~ 16. ry poth side by 1 Skep2 - Divide PO = . bit oat Ce -u)* uly 22) =O J : -, 2ly ; togethe < Sve the equation. 1 collect lhe tesns- “ ey Ans. Step} - Espa = 30 Gane och a “Solve. the equation Gp =l0 As. Step)- Multiply both sideg by WE yi Gye T= lOox7 yt r _& pP mbit se Mek ie Mop de bats slog Tas d cod ail U peepee ay ——$-$—F a4 et < 6.3 FACTORISING, 4 6 The process of _bracKets IMEBRIC EXPRESSIONS sertting an algebraic eepression using SN as factatsatton, pom 3 0. fackonise \éa aay ae éns__Stepl = The HCl of 12 and Gis 3, but tnd. haveoo c, —fommoen Factors, So we \\ tet take Bout Hoc aly = 26 xe ty) : 4S ha, t ca fackerise 18 Cx=2)- 26 Cx-2) 7 peel ie HCe of 16 and 1520 6S and HCE ot al C2e=2) and Cx =29* is Coe-2) = ¢ Vg Cr-oy = 5 (x -2)Eh-4Cxe-2) \6Cac - 2) = 2 T REARRANGEMENT OF A FORMULA is expressed — : i that_a_formula_is_expi 7 bN, $k, will Find — 7 Chit : | . able i ter __alone on < —Q Mame _y the —subjeels—™ ides n | = Spee : + 1 4 t el ed. oe | ———__—__—_ Boi 4.—- ie Revimeter, area and olume | PERIMETER AND AREA IN 2 DIMENSIONs * Glygoos vA Polygon is q_ flat Cows, dimensionad — with thiee er mere shatght “sides fo». Be etn al a ppg _the sum of ihe, ogi of eel e an ; See a pape me “Space is ide it sleantained — snc are Ave as ; a Senn 3 Quads gall ew cere Nogtan i Az 7 Le - ce Talpaogs rs oer aL ele wf] Ae o:ebh soouetn 2 ae ————— late | As _asb b Sere eee © Calculate the atea of the IE yaial_ inal sacle to give_an_exack answer _in_aysaleulad= HOt oMswer uy: a\ae ishould be to the ans en _a_mu\h ple of pi_ond symbs. a ‘Acs ond Sectos > Aiea of socio Qo RE 1 Wea ti J length— of sectors 6 x8RL 22 1 6- 290°. “then. _you. howe a_qirad- quarter facile, | This is Brown —as—os— quads a b) ie 02 2 \got__Ahen —your—hawe as °. set -eitele <<< 12 THREE "MENS LORL-DBIECIS —— - vin _abjeck- eck b A “hie “Aimmencion > Nets of. golds ————— A net fs a two dimensional Share that canbe a, d to form and €hiee= “dimension ¢| cutout and felde solid —_——— Example | Surface area: 2¢ be dhe) ala pata a 2 salt hase CLess-Secktag | same al along ats _leng th : by Sucka ue _orea of a prism = 2% crea of cross-section + perimeter ch 4. Crane nA \eagth aoe - secki es 4 Volume of @ plism? ofea of cross-section xleng > Cylinders | ~-,Sfoss- seckton Carve surbace aca of cali foe | ata te | RO ay ae | a oe “Total sucfaco teas 2Trh 44 isl stl tees 8 I Uslume=. bach >. Spheres Bl Gasfuce auaas Ane coe ee 4 ——— —Sh Newnes fc* Jot BASIC Propneerry — Petco semethog-happus iiss an_svenk | Probabiltky a measure of how lnhely an event 45 to happen es ee ~ | Probalas hay st -ve anh probabititay cant be 21 _» | Per Porming an experiment, such cs sol\tng adie, te called tatiial paneer 4|TE you repeok ane esiment, by carrying outa umber —_ lof trrals_, then you—can “tend an __experimentalprebabatlifey —_ |ot_an. event happesing + His trachion 1_otben soled the — {relative trequency—————~ Cai ; 7 a —»| pla) Dumber of tunes desis eucat tapaens ~~ quent A. happening \ nd AP] number ey: 7 tea Vhe- ae Why | g. u iN ad dit 7 @_ Ae en 1 seco de 4 AG oblaining 7 a Bree: 2 Un, q. a_lhiee | a