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CS ForD iro.

Revlsed 2018
Repubib of ihe Philippinos
Pr6s. Corazon C. Aqdno Regional Govemment CentEr, Bdhtawak, Patadian City

Requert ror Puulcaton of Vacrit PoCtlon

To: CML SERVIGE COm lssx)t{ (CSC)

This b to reque8t lhe pr5licatjon of the foto*ing vacar* poritirn of I{EOA ReotorEt Ofttco D( in th6 CgC w6si!.:
(Head ot Aoeicy)

Oat : 04!06n422

Salary/ Oualfflcltlon Standard3 Pa6lerred Standad!

No. Position Tltle
Plantlla Montt|ly
Jobl P.y Competency
Item No. Salary Eduoatbn Erpaalanaa Tratr aR A$Enmont
Gladc Elglbfl,ty Educatlon Erperlence Trthlng E,lglb ly
1 Supervising ODGB. 69,963 00 Baohalor's Thrs. (3) St{teen (rB) Carr!r Servico Badlalol,s drgree Thre€ (3)y6d6 gxt.ln(.l6) Caroer Sarvlc6 Financa and
Administative SADOF-2S. dtorao ral€vant yada ol hour6 of Profts6bnaYsec pr6rcrably in P3!,ct}o]o0y, of Sup€Msory holrS ol Prores6ionC/Sec Alrry r,n R..lfiiric. Administativ.
otrrcer to th! job rBlGvafi r€l€vant ond |rvel eligblty Buakr6!s Admini6f alion, ard t chnic.l Trahh0 ofld Lcvel C.liboir[rE Prollldoi rd ln t]d@ De4sbn (FAO)
BXpOrjgrEr trainhg /qccourt rcy, Human Er..lhR6lls
axpari€nca rol6var( to lT, Elitiibaliv
En!.{ing SlrdoH.ts
Re6o!rc. Management, ralavant to lT, Financhl, Socto{conoirc Orr.lopnsd Pinriig Advoc.c}
Enghcarhg, and olhor F*,6,ff\al, Hum*l and Sb.r.gic and 8){irs ninkhg
R€lovtrt CourE€s Hunan, afld Phydc.l S'olvhe Pr6thn.bLta!- R*l.g
Pt,3i>d Roao!rcrs
Rasol'rcos Managament Euildilc Cr.Ullil.
Ma|agom€rt, L.dirg *|d lmi,irE EnFlo)€6
Plsnring, afid
rr-{ine Porto.naca
cdlpra.r SrdL
M.dlle SlrportAft hiCrdioo
rra.gii, D.t r|ld h.lntaoh
Ord C.rrnfiLtri SI s

Fll€rEy in tllrE| B6our.6 MrEo..n€rr ad thv€lopnE {

FlJ€i.! in nrrrci.l raEorroc lit rEe€ltB{
F!6l1cy in Fhyrhrl R.sorr!6 U.ll.g.*rErt
Fl|€rEy in IT ia.,!.gorsd
Dar.tB. A.rdd.i.abn/it
Salary, Qualification Standa rds Prererred Standards
Plantiua MonthD/
No. Position Title Job/ Pay Comp€tency
Place of
Itcm No. Salary Education
Grade Experlence Training Elglbility Educatlon Experience Tralning Ellslbility Assignrlent
Z 13 29,798.00 Bachelor's None None Career $eMce Bachelo/s degree, None None Career Service OryBnhatlonal: Developmer*
Development degree relevant required required Profsssional/Sec preferably in Social Work, Professional/Sec Agltty Research
Specialist I to the job ond level eligibility Mass Commrnbation, ond Level Coilaborathrg and Promoting lnclusion Division {DRD}
Economics, Milagement, Eligiibility Delivering Excellent Results
Public Adminbtration and
1'ffi" olher related courses
Engaging Staketnlders
Socioeconomic Development Planning Advocacy
Strategic and Syttems Thinking
Soking Problems to Achieve Results

News ard Featue Writing
Computer Skiflg
Graphic Desigm Content Concept Developmont
Socid Meda Malagament
Event3 Documsrtalion (photos, videos, interviews,
Managing Data and lnlormation
MeetirE SupportAdmin
Research and Analysis
Sector Ffuerrcy Seering strategic dignment
Records Managernent
Oral Comrnunbdion Skills

16 38, 1 sG.00
lBachelor's One ('l) ye ar Four (4) Career Service Bachelo/a degree, One {1) year of Four (4) hours Career Service Organhatlonal: Ptojod'
degrae relevart of relevant hours of Professional/Sec preferably in Civifagric'.dtrd relevant of relevant ProfessionallSec AS'tty Monltoring and
Specialist ll 1 998 to the job experience relevant ond level eligibility engineering, economics, experience which taining in ond Leyel Co[aborating and Promoting lnclusion Evaluation
training stalistice, publc demonstrated reseadr, Eligiibility Defvering Excelhnt Results Dividon (PMED)
managomerfi or ablity in wriling, Engegiqg Stakelblders
administrslion, research and statistics, Socio.Economic Development Planning Advocacy
environmantd plannirs, analysi$, writing, spatial Strategb and Syetems Thinking
social sciences, stdistics, spatial inlormation Sofuing Problerns to Achieve Resuhs
development hforrnation tecftnology,
communication, and olher tectmohgy, impact or ex- Tedrr*cauFurctonal:
related courses. impact or ex- post eYaluation, BusinessWrithg
post evduation, resulb-based Computer Skits
resutE*based, monitoring and M*aghg Data grd lnformation
monitoring and evaluation, and Mee{ing Support Administration
evduation, and other related Program/Projocl Monitoring and Evalualion
other relevryrt tdninSE Researcfi and fuplysis
experience Seclor Fluency
Oral Commuricdion Skills
Records Management

Salary, Qualifcatbn Standards Preferrcd Stand.rds
Plantilla l\ronthly
No. Posltbn True Job/ Pay
Place of
Item No. Salary Educatlon Experlence
Grade Trainlng Eigibiity Educatlon Exrerleice Tralning Ellglbllity Asslgnment
This Offce highly encourages dl interested and qualified applicerrb including persons with disability (PWD), members of hdigenous co nunilbs. ad ttlose fo{n any sexud orientathn and gender ider{i{ies (SOel)- App$cants de roquired to signiry iriorest in writing and attach the fotlowing
documenG fo. evah.,abon:


2. Art|er ic#d Copy of Cedificato of Etgbilv (CS Etifib ity, pRC Licensure Examinati$, otc.);
3- Ajtleificded Copy of Colege Diplome;
4. ArtlerticaH Copy of Transcrirt o, Racords; and
5. ArttEntb€ted Copy of Cerdfcate/s on Rclava TrainirE6, S€mhars aM Workshop,G.
6. futheitaated Copy of lndividral Pertomaic€ Commitment Roport (lPcR) wit| rathgs tor the ld two semsltrB, if trom ooEr oovomment agErlcie6.

Qudifred applcantE a.e advised to hand in or send tlrough co{rrierlamai th€ir applicatbn to the ad(te66 below not htar tttan Aral 30. ZOZ.

Rcohrlal DlrlcLr
,aatooal Economlc and lrevdopr|lcnt Atttodty D(
PrG€. Corazon C. A4ulno Reglooal covsmment Crnt r, prg.dLn Ctty ?0.t6,p0unro0grd..gpv. pft


,starned and stot€d by NEDA wtlhia a fiD<t tD accordF,oce vtth ,he N*onat Atchtv.s ot ,he phtfip{r.s, c.,/dcd o/,q&*n Scn*1e..

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