Formed Week7

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Somatic or Clinical Death- The immediate signs of death in a person are sudden cessation of upward

and downward movements of the chest and the process of respiration, sudden appearance of pale color
of the face and lips, the heart and pulse rate stop, jaw drops down and flaccidity of the muscles occurs
pupils dilated and loss of corneal and light reflexes.example of somatic death is when the heart or the
lungs stopped working.

Sociological Death- Is where the is caused by the seperation or withdrawal of the patient from the
people that are close to the patient. Example of it is where the patient is left alone for along time until
his/her death.

Biological death- Is where the cognitive function Is shut down, even though they have artificial life
support. Example of this is when a person is on a coma, and he/she rely on a life support machine like
ventilators, dialysis machine, and tube feeding tool.

Physiological death- is when the vital organs stopped functioning. Example of this is having a cardiac
arrest or having a kidney failure.

Molecular death- It is the cessation of life of the individual cells in the body which occurs one at a time
after somatic death. Nerve and brain cells die earlier about 5 minutes after somatic death while muscle
cells live longer until the onset of rigor mortis which is about 2-6 hours.

Apparent death or stateof suspended animation- It is a state of temporary cessation of vital activities of
the body. This condition is no actually death although classified under the kinds of death because the
person is still alive although! it seems that there are no signs of life. Apparent death may be seen in
diseases or conditions like uremia, hysteria, drowning and electrocution and sometimes in newborn

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