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Teacher's Resource Pack

6 Social Science

Social Science Learning Lab is a collective work,

conceived, designed and created by the Primary
Educational department at Santillana, under the
supervision of Teresa Grence.

Rosario de Antonio
Ronald H. Green
Michele C. Guerrini
Montse Watkin

Quique Palomo
Alberto Pieruz
Agustí Serrano Sanjosé

Sara J. Checa
Sally Frazer

Peter Barton


Margarita España
1 Landscapes of Spain
UNIT 2 Climate and environment
and Europe

CONTENTS • Where is Spain? • What is a climate graph?

• Where are the mountains in Spain? • What vegetation is there

in Spain?
• What is the coastline of Spain like?
• What climates does Europe have?
• What is the geography of Europe
like? • What vegetation is there
in Europe?
• What rivers and lakes are in Europe?
• How do humans interact with
• What are the coasts of Europe like? the environment?

• What environmental problems do

humans cause?

• What is climate change?

• How can we protect our


MINI LAB / BE A… • Make a coastal quiz • Report the climate using a graph

• Protect the economy • Investigate the effects of climate

and the environment change

• Be a geographer! What are Spain's • Be a geographer! How can we

watersheds? identify vegetation in a climate


Plan a trip across Europe Investigate environmental problems
in Europe
Values education
Pair and group work Values education
Pair and group work / conservation

REVIEW Learning Lab game

READ ABOUT IT! The English Channel The two poles of the Earth

Get started!
Learning goals
• To review past content

Key language
continents (Africa, Asia, America
Europe, Oceania); hemispheres
(Northern/Southern, Eastern/
Western); poles (North, South); relief A B
features (coast, mountain range,
plain); both/neither, Equator, globe,
latitude, longitude, Prime Meridian
Language structures
Show me the…!
I can't see … because…
… is located on…

My Atlas (pages 6-7)
1 Observe  Look at the two globes. Where 2 Think about it  Are there any elements
can you see the following elements? Copy you cannot see on the globes? Which?
Get started! and complete the table in your notebook. Why can you not see them?
• S tudents focus on the globes.
Ask them to name the hemispheres, Element A B Both Neither 3 Talk to a partner. Ask them to show you
continents and poles they can see each element on the representations
lines of
… yes … … of Earth.
in each one. longitude
• Review Equator and Prime Meridian. lines of latitude … … … …
the North Pole … … … … Show me the Equator!
the South Pole … … … …
What does the red line on globe A
the Equator … … … …
the Prime
… … … … It's here!
the Northern
… … … …
Observe Hemisphere
the Southern 4 USE YOUR ATLAS. Use the Political map of
1  Look at the two globes. … … … …
the world. Find countries that are located
• Focus on the table. Clarify the the Eastern on the Equator or the Prime Meridian.
… … … …
meaning of both and neither. Hemisphere Make two lists. On which continents are
the Western the countries located? Add the
• A
 sk about each element. … … … …
Hemisphere information to your lists.
Volunteers answer.
• S
 tudents copy and complete 6 six
the table in their notebooks.
ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad00_83766.indd 6 11/06/2019 10:59:24

Think about it 3  Talk to a partner.

2  Are there any elements you cannot see • In pairs, students take turns naming
on the globes? elements on the globes.
• Students refer to the table in Activity 1 4  USE YOUR ATLAS.
to answer. • Students make a list of countries located
• S
 tudents copy the table and complete on the Equator or on the Prime Meridian
it in their notebooks. and the continent each one is located in.
• They add this information to their lists.

Learning goals
• To review past content

Geographical coordinates help us locate places on the globe.
Key language
Lines of latitude (or parallels) 0°
have numbers from 0° at the
Equator to 90° at the poles. We
compass points (north, south, east,
use N for north of the Equator west); geographical coordinates
and S for south of the Equator. (degree, meridian, parallel, Prime
Lines of longitude (or
40° 40° 40º Meridian); relief features (desert,
meridians) have numbers in Parallel 40 and the Prime island, plain, mountain, river);
degrees from 0° to 180° to the Meridian cross on the compass
east and west of the Prime Iberian Peninsula. The
Meridian, which is 0°. We use E coordinates of this point
Language structures
for east and W for west. are 40° N and 0°. 0° … is located…
… is near…

5 USE YOUR ATLAS. Use the Physical map

Mini Lab
of the world. What relief features can you
find on or near the Equator or the Prime Give directions My Atlas (pages 4-7)
Meridian? Tell a partner. Add the 0º

information to your lists from Activity 4. You need

• a compass
• R ead the texts aloud clarifying
Mount Chimborazo is near the Equator. the meaning of words and
abbreviations in bold.
• Check for understanding.
River Congo is near the Equator too! Ask:
Why are geographical coordinates
942995_07_p07_h01_fisico_peninsula_mudo useful?
6 USE YOUR ATLAS. Use the Political map of
• Students use their Atlases to
the world. Copy and complete the table in
discover what is located at 40º N
your notebook. In which countries can you
find these geographical coordinates? Add
and 0º.
more coordinates and countries. 1 Work in your playground or another open
space. Choose a starting point and
a destination, for example your classroom
Country Parallel Meridian
window and the bin.
Mexico 20° N 100° W • Using the models, students
… 40° N 100° W 2 Work with a partner. Direct your partner
from your starting point to your describe the relief features.
… 20° S 60° W
destination. Use your compasses and give • In pairs, they compare lists.
… 20° N 20° E
clear instructions. Be careful near other
… 20° S 20° E pairs!
… 60° N 100° E
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 with other starting
… 20° S 140° E
points and destinations. 6  USE YOUR ATLAS.
… … …
• Students use their Atlases
to locate the countries and
seven 7
complete the table.

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Mini Lab
Give directions 2 Work with a partner.
1 Work in your playground or another open • Provide examples such as, Start at (the bin).
space. Go (north) (10) steps and turn (east). Walk (10)
steps. You are at your destination. Where are you?
• Show students how to use the compass
and the compass rose. 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 with other starting points
and destinations.
• Suggest that large objects are good starting
points and destinations. • Students use the sentence stems to give

Learning goals
• To review past content D

Key language
historical periods (Prehistory, Ancient
History, the Middle Ages, the Modern
Age, Contemporary Age); historical A
sources (graphic, oral, physical, hand mill La Alhambra,
written); around, BC, century,
hand mill, hieroglyphic writing,
medieval bard, timeline AA BB
Language structures 28,000
28,000 BC
BC 3,000
3,000 BC
BC around
around the
the 1st
1st century
century AD

I think the … is from … because…

• Focus on the photos. Students
predict what the page is about.
• Review periods of history 9430
and timelines.
What periods of history do you
remember? hieroglyphic writing Templo de Diana, Mérida
What do we call a line that shows medieval bard
Possible answers: Prehistory.
A timeline. 1 Observe  Look at the photos and the 2 The photos show historical sources. Copy
timeline. Match each photo to the correct and complete the diagram in your notebook.
historical period. Talk to a partner. Then, compare your diagram with a partner.

Observe the Middle Ages Ancient History

1  Look at the photos al p
s ic
and the timeline. Contemporary History



• Read the photo captions Historical

and the names of historical the Modern Age Prehistory
periods aloud.
I think the hand mill is from

• A
 sk volunteers to write the en or
i tt

Prehistory because…
periods in order on the board. medieval
• I n pairs, students match each
photo to the timeline. 8 eight

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad00_83766.indd 8 13/06/2019 15:52:49

2  The photos show historical sources. Extension

• Read the labels aloud and ask volunteers • Explain what a time capsule is, and elicit suggestions
to give examples. Encourage them to make one that would represent their lives today.
to name things that are not in the photos.
• Students brainstorm two historical sources of each
• S
 tudents copy the diagram in their type for their time capsule.
notebooks and match each photo
• Encourage them to find examples of these sources:
with the corresponding source type.
for example, photos, real objects or recordings.
• I n pairs, students compare diagrams
• Students label each source by type and create
and discuss any differences. They explain
a class display.
the reason for their choices.
Learning goals
I • To review past content

Key language
around, illuminated manuscript, king,
map, royal palace
Language structures
ya It is a … source.
illuminated manuscript Don Quijote, Cervantes La fam ilia de Carlos IV, Go
It is located in…
It tells us that…
D EE FF G          
G           H

1238 around 1300 around
around 1300 around 1400
1400 around
around 1500
1500 around
around 1600
1600 1735
1735 1801

G J Mini Lab
Investigate a historical source
 ead the text aloud, clarifying
3006_00_p08_h01_LT_historia the meaning of the words in bold
map of the world with examples.
Palacio Real, Madrid Ask:
Mini Lab What skills are you using if you talk
and write?
Investigate a historical source 1 Work with a partner and choose What skills do you use when you try
Historians need many different skills to find a historical period. to answer questions and solve
out more about the past. problems?
2 Use the internet to look for a
• Analytical skills to examine many different historical source from your favourite
historical sources and draw conclusions. historical period. Use your analytical,
• Problem-solving skills to answer questions problem-solving and research skills
about the past. They also use these skills to to evaluate the source.
discover how the past affects the present. • What type of source is it?
• Research skills to get information from • Where is it?
historical sources. • What does it tell us about the past?
• Communication skills. They use oral skills • What other information can you find
to interview people. They use written skills out about the source?
to present their research, for example on a
timeline. 3 Use your communication skills to
present your research to your class.

nine 9

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1 Work with a partner and choose a historical 3 Use your communication skills to present your
period. research to your class.
• Make sure pairs choose only one period. • Students work in pairs and use the questions
in Activity 2 to guide their presentations.
2 Use the internet to look for a historical source
Encourage them to include drawings or photos.
from your favourite historical period.
• Model the activity using a map. Read the
questions aloud. Volunteers answer them.
• In pairs, students do research and take notes.

Learning goals
• To review the coastal landscape
features of Spain
Key language
1 Landscapes of Spain
and Europe
Vocabulary Which landscapes have water?
landscape features (archipelago, bay,
cape, island, mountain range, river A B C
Language structures
I think photo … shows…
Photo … looks like…
Key concepts
There are different types of
landscape features in Spain
and Europe. D E

Play the video, first with subtitles
on, then without them.
Ask questions and discuss with
the class. 1 Observe  Look at the photos and talk to a partner.
• What does each photo show?
• Which photos contain water?
• Which photo shows an archipelago?
You already know!
• Which photo shows both salt water and fresh
• Books closed. Elicit the names water? You already know!
of Spain's three coastlines. • Which photos show mountain relief? • Spain has three different coastlines.
• Give students one minute • Coastlines can have many different
to work with a partner and list I think photo A shows a mountain range. landscape features, such as capes,
coastal landscape features. peninsulas, islands, archipelagos,
bays and gulfs.
• Books open. Students read the Yes, I agree and photo B • Europe is a continent with varied
information and tick items on looks like a river mouth. relief features.
their list.

