GEPCO Junior Engineer Electrical-Electronics Paper (13-3 - 2022) Version1

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Fundamental of electrical engineering (26/30)

Circuit 1(b) 2(c) 3(a) 4(c) 5(a) 6(d) 7(a) 8(b) 9(b) 10(c) 11(c) 12(c) 13(d) 14(a) 15(d) 16(a) 17(b) (16/17)

1) (S.S)

2) (S.S)

3) (S.S)

4) (s.S)

5) (S.S)

6) Instantaneous power across the resister is (Handa)

𝑉2 𝑉2
(a) VI (b) I2R (c) 𝑅
(d) VI, I2R and 𝑅
7) (S.S)

8) inductors stored which type of energy (Handa)

(a) electric (b) magnetic (c) electromagnetic (c) electrostatic

9) (S.S)

10) In the complex circuit the passive element are resister, -------, and inductor (S.S)

(a) current (b) voltage (c) capacitor (d) diode

11) When several resistors are connected together, they can also be replaced with a single resistor that
will have the same potential drop and draw the same total current as the combination of resistors. This
resistance is called the “--------” of the circuit. (S.S)

(a) singular resistance (b) Multiple resistance (c) equivalent resistance (d) Amplitude resistance

12) A network which contains one or more than one sources of emf is known as (Online)

(a) Non-linear network (b) active network (c) electric network (d) passive network

13) In the left hand rule the thumb always represents the direction of (handa)

(a) Voltage (b) Magnetic field (c) Current (d) Direction of force on conductor

14) According to the thevien theorem in which have……………….with the series resistance of the circuit.

(a) ideal voltage source (b) ideal current source (c) current dependent voltage source

15) when the same potential difference appears across each of a number of resistors, they are said to
be in: (Online)

(a) Series (b) Series-parallel (c) Parallel-series (d) Parallel

16) When we are observed the continuity test then must be zero (online)

(a) Resistance (b) Current (c) Voltage (d) None

17) When two resistor are connected in series the voltage drop in one of the resistor is find by VDR
𝑉𝑖𝑛 ×𝑅2 𝑉𝑖𝑛 ×𝑅2 𝑅𝑇 ×𝑅2
(a) 𝑅1−𝑅2
(b) 𝑅1+𝑅2
(c) 𝑅1−𝑅2
(d) R1+R2
Instruments and measurements 18(c) 19(b) 20(c not confirm) 21(a) 22(b Not confirmed) 23(c) 24(c) 25(c)
26(a) 27(b) 28(a) 29(a) 30(b)

18) (s.s)

19) How many types of instruments on the basis of measurements

(a) 1 (b) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

20) proportion of the magnitude of producing signal to the magnitude of input signal is

(a) power rating (b) selectivity (c) sensitivity (d) reproductivity

21) In which one the resistance decreases with rise in temperature? (handa)

(a) NTC thermistor (b) Nichrome conductors (c) ASCR conductor (d) LDR

22) Measuring the 3 times of a data which is the gives the reading 5.5v, 5.6, 5.4v than term is called

(a) accuracy (B) PRRECISE (c) less accuracy (a) less precise

23) (S.S)

24) A photoelectric transducer element converts,

(a) Potential energy of electrons into kinetic energy (b) Electrons to current

(c) Light intensity to voltage (d) None of above

25) Before connecting an ohmmeter to a circuit, you should first (OGDCL-21) (Online)

(a) Operate the circuit (b) Set the range selector to highest

(c) Check circuit with a voltmeter sure the circuit is not powered (d) install new batteries

26) when using an ammeter to measure current (OGDCL-21) (online)

(a) open the circuit and connect the meter in series between the two open ends

(b) open the circuit at the positive and negative terminal of the battery

(c) connect the meter across the battery or load

(d) open the circuit at one point and connect the meter to one end
27) A pulsing voltage is easiest to read on (OGDCL-21) (online)

(a) digital voltmeter (b) Meter with a needle

(c) digital ohmmeter (d) meter that measure resistance.