Esomple ts [ fi Lass pO laton— thas do _socks_ ina drawer 8 sacks at [Socks ait blue and 2 socks ar gicen, Sf one 41.2 at random, what is —the_ere ba bility a | PTI etm —_—— Ans| Step) - Calculate total possth le siete 7 Slept - Coltote p. - 2 ote “bee ° ~ Revourabe outcomes a i ; and probability 2 yo — Ss = 3 mE Fo ROBBILITY TAT A EVENT DOESNT HAPEN ‘va ee c lent ther __boppen ond p (A) ~ \- etal is the event that _A does act Q, epsohe bili thy that Jasmine passes. her Actut ing test a hat is the probability that Jasmine tatls?- dns Stepl= PCA)= 1- PCA) alg ad |e (eat\) 3 7 “Tettach = ee. “OSSIBILIT? DINGRAMS i fr ~ Exarople Ta ak and one blue. + are thrown at the sam. 5 showing on the dice are added babiltty that: oe Q Tuo Aue, ae time and the number. together. find the pro _ out comes — dos| Sap Ceaint_tote-o — |e Canad bn <5 £ tod pecatly — ea ns nok oro MA — — MUS ET —o 2 Events. wishiies tisk >_< ao Loutwome, Ae called 5 [Comiin| rene oS Aco Bye PCA happen on a Pen dent events thent op eg haepon)= pax eta) PCA ard B)= e¢ 4) x big) oo ea fv ENE oreur ak the same ene are called deotebe oe lil ; =) AEP and 0 _o1_makually exclusive enti then _ PCA oc B)= PCa) s pcm) pe ee a » { Sets + Sequence ane 9.1 SEQUENCES % A sequence canbe theught of a 2% heen listed ina porkiculac ord ore 7 between —the _ele ment._—_— ek whose elements ul waibh seme connect, ___& Sets meibten _wikhia sequence usettken ithe wa braets— 7 enw — howe tule tote tot TT » Ihe berm -to = teem cule © The tule that tells ajo hows ke generate eee ___ Sequencd iis tolled the —Kecens to- k 7 ample D2 2n+ nz nds nts Gast a : jPetatieg a term {oe tks position =a thal apne % anzoa +dn-\) ‘| Some. epecral | a >| Square numbers —, Sequences aL »| Cabe numbers anh —__— a, j be Cn) m2 + Subsetet notation bln teem ef a sequence can he written aso, this ts __lealled _sabsertpt potation, nets GW, a —— b= 100 = 4, ; TIOWAL AND TRRA TIONAL N UMISI-8S . ; “TRattonal numbers Sa —<—$ __— ule esed_as frackton in its that can be expressed _as fraction ini : ih ‘ aa 5 Known asa raktonal numer owes tt — Rational Numbers ‘ | whi t erdoesr \ pat oesn't ——a * eemialing numbers. have decime’ P df Seay, ! , ii | fovever. te i { ark which ¢ Ir — 6 Recurring decimals have dectenal -P lar inte, n — Forever bub repeats ibsef ok regulars aie f——_| ——--—— -;-—— "Converting, Recurcing. Dectenals- To feackians H ~@__ S$ Convert ses dace take finehon OO Step - Mulkply the? suitable uarabur_ ko thak. tea path can be Neut | ar (Comin: Matti ——— Jone |Skepe Wbipty by a | ——Park can be able ng [voc = 82.4 cut, mber ac that cecurnies jooom= sug Step - Subkract ~~ t | 1209202 5 i [| tee. ss 2 | & set iso Id List or colleckian of objects that sharea _|chararacteriste Withe list of members or elements of o set is placed otde a patr_of curly brackets 4% - te) Kuo _sets— ate —equol_ if they conta n_eacattly—the _|same__elements, even t& the or dec 7s {i232 ah = {oa rib = 12,4134 and so on, _ : The umber of clements_ta_aset s__sorithen as _a (A), here — ~The ns a ' —| Aig the name of the seb ______—— _ poe L th, nent phy b| i tts Known