10 ten

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 10 11/06/2019 10:56:43

1  Look at the photos and talk to a partner.
• Ask one volunteer to read the questions aloud and another
to read the model sentences.
• Students talk about the photos with a partner.
• Check answers: Say a letter (A, B, C, D or E), and ask students
to name the landscape feature. Then, read the other
questions and ask students to call out the correct letter.

Learning goals
• To describe landscape features
in Spain
Key language
landscape features (cliff, lagoon,
What are the different landscape features? mountain chain, plain, river mouth)
There are many different features that make up landscapes. Language structures
… is the place where…
Some people … and this can be…
Key concepts
Landscapes have many features.

river mouth
What are the different
landscape features?
• Books closed. Elicit more
3 Think about it  Can you think of places landscape features.
in Spain that contain the landscape
features in the photos? Talk to a partner
and write a list of places in your notebook.
mountain chain Observe
4 It is important to look after the 2  Look at the photos.
environment. Some people do things that
can harm landscapes. Can you think of any
examples? Which is your favourite landscape
feature? Why?
• S
 tudents write definitions.
Some people leave rubbish on the beaches.
Then, they compare them
with a partner.
• Students check definitions
with the glossary.
Yes, and this can be dangerous for animals.
2 Observe  Look at the photos. In your
notebook, write definitions of the words
in the labels. Final task
 A river mouth is the place where a river Students will work in groups
meets the sea or ocean. It is a coastal Final task to plan a trip across Europe.
landscape feature.
Plan a trip across Ask them to start thinking about
which country they would like
to visit and why.
eleven 11

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 11 11/06/2019 10:56:48

Think about it Extension

3  Can you think of places in Spain 4  It is important to look after • Students choose a
that contain the landscape the environment. landscape feature to
features in the photos? • Students discuss examples in illustrate.
• In pairs, students write a list of pairs and then join another • Students create a collage
examples in their notebooks. pair to compare their ideas. with their illustrations using
• To check answers, draw an • Ask a member of each group a map of Spain and display it.
outline of Spain and its territories to share one example.
on the board. Volunteers label it
with examples.

Learning goals
• To identify Spain's land and sea Where is Spain?
borders Key words
Spain is in Europe. It consists of most of the Iberian • border
Key language Peninsula, the Islas Baleares, the Islas Canarias and
• territory
Vocabulary the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla on the
autonomous city, compass points North African coast.
(north, south, east, west); maps N Cantabrian Sea
(border, territory) Spain borders

Language structures different countries GALICIA

and bodies of S NAVARRA
… borders … to the... LA RIOJA
water. It borders CATALUÑA
the Cantabrian Sea,
Key concepts

France and Andorra COMUNIDAD

Spain borders several different to the north; the

countries and bodies of water. Atlantic Ocean and

Portugal to the west; CASTILLA-


the Mediterranean VALENCIANA

Sea to the east e

and Morocco, the

Resources Atlantic Ocean and


Map: Political map of Spain the Mediterranean e
r r
AT L A N T I C i t
Sea to the south. e


Where is Spain?


• Books closed. Students suggest

answers to the title question.
• Students share what they know Geography facts
1 Observe  Copy the map in your
about Spain's land and sea Did you know that there is a quick and fun notebook. Do the activities.
way to cross the border between Spain
borders with a partner. • Colour the Spanish territory green.
and Portugal? There is a zipline that
• Students check their ideas with connects the two • Draw the land borders of Spain yellow.
the text. countries. The • Draw the sea and ocean borders blue.
zipline allows you 942995_01_p12_h02_politico_espana
to cross the 2 Think about it  Which autonomous
border over the
communities border other countries?
Guadiana in less
Which countries do they border?
Geography facts than 60 seconds!
Talk to a partner.
• What other
countries are
Have you ever been on a zipline? separated by Aragón borders France to the north.
What was it like? a river?
• Students read the information.
• In pairs, using an Atlas, students
12 twelve
find more countries separated
by a river.
ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 12 11/06/2019 10:56:50
• Pairs share their lists. Make a
definitive list on the board.
Observe Think about it
1  Copy the map in your notebook. 2  Which autonomous communities
• Name the different borders and border other countries?
territories. Students trace them • In pairs, students look at the map
with their finger on the map. and use the model sentence to
• Students do the activity in their talk about other communities.
notebook. • Check answers with questions.
• Go around the class and ask For example, Which community
questions about their maps. borders Andorra?

Where are the mountains in Spain?
Learning goals
Key words
Spain has many mountain ranges. Maps show mountains by marking • To locate and identify Spain's
• land relief
the land relief in different colours. Land relief is the difference in the height main mountain ranges
of the land in a landscape. • Meseta Central
The Meseta Central is an extensive plateau that covers the centre of the Key language
Iberian Peninsula. The mountains in Spain can be classified in three ways: Vocabulary
• mountains in the Meseta Central location (beyond, in, surrounding);
• mountains surrounding the Meseta Central mountains (land relief, Meseta
• mountains beyond the Meseta Central Central)
Language structures
It is … of the … and the…
The beaches are…

Key concepts
Spain has three main mountain
Part of the Meseta Central in Cuenca Sierra de Gredos in the Sistema Central, Meseta Central

Map: Physical map of Spain
My Atlas (pages 22-23)
Graphic organiser: The mountains
Picos de Europa in the Cordillera Cantábrica, surrounding Sierra Nevada in the Sistemas Béticos, beyond the
of Spain (page 90)
the Meseta Central Meseta Central

1 USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at the Physical 2 USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at the Physical Where are the mountains
map of Spain. Copy and complete the map of Spain. Describe the location in Spain?
diagram with the correct mountain chains of a mountain range. Your partner guesses
in your notebook. the mountain range you are describing.
• Books closed. Draw an outline of
Spain on the board. Ask the title
M e se t a question and elicit the names
Central It is south of the Meseta Central and locations of mountains.
and the Sierra Morena.
Write the names in their correct
Mountains location on the map.
in Spain
a C ng

The Sistemas Béticos! • Read the information. Draw

be Ce

et undi

diagrams to explain land relief,

ra su s Sierra
l Me Morena surrounding and beyond. Indicate
where the Meseta Central is.
thirteen 13

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 13 11/06/2019 10:56:54

 USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at the

1 Atlases before copying Extension
Physical map of Spain. the diagram in their notebook. • Students bring in photos
Ask: • Draw the diagram on the and postcards of different
How can you see mountains board. Volunteers add the mountain ranges.
on the map? names of the mountain
• They attach them to a
Which colour is used to indicate chains.
map of Spain and link
the highest mountains? 2  USE YOUR ATLAS.
them with string to their
• Students locate the three • In pairs, students play location.
main mountain areas on their the guessing game.

Learning goals
• To describe Spain's three main
watersheds and their river basins

Key language Key words

Be a geographer!
Vocabulary • river basin
watersheds (Atlantic, Cantabrian, What are Spain's watersheds? • watershed
Mediterranean); river basin
Spain has three main watersheds. These are the Cantabrian, the Atlantic
Key concepts and the Mediterranean. All watersheds contain at least one river basin.
Spain has three main watersheds.
Each watershed has at least one Cantabrian Sea
river basin.

v ia
Bi d N

aso a
Sil rag




e rga
M R re

O eg






D UER O To Er Jal

rm es

Be a geographer!: Language



r a ma
Alberch RE
n A
support photocopiable (page 98) gó LE


Cabri el


Tu B
üe ria S a
TA J O e

Graphic organiser: The watersheds S



and river basins of Spain (page 92)
Main River
J abaló n n
jar Mund a
e Gully


SE Watershed border
AD tín r
l GU
Ge G u d al en e RIVER BASINS IN THE
O die
i t

ni a


Be a geographer! al
e e Eastern and Western
Guadalh M
ad o
Gu rc

What are Spain's watersheds? Scale RIVER BASINS IN THE ATLANTIC WATERSHED
Miño and Coastal Galicia
0 95 Ceuta Guadalquivir
• Ask students to read the text kilometres
Duero Guadalete-Barbate
Tajo and Odiel-Tinto
and name the watersheds. AT L A N T I C O C E A N Guadiana Canarias

Mediterranean Andalucía Ebro
watershed. Ask students to circle Segura Internals in Cataluña
Júcar Baleares
the correct area with their fingers.
• Volunteers name the main rivers Look at the map Compare two rivers
in each watershed. 1 What are the differences between river Choose a river that you want to find 3
basins and watersheds? Tell a partner. out more about. Look at the map and
Then, listen and check your answers. use the internet to research your river.
Then, compare your findings with a
Look at the map 2 942995_01_p14_h01_espana_cuencas
Draw the outline of the map in your
partner and compare the two rivers.
notebook. Label the watersheds. 942995_01_p14_h01_leyenda_espana_cuencas_MATRIZ
1  What are the differences Think about:
between river basins and • How many river basins does each
• the watershed and river basin it is part of.
watersheds? watershed have?
• the body of water where it ends.
• Students predict the • Which river basin or basins are in your
autonomous community? • the source of the river.
differences. Then they listen
and check. • places the river flows through.

• Repeat the definition and

use the map to provide an 14 fourteen
Full transcript, page 68, Track 1 ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 14 11/06/2019 10:56:55

Compare two rivers Extension

2  Draw the outline of the 3  Choose a river that you want to • Students who choose the same river
map in your notebook. find out more about. form groups to create a visual
• Students copy the map • Individually, students carry out representation of their river with
and label all the their research on the internet. information and images. They use A4
watersheds. They answer all the questions. posters or modelling clay to make 3-D
• Discuss how many river models.
• Students compare their
basins there are in each
information with a partner. • Encourage groups to present their river.