28) Oscilloscope can be used to measure (OGDLC-21) (online)

(a) Display the voltage wave form (b) current waveform (c) frequency (d) resistance

29) The bank of tubes at the back of domestic refrigerator is (online)

(a) Condenser tubes (b) Evaporator tubes (c) Refrigerant cooling tubes (d) Capillary tubes
30) Different ratting of refrigerator in home/industry is (online)
(a) 40tons (b) 0.1 tons (c) 1ton (d) 5ton

2: Telecommunications (7/12)
31(d) 32(c) 33(b) 34 (d) 35(a) 36(b) 37(a) 38(d) 39(a not confirmed) 40(c) 41 (a) 42(c)
31) which term is not related to the data rate of transferred/ communicated? (online)

(a) Bps (b) Transmission rate (c) Bandwidth (d) ethernet

32) modem can be define as (online)

(a) A computer, that will use services of another computer

(b) A special computer that will connect on local area network to other computer.

© Communication device (hardware) which helps in transmission of data

(d) Device that connects computer to other peripheral devices

33) The term RADAR means (online)

(a) radio analytical device and ranging (b) radio detection and ranging

(c) Radio detection and response (d) Radio Analytical Detector and ranger

34) When you change a channel while watching TV, you are--------type of signal in your remote
control? (online)

(a) Electric pulses (b) Radio wave (c) Micro wave (d) Infrared

35) The sending of message (in pieces) over a network to be reassembled at the receiving end relates
to (online)

(a) Packet switching (b) Circuit switching (c) server (d) protocol
36) (s.s)

37) Those corporate networks which use some infrastructure standards of internet can be called:

(a) World wide Web (b) Intranet (c) Extranet (d) internet

38) Satellite transmission, microwave and radio signals are which category? (online)

(a) Communication media (b) Software Media (c) Physical media (d) Wireless media

39) Which of the following more appropriately defines hub? (online)

(a) Medium used to transfer data from one computer to another

(b) A simple add-on card in computer

(c) A common connection point in a network for some devices

(d) A computer that will connect two lans together

(40) Which one refers to all type of data communication from voice to video and getting data across a
distance through a channel? (online)

(a) Modem (b) Network (c) Telecommunication (d) Teleporting

41) (online)

42) (online)
3: Power (17/24)
Power electronics 43(a) 44(b)



Power system 45(b), 46(b), 47(a) 48(d) 49(c) 50 (c) 51(b) 52(d), 53(c) 54(b) 55(a) 56(c)



47) ------ is an substation aspect of power generation system which comprises of different type of circuit

(a) Electrical substation (b) generating station (c) active system (d) none

49) If a fuse blows again after it has been replaced, what is the most likely cause: (online)

(a) Resistance in the circuit is too high

(B) The ground point has become disconnected
(C) Current or "amps" through circuit too high
(D) Open circuit in component
50) (s.s)

51) which type of generators are used for welding purpose (Handa)

(a) shunt generator (b) series generator

(c) cumulative compound generator (d) differential compound generator

52 ) Over headlines for power supply to tramcars are at a minimum height of (handa)

(a) 1m (b) 15m (c) 5m (d) 10m

53) (S.S)

54) (s.s)

55) (s.s)

56) (s.s)
57) The advantage of electric traction over other methods is (handa)

(a) no pollution problems (b) faster acceleration (c) better braking action (d) all of the above

58) The easiest way to shift load of one generator to the other, when two shunt generators are
running in parallel is. (Handa)

(a) To adjust the speeds in proportion to loads (b) equalizer connections

(c) To insert resistance in their armature circuits (d) To adjust their field rheostats

59) -------------link are use to stabilize & control the problem in huge power and synchronization the
power system

(a) HVDC (b) LVDC (c) HVAC (D) LVAC

60) Most of power transmission lines are

a) HVDC (b) LVDC (c) HVAC (D) LVAC

(61) statement not sure

(a) steam turbine (b) locomotive (c) diesel engine (d) all of above


62) Three phase induction machines account for applications that call for motors with power ratting
with over----hp:

(a) 10hp (b) 5hp (C) 15HP (d) 20hp

63) In the motor which produced the securely power and output (something else)

(a) power ratting (b) efficiency (c) advantage

64) The decrease in terminal voltage of a shunt generator is due to

(A) Armature resistance (B) Armature reactance

(C) Armature leakage (D) None of the above

Control system (2)


(66) Output variables are known as:

(a) Dependent variable (b) independent variables (c) Constant variables (d) Zero variables
4. Electronics (4/7)

68) Some materials hold their electrons very tightly. Electrons do not move through them very well.
These things are called

(a) conductors (B) semi-conductors (c) diode (d) insulators


70) The output voltage of operation amplifier is defined as Vout--------------, where AOL is the open
loop gain.

(a) OAL (-V X V+) (b) OAL (-V - +V) (c) OAL (-V/+V) (d) OAL (+V/-V)

(71) Input offset current is defined as: Ib(off)=-------------

(a) I-B-I+B (b) I+B-I-B (c) I+B/I-B (d) I+B x I-B

(72) The process by which atoms gain or loss electrons is called (handa)

(a) Randomization (b) Electrolysis (c) Ionization (d) Ranging

None technical (14/20)

1-IT (1/5)
76) what is attribute?

77) what is data base?

78) in which of the following have part of CPU

(a) Microprocess and memory (b) electric circuitry and ALU (c) A&B (d) None of above

81) First president of president is
(a) Malik Ghulam Muhammad (b) Iskander Mirza

(C) Muhammad Ali jinnah (d) Sir Khawaja Nazimudin

82) Lyakat ali khan is the (A) president (b) governer (c) Prime minster (d)

83) Pakistan declared as Islamic republic of pakistan? (a) 1956 (b) 1962 (c) 1973 (d) 1949

84) The oldest capital of Pakistan is (a) Lahore (b) dakha (c) Islamabad (d) karachi

85) Name of Pakistan purposed by? (a) Hafeez jullundri (b) Chudhary Rehmat ali (c) Quaid-azam

3-Islamic Study(3/5)
86) a 87) a 88) c 89) b 90) c

86) The meaning of Kauthar is (a) The abundance (b) shortage (c) Camel (d) None

87) According to holy quran hazrat musa was mescals? (a) 9 (b) 11 (c) 5 (d) 8

88) The meaning of Baqarah (a) Camel (B) GOAT (c) Cow (d) Sheep

89) How many chapters of islam ? (a) 115 (b) 114 (c) 116 (d) 50

90) Al-furqan, Al-huda,Al-kitab,al hakeem are other name of quran is

(a) Hadith (b) Tafseer (c) quran (d) All of above

2-General knowledge (2/5)

91) Largest province by area is called? (a) Baluchistan (b) KPK (c) Sindh (d) Punjab

92) Pakistan day is observed on: (a) 23 march (b) 14 august (c) 5th Feb (d)21 march

93) Which European country welcoming more refugees

(a) Germany (b) iran (c) turkey (d) Pakistan

94) Syrian Refugee went to Europe through (a) Sea (b) Railway (c) Road (d) none

95) Largest number of refugees in which country

(a) Germany (b) iran (c) turkey (d) Pakistan

3-Current Affairs (3/5)

96) The CASA-1000 Project demonstrate landmark cooperation among the Afghanistan Kyrgyzstan

(a) Tajikstan (b) Turkmenistan (c) Kazakhstan (d) None

97) Chief justice of pakistan on 31 Dec 2020:

(a) Justice Saqib Nisar (b) Justice Qazi faez isa

(c) Justice Asif Saeed khan khosa (d) Justice Ghulam Ahmed

98) CPEC connected Gwadar to city of china:

(a) Kashgar (b) Beijing (C) khunjrab (d) Wakhan

99) Which to host OIC meeting in 2202

(a) Suadi-Arab (b) iran (c) Afghanistan (d) Pakistan

100) FIFA world cup of 2022 held in which country

(a) Neither land (b) Malaysia (c) Russia (d) QATAR


2) Smart series
3) Hunda
4) Different Online website

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