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Passage: That the public is isolated from the scientific world and there are stark barriers an

Passage: The Battle of Chancellorsville, one of the most famous battles of the Civil War,
ordinary person must overcome to get an education was recognized over a century ago. As
far as place
I can in Virginia
tell, in the spring
overcoming of 1863.and
that isolation For those
months, the two
barriers stillarmies had been
constitute staked
our central
out on opposite banks of a narrow river. The Confederate
dilemma today. A common solution is to make science less complicated and more troops were led by perhaps
the most revered
entertaining. To this military tactician
end, there's beenin aAmerican history, on
steady emphasis General Robert E. Lee.
communicating The Union
scientific ideas
soldiers were led by “Fighting” Joe Hooker.
through stories that either dramatize the working lives of scientists or speculate about the
In appearance,
impact personality
of a scientific idea onand lifestyle,
society these men
and culture. were nearlysome
Unfortunately, perfectly opposites.
of these stories Lee,
an old man in poor health with a gray beard, had a somber,
up with the verisimilitude, complexity, and overall appeal of a fairy tale. The simplicity measured demeanour.
raises was a blonde,
scepticism strapping
and alienates the young
reader maneven whose
further.vanity over his writers
Obstreperous appearance was but
and scientists
one identified
have aspect of some his egotism. Whereas trends
of the troubling Lee was in devout
this wayand principled,science
of conveying Hookertowas the known
for example:
For his rollicking the enjoyment
fetishization of women
of fMRIand whiskey.
imaging and just the general credulity towards
phrases the"studies
fact thatshow"the Confederacy
and "the data had won the last four major battles and the Union
soldiers were famished, exhausted, and
Science is a story about ideas - abstract, technical, complex,demoralized, Hooker proclaimed, “My
counterintuitive - andplans are
all the
energy and profundity and drama of science comes from the interactions between theseI
perfect. And when I start to carry them out, may God have mercy on Bobby Lee, for
shall have
ideas. Thesenone.”
shouldWhy, aside from
stay intact a propensity
in responsible for communication,
science narcissism, was Hookernot glossedso confident?
What is tohad used spies,
be done? analysts,
My solution and even
is simple: hot air balloons
Encourage the readertotocompile
think for a oneself.
vast amount of
the public can about Lee’s army.
internalize He hadunderstanding
a generalist discerned, forof example,
science, that
they Lee
wouldhadhaveonlya 61,000
men toofHooker’s
chance own 1,34,000.
finding science interestingBuoyed byown
on its his superior numbers,
terms - not Hooker
just because theycovertly moved
were told ad
70,000 men
nauseam fifteen
it was miles upThey
interesting. and across
would the feel river and then amazement
a heightened ordered them fortothe sneak
depth back
down to position
knowledge humanitythemselves
has achieved, behind
and aLee’s army.
greater In effect,
reverence for Hooker
what wehad don'tcutknow,
off the
can't soldiers thinking
know. Personally, in frontfor and behind.
myself aboutThey were
science trapped.
is the only way Satisfied
I've been with
make sense of Hooker became convinced
it. Self-discovery - that is,that Lee’s only
exploring, option wasand
internalizing, to retreat
modulatingto Richmond,
ideas - is
the iron-nickel
thus assuring acore Unionof Enlightenment
victory. education; it's supposed to be the way human beings
Yet Lee, despite his disadvantages of both numbers and position did not retreat. Instead,
he moved his troops in position to attack. Union soldiers who tried to warn Hooker that
Lee was on the offensive were dismissed as cowards. Having become convinced that Lee
had no choice but to retreat, eating supper, completely unprepared for battle. They
abandoned their rifles and fled as Lee’s troops came shrieking out of the bush, bayonets
drawn. Against all odds, Lee won the Battle of Chancellorsville and Hooker’s forces
withdrew in defeat.
2. As
1. According
to thein author,
the passage,
of the
going intoqualities
the Battleof a ofstory
alienates a
person from the scientific concept being
I. Numbers
(a) Positions
II. Simplicity.
(b) Strategy
III. Verisimilitude.
(c) IComplexity.
(a) only
(d) II
(b) Fairy
onlytale like appeal.
(c) I and II only
(d) II and III only
3. According to the passage, which of the
2. In paragraph 3, the author quotes Hooker as
following is/are the attributes of a responsible
saying, “My plans are perfect. And when I
science communication?
start to carry them out, may God have mercy
(a) Phrases like "studies show" and "the data
on Bobby Lee, for I shall have none.” The
says", must have been used.
author most likely includes this quote in order
(b) It should be a little complex to make it
(a) Demonstrate Hooker’s belief in his own
(c) The ideas, whether complex, abstract,
technical or even counterintuitive, must be
(b) Provide an example of the way language has
kept intact.
changed since 1863
(d) The technical and counterintuitive ideas must
(c) Reveal that Hooker was a deeply religious
be glossed over to make it convincing.
man inspite of his lifestyle
(d) Foreshadow Hooker’s defeat at the hands of
Lee’s Army
3. According to the passage, which of the
3. Which of the following is exact opposite to
following is/are the attributes of a responsible
the word demeanour used in the passage?
science communication?
(a) Behaviours
(a) Phrases like "studies show" and "the data
(b) Impropriety
says", must have been used.
(c) Propriety
(b) It should be a little complex to make it
(d) Manners
(c) The ideas, whether complex, abstract,
technical or even counterintuitive, must be
kept intact.
(d) The technical and counterintuitive ideas must
be glossed over to make it convincing.
3. According to the passage, which of the
4. The meaning of “demeanour synonym” is
following is/are the attributes of a responsible
(a) carriage
science communication?
(b) Conformity
(a) Phrases like "studies show" and "the data
(c) Asymmetry
says", must have been used.
(d) normality.
(b) It should be a little complex to make it
(c) The ideas, whether complex, abstract,
technical or even counterintuitive, must be
kept intact.
(d) The technical and counterintuitive ideas must
be glossed over to make it convincing.

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