Learning goals

What is the coastline of Spain like? Key words

1 • To describe Spain's coastlines

• archipelago Key language

The Spanish coastline is extensive and varied. • coastline Vocabulary
There are three different coastlines.
• rocky archipelago, coastline, rocky
Geography facts Language structures
Spain has two large archipelagos: I've been to…
The Islas Baleares in the Mediterranean Sea I saw…
consist of Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza,
Formentera and Cabrera. Key concepts
The Islas Canarias in the Atlantic Ocean Spain has three different coastlines.
consist of Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran
Canaria, Tenerife, La Gomera, La Palma,
El Hierro and La Graciosa.
The Cantabrian coast is high
and rocky with few beaches. • What do you know about the geography Resources
of the archipelagos? Mini Lab: Language support
photocopiable (page 99)

Mini Lab What is the coastline

of Spain like?
Make a coastal quiz
• Elicit descriptions of each
1 Work in a group. Choose a representative coastline.
The Atlantic coast is high and rocky for a coast or archipelago in Spain.
in Galicia, low and sandy in Andalucía • Read the information aloud.
and has many cliffs in Islas Canarias. 2 Use the internet to look for information
• Books closed. Describe a
on your coast or archipelago:
coastline. Students name
• location
the coast.
• characteristics
• number of visitors per year
• a fun fact
Geography facts
3 Present the information to your group.
Make sure all the information is included. Ask:
Where are Spain's archipelagos?
4 Write a quiz for another group. You must
The Mediterranean coast is the longest
include questions about the location and • Ask students to work in pairs and
coastline in Spain. It has extensive beaches
that alternate with rocky areas. characteristics of each coast or archipelago. to write a list of the islands in each
The quiz must have 20 questions. archipelago.
5 Exchange the completed quiz with another • Books open. Students check
1 Think about it  Which coastlines group and find out which group has scored there are no islands missing.
in Spain have you been to? What did you the most points.
see there? Tell a partner. • Discuss their geography.

fifteen 15

Think about it
 Which coastlines in Spain have
ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 15 11/06/2019 10:56:59
you been to?
Mini Lab 3 Present the information to your group.
• Volunteers interview you. Say
Make a coastal quiz • Representatives present their findings I've been to... I saw...
to their group.
1 Work in a group. • Students to work in pairs
4 Write a quiz for another group. and interview each other.
• Each group chooses a member
to research a coast or archipelago. • Each group writes 20 questions based
on their findings.
2 Use the internet to look for
5 Exchange the completed quiz with
information on your coast or
another group and find out which
group has scored the most points.
• Representatives carry out their
• Groups exchange quizzes.
research on the internet.
Learning goals
• To examine the geography
of Europe What is the geography of Europe like?
Key words
Key language Europe is the second smallest continent in the • mountain range
world. It is made up of 50 countries, including
Vocabulary • plain
Spain. It is in the Northern Hemisphere.
landscape features (mountain range,
plain); Northern Hemisphere 1 USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at the Physical map
Language structures of Europe. Which continents and bodies of
2 What is the highest mountain in Europe?
water border Europe? Tell a partner.
The … plain crosses… In which mountain range is it?
Europe has many mountain ranges. Most European Answer in your notebook.
Key concepts countries have at least some mountains.
3 USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at the Physical
Most European countries have The highest mountain in Europe is Mount Elbrus
in the Caucasus Mountains. map of Europe. Write the correct mountain
some mountains. range or chain in your notebook.
The Great European plain is split a. … extend from Europe to Asia and cross
into two smaller plains. countries such as Russia.
b. … go through many countries, including
France, Italy and Switzerland.
c. … separate the Iberian Peninsula from the
Resources rest of Europe.
Map: Physical map of Europe Mount Elbrus
d. … are a natural border between Europe
and Asia.
My Atlas (pages 8-9)
The Great European Plain extends across the e. … are in Eastern Europe. The highest
central and eastern parts of Europe. It is split into mountain is Musala Peak.
two parts: the North European Plain and the East
4 USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at the Physical
What is the geography European Plain.
and political maps of Europe. Choose a
of Europe like? European plain and make a list of the
Ask: Where is Europe? countries it crosses. Then, compare your
list with your partner. Which plain crosses
• Elicit a variety of different more countries?
possible answers. Then read
the text aloud. The Great European Plain crosses France…

• Call out each letter of the

Eastern European Plain
alphabet. Students name a
country for each letter if possible.
Geography facts
Did you know that the second highest mountain in Europe
Geography facts has two different names? Mont Blanc (French) or Monte
Bianco (Italian) is in the Alps. It is on the border of France
• Read the text aloud. and Italy, so has the name White Mountain in both languages!
• Students locate Mont Blanc • Which other European mountain ranges are between
on their Atlas. more than one country?

• Students use their Atlases 16 sixteen

to do the task.
ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 16 13/06/2019 15:51:48

1  USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at the 3  USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at the 4  USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at the
Physical map of Europe. Physical map of Europe. Physical and political maps of
• Ask students to work in pairs • Students look and complete Europe.
to predict the countries and the sentences in their • Students identify the different
bodies of water. notebooks. plains and make a list of
2  What is the highest mountain • Volunteers read out their countries. They compare lists in
in Europe? completed sentences. pairs and answer the question.
• Students read the text and • Volunteers share their findings.
answer in their notebooks.

What rivers and lakes are in Europe?
1 Learning goals
Key words • To locate rivers and lakes
Europe has many rivers which often run through in Europe
several countries. The longest river in Europe is • flow
the Volga river, which flows through Russia. Key language
flow, flow regime
1 Copy and complete the table with
the names and flows of the European
Language structures
watersheds. The source of the … river is in…

Main Flow
Key concepts
Volga river Watershed Flow
rivers regime European rivers are grouped
Most rivers in Europe are long and have a steady Mediterranean … low … into five watersheds.
flow. European rivers can be grouped into five
watersheds. … … … …

• Arctic rivers have a very high flow and freeze

in winter. 2 Listen and add the flow regime and main Resources
rivers to your table. Use your Atlas
• Atlantic rivers have the highest flow in Europe. My Atlas (pages 12-13)
to check the names of the rivers.
• Black Sea rivers are very long with a high flow.
• Caspian Sea rivers are long with a high flow. 3 Think about it  Why do you think
the rivers in the Atlantic watershed have
• Mediterranean rivers have a low flow.
the highest flow? Tell a partner. What rivers and lakes are in
4 USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at Watersheds
• B
 ooks closed. Elicit names and
of Europe. Choose three rivers. In your
notebook, describe the journey locations of rivers and lakes.
of each river from its source to the river • R
 ead the information aloud.
Students locate the watersheds
 The source of the Rhine river is in
Po river on Watersheds of Europe.
Switzerland. It travels north through…

Europe has over 500,000 freshwater lakes. 5 Choose a lake in Europe you want to find
Most of these lakes are in Scandinavia and the north out more about. Use the internet to look
of Russia. The largest lake in Europe is Lake Ladoga for information about your lake. Answer 1  Copy and complete the table
in Russia. the questions, then compare your findings with the names and flows of
with a partner. the European watersheds.
• Which country or countries is the lake in? • Students copy the table and
• How big is the lake? complete columns 1 and 3 in
• Can you do any activities there? their notebooks.
• D
 raw the table on the board.
Lake Garda is in Italy… Elicit the missing information.
Lake Ladoga

seventeen 17

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 17 11/06/2019 10:57:05

2  Listen and add the flow regime Think about it 4  USE YOUR ATLAS.
and main rivers to your table. 3  Why do you think the rivers in • Complete the example
• Students listen and complete the Atlantic watershed have together.
columns 2 and 4. the highest flow? • S
 tudents describe the journey
• E
 licit the missing information. • Students answer in pairs. of three other rivers.
Add it to the table on the 5  Choose a lake in Europe you
board. want to find out more about.
Full transcript, page 68, Track 2 • Students do their research. They
compare their answers in pairs.

Key words
Learning goals
What are the coasts of Europe like?
• fjord
• To examine the coasts of Europe The European coastline is over 40,000 kilometres in length and • strait
is surrounded by two oceans and several seas.
Key language
Vocabulary N N OCEAN
coastal relief features (cape, fjord, North
North CapeCape Barents
Sea Sea
gulf, peninsula, strait) KOLAKOLA A SA I SAI A
Language structures S S Reykjanes
Reykjanes Norwegian
Sea Sea
I think the … coast is the…


f Bo
f Bo
Key concepts Islands

lf o
lf o
The European coastline is N o rNt h

surrounded by two oceans

OF COAST S e aS e a

and several seas.
Arctic coastcoast Ireland

Atlantic coastcoast GreatGreat l l
Mediterranean coastcoast Britain
Britain Ba Ba

BlackBlack Sea coast
Sea coast

Caspian Sea coast
Sea coast Pointe

de Corsen
de Corsen

a a

Resources E UE RU O
R PO EP E s s
S p Si p i
e ae a
a na n
Map: Political map of Europe IC
de V dlfeoVizlfo
izcay cay
CaboCabo Fisterra
Fisterra a a

B l aBc lka cSke aS e a

My Atlas (pages 10-11)

Gulf Gulf
of Genoa
of Genoa

of Lion

Corsica BALKAN

de de

San Vicente
San Vicente Islas Islas BalearesSardinia
Baleares Sardinia
Islas Islas Canarias
Canarias StraitStrait
of of Gibraltar
Gibraltar SicilySicily

What are the coasts

CapeCape Matapan
Malta Malta Cyprus
CreteCrete 0 0 290 290
of Europe like? A FA RF IRCI AC A M e dMi teedrirtaenr reaanne Saena S e a

• R
 ead the text and ask students
to examine the map. 657303_01_p25_Europa
657303_01_p25_Europa costas

• F
 ocus on the key. Read 1 Observe  Look at the map. Which 3 USE YOUR ATLAS. Compare the map
the types of coasts aloud. coastline is the longest? Tell a partner. with the Political map of Europe.
Copy and complete the table with the
• N
 ame a coast. Ask students to I think the … coast Yes, I agree. countries that border each coast.
trace it on the map with their is the longest.
fingers. Coasts Countries
Arctic Russia, …
Ask: 2 Observe  Look at the map and find the
landscape features. Write your answers Atlantic …
Which coastal features can you see?
in your notebook. Mediterranean …
• Students name features, such • five peninsulas • five islands
as island and peninsula. Black Sea …
• three gulfs • one strait
Caspian Sea …
• three capes

18 eighteen

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 18 11/06/2019 10:57:07

Observe Observe 3  USE YOUR ATLAS.

1  Look at the map. 2  Look at the map and find • Name a coast. Students look at their
• Students consult the key the landscape features. Atlas and name countries that border it.
and study the coastlines. • Elicit one example of • Students copy the table in their
• Then, they share their each feature. notebooks leaving space to add
conclusion with a • Students compare their countries. They use the Atlas to add
partner. findings with a partner. more countries.
• Check everyone agrees • Elicit answers orally from • Feedback with the whole class. Write
on the longest coast. volunteers. the countries in a table on the board.

