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Sure, here is a 2000-word paragraph about operational research:

What is Operational Research?

Operational research (OR) is a discipline that deals with the development and application of analytical
methods to improve decision-making. It is a multidisciplinary field that draws on mathematics,
statistics, economics, and computer science. OR techniques are used to solve a wide variety of
problems, including scheduling, routing, inventory management, and resource allocation.

OR has its roots in the military, where it was used to solve problems such as convoy routing and
aircraft interception. After the war, OR techniques were applied to business and industry, and they
have since become an essential tool for decision-makers in a wide range of fields.

How does Operational Research work?

OR typically involves the following steps:

Identify the problem. The first step is to identify the problem that needs to be solved. This may
involve gathering data, interviewing stakeholders, and defining the problem in a clear and concise

Construct a model. Once the problem has been identified, it is necessary to construct a model of the
system. The model should be a simplified representation of the real-world system that captures the
essential features of the problem.

Solve the model. The next step is to solve the model. This may involve using mathematical
optimization techniques, simulation, or other methods.

Test the solution. Once the solution has been found, it is important to test it to make sure that it
works in the real world. This may involve using simulation, conducting a pilot study, or implementing
the solution on a small scale.

Implement the solution. If the solution is successful, it can be implemented on a larger scale.

What are the benefits of Operational Research?

OR can provide a number of benefits, including:

Improved decision-making: OR can help decision-makers make better decisions by providing them
with a more rigorous and objective framework for analysis.
Increased efficiency: OR can help organizations to improve their efficiency by identifying and
eliminating waste.

Reduced costs: OR can help organizations to reduce their costs by optimizing their operations.

Increased profits: OR can help organizations to increase their profits by improving their efficiency and
reducing their costs.

What are the limitations of Operational Research?

OR is not a magic bullet, and it is important to be aware of its limitations. Some of the limitations of
OR include:

The models used in OR are often simplifications of the real world, and they may not always be

OR techniques can be complex and time-consuming, and they may not be appropriate for all

The results of OR studies may not always be accepted by decision-makers, and they may need to be
adapted to fit the specific needs of the organization.


OR is a powerful tool that can be used to improve decision-making and efficiency. However, it is
important to be aware of its limitations and to use it appropriately. When used correctly, OR can
provide a significant benefit to organizations in a wide range of fields.

Examples of Operational Research in Action

Here are some examples of how OR is used in action:

Scheduling: OR is used to schedule a wide variety of activities, including airline flights, manufacturing
operations, and hospital appointments.

Routing: OR is used to determine the best routes for vehicles and shipments. For example, OR is used
by Uber to determine the best routes for its drivers.

Inventory management: OR is used to determine the optimal levels of inventory to hold. This can help
organizations to reduce costs and improve customer service.

Resource allocation: OR is used to allocate resources such as staff, equipment, and money. This can
help organizations to maximize their efficiency and profitability.

These are just a few examples of how OR is used in action. OR is a powerful tool that can be used to
improve decision-making and efficiency in a wide variety of fields.
Sure, here are some of the most common techniques used in operational research:

Linear programming: Linear programming is a mathematical optimization technique that is used to

solve problems where the objective function and the constraints are linear. Linear programming is a
powerful tool that can be used to solve a wide variety of problems, including scheduling, routing, and
inventory management.

Queuing theory: Queuing theory is a mathematical discipline that deals with the analysis of waiting
lines. Queuing theory is used to model and analyze systems where customers or requests must wait
for service. Queuing theory can be used to optimize the design of queuing systems and to improve
the performance of these systems.

Simulation: Simulation is a technique that is used to model and analyze real-world systems.
Simulation can be used to test new policies or procedures before they are implemented in the real
world. Simulation can also be used to understand the behavior of complex systems and to identify
potential problems.

Decision analysis: Decision analysis is a discipline that deals with the process of making decisions
under uncertainty. Decision analysis provides decision-makers with a framework for identifying and
evaluating alternative courses of action. Decision analysis can be used to make better decisions in a
wide variety of situations, including business, finance, and healthcare.

These are just a few of the many techniques that are used in operational research. OR is a vast and
growing field, and new techniques are being developed all the time.

Here are some additional examples of OR techniques:

Game theory: Game theory is a mathematical discipline that deals with the analysis of strategic
decision-making. Game theory is used to model and analyze situations where two or more players are
making decisions that affect each other.

Heuristics: Heuristics are rules of thumb that are used to solve problems. Heuristics are often used
when mathematical optimization techniques are not feasible or when the problem is too complex to
be solved using a traditional approach.

Data mining: Data mining is a technique that is used to extract patterns from large datasets. Data
mining can be used to identify trends, patterns, and relationships in data.

These are just a few of the many techniques that are used in operational research. OR is a vast and
growing field, and new techniques are being developed all the time.

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