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04/08/2023 14:56 Describe a company

Describe a company
A1 Expression

Je me teste

Good to know...

Are you working in an English-speaking country?

Do you have to tell people where you work?
Do you have to describe your company to other people?
Well then, read this lesson!
Today you will…
Be able to describe the type of company it is
Be able to say what your company does
Be able to describe where you work

Don't forget!

Where you work = I work for

Type of company = It’s a 
What the company does = 
We produce (thing)
We sell (thing)
We provide (service)

Explanations & Examples

Talking about where you work
I work for…
Here are two examples:
I work for ABC Foods.
I work for Nexus Communications.
Talking about the type of company
It’s a multinational company. 1/3
04/08/2023 14:56 Describe a company

It’s a local company.

It’s a small business.
We often say the name of the company and then talk about the type
I work for ABC Foods. It’s a multi-national company.
Talking about what your company does
We produce (things)
We sell (things)
We provide (services)
Some common products:
Here are two examples
We produce electronics.
We sell clothing.
Some common services are:
IT (information technology)
Health care
Here are two examples
We provide banking services.
We provide health care services.
Notice that we use the pronoun ‘we’ to talk about our company.
You can say this, too:
The company provides banking services.
The company sells food.

Look out!
Don’t say this!
I work about Nexus IT Company. We provide about IT services. (NO!)
I work for Nexus IT Company. We provide IT services. (YES!)

Did you know?

Talking about work is one of the most common topics of conversation in English.
We often ask:
What do you do?
Then we start talking about our jobs and place of work. 2/3
04/08/2023 14:56 Describe a company

It’s a great way to start a conversation! 3/3

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