Learning goals
The European coastline is irregular. It is made up of
• To describe relief features along
many different coastal landscape features including Parts of the Mediterranean coast of Europe can the European coastline
peninsulas, islands, gulfs, capes, straits and fjords. be very crowded during the summer months.
The warm, sunny weather attracts tourists from Key language
• A peninsula is an area of land that is surrounded
all over the world. This can have both positive Vocabulary
by water on all sides except one.
and negative impacts on the local areas.
• An island is an area of land surrounded by water. coastal relief features (cape, fjord,
• Have you been to any crowded coastal areas? gulf, island, peninsula, strait)
• A gulf is an area of water that extends into
the land. Language structures
• A cape is an area of land that extends into This feature is only found in…
a body of water. We can protect the environment by…

Key concepts
Europe has many different coastal
landscape features.

Mini Lab • Books closed. Read the definition

A strait is a narrow waterway
that connects two bodies of
of each feature and encourage
water. The Strait of Gibraltar Protect the economy and the students to name them.
connects the Atlantic Ocean environment
and the Mediterranean Sea.
• Books open. Students read the
1 Make a list of five positive and five
negative impacts tourism can have
on European coastlines.
  Tourism creates jobs for local people.

2 Work in a group and choose a 4  Play ‘guess the coastal landscape

A fjord is a valley into which representative for each European coast. feature’ with your partner!
sea water enters. They are
3 Research your coast and the positive • Volunteers read the model
only found in Scandinavia.
and negative impacts of tourism on the sentences.
local environment and community. • Students play the game in pairs.
Share your information with your group.
4 Play ‘guess the coastal landscape feature’
with your partner! 4 Think of five ways to reduce the
negative impact of tourism.
Think about the positive impact this Lifestyle
This landscape
landscape feature
feature is only
is only found
found in Scandinavia.
in Scandinavia. will have on the local community and • Ask students to name places
economy. Share your ideas with your
on the Mediterranean coast.
We can protect the • Read the text and elicit
environment by...
Is it a strait? No, it's a fjord! the meaning of crowded.
• Ask:
Have you been to any coastal
nineteen 19 areas?

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 19 13/06/2019 15:51:51

Mini Lab 3 Research your coast and the positive

Protect the economy and the environment and negative impacts of tourism on
the local environment and community.
1 Make a list of five positive and five
• Allow students time to research.
negative impacts tourism can have on
Students then share their information.
European coastlines.
4 Think of five ways to reduce
• Students work in pairs.
the negative impact of tourism.
2 Work in a group and choose a
• Groups share ideas, then share their
representative for each European coast.
information with their class.
• In groups of six, students decide who will
be the representative for each coast.
Learning goals
Check your progress
• Review the key concepts Vocabulary
and vocabulary from Unit 1
1 Match the words to their definitions. 3 What is the highest peak in Spain? Where
Answer in your notebook. is it located?
 The highest peak in Spain is…
border fjord flow strait

Resources river basin watershed

4 What are the five different coastlines
in Europe?
My Atlas (pages 8-9)
a. A narrow waterway that connects two  The five different coastlines in Europe are…
bodies of water.
5 Look at the map. In your notebook, match
b. An area where all the rivers and streams
the letters to the names.
flow into the same sea.
Vocabulary • Balkans
c. A valley into which seawater enters.
1  Match the words to their It is formed by glaciers. • Pirineos
definitions. • Ural Mountains
d. The line separating two countries.
• Students write the word and e. An area of land drained by a river and • Great European Plain
the correct definition in their its tributaries. • East European Plain
notebooks. f. The amount of water in a river. • Scandinavian Mountains
• Check answers. Read the • Alps
definitions aloud; students say Concepts • Arctic Ocean
the word.
2 USE YOUR ATLAS. Copy and complete the • Atlantic Ocean
table in your notebook. Use the Physical • Mediterranean Sea
map of Europe to help you.
• Black Sea
• Caspian Sea
Concepts Mountain range Highest peak
• Caucasus Mountains
2  USE YOUR ATLAS. … Mont Blanc
• Apennines
• Students do the activity in Balkans …
their notebooks. Then, they N

compare with a partner. Caucasus Mountains … W

• Check answers by eliciting

… Mount Elbrus E F
the missing information.
Pirineos …

… Gran Sasso M
… Gerlachovsky G H

Scandinavian Mountains … K

20 twenty

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 20 11/06/2019 10:57:11

3 What is the highest peak in Spain? 5 Look at the map.

• Students complete the sentence with • Students write the letters with the
the missing information in their correct name in their notebooks.
• Call out letters A-N.942996_01_p16_h01_Europa_fisico
Volunteers say
4 What are the five different coastlines the correct name.
in Europe?
• Students write a list, then check with
the map on page 18.

Apply what you know
6 Write sentences to compare the rivers and 7 Write a short description of each coastal Apply what you know
mountains. area of Spain.
6 Write sentences to compare
a. The Duero and the Guadalquivir
Cantabrian Atlantic the rivers and the mountains.
 The Duero is further north than the
Guadalquivir. They are both part of the • Read the example. Highlight
Atlantic watershed. the use of both and the
b. The Tajo and the Ebro  The Cantabrian coast is high and rocky
comparative form.
c. The Danube and the Thames with few beaches… • Ask students to compare
d. The Po and the Volga features in terms of location,
8 Choose three European coastal landscape watershed, river flow and
e. The Pirineos and the Cordillera features and write a description of them.
Cantábrica source, and the altitude
Include an example or describe where they
f. The Alps and the Caucasus are found. of the mountains.
g. The Ural Mountains and the Apennines  A fjord is a … We find them in…
• Check answers. Volunteers
share their comparisons.

9 Copy and complete the diagram in your notebook.

MOUNTAINS IN SPAIN 7 Write a short description of each

coastal area of Spain.
• Students write a description
for each area in their
Meseta Central surrounding the Meseta Central beyond the Meseta Central notebooks.
• Students swap descriptions.
They underline information
they disagree with and discuss
… … …
their answers.

My progress Think about your work in this unit. Copy and complete.
• I can name and locate mountains in Spain. … … …
• I can name and locate rivers, coasts and watersheds in Spain. … … …
• I can name and locate mountains in Europe. … … …
• I can name and locate rivers, coasts and watersheds in Europe. … … …

twenty-one 21

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 21 11/06/2019 10:57:12

8 Choose three European coastal 9 Copy and complete the diagram My progress
landscape features and write a in your notebook.
Students should be
description of them. • Students copy and complete encouraged to consider
• Remind students to use the diagram adding the mountain the work they have done in
the model sentences. chains. the unit, before copying
• Elicit relief features. Students • Draw the diagram on the board and completing the
describe them in their and elicit the mountain chains. progress table in their
notebooks. notebooks.

• Volunteers read their descriptions.

Final task
Learning goals
• To revise the key concepts,
vocabulary and language Plan a trip across Europe
structures from Unit 1
Work in a group to discover more about Europe. 2 Make a decision.
• Write your ideas in a circle.
• In a group, compare circles.
You need
• Explain why you have written each idea.
Resources • pencils and coloured
pencils • Choose the most popular answers and
Maps: Physical map of Europe, make a list of six countries you will visit
Political map of Europe • a notebook or paper
on your trip.
My Atlas (pages 8-11)
Final task: Language support 1 Think about it.
photocopiable (page 100) • Which countries in Europe do you want
to visit? Why?
• Which cities do you want to see?
• What food do you want to try?
Plan a trip across Europe • Which mountains do you want to climb?
• Which rivers or seas do you want
• Divide the class into two teams.
to swim in?
Name a capital city: ask a team
• Which animals do you want to see?
to name the country. Each team
wins a point for a correct answer.
I really want to canoe on the Danube river!
The team with the most points
at the end wins.
• Check that students have
the material for the project. That's great! I want to climb Mount Elbrus!

1  Think about it.

Three of us want to try German
• Students answer the questions food, so let's go to Germany.
individually. Then, in pairs,
they share what they would
like to do. Juan and Marina want to see
• Go around the class to ensure Budapest, so let's visit Hungary.
they are communicating their
ideas effectively.

22 twenty-two

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 22 11/06/2019 10:57:14

2  Make a decision. • Encourage groups to use

the model sentences to decide
• Read the instructions. Ask two
which countries to visit.
volunteers to read the text in
the circles. • Go around the class and
provide language support
• Students write their ideas.
where needed.
Then, each group member
explains their circle and


3 Investigate.
In your group, plan a detailed route for your journey.
• Where are you going to start and finish your trip?
• What countries are you going to go through?
• What rivers and mountain ranges are you going
to cross?
• What activities are you going to do on your trip?
• What food are you going to try on your trip?
3  Investigate.
• How are you going to travel across Europe?
• Students refer to the maps
• How much money will you need for your trip?
and their Atlases to investigate
4 Design your map. the best routes and to consider
We need to travel from Italy to Romania the answers to the questions.
Use the internet to find a map of Europe. so I think the best way is by aeroplane.
Print it and draw your route on the map. • Encourage students to note
Include: down their answers.
• the countries and places you are going to visit. I think we should cross the
• the rivers and mountains you are going to cross. Scandinavian Mountains.
• the activities you are going to do.
• the food you are going to try. 4  Design your map.
• the transport you are going to use.
• Students print out their map
• the money you think you will need. and draw their route.
• Ask them to think about
how to include the extra
information on their map.
Presentation time!
For example, they can use
5 Prepare a presentation. 6 Present your trip to the class. sticky notes, strips of paper
• Why did you choose this route? • Take turns to speak. added as flaps or stick the map
to an A3 sheet and include a
• What activity does each person want to do? • Explain your ideas and
suggestions. border for the information.
• Why did you choose this method of transport?
• How long are you going to go for? • Encourage questions and give
• How will you spend and control your money?
• Will you document your trip?

twenty-three 23

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad01_83800.indd 23 11/06/2019 10:57:15

Presentation time! Extension

5  Prepare a presentation. 6  Present your trip to the class. • Students imagine they are in the
middle of their trip around Europe.
• Read the questions aloud. • R
 ead the points aloud. Remind
They design a postcard (with a
• Allow time for additional students to project their
picture) and write a message to a
note-taking and for group voices.
friend or family member about their
members to select their role(s). • E
 ncourage groups to listen to trip so far.
• Groups rehearse how they will each other and ask questions.
• Display the postcards around the
present their ideas. • A
 sk groups to reflect on what maps from groups' presentations.
they might do differently.