asthe empty hae 7 used bs. _sepresent— the empty seb )_is set. The srbo) 2 ; : _ | 2 Fs ersal Sets one ie altace i all rt i —— paras ; |,___»} a pn ee Healy, | would 6" eS » Univ a Jhe_unton af tuo seks, A and@, is the seb of ol) thot oce_members of A or & or of both oe ; e T C_is_the tajmbel fors unian S Unina of set _Aand® is written ay: ae as: AUG ‘The intersecitan seth oe tanya fost be bth ae mens tH A_and B_is_the at == Sof beth A and SO EES ESE Oh set a of A, wy Tf A combetns bo A sel A is_ : iS said to be a proper cubset of set B® iF every, _element_ of A 3 1S an element of @ , but @ contains at__least_one_element that is ok ammenter of AW” & BCA indicates that B are Ts ae 6 BEA indicates trot B is a suloset of A but oll also _ _.egjua\ to A, i.e. it isn'b a proper subset of b & ¢ A indicates ® is not a _propec subset of A. % Bt A indiakes that ® is not a subset_of A. —________ - inkt SS ta - as ae - —» Venn di agracns tet Joho Venn hegan using evaclapping - ~ |__-malp mm ahician — > In \88o Ve. between vets. The re diag roms an co nneckions— [Sel Builder Notation s—s—C—~i ——-; the set of + 7 a pSek—Batller—notattonis_a_eoany._ of describing the -— | Clem. A sel sting the property each of the i lh a - pC iso ga mob ;____Set A is mae ——— . AN sath, — each walue of © s trast ~_ natural non wb, Yeu tan add more secnche, comma. = “by smely oe “@. ‘find_the o* term_s ‘sequene oft 3.19, 34,53 in Step = Make ines Tic tree 22__= O22 = ot Sips Red bo bs non'tbn bebe fi = 5 Shogte - “fod coim an?tbnx¢ oh Atorc = | tye = 42 Cc s22et — cz\ a - - Step - Write as ans nhs 2n*-So4 ade, ~ (ube Sequence —— ee - a 6a = 4" hire — — Rar2b= yye hee = Fas dbace 2 Kee a = = Osbacsae tre iL Pyles = Gini Stop = “aL PrmAGORI” se = } —Sethogaas ese onl onelar PSST Lapapplay o-righhang le an 7 Leosaing tbe Ble 7 pik 5 1 2, scams S ay She PUINGIE: EE Fans tley the ‘ 2 _diffecent tn size, sg sina { ___ 48 Tso_matheentHeall objec’ shape and portion mey- ‘Al_of the. “allowing are ton be a tenbe | oo \or o Explain. why, 4h — in Abe saat thet tei pout % and ye “ prs. Skepl- fing any _ ‘or stm Step) - Use takin of “tte pond —— netes pending stdes_fe find the 7 ir NDERSTANDING “SINTURR “SHADE at —» Not only _ttiangles, pcos sheen be simtlae bla shape ts “stmilor af the ratio of the ssspnding— - sidex__and angles ote eae 3rn Q Gen thgt the 42 sharesare—— Pt mathemab cally stm ilar +find Fhe —— | f unknown ng th | cesponaingy S088 fe fy, a cot ‘Ans._Sbepi- Use tne coke of - { missing side — zap ‘ zs = PADS 2210 __» Area of simtlor shaper _ a ceale factor oF areoe* Sole “factor of lengtn | a Example 10. | © Stmtlor- ‘akangles A8CO- and FAN ave. login ____ the cakio 325+ It cestangle ABCD —hos—ateo of 4, Pind area of MNOP ——— __Ans_|Stepl- Use the formula | the un thrown acta Aten Mop jAteo Aecod for we Sh. of arta te fin) The_atca of Mnoe j Example Te ; shapes be} oud + — — ee . ore similar. riven that the 2 ed = 4 (f 8 ten ana the yhe ST0gonal Ac jf We, i a ABCD ob rgRs, s\ogem*, find [Comino | | As. ‘Sheol = let the length _ of : — ° Atagienl Yee ie ‘Skea? - Use +h, Ne. forenula for