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Finlatics Investment Banking Experience Program - Project 1

➢ Based on the provided profiles and startup ideas, the profile of Arjun as an Engineer with an MBA
degree, and previous experience in Information Technology sector, would be most suitable for the
international transfer remittance system startup idea. Below are the reasons:
1. Technical Expertise: Arjun's engineering background enables him with the technical
knowledge required to develop and maintain the software for international transfer
remittance. This knowledge is important for ensuring the security, safety, and efficiency of the
software. His previous experience in information technology will also enable him to
comprehend the complexities involved in creating a reliable and scalable software platform.
2. Network and Partnerships: Arjun certainly has a professional network of possible partners,
advisors, or mentors that have knowledge of software development, compliance, and finance
thanks to his prior experience in the information technology industry. Leveraging these
connections can help him access valuable insights, guidance, and support throughout the
development and launch of his startup.
3. Market Understanding: Arjun's MBA degree provides him with a strong foundation in
business and management concepts. Combined with his engineering background, he can
analyse market trends, identify customer pain points, and tailor his remittance system to meet
specific market demands. This understanding of both technology and business aspects will
enable him to develop a product that effectively addresses the needs of the target market.
4. Compliance and Security: Building an international transfer remittance system involves
navigating complex compliance requirements. Arjun's engineering background combined with
an MBA degree enables him to grasp the regulatory landscape and effectively address
compliance challenges. Additionally, his understanding of information security and data
privacy will be instrumental in developing a secure software platform, which is essential
when dealing with sensitive financial transactions.

Several real-life startup founders with similar profiles have achieved success in the fintech sector. For
example, Vijay Shekhar Sharma, the founder of Paytm, holds an engineering degree and had prior
experience in software development before launching his mobile payments platform.

By choosing the international transfer remittance system startup idea, Arjun can leverage his technical
background, compliance knowledge, and business acumen to develop a secure and efficient software
platform. His profile aligns well with the challenges involved in building such a startup, making him
well-suited for the venture. With the right execution and strategic partnerships, Arjun can tap into the
growing demand for streamlined and cost-effective international money transfers, making his startup
idea potentially successful in the market.
➢ the benefit Arjun would need the most from investors is advisory benefits. While all other benefits
(stamp of quality, network-driven benefits, financial benefits) are valuable, advisory benefits would be
particularly crucial for Arjun's success.
Advisory benefits involve receiving guidance and mentorship from experienced individuals who can
provide industry-specific knowledge, strategic insights, and help navigate potential challenges.
Arjun's idea of an international transfer remittance system involves dealing with compliance
requirements, safety, and security of the software, as well as understanding the complex landscape of
the financial industry. Having advisors who have experience in these areas can provide Arjun with
valuable guidance and ensure that he is making informed decisions throughout the development and
commercialization process.
Furthermore, advisors can assist Arjun in understanding market trends, identifying potential
partnerships, and refining his business strategy. They can help him anticipate potential obstacles and
provide guidance on scaling the business effectively. This advisory support can significantly enhance
Arjun's chances of success and minimize the risks associated with launching a financial software
In the case of successful startups, such as Paytm, the founders leveraged advisory benefits by bringing
onboard experienced mentors and industry veterans who provided strategic guidance, access to
networks, and invaluable insights into the regulatory landscape. This support played a crucial role in
their growth and success.
For Arjun, having advisors with expertise in compliance, financial regulations, and software security
would be particularly valuable. They can help him navigate the intricate compliance requirements,
ensure the safety and security of the software, and provide guidance on establishing partnerships with
banks and financial institutions.
Overall, while all the benefits are important, the advisory benefits would be instrumental in guiding
Arjun's decision-making process, mitigating risks, and increasing the likelihood of success for his
international transfer remittance system.

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