Learning goals
• To review the difference between
weather and climate

Key language
2 Climate and environment
Vocabulary What is climate?
weather (heat, rain, storm, sun,
wind); climate, measure A B
Language structures
I can see … in photo….
Weather is … and climate is…
People measure weather because…

Key concepts
Climate is the weather in a
particular place over a long period
of time.

LibroMedia/i-book Video
Play the video, first with subtitles
on, then without them.
Ask questions and discuss with
the class.

You already know! 1 Observe  Look at the photos and answer

• Read the sentences aloud. the questions with a partner.
You already know!
• Which elements of weather can you see
• Students work in pairs to discuss in each photo? • Climate is the weather in a particular
and list the factors that affect place over a long period of time.
• What is the difference between weather
climate. and climate? • There are different factors that
• Have pairs give examples of • Why do people measure weather? affect climate.
world climates and the factors • There are different climates around
that affect them. Weather is … and the world.
People measure
climate is… weather because… • Human activity can negatively affect
• Ask students to name ways that the environment.
human activity can negatively
affect the environment.
24 twenty-four

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad02_83922.indd 24 11/06/2019 11:02:04

1  Look at the photos and answer Ask:
the questions with a partner. Can you give examples of weather and climate?
• Focus on the photos. Students How can we measure weather phenomena?
describe the weather in each one: • Students work in pairs to take turns
windy, rainy, sunny/hot. asking and answering the questions
• R
 ead the questions aloud using the sentence stems.
and clarify doubts. • Volunteers ask and answer the

Cantabrian Sea
Learning goals
• To review the four main types
of climate in Spain

Key language


climates in Spain (Mediterranean,


Mountain, Oceanic, Subtropical)


0 90

Mediterranean climate (Continental,

Dry, Typical); temperatures (cold,


e Mountain
cool, high, low, mild, warm);
Mediterranean abundant, drought, precipitation,
rainfall, scarce
Ceuta Typical

Melilla Continental

Language structures

I live in an area that has a … climate.

What did you write for … climate?
What climates does Spain have? 942995_02_p27_climas_espana
I wrote…
Spain has four main types of climate: Oceanic, Mountain, Subtropical
and Mediterranean. The Mediterranean climate is the most common Key concepts
climate in Spain. There are three variations: Typical, Continental and Dry. Spain has four main climate types.

2 Look at the map and answer the questions.

I live in an area that has
• What is the climate like where you live?
a Mountain climate.
• What are the seasons like where you live? What climates does Spain
3 Listen to the descriptions of the different climates in Spain. Copy and complete
• Read the text aloud modelling
the table in your notebook. Then, compare your answers with a partner.
pronunciation of key words.
Climate Temperature Precipitation Clarify doubts.

Oceanic warm in summer, mild in winter … • Name several autonomous

communities. Students look
Mountain … abundant, it often snows in winter
at the map and the map key
Subtropical … … to identify the climates.
Typical Mediterranean … …

Continental Mediterranean … …

Dry Mediterranean … … Final task

Be sure the students know
What did you write for they will work in groups to
Final task investigate environmental
Oceanic climate? I wrote...
Investigate environmental problems in Europe.
problems in Europe
Ask them to think about which
problem they will choose.
twenty-five 25

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad02_83922.indd 25 11/06/2019 11:02:05

2  Look at the map and answer the questions. 3  Listen to the descriptions of the different climates
• Students read the questions. in Spain.
• Ask volunteers to describe local weather • Elicit examples of temperature and precipitation.
in each season. • P
 lay the track. Students listen. Play it again; they
• Students take turns asking and answering complete the table in their notebooks.
the questions.
• P
 lay it again, stopping after each section.
• Volunteer pairs to repeat their conversation
Volunteers answer.
for the class.
Full transcript, page 69, Track 3

Learning goals
• To recognise the structure and Key words
components of a climate graph What is a climate graph? • axis
Key language A climate graph shows temperature and precipitation month by month, • bar graph
over a year, for a particular place. Temperatures are shown on a line graph • line graph
and precipitation is shown on a bar graph.
climate graph (axis, bar graph, line
graph); coldest/warmest, least/most
Precipitation for each
Language structures month is shown on
the right-hand axis,
The warmest/coldest month is… A climate graph has two ºC Litres per m²
in intervals of ten litres
vertical axes. Average
The difference in temperature is… temperatures for each
per square metre (l/m²).
It rains the most/least in…
month are shown on
the left-hand axis, 120
I got the information by… in intervals of five 110

degrees Celsius (°C). 100

The blue bars show
Key concepts 90
the precipitation each
80 month. To calculate the
A climate graph shows temperature
35 70 total annual
and precipitation over a year. 30 60 precipitation, add up the
The red line joins 25 50 precipitation of all the
the dots that show 20 40 months.
average temperature 15 30
for each month. 10 20

What is a climate graph?

5 10
0 0 If precipitation is below
the temperature line in
• S
 tudents read the title and J F M A M J J A S O N D
Months some months, it means
predict the content. that there is a drought.
The months of the year are
• F
 ocus on the climate graph. Point shown on the horizontal axis.
to the red line and the blue bars.
Ask what each represents. Mini Lab
• S
 tudents explain what each Report the climate using a graph
of the three axes shows. 942995_02_p28_h01_climograma_Valladolid
1 Observe  Look at the climate graph 1 Choose a town or city in Spain.
of Valladolid and answer the questions With your partner, research the
in your notebook. average temperature and precipitation
Observe a. Which is the warmest month?
for each month last year.
1  Look at the climate graph of Which is the coldest? What is the 2 Report your findings in a graph.
Valladolid and answer the temperature difference between these
questions in your notebook. months?
• a title.
• Elicit the temperature and  The warmest month is…
• a key.
precipitation for one month b. In which months does it rain the most?
• different colours to show
as a model. In which months does it rain the least?
temperature and precipitation.
c. What is the total annual precipitation
• S
 tudents write their answers in Valladolid? How did you get this 3 Present the information to the class.
in their notebooks. information?

26 twenty-six

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad02_83922.indd 26 11/06/2019 11:02:06

Mini Lab 2 Report your findings in a graph.

Report the climate using a graph • Students review each element
in the model climate graph.
1 Choose a town or city in Spain.
• In pairs, students research • S
 tudents draw a graph using the three
the required information. points indicated and their findings.

• S
 tudents keep notes and list their 3 Present the information to the class.
sources. • Students display and explain their

Learning goals

What vegetation is there in Spain?

Key words 2 • To describe the vegetation in
each climate zone in Spain
• abundant
• endemic species Key language
The vegetation in Spain varies in each climate zone.
• meadow Vocabulary
Oceanic Mountain • shrub vegetation (endemic species, meadow,
shrub); abundant/scarce, high/low
Language structures
In the … climate zone, vegetation is
… and there are…
This plant is called …
One special characteristic is…
Vegetation is abundant. There are forests Vegetation is scarce. At high altitudes there
with oak, chestnut and beech trees. are meadows. In low areas there are forests Key concepts
In open spaces there are meadows. with pine, oak and fir trees. The vegetation in Spain varies
in each climate zone.

Subtropical Mediterranean

Be a geographer!: Language
support photocopiable (page 101)

There are laurel forests, Canary Island pines, Vegetation is scarce but diverse. There are
palm trees and dragon trees. There are some shrubs, rockrose and thyme. Forests have What vegetation is there
endemic species, such as the Teide violet. holm oaks, cork oaks and pine trees. in Spain?
• S
 tudents read the title
and predict the content.

Be a geographer! • R
 ead the texts aloud. Clarify
the meaning of the words in bold.
How can we identify vegetation in a climate zone? • F
 ocus on the photos. Ask
the students to describe the
1 How is the vegetation different in vegetation in each one.
each climate zone? Talk to a partner. 3 Make an information booklet about
your plant to share with the class.
2 Use the internet and choose one plant Include:
from each climate zone.
• the climate zone where we find Be a geographer!
• What is it called? the plant. How can we identify
• What is its size and colour? • the name and a description. vegetation in a climate zone?
• Does it have any special characteristics? • photos or pictures. • H
 ave a class discussion to answer
the title question.
• Read the instructions aloud.
twenty-seven 27

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1  How is the vegetation different 2  Use the internet and choose one 3  Make an information booklet
in each climate zone? plant from each climate zone. about your plant to share with
• Pairs compare the vegetation • Show a photo of a familiar the class.
in the photos. plant. Students predict the • Read the features aloud; remind
climate it grows in. students to include all of the
 sk volunteer pairs to share
their answers. •S
 tudents choose their plant
research it and take notes. •S
 tudents prepare their booklets
and present them to the class.

Learning goals
• To describe the climates and Key words
climate zones of Europe What climates does Europe have? • climate zone
• temperate
Key language Europe has two climate zones, the cold zone
and the temperate zone. There are different Temperate zone
Vocabulary climates in these zones. Continental climate.
climates (Continental, This is the climate of
Mediterranean, Mountain, Oceanic, Cold zone
inland areas in Eastern
Polar); climate zone, coastal, inland, Europe. Temperatures
Mountain climate. are high in summer and
mountain range, temperate Located in high very low in winter.
Language structures mountain ranges. Precipitation is higher
Climate affects the way we live Temperatures are very in summer.
low in winter and cool Moscow, Russia
in summer.
In summer ..., but in winter... Precipitation is Oceanic climate. Located along the Atlantic
abundant. Ocean and across central Europe.
Key concepts Andorra La Vella, Andorra Temperatures are mild in summer and low in
There are two climate zones Polar climate. Located in the north of winter. Precipitation is abundant and regular.
in Europe, cold and temperate. Scandinavian countries and Russia. It is the
coldest climate on Earth. Temperatures are Mediterranean
under 0°C most of the year. Precipitation climate. Located
is scarce. in Mediterranean
Resources coastal areas and
some inland areas
My Atlas (pages 14-15) of Europe.
Temperatures are
Graphic organiser: The climates
high in summer
of Europe (page 96) and mild in winter.
Precipitation is
low, especially in
What climates does Europe Murmansk, Russia Siena, Italy
• S
 tudents read the question
and predict the content.
1 Listen to the descriptions of the climates. 3 Think about it  How does climate affect
• A
 sk students to locate the four In your notebook, write the correct climate the way we live? Talk to a partner about
cities in the photos on the Political and the climate zone it is part of. the activities you do in summer and
map of Europe. the activities you do in winter. Are they
2 USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at Climates the same or different?
• R
 ead each block of text aloud. of Europe and write sentences about
Volunteers read sections aloud. the climate in each of these countries. In summer I swim outside,
Answer in your notebook. but in winter I...
a. Germany b. Italy
1  Listen to the descriptions c. Ukraine d. Iceland
of the climates.
• Write France, Italy, Norway 28 twenty-eight
and Ukraine on the board.
Have the students locate ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad02_83922.indd 28 11/06/2019 11:02:13
them on the map. Repeat
with Kiev, Bari, Brest and Tana 2  USE YOUR ATLAS. Think about it
Bru. Students match cities
• Students consult their 3  How does climate affect
and countries to make a table.
Atlases and write the way we live?
• Students listen and complete about each climate. • In pairs, students
their tables with the climate
compare their summer
and winter activities.
Full transcript, page 70, Track 4

What vegetation is there in Europe?
Key words 2
• steppe Learning goals
Europe has a varied landscape with different vegetation. • taiga • To describe the vegetation
• tundra in Europe's climate zones

Key language
areas (forest, steppe, taiga, tundra);
plants and plant-like organisms
(evergreen tree, lichen, moss); soil
Language structures
… has a … climate.
The Oceanic climate has The Polar climate has scarce vegetation.
Common vegetation includes…
meadows and forests with In warmer parts, there are mosses, lichens
beech and oak trees. and small shrubs. These parts are called tundra. Plants adapt by...