SA. of area_to “tnd a= » Volume & Surface area of Similar ‘solids — a b Scale factor of volume * (sale factor_ef length)” 5 Gale factor of suctace area= Gcale factor of an length). factor of arta of yen the scale the scale Fackor of starting worth or cube roots to get bach ob length a8 "SEF stortyny & Some Hmes you © 35 not — rooks factor volume cathet leng th. Use sa ware i the scale paints show? G@._ The cones are ma thémati colly - vjarre of ee the smal one has of . ceca find hE veme whe \ e cone ae score facet of teagth— Ans Skeal - find whe of volume ———__ | Skep2 - & Find the Sf. —__ Examp\e 13 QA shippi cote hota aplume af 2000 cm! If the ____ Ame nsions of? the cteat are doubled , ashok NL : —_____be its new wolume? = Ans. Step} + Just use your lagie 10 _ UNDERSTANDING coy} 4 o Ue twee shapes ove _tonguent t ENCE * Corres : Pending sider aree = CH erpondi ny ongles are = Shapes hwe came area » Congr uenk TW Tangles » lWiangl@s__are_congruent ty each other 16 the Fellows coadtHomsove true Ee > sides snd the included angle (this _ ~ 48 the angle that sits behucen Ye _ twee given sides) are equal om SAS» Side angle side ____ Thee are Woiee pairs of equal sider _ ora S$S_-? Side Side Side. —— 1 / XX Fem NY Two angles and de - / side_is the side that (s placed. en : YO the Awe angles] o1¢ equal —_—____— a _ ~__ASA 2 Angle Side. Angle — Aa “foo sides of o sight angled — one must be triangle is equal Bn __hy-pokenas.---—--— >> a \ ~ a Bus “= Rigint angle Side_Hypotenas — nd — of prea — eE "12.1 DIFFERENT TypES_OF -AVER yale yy de sepiesent acl A. puteage- eer eee Pe deft abe _ |. Es 12, Preroges © : __b The ta ig isc 1s tage __said-to__be_the_rmmde- ‘ol the data. Zee = sumaf all data ——— numberof date. the nag : 8 When the data is aura _ nt ane EST aCe Tih eee ___bval —& Tt numberof date Ca)_+ — Fd ectonual of data (n) is even, a meres te lue_od th Bev gives sou A is Gest) \ 1 Pp ete edtan a the next Geto wal cea that your collechan of data _ “Se extreme in some wooy 1p] Some kines you. Many tind Jeonkains—~values that {6.1.2— a 28.9 65.9 uso 9.7 fhe—vabwe AE 8 isan exkieme value This value setli—_ _coktn yout_eryes_renmnedrabely pe by Bme The mean of the dala above including #e exheme _walue 3810-7. And without the extreme value is _ $9.0 - i —t So, we con conclude th ot “extrers aides distur +he —_ »| a ~ 7 : —lIo such cares, we ch ould use medians, - other than uring —nean MAKING COMPARLSONS USING AVERAGE —— —AND_RANGES y Range + largest —~alue=—® — tT ee eet eee the mos ue 7 > the Los eee oe ieree set the va ues are worth ig and +he— 7, one anoln ley eee eek ah Toil deol. : “Stept-| Get Mulbeply the frequencay by —nunnber_ef shorn | upper fico alee} 2a No L \¢ =— - NO. Shon ao ops LA 1G=16 2ANL= 26 /——+ a = “ltneun = 1 hal oe. | , God Yne need: mean of both values, bo get median. te a / | | ‘| Mode. “ile re t as —> | the ue _saith_haghest then sepex tennis Ein tate saith a frequency —ef A at Tonge. - ; = alue fe get _tange ° Sablract the high G par t- G 7 __ em m_and leaf diagram : to a ste Data cugenised 14 yee —all the dc oo Mth, 4 0d ag = ks ™ _na—nemiber ~ 2) Median 3 medion 4 = cn 2 eet b the median ~ fn se poets ee ; a el 3 Mode eh ts 5 Tgpa al enna emp £ —— Tind the one taith_ths D | Bange sed wolues Hest value gives the cange and teal dtogeamn “TTS CCUTATING AVERAGES AND RANGES: a of _sten soup cate inlo frequency talales bo onal lymped data aosgenides tig as ale —— pedis Cor clases) gan po - Se. wer’ keen. 4S. ing SE ate atta eee og befweenI20 cy, a ne for hesghts Chem) Q 120. Sh £120 ™s You could uarite: PS _ Crample q g the Heights of 100 ah chtlaren were Measured in em andthe recalls recor ded in the table below: leigint in cn ( Sh 635 - Rosin 6 jug dt te fh dic, _ ($0 £h 41u5 \ Sh 4Vi0 | ; ic ; i estimate tor the tange 4c O MEAN) 2 say [Step 1- Find them dpoink_of the gts ia 1 the midpoints by the frequency aa | | __| — = [ten rs jt _ 4g KIUS = i | | WS __——| 2U_ KASS | | 195 1550 \ | ~ — © | Modal class f leet Talat atte highest frequency is te medal class. _ whys heir the: cl \ clac« Ls: ___-}— Range aienl 7 abbrack the “hig hes and lowest “valve - inthe hac lert ily i PE KEW LLLED 5 o> AND QUARTILES 7 ne median isa VEY Spec teal H e 1, placed ae at Bake say roa ee oF petcentsh. 44 data 8° ‘of the 4 ta o Mist ot edged median. smaller than the , Quart hes. ile. «Upper quartile Mee bias ast. trough the bate - silane”. qseaeltie. ec 26 4 Ys Brau the dake Qe Lower quartile + welue in parison . w 4, + Med ian 5 2 Q, + Upper quartile - value in posihon £% (or) - a er a 2 TE postion isnot whole number find the mean of the Pua sa Kad teen SPL pt . 6.9 if position is _.25,—Gind_mecan— Tinlerauarkile Range (joe) hose Ed Runge gises— ~ As. with range, theinterquartle ~ Consistent the daka_is————— TT 16 QR_avoids—4sing—— _bebwe em —— difference ing __ the — ctteme values ele —_—— the te pm se thi This ox -and_whisKer pot vole the vesulks of asa __ lip second the number of day the bee: wk | Tn ubeh ojecup teenagers wore a Fitt ness ta skeps_ they tals each “plot. ey “that! The numberof steps a - day. =e, ee fram 4000 fp _gooo? fo == ' | re median number ht _ Aan + |60 of the Leenagars |per _day—Cthe daka bel, shear “was 6000 steps per——_ Fee bol 6000. or fewer steps us the medtan ralue),- ‘ re toe or eu _s “Wiper day C the esas 4 X so0c_o: fewer steps —— 4 *reptecents the Iioer 264+ “Hire datol of the teeng ~ | ‘ : 26t af tne teenagers trois more than 700. steps _pec—_ _|dany—Cthe upper ‘whicker? shows the Inp 242 of ljne data) Thoords, equally far fiers Q, and) 12.1 UNDERSTANDING UNITS aD Length 13, Underslondig Measurerter Chocalate Milk. & King Remey Died by Drinking | Kilo- Hecto - Decor Meter. aa a Cenk [ Mali_= — = how Jong. for “tel “something. 