Key concepts
Europe has a varied landscape
The Continental climate
has forests with 1 Observe  Look at the information with diverse vegetation.
evergreen trees such as and copy and complete the table in your
firs and pines, known as notebook.
taigas. It has plains with
Climate zone Vegetation
poor soil where only Resources
grasses can grow, Oceanic beech trees, …
known as steppes.
My Atlas (pages 14-15)
Mountain …
Mediterranean …
Polar …
Continental …
What vegetation is there
in Europe?
2 USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at Climates • Students read the question
of Europe. Find five countries that have and predict the page content.
a different climate zone. Use the internet
• Read the text boxes aloud,
to research the typical vegetation
The Mediterranean climate has clarifying the meaning of words
of the countries you have chosen.
forests with holm oaks, cork oaks, in bold and model the
Write sentences in your notebook.
rockrose and rosemary.
 The UK has an Oceanic climate. Common pronunciation of plant names.
vegetation includes wild flowers such as • Students describe the photos.
daffodils and... • Volunteers read the text boxes
The Mountain
climate has 3 Think about it  How does climate affect
meadows at vegetation? How do you think plants have • Ask the students to consult their
high altitudes. to adapt to the environment? Atlases to find areas of Europe
Discuss examples with a partner. which have each climate.

twenty-nine 29

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Observe 2  USE YOUR ATLAS. Extension

1  Look at the information and • Students write about five • Students create tables or graphic
copy and complete the table in countries using the model. organisers with information about
your notebook. Think about it European climates and vegetation.
• Explain that the left-hand 3  How does climate affect • They use these headings:
column refers to climates. vegetation?
• Students copy and complete 
Climates: Climate zones, Cold zone,
• Students use the internet Temperate zone, Climates, Location,
the table. and other sources to answer. Temperatures and Precipitation
• Students work in pairs and
discuss their examples. 
Vegetation: Climate, landscape and vegetation

Learning goals How do humans interact with Key words
• To recognise how and why
humans change the environment
the environment? • shelter
• raw materials
The environment is everything around us. It includes both natural and
Key language man-made components. We change the environment to meet our needs.
access, energy, extraction, man-made, Energy. We build wind turbines and power
natural, raw materials, reservoir, stations to obtain the energy we need.
shelter, transport, well
Language structures Access to water.
We build wells,
We build … to… canals and
Humans need… reservoirs to make
sure we have clean
Key concepts water in our
Humans change the environment
to meet their needs.
Shelter. We
construct buildings
to live safely in.

How do humans interact with

the environment?
• Students read the title and predict
the page content. Extraction of raw
• Read the text aloud. Clarify materials. We Transport. We build
mine the earth for railways, airports and
the meaning of the words in bold. rocks and minerals. roads to connect Food production. We
populated areas. plant fields to grow
• Elicit examples to check for
food crops.
What do we build/do to…?
1 Observe  Look at the picture and Lifestyle
read the information. Write the human
need required for each action. Have you heard about
Lifestyle Answer in your notebook. sustainable development?
This is to live in a way that
• Read the text aloud. Clarify a. to drink water from a tap
does not destroy the
the meaning of sustainable  Humans need access to water. environment. Reducing
development. b. to travel to work by train pollution is one
requirement of sustainable
• Ask how the photo relates c. to make bricks for houses
to sustainable development. d. to obtain wheat used to make bread
• Can you think of any more?
e. to charge our phones
• Elicit more ways to live in a
responsible, sustainable way. 30 thirty

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad02_83922.indd 30 11/06/2019 11:02:19

Observe Extension
1  Look at the picture and read the information. • Students choose one requirement
• Read the instructions and actions aloud. of sustainable development.
• Students give examples of each need. • They create a poster about it using
• Students write sentences in their notebooks. drawings or photos.
• Students compare their sentences in pairs.
• Students present their posters and
• Volunteers share sentences with the class. explain how the requirement helps
sustainable development.

What environmental problems
Key words 2 Learning goals
• depletion
do humans cause? • infrastructure
• To recognise the environmental
problems that humans cause
• overexploitation
The changes we make to the environment can also cause many problems. Key language
Deforestation. We cut down Overexploitation. This occurs when we environmental problems
trees for wood, to make consume natural resources faster than (deforestation, depletion, erosion,
space for farmland or to they are replenished, for example, when overexploitation, pollution);
build infrastructure. we catch too many fish in a specific infrastructure
Deforestation causes area. Overexploitation results in the
animals to lose their homes extinction of species and the depletion Language structures
and it leaves soil unprotected against erosion. of aquifers, as well as deforestation. … occurs when we…
I travel to school…
I normally … after school.
Pollution. We pollute the environment when we release harmful substances.
This affects air, water and soil. Key concepts
The changes humans make to the
environment cause many problems.

What environmental
air water soil problems do humans cause?
• Students read the title and predict
the content.
1 Copy the newspaper headlines in your 3 Copy the diagram in your notebook • Read the text aloud. Clarify
notebook. Identify which environmental and complete it with any environmental the meaning of words in bold.
problem they refer to. problems you cause.
• Students describe the photos and
a. Amazon Rainforest reduces by 20% in size. explain their connection to the text.
b. Madrid speed limit reduced to 70km/h. de
on • Elicit examples of infrastructure,
c. Number of bluefin tuna drop by 96% in


natural resources and harmful

p ol

Pacific Ocean.

a ti o n

d. Factory fined for depositing waste in river. problems

2 Think about it  Write an environment

diary about your daily routine. ove
Think about: rexploitation 1  Copy the newspaper headlines
• how you travel to school. in your notebook.
• what you normally do after school. 4 Compare your answers with a partner. • Students copy the headlines
• the materials you use. Are any of your answers the same? and identify the problem
What can you do to help reduce
enviromental problems?
each one refers to.
• Volunteers read the headline
thirty-one 31 and say the problem.

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad02_83922.indd 31 11/06/2019 11:02:22

Think about it
2  Write an environment diary 3  Copy the diagram in your 4  Compare your answers with
about your daily routine. notebook and complete it with a partner.
• Clarify the maning of diary. any environmental problem you • In pairs, students compare
• Provide personal examples cause. and discuss their answers.
such as, Travelling by car • Provide examples such as, You do • They list ways to reduce
pollutes the air. not recycle paper - deforestation. environmental problems.
• Students write sentences • Students write more examples
in their notebooks. in their notebooks.

Learning goals
• To describe the causes and Key words
effects of climate change Atlantic
What watershed
is climate change? • drought
• To describe global warming Key words
• global warm
Science facts ing
Climate change refers to major variations • greenhouse gas
Key language in weather elements such as temperature,
The Atlantic watershed is the largest in Spain. Global warming refers• basin
precipitation and wind patterns. • ice cap
to the gradual increase•in
Vocabulary Atlantic rivers are fast flowing and have abundanttemperature
flow. Theyof the Earth's
fossil fuel, global warming, have a variable flow regime: they have higher flowatmosphere
in spring and
and oceans. The Earth emits
greenhouse gas, ice cap autumn than in summer. heat into space, but carbon dioxide in the
Changes in climate can be caused by natural Earth's atmosphere prevents all the heat
Language structures phenomena or by human activity. The from escaping. In this way, the atmosphere is
The … causes/produces… burning of fossil fuels produces greenhouse like a blanket that keeps the Earth warm
Climate change refers to… gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane. enough for life. As the quantity of carbon
dioxide increases, the temperature rises.
Key concepts • What effect does this have on our planet?
Human activity contributes
to climate change.

Mini Lab: Language support
photocopiable (page 102) Effects Mini Lab
The Depresión del Guadalquivir is a river The Atlantic watershed rivers are long. The
Graphic organiser: Climate change The effects
valley in the of climate
south of the Iberian Peninsula. Tajo is the longest river on the Iberian
(page 94) Inchange canmouth
the river vary. there are marshlands. Investigate the effects of climate
They include long change
droughts and major
flooding. Labrising 1 Choose an effect climate change has
temperature of the on the environment and use the
What is climate change? EarthCompare
causes: the watersheds internet to investigate a specific
problem this effect has caused.
• S tudents read the question • ice caps to melt.
1 Copy and complete the chart in your notebook.
and predict the content. • sea levels to rise.
• information about the problem and
• Read the text aloud. Clarify the • coastal areas to flood. CANTABRIAN MEDITERRANEAN ATLANTIC
the places it happened or is happening.
meaning of words in bold; model WATERSHED WATERSHED WATERSHED
• possible reasons for the problem.
pronunciation. Length short rivers •…ideas about what we can
… do to stop
• Students describe the photos and it happening.
explain their connection to the text. 1 Flow Look at the information
Observe … and … abundant flow
• pictures or photos of the problem.
answer the questions in your notebook.
Flow speed fast flow
a. What does climate change refer to? 2 …
Compare … a partner.
your findings with
Are there any similarities between
Flow regime
 Climate change refers to… … variable flow regime
the two problems?

Science facts
b. What causes climate change?
• R ead the text aloud.
c. 2What
Compare the features
effects does of the different watersheds.
climate change 3 Present your ideas to the class.
• Students describe the photo and have on the environment?
explain how it relates to global
warming. 30 thirty-two
32 thirty
• Students work in pairs and discuss
and answer the question. Then, ES0000000096737
901533_Unidad02_74138.indd 32
30 11/06/2019
12/07/2018 11:02:24

they present their ideas to the class.

Mini Lab • S
 tudents do research and write
Investigate the effects of climate change a report.
1 Choose an effect climate change 2 Compare your findings with a partner.
1  Look at the information and
answer the questions in your has on the environment and use • In pairs, students look for similarities
notebook. the internet to investigate a specific in their work.
• Students write their problem this effect has caused. 3 Present your ideas to the class.
answers and compare • Read the instructions aloud clarifying • Volunteers share their ideas.
them with a partner. any doubts.

How can we protect our environment?
2 Learning goals
• To recognise ways in which
individuals and governments can
Protecting the environment is essential to the survival protect the environment
of life on our planet. Individuals and governments are
both responsible for looking after the environment. Key language
• We can save water by turning off the tap while Vocabulary
brushing our teeth, by having showers instead of actions (damage, dispose of, prevent,
baths and by running our dishwashers and washing
machines with full loads.
protect, recycle, rehabilitate, respect,
save, turn off); rubbish, sewage
• We can save energy by turning off lights when we do
not need them, by using low-energy lightbulbs and Language structures
by travelling by public transport. I always…
• We can respect nature by keeping the noise level There are … endemic species in…
down when we visit natural areas and by disposing National parks face problems
of all our rubbish in an appropriate place. such as…
• We should dispose of waste appropriately by
recycling paper, glass and plastic and by avoiding Key concepts
releasing waste into the sewage system.
Both individuals and governments
are responsible for looking after the
The government can take actions to protect environment.
the environment.
• They can protect natural areas by making them
nature reserves or natural parks.
How can we protect our
• They can rehabilitate damaged areas by
planting trees, recycling waste or installing water
purification systems. • S
 tudents read the question
• They can prevent damage to landscapes and predict the page content.
by studying the effects of our activities
on the environment. Iberian lynx in the Parque Nacional de Donaña • R
 ead the text aloud. Clarify
the meaning of words in bold
and model pronunciation.

1 Observe  Look at the information and 3 USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at National • S

 tudents explain how the photos
match each action to an environmental parks of Spain and choose one that you relate to protecting
problem from page 31. Talk to a partner. want to find out more about. Use the the environment.
internet and answer the questions about
2 Think about it  What individual actions the park. Then, compare your findings • F
 ind out if the students protect
do you take to protect the environment? with a partner. the environment in any of these
a. Are there any endemic species of plants ways. Ask questions to use the
I always turn the TV
or animals living there? action verbs.
off at the plug. b. Do many people visit the area? Ask:
c. What environmental problems does your Do you protect nature by recycling
national park face? plastic?
Do you turn off the light if you aren't
thirty-three 33
using it?

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad02_83922.indd 33 11/06/2019 11:02:26

Observe Think about it 3  USE YOUR ATLAS.

1  Look at the information and 2  What individual actions • Ask what a National park is and
match each action to an do you take to protect the if students have visited one.
environmental problem from environment? Students talk about their visits.
page 31. • Pairs discuss how they protect • S
 tudents answer the questions
• Pairs find the actions in the the environment. and compare their findings.
text, consult page 31 and
match each with deforestation,
overexploitation or pollution.

Learning goals Check your progress
• To review the key concepts and
vocabulary learnt in Unit 2 Vocabulary Concepts
1 Look at the words. Write a definition 3 Look at the graph and answer the questions
in your notebook. in your notebook. Then, write sentences
about the weather in València.
Vocabulary endemic species meadow a. What kind of graph is this?
1  Look at the words.
b. What do the blue bars represent?
• Provide sentence stems: taiga tundra
c. What does the red line represent?
A … is an area that...
• Remind students to use ºC
Litres per m²

complete sentences. 140

2  Copy the definitions and write 110

the words they define in your

40 80

35 70
30 60
25 50

• Students insert a blank line

20 40
15 30
10 20
before each definition. Then, 5
they complete it with the word J F M A M J J

being defined.
2 Copy the definitions and write the words 4 How do meteorologists calculate the total
they define in your notebook. precipitation in a year? What is the total
a. The loss of forest as a result of cutting precipitation shown on the graph above?
Concepts down trees. Answer in your notebook.
3  Look at the graph and answer b. Consuming natural resources faster than 5 What are some of the causes and effects
the questions in your notebook. they can be replenished. 942995_02_p36_h01_climograma_Valencia
of climate change? Write sentences in your
• Students study the graph c. The release of harmful substances into notebook.
the environment.
and answer the questions.  Climate change is caused by…
d. The gradual increase in temperature
• They write sentences about of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. 6 What can individuals do to help protect
the weather in València. e. Everything that surrounds us and affects the environment? Make a list in your
our lives. notebook.
4  How do meteorologists calculate
the total precipitation in a year?
• Students answer the question.
• They use the graph to calculate
the annual precipitation.

34 thirty-four

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad02_83922.indd 34 11/06/2019 11:02:30

5  What are some of the causes 6  What can individuals do to help

and effects of climate change? protect the environment?
• Students use the model • S
 tudents list some actions
sentence to write about the people can take to protect
causes and effects of climate the environment.
change in their notebooks.

7 How do humans interact with the environment?
Write a human need for each picture.
7 How do humans interact with
the environment?
• Students study the pictures.
They decide which need each
one represents.
• Students write complete
sentences in their notebooks.

Apply what you know

8 Copy and complete the diagram in your notebook. Add information about
the typical climate and vegetation in each area. Apply what you know
8 Copy and complete the diagram
CLIMATES OF EUROPE in your notebook.
• Students study the diagram
to see what information is
cold zone temperate zone missing.
• They copy and complete the
diagram in their notebooks
mountain … … … … using information from page 28.

temperature: … … … … …
precipitation: … … … … …
vegetation: … … … … …

My progress
Students should be encouraged
My progress Think about your work in this unit. Copy and complete.
to consider the work they have done
YES NO NOT SURE in the unit, before copying and
• I can name and identify climates and vegetation in Spain. … … …
completing the progress table
• I can name and identify climates and vegetation in Europe. … … … in their notebooks.
• I can identify environmental problems caused by human activity. … … …
• I can identify ways to protect the environment. … … …

thirty-five 35

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad02_83922.indd 35 11/06/2019 11:02:30

• Students form groups to make an infograph that shows
human needs and how they change the environment.
• They use photos or drawings to illustrate their infograph.
• Display the infographs in class.
• Ask questions about each infograph and elicit
comments from the class.

Final task
You need
Learning goals • a notebook

• To revise the key concepts, Investigate environmental problems in Europe • coloured pencils
vocabulary and language • card
Investigate an environmental problem
structures from Unit 2 • markers
in a European country.

1 USE YOUR ATLAS. Choose a country 3 Investigate environmental problems.

in Europe. Look at the Political map of Use the internet to find out about the
Europe and Climates of Europe. Choose environmental problems in the country
Resources a country that has a different climate you have chosen.
Map: Political map of Europe to where you live.
• What environmental problems does
• What climate or climates does it have?
My Atlas (pages 10-11; 14-15) the country have?
• What do you know about the country? • Are there any habitats or species that are
Final task: Language support
• What vegetation does it have? affected by the problems?
photocopiable (page 103)
• Does it have any endemic species? • Is the government taking any actions
to help with the problems?

Norway has a Continental, • Are individuals or environmental groups

taking any actions to help with the
Investigate environmental Oceanic and Polar climate.
problems in Europe
• R ead the title aloud. Elicit examples
of environmental problems.
• Clarify what materials are needed.


• In pairs, students consult
the political map and choose
a country.
• They use the map and
their Atlases to answer The overfishing of herring in
Norway is a big problem.
the questions.
2  Make a decision.
• Students form groups and Yes, this can affect
share their answers from 2 Make a decision. ecosystems.
Activity 1. Work in a group and discuss your answers
from Activity 1. Then, decide which country
• Remind students to consider
you are going to investigate.
everyone's ideas.
• Each group chooses a country
to investigate. 36 thirty-six

ES0000000096737 942995_Unidad02_83922.indd 36 11/06/2019 11:02:32

3  Investigate environmental problems. Extension

• Read the instructions aloud and clarify any • Groups prepare a fact sheet on an environmental organisation.
• Ask the class to compile a list of organisations.
• Ask volunteers to read the questions and model
sentences aloud. • I n groups, they choose one organisation and do research on:
- its purpose
• Students do research to answer the questions.
- the number of members
• Remind students to keep a record of all - its areas of activity
the sources they use.
• Ask groups to select photos or drawings to illustrate the facts.
• Give students a time to put their information
together. • Groups display their fact sheets.

4 Suggest actions to reduce environmental
In your group think about actions that can Presentation time! 4  Suggest actions to reduce
help prevent the environmental problems environmental problems.
you identified. 6 Prepare your presentation. • Suggest that groups consider
Think about: In your group, prepare a presentation both types of actions:
• individual actions. about your investigation. individual and government.
• government actions. • Take notes on what you want to say.
• I n pairs, group members
• Decide who is going to say each
discuss the actions.
Governments could put a limit part.
on how much fish • T
 hey share their ideas
fishermen can catch. within the larger group
and brainstorm more actions.

5 In your group design a poster with

the problems and suggestions you have
investigated. 5  In your group, design a
• Label your suggestions and the problems poster with the problems
you think they will help reduce.
and suggestions you have
• Stick pictures or drawings of the investigated.
environmental problems mentioned
on your poster. • Focus on the poster. Elicit
an analysis of its parts: title,
7 Present your poster and describe
text, illustrations, problem and
the problems and suggestions.
solution boxes.
• Take turns to speak.
• Ask questions about other students' • I n their groups, students
posters. organise their suggestions
and write their text.
• T
 hey incorporate pictures and
drawings to support their texts.

thirty-seven 37

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Presentation time! Extension

6  Prepare your presentation. 7  Present your poster and • Students use the internet to research
describe the problems government ministries.
• R
 eview the importance of
and suggestions. • They focus on ministries involved in
speaking clearly, maintaining
eye contact, etc. • E
 ach group displays its poster solving environmental problems.
• I n their groups, students so everyone can see it. • In groups, they investigate one ministry
assign roles (greetings, • A
 llow sufficient time for and present any actions it has taken to
introduction, etc.) and comments and discussion. protect the environment or solve
rehearse the presentation. environmental problems.