38- ——— 7 — Mill enaters (enon). oo — - __Gorsmetres Com) —__— Metres Cm) —__ Kilomettes Cam) —= = Ht | Km = lo00m SS aos _ _ - (m= loocm ee : lem = !0 mm _ ee _ \\Km_+ 1.0.00 000 mm _ _ oO Moss —— ee = I —_— ~ ———___. - / amount of material in mah \iigram s(mg) Viens (a a Iyiogoms Cong) lromnes G) Menbillses Cel) ae Lidves (2) 3 “Area : = the ~ omaunt_of Space token up —by_a_flat_shape_y.clweas Ss ~lmeasured in _squase_anils. — = ‘milkmehe_ udasiwlicetl ent aa —_———— eotime he square te “ele Squat Cn?) — Mibmetre square Km2? Hectar Cha) ———— | Example 3 —— epee QA Arain leaves al 05.35 and arrives -ot 18,20. How elite $$ a Ans _|Step | - Subtract the _smaller_time_ Seam slaigess hme. | Take 60_, if. needed, ™in_carry je Jt —fo5K ‘ sa UPER-AND LOWER oun , Finding. The. Greatest And Least Ross: ue as OF oA” Rounded. Measurement = a) i‘ The 7 ‘lowest _ posible veluer of . astrement ss Known__as_lower_ bound _ found off mensum measuremer at _is_ Known as, uppee bound. _a lO o + c Agi = 9.5 Jol J 6.22.5 to \dp. Ing CfA = 22.05 ~ ( 22.95 fe ty oe Be _ _ 12.8% £ __a fing 6p — ee UR + 12 2500 LS { : Example i - (ee he- poorest whole ao eocb— of the etd b | pa 3.6 (lol de) 9° and 3 s fied the upper and [ower bouP 6 a+b — Upper and bound =—— jee Wwhen aang + add the _weret bound + 1 of all the nul a LO foe (orn) = LA of po 4 LR of b = 355 + 18.5 7 = \105 ____ Step 3 - Write a concl 7 inequality symbgl —— (7.09 € (arb) 4izic gteal- When maine — oe : the UB of all the lower Bound — Step2 > When may yt . numbers hd MUMply the LB of all the Glopl = When sublracking, subliad the ower baundof— a number from number the upper bound of Whe other WR oe Cora) 2 t [ete Bound 7 ime ieee Demy > When subtract ____ from ye pat b . p20) — Stee Os ie ee Bias, dindeo the_tiper-boal number hy ne Lower pound of another rumbs a UB for fa} UR bro 7 ° LG Corb aia | = 65, a aS M9, ee rei eee a Op, ‘Sen ue Cts — Sa ee — OT ————____ 10.248 £6 25555 _ |. ee —— —— > We can use graphs ta convert fron ane currency to. anuther, However, if you Know th exchange rate , + (ei a versions without geeqls. graph g-| Escample 8. 0, Conuert £50 into otswanapula. given thal fls— 9.83 pula —___— Saaapbed CR) gust Ans, ‘Steel_- ne hen the value tbe cdnuert give L ap the LHS then —anatht ly = a Example i) 4 - ito Brvktsh— pounds 9tven aa, ' © Convert god peso® ected Cpesus) i. AKG pews Ss | ‘Ans. Ste@)- When Ane odue be sony —— RUS thei ee a Vaan “Ben | | gs, org | And Tignonety — a [the freld am the drawingt [Oona is represented by lem An: T, r cod * ond pu Cao + ‘ toc | QO m % teprerce ed bu | to) elai) LAA Grn is cepresenied toy (ut Sa the Aimen sinns 20 the Acoust ate lengths lOeen and width=4.5cm Ra lies A 15.2 BEARINGS - b One way [ : 7 we shetty ET 1s the bert € descrtbing giiections ts —_the— ring, Oo ct t ™ - | Lis Es Bera Ex: All bearings are—meos Fram Nort Atrection. — : eh | Here “the bearing of P from yas N85 5-4 f 7 b If the angle qs__less than IUo® you stil use thive ©. ge Hat Ex- 040° — +s Since you always measure _clocWuoise | : Prem north it is pecsible for your — ___bearting bp be a reflex an gle he pe o ‘linsgeat_— Bag b too A+ opps) : 7 _ _ — —edjla) ~ —_—— = —- Exomple b 4 Find fhe sidliie of x. 5 Steal = Witte uhot you Kew. wie ON 42. f0.on - pines 7 - a Qtep2- Opp 2 Adj is given So use the tan catic. : Colculating Angles. - Bind an unknown by (0. ou can ‘Sing tnuewe Functons 4 ree si en angle , when opP and 0d) is 9!" * Sine and Cosine Ratios 4) sin A Ae applA) — __hyp —— slecas a ol 6. & ue SLING ‘PROBLEMS USING, “TRIGONO™ —¥ Geaeking 5 stare - notes! co +_height BS “SINS; COSINES. AND INGEN 1S OF A —_ MORE THAN 90° ee ; > The Graph OF _y*sin@ » pos. = cos (%60°- @) “b tos. © 2 -¢os (180° - 9) » Cos ®__is never Narger thon_\_ nov smaller Nan -\ S| fon_8 = tan (igo +9) 1 ~ —_ \ 4 —4 tan 8 is not testricted to being less thon | or greate, | — than _-\. . 1 9.6 THE SINE AND COSINE RULES ae : fe ° _ > Gide is uuidten in lauer Ange is wwatlen in _ Uppercase. » The Sine Rule acl b&b sinA = sn B 2 ginl - a _b c a bg os bo. 1 = a iB md ! __» The Cosine Rule = igi = be +c*- 2be cos A ; _ Es a | bcos Ae * rc* =a" - = | Zhe Fb Gate Dagar A ~— Corre lation — a >» Drawt A See Dagan a | 6) Seeaa eee Em : [shang tue Tyas nae ia ean elation weal} -ve 4 | —_Shion 9 -ve ——— — |» IGelden Rule |___» Never use a dtagram to mate predictre ons seultde of | the_tange of the collected data + J___ eee eatakng te neat er. a nd te — ——tcollected_dato is called extra polation + 3 Manag eg My - RNIN MONEY —— —-— “LL D Wage == oat 7 i 5 | Pay kased_on_on_a_fixed number of hours worked, inialy| —™ id weekly 7 4 ~~ - | Extra hous of work are called overtime ond these ore a -paid_ot a higher cake _ AC — bs ooo fixed yearly omeunt, ually patd | onan thy | Slo vectime maybe paid, or workers maybe given Hime off : - in_exchange_ q Piece worl —h 5) pay based on the numberof items produced ore -os_income, ate va ta gre Learnings be i foe the _persan is poid_The amount that is ction _is_called the net income. Eo ies “Souith's Uhrrahla ; _ prac tax |} ___O-\32600 _| \8% of each $1 113) 061 —21o0000 110001 = 280000 __443240 + 20% of amount above $216.000 foconation Fron Tax Tables He ve Rote OF Tox $23160 + 2940 of amount above $142000 {#67260 * 264. of amount above $290 009 $ 2108260 + 38» of amount ahoue #4(0000 {£15280 + | Hoe of amaunt above # sso ‘intame_ Gs #163 112.0060 Ho must he pay. Peg, “{tig3479 = gay = ta = Ste of 421792 = seuy a a 7 “is bf Step - Calculate the tar payable Piet _ fax _payarle = dasuns acquas d292n2 = -"n - b 7 Ans Hire Purchase (HP) a ; — > To HP agreemeals, te dapat somes calle 7 p |dow A= payment oe a ane Ty hen_itewst is salelaled as-a_pertioa poner Hoo of tte 4 | 1 called_a_ lat vate of interest. this the same as _sionge—intecest- amount owed thts t Depact =. +interest_ % Outstanding balance = Principal — |b Amount to be patd by installment © Outstanding balance &> Total HP price = deposit + interest Example 3 a | CP. of a Car ssas $20. 000 The HP pre was #6000 | - and installments e4 $700 per—rnonth— for 2 yeatS- How the CP was the HP price? — = je. total installment, — $+ ~ LM end = $700 4- 4 tps da\linent = $7oox2G = 460 ata | - tol HP peice ka solereds _ _ ee = in e200 - ae i i (ptice as $2200 mote than the CP, + f | | A man buys acar for $Jo000_on HP. Adepesit of 20% is —~ pad _and_interest_is_paid_on the outstondzeg balance fer riod_of repayment ot the rode of toys per annum. © |__| The balance 1s _paid_in— 1_equal_instoll ments. Hee much i! 4 each inshallmeak be? 9 t Sh ee = Caleulake_ he outstanding balance, a a 1 wtstandiing Silage = {oeas-thoon | duos, _ [| Step3- Coleulote the interest SS tc Jmterck of love = ia Dusan 7 £ Su, | bu an Lach installmend = 26u0% = t200 * Compound Interest » ; ow b T-r(1+ 2)" Too! | When —caleuloting halé yearly, divide the rate by 2 | When caleulaking quater yearly . divide the vate by Go raul Holy the time by & = IST eure 4A formula giue Interest not ameant.