Learning goals
Learning Lab game
• To revise the key concepts and
language from Units 1 and 2
• To give students the opportunity You need a counter
to evaluate their own learning and a dice.
• To informally test knowledge
acquired during the units
Key language
Revision of vocabulary and Roll the dice and move your counter.
structures from Units 1 and 2 Follow the lines.

purple pin = describe the type of vegetation

blue pin = describe the type of climate
red pin = name the river or mountain range
Material yellow pin = say a way to protect the
• A dice environment

• Coloured card or small classroom

Each playe
materials for counters a scoresh
r makes
• Paper to make scoresheets scoresheet
• Paper to draw a map of Spain purple √
or Europe
red √
yellow 213

Yellow pin = Say a way to protect rst player

er is the fi
the environment. The winn each colo
g e t two pins of
Model answer (M.A.)
• dispose of waste appropriately
• prevent damage to landscapes
• protect natural areas
• rehabilitate damaged areas
• respect nature
• save energy
• save water

38 thirty-eight

ES0000000096737 942995_Repaso01_85554.indd 38 11/06/2019 10:58:27

Red pin = Name the river or mountain range. • The Sistemas Béticos, Spain
M.A. • The Ural Mountains, Russia and Kazakhstan
Red pins mark these mountain ranges or rivers: 942995_trim1_p40_h01_
• The Danube: It flows into the Black Sea.
• The Alps, central Southern Europe • The Elba: It flows into the North Sea.
• The Caucasus Mountains, Russia, Georgia • The Dnieper: It flows into the Black Sea.
and Azerbaijan
• The Western Dvina: It flows into the Baltic Sea.
• The Scandinavian Mountains, Norway, Sweden
and Finland

Learning Lab game
• Students work in teams.
• Each team makes a scoresheet.
• They take turns to roll the dice.
They move the counter along
the lines from one pin to another.
• Each team has to give correct
answers to the question on two
pins of each colour.
• The first team to get two pins

of each colour wins.
• Students design a new game based
on information from Units 1 and 2:
for example, climate, vegetation and
ways of protecting the environment.
Students draw a map of Spain or
Europe with pins and lines. They
play against other teams.

Blue pin = Describe the type

of climate.
Blue pins are located in these
countries or areas:
• Sardinia: Mediterranean. Very hot
in summer and cool in winter.
It rains very little.
• Iceland: Polar and Oceanic. Very
Make your own Learning Lab game! cold most of the year. It hardly
ever rains.
• Draw a map of Spain or Europe.
• Islas Canarias: Subtropical. Hot,
• Review the landscape features, climates humid summers; mild winters.
and vegetation and ways of protecting the
environment you have learnt in Units 1 and 2. • Russia: Continental. Hot summers
and very cold winters. It rains
• Draw the pins on your map. Use different colours. more in summer.
• The United Kingdom: Oceanic.
thirty-nine 39 Mild in summer and cold in winter.
It rains a lot all year.
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Purple pin = Describe the type of vegetation. • Greece: Mediterranean. Forests with oaks,
M.A. holm oaks, cork oaks, rockrose and rosemary.
Purple pins are located in these countries or areas: • Russia: Continental. Forests with evergreen trees,
firs and taigas. There are plains with poor soil:
• The Cordillera Cantábrica: Oceanic. Meadows
the steppes.
and forests with pine, oak and fir trees.
• The north of Finland: Polar. Vegetation
• Islas Canarias: Subtropical. Canary Island pines,
is scarce: tundra, mosses, lichens and small
palm trees and dragon trees and laurel forests.
• The Carpathian Mountains: Mountain. Forests
with pine, oak and fir trees.

Learning goals Read about it! Unit 1

• To identify the silbo gomero as a

• To recognise the human ability
to adapt to the environment
Key language
A whistled
relief features (cliff, ravine, valley);
whistles (consonant/vowel, pitch);
islander, message

Key structures T he silbo gomero, also known as

el silbo, is an ancient language
The silbo gomero is... used on the island of La Gomera in
a message can be heard three
Islas Canarias. This island has deep
The origins of el silbo are… kilometres away!
valleys, steep ravines and high cliffs.
As a result, the islanders developed The origins of the silbo gomero are
Key concepts a whistling language to be able to not known, but when the first
Human languages are usually send messages over such difficult Europeans arrived in the 15th
spoken, but some are encoded terrain. This was quicker than century, gomeros already
sending a message on foot. communicated by whistling.
by whistling. The language has changed a lot
The silbo gomero consists of two
since then and today, el silbo has
different whistles for vowels and four
adapted to castellano.
different whistles for consonants.
The whistles have different pitches El silbo represents the cultural
A whistled language and they can be interrupted heritage of La Gomera. For this
• S
 tudents read the title and or continuous. With practice, any reason, el silbo is an obligatory
message can be communicated subject in primary school on La
predict the content. They and depending on the landscape, Gomera.
describe the photo and guess
what the man is doing.
• R
 ead the text aloud. Clarify 1 Copy and correct the sentences in your notebook.
pronunciation and meaning. a. El silbo was invented for faster communication on flat land.
Ask: b. El silbo consists of two whistles for vowels and five for consonants.
What is the landscape of La Gomera c. The whistles of el silbo have different tones and are always continuous.
like? d. The origins of el silbo are known.
Why did its inhabitants develop e. El silbo has not changed in hundreds of years.
a whistling language?
f. Today, the silbo gomero is an optional subject in primary schools in La Gomera.
Can you describe el silbo?
How far away can a whistled message 2 Use the internet to look for videos about the silbo gomero. Do you think it would be easy to learn?
be heard? Why? Why not? Talk to a partner.
What languages do you think
students usually learn on La Gomera?
108 one hundred and eight

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1  Copy and correct the sentences in your 2  Use the internet to look for videos about
notebook. the silbo gomero.
• Students work individually to correct • Students look online for videos about
the sentences. the silbo gomero.
• To correct, have volunteers read their • They reflect on the ease or difficulty
sentences aloud. involved in learning this language. Provide
sentence stems to do this: I think it is easy/
difficult to… It is easy/difficult because…
• In pairs, they share their thoughts.

Unit 2
Learning goals
• To identify the main differences
between the Arctic and the

The two poles of the Earth Key language

T he Arctic and Antarctic regions
are found at the poles of the terrestrial mammals (caribou, polar
Earth, but they are very different. bear, reindeer); penguin
The Arctic, where the North Pole is
located, consists of a frozen ocean
Key structures
surrounded by land. The Antarctic,
where the South Pole is located, The ... region is located in...
consists of a large mass of land It consists of...
surrounded by ocean.
There are/aren't...
The Antarctic is much colder than
the Arctic and has no vegetation. Key concepts
However, vegetation grows on the
The Antarctic is so cold that there
land surrounding the frozen Arctic
Ocean. There are no terrestrial is no vegetation and no terrestrial
mammals at the South Pole, but there mammals live there.
are many at the North Pole, including
polar bears, caribou and reindeer. land on Earth that does not belong
Antarctica has penguins. Penguins are to any country. In contrast, the Arctic
not found in the Arctic region. region has a population of over four
million people distributed throughout
There is no permanent population Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway, The two poles of the Earth
in the Antarctic. In fact, it is the only Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Russia. • S
 tudents read the title and predict
the content. They name the
animals in the photos, and guess
1 Read the text and copy and complete the diagram in your notebook. in which of the two poles they live.
• R
 ead the text aloud. Check
North South Ask:
Pole both Pole Where is the Arctic/Antarctic region
… … … located?
Which one has no vegetation?
Which one is actually an ocean?
What animals live in the Arctic?
2 Use the internet to find out about the people who live at the North Pole. How many inhabitants are there
• What are their lives like? in the Arctic?
What countries are they from?
• Would you like to live at the North Pole? Why? Why not?

one hundred and nine 109

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1  Read the text and copy and complete the 2  Use the internet to find out about the people
diagram in your notebook. who live at the North Pole.
• Students complete the diagram to summarise • Students work individually to look for the
the differences and similarities between the requested information.
two regions with regard to relief features, • They take notes about the daily life of people
temperature, flora, fauna and population. living at the North Pole: their clothes, diet, jobs
and houses.
• Ask students if they would like to live there and
to explain their choice: I would/would not like to
live there because…

1 Landscapes of Spain and Europe

archipelago a group of islands.

border the limit between two countries
or autonomous communities.
cape an area of land that extends into water.
cliff an area of high land near the sea.
coastline the outline of the coast, usually
of a country or a continent.
drought a period when there is very little rainfall.
fjord a valley formed by glaciers into which
sea water enters.
flow the amount of water a river carries.
flow regime the variation in the flow of a river
throughout the year.
gulf a large area of water that extends into
the land.
island an area of land that is completely
surrounded by a body of water. plain a flat area of low land.
lagoon a shallow lake in coastal areas. river basin an area of land drained by a river
land relief the combination of landscape and its tributaries.
features on an area of land. river mouth the place where a river ends.
Meseta Central an extensive plateau that rocky an area that is covered in rocks.
covers the centre of the Iberian Peninsula. strait a narrow waterway that connects two
mountain chain a line of mountain ranges. bodies of water.
mountain range a group of mountains. territory land that is controlled by a country.
peninsula an area of land that is surrounded watershed an area where all the rivers
water on all sides except one. and streams flow into the same sea.

114 one hundred and fourteen

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Climate and enviroment 2
abundant when something is present in large line graph a type of graph that uses lines
quantities. as a visual way of comparing numbers.
axis one of the reference lines in a graph, on meadow a field with flowers and grass,
which the scales of measurement are marked. common in mountain climates.
bar graph a type of graph that uses bars overexploitation when people consume
as a visual way of comparing numbers. natural resources faster than they can
climate zone an area of the Earth that has be replenished.
similar weather. pollution the release of harmful substances
deforestation the loss of forest as a result into the environment.
of tree logging.
depletion the gradual using up or destruction
of natural resources.
drought a long period of time when no rain falls.
endemic species a plant or animal species that
is unique to a certain area.
environment everything that surrounds
us and affects our lives.
global warming the gradual increase in
temperature of the Earth's atmosphere
and oceans.
raw materials materials in their natural state.
greenhouse gas a gas in the Earth's atmosphere
scarce a lack of something.
that traps heat.
shelter a building or covered place that
ice cap a thick layer of ice that covers
provides protection from weather elements.
the North Pole and the South Pole.
shrub a small bush.
infrastructure the basic facilities of an area,
such as buildings, transport, communications steppe a plain with poor soil where only grasses
and power supplies. can grow. They are common in Continental
taiga a forest of evergreen trees
in a Continental climate.
temperate a climate zone that is not hot
or cold. Temperate climate zones in Europe
are split into Oceanic, Continental
and Mediterranean.
tundra an area in a Polar climate that consists
of mosses, lichens and small shrubs.
vegetation plants, trees and flowers.

one hundred and fifteen 115

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