— eS 2 Loren uliti gives Amount not. fnterest = > Expomental Growth —And_Decay_ ' — 7 ite % for graw th + yealter)® —— ieee ye zal: aye i : 11.3 Buying “AND SELLING bs The peice the trader pays for gongs is tale the — - cost orice Cop) | j icles 4 | saatalid asi gumnhsusitbainithanncee WThe price the geeds ait ld ot 18 calle the a f a elling 4 price Pp > profit (p)= Sp -(p & loss (4) = ep - Sp » Percentage Profit and Los: by ye Pe °. | cp 4 bli = actual l x 100 : - T ce 7 + Kaleulating he SP, ce and Makap b CR +l mark uo = Sel} ing pce _ T . 1. NIT a eee eee ee ‘| @ LA trader sells her Product for #39 IF her merkup is MT Bon, what isthe epof the produd? \! Step }- Write the formula : an 1p =. eee a es, \ Steg? = Coculethe aha markup a Waa =tBQ - Q_iAt_o mar Ket, aq trader _meKes_o profil of thos onan 1 item selling for $6.48. Whol is his Te P2 | Ans Step]- Write the formula Cp+ Mp = Sp CR = So- Mp i Steg? Substihite the vdeo 54g = \p8 = 5.4 __ [Step 3 - Crrtcerterth Calealahe the -# probit. 7 nt can be treated im the some way aS 7 change (ius). 2 4 BSP 2 + Original price - discount £ rade & —* There_ave—snfinte ourber of lines of symmatey on Cire , _——* |Rotattanal Symmetey LL _ |The aumber of times a shape fits onkn idcelf during a _ |reuolubion it sts e tak [2 iene ta aatation) anny Zee IN THREE DIMENSIONS : png in Dt _— Plane. Rotational! _— —— * Plane Symmetry - - b A plane is a flat surface. a biLC you eut a solid in half so that each half is the mirror image of the other, then the solid has plane Symmetry. 7 = aon 4% A sphear has infinite pumber of plane of symmetry. _ | > Rotational “Sy cnmetry a a <= , 2 Imagin_o cod_through a__solid_ shape. The rod_ farms an 4 j p axis forthe shape to turn around, - __f | — 14 Vou rotate the shope oround the axis _and_it looks the. | _____ Same ot different _points__on tts rotation, then the shape has { —_cotoional _symmetey, al a _ a The cod is then the — axis_of summetry, = ole a a = - _ Ex: | triangular prism has totatonal symmetry of order 3 ~j around __the _gruen axis, . | “6.3 SYMMETRY PROPERTIES” OF CIRCIES _—al a ee the 1 _bisector_o f.a_chord passes through the centre 4 ——S = ©} the _pecpendtcular_bis ec tor of chord : ‘A is the locus of points | ~ equidistant from __A_and_.— | aot ’ at . | 7 1k = 3 | Equal chords ace equidistant fram the centre _an d_chords — at equiclis tant from the centre. ace —equal_to length —____ | 0 o_O This_is_true because trigngle Apt by | is _eongcuent ts _400N_fand because —- ; | the ctrr)e has rotaktonal _symmetiy - But 2x +2y = Wor hay 2 Bo* so Z ADR: 90° Harb = 0° a=b = 90° [ Taste Cele Teomeay Ae at he aha ce —— (rumen Nef the cinde is 2x the Lot I sh — = - ae . ei g \ Ph ° \ { Nw %) oe t Se ] + = ia <— \ “Sf

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